Daily Managing Editor
REMOVAL OF fraternity discrimination
based on race, color or creed has made
considerable progress throughout the col-
legiate world as more and more under-
graduate and alumni fraternity members
have realized such discrimination is not
one of the fraternity ideals which deserves
support. However, there is still a powerful
group within the fraternity world which
believes the discrimination problem should
be covered up and the objectionable clauses
The later feeling takes form in re-
marks such as this one printed in a na-
tiolal fraternity magazine: "Those who
are carrying the torch in the fight against
'discrimination' are not friends of the
fraternity "system. They seek, not its re-
form, but its dissolution." The statement
was part of a long article by the execu-
tive secretary of a national fraternity
which has had a bias clause since its in-
ception. By equating the people who de-
sire clause removal with a mythical group
interested in dissolution of the fraternity
system, the secretary set up his whole
argument-the solution being: fight the
reformers because they want to destroy
your fraternities.
Paradoxically, one of the chief argu-
ments against discrimination, apart from
Its inherent undesirability, is that it con-
stitutes one of the greatest weaknesses in
the fraternity system today, and by solving
the problem, fraternities will remove one
of their largest imperfections.
Locally, progress of the anti-discrimina-
tion movement has been erratic. History
onl the question may be roughly divided into
two phases: attempts at gaining a time
limit or similar compulsive force for clause
removal and attempts to have the individual
fraternities with clauses work to remove
them. After the Ruthven and Hatcher ve-
toes of the Student Legislature sponsored
anti-bias bills, the so-called "Acacia Plan"
which became the genesis for the Big Ten
Counseling and Information Service was
passed by the Interfraternity Council.
The purely voluntary service has been
used with some success by several frater-
nities. As an effective means of helping
to remove clauses it has the limitations
of any voluntary plan. However, during
its two-year history, the plan has not al-
ways been given a chance to work. When
first passed, it was considered more a de-
vice to ward off SL activity than a sincere
policy stand. After complaints arose over
the plan's original administration, the IFC
staff managed to send out several ques.
tionnaires for houses.
Unfortunately the IFC officers have usual-
ly interpreted the voluntary provision of the
plan in a strict sense, and have not done
as much as they could to encourage use of
the counseling and information service. The
whole attitude is summarized in the latest
Use of terminology-the problem is no long-
er called the bias claus issue but is now
dubbed the "selectivity" problem. (We do
not discriminate against any group, we
merely have "selectivity" enforced by writ-
ten provision.)
Since resistance from national fraternity
organizations is usually one of the strongest
factors working against removal of discrim-
inatory clauses, the local effort must be of
maximum effectiveness if reform is to be
achieved. Thus it becomes vital that the
counseling service be fully utilized and be
given a chance to operate successfully.
Though the preliminary results give encour
agement that the service will be used, each
house with a clause should respond by par-
ticipating in the IFC program or give evi-
dence of more effective effort of its own.
At the Orpheum . .
PERHAPS I expected too much from coro-
nations, but this picture is anything but
stimulating. I felt not one twinge of nostal-
gia for the mother-country. As a matter of
fact, the whole thing is rather boring.
There are a great number of awe-inspir-
ing names connected with the film-Chris-
topher Fry, Sir Laurence Olivier, and Sir
Malcolm Sargent, to say nothing of J. Arthur
Rank. Their efforts have for the most part
been wasted.
The picture opens with brilliant shots of
England's green and pleasant land (cer-
tainly not taken on June 2, 1953-there
was no rain). From this auspicious, po-
etry-laden beginning we are taken to the
several r-al castles on the islands, and
then to f# iadon. The real business begins
with a parade to Westminster; then the
gruelling ordeal of seeing a young woman
put to all sorts of torture, cloth-of-gold
robes and such, which lasted approximate-
ly forty-five minutes. Then another pa-
rade, this one much too' long to enjoy.
Then balcony-waving.
It is very touching to see a whole empire
full of people happy because they have a
new quien. It is rather amazing (even for an
American) to estimate how much this must
have cost. But these are not elements to
make a good documentary. "A Queen Is
Crowned" would not even be good in a news-
PRIVATE VIEW by Walter de la Mare
Faber and Faber Ltd., London
THERE is a tradition in western poetry ex-
tending from the early classic lyrics al-
most uninterruptedly to the present day
which has survived with comparatively lit-
tle upheaval the turbulences characteristic
of each successive era. While major poets
have wrestled with the current of the stream,
struggling violently against the eddies of
corruption and mingling with the very ele-
ments of change, the gentler border waters
of what, for lack of a better name, must be
called lyricism, have flown unobtrusively
along beside them, attracting no more at-
tention than that which the more discern-
ing members of a busy population have
found time to bestow.
