U' Physical Assets Worth
$114,334,000, Report Says
(Continued from Page 1
Additional buildings
are under construction at present
or are contemplated in the imme-
diate future.
The figures involved include:
three million for the Kresge Medi-
cal Research Bldg., nearing com-
pletion; one million for the new
women's swimming pool, also
abot finished; 1.1 million for the
North Campus Cooley Laboratory,
dedicated two months ago, and
$325,000 for remodeling the Na-
tural Science auditorium and
* * *
IN ALL some $36,137,786 has
been laid out by the University for
new buildings and major additions
since the close of World War II, a
million- less than half the present
total valuation of buildings.
Choir To Give
Annual Concert
The University Choir will pre-
sent its annual Christmas ccncert
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
Prof. Maynard Klein of the
School of Music will conduct a
350 voice choir featuring J. S.
Bach's "Magnificat" A volunteer
orchestra of students and faculty
will accompany the choir.
Solo passages for the even-
ing's major work will be sung by
Joan Marie Dudd, '54; Mary
Mattfeld, '54, Mary Ellen Roosa,
'55, Charles Wingert, '55, and
Russel Christopher, Grad.
An eleven-man brass choir and
'soloists Mary Ann Tinkham. '55
and Perry Daniels, '55 will be
heard in Giovannni Gabrielli's "In
Traditional Christmas carols
from several lands will be, sung
by a six voice madrigal group. The
Michigan Singers will also appear
in the concert singing two selec-
tions from "Christmas Story" by
Henrich Schutz.
English Group
To Hear Mizeher
Arthur M. Mizener, noted auth-
or and professor of English at Cor-
nell, will discuss " The Liberal
Imagination" at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Auditorium A, Angell Hall
under the auspices of the Univer-
sity English Department.
The appearance in Ann Arbor of
the author of "Far Side of Para-
dise," a biography of F. Scott
Fitzgerald, is due to the exchange
lecture program established be-
,tween Cornell University, .Univer-
sity of Toronto, Western Reserve
University and the University of
Gregg To Speak
Howard R. Gregg, Assistant
Chief Naturalist of the U. S. Park
Service, will speak at 4:15 today
in the Rackham Amphitheater on
the subject "Nature and Antiquity
in the National Parks."
Of this some 20 and a halfI
million was provided by the
State, 14 and a half million
through the issuance of revenue
bonds for dormatory construc-
tion and close to a million from
the Board in Control of Athletics
for athletic plant development.
Equipment for University study
and research, everything from the
piccolos of the Music School to
the giant synchrotron and cyclo-
tron of the physics department,
has a total value of nearly 27 and
a half million dollars.
Valued in excess of four million
dollars the collection of books in
the General Library is the center
of a campus library system reach-
ing out into almost every depart-
ment in the University.
'a * *
THE CLEMENTS Library collec-
tion of rare American books and
documents is worth almost two
million; the law library a million
and a half.
Now a center for peacetime
atomic research the University
has leased to it numerous expen-
sive pieces of equipment from
the Atomic Energy Commission
used on research programs un-
der the Phoenix Project and
other works.
Much of this equipment may
eventually become property of the
University when the AEC projects
are completed.
A glance at the value of physical
plant and equipment of five other
schools in the Big Ten shows Il-
linois with a total of $98,255,000;
Minnesota with $84,197,000; Ohio
State, $66,450,000, and Michigan
State College, $62,640,000.
University Hospital, one of the
largest hospital units in the na-
tion, adds several million dol-
lars to the University physical
Equipment for the entire Hospi-
tal-Medical Center group is valued
at 1.7 million dollars.
Plans are already underway to
spend $360,000 for modernization
and rehabilitation of parts of the
Hospital, $50,000 for alteration
and necessary changes in the Neu-
ropsychiatric Institute
Tax Assessors-
To Gather Here
Problems of tax assessment will
be highlighted today and tomor-
row at the eighth annual Short
Course for Assessing Officers, pre-
sented by the University Institute
of Public Administration in coop-
eration with related organizations
throughout the state and nation.
