we EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State Da3 iij WAR1 VL VOL. LXIV, No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES r Are Quad Bonds Paid Too Fast? Officials Defend Dorm Financing; Debt Payment Procedure Explained (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles on the University Residence Halls-finances, food and future.) By JON SOBELOFF Quadrangle residents are paying off a 13.5 million dollar debt. That's the amount of bonds which must be paid off solely out of residence halls' revenue within the next 25 years. To ,he individual dormitory resident, this means paying about one-fifth of his total dorm bill toward retiring residence hall bonds. SOMETIMES, students have wondered if the University is pay- ing off this debt faster than necessary, witht the quality of dormitory food and accommodations suffering as a result. To these doubts, University financiers answer they're re- tiring outstanding bonds only as fast as they legally have to. ' 0 Looked at from their point of- Adlai Says 'Fears Stop Freedoms' Talks at Dinner Korean Peace E nvoy Talks WValks End Out As U S ror Democrats PHILADELPHIA - (R') - Adlai E. Stevenson told Democratic fol lowers last night that four fears have replaced the four freedoms and "fear is poison." The 1952 Democratic presiden- tial nominee said fear of depres- . r P o n to71 sion, fear of communism, fear of ourselves, and "fear of freedom. By itself" now are on the loose and Turning away 42 shots, he bore down hardest on what he goalie J aame hs sai istherel far f eprssin.goalie Jack Ross became the said is the real fear of depression. scoreless since 1946, enabling * * Coliseum last night, 0-0, in IN AN ADDRESS prepared for It was the first scoreles delivery at a $100-a-plate fund years. raising dinner of Democrats from * 11 eastern states, the former II- MICHIGAN'S first two li linois governor asserted that his out, peppered the lanky own party's "fortunes have sud- denly improved." Then he went, after the GOP on the issues of how'U Tests Say they have handled Communists in government, Soviet espionage dis- closures and alleged violation of iian lno U. s.. secret files.1 ."If the Administration is look- 2OgOO ea e Battles to 0-0 Tie DAVE BAAD , many in sensational fashion, Toronto e first to hold a Michigan hockey team g the Blues to .tie the Wolverines at the the finale of the two game series. s tie for a Maize and Blue team in 24 * * * ines, playing aggressive hockey through- Sta robin Cites New Policy In Red China By DOROTHY MYERS and GENE HARTWIG Post - revolutionary Communist China is "completely reforming" the conditions by which Western powers run themselves, according to Joseph Starobin, Daily Worker reporter whogave an off-campus address here yesterday. Speaking at a Labor Youth League meeting attended by near- ly 30 people, Starobin, who re- cently completed an extensive tour of the Far East described two major changes brought about by the Communists in China. FIRST of the changes is land reform, which, according to Star- obin, "has created conditions for j mechanization, productivity and internal markets" which had nev- er existed before "in feudal China. For the first time Chinese are run- ning their country for themselves." "What is happening in China today-is analogous to changes which most of the human race still need," the reporter said, listing Asia, the Near East, Ari- ca, and South America in at- tempts to substantiate his point of view'. ".Te difference between China and other backward areas of the , world is that in China the change is taking place under working class leadership," while in other back- ward areas, like India, similar changes "are being directed by the bourgeoisie," he asserted. * * * "THERE is nothing the United States can do about this change, he said, adding that while Russia and other nations are determined to keep war from coming about, America keeps preparing for war. This country is "all dressed up with no place to go," he claimed. The democratic revolution led by Communists is sweeping the world, he added, but a military answer to the situation is "in- creasingly unrealistic." Speaking of Indo-China, Staro- bin continued "the future of France- is being decided in the Far East today," and the future of France will affect the situation in Europe and the balance of pow- er in the world. 