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December 08, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-08

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' - -

Latest Deadline in the State


Ike To Talk to UN
On Atomic Energy
President's Last Minute Decision
Causes Speculation on All Sides
By The Associated Press
A high diplomatic source said yesterday President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's address to the UN General Assembly would contain
sensational new proposals for untangling the long Easy-West dead-
lock over contrpl of atomic energy.
The President's dramatic decision to deliver an 11th hour appeal
for peace in th% atomic era-as the Assembly prepared to wind up
its eighth session-created a sense of urgent expectancy among
Russians, Westerners, Asians and Arabs alike.
WHILE ALL' SIDES speculated on what would be contained in
the American leader's speech at 4 p.m. today, the diplomatic source
« said it would be the most import-

C Hitting on a sure bet to turn
over a fast buck, four Oklahoma
A&M College undergraduates
are selling good looks and so-
cial poise for 70 cents an hour
to dateless damsels.
Naming their venture the
City-Wide Escort Service, the
four expect the business to
prove an answer to the desper-
ate coed's prayer.
A schedule of prevailing rates
has been set up for coke dates,
dances, bridge, coffee, tea,
drinking or any other social
Announcing their arrival on
the Oklahoma A&M social
scene with an ad reading,
"Girls, don't panic. An escort
is as closeas your telephone,"
the four guarantee coeds dates
who are -well-mannered, well-
dressed and well-read.
Land Deal
A proposed real estate deal be-
tween the University and the De-
troit Edison Co., by which the
University would acquire land
along the Huron River for future
use in building a bridge to the
North campus, was discussed at
the Ann Arbor City Council meet-
ing last night.


LY Dead





Brownel ss
IL YL To Regis ter!
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This interpretive article is a discussion of the case
of the Attorney General vs. the Labor Youth League now being aired in
Washington so the reader may be able to better interpret news develop-
ments arising from the dispute.)
At the present time the Attorney General of the United- States
Herbert Brownell is requesting that the Labor Youth League Offi-
cially register as a Communist-front organization as defined underj
terms of the Internal Security Act of 1950.
Whatever the outcome of the petition being considered by the
Security Activities Control Board in Washington, it will have far
reaching implications on the American political scene.

Baxter First
To Announce
Being Called
Ordered To Give
List of Members

New Dispu te
Hits Korean
Captive Talks
PANMUNJOM-()-An Indian
general's uncertainty over what to
do with more than 22,000 anti-
Red prisoners after Jan. 22 threw
the already stalled problem into
a three-cornered snarl yesterday.
Lt. Gen. K. S. Thimayya, In-
dian chairman of the Neutral Na-
tions Repatriation Commmission,
told newsmen he would have to ask
his government for guidance but
thought the Reds and the UN
Command should decide jointly
the next step should current ar-
mistice steps fail.
ON THE Allied side, Maj. Gen.
Julius K. Lacey told a -military
armistice commission meeting
Sunday, these prisoners must be
released automatically after Jan.
22 under the armistice terms
should a Korean peace conference
not deal with them by that time.
On the- Red side, North Kor-
ean Gen. Lee Sang Cho told the
commission the Communists de-
manded extension of the 90-day
explanation period past the
present Dec. 23 deadline and
that, in all cases, the more than
22,000 be kept, in custody -until
a Korean peace conference can
decide their fate.
The Reds halted explanations to
these anti-Reds Nov. 16 after fail-
ing to win back 97 per cent.
In another conference hut, Red
and UN diplomatic negotiators
were meeting yesterday in efforts
to arrange a peace conference but
with *few signs of progress after
more than six weeks of such talks.
Gargoyle Set
To Come Out

