WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rPAGE TIUREL' J t t i Greene Natators Capture sde nce wCrown Champs rown Taylor, Indiana Still 32m,25; ZI3T VictoriousTp nA Tops in A -- ------ Led by the swimming mastery," of Don Jones, Greene House the six events. John Lewy took theCR ati downed Taylor House, 32-25, in 25-yard free style with a time of intramural swimming competition. first and shared in another. He won the 25-yard breast stroke and Kentucky, Duquesne The Greene House squad consist- swam on the winning 75-yard . ing of Jones, Dave Gross, Al Reid- medley relay team.HdSecond, Third inger and Basil Considine, set out Ken Fowler took the other first early to establish new records as for Theta Xi as he won the 25- NEW YORK - ) -- Indiana, they set a new intramural mark in yard back stroke with a time of Kentucky and Duquesne, tabbed the 100-yard free style relay, with 12.8. as this year's big three of college a time of 48.1. This betters the old * * * basketball before the season be- mark of 48.5. TAYLOR VS. GREENE gan, held on to the top positions * * * 100-yard free style relay . . . (1) in the national ratings in the first IN THE 50-YARD free style, Greene (Jones, Gross, Reidinger, weekly Associated Press ranking ,Tones set another IM record with Considine), (2) Taylor. Time 48.1 poll Monday. time of 25.0 bettering the old ne) iWith Indiana's NCAA cham- By JACK HORWITZ Stirring memories are kept alive' in the mind of Michigan's wiz- zard of the water, Matt Mann. The British born coach recalls the episodes in his career as a swimming coach here at Michigan very vividly. His accomplishments have gained world recognition and his rewards have been great. Here are just a few scenes out of the k past decades with Matt Mann. * 'i * MARCH 27, 1932-It was a cold rainy night and sleet was falling on the windows of the Michigan pool. Inside, the National Inter- collegiate Swimming meet was taking place. Stanford, a power- ful team from the west, was heav- ily favored to cop the title and, the Wolverines were fighting for) every point they could garner. I The crowd was tense and a deathly - silence prevailed' as Michigan diver Dick Degener climbed to the heights of the diving board. He was compet- swimming teams, the 1935 squad, proved its power in a dual meet with the Iowa Hawkeyes. The Maize and Blue broke several rec- ords and splashed its way to a one-sided victory in what was termed a "swimming carnival." The 300-yard "medley relay team, composed of Jack Kasley (breast stroke), Taylor Drysdale (back stroke), and Ogden Dal- rymple (free style), began the show. It sped to a 2:59 time which was 4.4 seconds beneath the old mark. Kasley continued with a record-breaking 2:26.2 for the 200-yard breast stroke, which eclipsed the intercolle- giate mark of 2.29. Then Drysdale took over. He bested his old 150-yard backstroke record of 3/10 of a second with a time of 1:38.4. This was a new records. The 400-yard free style relay team set a new record of 3:37.9 for that event and Dal- rymple picked up the 60-yard sprint mark in :29.4. Frank Barnard took the 220- yard free style record with a 2:13.4 effort, erasing the old time by six seconds. And all that Coach Mann could say was, "the boys just went crazy." * * * MARCH 24-25, 1939-The Na- tional Collegiate Athletic Asso- ciation swimming championships were in progress with some of the greatest swimming stars in his- tory competing. Michigan was the defending champion and relied on such men as Charley Barker, Tom Haynie, and Walt Tomski to re- tain its title. The day opened with Haynie. the Michigan captain, takingf the 220. Princeton countered1 with a 2:54 time in the 300-yard medley relay to bring tremen- dous applause from the crowd. Barker beat out his teammate Tomski for an upset in the 50- yard sprint after Tomski tied af record in that event in the trials. Thus, the Wolverines led at the end of the first day,z 34-30, over Ohio State. Mann was pleased. He knew that his squad was better at Sat- urday's events. Princeton opened the second day with a world-rec-j ord by Richard Hough in the 220- yard breast stroke. In the 100-yard free style event Barker was tied by Southern Cal's Paul Wolf. Haynie wrapped it up with a new pool record in the 440 and even a victory