In such a tradition belongs Walter de la
Mare. His reputation as a poet has long been
established, although he is better know in
England than in America. Having survived
two world wars, lived -a substantial portion
of his life in two centuries, and seen revolu-
tions in science perhaps only comparable to
those which have occurred in the ladies'
clothing industries, he has achieved a degree
of depth and richness which a life of such
duration must necessarily give to a sen-
sitive and observent mind. In Mr. de la
Mare's recently published Private View, he
has fortunately offered us an example of
this special ripe fruit of wisdom accumulated
over fifty years of existence in a world not
always his equal in perspicasity.
He writes of poets, novelists and gen-
eralities with a beauty df language which,
even were he not concerned with essential
matters, would make the reading of his
book a pleasure. His prose exhibits a felic-
ity of assurance, rare among poets, which
enables him to express his meaning both
explicitly and with the more subtle in-
nuendos of cadence and vocabulary which
imply sentiments impossible to analyse
more directly. Furthermore, because he is
writing in his own way about his own
impressions, conclusions are never forced
upon the reader, nor does he expect them
to exert a profound influence on the, con-
temporary literary world.
When writing of Donne, of Hardy, of Ten-
nyson or of the Gorgian poets, he assumes
he is writing, as they do, for the purpose of
delighting his readers, and if, in this respect,
he seems to lack-profundity it is only because
he refuses to treat his public as a congrega-
tion and prefers to share his feelings rather
than teach them.
Of the essays included in the volume, a
third of them are devoted to novelists, a
third to poets, and a third to more generaliz-
ed comments on life and literature. Every-!
thing Mr. de la Mare has to say concerning
Henry James and Tchekov is particularly
good; among the poets, Robert Bridges and
Thomas Hardy receive special attention;
Since the poetry of both Bridges and Hardy
is little known in America, such an atten-
tion is especially valuable to us. More than,
anything, however, Private View is an ex-
planation of an attitude which the author
makes a corollary to everything he writes,
and this attitude is his own towards poetry.
Mr. de la Mare serves to remind us that
poetry springs not from the dogmas of
schools, nor from the notebooks of schol-
arly partakers of antiquity, but from an
ineluctable cast of temperament which
sustains and is sustained by particular
imaginations in all eras. Such tempera-
ments preserve, either unwittingly as is
the case with Herrick and Bridges, or with
all the bombast and prophetic counsel of
a Milton or an Eliot, the moments in men's
experience which transcend the circum-
stantial, the contingent and the contra-
versial. Although in the particulars with
which they are concerned poets must nec-
essarily differ, and although the age which
gives them birth must inevitably stamp
their work, the essential and ultimate po-
etic impulse, that which caused poetry to
be, which gave men, almost from the mo-
ment of their existence, a language with
which to break the bondages imposed by
themselves on themselves, remains un-
This Mr. de la Mare has understood to per-
fection. Free of the shackels of convention,
consummately true to himself, his opinions,
as they appear in the frame of his wide, all
be it, private view, suddenly are recognized
with surprise as the view which many of us,
looking through our own windows, have un-
knowingly and not nearly so explicitly,
shared with him.j
i it
The Week on Campus
RED AND GREEN Christmas decorations
around the town added to the slow-to-
get underway Noel spirit as students went
into a week of mid-semester exams and term
. . .
islature entered a dilly-dally session on the
problem of setting up a discrimination
board. After Legislature member Paul Dor-
mont's expose of discrimination in the
Chamber of -Commerce, the Human Rela-
tions Committee recommended a change in
the composition of the board slated to dis-
cuss the problem with local shopkeepers:
This change would add one Junior Chamber
of Commerce member and one Civic Forum
representative to the Ifresent five-member
board consisting of a Senior Chamber of
Commerce member, an administration rep-
resentative and three SL members.
