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December 15, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-15

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VOL. LXIV, No. 70



Dormitory Food.
Costs Explained
Figures Show $1.50 Per Resident
Paid Out Daily for Meals, Labor
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interpretive articles
on the University Residence Halls-finances, food and future.)
"Lousy food."
You an hear this complaint expressed by some people in any
* * * *
ALTHOUGH FOOD quality is a hard thing to agree on, food
costs can be objectively stated in dollars and cents. So today's article
will explore some of the little known facts about how much dormitory
residents are paying for food.
Exact figures on this subject are not easy to- get. But the
available statistics and a little arithmetic provide some interesting
To begin with, the average dormitory resident pays a little more
than $700 a year for board and room. There are 230 "operating days"
in a school year, so a student pays about $3.05 for every day he lives
'in the dorm.
ACCORDING to a little booklet entitled,- "Your Home Away From
Home, Financially Speaking," which was mailed to incoming fresh-
men for the first time last summer, food expense is 28.6 per cent of
total dormitory revenue, and dining room labor is 19 per cent.
A simple addition shows 47.6 cents of every dormitory dollar
going into quad meals. But between six and seven cents of resi-
dence halls' every revnue dollar come, not from room rent, but
from other sources-investments, guests, students who stay during
vacations, short course groups in summer and convention groups,
for example.
This leaves about 94 cents'of the revenue dollar coming from rent.
The 47.6 cents of this devoted to meals amounts to just about half
of the total rent.

UMT, Draft
To Co-Exist
Via Lottery
Proposed System
To Begin by 1955
WASHINGTON -( P)- A presi-I
dential commission said yesterday
a military training system and
the draft can be operated simul-
taneously by using a lottery.
This would determine who would,
get six months' training and who
would be required to serve two
years as a draftee.
* * *
THE NATIONAL Security Train-
ing Commission recommended that
such a system start by Jan. 1,
1955, or earlier, with the training
of 100,000 18-year-olds, the num-
ber increasing as manpower avail-
ability and the size ofthe armed
forces permit. The cost of train-
ing 100,000 men was calculated at
about 270 million dollars.
The Commission, in its first
report in 1951,rsaid at that time
any form of universal military
training could not be started
while the Korean War was inI
progress, with its accompanying
heavy levy on manpower.
Last August, after the truce,
President Eisenhower asked for1
new recommendations on a train-

Congress Faces

U.S. Insists France OK

Strategy Choice Defense

Treaty or Risk

Within a very short. time, the United States Congress will be asked
to make a momentous decision on the strategy this country will follow
in case of another war.
Congress' power of appropriation allows it to divide money and
manpower among the Army, Navy, and Air Force as it sees fit, and
thus to dictate the kind of strategy tint the military will follow.
THE PROBLEM in its simplest form is this: Is our future as a
free people best protected by a roughly equal distribution of power
among the three services-the "balanced force" idea we have followed
in the past-and a giant radar warning net?
Or does security lie in a much
Ii cFloes more powerful Air Force hold-
I'OA.,Ut s ing the threat of atomic de-
struction over Soviet Russia to
* *discourage war? And which de-
A , a gg fense can we afford?
Secretary of Defense Charles E.
Wilson and the Joint Chiefs of'
F or ss a u lt Staff, as well as President Eisen-
hower, will undoubtedly have the
Ill, 7 nT Q_%1 rnCT ,most influential nart in answering-


of Troops

Vairsityv tackle Jim Bsilog

these questions for America. But


BAd, said yesterday he will plead Congress must make the decision,
guilty to a charge of assault and after considering their recommen-
battery on Guy Foster, '57, and dations and requests.

. ** ing program wuile selective service!
IN OTHER words, about $1.50, give or take a few cents, of the ontinued, with a view to creating
$3.05 the average dorm resident pays for a day's room and board would be called, in another emer-
goes for his meals. Informal discussion show this is about 50 to 75 gency, ahead of veterans of World
cents less than quad dwe'llers think they're paying. War II and the Korean War.
Breaking this figure down, it amounts daily to about 90 cents , * ,
for food and 60 cents for dining room labor. THE COMMISSION said selec-
That is, the Residence Halls collect about 90 cents a day from tive service canprte the draft

added, "I want to be sure amends
are made."
Foster signed a formal com-
plaint against Balog yesterday
afternoon after being released
from University Hospital with a
multiple jaw fracture.
* * *
BALOG will be arraigned in Mu-
nicipal Court today on the assault
charge, ,Sgt. Claude Damron of
the Ann Arbor police department
The trial will probably be
postponed until after the Christ-
mas recess, and the arraignment
expedited so that Balog will be
able to play in the North-South
football game on Dec. 23.
According to witnesses, Balog.
broke Foster's jaw with one blow
last Wednesday night on the cor-
ner of State and Monroe after an
* * *

