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December 16, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-16

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Coeds Find New Use For Food Trays

Recipe for snow fun: a steep
hill, a food tray and a liberal sprin-
kling of snow.
Everyone had the snow yester-
day, anyone can get a food tray,
and many houses have front lawns
with built in steep hills. But only
the girls at Oxford House thought
of putting them together to en-
joy the season's first snowfall.
* * *
SIX of fourteen girls in the
league house at 805 Oxford Road
decided yesterday the unappreci-
ated white stuff should not be
wasted. So they made a snow slide
of the 25-foot hill in front of the
house, using egg-shaped trays
from the kitchen to negotiate the
100-foot ride through the snow.
Although there were no sleds
available, squeezing onto a food
tray for the trip down the hill
is "much more fun," according
to Gwen Hillier, '56. Besides,
Katy Murphy, '56, added, "We
wanted to find a use for the
hill. Before, we just slid down it
on the apples from our apple
Two of the girls, Cathy Brenzel,
'56, and Harriet Kishigo, '57N, ex-
plained teir part in the festivi-
ties by pointing out they are from
Michigan's upper peninsula and
realize the value of snow from
After a session of several trips
which invariably ended with the
girls rolling in thesnow, a retreat
to the house to warm up with
some coffee before returning for
more was in order.
Everyone is welcome to join the
fun, but "bring your own tray,"
cautioned Fillis Schaffner, 56. If
the slides becomes too popular,
"maybe we'll put up a tow," Dotty
Swanson, '56, suggested.
Panel Talks
On Purpose
Of Schools
A panel discussion by five Uni-
versity professors on intellectual
standards in our schools, yester-
day turned into a discussion with
the audience on the purpose of
American schools.
What began as an attack on the
currently circulating thought that
the nation's children aren't as well
educated as they once were, evolv-
ed into a stimulating debate in-
volving the whole educational
"Allowing all children to stay
in school as long as is possible is
one of the new objectives in edu-
cation," Prof. Claude Eggertsen of
the education school pointed out.
"Because children with inferior
mental ability are being passed
doesn't mean the intellectual
standards are lower," he explain-
ed. "Those students who are sup-
erior intellectually are still get-
ting the education they need.
"We have decided in America to
give a broader curriculum. A major
objective in public schools is to
discover the capabilities and inter-
ests of children in junior high
school, so that in high school stu-
dents may specialize along their
own capabilities and talents,"
Prof. Eggertsen declared.
The panel and spectators seem-
ed to be in agreement that Amer-
ican schools are trying to educate
"better men," and that this in-
cluded educating those with be-
low average ability. In educating
these "better men" it was agreed
that the nation is heading towards
a better United States-one where
the "good men" shape the democ-

racy, rather than the democracy
shapes the "good men."

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
Functions, Problems of Food


Reported by Manager

(Continued from Page 1)
inery stands idle a good part of
the time.
In general then, students' gripes
about quad food have two answers:
1) They aren't paying as much
for food as they think they are-
(Many students spoken to in-
formally, expressed the thought
that more than the half of their
rent that now pays for meals
should be used for feeding stu-
2) The preparation of food in
big kitchens does not produce the
kind of cooking some students
would like.
* * *
ON THE question of quad cook-
ing, Wagner points out that he
meets weekly with Residence Halls
dietitians similarly, the idea of
discussing things with the dieti-
tians has been carried out by the
house and quad councils.
As far as food budgeting goes,
Francis C. Shiel, manager of
service enterprises, said yester-
day "There's nothing we could
cut .down on to budget more for
food-all other expenses are at
a minimum."
He also pointed out that all the
water, gas, maintenance, diniig
room and kitchen equipment, tele-
phones, building expense, decorat-
ing, repair and laundry chargeable
to dining room opeiation should
be auded to the $1.50 daily meals
figure to get a true picture.
No estimate of such a break-
down is available because of the
difficulty of allocating cost, he
Symphony Band
Postpones Concert
Tre University of Michigan
Symphony Bant Concert, scled-
uled for 8:30 p.m. today, has been
postponed to Friday, Jan. 8, 1954.
The change in dates was made
to allow the concert to coincide
with the Ninth Annual Midwest-
ern Music Conference which will
be held Jan. 8 and 9 on campus.