Dormont advocated getting rid of the ad-
ministration representative and the Senior
chamber of Commerce member, because they
had shown discriminatory tendencies in past
But the Legislature put off acting on the
proposals and referred the issue to commit-
This leads to three possible conclusions:
1) Either SL members haven't taken time
to get acquainted with the discrimination
issue, even though it has been bantered
around since last spring.
2) They are procrastinating and do not
wish to take a stand on the proposals.
3) SL members feel they must have more
time to check into the Dormont's report,
which some Legislators consider not so well-
documented as it may appear.
* * * *
maintained its status as the campus show
when it rocked Ann Arbor in a presentation
of fission adequately mixed in with the Ten-
nessee hill country.
break in the January hearings came earlier
this week when State LYL chairman Balza'
Baxter revealed he received a supoena from
the House Un-American Activities Commit-
tee to hold hearings beginning Jan. 25 in De-
According to the LYL release concerning
his supboena, Baxter was ordered to turn
over the names of all Michigan Labor Youth
League members. Later in the week, Baxter
indicated he would refuse to do this.
a television interview, City Council Chair-
4man George W. Sallade declared that the
Council is opposed to the removal of the
present University driving ban. He cited the
very relevant argument that lifting of the
ban would increase parking and traffic
problems in Ann Arbor.
Two acute cases of food poisoning cropped
up this week. They were apparently caused
by food peddled by unlicensed night sand-
wich vendors. City Public Health Engineer
Joseph Price cautioned students to ask for
the vendor's license before buying their
--Becky Conrad
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 255
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 69
To Freshmen and Sophomores, Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Elections for the Spring Semester are
now being approved. If you will have
less than 55 hours by the end of this
semester, you should make an appoint-
ment for approval of your program in
the Faculty Counselors' Office for
Freshmen and Sophomores, 1210 Angell
The Counselors will not be available
during the examination period. If elec-
tions are not approved before that time,
please report to Auditorium C the half-
day preceding the time you are sched-
uled to register (office hours that week:
Tues., 1:30-3:30; Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:00-
11:30 and 1:30-3:30).
Late permission for women students
who attended the Union Opera on
Thurs., Dec. 10, will be no later than
11:35 p.m.
Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship. Under-
graduate women who are wholly or part-
ly self-supporting and who do not live
in a University residence hall or so-
rority house may apply for this schol-
arship, the interest on the endowment
fund, $104.72. Girls with better than
average scholarship and need will be
considered. Application blanks may be
obtained at the Alumnae Council Office
in the Michigan League. The appica-
tion blanks should be filed before De-
cember 19, and letters of recommenda-
tion from three professors or others
qualified to write in behalf of the ap-
plicant shouldrbe sent directly to the
Alumnae Council Scholarship Commit-
tee, Michigan League. The winner will
be notified before the end of the first
Co-ops. rhe Inter-Cooperative Coun-
cil, 1017 Oakland, Tel. NO-8-6872, is now
accepting applications for the spring
semester from men and women inter-
ested either in living or boarding in a
co-op. Rates, approximately $12 weekly
for roomers, $8 weekly for boarders.
Mortgage Loans. The University is in-
terested in making first mortgage loans
as investments of its trust funds. The
Investment Office, 3015 Administration
Building, will be glad to consult with
anyone considering building or buy-
ing a home, or refinancing an existing
mortgage or land contract. Appoint-
ments may be made by calling Extension
Post Caroling Entertainments have
been registered for the groups listed
below. Women's Judiciary has announ-
ced 11:30 p.m. late permission for wo-
men students on Dec. 16 and 17.
December 14, 1953
Social Work'Club
December 15, 1953
Alpha Epsilon Iota
December 16, 1953
Allen Rumsey, Chicago House
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Xi Delta
Betsy Barbour
Gamma Delta
Geddes House
Henderson House
Hinsdale (Alice Lloyd)
Kappa Sigma
Lutheran Student Association
Mosher Hall
Palmer House
Phi Kappa Sigma
Theta Delta Chi
Vaughan House
December 17, 1953
Adelia Cheever
Delta Theta Phi
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Camp Counselors: Mr.tKen Smith, of
Camp Charlevoix, located in northern
Michigan, will be interviewing candi-
dates in the Michigan Union on Tues-
day and Wednesday, Dec. 15 and 16. He
is seeking all types of counselors and
specialists. Persons interested in being
camp counselors may contact the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg., NOrmandy 3-1511, ext. 2614.
