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December 16, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-16

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WkLNESzDAY, lIWC;ii1i".,16, 1953



Brownell & McCarthy


PERHAPS because I was away from Wash-
ington when it all began, it seemed to me
in reading the record that the biggest puz-
zle was why Mr. Brownell's attack on ex-
President Truman turned so swiftly into
Sen. McCarthy's attack on President Eisen-
hower. Only eighteen days elapsed between
Brownell's speech in Chicago and McCar-
thy's broadcast. In that short time, and by
a chain reaction, a Republican attack on
the Democrats had become a quarrel within
the Republican party. In less than three
weeks after Brownell had charged the Dem-
ocrats with being soft towards Communist
spies, McCarthy was charging Eisenhower
with being soft about trade with Commu-
nist China.
Looking for a solution to the mystery,
we may begin by remembering that Eisen-
hower was nominated against the oppo-
sition of the isolationist right wing of the
Party. Before he was nominated and dur-
ing the election his political strength,
which is very great, lay in a constituency
which cuts across the old party lines. Ei-
senhower was not a regular Republican.
He was a national figure around whom
there rallied Republicans, Independents,
disaffected Democrats. They were a var-
ied lot. But they had one great and
binding conviction in common. They wish-
ed in this age of peril to maintain and to
continue a national and bi-partisan pol-
icy of alliances, within NATO and the
United Nations.
Eisenhower could not have been nominat-
ed without the backing of this broad con-
stituency. And he is not able to govern
without its support. This was proved in the
last Congress. According to the Congres-
sional Quarterly there were eighty-three
roll calls on Eisenhower proposals. Of these
fifty-eight could not have been won by the
Administration without Democratic support.
In the House twenty out of the thirty-one
Eisenhower victories would have been im-
possible without Democratic support. In the
Senate thirty-eight roll calls out of forty-
two were won by Eisenhower because he had
Democratic support.
The fact is that the Republican party has
only the thinnest kind of nominal majority
in Congress, and on the great issues of for-
eign policy this majority is deeply and sharp-
ly divided within itself.
For a generation the Republican party
has been divided within itself on the par.
amount issues of isolationism and unilat-
eralism vs. alliances and reciprocity. For
at least twenty years the isolationist wing
has never been strong enough to nominate
and elect its own candidate for President.
When at long last a Republican was elect-
ed President, he was a man who did not
belong to the isolationist right wing.
For that reason Eisenhower cannot be a
successful President unless he keeps the po-
litical support which won him the nomina-
tion. If he lets the isolationists take con-
trol of his administration, he must inevita-
bly alienate an indispensible part of his own
political strength.
His problem is how to govern in spite of
the division of his party. For he cannot'hope
to unite the party by converting the iso-
lationists to his views. They have genuine
and deep convictions. They may be wrong,
but they have a reputable case, and they
cannot be talked out of their views. The best
that the President can do is to obtain their
assent, to induce them to let him lead. This
he can do, however, only if it is always man-
ifest that the Eisenhower following is in-
tact-that in the country and in the Con-
gress he is so strong that he can carry his
measures even against the opposition of the
isolationist right wing.

