See Page 4
tst liit
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIV, No. 71
tSIX Pa Ca .
New Housing Wagner Defines Wilson Says
To Presidt Iod Problems
To Presidet
share Atom
With Allies
Noel Speed
Civil Aeronautics Board yes-
terday acted to speed mail de-
livery during the holidays
Examinations Study
Group Okays Proposal
To Start School Earlier
Role of Industry
Cited in Report
52-point blue print for a "new
and revitalized" housing program,
emphasizing industry's responsi-
bility to shelter low-income fam-
ilies, was handed to President
Eisenhower yesterday.
The President's 23-member ad-
visory committee on government
housing policy submitted its re-
port through Housing Adminis-
trator Albert M. Cole, chairman.,
** *
HIGHLIGHTS included:
Many liberalizations of feder-
al housing administration mort-
gage insurance, including 40-
year mortgages on low-cost
homes without a down payment.
These could make the monthly
payments lower than rent. At
present such mortgages must be
paid off in 30 years, at the most.
A lease-'and-purchase plan to
encourage the building of rentals
dwellings which tenants could buy
7 when their incomes went up.
Continued public housing, also
direct federal loans, and grants
for slum prevention as well as
slum clearance, through a new
"urban renewal" program.
Liberalized repair loans - up
to $3,000 over five years - to
help owners rehabilitate their
homes. Such loans are now in-
sured up to $2,500, to be repaid
within three years.
Equality in FHA financing be-
tween old and new houses-mean-
ing as little as 5 per cent down
and 30 years to pay on used
* * *
and a half thick, was prefaced by
a statement of basic policy de-
claring in part:
"It is the conviction of this
committee that the constant
improvement of the living con-
ditions of all the people is best
accomplished under a strong,
free competitive economy, that
every action taken by govern-
ment In respect to housing
should be for the purpose of
facilitating the operation of
that economy to provide ade-
quate housing for all the peo-
The report was requested by
Eisenhower to guide his housing
recommendations to Congress next
month. The committee empha-
sized that its report is intended
to . be a single, comprehensive
package, and that the enactment
of only individual parts would not
accomplish the goal.
* * *
. Service charge Added To Cost;
NA TO Nations
Includes Non-Productive Expenses Tot Secrets
.Co -.Get Secrets 1
(EDITOR'S NOTE:" This is the fourth in a series of interpretive articles+
on the University's Residence Halls-finances, food and future.) PARIS -- UP) - Secretary of
By JON SOBELOFF Defense Wilson said yesterday the
Discussions of Quad food usually work around to a consideration Eisenhower Administration wants{
Dhiscussi 's f g Quadfoodtr uall work un to acnidrosn the McMahon Act amended so the
of the University's big central food buying, storing and processing Atlantic Allies may share in some
organization-the Food Service. American secrets on atomic de-
To many students, the fool service is just a vague symbol of fense.
It authorized 14
airlines, serving
to carry ordinary
ters, newspapers
handling and sp
parcel post. Such
shipped by rail o
4 local service
various areas,
first class let-
and special
ecial delivery
mail is now
r truck.
University bureauocracy.
But if you drop by the modern building on the corner of E. Huron
and Glen you can take a tour that will be very enlightening.
* * * *
THE AMIABLE head of Food Service, Herbert Wagner, will lead
you through numerous storage rooms, past large machines and even
show you where they keep the ,, - ___
He left open the possibility they
may share also in atomic weapons
from the growing U.S. arsenal.
The secretary spoke before the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion Council. Officials who attend-
ed the session said Wilson report-
ed President Eisenhower wanted
Congress to permit the Pentagon
to share "pertinent information"
on atomic weapons with Allies in
the near future.
* * *
:log, rat and monkey food for ex-
perimental animals.
