PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY' , DECEMBER 13, 1953 FAGU TWO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 SALVATION ARMY DRIVE: U' Students Man Christmas Kettles ANNUAL ROUNDUP: National Safety Council Reports Odd Accidents wzzzz;z By JOEL BERGER Seven women's groups are man- ning kettles for the Salvation Army's Christmas drive this year, Mrs. Arthur Trevithick of the lo- cal Christmas bureau said yester- day. So far this month, girls from Al- pha Phi, Adelia Cheever House, Martha Cook and Delta Delta Del- ta have braved wintry, blasts and stood by the containers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kappa Kappa Gamma residents are to man the kettles Tuesday, while Senior Society and Delta Gamma girls follow them on Wed- nesday and Thursday. * * * WITH THREE Salvation Army kettles in Ann Arbor, two on Main and one on S. State, the women's groups will alternate their girls at the one on campus. Four local groups, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Boy Scouts and the, Junior Chamber of Commerce will have members at all three kettles during the Christmas season. Five regular workers have taken charge of the containers since Nov. 28, when they first appeared lo- cally. The kettles will be around until Christmas eve, when all the money collected will be used to help needy local families. * * * IN THE PAST, Mrs. Trevithick said, a few men's residence groups have stood vigil over the recepta- cles, but this year none have sent members to help with the chari- -Daily-Chuck Kelsey STUDENTS MAKE CHRISTMAS DONATIONS' table work. Trigon fraternity and Chicago House, then a men's dorm, have participated in past years. Money from the kettles is just one part of the Salvation Army's Christmas program for needy families. Earlier this au- tumn, local schools participated in a drive for canned foods. The local Young Men's Christian Association and Girl Scouts are also helping with a drive conduct- ed by members for toys. These groups will repair broken toys, placing them in a servicable con- dition before they are turned over to the Salvation Army's Christ- mas bureau for distribution. N 1 RING A BELL WITH YOUR9j Open Monday Evenings 119 East Liberty Phone NO 8-7900 A sage once said that truth is stranger than fiction. This saying has been reiterated in the dizzy doings turned up by the National Safety Council's an- annual roundup of odd accidents. All the following accidents hap- pened to people in 1953 who were just as surprised as any Univer- sity student would be if they hap- pened on this campus. ROBERT HEINBAUGH was cutting his grass in his yard at Painesville, Ohio, when all of a sudden he felt shot-and it wasn't from heat or fatigue. His lawn- mower had run over a bullet and plugged him in the big toe. In Santa Cruz, Calif., John Plumbe was shot by a rake he had always regarded as trust- worthy. He was raking rub- bish into a bonfire. In the rub- bish was a shotgun shell. And in Payson, Utah, Shirl Kel- sey knelt triumphantly beside the deer he had just shot down. The animal kicked defiantly, struck the trigger of Kelsey's gun, and the bullet hit Kelsey in the thigh. ANY HOSPITAL attendant will tell you that some patients bring everything with them but the kit- chen sink. Four-year-old Joan Williams, of Texarkana, Ark., even brought that! She had to-it was attached to her finger! Joan had stuck the finger in the drain of the sink, and it stayed there. After simpler methods failed, her father unbolted the sink and took it and Joan to the hospital. They even- tually were separated. Safety experts do a lot of talk- ing about the minimum age for safe driving. The parents of Mary Jane Rodden can tell them that two and a half years is too .young. That's how old Mary Jane was the day she somehow managed to start the family car as it stood in the driveway of the Rodden home in Memphis. She had no place in particular to go, so she drove into the Rod- den living room. The only think not expensively damaged was Mary Jane. She felt fine. And before you sneer "just ano- ther woman driver" at Mary Jane, ponder the case of young Anthony Widby, of Detroit, who got behind the