THE PRESIDENT'S PROPO SAL See Page 4 :YI [ e i1t 41 Latest Deadline its the State flaligt149 o (, '-'2-v ..w CLOUDY. WALT UM VOL. LXIV, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1953 SIX PaAGE4 I - - s'r'lr D&~xC la Ike To Hearr Committee's, Housing Plan r Propose Million Honles Annually WASHINGTON - (P) - Aiming at a million new homes annually, a new Republican housing pro- gram was almost ready for Presi- dent Eisenhower's consideration yesterday. The program, which is planned to give more dwellings to families of modest income, also calls for continuance of a limited volume of publicly subsidized housing, liber- alization of Federal mortgage in- surance and Government-aided renovation of old houses. * * . Opera Phantoms. .S. Envoy Back, PO I)e T T Peacetime Atom Talks At 'U' Slated The announcement of an inter- national atomic energy congress to be held next June at the Uni- versity was made by Dean George Granger Brown of the engineering college yesterday at a Detroit press conference. Sponsored by the American In- stitute of Chemical Engineers in connection with the University, the conference proposes to speed the peacetine use of atomic en- ergy. * * * THE PROGRAM was hammer ed out by the President's 23-mem- ber Advisory Committee on Hous ing headed by Housing Admin- istrator Albert M. Cole, in meet- ings over the last 2/2 months. Cole was mostly successful in his efforts to obtain unanimity among bankers, real estate men, unfonists and others making up the panel Butone major split was reported, and there was talk that builders' spokesmen might file a dissent. One of the recommendations, it was understood, will call for crea- tion of a central mortgage reserve bank, operating with funds sub- scribed by private lenders to buy up Government-guaranteed and Government - insured mortgages from banks and other mortgage lenders. The committee's major goal was to devise a program for maintain- ing new home 'starts at or near the million-a-year rate which the Administration believes essential to a prosperous economy and a healthy building industry. THE RECOMMENDATIONS re- main officially confidential but persons familiar with the delibera- tions said they include: 1-Insurance by the Federal H o u s i n g Administration of mortgages running up to 40 years instead of 30 on homes in lower price brackets. This would reduce the monthly payments markedly. 2-Broadening FHA's insurance for repair and maintenance loans so as to cover the cost of rehabili- tating old houses. Private loans for this purpose now are insured up to $2,500, to be repaid within three years. The dollar, ceiling might be raised and maturity lengthened to 10 years. 3-Direct Federal loans or grants to restore and conserve old dwel- lings in declining neighborhoods. The idea would be to prevent slums. 4-Equalizing mortgage insur- ance on new and old housing by lowering the down payment re- quired for used houses. FHA now accepts new home mortgages with as little as 5 per cent down but re- quires 20'per cent down on old houses. THERE really are people here, although they may not be vis- ible. This picture was taken at 8:30 p.m. yesterday as Opera-go- ers flocked into the Michigan Theater. But because the picture was a time exposure, no-one was in focus long enough to show up on the film. Elsewhere in the nation, Jerry- Travers of Blue Point, N. Y., who had just the opposite trouble, yes- terday must have felt somewhat like the frustrated Daily photogra- --Daily-Dean Morton pher who muttered to himself when he developed his photo. ' Travers' television screen has a face appearing on it when the set is turned off, and he 'wishes it would go away. It just stays there with a fixed stare, however. It showed up on the screen Wednes- day morning and was still visible yesterday even after the set had been cold for hours. A TV expert said it probably is an image from a previous program' that has been engraved on the R i I G ; J L J ± screen through equipment. some fault in the ALL FREE nations have been invited to send representatives to the International Nuclear Engi- neering Congress. So far, 10 na- tions have accepted the invitation. The congress will give Ameri- can researchers and foreign R scientists a chance to exchange ideas on the peacetime uses of atomic energy, according to Dean Brown. Dean Brown, who served as en-t gineering director for the Atomicj Energy Commission in 1950 and isf now treasurer of the AIChE, stat-' ed that representatives of the De- partment of State and the AEC are actively cooperating with the sponsors of the conference. Thirty-two atomic experts fromI abroad already have been cleared by the state department for entry into this country. CITES SHAKESPEARE: Mizener Clains Writers' Need Liberal Outlook' By RONA FRIEDMAN "I he. Liberal