in the high I I 4 I I ! STANFORD MERMEN REPELLED IN 1932: Moments of Michigan Swimming Greatness Recalled by M backstroker," Al Patnik, Ohio board diving couldn't save the State's fine diver, and Ohio's Curly Buck yes. Stanhope. BUT TilE Wolverines were not finished. They went on to set a pool record in the 400-yard free The final event was a dunking for Coach Mann as the score was announced: Mh'higan 65, Ohio Slate 59. and the rest of the field far behind. Tlese are just a few of the stirring memories of genial coach Matt Mann, who is reaching the end of a long and glorious career. I-M RESULTS VOLLEYBALL Beta Theta Pi 4. Sigma Phi 2 ZBT 4, Pi Lambda Phi 1 Sig EDs 4. Delts I Willow Run Research 6, Econ 0 Museum 6, Social Research 0 Psych "B" over iNOTC (forfeit) Engineering Mechanics 6, Pub- lic health 0 intercollegiate mark. They faced stars such as Prince- * * * ton's Albert Vande Wehhe, a tall THE MICHIGAN team went on backstroker, Adolph Kiefer, who to pick up a few of the Iowa pool became the "world's greatest time by 3/10 of a second. Consi- 25-yard breast stroke . . . (1) Becker (Taylor), (2) Dent (Taylor), (3) Freshman football numerals Gross (Greene). Time 15.5. 50-yard free style . . (1) Jones - may be picked up at Yost Field (Greene), (2) Boyle (Taylor), (3) House. Hickman (Greene). Time 25.0 (new s-Henry Hatch intramural record; old record 25.3). t_25-yard back stroke . . . (1) Consi-" dine came through in the 25-yard back stroke with a time of 13.0 also setting a new mark. He bettered the old time of 14.5. Greene House took another record in the 75-yard medley re- lay, with 'Gross, Jones and Con- sidine breaking the old record by 1.8 seconds, with a time of 39.5. Taylor house took the other firsts with Ron Fukushima coping the 25-yard free style and Bob Becker taking the 25-yard breast stroke. * * * IN THE SEMI-FINALS of the fraternity swimming meet, Zeta Beta Tau dunked Theta Xi, 34-23. Only one recond was set in this meet, as Lee McLaughlin broke the intramural mark of 24.8 in the 50-I yard free style, with a time of 24.0. This is the third record he 3has set this year in intramural competition, each time bettering his own mark. Zeta Beta Tau captured four of dine (Greene), (2) G r a h a in (Greene), (3) Henrich (Taylor). Time 13.0 (new intramural record; old record 14.5). 25-yard free style . . . (1) Fukushima (Taylor), (2) Reidinger (Greene), (3) Kirchgessner (Taylor). Time 12.4. 75-yard medley relay . . . (1) Greene (Considine, Gross, Jones), (2) Tay- lor. Time 39.5 (new intramural rec- ord; old record 41.2). ZBT VS. THETA XI 100-yard free style relay .. . (1) ZBT (Siegel, Blum, Kadens, Lewy), (2) Theta Xi. Time 47.4. 25-yard breast stroke . . . (1) Ham- burger . . . (1) Hamburger (ZBT), (2) Victor (ZBT), (3) Salditt (Theta Xi). Time 14.2. 50-yard free style . . . (1) McLaugh- lin (Theta Xi), (2) siegel (ZBT), (3) Sogard (Theta Xi). Time 24.0 (new intramural record; old record 24.8) 25-yard free style . .. (1) Lewy (ZBT), (2) Gersabeck (Theta Xi), (3) Blum (ZBT). Time 11.6. 25-yard back stroke . . . (1) Fowler (Theta Xi), (2) Martin (ZBT), (3) Lave (Theta Xi). Time 12.8. 75-yard medley relay . . . (1) ZBT (Siegel, Hamburger, Lewy), (2) The- ta Xi. Time 40.5. RICHMAN BROTHERS Our Xmas Stock is Complete! * PAJAMAS eSHIRTS (Sport and Dress) * ADAM HATS *eTIES 9 RICHMAN BROS. Suits - Topcoats - Sportcoats * JACKETS * SLACKS F IN DOUBT GIVE HIM A GIFT CERTIFICATE AnnAb Clohig 113 South Main pions at the top, these three teams ingagainstSouth-ern Cals-- kept their records clear of defeat Mickey Riley inuthe fancy dlv- through the past week and split ing event, third from last on up most of the first-place ballots the program. of 78 sports writers and sports Stanford was leading with 'Tonnig ht is ShoppLng N ight ifo i en O n I castersparticipating in this week's Michigan second and fighting for hop p n 9 r g 9 1r en y .