ant pronouncement on the atomic
problem to be made to the UN in
In some ways, Eisenhower's
acceptance of an invitation from
UN Secretary 'General Dag
Hammarskjold to speak to the
Assembly was consideredsun-
precedented. Chiefs of state
have spoken to the 60-nation
world organization before, but
1 sually at the opening of a ses-
sion or under arrangements
made far in advance.
Washington diplomatic sourcesI
reported yesterday that the West-
ern Big Three nations will pro-
pose Jan. 4 to Russia as the date
for a foreign ministers' meeting
THAT WOULD be before a new
President takes office in France.
President Eisenhower is re-
ported to have agreed to this
with British Prime Minister
Churchill and French Premier
Laniel at Bermuda in an effort
to test quickly Russia's avowed
desire "to cooperate in the
speedy settlement of urgent in-
ternational problems."
The White House discounted
any idea that President Eisen-
hower might be swayed in the
waning hours of his Bermuda talks
to change U.S. foreign policy as
a result of protests stirred by Sen.
McCarthy (R-Wis.).
Murray Snyder, assistant White
House press secretary, told news-
men: "I am sure the President -has
much more important matters to
concern him."
SNYDER SAID, however, he
had mentioned the outpouring of
McCarthy-inspired telegrams and
letters in telephone talks with Eis-
enhower's press secretary, James
C. Hagerty, who is with the Presi-
dent in Bermuda.
He made the comment in re-
porting a four-day tally of 19,517
telegrams and a heavy deluge of
letters received at the White
House as of 4 pm m.The messages


IF THE GOVERNMENT is successful in its prosecution the League
and other organizations considered by the Attorney General to be
Communist-front organizations will have been dealt a blow which
-~ could virtually wreck those or-
C ourt 4r vesOn the other hand, if.the LYL
111 Sis successful in repudiating the
Government's charges the effec-
T - eitiveness of the Internal Security
Act (commonly referred to as
the McCarran Act) would suf-
fer somewhat.
Worker Disloyalty The Government is maintain-,
Grounds for Firig ing before the SACB that the LYL
GdF g should have registered and filed a

If the proposal goes throug
expected, the Edison Co. will
the Riverside Park from the
and sell it along with adjo
land presently being used foi
Ann Arbor golf course to the
versity, according to George
Sallade, president of the
The proposed bridge to
North Campus will not be
at once, Sallade said. In
meantime the University willl
the land to the city.
The City council also voted
night to put two proposals on
ballot in the spring election
connection with the proposed
City Hall.

h as
r the
e W.
("i tv!


Balza Baxter. State Chairman
of the Labor Youth League, late
yesterday became the first person
toadmit being subpoenaed by the
House Un - American Activities
Committee when he revealed he
had been summoned to appear Jan.
25 in Detroit.
Rep. Kit Clardy (R.-Mich,),
chairman of the sul;-committee,
confirmed Baxter's subpoena when
contacted in Lansing last night,
but indicated the opening date of
the investigations into Commu-
nist activity in Michigan may be
delayed pending the end of the
STANLEY QUARTET-Left to right, Prof. Gilbert Ross, Prof. Smith Act trial in Detroit.
Emil Raab, Prof. Oliver Edel and Prof. Robert Courte, members Rep. Clardy said he would not
of the Stanley Quartet will present a concert of string ensemble comment in advance of the hear-
music at 8:30 p.m. today. ing on the LYL statement but
added, "I have a hunch LYL 'is
seeking publicity."
Stanley Quartet To Play ACCORDING to the LYL re-
lease, Baxter has been ordered to
turn over the names of all mem-
The Stanley Quartet will give
the second local performance of a PROF. ROSS Lee Finney com- bers of the Michigan Labor Youth
1953 composition at 8:30 p.m. to- posed the "Quintet (1953) " espec- League.
day in Rackham Lecture Hall. ially for the group. The repertoire The LYL quoted the subpoena.
Prof. Marian Owen of the ma;- of Prof. Finney's works, however, as saying "produce all books
is school at the piano and the does not, end with this composi- and records of the Labor Youth
four string instrumentalists will tion: he has in his career already League of Michigan containing
join to present one of their col- composed six string quartets, a vi- the names of all State and Sec-
league's compositions given its olin concerto, piano concerto and tion officers of the Labor Youth
gin s- numerous other chamber works,! League of Michigan; the names
premiere performanceina sum- orchestral works and songs.. of all members of said League
mer concert on the University all financial records of said
campus. ' Violinist Prof. Gilbert Ross T .acfn ,anal re"ords of n saf


