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December 05, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-05

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W ITH THE curtain set to rise next month
on the local performance of congres-
sional committees investigating elucation,
University officials are at present faced
with two proposals for a' policy stand in
regard to students who may be called to
Two weeks ago the Student Legislature
unanimously endorsed a set of criteria
under which a student would be open to
charges by the University only if he vi-
olated a state or national law, or "at-
tempted to represent the University com-
munity or any segment thereof" in giving
his testimony.
In a second student action on Monday
the Joint Judiciary Council requested the
power to consider all cases concerning dis-
ciplinary action toward students which
might arise from the January hearings.
If the University were to grant this
power it would be a significant step in the
direction of recognition of student respon-
sibility and of the ability of students to
govern themselves.
Even more important such a step would
protect students from emergency suspen-
sion by University officials. Such action
was taken a few weeks ago against elev-
en students who made liberal use of their
paintbrushes on the Michigan State
Campus Just before the football game
against MSC.
An individual charged with misconduct
before an investigating committee, or in any
other situation, is entitled to have a full
hearing of the charges against him.
University officials have not yet decided
what stand they will take either on the
Judiciary Council's request or on the cri-
teria recommended by the Student Legis-
lature. Although a full, thorough study
of the issues involved is important before
a definite stand is taken, administrators
should not allow the vital questions in-
volved to go unanswered until the arrivel
of the Clardy committee.
It is to be hoped that the policy of al-
lowing students to pass judgment on the
legal violagtions of other students, which is
often employed in cases of simple infrac-
tions of University rules, will be extended
to such cases as those which might arise
from the investigations, cases which could
conceivably involve a student's entire fu-
-Phyllis Lipsky
'- IITTER-HOUSE Council gained sig-
nificant Importance with its bold action
Thursday night In initiating "Operation In-
quiry" which is designed to obtain a full
evaluation of the present Michigan Hous-
ing Plan.
In understaking this task, IHC entered
an area of work which it should have en-
tered long ago, both for the sake of the
quad system and the Council's prestige. In
the past many students have thought of
IHC as being simply a "service committee"
to create social activities for Quad resi-
dents. A great deal of criticism had for-
merly been heard about IHC's seemingly
useless acts and frantic attempts to prove
their potency as a campus organization.
By actively cooperating now with the ad-
ministration in the supervision of the spa-
cious quad system, it is highly possible that
IHC can become one of the most useful and
important organizations on campus.
That the University can use some assist-
ance from IHC in running and planning the
services offered by the residence halls is
quite obvious. There must be some basis for

the infinite student gripes about Quad food.
services, and residence organization. Few
r corrections have been made in the past be-
cause the administration, in the attitude of
an inconsiderate monopoly, has tended to ig-
nore student opinion on significant issues. It
is highly desirable that the IHC henceforth
take the responsibility of spurring the Uni-
versity into effecting some of the numerous
recommendations offered by the students.
The IHC's "Operation Inquiry" can be es-
pecially useful by helping the University
avoid past mistakes when it constructs its
future residence halls. Although the issue
has not yet been decided, construction of an-
other dorm in the style of South Quad would
be a great error. South Quad has been criti-
cized as having an "unfriendly and impers-
onal hotel-like atmosphere," an opinion
which carries weight when one considers the
"panty-raids" that have taken place since
its construction. A careful evaluation of the
Quads can help prevent the University from
investing money in defective residence halls.
However, it is hoped that the University
will not tend to take its usual "know-all"
attitude and ignore any advice on major
issues offered by IHC as being meaningless
griping by never-satisfied students. This
has often been the tniversity's outlook
and the result is that the student's antag-
onism towards dorm officials has risen to
a new peak. Students in protest have mi-
grated en-masse to inferior apartments
and rooming houses.
Through serious efforts by the people co-
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The Constitutional Crisis Of
Democracy - Europe's Dilemma

"I Hear He's Going To Demand
Equal Time In The White House"