BEARING this in mind, we can, I think,
see why Brownell's speech precipitated a
political convulsion among the Republicans.
Brownell used partisanship of a kind that
threatens to make bi-partisanship on the
great issues impossible. It has threatened to
cut away from Eisenhower an indispensible
part of his support. Without the Democrats
and the Independents who like Ike and are
bi-partisan in foreign affairs, the President
would be left with only an uncertain minor-
ity of regular Republicans behind him.
Brownell, intending to hurt the Dem-
ocrats, uncovered the right flank of the
Eisenhower administration. Suddenly it
appeared that Eisenhower, who is strong
in his party only when he is stronger than
his party, had been separated by Brow-
nell's .extreme partisanship from the Ei-
senhower bi-partisan constituency. At that
moment he was open and vulnerable to
McCarthy's offensive, which is a formid-
able effort to seize control of the powers
of the President, and to reverse the for-
eign policy of the United States. A measure
of how vulnerable Eisenhower had sudden-
ly become can be had by noting that the
Republican leader of the Senate, Mr.
Knowland, gave his public support not to
the President, whose leadership was chal-
lenged, but to McCarthy.
Why was the Brownell speech so damag-
ing to Eisenhower's political position? Be-
cause Brownell had carried partisanship be-
yond the point of no return: he had aggra-
vated a party contest into party warfare.
He did that when he drew upon the secret
files of the F.B.I. He is the steward there in
a solemn trust. Those files have never be-
fore been used as a stockpile of political am-
munition in partisan politics. The use of
this outlawed ammunition opened up the
threatening prospect that the Eisenhower
administration would attempt to win elec-
tions and to keep itself in power by draw-
ing its own selected material from the F.B.I.
files; that it would use that material to ar-
gue that the Democrats as such cannot be
trusted on the issue of loyalty.
Men do not, men cannot, and men will
not collaborate when the political contest of
the party is envenomed to the point where
it becomes a war of political extermination.
How can men of differing views and parties
work together for national ends under the
President's leadership if they must wonder
whether his Attorney General might be
planning to pick a bullet from the secret
files and to shoot them in the back?
I have always thought highly of Mr.
Brownell. But what he did was a truly ter-
rible thing to do. He planted the seeds of
irreparable discord. The most charitable
thing one can say is that he did not realize
what he was doing. But the President real-
ized what Brownell had done and he tried
to undo it.
Perhaps it was easier for him to realize
the enormity of the damage. For, unlike
Brownell, he knows the outer world, and
has been in the Old World. There he has
seen how great nations decline and fall
when the people become irreconcilably di-
vided among themselves, when politicians
become enemies, when instead of trying
to win elections by honest and open de-
bate, they make schemes to destroy one
In the democracies that are foundering,
and there are many of them, the underly-
ing bonds have been ruptured which hold
men together through all their differences
in one community. The parties deny the good
faith and loyalty of the opposition. Par-
tisanship is a license to outlaw and ruin
political opponents. When such a rupture
of faith and confidence has occurred, demo-
cratic government and free institutions are
no longer workable.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

The Two-Year
AS YET, no action has been taken by the
Regents or the University on a proposed
language requirement change foi the Liter-
ary College. The proposal, passed last spring
by the faculty of the language department,
calls for two years of a foreign language in-
stead of the one year now required. The delay
of any positive action seems to indicate that
there is not sufficient reason to warrant
doubling the required hours in this field.
In the first two years the student faces
an avalanche of requirements, many of
which have nothing to do with his apti-
tudes or interests. Requiring an additional
year of a foreign language would, in many
cases, crowd out other equally important
subjects. It is a question of whether the
individual's needs and interests are going
to be considered, or the University is go-
ing to raise its academic standards. A
school that prides itself on the import-
ance of 'every individual should not have
trouble making this choice.
One of the major reasons for studying a
foreign language is the promotion of better
understanding between countries, through
the ability to read its literature and con-
verse with its people. People who intend
to go abroad or to study the literature of
a foreign country need linguistical abilities,
but a great many students will not do either
of these until long after their college days,
if at all, and by then they will have forgotten
much of the language anyway. Unless a
language is used frequently and with some
enthusiasm, is it easily forgotten. It is just
as easy to forget two years of a language
as it is to forget one year if no effort is
made to retain it.
A student who is really interested in learn-
ing and retaining a language will usually,
continue to study it of his own accord. If
first-year language classes are taught in a
manner that will make them interesting to
the students, requiring further study should
be unnecessary.
It is also unfair to hamper the progress
of interested students by forcing everyone
to struggle through a second-year course.
Certainly no instructor can do his best
while teaching a class in which many of
the students are there by compulsion and
without enthusiasm.
A natural death in the unfinished business
file seems to be the best thing that can hap-
pen to this proposal.Bk
-Barbara Rock
ACt the ichigan..
Cole Porter's Kiss Me Kate, in 3-D, with
Kathryn Grayson, Ann Miller, and How.
ard Keel
ALONG ABOUT the time Rodgers and
Hammerstein won the critics' acclaim
by stealing the Met's Ezio Pinza to play the
lead in South Pacific, Cole Porter came out
with Kiss Me Kate. Though it enjoyed a
long run and received many plaudits, Kiss
Me Kate was not received as the great
American epic that South Pacific was term-
ed. In reality it is a better show. The tire-
some sentimentality of Hammerstein's book
was replaced by the wit and vitality of Bella.
and Samuel Spewack's adaptation of Shakes-
peare's Taming of the Shrew. Cole Porter's
songs were equally as tuneful as those of
The 3-D movie of Kiss Me Kate still has
Cole Porter's wonderful songs, the Spewack's
clever lyrics and most of their book, but it
lacks the vitality and effervescence of the