Lj~y WASHNGTO - { ) -Theregistration with the Attorney
WASHINGTON - (Al) - The General on or before Oct. 23, 1950
the Supreme Court, dividing 6-3, yes- as a Communist-front organiza-
built terday the Taft-Hartley labor law tion as defined under the Inter-
the does not protect workers from be- nal Security Act.
lease ing fired for disloyalty to their The League stating that. the or-
employers. ganization is not a Communist-
last "There is no more elemental front group, says that it should not
the cause for discharge of an employe be forced to register and has chal-
s in than disloyalty to his employer" lenged the legality of the Act.
Justice Burton wrote in the ma- *
new jority in which he
yopinion,iwas FAILURE to register as a Com-
joined by Chief Justice Warren munist-front organization carries
and Justices Reed, Jackson, Clark with it the penalty of fine and im-E
and Minton. prisonment for every day the or-
ganization ignores the ruling.
THE DECISION applied to nine g It is the Government's aim to
technicians employed by televi- prove conclusively that LYL is
sion station WBTV at Charlotte, such an organization and hence
N.C. The station fired them for its members should register.
passing out handbills criticizeing Spokesman for the League here



Police Trend
in Smith Act

its programs during a disput over
"The Smith Act is a step toward a collective bargaining agree-
the police state in America," B. ment.
J. Widick, steward of Local 4 The company contended dis-
UAW-CIO, told a meeting of the tribution of the handbills con-
Student for Democratic Action stituted "such detrimental dis-
yesterday. loyalty" as to provide cause for
dismissal under the Taft-Hart-

on campus have indicated that if
the SACB finds in favor of the
Government, members of the Lea-
gue will ignore the order to reg-
ister an attempt to carry the:
battle up to the Supreme Court.
(It should be noted that the Mc-
Carran Act has been rhn1al d in

Train Goes
Off Track
Trackmen, bulldozers, and work
trains, clustered together yester-
day on the New York -Central
tracks, a quarter mile west of the

and Prof. Emil Raab; cellist
Prof. Oliver Edl and Prof. Rob-
ert Courte, violist constitute the
well-known quartet. This is the
second and final concert of the
fall semester by the group.
The'concert will open with Bee-
thoven's "Quartet in C minor" and
will conclude with Mozart's "Quar-
tet in B-flat major."
The concert is open to the pub-
lic without charge.
S 17__ _1--- - - -

were in response to McCarth
appeal for nationwide prote
against what he calls "blq
trade" with Red China.



"Gargoyle is coming out tomor-'
row." Larry Pike, '54, acting man-
aging editor said, waddling across
the floor, extending his lips and
flapping his arms.
Pike was nervous. And' besides,
he is a duck. #
THE HISTORY of Gargoyle is
a curious one, he said. In 1908
one Jas. Chas. Borlicks, fresh up
from the country, came to the
University and shot his advisor.
Desperately trying to evade
the police, who were then only
a small, tightly-knit group of
alert and devilishly proud
townsfolk, Borlicks took to dis-
guising himself as a water cool-
er, and found a home in the
Administration Bldg.
"Yes," Pike interrupted, running
across the floor at a tremendousI
rate of speed and beating his
arms heavily against his sides,
"the issue costs 25 cents and in it
.17m wil fi d Ts,. +l ,+ ."

