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December 08, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-08

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Some Impressions
Of Soviet Journalism

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Recently we have been
thumbing through some pro-Communist litera-
ture being widely circulated throughout the
European continent. With, the help of Peter
Kalinke, an exchange student from Germany,
the author attemptsgtosconvey some first Im-
pressions of pro-Soviet press and magazines.)
THE MOST lucid accounts of the East Ber-
lin riots of the 17th of June were ad-
vanced by the pro-Communistic publication
"Junge Welt," and in so doing they came
up with a new type of guilt-a guilt by
shirt relation.
In an attempt to clarify the "fuzzy
thinking" about freedom, the article said,
"What would you say if suddenly on the
streets of Leipzig or another city of our
Republic men in SS or Hitler uniforms
would show up? Would you say, 'Oh, well,
we have freedom and everyone can dress
as wants to?" Certainly you wouldn't say
"But what are the Texas shirts?." This
refers to loud print sport shirts commonly
associated with the State of Florida by Am-
"On the 17th of June in Berlin, buildings,
stands and automobiles were set on fire.
Shop windows were broken and goods plun-
"The perpetrators who were captured wore
Texas shirts," the article significantly points
-out as its final evidence of an American-
inspired plot. *
THEN THERE are the stories of the glor-
ious armies of the East with the Soviet
army as the ideal. Take for instance the
stories of Musat and Vaslea, two typical
Army men.
Glancing through a Bucharest paper of
this year we stumbled on a smiling sol-
dier with his hand resting fondly on the
muzzle of a cannon. The cutlines under-
neath the picture referred to the "be-
loved" cannon.
In the story it seems Musat, one of the
better workers, wrote a book on tractors
and was honored for this effort by the
Secretary of the Party Organization des-
cribed as "a magnificent fellow who missed
As the story goes the secretary took Mu-
sat aside one day and asked:
"Do you love your tractor?"
"Yes, I love it."
"Do you love your fatherland?"
"Yes, I love it."
"If you love your fatherland you must de-
fend its approaches. Do you understand
"I understand."
The words of the secretary and the bril-
liant wit which Musat displayed become
more apparent as the story progresses.
The author of the tale says Musat later
spoke to a group of riflemen about "his

method of aim" and all listened atten-
The author being somewhat of a moralist
offers a moral to his story:
"Imperialist enemies should protect them-
selves in the face of our army in which such
soldiers are developed as Private Gheroghe
As for the soldier Vaslea, it is not
enough that he can shoot well, he must
learn to hate the enemy. This is just as
important as a good aim," another ar-
ticle claims.
"On the rifle range," the tale goes on,
"the commander was accustomed to say 'ev-
ery time you aim, you must see the enemy
who wants to attack our great land, the
democratic popular brotherland, the great
Soviet Union. Therefore, your hand must be
directed by hate when you shoot'."
Moral-"Valsea, it must be remarked,
only took five cartridges but all five hit
the bull's eye.
"Woe, to the enemy who would be ex-
posed to such fire."
'RUT THE STORIES of military glory of
, the Soviet armies are distinctively fill-
ed either with terms suggesting the chival-
ristic nonsense which dominated stories of
the Middle Ages or somehow bordering on
the, American "true confessions" type of
magazise. One title of a storoy will illustrate
this latter point: "My Daughter-the Air
Force Officer." (Rude Pravda. Sept. 5, 1953.)
Although no defense of the abuses the
American press and general communica-
tions systems sometimes indulge in the
pro-Russian press abuses its power con-,
"Our writers and artists in their works
must erase the evil faults and the sickly
manifestations which still exist in the so-
ciety and represent in positive artistic
shapes, ways and formspeople of the new
type, who are free of the boils and plague
generated and produced by capitalism," thus
spoke Georgi Malenkov.
But what has apparently happened is
that the Soviet press and literary efforts
have usurped the mean and shoddy atti-
tudes in the publications of the Western
world and elevated them to a position of
pure godliness. And the people of the new
type being fed on the "new positive artis-
tic shapes" have begun to rot our own
civilization as well as the Russian.
Lack of taste and puny exhibitions of
artistic merit seem to know no national
boundaries. The unfortunate thing about
the situation is that in the Soviet Union,
propaganda of the cheapest sort is the order
of the day-every day without let up.
-Mark Reader

