"I PA:(;E SM-
Talk Given,
B Odegaard
Tracing the background of
speaking from the time of the
Middle Ages, Dean Charles E.1
Qdegaard of the literary college
yesterday noted today's declining
emphasis on the spoken word.
Talking before a speech depart-
ment assembly, Dean Odegaard
told of the place of speech in-
struction in undergraduate insti-
tutions. In the middle ages, he
said that oral instruction was of
prime importance.
The end of the term was.
marked by a student's being
able to take over instruction in
the subject he had studied, he
added. Graduation depended
on his ability to present his
learning orqlly.
Turning. to education in the
new world, Dean Odegaard told
that these traditions were inher-
ited by the University. At its first
commencement, all 11 graduates
had to make speeches.
Due to an increased number of
graduates, the University finally
omitted student speakers in 1875,
he said.
National Park Problems Discussed As Statewide!
_ _ _.
The scenic majesty and irre-
placeable biological values of our
nation's National Parks are con-
stantly threatened, according to
Howard R. Gregg, Assistant Chief
Naturalist of the U.S. Park Serv-
Gregg, in lectures t o natural
resource classes and to the public
yesterday, sounded a note of alarm
by relating the problems the Park
Service faces in trying to carry
out its two-fold purpose of pre-
serving areas of natural beauty
and yet giving the American pub-
lic practically unlimited use of
the same land.
. * * *
THE NATURALIST stated that
because more than half of the
population lives in cities, they
need "roots in the soil"-a prim-
eval wilderness they can turn to
for spiritual rejuvination; a place
to 'get away from it all.'
Too many people, Gregg, said,
spend their weekends just loun-
ging around in the Parks, en-
joying the society of friends
they could entertain as well in
their own home, while eager but
-Daily-Rupert Cutler
T.raining Site
(Continued from Page 1)
Waggoner, director of the Neu-I
ropsychiatric Institute, service,
research and training must all
go hand in hand in order to
reach the maximum accom-
plishment in any of these areas.
NPI is an example of a hospital
that carries out this .idea.
Most of the patients at the In-
stitute are those who come volun-
tarily. The law that established
NPI specifically prohibited com-
mitment to the Institute. Patients
may, however, be transferred from,
state hospitals to NPI for special
PATIENTS are admitted whom
the doctors feel will respond to
therapy. They are usually first
placed in the admitting ward, al
closed-ward in which individual
patient responsibility is less exten-
sive than in the convalescentl
. In addition, there is the child-
ren's ward, under Dr. Ralph D.
Rabinovitch, which forms a uni-
que part of the Institute's ser-
vices. Here approximately 25
children receive treatment de-
signed especially for mentally
disturbed children from the ages
of six to 14.I
The Neuropsychiatric Institute
is maintained by a state grant an-
nually appropriated by the Legis-
lature. Last year it amounted to
$500,000. Added to this is the in-
come from those patients who are
able to pay for their hospital ex-
Although it is independently fi-
nanced, NPI is 'an integral part of
the University medical center and
works in close contact with the
general divisions of the Hospital.
I : ............. . ...............................
If you have not yet made up your
mind about your major, ask your
placement bureau about the many ad-
vantages of becoming an engineer.
Never before has engineering
offered such a wonderful future in
American business and industry, for
the companies seeking men with
engineering training are almost un-
limited in variety and scope.
Last year, for instance, over four.
hundred and fifty companies through-
out the country took the trouble to
contact a leading engineering college
for prospects, many of them com-
panies you would least expect to be
interested in hiring engineers.
Would you like to know more
about these companies and the op-
portunities they offer? Then fill out
this coupon and turn it in as directed.
The business office of this paper will
forward it to us. Inquiries are wel-
come from men of all four classes.
As advertising representatives of
more than 700 college newspapers,
we are in frequent contact with im-
portant comanies all over the nation
who seek engineering prosp'ects. We
will do our best to see that your in-
quiry reaches the proper source so
that interested companies can con..
tact you directly. No replies guaran-
teed but filling in this coupon map
lead to an excellent job some day,
road-weary travelers from dis-
tant places have to fight the
traffic and crowded conditions
created by the local gentry.
