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December 09, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-09

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i' IE i vilChIGAii DAILY

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The Internal

Security Act
ALTHOUGH THE passage and subsequem
implementation of the McCarran In-
ternal Security Act of 1950 has resulted in
much confusion and hysteria coupled with
a disregard, sometimes voluntary, for the
facts, not all hope for a mature government
is lost.
Under the Internal Security Act, Com-
munist-action and Communist-front or-
ganizations can be required to register
with the office of the Attorney-General
upon that gentleman's request. Since no
actual suppression is involved, it seems
like a °good idea on the surface. When
placed within the context of today's pub-
lie misconception of Communism in Am-
erica and the personalities responsible for
this misunderstanding, however, the law
Is the latest in political weapons.
It is plausible that, if the law were used
with some wisdom, there should be no harm-
ful ramification. Yet, the virtual suppres-
sion that it has imposed on free political
thought in this country cannot really be de-
nied: It can only be called something else,
like Americanism, and defended upon the
new grounds provided by such a new term.
An impartial examination of the facts
on this question would reveal that the Mc-
Carran Act has given the government pow-
er which, in itself, is not improper. But
the power has been used indiscreetly, be-
cause making noise is more important
than getting facts.
This could be overcome by some serious
discussion pointing out clearly and precise-
ly that the purpose. and spirit of the law
itself has been transcended. So far, there
has been little, if any, effort on the part
of politically important men to treat the
controversy in - a calm, intelligent manner.
What thoughtful interpretation that does
arise is invariably in no position to reach
the public, while the media of communica-
tion that carry the most weight as far as
public opinion is concerned relies strictly,
or almost so, on emotionalism, mud-sling-
ing, and counter-mud-slinging.
If both sides would merely re-examine
the McCarran Act, either the accusers
and investigators trained and prepared
in Congress would be required to amend
their methods of procedure, or Congress
would have to amend the Act. A neces-
sary preliminary to either course of ac-
tion would be considerably more objective
thought on the issue of Communism in
A re-examination of the McCarran Act
would accomplish this because undoubtedly
someone would then notice Section 1, sub-
section (b) of the Act, which until now has
somehow eluded detection and which reads
as follows: "Nothing in this Act shall be
construed to authorize, require, or establish
military or civilian censorship or in any
way to limit or infringe upon freedom of
the press or of speech as guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States and no
regulation shall be promulgated having that
-Jim Dygert
Rackham Auditorium . .
STANLEY QUARTET: Gilbert Ross, Emil
Raab, violins; Robert Courte, viola; Oh
ver Edel, violoncello; with Marian Owen,
THE SEASON'S second concert by the
Stanley Quartet again repeated the out-
standing program pattern which has char-
acterized the group's concerts these past few
years. There was a work from the eighteenth
century, last night Mozart's Quartet in B-

flat major, K. 589, a work of Beethoven, the
Quartet in M minor, Op. 18, No. 4, and a
contemporary work.
The contemporary work was the second
performance of Prof. Ross Lee Finney's
Quintet with Piano (1953), which the Stan-
ley premiered last summer. Again Prof. Mar-
ian Owen was the soloist.
Second impressions of this work only
strengthen those happy ones received at
the first performance. Such passionate
music had a melodic and textural grand-
eur which left the audience with a feel-
ing of awe. Exquisitely suited to the
twelve-tone technique in which it was cast,
it was more successful compositionally
than other more famous twelve-tone
chamber music, such as the third and
fourth Schoenberg Quartets, since it made
use of structural necessities like points of
rest and well-planned timings of mood
changes to project its meaning intelli-
gibly to the audience. The static, dance-
like beginning of the Allegro scherzando,
or the dramatic climax at the very end of
the appassionato movement show how
elegant contemporary music becomes when
a craftsman can capture his inspiration
so precisely and project it so clearly.
The Stanley and Prof. Owen fared even
better than last summer, and both gave a
performance that left nothing lacking. The
entire program displayed the musical un-
derstanding that has been a specialty of the
Stanley since their first concerts, and the