The GI Bill
& the Dollar Bill
THE KOREAN GI Bill of Rights, despite
its careful preparation and fair provi-
sions, will probably be unfairly changed
when Congress convenes again.
At the end of World War II, Congress
scratched its head and sought a way to
show the appreciation of a "grateful na-
tion" to the veterans of that war for their
participation in the victory. In addition,
they wished to compensate in some way
for the one to five years many men and.
women gave up in the course of the war.
The result was the "GI Bill of Rights,"
which included educational benefits for up
to 36 months of schooling for qualified ex-
servicemen. Millions of veterans pursued
training under its provisions which later
proved to be loosely worded and even more
loosely enforced. The veteran was granted
subsistence ranging upward from $80 a
month, books and materials were fur-
nished, and tuition up to several hundred
dollars a semester was paid directly to the
school of the veteran's choice. It was in the
last two provisions that abuses and irregu-
larities occurred.
Ex-servicemen sometimes made a habit
of getting the maximum allowance of ma-
terials, then generously gave or cheaply
peddled them to their friends. The tuition
clause gave rise to even more deviations.
Bogus and non-existent schools sprang up
to collect the maximum tuition while the
veteran cashed in the subsistence checks.
The choice of schools and courses was al-
most unlimited: dancing lessons, person-
ality development courses and flying lessons
were among those of questionable value
which veterans could elect and receive the
same payments as if they were attending a
university or training for a craftsman's job
in industry.
After the rush for education under the
Bill tapered off the errors in its adminis-
tration were seen. When the Korean con-
flict broke out, Congress passed a new
benefits bill for veterans of the "police ac-
tion" period. But this new bill (Public
Law 550) is the result of study of the
evils and malfunctions of its predecessor.
Rep. Teague (D-Tex.) of the House Vet-
erans Affairs Committee headed the, in-
vestigations and supervised the drafting
of the new bill. Educators were often con-
sulted in the process.
The bill provides for close Veterans Ad-
ministration supervision of education and
training; the veteran must decide on an ed-
ucational objective and be approved for this
goal before he can receive benefits. The.
lump sum payments of $110 and up go di-
rectly to the ex-serviceman to cover all his'
expenses; tuition, room and board, and
books and materials are paid out of this
check according to individual needs. Further,
dancing lessons and similar courses are not
approved for benefits.
Now there is a move to change the pre-
sent bill. Rep. Springer (R-Ill.) is plan-
ning-with effective support-to introduce
a bill stipulating a return to the old tuition
provisions when Congress meets again. The
reason, it is reported, is that the privately-
endowed institutions "aren't getting their
share" of veterans, because full tuition isn't
covered directly by the new bill. In the
post-World War II period they enrolled 64
per cent of the veterans against 36 per cent
for state-supported institutions. Since the
flo~w of beneficiaries of the Korean Bill has
started, the state schools have been getting
about 53 per cent, according to recent esti-
It is puzzling and disheartening that
the private schools should take such a dol-
lar-dimmed view. From the nation's
standpoint, the carefully prepared Korean
Bill is the most economical and from the
veteran's view it reasonably provides for

the basic expenses of education. Chang-
ing to the old way of paying the high tui-
tions charged by many private schools is
inequitable to those who study at insti-
tutions of their own state and in addition
is unfair to those veterans who undertake
on-the-job training and receive a fixed
substance no matter where they train.
Congress in the case of the Korean GI
Bill has shown their appreciation to eligible
veterans with an equitable plan of benefits.
Why revert to an earlier plan on the de-
mands of a few money-hungry privately en-
dowed schools? The bill, after all, is for the
benefit of the veterans, not the colleges
and universities.
--Wally Eberhard
Fair Trial
A d Free Press
cone is basic to our constitutional
system. Safeguards for the fair administra-
tion of criminal justice are enshrined in
our Bill of Rights ..-. One of the demands
of a democratic society is that the public
should know what goes on in courts by
being told by the press what happens there,
to the end that the public may judge
whether our system of criminal justice is
fair and right. On the other hand, our
society has set apart court and jury as the
tribunal for determining guilt or innocence
on the basis of evidence adduced in court,
so far as it is humanly possible."
T; n., a nn nt.Cnn m..f'n .nn _i