wheel of his family car, start- ed it up and drove it slambang into the home of his next door neighbor. Tony got off scot free with the police, too. Maybe it was because he was only two years old. WELL, IF babies can drive cars, a real smart animal ought to get away with it too. At least that's what a dog in Loncoln, Nebr., fi- gured. So when Mrs. Jewell Nor- man left her car with the motor idling, her pet pooch climbed from the back seat into the front, paw- ed the gear shift a bit, and backed the car accurately and resound- ingly into another car. His license has been suspended. In Memphis, Tenn., J. C. Light- foot stood beneath a tree on a gentle day and drank deeply of the sunshine and fresh, clear air. He was struck by the beauty of nature. Then he was struck by something else-an ear of corn dropped with precision and force by a squirrel in the branches above. Mr. Lightfoot left the beauties of nature to go home and nurse a long, deep gash in his head. Voters are asked to swallow a lot of things in a political cam- paign, but most of them don't go quite as far as nine-year-old Char- les Scheurger, of Mitchell, Ill., did in the last presidential election. He swallowed as "I Like Ike" but- ton and had to go to the hospital to have it removed. THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD Horace Boutwell, of Houston, Tex., watch- ed breathlessly as Wild Bill Hickok routed the bad men on TV. Then Horace got out his trusty air rifle and blazed away at a .22 cali- ber rifle bullet resting on a saw horse several feet away. His dead- center shot sent the casing of the .22 cartridge whizzing back into his shoulder. At the hospital he smil- ed happily. "Let's see Wild Bill top that!" he said. Historians may dispute it, but the last shot of the Civil War was fired in 1953-not in 1865. It happened in the living room of the Ishmael Lynch home in Port Gibson, Miss. A Civil War shell, found long ago on a nearby battlefield, fell from the mantel and exploded, blasting holes in the floor, walls and ceil- ing. No Union or Confederate casualities. Historians also will be interested to know that George Washington and Benjamin Franklin met again in 1953-not in Independence Hall, but in Richmond, Va. Their trucks collided on a downtown street. * * . WHEN EUGENE Duda's car jumped the curb and knocked down a lamp post in Windsor, Ont., his girl friend took the blame. "It wasn't his fault,"she told po- lice. "I kissed him." Her name? Betty Loveless. After this she probably will. Charles Carter wasn't the least bit excited as he rushed to the hospital to see his brand new baby daughter. The only rea- son he walked through the new glass front of the Washington County Hospital in Hagerstown, Md., he insisted, was because he (was dazzled by the bright lights in the hospital lobby. And in the same city-Hagers- town, Md., - 17-year-old Donald Springer made a hit all right-but he didn't get to first base. He took a big swing at the ball, miss- ed it, and hit his jaw so hard that he fractured it. * * * POLICE GET USED to almost anything in the way of traffic ac- cidents. But even they were im- pressed when a rowboat crashed into an automobile at Holland, Mich. High winds picked the boat out of Lake Michigan and hurled it into the side of the car on a lakefront road. When Joe Fee fell from the top of a tree he was pruning in Portland, Ore., he didn't get a scratch. But his wife did. She got a lump on her head, a bruis- ed hand and other injuries. He landed on her. And in New Orleans, young Car- ners Harris had too much bounce to the ounce as he jumped up and down on a sofa in his third-floor apartment. He bounced right out an open window into a sand pit 45 feet below.The soft sand and the hard stamina of a rugged four- year-old boy enabled him to es- cape with minor injuries. * * * DAY RAY, of Miami, Fla., was burned and injured' in a fall from his front porch, but he still figures he was lucky. He fell asleep while smoking and awoke with his cloth- ing in flames. In the resulting confusion he fell off the porch, landed on a water faucet and broke it. The stream of water put out the flames. Many a man has been saved, as the saying