There doesn't seem to be anyI
channel for students to express
their feelings on budgeting, how-
Although the Inter-House Coun-
cil's "Operation Inquiry" will not
deal with such financial questions,
IHC officials say they may under-
take such a study, including quad
food. in the future.
Next: The Future of the Resi-
dence Halls)
Law Contest
Begin Toda
The question of obscene books
has become very important re-
cently for 16 law school juniors
who will begin arguing a mythi-
cal case on the problem in the
quarter-finals of the Henry M.
Campbell Competition at 7:30
p.m. today in Hutchins Hall.
Selected on the basis of scores
compiled on previous cases, the
students have been divided into
pairs. Written briefs have already
been submitted by students who
have worked on the cases for a
The winning four teams will
be issued a modified version of
the situation and will again sub-
mit briefs and argue cases, with
the finals taking place in April
before a panel of lawyers as
judges. A $100 award will go to
each member of the winning,
team, with the runners-up re-
ceiving $50 each.
Taking part in the competition
are Ira A. Brown, David MacDon-
ald, John Heher, Harvey Howard,
Richard C. Hostetler, William.G.
The list continues with Robert
E. Baker, Theodore W. Swift,
Stewart S. Dixon, Robert I. Don-
nellan, Donald G. Black, Davis M.
Roach, Robert B. Fiske, Martin S.
Packard, Alice M. Austin and Rob-
ert G. Schuur.

SL AgCenda
Student Legislature will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss
Dining Room, East Quadrangle
to discuss the following topics:
Motion to request that SL ap-
point all student members of
Announcement of Thanks-
giving holiday absences
Progress report on discrimi-
nation board
All interested students and
faculty members have been in-
vited by SL to attend the meet-
Few Students
For Vacations
Mere mention of Florida brought
a wistful, faraway look to the eyes
of most students to whom the idea
of a vacation in that part of the
South was suggested.
Hailed often as the college stu-
dents' southern playground, Flor-
ida has long been a favored spot
for University vacations of any
,r * *w
FEW, HOWEVER, will return to
this campus Jan. 4 bronzed by the
unmistakable suntans. An unoffi-
cial student poll revealed that most
of the campus will be homeward
bound for the entire two weeks.
The majority of those who do look
forward to Florida trips will be
going with their families rather
than with groups of friends.
But there are exceptions.
Swimming coach Matt Mann is
already in Fort Lauderdale
making arrangements for four
or five members of his team, who
will be in Florida for a week or
more of the total vacation.
The occasion for the swimmers
is the annual college and univer-
sity meet, held, according to one
swimmer, "primarily to. get the
team into shape."
Asked how the prospect of miss-
ing out on holiday festivities at
home affected them, most swim-
mers reported "The guys have a
pretty good time down there-it
doesn't bother themtoomuch."
Most students co nt ac te d
agreed with Sari Barker, '56,
who explained, "If I did have a
chance to go down there I'd .
want to wait until spring vaca-
tion. We need our Vitamin C a
lot more then, but right now
what we want is sleep and re-
laxation. Home will do just fine
for that."
There appears to be little dan-
ger of what college officials
throughout the nation dread about
mass student exoduses to the
Soutl destruction and general de-
'Art Museum
Shows Photos
Showing through Dec. 30 in the
Museum of Art in Alumni Memor-
ial Hall is an exhibition of 187
photographs which have appeared
in Life magazine during its first
15 years of publication.
The photographs, mounted on
60 panels; are displayed in the
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
Hall and represent the achieve-
ments of America's most talented
The selection of photographs
was made from many thousands of
pictures by Edward Steichen, di-

rector of the Department of Pho-
tography in New York's Museum
of Modern Art.