He'll answer your questions,
For instance, yesterday's article
explained how each quad resident
Witness Tells
About Reds
pays about $1.50 a day for meals HIS STATEMENT came as the
-90 cents for food and 60 cents 1 foreign, defense and finance min-
for dining room labor. I 11 1 ii i Ollisters of the 14-nation alliance ap-
It was also pointed out that proved a 25 per cent increase in
because the quads can figure that DnNATO strength in the coming
students will miss eating about 20 DETROIT--W)-Milton J. Sant- year, with a 5 per cent boost in
per cent. of the food they pay for, wire told a Federal Court jury ground forces and a ,15 per cent
the student who eats three meals yesterday that he observed Com- increase in naval forces.
a day will get food costing about munists taking over positions of Any move by Washington to
$1.08, instead of just 90 cents. authority in Local 600 at Ford share its knowledge on the use
* * * Motor Co. while he was an under- of atomic weapons would require
NOW, STUDENTS wonder, if cover agent for the FBI. an amendment to the McMahon
Food Service sells the food to the Santwire, testifying at the Act, which confines U.S. atomic
Resident Halls for 1.08, what does Act trial of six Michigan knowhoWv to American officials.
CResen Halst foritha8,what des. _
Ex-Red Says
Browder Go
FDR Orders
WASHINGTON - (T) - A wit-
ness testified yesterday he was told
that Earl Browder-, as head of the
Communist Party in the United
States, "took orders" from Presi-
dent Roosevelt and his cabinet.
The witness was John Lautner,
a former Communist Party func-
tionary later expelled from the
Party and since then a witness
for the Government in several
Communist cases, including the
present Smith Act trials in De-
* * *
LAUTNER said his information
came from Elizabeth Gurley Flynn,
regarded as the number one wom-
an Communist in this country,
during a long conversation in a
New York saloon in June. 1945. At
that time this country and Russia
were allies in World War II. Roos-
evelt died in the spring of 1945.
Lautner testified before the
Subversive Activities Control
Board at a hearing on efforts of
the Government to pin an offi-
cial Communist-front tag on
the Jefferson School of SocialI
Science in New York. Such- ac-
tion would force the school to
list its officers and file finan-
cial statements with the Gov-
Lautner's testimony was pro-
Plan To Go
To Dean's
End of Fall Term
Set in December
The Crary plan to start the
school year earlier was endorsed
by the final examination study
committee yesterday and will be
forwarded to the Dean's Confer-
ence with a, recommendation that
it be studied further by faculty
members and students.
The plan, formulated by Prof.
Douglas Crary of the geography
department, calls for classes to
begin at the end of August and
permits completion of final ex-
aminations before Christmas holi-
days. The second term would
start about the middle of January,
with finals ending about the mid-
dle of May.
* * *
ASSISTANT to the President
Erich A. Walter, committee chair-
man, will present the report to
the Dean's Conference at their
next meeting, probably in Janu-
the food cost Food Service.
Wagner explains that Food
Service charges the cost of raw
ingredients, plus an eight-and-a
half per cent service charge on
most items. This service charge
covers "non-productive" parts of
the building, wages and salaries,
equipment replacement, extra-
ordinary building repairs, water;
gas, refrigeration, trucking, of-
fice expenses and laundry.
On baked goods, the service
charge is added to a price which
covers "cost of production." Meat
prices include meat cost, plus cut-
ting and grinding expense plus the
service charge.
The total raw food cost of Food
Service amounts to about 87.4 per
cent of its sales.
SO, A LITTLE figuring shows,
the $1.08 of quad food costs Food
Service about 94 cents. Of course,
the quads get cut meat and bread
instead of flour, for their money.
What does Food Service do to
earn this 14 cents of "value add-
Wagner explains it takes bids
on food, buying direct from the
processor in most cases and thus1
saving the jobber's profit.
"We're not bargain hunters,
though," he emphasized and point-
ed to stacks of well known Grade
A brand canned goods and the
stock of "good" and "choice" meat
-"the only grades of meat we
buy,"-to prove his claim.
THEN THE food service stores
food in its refrigeration rooms,
bakes bread and rolls, receives
fresh vegetables, makes ice cream
and sells the food to its customers
-the residence halls account for
just 53 per cent of its sales.