Picnickers along the Blue Ridge
Parkway and campers in the High
Sierras leave a trail of paper
plates, beer cans and garbage be-
hind them, he pointed out, "Van-
Regents Ask
dals deface signs and carve their
initials into cave paintings by pre-
historic Indians. Stalactites are
broken off along the trail through
Carlsbad Caverns, as there are not-
enough Rangers to watch every-
one ."
parks by logging, mining and
grazing interests is constantly
threatening the virgin areas,
Gregg observed. Dams are pro-
posed which will inundate many
of the unusual valleys in the Park
:.y...ue rn, iuluuiv g utr~n in. /'...xia
* * *
THE DRIVE, sponsored by the1
Chaplains' Corps of the Army, isj
being held to gather winter gar-
ments to be sent to Korea, where
an estimated 70,000 children and
140,000 adults may freeze to death
this winter without them, accord-
ing to Claudia Moore, '56, co-
chairman of the drive.
Boxes will be placed in each
dorm on campus, as well as in the
lobby of the General Library and
Lane Hall, where clothing may be
deposited. In housing units, such
as sororities, fraternities, league
houses, and co-ops, where boxes
will not be distributed, pick-up of
any garments will be taken care
of by a call to Lane Hall, NO-
3-1511, Ext. 2851.
State Registrars
Honor Ira Smith
Ira M. Smith, University regis-
trar, has been cited by the Michi-
gan Association of Collegiate Re-
gistrars in honor of his 28 years
of service to the organization,
Smith has been the University
registrar since June 1, 1925, and
will begin his retirement next
SRA Camnpus Clothing Axelrod Gives
Collection Begins Today Sociology Talk
Social Participation in a Met-
Wanted: Used sweaters, coats.,oai"wstesbeto h
socks, warm clothes of every size In addition to the clothing, each talk given by Morris Axelrod, di-
and description, housing unit on campus is being rector of the Detroit Area Study
This is the plea being sent out asked to contribute two dollars to-
by the Student Religious Asso- ward the cost of packing and yesterday.
ation, which is conducting the first mailing the clothes. This sixth sociology colloquium.
annual "Clothe a Child" drive on People with cars who are willing was sponsored by the Student-
campus today through Dec. 17. to aid in the pick-up of the dona- Faculty Committee.
wons.,« -aa.1o...e.s-ae +.. neIp wi+Un xlrdsstd hoe1h
+;- -+1-- -1,1- +^ 1-1-
tions, and others able to help withiAerds tuy hodte
the packing on Dec. 17-18, are also amount of participation in formal
urged to call Lane Hall, according and informal groups. Two-thirds
to Miss Moore. of the population do have group
membership, but the amount of
Student, iaor activeness varies, he observed.
Causes for these variations are
Set for TV Show age, sex, occupation, social status,
family income and education the
stud eeld
Four University students willsudy revealed.
fire questions at Ann Arbor's Ma-
yor William Brown and City Coun- Olson To Attend
cil president George Sallade, at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow on WPAG- Foreign Meeting
TV's program, Studio Sampler.
The students, all reporters for Dean Willard C. Olson of the
the journalism department's news-
paper, are Kathleen Baker, '55; School of Education has been
Jack Neal, '54; Duane Poole, '55; selected delegate to the first In-
and Carl 74mmerman, Grad. ter-American Congress of Psy-
Problems the city has encoun- chology, to be held from today
tered this year will be reviewed, through Dec. 20 at the University
and projects for next year will be of Santo Domingo at Ciudad Tru-
outlined. jillo.
system, including those in Gla-
Fo ) Fu dcier National Park and Dinosaur
For U' n S National Monument, he continued.
(Continued from Page 2) A recent statement by Bernard
ment. expanded operation of the; DeVoto, was read by Gregg: "It's
heating plant and providing addi- time to shut down our National
htiongpakingadreas dng haddl-tParks until we can afford to re-
tional parking areas. h
Of this figure $38,000 will go habilitate them," and added that
into improvement of the insur- this may come to pass if the Fed-
program,increased require- eral Government doesn't reverse
ments of the purchasing depart- ct rn oadeooiigb
ment and increasesinauditing, cutting the Park Service's budget.
telephones, travel and office sup-
plies in the Business Office.
