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September 23, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-23

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Today and


# * #

This is for people who don't want to be on the outside looking in. 64th year of editorial and business freedom and independence. Boast-
This is for people who want to be at the very center of University ing the best collegiate newspaper plant in the nation, The Daily has
activity. its own shop complete with four Linotypes, a $70,000 rotary press
This is for people who want to join America's leading college daily and a photo-engraver. The $500,000 plant is even superior to those of
newspaper-The Michigan Daily. some small town periodicals.
* * * * Completed and occupied in 1932, the building was entirely
ANYONE INTERESTED in becoming one of the more than 200 paid" for by Daily profits accumulated during the boom days of..
members of The Daily may attend any of the general tryout meetings the roaring 20's.
to be held at 4:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. today and 4:15 tomorrow at the In 1890 the first Daily rolled off the press. Vastly different from
Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St. the 'professional looking paper of today, the initial four column
At these meetings students will have the opportunity to sign Daily was an 8 by 12 sheet with advertising on the front page. The
Apfroesoteeivsdensilystaffs--busnesshedtorialsyrtsg group of 19 men who made up the first staff organized The Daily be-
up for one of the five Daily staffs-business, editorial, sports, cause they were irate over campus conditions.
women's or photography. No previous newspaper experience is * * , ,
necessary because each staff conducts its own training program. WRITING STAFFS

In succeeding semesters The Daily staffer will be eligible for paid
junior editor positions and be responsible for putting out the paper
one night a week. As a senior he may fill one of the top editorial spots.
* * * *
Newcomers to the business staff will learn the basic skills of ad-
vertising-layout, servicing, contracts and promotions. They will use
this knowledge in working directly with local merchants. In addition
they will become familiar with circulation, finance and business man-
agement. Following the initial semester as a tryout, they will become
soph staffers specializing in the department of their choice.
The next step up the business staff ladder is becoming a salaried
junior manager, serving as head of various departments. Senior
staffers are eligible to fill the highest level managerial positions.
Tryouts interested in the photography staff need no previous
experience to qualify. The Daily also furnishes photography equip-
ment. Later photographers may work themselves up to paying posi-

Serving both the University and town community as the onlyI
Ann Arbor morning newspaper, The Daily has the latest deadline in the
state which often enables it to scoop the Detroit papers. The DailyI
comes out six mornings a week, every morning except Monday. It has
a circulation of 7,000.
* * * *
UNIQUE AMONG other college papers, The Daily is beginning its

Beginners on editorial, sports and women's staffs will be trained
in the fundamertals of headwriting and proof reading and progress
to news, feature and editorial writing. AfteV the first semester the
tryout is automatically promoted to the "soph staff" with the added
responsibility of covering a beat, where he will have the chance to
meet other campus personalities, faculty members, administrators and
even an occasional famous national figure.

-Daily-Don Campbell

See Page 4


Litr~t inl
Latest Deadline in the State

D3a it41




Legal Cloud Hits
Program Sellers
Crisler Obtains Copyright
On Official Football Material
A legal cloud appeared on the -horizon for student hawkers of
football rosters when Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler revealed yes-
terday that a copyright has been obtained on all material in the
official football program published by the athletic department.
Immediate speculation on the legality of the copyright and
methods of enforcement was clouded by-lack of information as to
the exact nature of the copyright. Student spokesmen for the dis-

tributors of the dime program
New Win

expressed serious doubt about the
successfullness of the copyright in
restricting sale" of their program.

Ike Broke
T-H Pledge'
Says Durkin
Charges Denied
By White House,
ST. LOUIS-(P)-Martin Dur-
kin, former secretary of labor, yes-
terday accused President Eisen-s
hower of breaking his word on
proposed changes in the Taft-
Hartley law, and the White House
! promptly denied the charge.
Durkin told the AFL convention
here the President promised him
last month to support a set of
proposed amendmentsto the labor
relations law but then said three
weekstlater he couldn't go along
with them.
* * *
erty, the White House press sec-
retary, said that upon checking
he found Eisenhower had made
no decision "on any suggestions
or detailed recommendations for
any changes in the Taft-Hartley,
Advised of Hagerty's state-
ment, the first White House
comment on the subject since
Durkin resigned earlier this
month, Durkin said "My speech
contained the facts.".
AFL President George Meany
said he believed Durkin was tell-
ing the truth.
"I think Durkin made a very
factual description," Meany told
a reporter.