The Institute of Paper Chemistry, af-
filiated with Lawrence College, Apple-
ton, Wis., would like to hear from Feb-
ruary and June graduates who would
be interested in positions in the fol-
-lowing fields: Stress Analysis, Chem-
ical Engineering, Mechanical Engineer-
ing, Physics, Analytical Chemistry,
Wood Chemistry, Colloid Chemistry,
and Cellulose Chemistry. B.S., M.S., and
PhD. students are eligible to apply.
The McMillen Feed Mills, Division
of Central Soya Co., Inc., of Fort Wayne,
Indiana, are offering sales opportunities
to men graduates. An understanding
of agricultural economy, livestock, and
poultry nutrition is desirable.
Fairbanks, Morse & Co., of Chicago,
Ill., is interested in contacting gradu-
ating engineers for positions in both
manufacturing and sales.
The U.S. NavalhProving Ground, Dahl-
gren, Virginia, has openings for men
in Physics, Electrical Engineering,
Electronics, and Mechanical Engineer-
For additional information about
these and other employment opportu-
nities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman,
auspices Departments of Astronomy,
Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and
Geology, Mon., Dec. 14, 4:10 p.m., at the
Observatory. Topic, "The Advance of
a Neutral Ionized Solar Stream into
the Geomagnetic Field."
Academic Notices
Students of French I. The 5th review
session for students of French I will
be held on Tues. evening, Dec. 15, from
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Professor K. E. Boulding (Ext.I
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
Fritz Reiner, Conductor, Nan Merriman,
Contralto soloist, will give the fifth
concert in the current Choral Union
Series, Sun., Dec. 13, at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium. The program is as folr
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3.......Bach
"Iberia" Images No. 2........Debussy
"Till Eulenspiegel"...........Strauss
"El Amor Brujo.......... Falla
Nan Merriman, soloist
Overture to "Tannhauser......Wagner
Tickets are available at $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50, $3.00 at the office of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Memor-
ial Tower, and will also be on sale aft-
er 7 o'clock on the night of the per-
formance at the box office in Hill Au-
Opera Scenes Program, Josef Blatt,
Musical Director, and Nafe Katter, Stage
Director, is to be given Monday and
Wednesday evenings, Dec. 14 and 16, in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall (instead of
Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church,
as previously announced). The program
will include Act II from Massenet's
"Manon," Act III from "Un Ballo in
Maschera," by Verdi, and Act IV from
"The Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart.
Performers include Jack King, Robert
McGrath, Joan St. Denis Dudd, Dolores
Lowry, Mary Jo Kohl, Robert Kerns,
Andrew Broekema, Joan Rossi, Paul
Hickfang, Laura Smith, Mary Ann Tink-
ham, Pricille Bickford, Laura Smith,
Jeanne Caris, Mary 4attfeld Phyllis.
McFarland, Ruth Orr, and Stella Per-
alta. The accon panist will be Joyce Noh.
The programs will begin at 8:30 each
evening, and will be open to the general
public without charge.
The Department of Civil Engineering,
in cooperation with the College of Ar-
chitecture and Design, is sponsoring an
exhibition of the American Federation
of Arts entitled "Bridges Are Beautiful,"
December 14 to 18, Second Floor Ex-
hibit Hall, College of Architecture and
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall; A Half Century of Picasso, through
Dec. 20; Memorable Life Photographs,
Dec. 10-30. Open 9 to 5 on weekdays;
2 to 5 Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today
All Campus Carol sing on General
Library steps tonight, 8:30 p.m. Was-
sail served at Lane Hall following. All
students and faculty cordially invited.
Sponsored by S.R.A.
Spanish Club. Rehearsal of "Las
Posadas" for Xmas Party, this after-
noon, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Union.
The Philippine-Michigan Club will
hold its regular monthly meeting today
at 3 p.m., in the Michigan Union, Room
3-S. Merienda will be served.
Michigan-Christian Fellowship' Asst.
Professor Gordon Van Wylen will speak
on "The Christ of Christmas," 4 p.m.,
Lane Hall. All students invited to at-
tend. Refreshments will be served.
Evangelical and Reformed Guild. Prof.
Shozo Kodama, of Japan, will discuss
"Educational Missions in Japan," 7 p.m.