Imagination" is the ability to see, and project your- self into, a situation from as many aspects as possible." This is the belief of Arthur Mizener, professor of English at Cornell University, who spoke on campus yesterday. * * * LOCAL FIREMAN surveys the before the fire department was " damage left after a three- called at 11:17 a.m. story apartment house was com- pletely demolished in a blaze which raged out of control for over two hours yesterday after- noon. Termed "an old shell" by Ai~fvtEh ho oe' ~s Although about 15 people live in the E. Ann house, only one, Lynn Wheat, 24 years old, wat at'home when he discovered the blaze. Af- ter trying unsuccessfully to put out the blaze himself, Wheat ran }n '~hofi~o .v~ni+}mare. fn ciy mnr * * t Iks Halted No Breakup of Parley :Effort Seen } Allied Prisoner Interviews Stop By The Associated Press U.S. envoy Arthur Dean has been x 'i authorized to come home from Panmunjom, State Department officials said in Washington last night, but his return does not mean a breakup of efforts to set up a Korean peace conference. Dean, who has been in Korea eight weeks, is expected to return to the United States before Christ- mas. A deputy, Kenneth Young, is expected to remain in Korea. * * * AND IN Korea yesterday, "Come home" talks to South Korean pris- oners converted to Communism halted abruptly. A Swiss neutral officer said he understood unofficially that the remaining prisoners had re- fused to attend the interviews. Indian Lt. Gen. K. S. Thimayya, chairman of the Neutral Nations -Daily-Dean Morton Repatriation Commission, was about $20,000 and stid the fire ap- summoned to the explanation cen- parently started in the basement, ter. shooting up to the roof in a mpan- ner of minutes. A brisk wind Delp- EARLIER this week, Dean had ed to fan the flames. said at Panmunjom he had au- He blamed the total destruction thority to break off the 7-week-old on the late call the department preliminary talks with Red Chi- received. The fi'e blazed for over na and North Korea and could wait 'four hours before it was finally "only a reasonable time." extinguished, but most of the But he later indicated United damage was done earlier. Nations negotiators would do "ev- - - erything possible" to get the peace 'conference organized. There was no indication that e t the Allies were backing down bo from.their stand, ho-ever, that Russia cannot attend the peace conference as a "neutral." student members had never been . A State Department official said considered representatives of their Dearm had not been ordered home organizations. but had the authority to return however, several study com- when he wishes for consultations mittee members pointed out that c and further reappraisal of the sit- a member might represent an uation from here. organizational viewpoint in re- The'Red demand that Russia be gard to his own group even allowed to attend the peace con- though he was not instructed by ference as a "neutral" has proved his group on all issues. the big stumbling block to the ne- This question has arisen par- gotiations. ticularly with SL, whose members * * * on SAC occasionally bring Legis- THE COMMUNISTS have ad- lature business before the group. mitted at one point that the talks However, any student activity were at a standstill but refused to may present business for SAC con- say they were ready to quit, and sideration and have opportunity Dean declared he did not wish to for a hearing. Thus, Dean Rea end the efforts at this time. commented, every activity need not have a representative since its At the start of yesterday's per- views may always be heard. 'suasion talks in Korea, 78 South Student membership has been Korean converts to Communism one of SAC's most controversial still remained to be interviewed, problems in recent years. On one in addition to the Americans hand,. SL has asked that it have and Britons. The 250 South the power to appoint all student Koreans previously interviewed members, while on the other, sev- .had refused to come back from eral groups have petitioned to seat the Reds.- representatives. A spokesman said the Indian custodial force was taking a "wait SL Com m ittee and see" attitude toward the cap- tives Some U.S. officers speculated M Iay Sponsor earlier that Reds may be trying to force a break in the interviews + lard D ebate before the Americans and Britons- jare called up. T sibia ebat n Belief persists in the Allied camp Tnn posiily of. a debte in that some of the Americans can Ann Arbor including Rep. Kit be pesaddto accept repatrla- Clardy on the current Congres-tion. lrysional investigations on Commu- .pcltc htteRd r nism was discussed at a meeting aw uare o thana yweResantet yesterday of SL's Sub-Committee break up the interviews was based on Academic Freedom. on the behavior