W ASHINGTON-In Bonn one evening af-
ter dinner a German official, who knew
that I had just come from Paris, asked me
what people were saying there about the
outlook for the ratification of the European
Army. It was said, I replied, by those who
were as likely as any to know, that there
might be a small numerical majority in
favor of E.D.C. if the question were pitt to
a vote at that time and if the necessary
pressure were applied. But this must at
once be qualified because it was impossible
to bring the treaty to a vote until after the
new President had been elected and a new
government formed and established.
Nor was that all. For while there might
be a numerical majority, the critical
fact was that the majority which might
be collected in order to ratify the treaty
could not be held together as a working
majority , to govern France after the
treaty was ratified. It would be a mere
collection of individuals who were not
united or capable of(working together on
any of the other great issues of policy, in-
cluding the implementation of the treaty
itself. Under these conditions ratification
could at best be nominal. The contro-
versy in the divided nation would not be
ended by any vote that could now be
For these reasons, if we look to the sub-
stance 'and not merely to the form, we would
have to conclude that at the present time
France was incapable of participating in
the proposed European system. It could re-
sume its participation in such a system, of
which it had always been a leader in the
past, only when the internal constitutional
crisis had been resolved and overcome.
The German official nodded, saying yes
of course. Then, remembering what a part
he had played in the German recovery since
1948, I asked him what he would prescribe
for a French- recovery.
The French economy, he said, is funda-
mentally sounder than the German and
it would not, be difficult to bring about a
French recovery if one condition could
be fulfilled. The one condition was that
there should be a French government which
could not be overthrown for two years.
He went on to explain, illustrating his
points from his own experience in Germany,
that the first measures of genuine financial
and economical reform have to be painful
and unpopular. If they are not painful and
unpopular, they are not real measures to
deal with the subsidies, the special privi-
leges, the favoritism to pressure groups, and
the corruption. A reforming government
must, therefore, be able to outlive the ini-
tial period of its unpopularity. If it can
do that, then the time will come, as it did
in Germany, when what was originally
painful and unpopular is proved successful
'and becomes popular.
HETHEN WENT on to say that the Ger-
man constitution was deliberately de-
signed to make it very difficult to over-
throw the government. It is unique among
democratic constitutions of the parliament-
ary type in that a vote of no confidence
made up of a majority of the extreme right

and the extreme left has no effect. No
majority counts against the government in
office unless that majority can itself form
a government which commands a vote of
You had, I suggested, an additional in-
surance against having a weak govern-
ment, did you not? You have lived under
a very benevolent occupation which would
not have encouraged the overthrow of a
government it favored. Yes, said the Ger-
man, and also we had no empire outside
Europe to worry about.
But; I put in, the German people are
great workers and organizers, and does that
not account for their spectacular recovery?
Yes, he said, they are great workers. But
without a strong government capable of
producing an honest currency and of en-
forcing the laws, their hard work would
not be enough. We learned that under the
Weimar republic, which was a weak govern-
ment, and in the early years of demoraliza-
tion after the war.
There is, I believe, an immense body of
evidence which shows that the crucial trou-
ble today inside the Atlantic community is
the constitutional disorder in certain of the
leading democracies--especially in France
and Italy, and, for the time being, in the
United States.
The constitutional crisis turns upon the
present inability of these democracies to
form governments in which the executive
power is sufficient to cope with the great
issues. The future of NATO, of the move -
ment for European unity, of some kind
of reasonably secure co-existence with
the Communist world, depend, all of them,
upon the resolution of this constitutional
* * *
A FEW YEARS ago I would have supposed
that the reason the governments are
so weak is that the people have become di-
vided by the totalitarian movements. There
is no doubt about the terrible mischief of
movements which do not recognize the
amenities necessary to a people living under
the same constitution.
But I now think it truer and more signi-
ficant to say that it is the weakness of the.
democratic governments which is perpetu-
ating and emphasizing the division of these
countries into two irreconciliable nations.
The democratic governments, which have
been kept going by Marshall aid since 1948,
have had only hte strength to survive. They
have not had the strength to govern.
Their weakness in coping with the great
issues, and their weakness in dealing with
subversive and irreconciliable factions'
among them, has deprived the people of
the feeling that the government is the pro-
tector of their interests and of their liberty.
It does not make it easier to resolve the
constitutional crisis of democracy in Eur-
ope as long as it is only too evident that
there is a crisis of the same kind, though
not now of the same degree of virulence,
in Washington.
Perhaps we shall begin to turn the corner
of our own constitutional crisis. Perhaps
we shall begin to see the turn against the
usurpation of Congress. If the turn is com-
ing, it will not be one minute too soon.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

- 0
r _

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
The Olther Sevepn aints'fort from the people who write