By STEWART ALSOP O ly but with a certain loving ephasis the
WASHINGTON-Sen. Joseph R. McCar- name of John Carter Vincent. Vincent has
thy's speech--a brilliant performance also been accused and also by a far better
in its own way-was, of course, a blunt known accuser than Miss Bentley was in
warning to President Eisenhower and his 1945. Under oath, Louis Budenz, the fam-
Administration. According to the almost ous ex-Communist and professional inform-
universal interpretation in Washington, Mc- er, has charged Vincent with being "under
Carthy said in effect: "Play the game my Communist orders," while ostensibly serv-
way-or else." ing the United States government. Yet Se-
Before the McCarthy performance, Attor- cretary of State John Foster Dulles (cour-
ney General Brownell's charge against ex- ageously, and after a close personal study
President Truman was widely hailed in of the evidence) cleared Vincent entirely
anti-McCarthy circles of the Eisenhower of the Budenz charges, and awarded him
administration as a master stroke, on the full pension rights.
theory that "it cut the ground right out Thus Dulles is guilty too. Indeed once
from under Joe." This theory now looks a the basic McCarthy premise is accepted,
trifle wobbly, to say the least h ,sc car. peis ''acetd
the structure of McCarthy's logic takes on
The act is that Brownell, in one fatal a certain insane symmetry. Davies and
sentence, opened up the Administration Vincent are guilty because they have beeba
to precisely the sort of brilliant, oblique accused. Brownell and Dulles are guilty of
attack which McCarthy has now made 'shielding" Daves and Vincent. President
upon it. Brownell had an excellent case Eisenhower is guilty of "shielding" Brown-
against the Truman administration. Made ell and Dulles. Indeed, everyone is guilty
in the right place at the right time, it who does not fervently and publicly admire
could have been a near-devastating case. Joseph R. McCarthy.
But when Brownell said that Truman McCarthy has served notice on the Ad-
knowingly appointed a "Russian spy," he ministration that he intends to follow this
fell into a trap. For he thus accepted the logic to its remorseless conclusion, unless
basic McCarthy premise: That accusation the Administration is ready to offer "proof"
equals proof of guilt. that it will not also "fall victim to the same
evil which beset the Democratic party."
At the beginning of his speech, McCarthy
twice emphasized this Brownell charge, ac- McCarthy will certainly not be satis-
curately and with obvious relish. For when fied by such minor concession as the head
the McCarthy premise is accepted, the Mc- of John Davies on a platter. He will be
Carthy brand of logic becomes almost un- satisfied, if at all, only by the Admin-
assailable. istration's public acceptance of his con-
In 1945 and early 1946, Harry Dexter tention that he, McCarthy, is the lead-
White'was a "Russian spy" chiefly on the ing symbol of Republicanism and the cen-
word of the then wholly unknown female tral issue in the 1954 election. He will
ex-Communist, Elizabeth Bentley. If such be satisfied, in a word, only by the ab-
charges are to be taken as proof of guilt, ject surrender of President Eisenhower
then, logically, Brownell himself is wholly and the Administration which he heads.
vulnerable to attack by McCarthy. On the surface, the contest appears un-
As McCarthy.pointed out, John' Paton equal, and McCarthy's challenge sheer pre-
Davies is "still on the payroll aft r eleven sumption. In one corner is Dwight D. Eis-
months of the Eisenhower administration." enhower, President of the United States,
Davies has been accused, not by an un-conqueror of Hitler, so popular that the
known witness like Miss Bentley, but by most audacious Democrats still dare attack
such distinguished accusers as Sens. Mc- him only indirectly. In the other corner is
Carthy and McCarran. Is not the failure of the junior Senator from Wisconsin, the spy-
Brownell's Justice Department to indict catcher who has yet to catch a spy, the
Davies, as demanded by McCarthy and warrior given to boasting 'about non-exis-
McCarran, monstrous "laxity" and "blind- tent shrapnel in his leg, the only major
ness?" politician in the country who can be label-
Brownell knows that Davies, when he led "liar" without fear of libel.
proposed that the Central Intelligence Yet it is clear by now that to underesti-
Agency hire certain pro-Communists, was mate McCarthy is folly, as the Administra-
simply suggesting the ancient double- tion strategists who believed they could
agent intelligence technique. He knows under-cut him by "fighting fire with fire"
that an indictment of the able Davies must surely have discovered. It must also
would almost certainly be thrown out on be clear to all but the most fatuous that
its ear by any court in the land. But what Eisenhower and McCarthy are indeed in op-
is Brownell to do? By the formula which posite corners; and that a clash, initiated
he himself accepted, Davies is guilty be- not by "trouble-makers" but by McCarthy
cause he has been accused. himself, is now inevitable.
McCarthy, furthermore, mentioned brief- (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune. Inc.)