"Look Out - Here Come Those Iron Doves Again"
fry -
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tiettei'4TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters .f
general interest, and will publish allletters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




*+ER g e. oc

LYL & SACB.. .
To the Editor: -
Mr. Sharp indulged in a number
of inaccurate statements in
giving his case against the Sub-
versive Activities Control Board
hearings determining whether the
L. Y. L. should register as a Com-
munist-front organization.
The Internal Security Act re-
quires the Attorney-General to
show that the L. Y. L. is substan-
tially directed, dominated and
controlled by the Communist Par-
ty and primarily operated for the
purpose of giving aid and sup-
port to the Communist Party, a
Communist foreign government, or
the world Communist movement.
In meeting these requirements the
Attorney-General in his petition
has charged that (1) the CP
directed the activities of the L. Y.
L. and has exercised direction over
the formulation of the policies
of the L. Y. L., alleging 10 differ-
ent aspects of this direction; (2)
from its inception the L. Y. L.
has received support, financial and
otherwise, from and at the direc-
tion of the CP, alleging 10 differ-
ent aspects of this support; (3)
from its inception the L. Y. L.
has been operated to give aid and
support to the CP, citing 8 dif-
ferent ways in which its funds,
resources and personnel have been
used to promote the objectives of
the 6P; and (4) throughout its
existence the L. Y. L. has never
knowingly deviated from the

views and policies of the CP, giv-
ing 11 pronounced examples of
this rigid adherence to the Party
line, among which were:
"(c) . . . supported and justified
the position of the Communist
Party in . . . urging the United
States . . . to accept the . . . de-
mands of the North Korean . . .
and the Chinese Communsts on
the issue of exchange of war pri-
soners .. .
"(f) .. . supported and justified
the position of the CP in con-
demning the trial . . . of Roosevelt
Ward, Jr... .
"(i) ... supported and justified
the position, views and objectives
of the CP in opposition to . .
UMT .. .
"(k)..supported and jus-
tified the position of the CP with
respect to the terms of peace for
the settlement of the Korean con-
The intention of the Attorney-
General in listing these L. Y. L.
views was to show its fidelity to
he Party line, not to pass on the
merits of each individual view.
Furthermore, the Internal Se-
curity Act does not outlaw or
abolish any Communist-front or-
ganizations. It merely requires
such groups to register and furnish
records. If complying with the
Act would tend to destroy the ef-
fectiveness of the L. Y. L., the
fault lies not with the necessity
for secrecy in the operation and
management of the L. Y. L.
Mr. Sharp is slightly off-base.
-George Mack




WASHINGTON-On De.c. 15, according to
the present schedule, the National Se-
curity Council must make a decision which
will profoundly affect the world balance of
power. For Dec. 15th is the final deadlinZ
for deciding the level of defense spending
for the next fiscal year.
The decision involves, moreover, a cer-
tain human drama, in the shape of a
tug-of-war between the Damon and Pyth-
ias of this Administration. In one corner
is Secretary of the Treasury George Hum-
phrey. In the other is Humphrey's close
personal friend, Secretary of Defense
Charles E. Wilson.
The struggle is an object lesson in the
way the office shapes the man, for when
Wilson and Humphrey took office, their
views were identical. Wilson was convinced
that businesslike methods would make pos-
sible heavy cut-backs in defense spending,
and almost his first act was to throw the
144-group program of the Air Force into
the waste basket. In the political row which
ensued, Wilson firmly and publicly com-
mitted himself to the support of whatever
defense program the new Joint Chiefs of
Staff might propose in their "new look" at
American defenses.
The Chiefs' new look went forward sub-
sequently in the light of a new factor-the
Soviet test of °a hydrogen weapon. This
grim event was partly responsible for a
National Security Council decision reached
at a meeting on Oct. 6-to give the Nation-
al Security priority over all other matters.
On Oct. 13, the National Security Council
was confronted with the disagreeable dol-
lar-and-cents meaning of this decision,
when the Joint Chiefs unveiled to the Coun-
cil the results of their long-awaited new
The Chiefs do not, of course, deal in
money figures-they simply recommend
"force levels." But William J. McNeill,
able Defense Department comptroller, was
present to interpret these force levels in-
to money terms. McNeill estimated, on
the basis of long experience, that it would
cost in the neighborhood of $43,000,000,-
000 to maintain the force levels proposed
by theoit Chefs