To the Editor:
M . MIKE Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League, writes in
his letter to The Daily of Decem-
ber 3; "The corner-stone of the
case against the League is the so-
called parallelism of our policies
with those of the Communist Par-
ty. We are accused of following
ELEVEN policies, among which
are: etc. . . ." He explained four,
only. Did Mr. Sharpe forget to
mention the other seven points of
the said "parallelism?" or will
the Subversive Activities Control
Board add one more similarity of
both organizations, that of omit-
ting the essential and exagerating
the irrelevant? It is rather dis-
tressing to read the letters, edi-
torials and commentaries that
base their arguments on substan-
tives and adjectives such as "Mc.
Carrarn, Mc. Carthyism, Commu-
nistic etc. . . ." Wouldn't a course
in Introductory Logic help these
people-base their thoughts and ar-
guments in something else but Mc.
Carthy's name and "subversiv-
ism?" Perhaps then it will be easier
to use our reason to state where
we stand as opposers of Dialectic
Materialism and Russian politics.
-J. Teran.
Critics .. .
To the Editor:
HOPE I'M not paying 5c a day
(except Mondays) just to give
you an opportunity for an adven-
ture in good writing, for if that's
the case, then I've been squander-
ing my pennies.
A college newspaper as reput-
able as The Daily deserves more
from its music, drama, and movie
critics than the by-lined and
vaguely emotive glob which they
have turned in to date. And I
think The Daily's readers are
worthy of a more responsible and
less of a pseudo-intellectual ef-

the reviews. I doubt whether many
of your readers turn to the re-
views for an evaluation, for sound,
constructive comment. Instead
your reviews have become some-
thing to laugh about and at,
something obnoxious at best.
Admitted, "The Robe" isn't the
greatest thing that has run for
$1.50 a head, but in trouble-shoot-
ing your way thru it you've miss-
ed a lot of its richness, much of
which those who didn't see the
movie might like to hear about.
And so it has been with the mu-
sical programs and dramatic pre-
sentations, etc.
In Tuesday's Daily Mr. Roe, '26
Lit., made a good comment about
"college-boy" sophistication and
would-be liberalism. You might
read it. And next time you go to
the movies leave your Thesarus
home; buy a box of popcorn in-
--R. E. Wright, '54
POLICY announcements are de-
signed to detonate as loudly as
possible. Sometimes the bomb-
shell inflicts great damage to the
prestige of the Administration it-
self; sometimes it turns out to be
just fireworks or a dud. The ma-
nipulators of'the bombshell are
particularly concerned with its
bang, and usually see that there
are enough microphones at the
right spot at the right time so
that the greatest number of peo-
ple may be jolted.
In the case of foreign-policy an-
nouncements, prior to consultalo
tion with the leaders or diplomats
of the foreign nations directly in-
volved is considered old-fashion.
ed. Tito had no inkling of the
Trieste decision, and the Arabs
first learned from the newspapers
that Eric Johnson had been dis-
patched to bring the TVA brand
of "creeping socialism" to the
Middle East.
--The Reporter


