TODAY AND aTOMORROW See Page % Latest Deadline in the State DaiI4 ac v 4- o(7 a . 4 LIGHT SNOW ... VOL. LXIV, No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953 SIX PAGI ES Bias Issue Goes To SL Sub-Group Gage Answers Questions at Meeting; Cabinet Presents Joint Platform By DOROTHY MYERS Student Legislature President Bob Neary, '54BAd., last night broke a tie vote, thus sending the controversial questions of composi- tion of a proposed anti-discrimination board and establishment of a fair-play sticker campaign back to SL's Human Relations Committee for further consideration. Earlier in the meeting, Robert Gage, president of Ann Arbor's senior Chamber of Commerce, appeared at the meeting and answered legislators' questions concerning charges of conscious or unconscious discrimination in the local Chamber of Commerce. THE CHARGES had appeared in a 15-page brief presented to SL last week by SL member Paul Dormont, '55. In the report Dormont said it was "unusual that apparently no Negro has ever been. con- " tacted for membership" by the T*t TChamber of Commerce. Reds Blast President's Plan; Say Eisenhower Threatens Atomic War t Court Hears FBI Agents A tfed Trial DETROIT - () --Two sur- prise witnesses testified for the Government yesterday at the con- spiracy trial of six Michigan Com-, munists. Berry Cody, a Detroit laundryI worker, and Harold M. Mikkel- sen, an apprentice die forger, told how they spied on the Communist party for the FBI. CODY HID his FBI connection so skillfully that he attended a Communist meeting less than 12 hours before he took the stand in Federal Court. Disc Day The 'Ensian staff announces that today, Disc Day, students will be able to purchase their 1954 'Ensians complete with record on campus. Salesmen willbe located on the Diag, at ,the Engine Arch and in front of the Union. The price of the book is $6 with an additional fee of 75 cents for the eight inch, thirty-three speed record. World News Roundup By The Associated Press Red Purge . .. Peaceful Use Not Insured -Vishisky West Hails Plan; Calls It Practical "11 xyl/Fl Gage, however, said there was "nothing in the by-laws to pre- vent Negroes from joining" his 4 ea er organization "The extent to which we couldE participate in an anti-discrimina- )n Econom y tontheoindividu claineto ofsun to the individual complaint of un- "A free political system and a fair treatment and try to make LONDON-- A'jP-- Moscow radio yesterday harshly rejected Presi- dent Eisenhower's plan for an in- ternational atomic energy pool for peaceful purposes. It charged the President "threat- ened atomic war" in his address before the United Nations Tues- day. A SOMEWHAT more tentative attitude was taken in Moscow by -Daily-Don Campbell PRESIDENT HARLAN H. HATCHER POSES WITH GUYS AND 'GALS' OF UTP 'N' ATOM CAST AT FIRST NIGHT PERFORMANCE. free economy are ideals of our democracy, but it is difficult to realize these ideals with our pres- ent government set-up," accord- ing to George Meader, Ann Arbor Congressman, who last night ad- dressed the local League of Women Voters. Meader, in speaking on the topic, "Spending Public Money- How a -Congressman Decicds," stressed the fact that a Congress- man cannot really decide how pub- lic funds are to be spent, but can merely tryto hold down the ex- penses of "the countless bureau- cracies in Washington." ACCORDING TO Meader, Con- gress often makes the wrong de- cisions in granting appropriations, not because the Congressman is lax in his duties, but because he hasn't the time to learn the details of each bill put before Congress. The solution, as Meader sees, it, is not to organize more com- mittees, because "there are al- ready too many committees which overlap other commit- tees," but to get more people working on these committees, doing research for the Congress- men. He asserted that the reason Congress does not vote appropria- tions to increase the present staff of 600-700 is that most members are afraid their constituents would disapprdve. the discriminator see the light, Gage commented in answer to! another question. Full House Sees 'Up £1 LT9 A. . .i EARLIER in the meeting Neary outlined aims proposed jointly by the present SL cabinet for Legis- lature action during the present1 term: The ten-point program for SL activity drawn up by the cab- inet calls for: 1) A comprehensive and effec- tive program of student repre- sentation on important campus committees such as the Boards in Control of Inter-Collegiate Activities and Student .Publica- tions, University curriculum committees, Student Affairsj Committee and the University Development Council. By MARK READER With explosions of applause and4 laughter which rocked the Michi- gan Theater, the Union Opera's musical comedy "Up 'N' Atom"I boomed into Ann Arbor yesterday1 with its premier 1953 production. A theater crowd of students, alumni and townspeople packed the converted movie house to view for two and a half hours the spec-, tacle unfolding on the stage. A SLIGHT drizzle that broke into a heavy downpour just before assortment of cabs and cars. Wool- en blankets and umbrellas were unfurled to cover heads and pro- tect the finery. President Harlan H. Hatcher and Mrs. Hatcher witnessed their second Union Opera along with former President Alexander B. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven. Mrs. G. Mennen Williams also attended the production. The Gov-I ernor, who is in Washington, was unable to view the show and..sent his regrets. -r PRESIDENT HATCHER greeted the cast backstage before the pro- duction and posed for pictures. Following the show he expressed his pleasure and said he had en- oyed "the gay" production. A "jam session" was going on in the orchestra pit. Director of the show Fred Evans had a hur- ried consultation with the elec- WMr I l t Mikkelsen said h2e joinedth the . i NW YOK -Te giat the 3 Con I3 Ai t oI party in 1946 but quickly became NEW YORK The giant Gen- Pravda. disillusioned and offered- his eral Electric Co. yesterday launch- services to the FBI. . ed a plan to purge any Commu- Prav Cody, the government's mystery nists among its 230,000 employes, speech AFTER the curtain went up and . many of them key hands in the maryo the first number was finished the witness, ?eved .as an undercovei nation's defense effort. and a swelling sound of applause filled j agent for the FBI. end sa the theater and continued to do The secrecy of his identity was As far as could be determined, en s so strict that not even Fred W. it was the most sweeping loyalty ident i so periodically until the end of the''prsh Kaess, U.S. Distict Attorney, or cleanup ever inaugurated in a big press i show. three of the Government attorneys, private American industrial firm. tion 1 As the crowd filed out of the knew his name before Cody took *pons. theater, the pop-corn machines the stand. Peace Conference At th in the lobby were merrily pop- ,* * * chief de png away and venders were CODY'S appearance apparently PANMUNJOM -- U.S. diplo- said: "Y hawking a long playing record of stunned the six defendants, Hel- mats yesterday were reported of atom the score from the show. tne h i eedns e-pre faoi en Winter, Philp Schatz, William packing to go home as efforts to poses w The production will be repeated Allan, Saul, Wellman, Nat Ganley arrange a Korean peace con- hibition at 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow. and Thomas DeWitt Dennis, Jr. ( ferenee appeared to be breaking control.' 2) Continuation of an all-cam- curtain time forced bands of pus forum series to be financed by ater-goers to step gingerly fro the University lecture committee. 3) Securing of a leadership. training course for students under M agitfsof ol d sponsorship of the sociology de- partment. To 4) Financial stability for the Legislature through a student tax. By 'U' Choir f the- om an Tickets for all performances are sold out. Offers Advice To Journalists Cody said he was active in Michigan Communist party af- fairs through Tuesday night when he attended a meeting in Detroit which speculated on who the "mystery witness might be." Cody said he was a vice-presi-, dent of local.391 of the Amalga- mated Clothing Workers CIO. SHE SAID he was recruited by down. U.S. Envoy Arthur Dean told the Communists Tuesday he would wait "a reasonable time" for them to show they were wiling to negotiate but was evi- dent his patience was growing short. . * * * Rilee Slalemnent . . . 5) Initiation and leadership of tricians and a nervous cast was By BECKY CONRAD the FBI as an undercover agent SEOUL - President Syngman a high school training program The annual Christmas program busily donning costumes and Citing candor as the "cruelest" and paid $8,000 for expenses over Rhee today urged the United Na- to be conducted by the University. by the University Choir will be applying make-up. dilemma confronting the diplomat a nine year period. tions to "automatically join South 6)mContinuing contact with SL presented at- 8:30 p.m. today in Outside in the audience hurried today, St. Louis Post Dispatch dip- Schatz and Allan, Cody testified, Korea in resuming the war" if a alumni. Hill Auditorium under the direr-c nestosadqikluhe ecflslto nKrai o 77 A thoh i conversations and quick laughter lomatic correspondent Wallace R. were among those who taught him peaceful solution on Korea is not Aun torough inestigaon ad tion of Prof. Maynard Klein. punctured the air. A hurried call Deuel explained the difficulty of Communist theory when he first reached in January. soludition o problsn i lvediI Bach's Magnificat in D" will was made by a lecturer who forgot deciding how* candid to be with joined the party in 1944. He said Rhee's statement was made s be the feature number of the he had a lecture scheduled. He people, how much to tell them of Allan, vice-chairman of the Michi- against the background of Pan- 8) Consideration by SL of concert. Richard Thurston, '555M cancelled the lecture. ! what you are doing and proposinggan Communist party, told him munjom negotiations which are a liaison program with the State will direct. the 22 piece orchestra -ya--g----pn-----ghow to "organize a strike, bring near the breaking point. Legislature and the Board of of students and faculty members togdoe it about and make it successful* Regents, ' accompanying the 350-voice choir IT T21 . Sekn etrdyi h e-i butadmk tscesu U rd'IEnrollm ent; ond in a series of Journalism de- K "".how to find the power and Sispes 9) Discussion of the final. ex- 'singing the major work. Soloists in ipCI11." partment lectures