2 France will be unable to con- tinue war against the Vietnamese for long, he said, because a com- plete realignment will soon be brought about in France - a change which will affect French sympathies on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and other French alliances. view, the 13.5 million dollar debt means setting aside about 20 'per cent of each year's residence halls' revenue to meet principal and in- terest payments on the bonds.. The University tries to set dorm rates so that each year's revenue provides enough money to make these yearly debt payments at the "normal" rate-just fast enough to get the bonds paid off by the time they are due. THE ANNUAL "normal" debt requirement for principal and in- terest on the bonds figures out to $737,500 under the present financ- ing program. In case administrators wind up a year with more revenue than they expected, they are re- quired to use these excess earn- ings to pay off the longest term bonds in -the financing group that made the "profit." (A fi- nancing group is a group of dormitories whose revenues have been pledged together to back up a particular bond issue.) But bond payments can drop as low as 85 percent of the "normal" rate without the University's de- faulting on the bonds. So if any particular year is rougher than expected, University officials have a 15 per cent leeway temporarily. However, any drops below "nor- mal" payments will have to be made up by above "normal" pay- ments in later years in order to meet the bond maturity deadline. AS RECENTLY as the 1950-51 school year, the University failed to meet the normal obligation by about $60,000. But the overall pattern has seen two to three per- cent-of the residence halls' budget turning tip as extra revenue be-! yond the bond obligation in an average year. Manager of Service Enterpris- es Francis C. Shiel explains that this year's residence halls' bud- get includes a safety margin be- yond the bond requirement of 1.2 per cent of the total budget, or about six per cent of the re- quirement itself. Shiel also points out that "no, dormitory will pay for itself if; we have to borrow 100 percent of its cost." The only way dormitor- ies can be paid for without outside gifts or grants is slowly, over a period of years, with refinancing and the help of revenues from other dormitories. In general then, the charge that residence halls' bonds are being paid off too fast doesn't seem to be supported by the facts, considering that a slight margin of two to three per cent is needed as a cushion to allow for mistakes in estimating year- ly revenue. The revenue bonids which the University still had to pay off as of June, 1953, included four sep- arate issues totalling exactly $13,- 468,000. Here is a table of the debt, and the dormitories whose revenues are pledged to pay it. r Toro @ nto netminder continuously but couldn't flip the puck past Ross. Willard Ikola, who had a shut- out spoiled Friday evening when Toronto defenseman, Lou Apple- by slipped a screen shot past him with less than five minutes remaining, blocked 27 shots to- night to notch his first goose- egg of the season. Last season, the Eveleth, Minne- sota star kept the goal clean of pucks on two occasions. I ing for a good crusade," Steven- son said, "I would recommend a crusade to combat the Commu- nist conspiracy without resort- ing to Communist methods to do it." The Democratic Party chief took a direct swipe at Attorney General Herbert Brownell and a fling or twp at Senator' Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.). But in what seems to be a Democratic strategy pattern he omitted any vigorous, direct criticism of President Ei- senhower personally. STEVENSON said he believes Eisenhower has set his face against the things the former Il- linois governor found fault with. Then he said: "But while hes his colleagues While. he calls friends light the ia. speaks of unity, see disunity. for calm, his fires of hyster. "While he invokes the Ameri-" can tradition that the accused has the right to be confronted by hisj accuser, members of his Admin- istration and his party charge, try, condemn and convict in a singlet action of the hand. "I only wish President Eisen. hower could speak for the Ei- senhower Administration." After drawing that line between Eisenhower and the GOP Admin- istration, Steverson said that only a dozen years ago "a great Ameri- can redefined and reaffirmed our heritage of liberty." He said he was speaking of ther late President Roosevelt and the four freedoms-freedom of speech and expression, freedom of wor- ship, freedom from want, freedom. from fear-first laid down in an address to Congress on Jan. 6, 1941. WAA Basketball Couzens III will play Victort Vaughan at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in continuation of the Women's Ath- letic Association intramural bas-1 ketball tournament. Phoenix Project Lab Proves Early Date By JANE HOWARD University tests last week fi- nally proved that man inhabited North America 20,000 years ago_ twice as long ago as any previous estimated date. A mammoth's tusk found in Sandia Cave, New Mexico, has been definitely correlated in age with flint pieces, a crude fireplace and other litter obviously used3 there by man. * * * CREDIT FOR the discovery is largely due to Prof. H. Richard Crane of the physics department, who operated radiocarbon tests at a Phoenix Project laboratory which determined the tusk's agej and to Prof. Volney H. Jones of the anthropology department, The tusk was found in 19:; and later submitted to the Uni- versity's radiocarbon machine, under Crane's supervision. Dif- ficulties arose when radioactive clouds from the Bikini atom bomb tests caused the machine to measure the air's radio acti- vity rather than that of the tusk. "However," Crane