.. eterS to tA 62;for1 0 . .
1 - -

Defense Spending ... "Let Me Tell You About M
To the Editor:s
SATURDAY'S Daily quotes a pro-,-
fessor in the Business Admin- -
istration School 4s saying that the
elimination of all American de-
fense expenditures would mean"
only a 14 per cent decline in gov-
ernmental spending While the full . '-,- f
context of the statement is not giv-
en, the figure ought not go unchal-
lenged, welcome as the implica-
tion is that the nation could suc-
ceed financially without the bur-1
den of defense spending
An analysis of Congressional ap-
propriations for the current 1954
fiscal year, as made by the Friends
Committee on National Legisla-
tion, documents the following
summary figures:
"Approximately 75 cents of ev-
ery dollar will go for military and
economic defense; 8 cents for pre-
vious wars, but not including the
national debt; ... 34of a pennyt-
for civilian foreign aid and techni-
cal assistance programs, and only'
1/16 of one cent for United States a'
contributions and participation in
the administrative activities of the
United Nations and its eleven spe-
cialized agencies, as well as about
fifteen other international organi-
zations." Perhaps the residents of Ann Ar- vi
If there's even a grain of truth bor would take advantage of the ti
in the saying that you get what situation by renting parking space m
you pay for, is it any wonder that to students on their front lawns; on
the international situation leaves residents of Ann Arbor have nev- le
something to be desired, when 83 er seemed to oppose any plan w
per cent of the estimated expendi- which increases their income (pre- b
tures are for national defense and ferably at the expense of stu- st
the costs of past wars, and less dents.) e
than one per cent for the UN, oth- -Persse O'Reilly
er international organizations, and *

4Y Political Troubles"


6v 4



iously all-white, are now admit-
ng Negro students to one or
pore programs. These are mostly
,n the graduate and professional
vel, but include several instances
here the entire institution has
een opened to Negroes. Only 5
ate universities still completely
xclude Negroes.
In 1951, the American Associa-

technical assistance?
-Ed Voss

Hypocricy ...
To the Editor:
WE THE undersigned object on
intellectual grounds to hypo-
cricy-thus the following regard-
ing the recently much discussed
driving ban.
Facts: 1. Married students, re-
gardless of age, may obtain vir-
tually unrestricted driving per-
2. Students twenty-six years old
and over (males among whom are
rapidly approaching senility ac-
cording to the recent Kinsey dis-
closures) may obtain unrestricted
3. During daylight hours when
parking and traffic congestion is
severe, the driving ban has been
traditionally unenforced.
4. Despite the fact that the ban
ostensibly prohibits all student
driving by non-holders of permits,
the enforcement is limited to so-
cial use after dark, especially on
Conclusion: The driving ban
has as its chief justification nei-
ther the limited nature of Ann
Arbor's parking facilities nor con-
trol of the accident rate but rather
control, in some measure at least,
of the birth rate.
Observation: The current con-
troversy has made occasional sin-
ister references to "drinking'".
(presumably alchoholic) but has
gingerly avoided the basic issue
of Morals And Who Shall Set
Them. The contention that typical
university students are insuffi-
ciently mature to make such im-
portant decisions is obviously con-
troversial. This was the issue in
1927; it will be the issue in any
new decision by the Board of Re-
gents. Therefore, any discussion
which ignores morals and centers
attention on accident rates, park-
ing problems, quaint college at-!
mosphere, the car as a modern day
essential, lack of enforcement,
etc. is not only hypocritical but
--George M. Broderick
George A. Davidson
Driving Ban .