on "The Press pull the pin." amination problem in the Legisla- the presentation will be Joan . r nes T r - FRANKFURT, Germany - ture itself, with attempts to se- Marie Dudd, '54; Mary Mattfeld, I sted eVe lli and Ciil Liberties i is sThe State Department suspend- cure implementation of any plan '56; Mary Ellen Roosa, '55; Char:- Deeiadded ha tis difficu Prof. M izener ed Chief Justice William Clark apoebyS.IesWet '55ad R 11e Chis"prevails with particular force in" approved by SL. es inger, 55 an Russe Chris- The University, with an enroll- the formulation and conduct of yesterday for insubordination 10) Expansion of a liaison pro- topher, Grad. ment of 19,800, was yestenday list- foreign policy." In this area, he T( Talk H and named an associate justice gram with e Unversity faculty ed as the seventh largest school in said, "secrecy is essential to thef to replace him as head of the the country in a report by U.S. successful transaction of affairs." U.S. court system in Germany. bones will form a brass choir Education Commissioner Samuel ! Prof. Arthur Mizener, author of ** THIS action t ject invi powers t ials and producti tions co whole w The1 pagand j Leonty( hower threate made a force." He sa United bring at tente (r tions). "'The Presiden titude a tions by this suff mmunist party newspaper da's first mention of the was an 800-word sum- of what Eisenhower said, single comment at the ying: "However, the Pres- n his speech did not ex- his attitude to the ques- f outlawing atomic wea- .e United Nations, Soviet legate Andrei V'. Vishinsky You cannot insure the use ic energy for peaceful pur- ithout unconditional pro- and strict international WAS the first Soviet re- to Eisenhower's bold pro- iting Russia and all atomic to share fissionable mater- d know-how -for peaceful ion under a United Na- ommission to benefit the world. leading Soviet radio pro- .a commentator, Boris ev, in rejecting the-yEisen- plan said: "Eisenhower ned atomic war and a eulogy of this policy of id: "It is clear that the States does not want to bout an international de- relaxing of strained. rela- warmongering speech of nt Eisenhower and the at- dopted by the United Na- the U.S. delegation proves :iciently," he continued. Personality Tests Make-up sessions for LSA sen-' iors taking personality tests are scheduled for 3 p.m. tomorrow, Rm. 1025 Angell Hall and for 8:30 a.m. Saturday in Aud. B, Angell Hall. 1r Tb A MOST OF the Western world hailed Eisenhower's speech as a practical approach to the atomic nightmare threatening civilization .nifh rarfr rir Niw Combines Researcth, Training, Service Functions (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interpretive articles dealing with mental health facilities in the state of Michigan.) By DEBRA DURCHSLAG The mental health movement has not progressed at a startling rate, but it can claim some notable accomplishments. In 1901, when public mental health was an afterthought to many legislatures, Michigan became the first state to provide for a psycho- j pathic hospital in connection with its state university. Opening in 1906 under the direction of Dr. Albert E. Barrett, that hospital today is one of the outstanding institutions in the mental health field-the Neurophychiatric Institute of the University of Michigan. which will perform with the Choir M. Brownell. "The Far Side of Paradise," and M. Bownll.THE OTHIER "horn of the di- "In Ecclesiis." Soprano Mary Ann In total number of students, the a presen-tly an instructor of Eng- Tinkham, '55 and baritone Perry University falls behind New York oem, ' rdipo e of lish at Cornell University, will{ Daniels, '54, will sing solo passages University, University of Califor- pondent, ,is 'dipomacy's need of speak on "The Liberal Imagina-' of the 16th century anthem. nia, City College of New Yrk, the support of an enlightened pub- tion" at 4:15 p.m. today in Audi- The Choir and the Michigan State University of New York, Col- lie opinion. torium A,. Angell Hall. Singers will sing Kyrie Eleison umbia University, and the Univer- Bu, he questioned, how is the "Nature and the Novel" will be fr "Mis Hsi Cyriu Natsn sity of Illinois. diplomat to tell the people the topic of a second talk, for the' Est" by Palestrino. Two 19th As a state, Michigan ranks sixth Ienough to win their support for English Journal Club, at 8 p.m. to- century Russian works will be in the nation in number of stu- his policies without giving away day in 2429 Mason Hall. included in the concert: Greth- dents enrolled in colleges and uni- so much that he ruins the poli- Prof. Mizener's appearance at cninode' " the Nae versities. Its total of 99,132 stu- cies. the University is due to the 15 of the Lord" and "Glory Be to dents is less than that of the states "Knowledge of facts and oppor- year old exchange lecture series God" by Rachmanioff. of New York, California, Illinois, tunity to discuss and debate them I established between Cornell Uni- Texas, Pennsylvania and Ohio. require good reporting," lie as- versity, University of Toronto, A six-voice madrigal group will In the state, second and third serted. This situation is possible, Western Reserve University and sing traditional Christmas carols largest enrollments are at Wayne according to Deuel, ."only when the University