explained, "inj the last four years a new technique has been developed at the Phoenix Project laboratory enabling the measurement of the tusk in spite of atomic tests." The radiocarbon technique, he added, is not valid beyond a period of 25,000 years, so' that the tusk in question is almost too old to be measured. Jones said that unusually dis- tinct stratification in the Sandia Cave site offers defihite proof that men did live there 20,.00 years ' ago. BrownGets Post Elected treasurer of the Ameri- can Institute of Chemical Engi-! neers for the coming year is Dean George Granger Brown of the en- !s gineering school.1 Brown was elected at -the Insti- tute's 46th Annual Meeting in! St. Louis, Mo. I THE WOLVERINE three-man defensive corps played its best game of the year despite the fact that Burt Dunn, and Lou Paolatto were both injured the night be- fore. Dunn wore a helmet to pro- tect the 20 stitches that were necessary to' sew up the cut re- ceived in the Friday night's 6-1 victory over the Blues h Along with captain Jim Haas, this duo prevented the Blue for- wards from getting many direct shots. However, twice in the final period Ikola was forced to turn away breakaway drives, a save on Dave Stephen at about the 12-minute mark being es- pecially brilliant. During the first two stanzas the play was fairly even, although the Wolverines outshot Toronto 24 to 16. In the third period Michigan turned on the pressure and drilled 18 shotsdat Ross. most of them un- deflected drives. RIGHT WING George Chin, who scored four times in the series opener had the best scoring chance shortly after the period's midway point. He picked up the puck along the right boards and skated in all alone on the Blue netminder. Breaking across the front of the net, he drilled one for the lower lefthand corner of the goal, but Ross deflected his drive just wide with his left knee pad. See IKOLA, Page 3 Induistry Health Problems Seen Medical directors of 32 large in- dustrial concerns throughout the eastern United States and Can- ada met here Friday and yester- day for the Fifth Annual Discus- sional on Industrial Health Prob- lems. The group viewed new problems which may be expected to con- front their organizations in 1954. Particular emphasis was devoted to the future use of titanium, an alloying metal which will be pro- duced in manufacturing facilities. Prof. Warren Cook of the School f Public Health explained that if it goes unchecked, titanium might lead to a situation of occupational disease. Medical directors must therefore be on the alert to report any such symptoms. Titanium is used in conditionsI requiring low specific gravity. -Daily-Betsy Smith MICHIGAN'S MILT MEAD (34) DROPS ONE IN 'M' Cagers in Third, Beat Marquette, 89-74E By WARREN WERTHEIMER Michigan's cagers racked up win number three of the season with an 89-74 triumph over a tall Marquette five last night. The undefeated Wolverines made good use of the fast break as they grabbed the lead at the end of the first quarter and stayed in front the rest of the way. Harvey Williams, despite the fact that he fouled out of the game tallied 19 points to lead Michigan's scorers. Jim Barron followed close behind with 17. * * * * DESPITE the final 15 point margin, the game was close through- out. From early in the second - quarter until the last three mm-CG utes of the game the Maize and 'nica 00 Gr'oup Blue maintained a lead which wasa never more than nine points or To Perform less th a n th ree.Ah i Dh tmr r . - At that time~ Dln Eaddy~ hil ~ Dean Stung By Chinese Accusation 'Perfidy' Claimed By Communistis By The Associated Press It seemed highly probable yes- terday that the end has been reached to efforts at Panmunjom to set up a Korean peace confer- ence and that the. next move will be up to the February session of the United Nations General As- sembly. U. S. Envoy Arthur Dean angri- ly walked out of a parley hut yes- terday and declared the talks were "recessed indefinitely" after the Chinese Red delegate had accused the U. S. government of "perfidy." * * * DEAN BROKE OFF a heated five hour, 45 minute session by saying he would not come back until the Reds messaged him a retraction and would give them "only a reasonable time" to do this. Another source said this meant tomorrow or Tuesday, time enough to let the Reds consult with Peiping and Moscow. It seemed unlikely the Reds would retract their charge that the release last June of 27,000 anti-Red Korean war prisoners was plotted by the United States with the South Korean govern- ment. In Washington, the State De- partment offered no immediate comment pending word from Dean on the recess. ON THE LOCAL scene, Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science department commented last night that the Communist charge against Dean's. actions is "just another in a series of ta- tics designed to stall the 'peace talks indefinitely." a A complete breakdown in the Panmunjom talks would throw the Korean peace conference question back into the now-re- cessed UN General Assembly. .But there was a move at the UN yesterday