IHC Group
Applications for Student po
sitions on the Inter-Hou
Council's "Operation Inquiry
committee will be availab'
from 3 to 5 p.m. today and to
morrow in the IHC offices, Rm
3-D of the Union.
IHC president Roger Kidston
'56L, will interview prospectiv
members of the committe
which will evaluate the Men
Residence Halls system, an
choose at least five, includin
one fraternity member who ha
lived in the quads, to make the

y's Discussing the nature of the ley Act. part by other groups and that the N. Main St. bridge, clearing the ie I IlOH
ests charges involved in the present The Court also declined to re- Supreme Court will probably re- ureckage from a freight train de-
ood Detroit trial of six Communists, view a decision that revived a view the case in a number of railment that occurred early yes- a
Widick declared that the Commu- $450,000 libel suit against Drew months.) terday morning.
nist Party is a "political scapegoat" Pe One section of the repair train.
and that for this reason the Smith' - Twho wouldbe effected by an ad- working with one of the derricks DETROIT-(P)--Defense attor-
Act charges are political not legal k verse decision to LYL is not that had been brought from Jack- ney Ernest Goodman made and
charges; Legislature GoToip known. son and Detroit, lifted the broken lost a motion for continuance yes-
He pointed out that the Coi- TStudyStructure! The Government's case re- wheels from the derailed cars onto terday at the Smith act trial of
S munist Party is being persecuted j oJvlvsaond 'ieeseta a flat car, while the derailed cars, six Michigan Communists, charg-
se at a time whenipoints:;with their remaining wheels, were ing that witnesses feared to testi-
tal. it i least influen Student Legislature's newly-g taken to Detroit. fy for the defense.
Y ta."nprevious years it was a etbihdcmitet td h 1) Throughout its existance tbe,
le powerful political force in the stablished committee to study the League has been and is substan- '*Goodman presented Federal
- unions, but after 1945 the power egistture s been sdue- cially directed, dominated and con- A CREW of 80 trainmen laid Judge Frank A. Picard with a list
' of the Communists in the unions meral structure has been scheduled trolled by the Communist Party, new ties and rails and re-filled the of reasons for the continuance.
of the Comunists i the unios to mee at 7:15 ~m, todayon the ,roadbed. With the aid of a tractor, ;H adh a aigdfiut
was smashed," he explained. and has been operated primarily He said he was having difficulty
n, SL Bldg. for the purpose of giving aid and they cleared away the twisted, getting witnesses for the defense.
e Widick said that the CIO has Purpose of the committee is to support to the Communist Party broken tracks from the wreck. Potential witnesses, he> said,
ee pressed for the repeal of the Smith study the structure of the body (The Government notes that theI Nine 'cars went off the tracks were afraid their testimony would
's Act commenting that such an act with the aim of recommending ( SACB has already fond the Cam- at 2:05 a.m. yesterday, tearing up bring them undeib investigation by
d is the wrong way to fight Commu- changes in the structure if agree- munist Party of the United States 500 feet of the Eastbound rails, Congressional committees and
nism. There is more danger by ment can be reached on changes. to be a Communist-action organ- and 250 feet of the Westbound could besmirch their reputations.
s persecuting these people, he add- A final report from the commit- Iton and has ordered the Par-ails No one was injured. Judge Picard, in denying the
ie edjsnceatldrvesNhemooebeomestenhaubeedschdulegto eiizaionndihs orereithe ar-e
ed, since it drives them to become tee has been scheduled to be ty to register as such with the I As soon as the line is back in continuance, said that if such was
even more convinced that they are brought back to the entire SL Attorney General.) service, and investigation will be- ,the situation, then "we are just as
right, membership sometime in April. 2) A substantial number of per- gin to determine the cause of the bad as a lot of countries we criti-'
sons who have been active in the wreck. cize."
mana gment of TLYL.hav bon -----_