Discirniwtin Reord tion of Law Schools adopted a new
scrimintion Record oal of eliminating discrimination
To the Editor:-in legal education. 22 Southern
law schools are now complying
N VIEW of the space given in and 19 are not.
the Daily to the subject of dis-t
crimination, it may be of interest 10 Southern medical schools, in
to summarize the rapid progress addition to the two Negro schools,
that is being' made in reducing dis- have admitted Negro students:
c r i m i n a t i o n and segregation In 1952, the Illinois Commission
among the colleges and univer- on Human Relations reported
sities, especially in the South. The marked progress in opening
following items will portray some schools of nursing in the state to
of the highlights: Negro students. In 1952, 30 schools
33 public and 28 private colleges admitted Negroes as compared
and universities in the South, pre- with 18 in 1950. Only 5 schools

would not admit Negroes in 1952,
whereas 20 would not in 1950.
In 1950, Kentucky repealed its
segregation law. The University of
Louisville and the municipal col-
lege for Negroes were merged.
Eight colleges in the state, in-
cluding the State University, were
opened to Negroes.
Several instances have occurred
in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,
North Carolina, and elsewhere in
the South where Negro students
have been admitted to the dormi-
tories, entered into student activi-
ties, and elected to student offices.
In one case, Negroes have played
on the football team.
Among the college fraternities
in Northern institutions, there
have been 21 institutions where
one or more local chapters have
been expelled or have withdrawn
from their national affiliations
because of differences of opinion
over the bias clauses. At 19 uni-
versities official action has been
taken requiring the fraternities to
remove bias clauses within a given
time limit, if they are to continue
to receive recognition from the in-
27 State and county medical so-
cieties in the South have either
admitted Negro physicians or
amended their rules to makeuit
possible, The American Nurses
Association and the Associa-
tion of N e g r o Graduate Nur-
ses merged in 1951. The Missouri
State Teachers Association and
the Negro Teachers Association
have merged. The North Carolina
Academy of Science has dropped
its racial bar. The American Asso-
ciation of University Women has
made it explicit that race shall no
longer be a bar to membership.
The above are illustrative of spe-
cific actions that have been taken.
nearly all of them since the war,
and most of them within the past
three years. The dire consequences
that were so commonly predicted
have not materialized. There have
been virtually no serious incidents.
Optimistic as is this picture, it
represents for the South, of
course, only a beginning. Progress
is being made in the North, too,
but it is not so dramatic.
-Prof. Algo D. Henderson
quad Food ...
To the Editor:
WE REALIZE that the Univer-
sity faces a difficult problem
in feeding the one thousand men
of the West Quadrangle; however,
we believe that the quality and
preparation of the food are below
the standard which we should ex-
pect for three hundred fifty dol-
lars a semester.
To cite the Sunday evening meal
as an example: we had spaghetti,
which seemed to have been soaked
in grease before it was served; a
spoonful of corned-beef hash that
was left over from the Saturday
noon meal; and a sandwich spread
which consisted of boiled eggs,
left-over liver which most of the
men had found unpalatable when
it was originally served Friday
night, peanut butter, and the die-
tician only knows what else.
The University has steadfastly
refused to recognize student pro-
tests against this condition. Must
the residents riot, as they nearly
did Sunday night, in order to gain
-Robert Sassone, '56LS&A
Robert Armbruster, '56LS&A
Clifton Ransom, '56 Eng.


THIS IS possibly one of the best issues of
Gargoyle ever printed-at least, I can't
remember a better one. The stories are con-
sistently good, and the art work, always ex-
cellent, is superb. Gargoyle has often been
criticized on one of two bases: either it is
too dirty (which can result in its removal),
or it is too clean (which may mean loss of
its reputation). The present edition is not
too hot, not too cold, but just right.
To begin at the beginning, the cover:
it is not customary Garb stuff, and, for a
change, this is exhilarating. Furthermore,
for those patrons who read the fine print,
there is a detailed analysis of it inside. It
isn't sexy at all.
Passing inside the magazine (accom-
plished by a mere flick of the finger-this
Yankee ingenuity) we are confronted with
a rather disgruntled old gentleman with a
cryptic-and, more than likely, symbolic
-statement. Undoubtedly it has something
to do with local communist inquisitions.
Opening another box of popcorn (Daily
reviewers are now required to stuff them-
selves with popcorn while performing their
duties), I settled back in my swivel chair to
read Larry Pike's "A Westinghouse Is Not
a Home." The story is applicable to all who
are repressing their frustrations. The moral:
don't repress them-even the most success-
New Books at Library
Burman, Ben Lucien-The Four Lives of
Mundy Toliver: Julian Messner; New York,
Forster, E. M.-The Hill of Devi: Harcourt,
Brace and Co.; New York, 1953.
Henrichsen, Margaret-Seven Steeples:
Houghton-Mifflin Co.; Boston, 1953.
Muir, Helen-Miami U.S.A.: H. Holt &
Co.; New York, 1953.
Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research--
The Mountain World, 1953: Harper & Bro-
therq Publishers; New York, 1953.
Wolle, Muriel Sibell-The Bonanza Trail:
Indiana University Press, Bloomington,
THE PRESENT trend toward direct democ-