WASHINGTON-You might have thought the secret of the H-bomb.
^ was to be revealed, judging by the way ex-President Herbert
Hoover pledged everyone to secrecy at a recent meeting of the Com-
mission to Investigate Government Waste and Operations.
However, this writer is able to report what went on inside
the closed-door meeting. One important subject, which the pub-
lic is certainly entitled to know about is Hoover's plan to investi-
gate the government's public power program,
This question is of such vital interest to private and public
power groups, as well as to the general public, that one member of
Hoover's commission, Congressman Chet Holifield of California de-
manded to know why someone with a public power background wasn't
appointed to the 26-man "task force" which will investigate govern-
ment power projects.
"It strikes me as most unusual that not a single member of the
task force is representative of the public power program," Holifield
told Hoover during the secret session. "On the other hand, there are
a number of anti-public power spokesmen on the task force. How can
the investigation be objective with that kind of a setup?"
Hoover stoutly denied that the task force was stacked one
way or the other. He insisted that no member was directly con-
nected with public or private power.
"We endeavored to select people of ability and integrity who
would be'completely objective," said the ex-President.
"Well, let's consider a few of them," shot back Holifield. "One of
the members is Bracken Lee, Governor of Utah, who is against Hell's
Canyon and who has a vigorous record of opposition to the public
power program."
Holifield also cited Harry Polk, former president of the Na-
tional Reclamation Association, who wrote a news article Sep-
tember 25, 1952, attacking public power and the TVA; also Ro-
bert W. Sawyer, Oregon newspaper editor, who has consistently
opposed federal development of low-cost electricity.
"The integrity of those men cannot be questioned," bristled Hoo-
"I do not question their integrity," countered the California Con-
gressman, "but I do question the qualification of men to sit in judg-
ment on the government's public power program, when they have
preordained views against it. And I intend to discuss the matter
openly in the next session of Congress."
* * * *
H OTTEST ITEM on the Big Three agenda as the Bermuda confer-
ence got under way was a nonaggression pact with Soviet Russia.
Discussion of the proposed pact was not publicized in advance,
and most observers have rated the top Bermuda topic as the
coming four-power conference of foreign ministers. However,
before President Eisenhower left Washington, the State Depart-
ment received a confidential memo from the British that they
would like to discuss offering Russia a nonaggression pact in
order to ease her fear of the United European Army.
Subsequently, the State Department queried other interested
government bureaus to get their reaction and to prepare the Presi-
dent in advance of his trip.
The British and some State Department officials have felt that
a nonaggression pact might have certain useful benefits.
1. It would take the curse off Moscow's continual harping on the
idea that the United States is warmongering and that the United
European Army is for the purpose of attacking Russia.
2. It might conceivably persuade the Russians to relax their
military might, lift some parts of the Iron Curtain and re-establish
a certain amount of cultural exchange between East and West.
On the other hand some advisers inside the Administration
fear that a nonaggression pact would merely lull the Western
world to sleep.
This is the problem placed at the top of the Bermuda agenda.
NOTE-Also on the Bermuda agenda is a question so secret there
will be no announcement-future strategy regarding the atom and
hydrogen bombs.
* * * *
EVIDENCE HAS just come to light that Attorney General Brownell
had been sitting on the Harry Dexter White case since last Aug-
ust and carefully timed it just after GOP defeats in New Jersey, New
York and Wisconsin.

Patten gill Auditorium. .
JULIUS CAESAR. an independent pro-
duction made at Northwestern University
THE TARDY general release of this semi-
professional production of Shakespeare's
"julius Caesar," made at Northwestern five
or six years ago, puts it in competition with
the newer film version of the play recently
produced at Twentieth Century Fox. Al-
though I have not seen the Hollywood edi-
tion, the Bradley picture can stand up to
most competition with few allowances. It
is a sensitive job of film-making, full of
imagination and considerable cinematic
In addition, there is full attention to
the lines, hardly a word being lost in any
of the precisely articulate reading. The
sound recording and amplifying indeed
was arranged in such a way that at
times the dialogue and action seemed
each to be going its own way without
customary close attention to synchroniza-
tion. Strangely enough this was not at
all bothersome. It permitted the poetry
clear definition at all times and there
was something clean about not interrupt-
ing it with spotted sound effects or over-
wrought visual spectacle.
The man behind the picture is David
Bradley who produced, directed and acted
the part of Brutus in the film. The under-
taking followed an earlier fling of Bradley's
at "Macbeth" which did not have as for-
tunate an outcome. Parlaying his past ex-
perience with intelligent use of Chicago
locales, he finished "Caesar" and has since
won considerable acclaim for it.
Publicity says the film cost $15,000, which
may be advertising it a bit skimpy. Regard-
less, the small cost demonstrates again how

At the Orpheum ..
j IKE A GOOD many other British films
made primarily for export to America, this
one seems to have as its highest aim the sys-
tematic exploitation of the cliches of British
quaintness. It is built around a central
cliche, the invincibility of Tory individuality
in the face of the worst the Labor party can
do. Even this theme (which was treated suc-
cessfully in a picture about amateur boot-
leggers not too long ago) is handled very
shoddily and gets lost in a welter of super-
ficial sentimentality.y
The situation centers around a group of
villagers who want to preserve the de-
crepit branch railroad that has served
them faithfully for uncounted generations.
Opposing them are the calloused Ministry
of Transport; two shifty proprietors of a
bus line; and the mountainous difficulties
of operating on enthusiasm rather than
experience. Also its difficult to raise capi-
tal. Perhaps these difficulties might have
been utilized, in more ambitious hands, to
form an exciting little drama. But the pro-
ducers of this movie are so anxious to get
on to the jolly good fun of playing with
trains that they seem to grab the quickest
(and least convincing) way out of each
Nor are the characters more convincing
than the plot. At best they are average re-
presentatives of hackneyed types. There is
some notion that putting these well-estab-
lished types in ludicrous situations will re-
sult in irrepressible hilarity. A clergyman
stoking a boiler, however, is not really bril-
liant social comment or a madcap lark. It's
Ponderously quixotic situations (like pit-
tinz- a.steamroller nizainst n. locomotive) also


