See Page 3
Sir 43an
Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, COLDER
Conference Irons
Out 'U' Problems
Combined Group Discusses Housing
Plan, North Campus, Other Issues
North Campus, final examinations, the Michigan housing plan
and the University calendar were discussed by over 60 campus leaders
yesterday afternoon at the Inglis home during the third semi-annual
student-faculty-administration conference.
Although no decisions as to policy were made by the group, a
general "ironing out" of problems resulted from the discussions.
* * * *
STUDENTS DISCUSSING the North Campus said the new Uni-
Downs Mc Gill,
versity addition was located too fa
were told, however, that planse
are underway for transportation
to the new campus when more stu-
dents will be going there for class-
Concerning the working rela-
tionship between the two cam-
puses in the future, administra-
tion heads pointed out all st-
dents will be housed on the main
campus, while activities, and
studly and library, facilities will
also be centered there.
Total enrollment at the Univer-
sity may someday be limited if not
enough space is available in dor-
,nitories to adequately house all
incoming students, it was pointed
out. The feeling that freshmen
need a place to orient themselves
t to was discussed by the group con-
sidering the housing plan.
scale counselling service in dormi-
tories was mentioned, along with
the-question of whether or not the
present set-up helps students in
their studies. A comparison was
also drawn between the "Michigan
plan" and the "collegiate" type of
Under this plan, used by Ox-
ford University and o th e r'
schools, faculty members live in
the dorms, and students identify
themselves with their particular
college, not the University as a
whole. Here, it was pointed out,
students identify themselves with.
interest groups.
Possible curtaihment-of total en-
rollment, which would probably
limit the number of out-of-state
students, studying here, was dis-
cussed, along with the possibility
of one-semester residence in the
A plan proposed by Prof. Doug-
las Crary of the geography depart-
ment, by which finals would be
given before Christmas vacation
was brought into consideration by
the group considering the Univer-
sity calendar.
* * *
THREE TO four weeks vacation
would be given during the Christ-
mas recess if Prof. Crary's plan was
adopted, while the staggered fin-
als would help avoid the conges-
tion caused by students attempting
to leave town for the vacation dur-
ing the same day, it was said.
Students on this group said
finals should not begin the day
after a semesters last classes, as
was done last spring.' Faculty
members came out against the
student proposal of not taking
final exams if a student had a
sufficiently high average in the
course. The possibility of using
a quarter instead of the semester
system was also discussed.
r Concerning foreign students stu-
dying -here, the group considering
this topic felt these students
should be treated as individuals,
not en masse. Several students in
this group said they didnt feel for-
malized affairs for foreign students
helped integrate them with the
The conference was arranged by
the Union secretariat committee.
ar from the present campus. They
SWorld News
By The Associated Press
Arrested .
MIAMI-Carlos Prio Socarras,
deposed president of Cuba, was
arrested at his home in exile here
yesterday along with his former
interior minister on a charge of
conspiring to export arms and im-
plements of war from the United
States without licenses.
. .
Plane Crash *. .
MADRID-A Spanish transport
plane with 33 persons aboard
crashed into a jagged rocky moun-
tain 60 miles north of here yes-
terday. There are only six known
survivors, it was officially an-
*d * * -
Rules Illegal .
Court of Appeals yesterday ruled
illegal,,the National Labor Rela-
tions Board's efforts to check up
on questioned non-Communist af-
fidavits of union leaders.
The court approved a District
Court injunction stopping the
NLRB from re-questioning union
leaders who had refused to tell a
grand jury whether their NLRB
non-Communist oaths were truth-
* * .
. f
Comm form Says ...
VIENNA -. The Cominform
yesterday turned on a world-
wide propaganda appeal for a
cease-fire in Indochina.
The Cominform supervised
World Federation of Trade
Unions throughout the world
will hold meetings and demon-
strations Dec. 19 demanding an
Lorwin Indicted . .
WASHINGTON - A 'federal
grand jury yesterday returned a
three-count indictment against
Val -R. Lorwin, 46, one-time key
official in the State Department's
European service, on charges of
falsely denying Communist party
membership during a 1950 loyalty
* * *
Coughlin Speaks * -*
DETROIT - The Rev. Father
Charles E. Coughlin, the bombastic
"Radio Priest of Royal Oak" in
the 1930's, broke a long, long pub-
lic silence yesterday to advocate a
guaranteed annual wageand tax
exemptions for production-line
CIO Deplores . .