In the meantime, Congressional
leaders. military experts, scientists,
and others have divided them-
selves into two camps on the issue,
which has grown more intense
since Russia's possession of atom-
ic power has been made known to
the world.
* * *
MILITARY MEN on the Michi-
gan campus, too, have their views
I on the matter; but they are un-
able to express them officially,
since they are professional mili-
tary men on active duty. For this
reason, no names will be used con-
cerning the following observationsI
on the problem, most of which
have military sources.
Although the issue seems to
be divided sharply betweep two
arguments-maintaining a bal-
anced force or concentrating on
offensive air power-a perhaps
more tenable approach sug-
gested by a few of the military
men here would be to combine
both ideas to the best advan-
tage within the scope of this
country's financial capabilities.

each resident for the unprepared food he or she is entitled to. But
students miss meals. In fact, Leonard A. Schaadt, business manager
of the Residence Halls, estimated that students do not eat approxi-
mately 20 per cent of the food they pay for.
This means that a student who eats all three meals a day gets food
costing the residence halls about $1.08, instead of just 90 cents.
s f * s
AS A MATTER of fact, Schaadt says if students suddenly started
eating every meal, the financial setup would be completely thrown off
balance. To compensate for the increased costs, quad rent would have
to be raised about four per cent while food expense would increase
13.8 per cent.
Of course, the University has the advantages (and disadvan-
tages) ,of quantity buying in getting their $1.08 worth of. food.
The residence halls buy all their food from the University Food
Service, a non-profit business enterprise set up to buy, store and
process all food centrally.
The Residence Halls are Food Service's biggest customer. Last
year they accounted for 53 per cent of food service sales, chalking up
a bill of $972,000 plus about eight and a half per cent in service
charges, for a total of about $1,054,620. Of course this figure in-
cludes food for summer residents, and is hard to tie in with the
food cost figures already given.
LSA Steering Committee
Discusses Student Views

and training simultaneously for
as long as necessary. And then it
"While selecting somemen
for six months' training and
others for two years' service by
lot would not yield absolute
equality of d ty. it would cor-

-Daily-Don Campbeli

reyathe Fr1 Ynt, VUnI.ness' ACTING Dean of Students Wal-
ret the present unfairness to ter B. Rea said yesterday the Uni-
versitywould follow its usual pol
In event of emergency, men icy of not taking any disciplinary
with six months' training would action in a complaint against a
be recalled ahead of the veterans, student until the case was decid-
and, non-veterans as. well as vet- ed by the courts or was turned
erans would have a total eight- over to the University by the po-
year military obligation. As long lice.
as inductions for service must Head football coach Bennie
continue, a perfect fairness is not Oosterbaan had not heard about{
possible, since selective standards the incident because he had justI
for service continue to be neces- returned to town, but comment-
Sary edveserdy. Balog has always

Early Present of Snowi
Adds to Yuletide Season',

D ulles Sees
Of Policies
Calls Noi-A ction
Virtual Suicide
PARIS-U)-The United States
bluntly told France yesterday it
must ratify the European Defense
Community Treaty within the
next few months or risk with-
drawal of American troops from
the Continent.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles, speaking to a news con-
ference, urged prompt ratification
of EDC and said its failure would
force Washington to make an
"agonizing reappraisal" of its own
basic policies toward Europe.
* * *
WE ARE NOT so much inter-
ested in getting German troops as
we are in a situation in which the
Western nations, especially France
and Germany, will not commit
suicide," he said.
"But if they decide to com-
mit suicide,' they may have to
commit it alone."
Dulles addressed the newsmen
after a plenary session of 'the
North Atlantic Tre.aty Organiza-
tion Council at which, according
to persons in the hall, he made
the same points to 13 other for-
eign ministers, including France's
George Bidault.
ASKIiP by the newsmen if t1)
United States would pull its troops
{ out of Europe if France rejects
EDC,Dulles replied that the "dis-
position of our troops would, of
course, be a factor in the agon-
izing reappraisal I spoke about."
He declared that Washington
would not abandon or repudiate
American obligations under the
NATO alliance if EDC fails but
that such an event would "in-
volve a re-study" of- how to im-
plement these obligations.
He described EDC, with its pro-
visions for French and German
f troops standing shoulder to shoul-
der in a unified army with the sol-
diers of'six other countries, as a
"significant symbol."
He left- the implication with
newsmen that without a European
army and a continental union to
prevent another French-German
conflict, Washington mright feel
that, the best way to protect the
North Atlantic area would be from
bases outside the Continent-the
so-called peripheral strategy.
DULLES told the French that
Washington wants a decision soon
on EDC because, he said, the pres-
ent opportunity for reconciling
France and Germany will not last
' indefinitely.
A prime factor from the
American viewpoint,.he said, is
the often expressed desire of
Congress to see Europe unified.
He implied' that the present
Congress will want action on
EDC before acting on appropria-
tions for he next fiscal year
sometime between now and next
' July 1.
Dulles emphasized that the, so-
called Richards amendment to
the present American military aid
program requires the government
in effect to halt purchases for
the six EDC countries at the end
of this year.