Thus the $43,000,000,000 figure, taken to-
gether with prospective tax cuts, forecast a
huge deficit-perhaps well over $9,000,000,-
000. Humphrey did. not dispute the force
levels proposed by the Chiefs-he has al-
ways correctly maintained that it is not his
business to make military judgments. But
he did ask McNeill whether substantial
sums might be saved by the strictest econ-
omy in the non-combat and support areas.
McNeill, himself a long time enemy of
extravagance in these fields, replied that
this was no doubt possible. There the
matter rested, the dates for the final
determination of the level of the Defense
budget being put over to Dec. 15, the last
possible deadline.
Back in the Treasury, Humphrey con-
tinued his study of the fiscal prospects, and
what he found disturbed him more and
more. Accordingly, at a press conference in
November, he let it be known that he favor,
ed a spending reduction of $6,000,000,000, of
which at least $5,000,000,000 would have to
come from defense. When Humphrey ex-
pressed this view, he undoubtedly had in
mind McNeill's statement at the Oct. 13,
National Security Council meeting, that
substantial savings in the non-combat areas
were possible.
But when Humphrey's views were pub-
lished, there was consternation in the Pen-
tagon, and paiticularly in the office of
Humphrey's friend Wilson. Something like
$2,000,000,000 or so might conceivably be
squeezed out of current spending levels with-
out reducing the force levels proposed by
the Joint Chiefs. But a $5,000,000,000 re-
duction would knock the Chiefs' new look,
to which Wilson is so deeply and publicly
committed, galley-west.
It is a painful human dilemma. Either
Wilson must go back on his comitments,
which he has no intention of doing, or
his friend Humphrey, who has a genuine
moral hatred of deficit financing, must
preside over what may turn out to be the
greatest Treasury deficit in peace-time
But it is a national dilemma also. And
however much one may sympathize with

