PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1953 U I ft I The Democratic Oppostion-- How Effecti~veIs It.? IN THEIR first year as an opposition par- ty after twenty years in power, the Dem- ocrats have not shown much talent for the role. In fact, only recently have the Dem- ocrats siown any signs that they regard themselves as an opposition party at all. Although it has been repudiated by the na- tional committee, the remarks of many Democrats show that they would like to take advantage of the still considerable popularity of President Eisenhower by boasting that they are the real, genuine 100 per cent Eisenhower supporters and that it is only through their efforts that any Re- publican legislation gets pased. While it is true that in the last session of Congress Democratic votes passed at least half the President's bills, there is a. good deal of danger in the Democrats de- claring themselves ever loyal and true to Eisenhower. At election time he is cer- tain to come out in support of any Repub- lican anywhere, as he did in giving his support to McCarthy and Jenner. Also the Democrats must not forget, in the lo- cal issues of the 1954 Congressional cam- paigns, that in 1956 they may have to defeat him and will definately have to criticize his Administration and its leg- islation. There has been a lot of ambiguous talk about constructive opposition. The Demo- crats are out of office because they held difa ferent views than the Republicans, but the outcome of the election should riot change those opinions. So far the Democratic op- position has been diffused and uncoordi- nated. This could be corrected by setting up a party committee in the House and Senate to work out weekly strategy; in this way very little opportunity would be missed for the criticism of the Administration that is the chief function of the "outs." The present Administration is much concerned with "selling itself" to the public, and the important thing is that the Democrats of- fer the public an alternative. After Adlai Stevenson's return to the Unit- ed States, a reporter asked him if he still regarded himself as the titular head of the party. "Did I ever?" he replied. In his speeches, however, he frequently talks as the pa- ty head, and many Dem- ocrats wish he were more active in that capacity. His eloquence will certainly be needed in the Congressional elections, and many wish it was being more widely dis- persed now. Stevenson was unknown to the public be- fore the last Presidential campaign and it is particilarly important for him to be active now. The "one party press" has little room for Democratic views now that the party has no President whose remarks must be printed and whose speeches must be broadcast and telecast. McCarthy has been on TV many times, both in his committee hearings ind on opinion programs; Eisenhower and Nix- on have appeared several times. It is vitally necessary for Stevenson to have a regular radio or TV program. As the Eisenhower crusade begins to sag, it is of greatest im- portance to the Democrats that Stevenson go on "talking sense to the American pub- lic." --Marge Piercy TODAY AND TOMORROW: President Eisenhower's Speech-- Its Relation to Bermuda, Berlin By WALTER LIPPMANN THE PRESIDENT has found a way to bring the dread subject -of atomic warfare within the range of serious discussion. He has done this-quite evidently-not as an exercise in psychological warfare but as a result of a, serious re-examination of Ameri- can, policy. The great virtue of the new proposal is not only that it is very attractive to all mpen of good will but that its sincerity can- not be disputed. Its sincerity is attested by the fact that the proposal reflects he en- lightened self interest of this country. In a matter of such terrible consequence as the preparation for atomic warfare, it is worse than useless, it is very dangerous, to trifle with Utopian self-denying and self- sacrificing schemes. They can cause only deep suspicion and distrust because no pro- posal by a government will be believed which might jeopardize its ultimate security. The new American proposal does not pre- tend to limit or even to regulate atomic weapons. That is in its favor. It is healthy to give up the pretense that we think the Soviet Union would, or that we ourselves would, agree to international control and inspection of the top-most secret military operation. It was embarrassing to be involved in the pretense that the Congress would ratify or that the people would support a system of what would be denounced as li- censed international espionage. As long as we were entangled in such pro- posals, the public discussion of atomic is- sues, could lead to nothing except ever greater fear and suspicion. For our real policy was bound to be different from our Utopian proposals. It was bound to be that far from disarming, we intended to im- prove our atomic armaments, relying upon them to maintain a balance of power be- tween the enormous population of the Com- munist orbit and the limited population of the Atlantic Community. The new proposal abandons the pre- 4ense that we could or would renounce the mainstay of our military power. It proceeds, then-if I understand it right- ly-from the fact that our production of fissionable material has become so big that there is a surplus beyond our military requirements. It is from this surplus that we are proposing to contribute materials for international development of the pa- cific uses of atomic energy. Since we have the surplus, since we are