of Michigan. from foreign countries. University and Michigan State Col- there is freedom of the press and- The concert is open to the pub- lege, with 17,491 and 14,779 stu- freedom of speech and of assembly lic without charge. dents, respectively. and the right to petition for re- ,, convertSot o ~~S, RESEARCH: ~~~,dress of grievances.",'IL'2. ~LEU S, RESEARCH:DEUEL listed the objectives of , I TIC'-te I"LO 1 AS A DIAGNOSTIC AND research center, the Neuropsychiatric1 Institute fulfills a three-fold func- Atrocities . DETROIT - The h Congressional committe alleged Russian atrociti Baltic countries yester lenged President Eisenh peal for a pool on ator that would include Russ Rep. Charles .Kersten at a press conference, mony here before his H tic Committee indicated be "naive" to trust t Union and that the .F proposal should be "th looked at in Congress. SState P ochen H camp in the Interloch area. "The State is, d the scenery to compete vate business," he anals State operated parks do meet the standards of cial tourist camps, he co Prof. Maddy is present ter to the Legislature s case, which in summa that the destruction of lands should be halted possible the accommoc Lyiipcts visiinp, the ('amn. uwith destruction UN delegates deblared that a ead of a favorable Soviet response could e probing greatly advance pro'spects for es in the eventual control of the atom - day chal- while a rejection would further ower's ap- harden the East-West deadlock mic power of this life-and-death issue. ia. Eisenhower warned in his speech (R-Wis), that the growing U.S. stockpile of said testi- atomic weapons "exceeds by many louse Bal- times the explosive equivalent" of it would all bombs and shells dropped or he Soviet fired all over the world in World President's War' II. oroughly" He said man must control atomic power or it will destroy him. Therefore, he pledged, the United States was ready to join immediately in secret talks on setting up an International Atomic Energy Agency to which qualified nations would contribute atomic e f material for peaceful purposes. en park Group.Plan estroyin e with pri SL Revision yzed. The not even Student Legislature's new tem- commer- porary committee set up to Study )ntended. SL's constitution and structure met ting a let- Tuesday and began discussing and tating his formulating plans for improving try, urges the present constitutional struc- trees and ture. ' to make Under discussion were the pre dation of amble, functions of the Legisla- .ThP nark turn fillinp, of voacne the exec *n tion: 1) It trains doctors, nurses and other workers in the psychiatric ' field. 2) It guides and conducts clin- ical and pathological research in mental illness. 3) It directly treats mental patients, with special service to mentally ill children. From a physical standpoint, the Neuropsychiatric Institute consists of an 85-b-d hospital, occupational and recreational therapy facilities, an extensive neuropathological ! laboratory, and electroencephalo- graphy facilities for recording brain waves. The Institute also maintains out - patient clinics which ancenmmnrna nn mvimnta_ OPERATING COS] U' Seeks $22,665,000 From State (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a more complete breakdown of the approp- ment, the appropriation request priation request for next year made would finance the General Fund to the state Legislature by the Board budget of $27,512,800 approved by the Regents for the next By GENE HARTWIG school year. An $21,688,000 appropriation The General Fund budget for from the State Legislature to meet I the 1954-55 school year represents University operating costs next a 12.7 per cent increase over this year is being asked by the Board year's $24,892,000 budget which of Regents in a request made last had been based on an anticipated month. enrollment of 17,000 students. In addition, $977,000 issouaht Atuallv current enrnment is i I e 2) An additional $150,000 will needed to handle higher costs educating 50 more Medical I i of School students. Arperican foreign policy in order of their priority: "To order our rela- tions with other countries to en- able the republic to maintain its territorial integrity and political independence, to refiain at peace, to prosper and to preserve its do- mestic freedom." The nation sacrifices its domes- tic freedom first in case of dan- ger, he added. "We are sacrificing our liber- ties today to win the cold war, to prevent its turning into a hot war, and to win that hot war if it should come," he suggested. The correspondent warned that By PAT ROELOFS Conversion.of Interlochen State Park, into a commercial tourist camp has caused much disturb- ance to the president of the Na- tional Music Camp, Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, of the School of Music.. Located near Traverse City and adjacent to the Camp, the state park is under the control of thet Conservation Commission. Accord-t ing to Prof. Maddy, illegal destruc-t tion of Park forests began early! this year. "Bulldozers gouged outX i gret areas into wide goraded road- s 31 Increased staff and faculty personnel made necessary by higher enrollment will require $820,135. One hundred more teachers and 15 non-academic eemployes and hourly assistants, account for $520,037 of this