One hundred and forty assessing
officers from Michigan will assem-
ble for the course, which will begin
at 10:30 today with an orientation
speech by Marland B. Small, su-
pervisor of institutes for the Ex-
tension Service.
Also scheduled for today's ses-
sions are talks by Carl B. Miller
on "Tax Legislation: A Resume of
New Legislation," Robert H. Marsh
on "Fundamentals of Assessment,"
and E. Sheldon Markle on "Unus-
ual Assessment Problems."
71am Aspect
of Failure
(Continued from Page 1)
groups, in addition to certain out-
patient clinic and emergency cases.
Back in the 18 00's, Eloise was a
poor farm, later being established
as a contagious disease hospital.
With the growing of Detroit, it was
found necessary to provide greater
psychiatric care. Wayne County,
therefore, provided facilities with
the aid of some state support.
* * *
ALTHOUGH not as large as the
Michigan State Hospital outside
of Ypsilanti, nor as modern as the
Northville Mental Hospital in up-
state Michigan, Eloise is represen-
tative of the large state mental in-
The physical plant of Eloise
includes a bakery, conservatory,
fire department, laundry, and
leather shop. A farm, with com-
mercial as well as therapeutic
advantages, is also included in
the area of the institution.
As far as its medical staff, Eloise
is also typical of the general men-
tal hospital. Its staff of 14 psychi-
atrists allows only one doctor for
every 280 mhental patients. Two
psychologists and a social service
staff aid this psychiatric nucleus.
Because of the limited staff,
many patients receive only the
standard electric and insulin shock
treatments. Spencer Sterne, chief
psychologist at Eloise, said that
because of lack of facilities and
staff narrows intensive individual
treatment to only the most hope-
ful patients.
Groupttherapy, occupational
therapy, and music therapy are
also utilized at Eloise. However,
the very minimum of attention is
given to those patients whose
chances for recovery are judged to
be very poor.
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(Continued from Page 4)
rector of the Detroit Area Study, in a
discussion of "Social Participation in a
Metropolis." The talk will be given at
4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 9, in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.
Everyone is cordially invited to attend.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar. Mr.
C. N. DeSilva will speak "On the De-
formation of Ellipsoidal Shells" at 3:45
p.m. on Wed., Dec. 9, in 101 West En-
gineering Building. Refreshments will
be served.
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar -in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Dec. -10, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Ma-
son Hail.sProfessor James Tobin of the
Economics Department, 'ale Univers-
ity, will speak on "Mathematical Models
and Business Cycle Theory."
University of Michigan Choir, May-
nard Klein, Conductor, will present its
annual Christmas Concert at 8:30
Thursday evening, Dec. 10, in Hill Au-
ditorium. The Choir will open the pro-
gram with Palestrina's Kyrie, from Missa
Hodie Christus natus est. The Michi-
gan Singers continue the concert with
two ' excerpts by Schutz' Christmas
Story: and the Choir, assisted by a
Brass Ensemble conducted by Clifford
Lillya, sing Gab'rieli's In Ecclesiis, with
soloists Perry Daniels, baritone, and
Mary Ann Tinkham, soprano. The Mad-
rigal Group, composed of six members
of the Choir, will sing a group of
CIYistmas carols. Following intermis-
sion J. S. Bach's Magnificat will be per-
formed by the Choir with a special or-
chestra. Soloists in this work will in-
clude Joan Marie Dudd and Gloria
Soice, sopranos, Mary Ellen Boosa, con-
tralto, Charles Wingert, tenor. The con-
cert is open to the public without
Correction. The Opera Scenes pro- I
gram, previously announced for Mon-
day and Tuesday. Dec. 14 and 15. in
Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church,
will be given in Auditorium A, Angell
Hall, on Monday and Wednesday eve-
nings, Dec. 14 and 16.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall, A Half Century of Picasso, through
Dec. 20. Open from 9 to 5 on weekdays;
2 to 5, Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers, I.A.S. Meeting this evening
7:30 p.m. at the Union. Mr. John Luecht,
of Chrysler Guided Missile, will speak
on "Long-Range Ballistic Missiles and
Sattelities." Refreshments.