Broadway production.
3-D added nothing to the film. The extra
depth may be useful in jungle films, but
it was superfluous here, particularly since
the depth was not used as an integral part
of the plot action, but merely for tricks.
Every scene had someone throwing some-
thing out at the audience, like a banana,
tumbler, or pot.
A Liza Kirk Ann Miller is not, and she
couldn't give one bit the charm and per-
sonality that Miss Kirk gave the role of
Bianca in the Broadway production. Kath-
ryn Grayson's voice had not the husky qual-
ity to sing Kate's show-stopping song, "I
Hate Men," nor had her acting the versa-
tility to be a mean shrew and a loving maid-
en. Her voice is one of those Deanna Dur-
bin types, which are not verry pretty,
The order of the songs was changed from
the Broadway production, mainly to empha-
size the sub-plot between Petruchio and Kate
on stage as well as off stage. This put the
love song at the beginning where it is use-
less for any climax, and the witty "Brush
Up Your Shakespeare" routine at the very
end where it seems like an afterthought.
There were some good things. Howard
Keel, who played the male lead, brought
the bravura and eloquence of a good Broad-
way baritone to the film. His solos were won-
derful. Keenan Wynn and James Whitmore,
who played the two thugs who do the "Brush
Up Your Shakespeare" routine, were funny
in the best Damon Runyon tradition. Their
tap-dancing duet was delightful. The color
for the scenes in Padua was bright, and
merry, giving a fine atmosphere of gaity.
In general the film was paradoxical. It

Endless Job
t t tp ! . .r ', : -
Ff~~o - - ---- 4.1
WASHINGTON - Those who have watched Henry Cabot Lodge
sitting stern and dignified at the United Nations could never pic-
ture him sitting cross-legged on the floor singing French boulevard
That was what happened at the apartment of French Ambas-
sador Henri Hoppenot the other day, however, and the result was a
new camaraderie between Lodge and other UN delegates. The U.S.
envoy knew more songs and sang them in better French than the
French envoy himself.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Don't Riot ...
To the Editor:
O Robert Sassone, Robert Arm-
buster, Clifton Ransom of
West Quad
From the current series of ar-
ticles in the Daily on dormitory
living, it would appear that the
University administration sincere-
ly feels that under present circum-
stances nothing can be done to
improve the food situation in Uni-
versity housing units.
So even if the food in the Quads
is as bad as you say, don't riot.
There are other living accommo-
dations offered in Ann Arbor.
Rooming houses, apartments and
fraternities are available.
And of course there are always
co-ops where, if you don't like the
cooking, you can at least always
fire the dietician, tell the cook off,
and show them how much better
you can do yourself.
---Sue Messing
Inter-cooperative Council
Personnel Chairman
The Michigan Man ...
To the Editor:
THE MAN who came to Michi-