* * * the points in the remaining events. Degener took his dive and the INDIANA, with a 3-0 record, crowd tensed waiting for the re-7 to 9 PoM was awarded the No. 1 rating in sults. The announcement came.7 o PA last week's pre-season forecast He had just missed and was poll. The Hoosiers collected 35 of awarded second place, a spot the the 75 first place votes and a total Wolverines hadn't counted on.h of 743 points on the usual basis of * May we suggest you s ps 10 for first place, 9 for second, etc. THERE WERE two events re- s Kentucky, kept out of inter- maining. The Michigan hopesois collegiate competition all last were left in the talents of Johnny snon her ly two Schmi disapp oinment season and playing only two Schmnieler, a record-breaking prod- ~ hit a games so far this year, drew 20 igy of Mann. He was swimming On Chrismas mornin first place votes and 621 points. in the 220-yard free style. He had g y Duquesne drew five firsts and previously set the record for the 584 points. 200-yard breast stroke and was * * * very tired as he approached the3° DRESSES MNITIES_______ KANSAS, LOSING its first two slippery edge of the Michigan ~ ~- starts, and LaSalle failed to jus- pool. tify their high pre-season ratings The starting gun sounded and F t COATS PANTIES _ and dropped far down the list he dove in with five of the fin- a < while Illinois, Louisiana State and est swimmers in the country. Minnesota moved up on the His chief opponent was Walter SUITS HOSIERY f strength of unbeaten records. Spence of Rutgers, who kepta- even pace with the Wolverine swimmer through the first hun- ROBES SWEATERS HSC-Purdue dred yards. Spence began to pull away as the final dash be- G a e Picked gan, but Schmieler, encouraged _________ AKTS_______ GatP'e egE~?:"sd-"SKIRTS JACKETS ] ~faster and fastr and with a a As Tose fina urgee the Rutgersf BLOUSES __PAJAMAS _ _ _ ace. This gave the Wolverines a needed ten points and put them NEW YORK - A) - Michigan within striking distance of Stan- SLIPS -___GLOVES State's 1952 national football ford. ? * champions were rolling along on One event remained, the 300- 28 game winning streak, the na- yard medley. Northwestern was a SLIPPER SQX tion s longest, strong contender in this event. Purdue, fumbling and inert at The first Michigan man held his I the start of the season, had been own, but the second fell behind beaten four times on his hundred yards. The crowdsl s t SO THEY met on Purdue's gasped. The matter of winning or Experiencedsalesladies will 'be happy to asssyou losing was left to Bob Ladd. home field. Final score: Purdue He slipped through the stormy 6, Michigan State 0. water just behind the last Wild- in suggesting other gift items not isted. That was the most astounding cat swimmer. But spurred on of many upsets during the 1953 with grim determination, he flash- college football season in the opin- ed through the last 50 yards and ion of the nation's sports writers reached the finish line inches If in doubt, giVe a There is and broadcasters. ahead of the Northwestern an- gift certificate. no charge for Of 279 experts casting ballots in chorman. Michigan had downedCOLN this section of the Associated Press the Indians of Stanford, 34-31. Tues.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 gift wrapping. season-end poll, 143 pickedPur- LIBERTY AT MAYNARD due-Michigan State as the No. 1 FEBRUARY 24, 1935-One of upset, the greatest of all Wolverine y:$. , Ni COLLEGE CAGE SCORES *.........*............................ .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Iowa 72, Colorado A&M 55 n3 Detroit 92, Western Ontario 54 Hope 91, Hillsdale 53 Wayne 73, Michigan Normal 54 Butler 67, Purdue 65 Central Michigan 81, Alma 67 Yale 7, Brown 69 J" Vllan ova 68,Princeton 56 K7 rira*Z~!W Great Lakes Navy 91, Findlay 81 OCH, NBA Rochester 76, Milwaukee 64 Boston 82, Fort Wayne 75 REFRESHING IN COLOR AND DSIN.. UNIQUE IN PATTERN mmplete Top GROup-A series of smart ies tha rangef[ro the sail TO R Y ____ design to the more wiidely spaced patternis . .. each Jro pcily cut and planned so that each motif falls in its proper frraceful place ti1Promu 5.00 onl MIDDLE GROUP-These small, neat foulard paterns are hand- blocked in England and are a "inust" an every man's collction o f neckwear. These are classic ties that are oflen imitated - ze 'er offer! equalled. Fro;; 2.50 BOTToM GRoUP-Rep stripes are available in a ude assortment of patterns and color combinations. All are handmade for Van aotes 4 => 4 ates Boven. Lron; 2.50 uis ots Bow TIES frain1.50 )rness B by t A co ~ t~ as O1C } .. ^".s Io'.. , can SUGGESTIONS M Blankets Sk Seal Jackets Sk Michigan T-Shirts Bo M Sweaters He