not pretending that we are making a military sacrifice, there is no reason- why the world should doubt that genuineness of the proposals. Yet the scheme, if the Soviet Union is willing to accept it, might achieve some of what the old scheme of control and irspec- tion was designed to do. The willingness and the ability of the various nations to con- tribute surplus atomic material to an in- ternational agency, the rate of delivery and the continuity of it, might be indices of the volume of atomic production. This might do something to reduce the danger and the fear of surprise attack, in that the in- ternational agency might serve as a kind of early warning system. ** * * - If I am right in thinking that there is a general tide running.towards a relax- ation of the tension without settling con- clusively any of the great issues, then this speech and the Berumuda communique are running with that tide. The President's new proposal is that the tension of the atomic race should be low- ered without attempting or pretending at this time to end the race. The Bermuda communique shows an agreement that though no settlement is reached to unify Germany and to fix an eastern frontier, or to roll back the iron curtain, the West- ern nations are ready to reduce the tension by saying, again that they will not use force to settle these issues and to change the status quo. It is tempting to speculate on what the Soviet Union may propose at Berlin. Let us make the assumption that she will not agree to a unified re-armed Germany within the Atlantic Community.-What, then, might she be preparing to offer which will (a) delay German re-armament and (b) relax the tension in Europe? It will not be prudent to assume that the Russians have accepted the invitation to go to this conference and yet that they will go there in order to pro- mote ratification of E.D.C. They may, of course, do that. But we had better not count on it. There are in circulation abroad a num- ber of notions some of which, it seemed to me when I heard them, might have been feelers put out by the Soviet govern- ment itself. The most formidable of these notions was that the number of troops in the armies of occupation should be reduced by four pow- er agreement. To do this it would not be necessary to re-unite Germany or to settle any of the big issues of a German treaty. Yet a concrete proposal to reduce the num- ber of divisions in Germany might have very considerable effect. It would undoubtedly reduce the ten- sion in Germany and in Europe. If the So- .viet army in Germany were reduced sub- stantially-as it has been in Austria-it would cease to be capable of a surprise at- tack against Western Europe. This change of the military situation would have far- reaching effects on the whole disputed problem of German rearmament. I heard several variants of this notion, of which the most effective was that in addi- tion to reducing the number of divisions, there should be a four power agreement to create a demilitarized zone in the center of Germany which would include Berlin. We should be well prepared before we go to Berlin for proposals of this type. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Absent Witness Servants of foolish hope or dark design, Driven by guilt, or, worse, by innocence To sudden death-you are now free to decline To testify again in your defense. Earth is a safer sanctuary now ,n fa hFif-t Amp~ndAmsv at . T(i111' IVAmted MATTER OF FACT By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-As this is written, every sign suggests that Malenkov is going to turn down President Eisenhower's proposal to create a world pool of fissionable mater- ials, just as flatly as Stalin turned down the Marshall Plan. And this turn-down is just as fortunate for the United States and the Western World as was the earlier one. For a simple fact was rather gener- ally overlooked in the first spate of justi- fied enthusiasm for the President's speech. If the Soviets had agreed to turn over a limited quantity of fissionable material to international control, this would not have reduced by one iota the threat to national survival inherent in what the President called "the awful arithmetic of the atomic bomb." Production of fissionable material (which used to be measured by the thimbleful) is now measured by the ton. If both the So- viet Union and the United States were to hand over to international control a few pounds of the deadly stuff-or even many pounds-this would in no way effect the world balance of nuclear power, nor the threat of nuclear aggression. As long as the Soviet Union continues to produce fissionable material, and to turn it into nuclear weapons, this threat will hang over the United States and the Western World. Yet it is easy to imagine the reaction in this country and throughout the West if the Kremlin had complacently agreed to hand over a limited quantity 'of fis- sionable rawstuffs to an international agency. "RUSSIANS ACCEPT EISEN- HOWER PLAN," the headlines would read. And this might be just as fatal to the whole NATO system of alliances as a Rus- sian agreement to participate would cer- tainly have been to the Marshall Plan. This is not to suggest that the President's proposal was unwise or that he should not have made the speech he did make. On the contrary, in terns of the American world position, it was absolutely essential that he make such a speech, despite the danger that Malenkov might not make the same mistake that Stalin made when he rejected the Marshall Plan. This