Gen. Marshall . .
To the Editor:
HOPE everyone who mnay have
taken any stock in the charges
of McCarthy and Jenner against
General Marshall read the account
in the papers of the anti-Marshall
demonstration by the Norwegien
Communists. The Communists
know who are their friends-and'
also who are their enemies.
--Preston Slosson.
THE REAL business of President
Eisenhower's Administration
and all Ameria now is the defense
of freedom in 1954. The grand is-
sue tendered by Mr. Brownell is
whether proper measures were tak-
en in 1945 and 1946. In Bermuda
as in the White House, the Presi-
dent tries desperately to maintain
and defend European unity and
the European Army. His party
seems to be primarily concerned
with whether Harry White (who is
dead) should have been fired sev-
en years ago. A shaky truce in Ko-
rea has all but broken down, and
the President has to brace the
country to be ready for possible
resumption of that war. The issue
the Republican Party has raised
is whether President Truman (out
of office and not running for re-
election) was too lax in his secur-
ity policy in 1946, before, he in-
tervened in Greece. . . . Republi-
can Party leaders have apparently
decreed that the next Congress is
to be chosen on the basis of
whether the Democratic Admin-
istration a decade back mistakenly
treated a handful of subversives
as just sympathizers with our So-
viet ally. -The Reporter



It began at a dinner given once a month by the president of the
Security Council who holds office for one month only, and gives a
party at the end of the month for his colleagues.
Andrei Vishinsky was at this particular party, given in the Hoppe-
not apartment, and he didn't look anywhere near as glum as usual.
Lodge was also present, together with Sir Gladwyn Jebb of England,
Charles Malik of Lebanon and Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary General
of the United Nations.
The informality began when Dag Hammarskjold walked into
the living room found every chair occupied and sat down on the
floor. His hostess, Madame Hloppenot joined him.
"Let's sing something," said the Secretary General of the United
Nations. "I feel like singing."
"Good," encouraged Mie. Hoppenot, "You sing."
"But I can only sing off key."
"That would be charming," said the lady. "Then the rest of us
can try to drown you out."
Ambassador Lodge, also sitting cross-legged on the floor, came
to the rescue. He broke forth with "Quatre Vingt Chasseurs."
Mrs. Lodge joined him. The wife of the Colombian Ambassador
sang in Spanish. A Yugoslav lady sang "Tam O Deleako." Amer-
ican songs followed.
In brief, the staid old Security Council, rent with wrangling over
world problems, relaxed into a good old songfest. Delegates agreed they.
hadn't had such a good time since the UN was formed in San Fran-



(Continued from Page 2)




Act 2 of Massenet's Manon, Act 3 of Verdi's
Un Ballo in Maschera, Act. 4 of Mozart's
Marriage of Figaro; presented by the
University Opera Class, Josef Blatt, di-
rector, Nafe Katter, stage director, Joyce
Noh, accompanist.
MONDAY'S bill of three opera scenes, to
be repeated this evening at 8:30 p.m. in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall, were as suc-
cessful end enjoyable as any of the opera
department's more glamorous productions
given in Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
Though there were no sets or costumes, no
orchestra or spotlights, such adornments
were not missed as much as might be ex-
pected. The musicianship and sincere artist-
ry of performers, and devoted, traditional
direction of Prof. Blatt, proved that in opera
it is the singing that counts. When the music
is projected as it should be, stage trappings
take their proper place as gilding, adding the
extra bit of theatricality, but not enhancing
the music.
Nor did lack of stage trappings detract
from the acting. In fact it seems that lack
of costumes and sets makes the singers rely
more on their personal abilities at acting,
with the result that the acting is better. The
course of action in Monday's scenes was
never in doubt, as all participating literally