for immediate Assembly action. The Assembly recessed Wednes- day subject to a call of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Indian president, if 31 or more members agree with her that developments make it necessary. The United States has promised to support such a call if there are good reasons for it. Orientation Experienced orientation group leaders may pick up applica- tions for group leader positions during the spring semester orientation period between 3 and 5 p.m. daily in the Union student offices. I t14 4114[:4 41111C, " 1 U Y 11 a pair of four foul shots and then tallied four field goals in the last" 180 seconds to account for Mich- igan's large final bulge. Tom Jorgenson, who was a doubtful starter, not only started but played most of the game and its well for Michigan he did. The 6-0 sophomore connected with three of his six field in the initial period and was primarily respon- sible for preventing the Hilltop- pers from opening up a sizeable lead. His passing on fast breaks was something to see and he also stole a number of passes and grabbed some rebounds. He finished his evening's work with 14 markers. S * * WHILE the Wolverines were scoring a great deal off their fastI break, Marquette made use of its height to score in close to the bas- ket. Six foot nine Terry Rand, 6-7 Russ Wittberger, and 6-6 Rube See WILLIAMS, Page 3 Today at Hill Music from the classic to the romantic period in both a serious and humorous vein will be fea- tured by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in a concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Nan Merriman, mezzo-soprano will appear as soloist with the orchestra, singing "El Amor Bru- jo" by Falla. Miss Merriman's appearance will mark the first time a guest orchestra has brought a soloist to perform -before local aud- iences. Bach's Brandenburg Concerto, No. 3 will open the program, and will be followed by "Iberia" Suite by DeBussy. R. Strauses' "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks" will be included in the program, and following the work with Miss Merriman, Wagner's Overture to "Tannhauser" will conclude the program. Greeks Play Saint Nick i. f Ba d 1946 ISSUE: Includes Mosher-Jordan, Stockwell Hal and West Quadrangle. Must be paid off by 1967. Outstanding, R esidences, $3,245,000. U esidences TERRACE REVENUE BONDS: Covers University Terrace Apartments. Esti- mated year of final payment: 1976. Out- The Air Force ROTC band will standing, $1,810,000. leave North Hall at 8 p.m. today FIRST ISSUE 1950: Includes Alice Lloyd to play Christmas carols and Hail, East Quadrangle, Victor Vaughan. hymns at several places on cam- Must be paid by 1980, estimate will be pus. paid by 1978. Outstanding, $5,247,000. SECOND ISSUE 1950: South Quadrangle. Traveling from place to place Estimated final payment; 1978. Must be on a University bus, the 30-piece paid by 1980. Outstanding, $3,166,000. band will visit the Women's Resi- (Next-Food in the dormitories.) dences, the University Hospital,! St. Joseph Hospital, President * college Harlan H. Hatcher's home, and it era y ol bus Tickets Tickets for 'the Willow Hop- pers, special airline buses,. which will take vacationing students to Willow Run Air- port on Friday, will be on sale tomorrow through Thursday. The jbuses will also be on hand at Willow Run Airport on Sunday, Jan. 3, to bring re- turning air passengers back to Ann Arbor. Tickets, priced at $1.50 round trip and $1 one way, may be World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK-A flood tide of printed news, unique, probably, inj all newspaper publishing history, rolled down on New York last night. In the first regular publication of Sunday newspapers after an 11-day strike had almost completely halted the city's presses, five Manhattan papers got out editions totaling 1,698 pages. WASHINGTON-The military defense budget, by far the biggestj item of federal expenditure, was placed before President Eisenhower yesterday. At a White House conference afterward, Press Secretary James C. Hagerty told reporters there would be no announcement as to the figures at this time. Arnold Society To Give Show The Arnold Air Society, com- posed of Air Force ROTC cadets, will sponsor a variety show for disabled veterans at 8 p.m. Tues- day in the auditorium of the new Veterans' Hospital. In charge of the show and mainly responsible for arranging a talent program is Richard Balz- hiser, '54E, president of the, So- ciety. The program will include songs by the Air Force glee club, a quartet of football players, and soloist' Bob McGrath, '54SM. Also scheduled to appear are the Vaughn Shadows, the Novlaires, Dick Spademan, '56, Floyd Zar- bock, '54, and Eddie Ravenscroft, '57. WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mc- Carthy (R-Wis.) said yesterday he will question "Air Force wit- nesses" for the first time in pub- lic next week at hearings into ** * * WASHINGTON - The Eisen- hower Administration was re- ported yesterday to be drafting a far-reaching new social se- curity proposal, keyed to high- w- ~rr .. II I I