I Of course, there are those who By MURRY FRYMER
too great if i tnonettry cosave After singing about a "White
the nation. But they forget that an Christmas" during the weekend,
economy can take only so much students got a taste of the real
before collapsing and leaving the stuff yesterday and it was far less
country helpless in face of an all- appealing.
out war. A steady snowfall which began!
Others, realizing that finances early yesterday morning contin-
are limited, know that the United ued throughout the day. Thirty-
States cannot afford both an Air three degree temperatures melted
Force with unimaginable power it into slush, bringing forth boots'
and a balanced three service team. on the part of most girls, while
See DEFENSE, Page 4 hearty men soaked their shoes.
* '- *

accidents yesterday,
none were serious.


* *


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an inter-
pretive article on the Literary College
Steering Committee, one of the cam-
pus organs for expressing student
* With more emphasis placed to-
day on obtaining student opinion,
the Literary College Steering
Committee has become an import-
ant means of sounding out student
attitudes and ideas.
Considered in the five year his-
tory of the group have been such
problems as the distribution re-
quirements and the counseling
system, the discussion of which led
to the setting up of the present
system of student advisors.
* * *
OTHER problems discussed in-
clude the question of the final
exam schedule and the role of the
teaching fellow. With faculty and
administration beginning to feel
that they should know student
opinion, the Curriculum Commit-
tee of the literary college and in-
dividual departments send re-
quests to the group for student at-
titudes on certain issues.
The group got its start in 1949
1 when Dean Hayward Keniston
of the literary college, now retir-
ed, became interested in obtain-
ing student representation onI
of campus leaders was called
and the idea of a steering com-
mittee developed subseouently.
Most of the initiative for the
group was passed on to the stu-
Less ue of the group as only ax

ber group is open to literary . ol-
lege students, by petitioning held
each spring, with the group meet-
ing every other Wednesday.
The student body and the fac-
ulty are given a .chance to air
their opinions on campus issues
at the group sponsored literary
college conferences. Chosen for
debate by a student-faculty
panel are topics of interest to
the literary college.
Letters are sent to a random
cross-section of students inviting
them to partake in the meeting.
Faculty members are also asked,
with the group inviting those who
have a particular interest in the
question to be discussed, members
of the Curriculum Committee and
those who show a special interest
in the group's activities.

AT ANOTHER point, it said'
that "if absolute fairness in mili-
tary policy means absolute equal-
ity of treatment, absolute fair-
ness would be the adoption of
universal military service, two
years' service for all young men.
If all able-bodied young men were
called for two years' service, the j
result would be standing armed
forces much larger than the na-
tion needs at this time-in other
words, a waste of American man-
power 4nd money."
The Training Commission was
set up after Congress had sanc-
tioned the broad idea of some
form of universal training service
but had instructed the adminis-
tration to retum:n later with defi-
nite details for putting it into
Taylor To Talk
To SDA Today
Prof. Philip B. Taylor of the po-
litical Science Department will
talk on "Communist Infiltration
in Central and South America" at
a meeting of the Students for Dem-
ocratic Action at 7:30 p.m. today
at the Student Legislature Bldg.

SPEAKING with difficulty, Fos-
ter yesterday said he did not know
whether he would file a civil suit
against Balog. He can recover
damages through the assault ac-
tion, police say.
Describing the assault, Fos-
ter's South Quad roommnate
Clark Andrew, '57, said he and
Foster were returning to the
Quad from a restaurant last
Wednesday night.
They passed two men on the'
sidewalk, "who had been drink-
ing," and Andrew brushed against
one of them, he said. "Then they
called us back and told us to apol-
ogize," Andrew continued.
"We apologized, when suddenly
this big fellow slugged Guy, laugh-
ed, and walked away," Andrew
said. Foster was taken to Universi-
ty Hospital in, an ambulance, but
neither he nor Andrew could
name Foster's assailant for the po-

1 C M'ray, al 12aawv
been fine with us."
Arrangements have been made
at South Quad to take care of
Foster, who can eat only liquid
food for six weeks because his jaw
is wired almost shut.
w1 x .