Christmas Carol Sing on Library steps,
8:30 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild. Student Seminar,
"Immortality: Not a Dead Issue," 9:30
a.m. Dr. Abbey will lead the discussion.
Fellowship Supper, 5:30 p.m., Miss Eu-
nice Sluyter from the Methodist Board
of Missions will speak briefly. Drama
Workshop Christmas program - play,
"Dust of the Roard," 6:45 p.m. Fireside
Forum goes caroling before their Christ-
mas Party at the home of Rev. Wang-
dahi, 7 p.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Holy
Communion at ' and 9 o'clock, follow-
ed by breakfast at Canterbury House.
Student confirmation instruction at
Canterbury House, 4:30 p.m. Supper at
6 p.m. at Canterbury House. Evensong,
8 p.m., with Coffee Hour following.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
Fellowship Supper, 6 o'clock. Christmas
Candlelight Song Service in the Chapel,
7 o'clock.
Roger Williams Guild. Student Class
meets in Guild House, 9:45 a.m. Mr. and
I Didn't Really Want To Blow Your House In,
t_- --
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Mrs. John Reed will present a program
of Christmas music and dramatic read-
ings, 6:45 p.m.
Lutheran Student Association. Christ-
mas program, 7 .p.m.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Christ-
mas Buffet and program at Guild House,
6 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship will
hold a Christmas supper at 5:30 p~m.,
worship service at 6:45 p.m., and carol-
ing party following the service. Small
charge for the supper.
Unitarian Student Group. Unitarian
Church, 7 p.m. Discusion on the Baha'
religion with member of that religion.
Members are requested to bring any old
clothing for the SRA clothing drive.
Those needing or able to offer trans-
portation, meet at Lane Hall, 7:15.
Hillel. 10:30 a.m. - Hillel Student
Council meeting. 5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus.
6 p.m.-Supper Club. 7:30 p.m.-Hanu-
kah Graduate party.
The Graduate Outing Club meets
at 2 p.m. today at the rear of the
Rackham Building. There will be a
cross-country hike followed by supper
at Rackham. Those who have cars are
urged to bring them to help with
transportationmto the country. New-
comers welcome.
Coming Events
University Senate. The regular fal
meeting of the University Senate will
be held on Mon., Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Undergraduate Math Club. Meeting
Monday evening, Dec. 14, at 8 p.m. in
Room 3L of the Union. Prof. Lohwater
will speak on "Real Numbers." The
faculty members are asked to re-
mind their classes. All interested are
invited to attend.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its an-
'nual Christmas party Mon., Dec. 14, at
7:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. As
an 'added delight, a joint celebration
with La Sociedad Hispanica and The
Deutscher Verein has been planned.
Music, entertainment, refreshments,
and caroling after the meeting will
make this an event you won't want to
Forum. Confusion, Chaos or Coopera-
tion-The Liberal Arts and Modern Ed-
ucational Practices. Professors Eggert,
sen, Ketcham, Ogden, and Thrall will
appear on a panel moderated by Pro-
fessor Milholland under the sponsor-
ship of Phi Delta Kappa, professional
fraternity for men in education, on
Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 15, at 3 p.m.
in Auditorium B, Mason Hall. All are
cordially invited.
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein will meet on Mon., Dec. 4, at
3:15, in the Union. Dr. Gaiss and Mr.
Baay, members of the German faculty,
will be there. German conversation. All
The Deutscher Verein will have a
joint Christmas party with the Spanish
and French Clubs on Mon., Dec. 14, at
7:30, in the Michigan Room of the Lea -
gue. 'Entertainment, Carols, refresh-
The Deutscher Verein will have its
Christmas party on Tues., Dec. 15. Mem-
bers are to meet in the basement of
Tappan Hall by 7. After caroling, the
group will go to Ypsilanti for the party.
Those with cars are asked to drive. All
women who attend have been granted
12:30 permission. Pick up permission
slips at German office in Tappan Hall
before Tuesday at 5.
U. of M. Law School Student Bar As-
sociation presents a panel discussion on
the Opportunities in the Practice of
Law Today, Tues., Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m.,
120 Hutchins Hall. The panel, compos-
ed of John Dykema, Richard Gushee,
Robert Straub, and James Crippen, will
discuss the opportunities for lawyers
In government service, a corporation,
private practice, and practice with.a
large legal firm. All interested persons
are cordially invited,
La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
afternoon from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the
wing of the north room of the Michigan
Union cafeteria. Everyone invited!