danger now appears past. But the "awful arithmetic" which the President des- cribed remains. For the first time, the President confirmed that "hydrogen bombs in the range of millions of tons of TNT equivalent" can be produced. He did not say whether these collossal weapons could be delivered by any known aircraft-and this no doubt remains a problem for both the American weaponeers and their Soviet opposite numbers. Yet in view of what the- President said about atomic bombs, this problem looks essentially academic. The President said that we are now producing atomic bombs "25 times more powerful" than the bombs which des- troyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From a. technical point of view, this was the only real surprise in the President's speech. For the awful arithmetic in this case works out to mean bombs with a power of half a million tons of TNT-500-giloton bombs, to use the technical jargon. This is just about double the highest previous unofficial estimate of the power of the largest atomic bomb. Given the large-scale production of ato- mic bombs of this caliber, it does not matter a great deal whether the hydrogen bomb is presently a deliverable weapon or not. A single 500-kiloton atomic bomb will de- vastate an area of 54 square miles. One such bomb, in short, provided it can be de- livered on target, will rip the guts out of the greatest city on earth. A few hundred of these bombs will therefore be quite sufficient to accomplish "the annihilation of the irreplacable heri- tage of mankind," by destroying the earth's larger population centers, The President did not (as he once considered doing) go into the awful arithmetic of nuclear stockpiling. But it is no secret that we are now capable of producing large atomic bombs in the thousands and that the Russians are not very far behind. And when the President indicated we were producing 500 kiloton atomic bombs, he must have been certain that this would come as no great surprise to the Russians. In short, the President's speech served to confirm that the United States and the So- viet Union are already, to use Dr. Oppen- heimer's striking phrase, "like two scorpions in a bottle." The Kremlin's reaction is in turn serving to demonstrate that mutual agreement to control the terrible new wea- pons will provide no way out of the bottle. This being so, a second Presidential speech --the speech "primarily for the American people" which the President had originally planned to make-seems clearly called for. Short of genuine international control, nothing on earth, as the President said, can guarantee absolute safety for the ci- ties and citizens of any nation." But safety is a relative thing. In view of the Soviet reaction to the President's speech, there is only one way for this country to nr.hiev e a a h tolerableminimum of safe "Can You Spare Enough To Light A Lamp?" ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON Reality ... T HE PEOPLES of the United States and the World, includ- ing those behind the Iron Cur- tain, certainly should be grateful to Eisenhower for bringing into focus once again our real problem. There can be no doubt that we all agree wholeheartedly with these noble aspirations. However, in terms of concrete applications in order to give some effect to these ideals, the leaders of the world tragically refuse to look at the truth or reality. In Russia states- men foolishly spend their valuable time arguing the sterile polemics of "capitalist imperialism" & "dic- tatorship of the proletariat." Here in the U.S. men are concerned with falling cattle prices and waste great efforts intellectually and economically on a futile dis- cussion between "subversives in the Government" and "Academic Freedom." Yet man the world around, like the ostrich, doesn't like to cast his eyes on facts if they seem unpleas- ant, and fatelistically he takes great joy in ignoring the real prob- lems presented by Eisenhower. As the primitive caveman who felt helpless before the awes of thun- der & lightning and supplicated himself before quack medicine- men,stoday the average man and [his so-called leaders love to de- ceive themselves, because securi- ty, even if it is false, feels good. Unlike the caveman, however, ra- tional men today could modify their environment, if they had the will to sacrifice the sovereignty of the state. But this would be trea- son in the U.S. and in the USSR. The Eisenhower speech may touch off discussion, but in actual accomplishment probably nothing will be done to control atomic en- ergy. Following the Heroshima blast, way back in 1945 when the world was given the same warn- ing, shockingly little has been done in even recognizing that any prob- lem exists, not alone beginning to attack its solution. Instead dreamers have clouded the issue with charges of "Communist Con- spiracy" and 'World domination" on one side, while in the other camp they have been content with nonsense about "Capitalist encir- clement." In short the root of the prob- lem, as I see it, is a fervent nation- alism, almost verging to the point of facism, raging in all countries whether you look at the U.S., the USSR or India. I predict that the world will soon forget this speech and. return to politics as usual, which is the real tragedy. -Robert Whealey * * * G.I. Bill., GEORGE Zuckerman and Jasper Reid would be increasing the value of their public service if aft- er informing Senator McCarthy that "Dwight Eisenhower was elec- ted President to carry forth a con- structivesprogram for