. PAGE RIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER , 1953 Al COKE BREAK: Students Relax in Modern Club 600, Illinois President Says 'Respect Freedom Limits' CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS - BOTH STORES MONDAY 12:00 Noon to 8:30 - Tuesday through Saturday 9:00 to 5:30 Iy PAUL LADAS When a student living in South Quad becomes wearied with the tediousness of study and books1 each night, his first impulse is to call some friend and "go down to Club 600 for a quick cup of coffee and a snack." For, to the South Quad stud- ents and many residents from other quads Club 600 is one of the most popular snack bars on cam- pus, offering a convenient place to relax and possibly meet one of his old friends. - * * * IN ADDITION it is the most probable place that a student will take his date after seeing a movie or" attending a weekend dance. The facilities and design of the Club enable it to take care of the several hundred custom- ers it has each night. It ex- tends the length of the building, Is furnished with modern fix- tures, and has its snack bar located off to the side. At one end is the ever-playing jukebox and at the other end is the television set which is per- petually observed, giving students two sources of entertainment. S * * WHEN THE World Series, a championship boxing match or an out-of-town Michigan game is being televised the area around the TV set will be jam-packed and there will be periodic reactions from the crowd when a thrilling play is seen. However, there are some com- plaints in respect to the tele- vision set. One is the common lament that it is "too much of a distraction from studies." Ano- -ther complaint is that students are irritated with the 17" screen on the set which is supposed to take care of the quad's 1204 re- sidents. These problems and many others are handled by the club's " U Consumer Survey Aids Businessmen Michigan merchants will be able to imfprove their services as a re- sult of community surveys now be- ing conducted by the. University Bureau of Business Research. Made at the request of business communities of the state, the Bet- ter Service Survey is designed to find the average likes and dis- like of the Michigan consumer, ac- cording to William J. Carey, pro- ject head. In the last two years 26 cities have been studied, rang- ing from Frankenmuth to Flint. * * * THE TWO-PAGE questionnaire, distributed through the local school systems, is tailor-made to fit each city. Through it, local snerchants can find the weak points in their service to custom- ers. The questionnaire begins by listing major commodities and asking what is bought locally and reasons for making pur- chases elsewhere. Continuing, the survey asks for the partici- pants' views on local advertis- ing, quality of merchandise and attitudes of salespeople. lost consistant complaint is that prices are too high, with bet- ter variety and quality of mer- chandise given as reasons for shopping out of town. TWO MONTHS are usually re- quired for the completion of one of the surveys, with personal re-' ports made by a Bureau staff member. Questionnaires have brought positive results, with problems brought to light that the average store owner and commun- ity couldn't obtain. The surveys are advantageous over "man on the street" and tele- phone types because of the high return possible and the 'elimina- tion of the personal interview, ac- cording to Carey. He pointed out that 85 percent of the families in a town can be covered. The vast majority of the famil- ies. are satisfied with the living conditions in their respective com- munities, according to the surveys. On campuses across the nation this week: Faculty members at - the Uni- versity of Illinois were called upon; to "respect reasonable limitations of academic freedom" by president Lloyd Morey in an annual ad- dress on 'The State of the Uni- versity." MOREY SAID that in appoint- ing a faculty member, the Uni- versity of Illinois provided him "a degree of economic and job se- curity perhaps unsurpassed in any other occupational segment of society." An article in the student pa- per, The Daily Illini, presented Morey's interpretation of facul- ty-University relations regard- ing academic freedom. Morey states that while the University of Illinois upholds the principle of freedom of thought and ex- pression, it has the right to ex- pect each member of its staff to exercise proper caution and Accounitig Talk The School of Business Admin-, istration will sponsor a lecture on accounting machine methods to be given at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., and also at 2 and 3 p.m., tomorrow in Rm. 46, Business Administration Bldg. discretion in statements and ac- tivities outside the fields of his "professional competence." He added that it is noteworthy that the University has generally been free of such troubles. "We want it to be completely so at all times", he said. ROOTERS' TICKETS for the Rose Bowl football game on New Year's Day between the University of California at Los Angeles and Michigan State College went on sale Dec. 1 to UCLA students, faculty members and administra- tion employees. As reported in the campus news- paper, the UCLA Daily Bruin, one ticket per person is available for those holding university JD and' registration cards. Costing $2.75 