The League gets nine percent,
University Hospital 26.5 per cent
and the rest goes to Health Ser-
vice, the International Center,
experimental animals and other
The whole operation is highly
mnechanized, and Wagner says he
could cut the 8-and-a-half per
cent service charge if there were
more volume-some of the mach-
E k Liiimunmts, saiU tnai t, oUim n-,! By account of the NATO offic-
ists even had positions in the ials:
CIO United Auto Workers local Wilson said the executive .
negotiating committee. branch of the U.S. government is
T t jy enprepared to ask Congress for such
HIE TOLD the jury, hearing amendment. Wilson was speaking
charges that the defendants con- Iof knowledge on how to use atomic
spired to teach and advocate the weapons rather than the sharing
violent overthrow of the govern- of these weapons themselves, but
ment, that a high level commun- did not exclude the possibility of
ist told all Communists in 1949 toshipping the, actual bombs and
shipping theheactual Eroms a
make he Frd cmpan "th shells to forces in Europe.
-Daily-Don Campbell
Vets Treated to Student
! number one area of concentra-
le identified the Communist
as James Jackson, Party educa-
Percentages of increase in
NATO forces next year would give
roughly the following figures at
the end of 1954:
Close to 5,700 warplanes, near-
ly all of them jets; 103 front line
and reserve divisions, and about
1,900 naval craft,
THERE WERE dissents from
some of the recommendations.
A "substantial" minority -
which included building indus-
try spokesmen - challenged a
recommendation calling for a 50-
million dollar "National Mort-
gage Marketing Corp.," federal-
ly chartered but privately fin-
This corporation would under-
take to supply an ample and
stable supply of mortgage credit
of buying mortgages from banks
and thus replenishing bank funds'
available for new home loans.
A government corporation,
the Federal National Mortgage
Association, does that job now;
the dissenters on the commit-
tee favor continued federal par-
As for public housing, the com-
mittee asked extension of the pres-
ent program with a few changes.
But it said "the size of the pro-
gram and the method of financing
it are the responsibilities of the
Administration and Congress."
t /
Baonat director.
Santwire said he had worker
for Ford at River Rouge and Wil-
low Run since 1938 and had beer
an undercover agent within the
party ranks since 1944. He testi-
fied that he belonged to "Section
10" and the "Plastic Club."
Both, he said, functioned in the
ranks of Ford workers. The "Plas-
tic Club" referred to Ford plastic
operations. He said that he had
been asked by one of the defend-
ants, Philip Schatz, to form other
clubs at Ford's but never did.
Santwire said he had met Schatz
on several occasions, mostly secret
meetings on park benches and the
Grads. Discuss
Law Openting s
Opportunities in the practice of
law today was the topic discussed
last night by a panel of young
practicing Michigan law gradu-
ates presented jointly by the Stu-
dent Bar Association and the
Junior Bar Section of the State
Bar Association.
James Crippen, '50L, explained
that it is better for the private
practitioner to open his office in
a small community where he is
better known.
Speaker John Dykema, '47L,
found government service ex-
tremely varied work that devel-
oped an "enormous sense of re-
AF Contract
On Mail Study
The Defense Department has
reported that 33 of 50 schools
have signed new contracts with
the United States Armed Forces
Institute, allowing men and wom-,
en in the armed forces to continue'
their education via correspondence
Local officials yesterday indi-
cated that the University contract'
is 'still being studied.''
The contract for the study pro-
gram made with colleges and uni-
and "an effort to smear former
President Roosevelt."
Despite the protest, however,
SACB Chairman Thomas J. Her-
bert allowed Lautner's testimonyI
to stand "for what it is worth."
Lautner named Josephine
Truslow Adams, whom he said
he knew "as a member of the
Communist Party," as the link
between the presidential office}
and Browder. He said Mrs.
Flynn told him "she brought in-
structions to Browder."
Another former. Communist,
Louis F. Budenz, had testifiied ear-'
ier in the hearing that Josephine
Adams told him she took advan-
tage of friendships in the White
House to carry messages to and
from Browder. Budenz identified
her as a former teacherat Swarth-
more College.
tested by Harry Sacher, attorney
for the Jefferson School. Sacher-
called it hearsay twice removedI
Presumably, the plan will go
into effect for the fall semester.