of 30 South Ko- No official stand was taken be- j reans questioned Wednesday. cause a quorum was not present, Although no real pressure was 'but members attending favored exerted upon them by South Ko- such a forum. The debate would rean explainers, these prisoners be held immediately before Clar-I tried to drag out and snarl the dy's group began hearings in the sessions with screaming demon- State sometime early. next year. strations and sitdowns. bt "BY IMAGINATION," he clarified, "I don't mean 'a la Disney,' ut working the maximum number of ideas into understanding." "This is what the writer must do in order to fully communi. cate. He must be each character and go through every situation in order to make us feel it." Prof. Mizener cited both Mathew Arnold and Lionell Trilling A PROPOSED exposition on Assdiantrue tinier~Harold Gauss, to the fire depar tmi atomic energy may be held in con- the building caught fire from an help. junction with the engineering con- unknown source about a half hour Gauss estimated gress. Tieing in with the Univer- sity Phoenix Project, such a dis- LIKES PRESENT METHOD- play would be the first of its kind LIKESPRES__L'T _METHOD: and would have an "educational avA m :ho"'1 -nniclrf ent to summon d the loss at "r A Ad FBIl Agents as having liberal imaginations. "Both of their minds are not com- placent or superficial, do not spe- cialize and do not suffer from provincialism," he said. . . 3 f t '' t K teHe also used Shakespeare as an example of liberal imag- ination at work in an artist. cte For Mizener explained, Shakes- 1411Vitie pepe'"'s characters ring true be- cause of his ability to project By BECKY CONRAD himself into his characters and Special to The Daily i see the situation from their DETROIT - Two govern,..ent point of view. "surprise witnesses" rolled into Prof. Mizener felt that the his- their second day's testimony yes- torical writer deals with the realm terday unshaken by the defense of of the possible while the poet is six Michigan Communists on trial concerned with the probable - for conspiracy here. "not the way things did happen but the way they may probably Brought onto the scene unex- happen." Thus poetry has more pectedly, the two undercover FBI freedom and can explore more agents Wednesday rocked the agens Wenesay rckedthefully though sacrificing factual court with disclosures concerning auy h sai.c CP activities as late as Tuesday; accuracy, he said. The author of "The Far Side of evening.Paradise" also spoke yesterday to' DEFENSE ATTORNEY Ernest the English Journal Club on "Na- Goodman yesterday cross-examin- ture and the Novel" ed FBI undercover agent Berry Cody as he told a jam-packed Petiion s De court how he joined the Party 10 years ago at the "suggestion of Petitions for the Engineering the FBI." Honor Council are due by 5 p.m. andt som ew at com m erciai slantir I*.7 Dean Brown said. -rea .r Set up in Yost Field House, the proposed exhibition would Acting Dean of Students Wal- have educational displays con- te ea esterday td tributed by science laboratories ial group studying the Student Af- and industries working with fairs Committee that the present atomic energy, the Dean added. experience criteria for selecting According to Prof. Donald L. SAC student members has provid- Katz, chairman of the Department ed consistently well-qualified per- of Chemical and Metallurgical En- sonnel. gineering and program committee H chairman for the international Howevei. ne commented that congress, restricted information on another means of selection pos- peacetime uses of atomic energy sibly might bring equally qualified is now being declassified by the students who are not so burdened Atomic Energy Commission. by duties as present members. Sev- The announcement of the con- en students, leaders of the major gress for international talks on peacetime uses of atomic energy Eioinecriii Grc o p t came at an "appropriate time" in , 7" connection with President Eisen- Names Menmber's hower's UN address last Tuesday urging such talks, Dean , Brown stated. Tha Engineering Steering Com- He added that the congress has mittee has announced the recent been months in planning, however, appointment of Dick Balzhiser, '54E, David Burchfield, '56E, Rob- Brown. Sallade ert Guise, '54E, John Moore. '57E and Santo Ponticello, '55E, as To Air City Plans members of the committee. 