ful capitalists cultivate theirs; frustration is
the modern way. While the obvious didac-
ticism is a little distressing, the jokes are
A series of blackboard sketches continue
the general Christmas motif of psycho-
analytical confusion. I seriously wonder if
these are really' copies of professorial
blackboard- doodling; I've seen worse.
If you've reached this point in the maga-
zine, and there's no reason, barring natural
exigencies, why you shouldn't, you will not
be able (as the book-club prochures say) to
put it down. For now we encounter a piece
which really makes this Garg-Jan Winn's
"Mildred." The story is hilarious, a real
comedy. Miss Winn shows real talent or
something, and I had to laugh (the only
critical criterion that applies to a magazine
like the Garg).
The insert-parody this time is called
"True Lie," which succinctly exposes the
faults of the confession-type monthly. I
particularly like the "plain brown wrap-
per" ads at the end. A short short short
story by David Kessel presents the facts
about the latest menace to a peaceful
sleep, and, despite its title, does not blame
the current world crisis on T. S. Eliot; he
can't be completely blameless, though, can
In the more lascivious line is the cartoon
series "1953 All-Girl Review" by L. H. Scott
(of Arts Theater Mural fame). Mr. Scott
has an amazing capacity for an analysis of
the feminine mind, and draws good too
(with eclat, he informs me). Arthur God-
frey comes in for his share of well-deserved
knocks in "It's Not the Heat, It's the Hu-
mility," and the old "Who Stole My Dino-
saur" shows up in the format of an avant
garde drama.
Lucy Rosenthal's parody of a typical
(bad) freshman English essay strikes close
to the heart. I trust it is a moment of
high emotion recollected in tranquility.
Miss Rosenthal's talent obviously lies in
the English-teaching racket; she knows
how not to write, which, when added to
illegible handwriting, produces first-rate
I'm out of popcorn, but I'm dashing right
out to the local drugstore for a new supply.
I've got to read this again.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construe-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Noticesrshould be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.,
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 65
N .otices
The second Hatcher Open House for
students is being held today, from 4
to 6. at the Hatcher home. All students
are cordially invited to meet President
and Mrs. Hatcher and to join in sing-
ing Christmas carols.
1954 Parking Permits. Due to manu-
facturingadifficulties, permits will not
be available until December 15, Sorry.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Late permission for women students
who attended the de Paur Infantry
Chorus on Tues., Nov. 24, will be no
iater than 11:20 p.m.
TIAA -- College Retirment Equities
Fund. Participants in the TIAA and
CREF retirement program will be able
to make changes in the amounts allo-
cated to CREF.
Staff members who have % or ' of
their contributions to TIAA allocated
to CREF may wish to change to a %'
basis, or go from the latter to a ? or ?;
basis. Such changes must be made BE-
FORE Dec. 15, 1953.
Retirement RecordsBOffice
Room 3511, Admin. Bldg.
Telephone Ext. 619