DETROIT - The CIO United
Auto Workers union, deploring
what it called a "lack of concern"
by the defense department, de-
manded a congressional investiga-
tion yesterday of its six-week-old
North American Aviation strike.
Cooney Nets
'Hat Trick'
For Victors
Gets First Goal
I n41 Seconds
A determined Wolverine hockey
team opened its season in a con-
vincing manner last night as. Mi-
chigan completely dominated play
to turn back a McGill sextet, 7-2,
before a near capacity crowd at
the Coliseum.
The Maize and Blue puckmen
outplayed the invaders from Mon-
treal right from the opening face-
off and were never behind in the
one-sided contest.
PAT COONEY,. right-wing on
Michigan's first line, netted the
first of his three goals only 41
seconds after the game had started.
Cooney, playing with glasses on
for the first time, blasted the puck
past Redman goalie Moe Jacques
after taking passes from linemates
Doug Mullen and George Chin.
With Cooneys initial goal as,
an early inspiration, the Maize
and Blue continued to apply the
pressure throughout the entire
first period and before intermis-
sion had built up a comfortable
4-0 lead.
Sophomore B ill McFarland,
playing for the first time as a Wol-
verine, performed brilliantly and
bagged the first of his two tallies
and the Wolverines second of the
night at the 5:26 mark of the op-
ening period.
Less than three minutes later,
Doug Philpdtt, who assisted on
McFarland's gaol, bagged one of
his own as he swept in from the
right boards on a breakaway, fak-
ed the McGill goaltender out of
position, and deposited the puck
neatly in the twines.
s s
COONEY SCORED the second
of his markers at 13:05 of the per-
iod to end the scoring for the first
session. Captain Jim Haas, play-
ing defense again after serving as
a forward last season, and Chin
both received assists on Cooney's
The McGill sextet returned to
the ice for the second session de-
termined to get back in the game'
and promptly proceeded to score
the first of its two goals at the 40
second mark of the period. Wol-
verine Burt Dunn was serving a
two-minute penalty for interfer-
ence when the puck bounced off
Philpott into the Michigan net for
the McGill counter.
The goal was credited to Guy
Bourgoin since he was the last
Redman to touch the puck with
the assist going to wing Pete
Shortly after the beginning of
the second stanza, Jay Goold, so-
phomore left-wing' on the second
line, crashed into the boards be-
hind the McGill net and had to
retire for the night. The extent of
Goold's injury is not known but it
is doubtful whether he will see ac-
tion in tonight's encounter.
The loss of Goold caused a
shake-up of the Michigan forward
lines which resulted in rather un-
steady play for most of the second
period. However, with just a few
minutes left in the period, a pair
of newcomers, McFarland and Don
MacArthur, playing on the third
line, netted two more goals, bring-
ing the Wolverine total to six.
See BIG, Page 2
To Be Given
Here Today
Handel's monumental oratorio,
the Messiah, will be performed to-
night at 8:30 p.m. and again to-
morrow at 2:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium with a 330-voice chorus
featuring four well-known soloists.
The success of the "Messiah"
was immediate, especially the cli-
mactic "Hallelujah Chorus" which
was hailed at the first perform-
ance by England's King George
III. Another well-known aria
from the oratorio is the bass solo,
"The Trumpet Shall Sound."
* s* *
SOLOISTS for this year's per-
formances include Maud Nosler,
Crimson Red?
BOSTON - (P) - Harvard
President Nathan M. Pusey said
yesterday that it is probably
true that "some dozens" among
100,000 H a r v a r d graduates
"flirted with or were indeed in-
volved with communism at
some time during their careers."
But he added, "against the
wrongs of these few, must be
weighed the achievements of all
the rest of the 100,000 ... sub-
stantial citizens in almost ev-
ery community in the United
States, men of unquestioned
loyalty, leaders in the war ef-
fort, in all the productive ef-
forts of our country."
. . . Big Three Veteran
... at Bermuda confab
'U' Seniors
. . . contralto
soprano, noted for her Bach in-
terpretations and oratorio work.
Carol Smith, contralto, has
recently distinguished herself in
operatic roles of Carmen, Am-
neris and Ortrud.
Tenor soloist will be Walter
Fredericks who made his debut in
opera in San Francisco six years
ago. Since that time he has work-
ed professionally in Philadelphia
and New York.
Metropolitan Opera Company
bass Norman Scott will complete
the group of soloists. He has ap-
peared in numerous concerts with
Metropolis and Toscanini and with
symphony orchestras from all over
the nation.