ian, were both vehicles for individual so-
loists, Joan St. Denis Dudd in Manon and
Robert Kerns in Ballo in Maschera. Un-
doubtedly their portrayals were the bright-
est spots on the program. Mrs. Dudd has
a lovely voice, her French diction was su-
perb and her acting captured the roman-
tic character of Manon. Mr. Kerns has a
rich baritone voice, in the Leonard War-
ren tradition. He understood the theatrical
style of Verdi magnificently.
Jack King, who sang the tenor role of
De Grieux in Manon, sang musically. His
voice is not quite as finished as Mrs. Dudd
or Mr. Kerns, but his acting and musician-
ship were as convincing. Joan Rossi's sing-
ing of Amelia in Un Ballo in Maschera was
sensitive, and her stage manner quite poised
in view of the difficult melodramatic role
in which she was cast.
Paul Hickf ang sang Figaro in the Mozart
with the comedy and gaity that the role de-
mands. His acting splendidly compensated
for the disadvantage in height he had since
he was considerably taller than anyone else
on stage, but perhaps the difference between
his singing voice in the arias and speaking
voice in recitatives was too startling.
The rest of the singers, Andrew Broek-
ema in the Verdi and Massenet, Dolores
Lowry and Phyllis McFarland, respectively
Susanna and the Countess in the Mozart,

NSIDE STORY of how President Eisenhower developed his dramatic
appeal for an atomic energy pool is gradually leaking out.
One phase of the story goes back some weeks to the Adminis-
tration's decision to build an atomic reactor for civilian uses. Be-
hind this anouncement was the fact that our chief sources of uran-
ium, the Belgian Congo and South Africa, have long been irked
that they are not in on atomic sercets. And the possibility has al-
ways been latent that if not let in on atomic secrets they might
cut off our uranium.
The Belgians and South Africans are not particularly interested ir
secret atomic weapons, but are tremendously interested in peacetime
atomic energy. Both are deficit countries when it comes to coal anc
oil, so that cheap atomic energy could revolutionize their industries,
Last fall, therefore, when U.S. Intelligence picked up apparentl3
reliable reports that Russia was developing a peacetime reactor, the
Eisenhower- Administration immediately decided to do the same. It
was realized that the nation which1 made the most progress the fastest
in this direction would have the bargaining power for the uranium
supplies of the world.
Simultaneously, Eisenhower learned that twelve European
countries had decided three years ago to combine their resources to
develop peacetime atomic energy. Already they have built a plant
at Geneva, Switzerland, and are constructing an atom-smasher
about a dozen times more powerful than anything in the United
Cooperating countries in this atom pool include not only Belgium
with its tremendous uranium resources, but England, France, Wesi
Germany and the Communist government of Yugoslavia.
Thus it became apparent to the President that the days when th
United States could be the world's No. 1 atomic power would soon be
over, if indeed they are not over already. The move for a world poo.
of atomic energy under the United Nations was, therefore, the nexi
step and a very natural one.
EX-SENATOR Harry Darby, the Kansas Palomino horse breeder and
one of the most popular men Kansas ever sent to the Senate, con-
fides to friends: "Secretary Benson and Undersecretary True Morse
are so high-and-mighty they can't understand the farm picture. Yet
Ike believes them. Frank Carlson, who does understand the farm pic-
ture, can't persuade him otherwise." ... At a meeting of the Democrat-
ic State Committee in New York, more men showed up with private
airplanes than since 1948. Most of the private airplane Democrats had
earlier gone over to Eisenhower.. . . Johnny Cahill, who was given a
big lift up the-ladder to his lush law practice by the New Deal, came
back to the Democratic fold at the recent New York meeting. Most of
his clients are Wall Street Republicans. ... Stanley Woodward, the ex-
Ambassador to Canada and great friend of Mr. and Mrs. Truman,
doesn't quite know whether to be congratulated or commiserated with
over his election as treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.
It's an even tougher job than ruling where diplomats and supreme
court justices should sit at dinner, a job which he once had and which
caused plenty of headaches. . . . Millard Tydings, the ex-Senator fronm!
rvofi,1,ndA nnrgcns if getting out of the Senate agreed with him. His