Ike Speaks:
WASHINGTON --m)-Presi-
dent Eisenhower yesterday voic-
ed an "appeal to the common
sense of America" to prepare,
without panic or hysteria, for
the possibility of atomic attack.
Asserting that the nation's
cities will become front-line
targets in the event of World
War III, the President told a
conference of 175 U.S. mayors:
"Ordered haste will save you,
and panic will destroy you. So
it is, first of all, against the
incidence of panic that we must
be prepared."
Eisenhower keynoted theI
theme of calm preparedness at
the outset of a two-day closed
door conference, called by him-
self, on problems of national
defense. The White House la-
ter made his remarks public.

reporting an increase in traffic weather slow them yesterday how-
--- -------- ever as the Christmas shopping
irush continued briskly. Many
G 'eek~ Wveeli stores were open until nine in the
evening, but a drop was reported
tiin after-dark shopping.
IN ONE minor accident, a 1947
Petitions for Greek Week IFC Pontiac going west on Willard
co-chairmen are due by 5 .Ave. turned to avoid hitting a
tomorrow in the IF office, Rm. pedestrian and struck a parked
3-C of the Union. car, knocking the branch of an
Petitons re on foelm tree onto the lawn in front
Petitions are open for general of 1113 Willard.
co-chairmen and chairmen of the Police Sgt. Howard Remnant,
following committees: publicityu
booklet, presidents' retreat, open unable to reach anyone at the
boolet prsidnts rerea, oen-City Parks department, went home
house, exchange dinners, presi- for a saw, and going to the loca-
dents' dinner, bike race, and key- tion of the accident, cut the tree
note ,address. free from the sidewalk himself.
Petition forms have been sent-
to all fraternities. Additional Pe
copies may be obtained in the IFC C elle
office. These chairmen will serve SEOUL - (P) - U.S. envoy Ar-
as co-chairmen with members of thur H. Dean said today he was
Panhellenic Association. Greek confident the Communists want to
Week will be the first week of resume talks on a Korean peace
May. conference.

However most students were
thinking about Friday and the
trip home. The weatherman
was optimistic, predicting dry
weather for the latter part of
the week, although temperatures
are expected to drop to the lov
twenties. Light snow was ex-
pected today and again tomor-I
row. Warmer temperatures fork
the weekend would probably
bring an increased snowfall Sat-
Ann Arborites did not let the

THE POLICE department warn-
ed motorists to use extra caution,

Vulcan's Travel Service
Saves Students Money


BECAUSE Foster, who is about
6'2", described the man who hit
him as "bigger than me," police
figured the slugger might have
been an athlete.
Foster and Andrew each sep-
arately identified Balog from a
football program picture, and
Balog wias then brought in an

Arts Theater Production To Open

LEA To Hold

Vulcans, senior engineering hon- admitted striking Foster, ac- I Performing on a regular stage
orary fraternity, this year is oper- New York. There was a claim cording to Sgt. Damron. when accustomed to theater-in-,
ating its annual special holiday that the railway's round-trip Balog said yesterday he didn't the-round has meant a number of
travel service which will enable fare and that of the Vulvan's realize he had broken Foster's jaw changes for the Arts Theater castx
students traveling to New York was identical and that there was until he was contacted by the po- appearing in "Noah."
State or the area around Chicago no actual saving. lice. When I found out, "It hit me Opening at 8 p.m. tomorrow at;
to save a tidy sum in transport. y, just about as hard as I hit him," Lydia Mendelssohn T h e a t e r ,
tion expenses.c However, Gerry Dudley, 54E'xpan Balog said. "Noah" is the Art Theater's first
Special arrangements have been thcairman of the proectixpa ined Balog was especially sorry that proscenium (regular stage) pro-
made with the major railway op- vealed that the usual round-trip the incident happened "at Christ- duction since its commencement.
erating in that vicinity and with t to Rchest bo mas time." He felt it was also a
the University to provide transoor- ut pretty bad time of year for Foster DESCRIBING proscenium as

OTHER changes for the Arts
Theater crew concern the tech- uomlrie
nical side of the picture. The set
for example is necessarily more Students and faculty will have
elaborate than any used in the- a chance to express their opinions
round. Costumes don't have to be on subjects such as student apa-
as perfect because distance allows thy and resistance to changes in
paint to pass for embroidery. the curriculum at Vhe second Lit-
Starring in the performance erary Col'ege Conference to be
will be Bernard Tone as Mr. held at 7:30 p.m. tcday in Rm.
Noah and Tresa Hughes as M'frs. 1011 A'ngo1l 1H1ll..

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