erator in the Detroit area. Appointments
may be made by contacting the Bureau
of Appointments, Ext. 371.
The Colgate-Palmolive Co., of Jersey
City, N.J., will have a representative on
the campus on Fri., Dec. 11, to inter-
view businessoadministration, econom-
ics, or industrial management students
who would be interested in plant su-
pervisory work in Jeffersonville, In-
diana, Kansas City, or Jersey City. Stu-
dents wishing to schedule appointments
may contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Personnel Requests.
Alcorn A. & M. College, Alcorn, Mis-
sissippi, is looking for an Accountant
for a position with the school as Pur-
chasing Agent. February graduates are
eligible to apply. .
The U.S. Civil Service Commission has
announced an examination for Geolo-
gist. Grades GS-5 and GS-7. Vacancies
to be filled from this test exist in the
Departments of Interior, Agriculture,
and Army. Graduates with a degree in
geology or students who expect to com-
plete their degree by June may take
the examination. The closing date for
applications is Dec. 15.
The National Seal Co., Van Wert,
Ohio, a manufacturer of oil seals, is in-
terested in hiring a Mechanical Engi-
neer for a trainee program, followed l~y
permanent assignment in the Engineer-
ing Department of the company.
The New York State Employment
Service is asking 1954 college graduates,
residing in the Rochester, N.Y. area, to
register with the Service during the
Christmas holidays. Interviews with
Rochesterremployers may then be ar-
ranged for the spring vacation
For further information concerning
these and other employment opportuni-

To the Editor: The Fund for the Advancement of ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
BOUT THIS so-called driving Education( .Ford Foundation) announces ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
A a program of Faculty Fellowships for 371.
ban, now:- 1954-55. These fellowships are available
I have recentlyrheard several ar- in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, Lectures
guments which really have little and the Natural Sciences. They are in-
or no validity in the case at hand. tended for candidates between the ages University Lecture in Journalism. Sec'
It is true that students here really of 30 and 45, who have been teaching ond in the Series, "The Press and Civil
have no need for automobiles, steadily for several years, and will pay Liberties in Crises." Wallace R. Deuel,
a grant approximately equivalent to Washington correspondent for the St.
aside from business or family re- the salary of the recipient for the aca- Louis Post-Dispatch, will speak on "Our
quirements, since most of Ann Ar- demic year plus certain necessary ex- Foreign Policy and Our Civil Liberties"
bor is within more or less easy penses. The primary purpose of the at 3 p.m., Wed., Dec. 9, in the Rackham
walking distance of the Univer- awards is to enable teachers to broaden Amphitheater.mCoffee hour will follow
waingti imlrytueta h their qualifications for teaching their in the Department of Journalism Con-
sity. It is similarly true that the respective fields as part of a program of ference Room, 1443 Mason Hall. Both
parking space in the campus area liberal education. They are not intend- events open to the public.
is fairly well filled up from 7 a.m. ed to support private and individual re-
until 7 p.m. every day. No one can search projects except as these bear Lecture. The public is invited to a
deny that the Ann Arbor police directly on, or are subordinate to, the lecture by H. Raymond Gregg, U.S. Park
effort to improve the candidate's teach- Service Assistant Chief Naturalist, on
force is not large enough to handle ing. Each applicant will be asked to "Nature and Antiquity in the National
any more traffic than exists at submit a plan for the year, explaining Parks" to be given Wed., Dec. 9, at 4:15
present. how it will increase his teaching effec- p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater.
However, at present, enforce- tiveness.
I University Lecture, auspices of the
ment of driving regulations is not The University is authorized to nom- Department of Near Eastern Studies,
at all adequate; driving permits inate four candidates each of whom will Dr. Hail Inalcik, Professor of Ottoman
are n o t particularly difficult be eligible for reappointment to the History, Columbia University, "Turkey
to come by: and then of teaching staff in 1955-56. Because of G and Islam," Thurs., Dec. 10, 4:15 p.m.,
course there are always a few ur- the small number of appointments, each Rackham Amphitheater,
Department may propose not more than
chis around who will drive (pre- one candidate. Departmental nominees University Lecture, auspices of the
ferably recklessly) if only for the may secure application blanks at the English Department, "The Liberal Imag-
pleasure they get from breaking a Office of the Graduate School. Since ap- ination," Professor Arthur M. Mizener
University regulation. plications must be sent in to the Foun- of Cornell University, author of the bi-
+. I oranhv of F. Scott Fitzaerald, The Far

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
HarryLunn.............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ...............City Editor
virginia voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
IDiane Decker .. .......... Associate Editor
Helene Simon......... .Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg. ...Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin...Assoc. Business Mgr.
IWilliam Seiden..... Finance Manager
James Sharp..... .Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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