Project as Related to School Drop
Outs," Wed., Dec. 16, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 4 p.m. Co-
Chairmen, P. A. Hunsicker and W. C.
Doctoral Examination for Jacob J.
Lamberts, Linguistics; thesis: "The
Dialect of Cursor Mundi (Cotton MS
Vespasian A III)," Thurs., Dec. 17,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
'2 p.m. Chairman, Hans Kurath.
Opera Scenes Program Josef Blatt,
Musical Director, and Nafe Katter, Stage
Director, is to be given Monday and'
Wednesday evenings, Dec. 14 and 16, in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall (instead of
Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church,
as previously announced). The program
will include Act II from Massenet's
"Manon," Act III from "Un Ballo in
Maschera," by Verdi, and Act IV from
'The MarrV ge of Figaro" by Mozart.
Performers include Jack King, Robert
McGrath, Joan St.' Denis Dudd, Dolores
Lowry, Mary Jo Kohl, Robert Kerns,
Andrew Broekema, Joan Ross;, Paul
Hickfang, Laura Smith, Mary Ann Tink-
ham, Pricille Bickford, Laura Smith,
Jeanne Carts, Mary Mattfeld, Phyllis
McFarland, Ruth Orr, and Stella Per-
alta. The accompanist will be Joyce Noh,
The programs will begin at 8:30 each
evening, and will be open to the general
public without charge.
Events Today
Hillel. 3:30 p.m.-C'g.ss in Modern Is-
rael. 8 p.m.-IZFA discussion.
Sigma Alpha Eta is 'having a student-
staff Christmas party tonight at 7:30
in the Women's League. All members
and friends are invited to join in the
fun. You won't want to miss it.
Roger Williams Guild. Weekly Tea
and Chat this afternoon, 4:30 to 6:00.
SRA Cloth-a-Child Drive. There will
be a packing party today from 3 to 5
p.m., Lane Hail. All help needed,
A Christmas Vespers Service will be
held this evening in the Student Chapel
of the First Presbyterian Church. The
service will begin at 5:10. Everyone is
invited to attend.
Chess Club of the U. of M. meets
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. All chess players welcome.
A Caroling Party for all who attend-
ed Freshman the Rendezvous will be
held this evening at 7:30 p.m. Lane Hall.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House, 8 p.m.
S.L. Academic Freedom Sub-Com-
mission meeting today at 5 p.m. in S.L.
Bldg. (512 S. State) Important discus-
sion. Plans for next semester.
ULLR Ski Club will meet at 7:30 to-
night in the Union. All members should
be present.
Alpha Phi Omega. Meeting tonight in
Room 2K, Union at 7:30. Elections. All,
actives please attend.
Coffee and Tea Hour at the Lutheran
StudentrAssociation, Hill Street at
South Forest Avenue, from 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Coming Events
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Breakfast Devotion-Discussion Group in
Guild House Chapel, Thurs., Dec. 17,
7 a.m.

Symphony (Toscanini). All graduate
students welcome.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Dec. 17, from 4:30 to Q
at the International Center.
Christian Science Organization. Tea-
timony meeting Thurs., Dec. 17, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall, All are
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein will meet on Thurs., Dec. 17, at
3:15, in the Union. Prof. Raschen of
the German Department will be there
to lead informal conversation, which
will improve your }Germanaremarkably.
All welcome.
Beacon. Christmas party, Fri., Dee.
18, Michigan League, 8 p..
The Political Science Round Table
will meet on Thurs., Dec. 24, in the
Rackham Amphitheater at 7:45 p.m.
Professor Arthur W. Macmahon, of Co-
lumbia University, will speak on "The
Administration of Foreign Relations."
AlI interested persons are invited.
M.C.F. will go caroling Thursday from
7 to.8:30 p.m.; packhclothes for the
S.R.A. "Clothe a Child Drive" for
Korea from 8:30 to 9:30; and have re-
freshments at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Gordon Van Wylen following the
packing party. MIeet at Lane Hall.
Le Cercle Francais. La p'tite causette
will meet tomorrow afternoon from
3:30 to 4:00 p.m. only in the Michigan
Union cafeteria. At 4:00 p.m., a film
on Andre Gide will be shown in Rm.
3B of the Union. Everyone is welcomerI
Kappa Phi. The Christmas program
will be held Thurs., Dec. 17, at 5:15
at the Methodist church. All actives
and pledges are requested to come.
e +


Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
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