Social Work Supervisors' Institute.
School of Social Work students who are
in field work are invited to participate
In the supervisors' institute on The
Role of the Evaluation at the Union
today starting at 9:15 a.m. with coffee.
Tryout for French Play. A last tryout
for the French Play will be held today
from 3:30 to 5:15 in 408 Romance Lan-
guage Building. All students, from
freshmen to graduate students, with
some knowledge of French, are eligible.
Seminar on "The Significance of the'
Dead Sea Scrolls." Presentation and dis-
cussion led by Prof. George E. Menden-
hall, Lane Hall Library, this evening,
8 p.m.
3:30 p.m-Class in Modern -Dance
8 p.m.-IZFA Dance Group
8:30 p.m.-Maurice Samuel will speak:
on "Modern Jewish Literature; Its Con-
tent and Milieu." This lecture is spon-
sored jointly by Beth Israel Community
Center and Hillel. Mr. Samuel will speak
in the Main Chapel. -
Reservations for Kosher Dinner Fri-
day. at 6 p.m. must be made by Thurs-
Wesleyan Guild. Refresher Tea, from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Come and bring a
Sigma Xi Lecture tonight, 8 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. John
Bardach will speak on "Musk Ox Sur-
vey in the Arctic."
ULLR Ski Club will meet in the
League at 7:30 p.m. tonight. All those
going on the Christmas trip are re-
quested to bring their reservation de-
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group meeting at Guild
House, 7 p.m. Study series continued, The Department of Aeronautical En-
"The Challenge of Our Culture." gineering is sponsoring a seminar by Dr.
H. E.' Bailey on "Wing-Body Interfer-
All Pershing Riflemen will report to ence at Supersonic Speeds" to be held
TCB (Temporary Classroom Building) on Thurs.. Dec. 10, at 4 p.m. in 1504
in uniform at 1925 hrs. NO NOT report East Engineering Building. All Inter-
to the Rifle Range. ested are cordially invited to attend.
Chess Club of the U. of M. will meet
this evening. 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. fe Stue osTh Demtser Ver
All chess players welcome. P - will meet Thurs., Dec. 10, :5p m.
in the Union. Everyone is welcome.
A Vesper Service will be held at the
Presbyterian Church in the Student
Chapel this afternoon. The Service will
begin at 5:10 and end at 5:30. All stu-
dents are welcome.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Dis-
cussion Group at Guild House study
series. "The Challenge of Our Culture,"
7 p.m.
Roger Williams 'Guild weekly tea'
this afternoon, 4:30-6:00. Will work on
Deccember issue of "The Guilded Page."
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Thurs., Dec.- 10, at 8 p.m. in 2429 Ma-
son Hall. Arthur M. Mizener, Profes-
sor of English at Cornell University,
and author of The Far Side of Para-
dise, a biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald,
will speak on "Nature and the Novel."
All graduate students and faculty mem-
bers of the English Department are in-
vited to attend.
La p'tite causette will meet tomor-
row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in
the wing of the north room of the
Michigan Union cafeteria. This relaxed,
informal atmosphere will do wonders
to improve your conversational French.
All interested students are invited!l
S.L. Academic Freedom Sub-Commis-
sion meeting Thurs., Dec. 1b, at 4 p.m.
in the S.L. Bldg. (512 S. State). Evalua-
tion of Academic Freedom Week and
plans for the coming year.
Mathematics Club Christmas Party,
Thurs.. Dec. 10, 8 p.m. For transporta-
tion or further information call Mrs.
Donald Darling. NO-3-4531.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs.. Dec. 10, from 4:30 to 6
at the International Center.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
t mony meeting Thurs., Dec. 10, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Yoke Fellowship,. Baptist Church,
Thurs., Dec. 10, 7 a.m.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service
of Holy Communion, Thurs., Dec. 10, at
Canterbury House.
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Breakfast Devotion-Discussion Group,
Thurs., Dec. 10, 7 a.m., in the Guild
House Chapel.
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