* * * #

. <>-

S IL ~g PROF. CRISLER had no com-
ment on plans for enforcing the
1 copyright. He said the "copywrit-
Cr ti ng of official football programs
has been practiced by most of the
nation's universities for years."
LegisIltue sindt aeteahei
The move is apparently de-
signed to make the athletic de-
By DOROTHY MYERS partment's program, which sells
In order to complete the grow- for fifty cents inside the stad-
ing burden of office and research !um, exclusive. The student pro-
work that Student Legislature grams contaied the .names,
finds necessary each year, a new numbers and positions of the
and streamlined Executive Wing; ebr fte ihgnsud
is seadded ExcuL, Wing and those of the opponent.before
isbeing added to SL, replacing ec ae
the present Administrative Wing. each game.
The new body, which has al- Newspapers and other publica-
ready been approved by SL's cab- tions are given permission to run'
inet, consists of three separate lev- rosters of team personnel if re-
els of appointed members and leased by the. athletic department,
staffs. Position of Wing Coordina- according to Les Etter. public re-
tor caps the entire hierarchy, lations manager of the depart-
which opens more than 80 new ment.
positions for students, interesting * * *
in helping SL carry on its many THE TWO students operating
executive duties. the program enterprise said a'
* * * local attorney had doubts about
AT THE TOP level of appoint- the success of a case against the'
ments are the comptroller, assist- students. He is being retained to
ants to the president and vice- investigate the situation and clar-
president and directors of the; ifv the student nmitin

-Daily--Don Campbell
Akihito Surprises
Gridders With Vsit

Newest Red
Purge Hits
Soviet Union
Top Georgian
Officials Ousted
LONDON - (A) - A new purge,
the third within 18 months, hit
the Soviet republic of Georgia yes-
Two top men were - fired in a
shakeup possibly mirroring a
fresh struggle in the Kremlin for
political control of that home-
land of Joseph Stalin and Lavren-
ty Beria. * * *
A BROADCAST from Tiflis, the
capital, gave the details:
Premier Valerian Bakradze,
who had headed the government
since last April, was dismissed in
disgrace and G. D. Javakhishvili,
a former deputy premier, was
named in his place.
Secretary Mirtshkulava of the
Central Committee of the Geor-
gian Communist party was sim-
ultaneously dismissed and re-
placed by a man named Mamal-
adje, presumably a former justice
minister of the republic.
Apparently the Kremlin leaders
felt the Georgian Communists
were being too easy on Beria 's
henchmen still in power.
THE REMOVAL of Bakradze{
and Mirtshkulava could be just
a delayed-action cleanup of BeriaI
men in top Georgian posts.
Georgian politics have become
so complicated in the last year
and a half it is difficult to fol-
low them.
In April, 1952, a man named
Charkviani, political boss, hench-
man of Beria and first secretary of
the Central Committee of the
Georgian party, was removed and
Then one year later, shortly aft-
er Stalin's death, another purge of
the Georgian leadership was or-
ganized. Beria was then riding
General Returns
Calif. - (P)- Maj. Gen. William,
F. Dean, the rangy hero of Tae-
jon, came home yesterday after
three years of Communist im-
prisonment and a valiant last
stand early in the Korean war.