Snow Onset
Causes Rise
In Yule Sales
As gentle snows continued to
blanket Ann Arbor. local mer-
chants reported a heavy increase
in Christmas shopping yesterday.
One exception to this general
rule was voiced by a department
store salesman who noted that
during last week's unseasonably
warm weather, his store had sold
nearly twice as many sleds as they
ever had before.
HOWEVER, in general, floor
walkers, managers and salesmen
seemed to agree the warm weather'
had hurt Christmas sales consid-
erably and the snow was just what
the doctor ordered to put people
in a buying mood.
"It's pretty mathematical,"
said one, "The more snow we
have, the more money we make.
People just won't believe that
Christmas is coming until they
see snow on the ground."
A local shoe store reported a
heavy run on men's rubbers, but
added, "If we could get a really
heavy snow, say eight inches or
more, we'd start selling the more
expensive items such as galoshes."
Women seemed to be doing most
of the buying, according to a
downtown men's clothing store,
with ties and sweaters heading
the list of most frequently pur-
chased gifts.
In response to a query on how
well a prominently displayed
pair of leopard spotted men's
short were selling, a local sales-
man noted "We've had to re-
order those three times already.
They've become quite a fad late-
ly "~
At the University Post Office,
the usual Christmas rush was in
order, unaffected by the weather.
Both incoming and outcoming
packages flooded the campus post
office branches.
Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor post
office announced that service was
continuing unimpeded, with large
numbers of extra workers easing
the burden.
County Plans
To Be Viewed
The course to be taken on plan-
ning for the future development
of Washtenaw county may be de-
cided upon today at a meeting of
the County Planning Commission.
Chairman Leigh Beach of Lima
township reported yesterday the
body will discuss at length wheth-
er it will renew efforts in plan-
ning. He added that a final con-
clusion may not be arrived at in
this meeting which will be held at
8 p'm. in the Planning Commission
However, from earlier indication'
there is a strong consensus that
a number of board members feel
the commission, having been inac-
tive the last four months since its
director's resignation, s h o u I d
again resume operations.
Help fight TB
Buy Christmas Sels

THE Wolverine Club will sponsor
bus service to Willow Run Air-
port Friday for students leaving
for Christmas vacation.
Students may make reservations
Experts Agree
Nothing Scary
About St. Nick
Children and University psy-
chologists seem to agree that there
is nothing frightening about Santa
Despite the opinion expressed by
the Rt. Rev. Louis J. Mendelis of
Baltimore, Md., that the man in
the red suit and white whiskersj
frightens small children and is
only a fraud to older ones, local
experts did not think so.
THREE six year olds contacted
all felt the old man had treated
them pretty well. Local Christmas
fan Jimmy Roelofs declared that
the one Santa he had run into
lately was "quite good."
"A lot of kids like to believe,"
according to Prof. Wilbert J.
McKeachie of the psychology
department. In connection with
Mr. Mendelis' plan to expose the
myth of Santa Claus at an an-
nual school Christmas party,
Prof. McKeachie felt the affect
on children of telling them that
Santa is really nonexistant
would depend on how it was
Telling children that "SantaI
Claus is symbolic of the spirit of
Christmas would probably be bet-
ter than telling them that there
isn't any Santa Claus," he said.
Mr. Mendelis feels that "busi-
ness men commercialize Christ-i
mas too much" and that it has
wandered too far from what it
is supposed to be-a commemora-
tion of the birth of Christ.
About the symbolic gift giver
himself, one nine year old felt "its
fine for younger kids, but it gets
monotonous." He said that a "lit- 1
tle tiny" child might be frighten-
ed by Santa but he had enjoyed{
the custom when he was younger.

Wolverine Buses

o RRs

i n/ 1J
/ /

-- t

Gets Award
A Unversity graduate and world
traveler, Francis R. Line, '28, has
been named most popular speaker
of the last ten years by patrons
of the World Adventure Series,
world's largest illustrated lecture
course which meets at the Detroit
Institute of Arts.
The native of Howell, has
made photographic expeditions
to three continents, producing
lecture films and educational
He worked his way through the
University by lecturing about his
travels and was elected to Phi
Beta Kappa.
A member of the New York and
Los Angeles Adventurer Clubs and
the Explorers and Circumnavigat-
ors clubs of New York, he is at
present living in Pasadena, Calif.
Line's winning subjects were
"This is Your America," a war-
time travelogue and "Sheep, Stars
and Solitude," which has been ac-
claimed the finest documentary
lecture film America has pro-

from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the
Administration Bldg. Buses will
leave the Union at 10:45 a.m.,
12:05 p.m., 1:15 p.m. 2:15 p.m.,
3:15 p.m. and 4:15 p.m. Friday.
The above map shows the return
route to be taken by buses which
will leave the airport every half
hour from 5:15 p.m. to 12:15 a.m.
Sunday, Jan. 3. Cost of the trip is
$1.50 round trip and $1.00 one way.


of Crocheted Elasticized Gold or Silver
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flexible, long-wearing sole.

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