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 62
Children's Recreation Workef. The
Michigan Children's Institute is in need
of a woman to work full time as a
supervisor of children's activities in
Ann Arbor. Must have a Bachelor's de-
gree. Interested persons please contact
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, Phone NOrmandy
3-1511, Ext. 2614, for further informa-
University Lecture, auspices of the
Geological and Mineralogical Club, "The
Geology of Minnesota," Dr. George M.
Schwartz, Director of Minnesota Geo-
logical Survey, Minneapolis, Mon., Dec.
7, 8 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Actuarial Seminar, Mon., Dec. 7, at
2:10 p.m., 37 School of Business Ad-
ministration. Mr. Bicknell will continue
his talk on "Forces of Decrement in
Insurance Mathematics.'
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ma-
chine Computation. Mr. Donald E.
Lamphiear, Survey Research Center,
will speak on "Computing Census Prob-
lems on the UNIVAC." Mon., Dec. 7,
at 4:30 p.m., 429 Mason Hall. Mr. Lam-
phiear has had experience with the
Bureau of Cendus UNIVAC, having
worked at the Bureau before coming to
Geometry Seminar, Mon., Dec. 7, at
7 p.m., in 3001 Angell Hal. Dr. D. Kaz-
arinoff will continue his talk on "Two
Circles in Space."
Doctoral Examination for Allen Whit-
marsh Phillips, Romance Languages
and Literatures: Spanish; thesis: "An-
alisis Estetico de la Obra Poetica de
Ramon Lopez Velarde," Sat., Dec. 5,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
10 a.m. Chairman, E. Anderson-Imbert.
The Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar will meet Mon., Dec. 7, at 3 in
3001 Angell Hall. The topic is in discus-
sion of "Mathematics and Language."
Christmas Concerts. "Messiah" will be
given two performances Saturday at
8:30 and Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in
Hill Auditorium, under the auspices of
the University Musical Society.
Performers will include Maud Nosier,
soprano; Carol Smith, contralto; Wal-
ger Fredericks, tenor; Walter Scott,
bass; the University Choral Union; the
Musical Society Orchestra; with Mary
McCall Stubbins, organist; and Lester
McCoy, conductor.
Tickets will be on sale until Satur-

Hillel Foundation. Fifth day of Han-
ukkah-candie lighting, 7:30 p.m. I
a.m.-Community Services.
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion.
Mrs. Mildred Scott Olmsted, U.S. Execu-
tive Secretary of the Women's Inter-
national League for Peace and Free-
dom, will discuss "Possibilities of
Peace," 12:15 noon at Lane Hall. Call
reservations to NO 3-1511, Ext. 2851.
Michigan Christian Fellowship invites
all students to attend the reception to-
night in the Methodist Student Lounge
following the Messiah performance.
S.R.A. Packing Party, today from 2:15
to 4:00p.m. Pack clothing for Free
University of Berlin and Korea. All stu-
dents welcome.
Coming Events
Students Interested in the Field of
Social Work areinvited to a social
hour, sponsored by the Huron valley
Chapter of the American Association
of Social Workers, to be at the League
on Mon., Dec. 7, from 4 to 6. Oppor-
tunities in social work will be described,
and refreshments will be served. All stu-
dents are welcome.
The Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Dec. 7, in the West Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m.
Miss Adelia Beeuwkes is to speak on
"Applied Research in the Field of Nu-
trition" and will show moving pictures
on the subject.
The Graduate Outing Club meets at
2p.m. at the rear of the Rackharm
Building. There will be a cross-coun-
try hike followed by an indoor supper
at Rackham. Those who have cars are
urged to bring them to help with trans-
portation to the country.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter .................. City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker......... Associate Editor,
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye........ ......Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.. .. Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Setden......Finance Manager
JameseSharp...,.. Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 2 3-24-1


is now learned th,.t Brownell discussed the secret FBI
mentioning White's name with editors of U.S. News and
Report as early -s last August.

The Attorney General was interviewed by the editors for the
September edition of their magazine. He was careful not to men-
tion the FBI memo in the official interview, but off-the-record he
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