'I F L r u i l .. ves /A 1- Iem campus organizations, now have positions on the powerful group, SERVING as SAC chairman by virtue of his office, Dean Rea ap- peared before the study group to answer questions on SAC member- ship, functions and jurisdiction. He outlined the "expert" theory under which student membership has been set up. "I don't think it has ever been conceived as desirable that stu- dents represent a certain area of the campus. but rather bring a mature judgment to the Commit- tee," he said. SAC student membership has changed over the years since thej late 1920's when students first par- ticipated in the group's delibera- tions. ° Today the presidents of the Un- ion and League, the president and one other member of Student Leg-j islature, the chairman of Joint Judiciary and Women's Judiciary Councils and the managing editor of The Daily comprise the mem- bership. (Should the chairman of Joint Judic be a woman, as is pres- ently the case, the vice-chairman, a man, takes the SAC seat.) j DEAN REA explained that SAC World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Rep. Robert W. Kean (R-NJ) predicted yes- terday the House Ways and Means Committee almost certainly will reject President Eisenhower's request to cancel a scheduled so cial security tax increase. GINESVILLE, Fla. - A fight- ing mob of between 500 and 600 University of Florida students, -was dispersed yesterday by 20 city, county and state officers using tear gas. The riot was started originally by a group who attempted to paint the concrete lion on the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity's lawn. WASHINGTON - A special ad- visory committee told Secretary of Commerce Weeks yesterday that as a result of penny-pinching the U.S. Weather Bureau must oper- ate "on standards 20 to 40 years { behind the times." - * * * SCHENECTADY, N.Y.-An of- ficial of the United Electrical Workers Union (Ind.) yesterday ". 4l n i i I i I i I s i I i i I t Problems the city has encoun-; tered this year and projects for next year will be discussed as four journalism students interview Ann Arbor Mayor William Brown and 1 Mlacki~nac JBridgoe DETROIT - The Mackinac Bridge Authority yesterday said it has been assured of a market for a *$99,800,000 bond issue to fi- nance a bridge connecting Upper and Lower Michigan. Tuesday night he had attend- ed a Party meeting where they speculated who would be the government's surprise witnesses. Between 1945 and 1950, Cody at- tended Communist-front schools in Detroit with classes taught by defendant William Allen, Commu- nist newspaperman, on labor movements and strike strategy. The agent reported regularly to the FBI from 1945 on and was "paid automobile expenses of $15 a month to go to the meetings." Earlier in the day, William G.s Hundley, prosecuting attorney, questioned Harold M. Mikkelson, the man who led a strong-arm squad that guarded Communist meetings. Mikkelson described a Schil- ler Hall meeting in 1949 which defendents Nat Ganley, Allan and Philip Schatz attended. today in Rm. 221 West Engineer- City Council president George W ing Bldg., council members said Sallade at 7:30 p.m. tonight over yesterday WPAG-TV. MENTAL HOSPITALS: Disparity of Facilities Seen in Tours (EDItOR'S NOTE: This is the last1 of four interpretive articles dealing with mental health facilities in the state of Michigan.) - By DEBRA DURCHSLAG A tour of the three mental health institutions covered in this series, the Veteran's Readjustment Center, Eloise Mental HospitalI (Wayne County Hospital and In- firmary) and the Neuropsychiat- ric Institute of the University Hos- pital, will show the disparity of mental health facilities. the custodial function. Eloise, al-j though it is actually a county hos-; pital, is representative of state hos-; pitals in this respect. Extension of both custodial and intensive treatment is call- ed for in future state mental provisions. The Council of State Governments was not exagger- ating when it reported in 1950 that "the scope of the mental health problem is so vast as al- most to stagger the imagina- tion." has requested the construction of psychiatric unit to be constructed a neuropsychiatric institute to be located in Detroit adjacent to Wayne University Medical School. These are long-range plans, but they indicate progress in state attitudes toward mental health. Within the existing psychiatric center here at the University, there are plans to expand prerent facilities. Treatment of mentally ill children still remains one of the most neglected aspects of public here next spring. As part of the proposed Child- ren's Hospital, it will consist of three 16-bed units for seriously disturbed children and a 27-bed department for convalescents.I Although the measure of pro- gress is slower in the treatment, facilities and improvement of state hospitals, the situation is not hopeless. In 1950 the people of Michigan authorized a $60,000,000 bond issue for mental hospitals. POSSIBILITIES considered in- eluded a panel or a debate with Clardy opposing one of the per- so'n's subpoenaed by the investi- gatQrs of someone- not connected with the hearings. Gin? In a money box used during Gargoyle's campus sales Wed- nesday, business manager Jim