Economics Club. Meeting Mon., Dee.
14, West Conference Room, 8 p.m. 0.
R. Gregory, George Willis Pack As-
sistant Professor of Resource Econom-
ics, School of Natural Resources, will
speak on "Conservation, Economics,
and Resource Use."
Museum Movie. "Giant of the North''
(Alaska in color), free movie shown
daily at 3 p.m. daily, including Sat. and
Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie
alcove Museums Building, Dec. 15-22.
(Continued on Page 4)
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
1Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ...............City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker. ........ Associate Editor
Helene Simon ..... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business.Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp .....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1I
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and Will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Washington Merry-o-Round
Public Service
To the Editor:
MR . EBERHARD, in his article
on the proposed revision of
the GI Bill-a reversion to the ar-
rangement of the WW II plan-,
overlooks two important consid-
erations and, in its emphasis, mis-
construes the purport of the pro-
posed revision regarding these two
As Mr. Eberhard judiciously
points out, the chief criterion in
evaluating any GI "rights" must be
benefit to the veteran. On this
basis, the provisions of the 550
act are far inferior to those grant-
ed the WW II veteran. In the face
of considerable advances in the
cost of living and of spectacular
increases in tuition fees through-
out the nation (almost 100 per
cent for out-of-state U. of M. stu-
dents since 1946), the total allot-
ment under 550 is substantially
less than it was under P.L. 16. I be-
lieve it is one of the prime inten-
tions of Rep. Springer's proposal at
least partially to mitigate the in-
justice (unless one presume Korea
vets less worthy than those of
WW II} of this double deprecia-
tion in allowances.
Aside from this, the scheme of
allotting tuitions and fees sepa-
rately from living expenses has
the advantage - to the veteran
-- of not coercing him into
a choice of schools largely on
grounds of tuition economies. The
present arrangement makes en-
t elr%" i elnl oot a n
faulty as that their administra-
tion was sloppy. This may have
been largely the result of an enor-
mous mushrooming of an entirely
new program. Now that it is some-
what contracted, and the admin-
istrative set-up more fully devel-
oped and its personnel more ex-
perienced, it should be possible to
maintain an adequate and equit-
ible program economically.
M. W. Roemer
Train Fair? . .
To The Editor:
'M NOT TOO GOOD at math
(may be) some Engineers who
have slide rules can help me out.
I took a train holmne Thanksgiving.
My one way ticket to Rochester,
New York, cost me $14.13. In
Rochester at the depot ticket of-
fice I bought a round trip ticket
back to Ann Arbor for $24.00.
When I returned to Ann Arbor
and read the posters about the
Vulcansdand their "Special Re-
duced Round Trip Rates" I be-
came puzzled, for in Rochester
I had paid $24.00 for my round
trip ticket which was exactly the
same price quoted by the Vulcans
as their "Special Reduced Round
Trip Rates." I called up the New
York Central depot in Ann Arbor
to ask about their "Regular Round
Trip Fare." When they quoted
me a price of $28.27, the same
price quoted by the Vulcans, I
then asked about the one way fare.
It was still $14.13. This "Regular
"PA.r. 7lTrn Warp" rn c'r*C _ -n *.
WASHINGTON - Despite disclaimers to
the contrary, there's no question but
that the bumptious, harum-scarum gentle-
man from Wisconsin has his eye on the
White House. Al you have to do is talk to
the little band of fanatics around McCarthy
to get the true picture.
They say Joe may not make it next time
around. The political atmosphere may not
be just right. The Democrats may be too
strong by 1956.
"But our boy," they say, "is young-only
44. In 1956, he'll be only 47. He's got plen-
ty of time. Our year may be 1960, at which
-Stop Studying Russian-
THE FOUNDING fathers may have de-
creed that this nation was to be govern-
ed by a system of checks and balances with
the executive independent of the Congress,
but certain powerful Republican senators
just don't want it that way.
Specifically, Senators Knowland of Cal-
ifornia, Bridges of New Hampshire, and
McCarthy of Wisconsin have worked put a
neat little scheme whereby their men are
planted inside federal bureaus and appear
to be working for the Senators more than
for Eisenhower.
It amounts to "Government by Senate As-
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