goes, by the seat of his pants. But none perhaps so literally as David Causey, of Tuscoloosa, Ala. Causey's car went out of control and came to rest hanging over a railroad overpass. Causey was thrown out. The seat of his trousers snagged on the underpart of his car, and he was left dangling 60 feet above the railroad tracks. "Best seat I ever had," he told his rescuers. In Grand Rapids, Mich., lightn- SPECIAL GIFTS for the girls, too JEWELRY COMPACTS LEATHER GOODS CIGARETTE CASES STUFFED ANIMALS with crests of fraternities, } sororities and U. of M. BURR, PATTERSON & AULD 1209 S. University aj.iGurei pavr G i j jetGeclied from Jke f(//u c Len/e RECORD PLAYERS . . $19.95 up RADIOS . . . $14.95 up RECORDS . . . Popular, Classical, Children's 99 DIFFERENT RECORD LABELS TELEVISION . . . 17" $189.95 up . . . 21" $229.95 up GIFT CERTIFICATES -any amount SHOP EARLY AT 300 South Thayer - Just West of Hill Auditorium at fischer's s It Bauer Chocolates "Capturing America by the Bite" H DAND HEY CEsNt ERScewwou s andcarmel 3 3 43 BAVARIAN MINTS-blended rich chocolate with imported and $2.75 mitflv r . . .. . . . ... .............. . $10 an $2 0 HARD AND CHEWY CENTERS-chewy nougats and caramels with afew crisp centers, rich andtasty. * * ** *........... $1.65 PECAN TODDLES-a" very pleasing combination of caramel pecans, hand dipped in mellow dark chocolate or finest milk chocolate ,$1.40-$2.75 FARMER'S DAUGHTER-the world's masterpiece in candy, all pieces dipped in milk chocolate, no creams..... .$1 .65 and $3.25 CONTINENTALS-the finest creams dipped in the 2 world's best chocolate mellowed and smooth. .............$1.65 r ing struck a furniture factory and started a fire. A minute later a second bolt struck a fire alarm, box in the factory, set off the alarm and brought four engine companies to put out the blaze. Seymour Korn unfortunately did not get to see the safety parade he had helped arrange for the Junior Chamber of Commerce in Wash- ington, D.C. As Mr. Korn made a last-minute checkup of a float, an artificial tree fell over and I bopped him on the head. By the time the doctors had fixed him up, the parade was over. And in Lakewood, Calif., Eugene Peete, a careful man, decided to stay home over the Fourth of July and avoid the hazards of holiday traffic. He did deem it safe to inspect his lawn. Bending over to admire a tender shoot, he was knocked flat by a brass pressure cap which had shaken loose from a passing plane. :; f R'yHelp Fight TO Buy Christmas Seals MICHIGAN BLANKETS 54x72 54x72 64x82 54x72 60x80 60x80 60x80 60x80 60x80 All Wool Yellow Felt Block " "... .. .. . . .. . . Extra Large All Wool Felt Block "M"......... Heavy Wool Yellow Chenille Block "M"....... Heavy Wool Yellow Chenille Block "M"........ Extra Soft Wool Yellow Chenille Block "M"... Extra Soft Wool Yellow Felt Michigan Seal.... 100% Virgin Wool Yellow Chenille Block "M"., 100% Virgin Wool Yellow Felt Michigan Seal., f a " " ." . . 0 .r"1 0.00 to to . . ."13.95 . . . ... 4...16.00 .. .........f" " 1 9.50 . . ." . . .... .22.50 ..........25.00 . . . . . . . . . . .27.50 . . . . . . . . . .27.50 Headquarters for PARKER, SHEAFFER MICHIGAN SOUVENIRS Michigan Stuffed Animals.. 1.50 up Michigan Pennants and Pillows. ......... .All Prices Michigan Scrap Books. .... 1.29 up Michigan Cocktail Glasses 8 for 2.95 Michigan Beer Mugs......59c up Musical Cigarette Box- plays The Victors..... .. .10.95 Musical Footballs.. . . ....... 3.25 Michigan Bookends ...... .2.95 up and ESTERBROOK Fountain Pens PRINTS and Colored Reproductions By Old and Modern Masters 10c to 15.00 Complete Stock of PICTURE FRAMES Finished and Unfinished For Christmas Movies &i Turret Model A-1 Z With f/2.5 coated lens Large film reel convenience. Big , f" .' pictures at low cost. Longrun. ;' drf rEvery costly feature -- slim turret . . four matched view finders, including wide angle. Lightest, smallest professional type reel load. ing camera. Come in for a free demonstration. Also available in single lens model A-f of $87.50 with f/2.5 ciatel lens. Single frame for stop motion animation Continuous run for self movies - CHRISTMAS CARDS 40 for 1.75 and up Beautiful Box Assortments "A .