Japan 's Heir Apparent Visits U' Campus

Tax Slash Seen
For End of Year
Humphrey Promises Income Tax
Drop, Excess Profits Levy Will Go

Durkin said the administration By GENE HARTWIG
slashed Labor Department funds Crown Prince Akihito of Japan was one football to the good as
to a point where workers "are the result of yesterday's visit to the University.
getting the least benefit from the In a whirlwind hour-and-a-half visit to the campus the prince
government." n hwas given a glimpse of University life and a closeup of the football
"They never have received the team in practice.
full benefits of having a depart- j
ment in the federal government," THE FOOTBALL was the gift of freshman coach Wally 'Weber
Durkin said. "From now on, they who along with the team chatted and joked with the prince during

Union Tryouts
Smokers planned for Union
student office tryouts today and
tomorrow will give interested-
men an opportunity to become
acquainted with the staff and
functionings of the organiza-
Scheduled for 4 p.m. today
and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, the
smokers will allow all pros-
pective try-out.s to meet the
members of the nine commit-
tees informally and to learn
what each committee does.
Identical agendas have been
planned for both meetings.
World News
By The Associated Press
WARSAW, Poland -A Polish
military court yesterday sentenced
the Most Rev. Czeslaw- Kaczma-
rek, bishop of Kielce, three other
Roman Catholic priests and a nun
to prison terms ranging up to 12
years on charges of spying
LAKE PLACID, N.Y. - Presi-
dent Eisenhower is expected to is-
sue soon a new order concerning
release of government information
to newsmen, and it will "recognize
the basic principles of freedom of
information," New York's newspa-
per publishers heard yesterday.
U.N. rebuffed twice yesterday a
stubborn move by Russia's An-
drei Y. Vishinsky to reopen the
whole question of who will sit in
the Korean peace conference.
Glee Club Tryouts
The Men's Glee Club has the
position of business manager open'
and will welcome tryouts, accord-
ing to James D. Shortt, faculty
business manager.
Anyone interested may call Uni-
versity extension 2910 or contact
Mr. Shortt at Rm. 3519 Admin-
istration Bldg.

Secretary George M. Humphrey
drew applause from 3,800 bankers
yesterday with an unqualified
statement that personal income
taxes will drop and the excess pro-
fits tax will die on Dec. 31 as
Humphrey spoke after Presi-
dent Eisenhower urged the Amer-
ican Bankers Association to join in
a quest for "truly American" ans-
wers to national problems.
THEY SHOULD seek, the Pres-
ident said, policies that are "sound
for all Americans-not for just one
class, group or segment, but for
Humphrey, besides reporting
"real progress" toward a bal-
anced budget and, a reversal of
the rise in Federal spending,
ended guessing that the Ad-
ministration might seek renewal
of the excess profits levy and
the expiring 10 per cent increase
in income taxes.
Such speculation had been stir-
red by Mr. Eisenhower's address
in Boston Monday night.
The President then declared
"there is no sacrifice-no labor,
no tax, no service-too hard for'
us to bear to support a logical and
necessary defense of our freedom."
That the bankers approved
Humphrey's reassurance on this
score was clear. They interrupted
his speech with applause at sev-
eral points.
The White House had approv-
ed Humphrey's words in ad-
vance. If more revenue is need-
ed for defense-because of So-
viet possession of the hydrogen
bomb or other factors-the Ad-
ministration reportedly will seek
to get it from "other taxes."
Humphrey gave the bankers no
hint, however, that the Adminis-
tration would not insist on con-
tinuation of, the present 52 per
cent corporate income tax, sched-
uled to drop to 47 per cent on April
1, or of the wartime excise rates
which are due for reduction on
the same date,
Hospital Checks
Health of Regent


jF ~{As1 Q11-' E,.- - - - - --.i l FFi
speakers' bureau and publicity.
Also found on the highest lev-
el is secretariate director. With
advice and aid from the record-
ing secretary and assistants to
the president and vice-president,
the director will manage an of-
flee consisting of a buyer and li-
brary, office and office service
managers. The library and office
managers will each have staffs
to aid in clerical work.
Paralleling the seven standing
committees of the legislature are
staffs appointed to aid elected
members in completing research
and clerical work. The elected
chairman of each committee will
have jurisdiction in deciding
whether or not to give appointed -
staff workers a full vote on com-
mittee matters.
* * *
.Board chairmen handling stu-
dent book exchange and cinema
guild activities are also on the
top-most level of the new wing.
Each chairman will be responsible
for managing clerical staffs.
More than 80 of the new wing
positions are now open, by peti-
tion, to any interested students.
Applications available at the SL
Bldg. give complete information
concerning duties and require-
ments of the new positions. Peti-
tions are due 5 p.m. Tuesday at'
the SL Bldg. Separate interview-
ing will be held for each position.
SRiushino Smoker