the benefit of the entire nation" they would leave a similar message at the White House. -Dave Kornbluh THISlegislation entrusted to a regional agent of the Federal government twenty years ago flood control, navigation improvement, and power generation in the Ten- nessee Valley area Today, there are thirty major dams in the. Ten- nessee River system,, and half a dozen major interconnected steam plants. This system provides security from floods to thousands of acres of land in the Tennessee Valley and reduces flood hazards to an additional 6,000,000 acres ,ofpro- ductive land along the Mississippi River. Flood savings average about $11 million a year, with more than half these benefits outside the Tennessee Valley. - -The Reporter i WASHINGTON-Grumpy Winston Churchill groused and grumbled backstage over Ike's atomic-energy speech, because it empha- sized Bermuda do-nothingness. But actually the speech should be a great break for England . . . . What England needs most is cheap power. Her coal, once the backbone of British factories, is getting low. Iranian oil has been taken away. But cheap atomic powers could revolutionize British industry . . . . England and U.S.A. were ready to swap atomic secrets once again, just before the Harry D. White expose broke. This made Ike shy away from it. (Bad political re- action.) However, if Russia turns down the atomic-energy pool-as expected-the United States and England can go full-steam ahead .... Australia, France, Belgium and South Africa would also be in- cluded in an atomic pool of raw material and scientific information operating just as the automobile companies swap new patents. Lanky, publicity-minded C. D. Jackson, the White House psychological expert, masterminded the U.N. atomic energy speech. The speech was 'written and rewritten so many times, Jackson des- cribed it privately as a "mice nest"-nothing much left of it but tatters . . . . He argued first that it must be delivered, second that it must be delivered dramatically, so the entire world would listen. Hence the idea of cutting short the Bermuda confer- ence and the brilliant idea of flying direct to New York. This also served to cover up the futility of the Bermuda meet- ing which Ike never wanted in the first place and which was held only "to please Winston." . . . . Churchill finally accepted the atomic speech only after Anthony Eden insisted. To please Winston, Eisen- hower toned down portions referring to H-bomb damage in Europe, or rather he let Churchill tone it down. Both Churchill and Premier Joseph Laniel called attention to the fact that American atomic cannon were already in Europe and there was no use scaring Western allies with too many headlines on the holocaust of hydrogen warfare., ARMY AND SCHOOL BUSES W HITE HOUSE ADVISERS are walking on eggs since the New Jer- sey Supreme Court handed down its decision that the Protestant St. James Bible could not be distributed in schools even when parents request in writing that their' children have it. The court ruled that this infringed on the separation of church and state. Reason for White House skittishness is what happened across the Potomac River at Fort Myer, Va., recently. There, the commanding officer, Col. Donald Galloway, has been' using government-owned and -operated buses to transport Catholic.) children to local parochial schools. About 100 Catholic children of Army officers and enlisted men at Fort Myer have been transported daily across the river to Catholic schools in Washington, or to Arling- ton, Va. However, Defense Department economy moves, plus belief that no' one religious group should benefit from the use of federal money to the exclusion of others, caused an order that the bus service be stop- ped. The order to Colonel Galloway came from the Pentagon. Within a matter of hours, the White House stepped in, counter- manded the Pentagon's order. Colonel Galloway was told to continue the transportation of Catholic children. Importance of the incident lies in the fact that the Army was preparing to cancel all bus transportation for Catholic schools at all Army posts, partly for economy, also in accord with earlier court rulings for separation of church and state. The New Jersey court ruling that a protestant bible cannot even be distributed in schools where - parents request it has heightened the issue. The Army is passing all queries on to the White House. WARREN V. SEGREGATION THOSE WATCHING the vital jetter4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. . N DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. 4 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all mem~bers of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1953 VOL. LXIV, No. 68 Notices February Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates. The Teacher's Oath will be ad- ministered to all August candidates for the teacher's certificate during the week of Dec. 14, in 1437 U.E.S. The )of- fice will be open from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 5. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship. Under- graduate women who are wholly or part- ly self-supporting and who do not live in a University residence hall or so- rority house may apply for this schol- arship, the interest on the endowment fund, $104.72. Girls with better than average scholarship and need will be considered. Application blanks may be obtained at the Alumnae Council Office in the Michigan League. The applica- tion blanks should be filed before De- cember 19, and letters of recommenda- tion from three professors or others qualified to write in behalf of the ap- plicant should be sent directly to the Alumnae Council Scholarship Commit- tee, Michigan League. The winner will be notified before the end of the first semester. Co-ops. The Inter-Cooperative Coun- ci, 1017 Oakland, Tel. NO-8-6872, is now. accepting applications for the spring semester from men and women inter- ested either in living or boarding in a co-op. Rates, approximately $12 weekly for roomers, $8 weekly for boarders. Lectures Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman, auspices Departments of Astronomy, Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and Geology, Mon., Dec. 14, 4:10 p.m., at the Observatory. Topic, "The Advance of a Neutral Ionized Solar Stream into the Geomagnetic Field." Academic Notices School of Education Makeup, Senior Personality Tests may be taken either on Fri., Dec. 11, at 3 p.m., in 1025 Angell Hall, or on Sat., Dec. 12, at 8:30 a.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Geometry Seminar, Mon., Dec. 14, 7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will speak on "Apolarity in Two and Higher Dimensions." Interdisciplinary Seminar in the In- tegration of the Social Sciences. (Eco- nomics 353: Mr. Bolding). This seminar will be held ;n the second semester on Wednesday from 4 to 6, and will coincern itselfEwith the general field of the theory of information and commu- nication. Faculty members and gradu- ate students who are interested in par- ticipating are invited to communicate with Professor K. E. Boulding (Ext. 430). Male Chorus and the Ann Arbor High School Chorus conducted by John Mer- rill; University High School' Choir, Frank McKowen, conductor; St. Thomas Boy Choristers, Charles H. Clarke, con- ductor; and the Ped-Ford Chorus, Lu- ther, Fenker, conductor. Miss F., Ei- leen Lay is Pageant Director, and Sid- ney F. Giles will present a special pro- gram of Carillon music one half-hour preceeding the Sing. Hill Auditorium doors will open at 7 o'clock. No admis- sion charge. Concerts The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner, Conductor, Nan Merriman, contralto soloist, will give the fifth concert in the current Choral Union Series, Sun., Dec. 13, at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium. The program is as fol- lows: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3.......Each "Iberia" Images No. 2....... .Debussy "Till Enlenspiegel".............Strauss "El Amor Brujo .................Falla Nan Merriman, soloist Overture to "Tannhauser". Wagner Tickets are available at $1.30, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 at-the office of the Vniver- sity Musical Society in Burton Memor- ial Tower, and will also be on sale aft- er 7 o'clock on the night of the per- formance at the box office in Hill Au- ditorium. EvetsToday Pi Lambda Theta, honorary organi- zation for women in education, will hold its fal initiation this afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Rack- ham. Hillel. 9 a.m.-Community Seros; 7:30-Hanukah Treasure Hunt spOnlt- ed by the married couples. Annual Hillel Residence Pwrty will be held tonight. Coming Events Undergraduate Math Club. Meetlng Monday evening, Dec. 14, 'at 8 p.m, in Room 3L of the Union. Pref. Lohwater will speak on "Real Numbers." The faculty members are asked to Te- mind their classes. All interested are invited to attend. Newman Club will sponsor a C(4m- munion Breakfast after the 9:30 Mass, Sun., Dec. 13. Judge Joseph A. Moy- nihan, presiding Circuit Judge of Michigan, will be the featured speaker. Tickets may be obtained at the Cen- ter. Economics Club. Meeting Mon., Dec. 14, West Conference Room, 8 p.m. G. R. Gregory, George Willis Pack As- sistant Professor of Resource Econom- ics, School of Natural Resources, will speak on "Conservation, Economics, and Resource Use.' The Philippine-Michigan Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Sun., December 13, at 3 p.m., in the Michigan Union, Room 3-S. *Merienda will be served. The Graduate Outing Club meets at 2 p.m. Sunday at the rear of the Rackham Building. There willbe a cross-country hike followed by supper at Rackham. Those who have cars are urged to bring them to help with transportation to the country. New- comers welcome. Spanish Club. Rehearsal of "Las I4 Supreme Court debate over segregation figure that the death of Chief Justice Vinson and the appointment of Earl Warren may. possibly spell the difference one way or the other. Chief Justice Warren's record as Governor ofj California shows that he is likely to vote against school segregation.{ In San Bernardino, Calif., when a Catholic priest of Mexi-I can ancestry was barred from a public park, Governor Warren acted promptly. Writing to U.S. Appeals Court Judge William Denman, he said: "I do not see how we can carry out the spirit of the United Nations if we deny fundamental rights to our Latin- American neighbors.", Warren also appointed a Negro, Walter Gordon, as chairman of, the vitally important California' Parole Board. Warren had play- ed football on the same team with Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter ................City Editor Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker...........Associate Editor Helene Simon...........Associate Editor, Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell...W.Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden....... Finance Manager James Sharp......Circulation Manager I i Telebhone NO 23-24-1 I w'