WASHINGTON-Inside story of the McCarthy-Eisenhower contro-
versy. is that the Wisconsin fire-eater had planned to come out
in his last statement shooting from the hip with a devastating blast
against John Foster Dulles and his law partner, Arthur Dean, now
in Korea trying to negotiate peace.
It was placid, roly-poly Len Hall, Chairman of the Republican
National Committee, who finally went to McCarthy's office and per-
suaded him to call off the dogs. Hall had to mingle threats with
persuasion before McCarthy agreed.
What Senator McCarthy had got hold of was the record of-
Arthur Dean as vice-president of the Institute of Pacific Rela-
tions. This is the group which published Amerasia and in which
certain Communists infiltrated during the war.
McCarthy was ready to publish certain records which according
to some interpretations might have linked Dean with U.S. appease-
ment toward Red China. He had prepared a ripsnorting statement
blasting the Secretary of State and his law partner, now in Korea.
When Len Hall heard about this, however, he went to see Mc-
Carthy. At no time did he lose his temper. It was always Joe and Len.
However, Len teld Joe that if he went ahead with his blast, he, Hall,
and every Republican leader would issue statements against him.
Hall argued that McCarthy's attacks on Eisenhower were
merely helping the Democrats. He also promised that if McCarthy
would tone down his statement, the Republican leaders would
drop their battle against him.
McCarthy agreed. He even submitted his greatly watered-down
statement to Hall. Hall read it, and, while he didn't approve it, he
said he didn't think it would offend the White House too much.
Hall then went to the White House and reported to Ike. When he
left he was confident he had arranged a truce. But he hadn't counted
typed statement was so milk-toast that the Baltimore Sun corres-
pondent Phil Potter asked: "Senator, could this be described as a
perfumed note to the Administration?"
That was before McCarthy added the kicker-which was verbal.
He urged that the American people write letters to the White House
urging that Ike change his foreign policy regarding China. And the
White House, despite any reports to the contrary, just didn't appre-
ciate this a bit.
* * * *
PRIOR TO THE Brownell blast at Truman in Chicago, the White
House had not intended to fight McCarthy openly, but to take
the ball away from him, thus push him out of the headlines ..,.
White House aides claim that Attorney General Brownell's contro-
versial Chicago speech on Harry Dexter White was not aimed at ex-
President Truman but at Senator McCarthy. The Eisenhower Ad-
ministration wanted to demonstrate that it could handle the Com-
munist issue without any help from McCarthy . . . . Brownell's speech
was carefully reviewed by presidential press secretary Jim Haggerty
the morning before its delivery, but unfortunately, Hagerty didn't
sense theimplications of the sentence reflecting on Truman's loy-
alty. As a result, the speech backfired, and Brownell was forced to
call on G-Man J. Edgar Hoover to bail him out . .. . Actually, the
White House didn't want to rile Truman nor involve the FBI in poli-
tics. The whole idea had been concocted as a master strategy to neu-
tralize the irresponsible Senator from Wisconsin . . . . After Senator
McCarthy's radio blast accusing the Eisenhower administration of
"perfumed notes" diplomacy, Secretary of State Dulles was so furious
that he interrupted President Eisenhower's Thanksgiving vacation
with a phone call to Augusta .. .. when Ike returned to the White
House, he- found not merely Dulles but his aides angry as hornets
over McCarthy's challenge to the President's leadership. Hence, the
double-barreled Dulles-Eisenhower blast at McCarthy.
* * * *
IDAHO'S SENATOR Herman Welker, a rabid Republican, was mis-
taken the other day for Minnesota's Senator Hubert Humphrey, a
liberal Democrat.
"Aren't you Senator Humphrey?" asked a lady tourist, stand-
ing next to Welker on the senate elevator.
"Lady," retorted Welker icily, "I don't look like Senator Hum-
phrey, act like him, talk like him, or vote-like him. I am just as far
from Senator Humphrey as the moon."
* * * *
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S statement that every American has
the "right to meet his accuser face to face" was made off the
cuff. Before delivering the speech, Ike told Jewish leaders: "I am not
going to use a script. I want to speak straight from the heart" --. -
in spite of its sincerity, the statement backfired in Washington,
where more than 300 employees have been dismissed by the Eisen-
hower Administration with no opportunity to face their accuser ... .
Furthermore, government security officers admit privately that they
have no intention of changing their procedure. They hope the public
will forget what the President said . . . . This is another example of
what propaganda chief C. G. Jackson calls "bad orchestration." He
has been upset over the "different tunes" played by Administration
spokesmen, who are supposed to be members of the same orchestra
- --.for example, GOP National Chairman Leonard Hall said Com-
munism would be an issue in the 1954 elections; President Eisenhower
said it shouldn't be . . .. Attorney General Brownell declared that
ex-President Truman knowingly promoted a Russian spy; Ike said
it was "inconceivable" that Truman had knowingly promoted a spy