.eague, a na Ln minutes w
meetings held by the Labor
Youth League during the years
1952 and 1953."
Baxter was mentioned in a
Daily series on campus "front" ac-
tivity last Jan. 13. The article said
Baxter termed himself a "volun-
teer organizer" of the LYL who
had previously been a Flint laun-
At that time Baxter said there
were 13 LYL clubs in the state
with six of these in Detroit. He did'
not dispute testimony before the
House Committee' putting total
state membership at 210, and said
that membership had increased-
one third in a 1952 drive.
WHEN informed of the Baxter
summons last night, University
Vice-President Marvin L. Neihuss
said it was the first he had heard
,of the matter and added that to
' his knowledge no University stu-
dent had as yet been called to
[testify before the House group.
The LYL's reply to the subpoena
reads in part:
"The action of the Un-Ameri--
can Committee is unprecedented.
Never in the history -of Michi-
gan has an organization (and
certainly not a youth organiza-
tion) been ordered to turn over
to a Congressional Committee
the names of its members.",
IN ANSWER to the LYL state-
ment Rep. Clardy said "further
comment on his part would prob-
ably lead to "misunderstanding."
"All publicity on this," he con-
tinued, "is attendent on Baxter's
own actions. The committee
cannot be charged with what
Baxter does."
The issue of the Clardy investi-
gations has spurred debate on the
campus scene in the past few


'Ensian Record Recalls College Year


you will rind. . . But that was !"Disc Day" will officially hit the
all that could be heard, for he University Thursday when ballots
flew out of the window, alighted in the 'Ensian contest to give a
on a pond and sank quickly to name to their long-play record
the bottom. will be handed out at various
places on campus.
YD's To So or Students may attthe same time
buy their copy of the '54 'Erisian.
"A NAME that will definitely
connect the record with the 'En-
"What do we l think b oft progres- sian is what we're looking for,"
sive education" will be the topic
discussed at a meeting sponsored j General Sales Manager Paul Gei-
by the Young Democrats at 7:30 gel~, 'S5, said.
p.m. tomorrow in the Union. The student submitting the
Giving their views on the ques- winning name, to be judged by
tion will be Prof. William C. Trow the 'Ensian staff, will receive a,
of- the education school, author of free copy of the yearbook com-
several books on education; Prof. plete with record.
Bennett Weaver of the literary The'nin n in


&ilaugLment e o1 i± L ,ave een
also active in the management of
the Communist Party. These per-.
sons have guided the affairs of the
League and exercised direction
over the formulation of League
3) The LYL has received and
continues to receive support, fi-
nancial and otherwise from andl
at the direction of the CP.
4) The League has been oper-
ated for the purpose of giving aid'
and support to the Communist
Party, and its funds, resources and
personnel have been used to fur-
ther and promote the objectives
of the CP.
See DAILY, Page 6
Make-Ups Giveni
Literary college seniors who
were unable to take the personal-
ity tests given as part of a nation-
al survey last week may attend

VRC Aids Mentally Ill

dealing with mental health facilities in the State of Michigan.) weeks. Sunday a Detroit paper re-
ported a person who has constant-
By DEBRA DURCHSLAG ly attended the trial of the six
There is a time for sensationalism and a time for understanding. Michigan Communist leaders in
Public reaction to mental illness has exhibited amazing versa- Detroit had been subpoenaed at
tility and amazing little understanding. Mysticism, indifference and the University.
belief in absolute curability have alternately dominated popular However, the person could not
opinion.*be located. Indications point to
nn.. Baxter as the person referred to
THE PUBLIC still looks at mental disorders through thick preju- by the newspaper although he is
dices, 'not having succeeded in removing a slight taint from the words not a student at the University,.
..mental illness." f Tj; I
The mental health problem begins with the history of nian, Book Exchan e

and has become increasingly difficult to ignore. Ancient Egyp-
tians could pass off insanity as demoniacal possession and con-
centrate on banishing "evil spirits." It took a long time for the
world to agree with Hippocrates that insanity was a natural

Manager Needed
Petitioning is now open for
manager and assistant manager-
na~hir f hnCtata-n nn Wv

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