The University Choral Union
of 330 voices will also appear in
the concert, along with the Mus-
ical Society Orchestra. The en-
tire group will be under the di-
rection of Lester McCoy, con-
Mary McCall Stubbins is the or-
gan accompanist for the concert.
Tickets for both performances
may be purchased in the Univer-
sity Musical Society offices in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower today until
concert time. They are priced at
50 cents and 70 cents.
Approximately 55% of Univer-
sity seniors were reported to have
taken personality tests this week as
part of a national survey by the
Commission on Human Resources
and Advanced Training.
A mere 20% of fourth-year stu-
dents took' the tests during the
first two days of testing.
* * *
WITH ONLY rough estimates
of the number of people. taking the
two hour- examinations yesterday,
the total number of students par-
ticipating in five days of testing
approached the figure of 1214. Ac-
cording to a pre-examination sur-
vey, reports from University offi-
cials indicated that there are be-
tween 22 and 23 hundred seniors
enrolled this semester.
(It is to be noted that seniors in
the School of Medicine, School of
Dentistry, Law School and School
of Social Work are graduate stu-
The Medical School, with an
enrollment of 128 men and wo-
men this semester, reported
nearly 100% participation in the
survey. One hundred twenty me-
dical students took the test dur-
ing the week, with but two un-
accounted for, several volunteer-
ing to take a make-up test and
two students unable to take the
test because of illness.
Also showing a high percentage
of student participation was the
college of pharmacy where 26 out
Wire Count
Claimed Short
Carthy (R-Wis.) took issue with
the White House yesterday on the
number of telegrams it has receiv-
ed in response to his "Write the
President" appeal.
He contended its figures were
too low.
In late afternoon, Murray Sny-
der, assistant presidential press
secretary, announced that up to
4 p.m., EST, 1,500 telegrams had
been received. Snyder gave out no
breakdown on how many favored
and how many opposed McCar-
thy's policy of a crackdown on
allies, notably Britain, whom Mc-
Carthy accuses of trading with
Red China.* *
of 28 students reported for the
All of the schools have been
making arrangements for make-
up sessions and will continue to
give the exams upon appointment
during the following week.
* * *
THIRD HIGH figure was re-
ported by the School of Dentistry
where 84 out of a total of 83 stu-
dents took the personality tests.
F i n a l figures from other
schools and colleges, not includ-
ing arranged make-up tests, are
as follows: literary college, 244;
architecture and design school,
66; natural resources school, 47;
education school, 72; business
administration school, 168; en-
gineering college, 80; nursing
school, 26.
A rough estimate of 80 students
volunteered from the School of
Music to take the test yesterday.
Opera To Hold
Makeup Meeting
A meeting of all members of the
makeup committee of "Up N'
Atom," 1953 Union Opera, should
attend a.meeting at 11 a.m. today
in Rm. 3G of the Union, produc-
tion chairman Bert Hamburger,
'54 BAd., said yesterday.
Ushers are still needed for the
Opera performances Wednesday
through Friday. According to Mike
Scherer, '54, any male student in-
terested may sign up daily in Rm.
3G of the Union.
Script of the Opera, which will
play in Lansing Saturday and tour
six cities during Christmas vaca-
tion, was written by Howard Nem-
Dealing with home brew,, bu-
reaucracy, atomic fission and the
hill folks of Tennessee, the Opera
will produce two atomic explosions
but final figures were not yet com-
The tests will indicate personal-,
ity characteristics of people pre-
paring for professional and non-
professional occupations. It is hop-
ed by Commission director DaeI
Wofle that college curriculums can
be revised to meet the needs of
students majoring in liberal edu-
cation subjects if the results of the
tests and following tests prove that
the people in this category usually
do not find occupations in the field
in which they concentrate.
Students from more than 100
American colleges and universities
are cooperating with the Commis-
sion in the study. Results will be
reported sometime in 1954.
Drive Reaches
Half-Way Goal
First-day contributions to the
Galens Annual Christmas Tag Day
totaled "over $3,000" according to
a report last night from the so-
Representatives of Galens ex-
pressed satisfaction at the results
and extended their appreciation
to University students and towns-
people for their support. The drive
will continue today, concentrating
on the downtown Ann Arbor area.
Galens supports the operation
of a workshop for children pati-
ents at University hospital in addi-
tion to sponsoring an annual
Christmas party and buying chil-
dren's- books and games for gen-
eral use in the hospital.
This year's goal is $6,500.
Gouzenko Probe
OTTAWA-(A)-The Canadian
government set out yesterday to
determine whether Igor Gouzenko,
ex-Soviet code clerk and spy ex-
poser, is willing to talk privately
with the U.S. Senate internal se-
curity subcommittee.