Talent in Variety Show The report to the Dean's Con-
ference ends the work of the
special committee set up to'
By JIM DYGERT study the examination schedule.
A group of nearly 70 hospitalized veterans were treated to the Student members . of the com-
finest in student entertainment last night in the auditorium of the mittee are Sue Popkin, '54, Ruth
new Veterans' Hospital. Rossner, '55, Howard Nemerov.
A variety show sponsored by the Arnold Air Society presented ski, '54E, John Black, '54Ed,
a talented program highlighted by the emceeing of Howard Nemerov- and Eric Vetter, '54.
ski, '54, and Merritt Greene, '56L. Advantages and disadvantages
* * * * of the Crary plan were discussed
WITH NEMEROVSKI introducing most of the acts, the show by the committee after discarding
got under' way with three selections by the Air Force ROTC glee club, the possibility of integrating the
g ndih waywakinitsrsetpsubytheArTCg u, quarter system of scheduling at
which was making its first pubn- - the University. Arguments in fa-
lic appearance, and reached its cli- vor of the plan centered about
max with the appearance of the ITaylor IVeS these points:
Novelaires and their soloist Bob 1) It would make possible com-
McGrath, '54SM. f 1 pletion of final examinations be-
The Novelaires had been de- e" fore Christmas vacation, elimin-
tained and arrived late, causing ; ating the huch criticized lag after
much worry on the part of Dick 1 olc Views Christmas vacation and before
Balzhiser '54E president of the final examinations.
Society and in charge of the
show. Criticising the State Depart- 2) It would allow a lag be-
Earlier the Vaughan Shadows ment for. not acknowledging the. tween the end of school in May
had delighted the audience with true facts about Central and South and finals and still permit sen-
another of their famous informal America, Prof. Philip B. Taylor, of iors to be officially graduated at
song presentations. Eddie Raven- the political science department, commencement, since the plan
scroft '56 turned in a arum solo in outlined his opinions of the pres- allows additional time for pro-
the fashion that won him last ent conflicts and conditions in cessing of grades and prepara-
year's Gulantics title. Latin American countries at a tion of graduation lists.
Dick Spademan '56 strummed a meeting of Students for Demo- 3) Sabbatical leaves of instruc-
solo on the banjo and Floyd Zar- cratic Action last night. tors could be extended without
bock '54 gave the veterans a les- Prof. Taylor said that our great loss of salary or service to the
son in the rudiments of baton danger in Latin American affairs University. Such leaves currently
twirling. The "Four Sweats" a is that the State Department begin with the new semester but
quartet of varsity football play- "doesn't pay any more attention under the Crary plan, faculty
ers Bob Topp, '54 Tad Stanford, to reports that come in (from Cen- members couldl start leaves dur-
'54, George Dutter, '54, and Jim tral and South America) than ing Christmas vacation or in late
Fox, '56, brought laughter fiom Russia is supposed to in reports May.
the veterans with their versions of they receive." * 14) A "gearing" of the University
"Sioux City Sue" and "Four-leg--to the schools on the quarter sys-
ged Friend." THE PRESENT government tem would be made possible and
view," he said, "is that Guatemala permit more convenient exchange
is a communist-governed nation. of visiting professors. At present
IlrgLy .tr n,rra. ".eafi-
versities throughout the countryI
lapsed on June 30. Senior Board
The total enrollment at the
present has dwindled to 30 armed I
forces students. Figures for last S Lr
year reached as high as 350, su-
pervisor Qf correspondence Mrs. By a unanimous vote, the Se
Alfred O. Lee revealed. Board last night agreed to a1
Major General Harlan N. Hart- posal by the Student Legisla
ness, Director of Armed Forces In- Culture and Education commi
formation and Education offices, to nominate from three to 10:
contacted in Washington, observed fessors for a proposed an
that the insertion of a clause award.
which would allow the Federal Last spripg, SL voted to
government to "disapprove" of recognition to the University1
faculty members teaching courses fessor most interested in stud
to armed forces personnel in the both in and out of the classro
Institute program caused . some Larry Harris, '56, chairman of
alarm to administration members committee, asked the Board
at participating schools. serve as a nominating group.