(Continued from Page 2)
p.m. on Wed., Dec. 9. in-101 West En-
gineering Building. Refreshments will
be served.
Seminar in Complex Variables will
meet Tues., Dec. 8, at 3:30 p.m. in 3011
Angell Hall. Doctor E. L. Griffin, Jr.,
will speak on Bounded Analytic Func-
Logic Seminar. Tues., Dec. 8, 4 p.m,
411 Mason Hall. Dr. J. R. Buchi will
continue his discussion of "Church's
Theory of Lambda Conversion."
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte,
viola, Oliver Edel, cello, assisted by
Marian Owen, piano, will be heard in
the second and final concert of this
semester at 8,30 p.m., Dec. 8, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The program
will open with Beethoven's Quartet in
C minor, Op. 18, No. 4, followed by
Ross Lee Finney's Quintet (1953); aft-
er intermission the group will play Mo-
zart's Quartet in B-flat major, K. 589.
The concert will be open to the pub-
lic without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. A Half Century of Picasso, through
Dec. 20. Open from 9 to 5 on weekdays;
2 to 5, Sundays. The public is invited.
Events Today
Foresters' Club meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m., 2054 N. S. Speaker will be H.
Raymond Gregg, Assistant Chief Nat-
uralist, U.S. Park Service. Topic of
talk: "Target Tomorrow." All Natural
Resources School students invited. Re-
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Tea at Guild House, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Young Republicans. Annual Meeting
tonight at 7:30 p.m., League. Final
Report of the President and Election
of Officers. Attendance of all members
urgently requested.
La Tertulia of the Sociedad iispanica
will meet today at 3:30 p.m. in the
North Wing of the Union Cafeteria. All
interested in informal Spanish conver-
sation are urged -to attend. Faculty
members will be present
The Young Democrats will hold a for-
um tonight in the League to which all
interested students are invited. The
forum will be on Progressive Education.
There will be discussion from two mem-
bers of the Education School and from
the English Department of the LSA
School. The student body will also be
represented by Dorothy Myers. Don't
forget this important forum held at
the League, tonight at 7:30, Rehearsal
Hillel Foundation. Eight day of Han-
ukkah-candle lighting, 7:30 p.m. 7:30-
Class in Beginning Hebrew.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House
followed by student-led Evening Pray-
er in the Chapel of St. Michael and All
Angels. All students invited.
Square Dancing. Old and new dances,
Swithadequate instruction. Everyone
welcome. 7:30-10:00 p.m., Lane Hall.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5:15 p.m.

Chapel on Wed., Dec. 9. The Service will
begin at 5:10 and end at 5:30. All stu-
dents are welcome.
University Senate The regular fall
meeting of the University Senate will
be held on Mon., Dec. 14, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Social Work Supervisors' Institute.
School of Social Work students who are
in field work are invited to participate
in the supervisors' institute mi The
Role of the Evaluation at the Union
on Wed., Dec. 9, starting at 9:15 a.m.
with coffee.
Episcopal Student Foundation: Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 am. service
of Holy Communion, Wed., Dec.' 9 at
Canterbury House.
Seminar on "The Significance of the
Dead Sea Scrolls." Presentation and
discussion led by Prof. George E. Men-
denhall, Lane Hall Library, Wed., Dec.
9, 8 p.m.
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers, I.A.S. Meeting Wed., Dec. 9,
7:30 p.m. at the Union. Mr. John Luecht,
of Chrysler Guided Missile, will speak
on "Long-Range Ballistic Missiles and
Sattelities." Refreshments.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Dis-
cussion Group at Guild House study
series, "The Challenge of -Our Culture,"
7 p.m., Wed., Dec. 9.
Sigma Xi Lecture, Wed., Dec. 9, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. John
Bardach willspeak on "Musk Ox Survey
in the Arctic."
Roger Williams Guild weekly tea,
Wed., Dec. 9, 4:30-6:00. Will work on De-
cember issue of "The Guilded Page."
Chess Club of the U. of M. will meet
Wed., Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
All chess players welcome.
te 43i






Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter...............City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker......... Associate Editor
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg. ... Assoc. sports Editor
-Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger.,....Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin.. . Assoc. Business Mgr.
WilliamSeiden.......Finance Manager
James Sharp...Circulation Manager

Coming Events

Telephone NO 23-24-1
The Pre-Medical Society will meet on
Thurs., Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Angell


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