!1y s p s~ Uo1L ubuul
The new copyright continues
a three-year series of incidents
between student program mak-
ers and the athletic department.
Last fall several students were
stopped from selling programs
at the Illinois game by Ann
Arbor police acting upon com-
plaints by the University.
Judge Francis J. O'Brien, of Ann
Arbor Municipal Court, dismissed
the case in favor of the students
following advice from the city at-
torney. Judge O'Brien ruled that a
city ordinance prohibiting sale of
commercial articles on city prop-
erty did not apply to the sale of
such articles on University prop-

are to get even less." --
Durkin said Eisenhower agreed
with him personally at a New
York City conference in August
that 19 amendments proposed 0*
by Durkin to the T-H law were O
proper and would be sponsored by
by the administration. Under authority of the newly
However, on Sept. 10, after the Usdjr uiry ontuin,
death of Sen. Robert A. Taft (R- passed joint judiciary constitution,
Ohio) main author of the 6-year- mtecsterday to approve appoint-
old T-H law, Durkin again met ment- of to mbroe ppi-
with Eisenhower at the White cial two members to thejudi-
House. vial group.
"He informed me he had chang- Jim Smith, '54L, and Ruedi Gin-
ed his position since the New York grass, '54, had been chosen by a,
meeting and that he could no combined Student Legislature-
longer go ahead with the 19 League interviewing body in the
amendments," Durkin said. 1 spring, but the appointments re-
quniroredstrday's appnroal hythe 1
new interviewing body to become


an unscheduled 10 minute stop at
Ferry Field.
On the official side of the pro-
gram the prince's visit got under
way at 1:55 p.m. when a caval-
cade of limousines escorted by
Ann Arbor and State police roar-
ed up to the Administration
A crowd of several hundred po-
litely curious students together
with Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-presi-
dent, Frank E. Robbins, retired as-
sistant to the president, and Prof.
Robert B. Hall, director of the Cen-
ter for Japanese Studies, were on
See Photos on Page 2
hand to greet the prince and his
party when they arrived.
The prince was accompanied on
his trip to Ann Arbor by the
grand chamberlain of the Japa-
nese court and aides from thej
Japanese and American diplomatic
WEARING A grey suit with'
green, tie and handkerchief, the
prince was escorted to President
Harlan Hatcher's office where he!
was presented with a leather
bound volume of etchings of Uni-
versity scenes by Wilfred B. Shaw,
director emeritus of alumni rela-
Later in the Regents' Rooms
Japanese students, faculty mem-
bers and student leaders were
given the opportunity of meet-
ing the prince. Polite bows and
cnf-y -nra ria _y - firr

consists of the League President
and chairman of the League's in-
terviewing committee and the
president and vice-president of SL.
Original joint judiciary con-
stitution submitted to the Board
of Regents by the Student Af-
fairs Committee provided that
SL's senior member-at-large sit
on the interviewing committee
along with the two present SL
members. However, the provi-
sion was eliminated from the
constitution by the Board of
Positions remaining to be filled
on joint judiciary, main student
judicial body on campus, include
f- rm - frc T- o offh

Molotov Sets Example
Onr (2ar o vl Trv3rjt-

Staff members of The Michigan
Gargoyle go far.
V. M. Molotov, former manag-
** *

University Regent J. Joseph
Herbert, who suffered from a
heart attack two months ago, has
ing editor, has gone as far as been flown to the University Hos-
Russia, pital from his home in Manistique
MOLOTOV, who began his life for a checkup.
as a child, is only one of the many His condition, hospital officials.
former Gargoyle staffers' who stated yesterday, was "very satis-
reached old age. factory."
Any student can join Gar-
goyle. Thomas Dewey, Brewster Tro hies Given
Campbell and Margaret O'Brien Pf
did not join Gargoyle. ' To Greene House
A meeting for prospective mem-H u

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