This may be the reason 13 col- SL committee will elect the1
leges and universities have failed fessor from the list of names
to return signed contracts Hart- mitted by the Senior Board.
ness concluded. The Committee's recommen
tions will be brought up at the
Smeeting today.
, nat - n L
e SL,
rBalog Faces
Trial Dec. 28
University varsity football play-
er Jim Balog, '54, stood mute on
an assault charge in Municipal
Court yesterday.
Charged with breaking the jaw
of Guy Foster, '57, a week ago fol-
lowing an "argument," Balog was
released on a $100 cash bond and
ordered to reappear in court on
Dec. 28 to plead his case.
Foster had not reached a deci-
sion yesterday concerning a pos-
sible civil suit against Balog. Po-
worldNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
PANMUNJOM-The last faint chance that 22 American wa
prisoners who stayed with the Communists would appear before U.S
explainers was virtually dispelled yesterday by the head of the Neutra
Nation Repatriation Commission.
Lt. Gen. K. S. Thimayya of India, the repatriation chairman.
said in his opinion the Americans had "firm political convictions'
and could not be wooed home by explanations, letters, nor appeal
to their patriotism.
* * * * * *
pThis is not true. Guatemala is not these exchanges often bring con-
Communist, although there is flicts due to the different sched-
3Appornlts Grad'sympathy towards change." ules.
Lewis K. Berry Jr., '39L, has Prof. Taylor spoke of Mexico
been appointed deputy counselor as advancing faster than most ON THE debit side, several dis-
of the Army Department, Secre- of the Latin American countries. advantages were aired by. the
tary of the Army Stevens an- But he stressed the point that committee:
nounced yesterday. the American view of democracy 1) It would necessitate hold-
Berry, who comes from Che- and the view of the Latins is not ing classes during some of the
boygan, is a former Cheboygan necessarily the same. hottest periods of the year.
County prosecuting attorney and Particularly, he noted, the Lat- 2) It overlooks the fact that
has been the county's public ad- ins don't have the same concept'! many students, particularly in the
ministrator since 1952.u of impersonal justice as we do. law school, use the Christmas va-
-_-____cation to round out work in their
courses and finish up collateral
1 '1' ~reasi~
t"L II 11EL 1 G.J.
LJ ")
"Challenges to the Literary Col-
lege from Arthur Miller and Else-
where" was the subject of the sec-
Thanksgiving A bsences
ea is.
3) It may cut down by one or
two the number' of weeks a stu-
Sorm dent may work during the summer
and forces an early return from
the job. However, the committee
NEW YORK-Senator Joseph
R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yes-
terday it isn't his job to prove
espionage, but merely to alert
security officers to it.
And he added that he thinks
his Senate permanent investiga-
tinns sbhenmmittee ha sdnne
CINCINNATI-The University
and Michigan State held their
positions as the fourth and ninth
largest colleges nationally on the
basis of total enrollment, an an-
nual report showed yesterday.
Bnth nh nnl hinwi- dPnr ll-
n iterary coege conerence By GENE ARTWIGpointed out, the early release in
held last night. Absences before and after th ed 6.2 per cent absent Wednes- cases but one below 10 per cent May may aid students in "beating
The informal panel discussion, Thanksgiving Holiday were only day and 3.9 per cent Monday and in most cases lower than five the rush" to summer jobs.
attended by 25 students and nine slightly more than normal accord- while the Law School dicated per cent Under the proposed plan,
faculty members, gave both the ing to figuhl r eleased yesterday by only a 3.6 per cent increase The schools of dentistry, nat- Thanksgiving vacation would be
instructors and students an op- Assistant to the President Erich A. Wednesday and ia 1.1 per cent ural resources, medicine, social given four days but the committee
portunity to air their views on cur- Walter. increase mn absences Monday work and public health reported did not take a stand on the length
rent problems. In the literary college, largest over normal attendance figures, normal or almost normal at- I and dates of a spring recess.
n _ unit f the TUniversity .with a total -Tiehet ahenenr wase vcnnta in tendance in all classes both I The uarter svstern was rlis-