5) General operations of the l Noted A uthor
University will require an addi-
tional $807,665 this year partly to Hi l l
p r o v id e $ 2 4 0 ,0 0 0 f o r r e s id e n c e h a ll .co u s el n g , h i cIi s1 5i n/ch a g e d
counseling, which is being charged
next year as an instructional in- Speaking to a spell-bound audi-
stead of Residence Halls cost, ence, Maurice Samuel at Hillel
yesterday told of "Modern Jewish
REPLACEMENT of obsolete Literature-its Content and Mi-
educational equipment and reha- lieu," in observance of Jewish Book
bilitation of several laboratories Month.
will require $144,198..
...L": :"," " of::. ":".LhN":."J::L :1'XV::: 1'AL"."N ".^. Ati Xh1"f :1.:M.V: X^.: V :V 1 L Y.: '
..'!.. '::1:":.:. ::::::.::. .4:: J.Lh :"" 1, SVi.:" L "4 : 4:titi : . JA .L J.
:M1: r4 t .. J ..: h ti" ........ "l:"... L"d'J. L":... .. "hY J" 'Vl.
"..."::tiL..""." ....................................."."........t.L":X":...::J.".4.f:14........"..."...........:.'.".ti*.'J.r.:."wJ.'/fJ {54....e.. Y.. ::':"4...::ti" .. . .!i'.".. 'h. 4A . "s ~' A+. 1..... h.
1 ',
I want to know more about opportunities in engineering.
I College Address:
Class of. Standing in Class Maior:
-...... ......-.................... .........--.-.---..
arcade jewelry
December10, 1953
Dear Sir:
One of the most prominent names in the quality watch market is the name OMEGA.
Possibly no other watch enjoys any finer reputation the world over than the watch which
bears the Greek letter meaning, Good Luck.
The universal acceptance of the Omega Automatic has won for it an unique
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numerals and stick markings it has a modern appearance that is handsome and masculine.
The Omega Automatic movement is truly one of the scientific achievements of
modern wrist watch manufacture. Mechanically and as a time-keeper the Omega watch has'no
peers. You owe it to yourself to see this watch before you buy. We invite you to
stop in now to learn more about the "Omega Story."
Omega automatics from $71.50 (federal tax included).
Additional supplies and ser-
vices in libraries and research
departments will need $201,332
while increasing needs in radio,
television, alumni relations and
publications require an addi-
tional $141,345.
The Extension Service is asking
$65,290 more to meet requests for
educational service from through-
out the state.
* * *
OF THE $977,000 asked for "re-
search and services in utilization
of human resources" the follow-
ing breakdown has been made.
1) Six-hundred thousand would
be turned over to medical purposes
to allow a person with an unusual
disease to be kept at the Hospital
without cost to him so that fur-
ther information regarding cure
of the disease can be obtained.
2) The School of Dentistry
would get $100,000 for furthering
public, education in the care of
teeth, expanded psychiatric care
for children who undergo treat-
ment for a cleft lip or palate, and
research in the use of radioactive
isotopes in the study of the per-
meability of tooth tissue and the
penetration of various drugs.
3) The School of Public Health
would be alloted $100,000 for ex-
pansion of research and commun-
ity education in public health.
4) Twenty-five thousand dollars
would go to study problems of
nursing education.
5) The Institute for Human Ad-
justment would get $125,000 to
carry on studies in the field of
speech and hearing disorders and
in the problems of old age.
Assessors Course
Continues at Union
The eighth annual Short Course
for Assessing Officers began yes-
terday with meetings at the Un-
ion, and will continue through to-
m o r r o w, with tax assessors
throughout the state attending.
The conference is sponsored by
the University Institute of Public
Administration a n d Extension
Service, in cooperation with other
state groups.
Admitting that "my purpose is
to entertain," the noted author of
books such as "Harvest in the Des-
ert" entertained as well as taught,
saying that ignorance of Jewish
literature results because people1
believe reading it is "an act of pi-
Samuel first divided all Jew-
ish literature into two classes,{
that written in Yiddish for Jews
only, and that written in other
tongues for non-Jews as well.
Samuel broke the latter group
into three groups. The first group
introduced Jews to the outside
world attempting to make a good
impression. The second group,
passing this stage of timidity,
showed things both good and bad.
The third group wove into the
English language "the colors of
the East by using old Jewish say-
Gesturing expressively, Samuel
acted as well as read passages
from books to illustrate his points.
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Registered JewelersyAmerican Gem Society
Store Hours:
Monday through Saturday, 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
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