Hint Meeting
With Russia
In January,
Variances Noted
In West's Stand
(M-President Eisenhower, Prime
Minister Churchill and Premier,
Laniel exchange opinions on So-
viet policy at the first session of
their historic conference in this
winter holiday island yesterday.
And their foreign ministers were
reported to have agreed on hold-
ing a meeting-probably in Jan-
uary-with Russia's V. M. Molotov.
* * *
SPOKESMEN present at the
first meeting of Eisenhower, Chur-
chill and Laniel in the swank,
tightly guarded conference room
in the Mid-Ocean Club said there
naturally were "certain divergen-
cies" in their views of past, pres-
ent and future Soviet policy.
This was no surprise, as the
meeting had been arranged to
harmonize the views of the in-
ternational situation held by
Britain, France and the United
Their first meeting, taking place
just 3/ hours after President
Eisenhower had' landed in this
flowery island, lasted 2 -hours and
15 minutes.
The informants said the West-
ern reply to the Soviet note of
Nov. 26, proposing such a confer-
ence in Berlin, would be a short,
direct acceptance of the idea of a
parley, but they did not disclose
the proposed time or place. How-
ever, it is not likely to be before
mid-January, after the French
presidential elections.
THERE WAS NO hint of the
divergencies that showed up at
the Eisenhower - Churchill - LaniQl
After the meeting, the conferees
dressed for a formal dinner 'at
Government' House.
The three Western leaders
already had settled amicably
one difference-over protocol-
and Churchill won by putting
President Eisenhower in the
middle one of the three white
wicker chairs in which the trio
sat for photographers. Eisen-
hower had insistel that Chur-
chill, as host, sit in the middle
The 79-year-old Churchill is the
only survivor of the Roosevelt-
Stalin-Churchill wartime meet-
ings. The last such international
meeting attepded by an American
president was eight years ago at
Potsdam when President Truman
was present.
The conference of the Big Three
here began an hour after their
foreign ministers had started far-
ranging talks in the rigidly pa-
trolled club.
May Festival To Feature Celebrities
Logic, Tradition Argued by Both Sides
InControversial Driving Ban at 'U'
Ten celebrated musical personalities will be featured in the 61st
Annual May Festival it was revealed yesterday by Charles A. Sink,
President of the University Musical Society.
Opening the six concerts, to be held in Hill Auditorium from
April 29 through May 2, will be Colatura Soprano Lily Pons. Lois
Marshall, distinguished Canadian soprano and Blanche Thebom,
Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano will join in the second concert
for Ann Arbor's premiere performance of Vivaldi's "Gloria." Cellist
Leonard Rose will also appear in the second concert.
JACOB KRACHMILNIK, violinist and Lorne Munro, cellist, will
appear in an all-Brahms concert as the third attraction of the four-
day Festival. The annual anearance of the Festival.Youth Chorus
McCARTHY said he had infor-
mation, from a source he did not
name, that 2,087 messages had
been received, with many more
since. He said the 1,500 figure was
"probably an honest mistake, but
a grievous mistake, in a case in
which there is little room for mis-
Snyder insisted that 1,500
was the number received up to
4 p.m. Later he announced that
a a. t . - - -- s . . . , a .4
(EDITORS NOTE: This is the last
In a series of articles dealing with
the driving ban and current efforts
toward its modification or elimina-
Arguments both for and against
removal of the present driving ban
have been long and loud and have
invoked both logic and tradition to
the support of one side or the
On the con side of the argument
are segments of the alumni who
point out that to remove the ban
would be to destroy "one of the
riietnrtiva rasat- rifi . raf lh
WHILE this is a problem of ma-
jor concern others have pointed
out that 'the State's strictly-en-
forced 21-year-old drinking law
would tend to keep the situation
under control.
% Opponents of removal have
also cited the increased problem
of parking and the traffic haz-
ard that would be created by al-
lowing students to bring- auto-
mobiles to campus.
Opinion favorable to removal of
the present driving restrictions has
hP.Pnn PvnrP..Cena m ngf nrn11r in
possibility of his being punished
for ignoring the University driv-
ing regulation."
This argument had particular
force last year when enforce-
ment consisted of two part-time
men working on Friday and Sat-
urday nights. This semester en-
forcement has been increased to
six nights a week.
A second argument put forward
in the brief is .that social customs
have changed, making automobile
ownership or use common for stu-
(ipntC in high crhnoni
a. .
. ... ' m i