each, tickets can be purchased through Dec. 12. THE UNIVERSITY of Washing- ton student government may con- sider dropping its membership in the Pacific Students President's Association and rejoining The Na- tional Student Association, ac- cording to the University of Wash- ington Daily. Until January, 1951, the western university was a member of NSA when the Student Board of Con- trol voted unanimously to dis- continue its membership. COLLEGE SHOP Your favorite style in CAMEL! BOY COAT by 1. Doctor 7950 * \II i -Daily-Dean Morton SOUTH QUAD COMBO ENTERTAINS STUDENTS IN CLUB 600 popular club manager, Bob Har-C' Club 600 is run on a non-profit rison, whose aim is to offer stud- basis. Any profits which are made ents "a place where they will be are returned to the South Quad welcomed to relax, enjoy them- Council which in turn uses them selves, and find some relief from to provide further recreation for studies." rI^residents. '" Through his efforts the Club has undertaken new forms of re- creation such as the'weekly Satur- day 'night platter parties when music is played from WCBN, and .couples are able to dance. Oc- casionally a combo, composed of quad residents who volunteer their services, furnishes music. 171l' I -I- I Dean Sawyer Tells Needs Of Education "There are more needs for col- lege graduates in specialized fields than the colleges themselves can offer," said Dean Ralph A. Saw- yer of the Rackham School of {Graduate Studies, speaking be- fore the College Teachers Associa- tion yesterday. As part of the fall meeting of the Association, he noted that there is a large drop in the pursuit of individual education from those high school students going on to college. "Our country is in the midst of great technological ad- vances that are increasing at a geometric ratio, while our stand- ard of living has also increased be- cause of. the free enterprise sys- tem created through these techno- logical advances," he remarked. * * * THE SYSTEM and the advances have been made possible only by the large number of people in specialized fields, he pointed out. Therefore, the labor force's de- mand on the population is not as great as in other countries, al- lowing a. greater number of people to attend college during their edu- cational period in life, he observ- ed. Dean Sawyer has been work- ing on a commission studying the educational system. The comparison has found that there is not a labor surplus in the natural science field, while the number of school teachers is below the demand. Many teach- ers receive their teaching cer- tificates, he pointed out, but move into another field where the pay is better. "If we can't meet the demand of teachers, who should go to col- lege?" he asked. Ex-President Truman's Commission on Higher Education, estimated that half' these eligible should attend col- lege. Dean Sawyer and his com- mission estimated that only one quarter of those eligible should at- tend college. He advocated . a careful study by both students and institutions' of each other when choosing a col- lege, for below average students{ would do poorly at a highly spec- ialized school and the school would not benefit by their presence. By+ careful study in both phases, the University has had less than a 5% failure of the entering fresh- man at graduation. Our new nylon crepe slortie gown and robe set makes a lovely Christias gift! Designed in a dainty floral print .with lace trim. Robe has peter pan collar and puffed sleeves. Priced at $9.95. Gown features a wide ruffle on bottom. Priced at $7.95. Belted back ....big pockets reefer collar . . . all the details that make a coat carefully casual. 100% camel's hair with your choice of all wool or milium lining. Navy or camel color. Junior sizes. SECOND FLOOR COLLEGE SHOP Listen, Santa ... For Christmas She Wants. .. >tZ" 0. 4c.d M A a Sy a.* CASHMERE SWEATERS Nothing fiuler, nicer, softer in the sweater world than HADLEYS! Kitten-soft fluffs with trim; custom tailoring. Enough to make any girl a sweater-gal! She'll rate her Hadley Cashmere with her most treasured possessions. Christmas white, cherry, charcoal, navy, yellow, powder blue. Sizes 34 to 40. Short'sleeve pullover 17.95 CT {LC VAN BITTIEN SHOP 8 NICKELS ARCADE I PI (ONE NO 2-2914 "- 9et4 a 4 aI'tn 4~e/ We've a bevy of won- . derful sweaters, skirts, X shirts, blouses, wes- kits, slacks, knee sox, ankle sox, b elU t s, mittens,. and gloves. above: the weskit of plaid Sweaters, beautiful pastels the shirt of fine cotton in and dark shades in pull- solid or stripes from 3.95. of nylon tricot from 5.95. j over classics of wool or orlon from 5.00. wool scarfs and stoles of r all kinds and shapes from 2.00 to 10.95. Cashmere classics from \ Knee sox of fine wool at 1695,1.65. Ankle sox of cotton r 16.95. i wool or nylon from .69 to Q a l 1.25. y Beaded, embroidered, or ribbon trimmed sweaters from 8.95. Skirts, slim, pleated or flared of handsome wools, orlons, and velveteens from 8.95 to 17.95. W ( Long-sleeve pullover 21.95 Long-sleeve cardigan 24.95 A .. SPORTS SHOP -- FIRST FLOOR To Keep Her Cozy at Christmas! QUILTED ROBE by $17 Warm, light and puffily quilted - the look she likes in a robe. Lined with, rayon satin. She can wear it half-tied (as illustrated) or tied F I' ,iIl ill o II all around. In navy or petal pink. FAMILY DAY DINNERS : '~~?' Sizes 10to 16. I i