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December 04, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-04

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CHARGES OF conscious or unconscious
discrimination levelled at the University
housing authorities, the Union and the Ann
Arbor Chamber of Commerce by a Student
Legislature member during Wednesday's SL
meeting may well be uhrepresentative of
the total picture, but the charges are cer-
tainly very worthy of continued study, care-
ful attention, and positive action.
During at least the past decade of local
history it has been an accepted "fact" in
many quarters that the three groups so
accused, as well as many others, do prac-
tice conscious, but often veiled, discrim-
inatory policies. Throughout this time,
however, few purely scientific authorita-
tive studies have been made public and the
average student and townsperson have
either accepted the rumors as absolute fact
or have remained blissfully ignorant of
all such charges.
It is just such ignorance and misinfor-
mation that has most hindered any rational
SL approach to the problem.
But just as obviously a problem does exist.
Clear evidence of blatant discrimination has
often been presented to individuals and
groups who could not, or did not, take ef-
fective public action against the individuals
or groups involved.
Mr. Dormont's case against the Union
is a strong one. If the affidavits signed
by two University coeds who applied for
similar jobs within five minutes of each
other are to be accepted at face value
there is at least one conclusive case. The
Negro coed was told there were "no open-
ings." The white student was told "I'm
busy, come back later" and 40 minutes
later was told she could start work Mon-
day and that there were still several oth-
er openings.
Another instance of apparent discrimina-
tion occurred in March, 1952, when, two Ne-
gro women students, according to the report,
applied for jobs as waitresses and were told
by the person in charge of hiring in the
dining-room "we do not hire Negroes as
An obvious defect is the fact that Mr. Dor-
mont did not include comments from ad-
ministrative officials on hiring policies gen-
erally and the 'test case' in particular in the
comprehensive report he submitted to the
Legislature. Out of fairness to these offi-
cials, their statements should have been in-
cluded. Even if they would have denied the
validity of either instance mentioned by Mr.
Dormont, inclusion of their comments would
have strengthened his report.
On the University housing matter, a sig-
nificant fault in policy has been pointed
out by Mr. Dormont. Requiring all in-
coming freshmen to have pictures on hous-
ing applications serves only one main pur-
pose-to indicate each student's race so
that if he is to share a room he will be
put with a student of the same racial
background. Any attempt' to insure that
no future "mistake" would be made in
placing a Negro freshman with a white
freshman Is a policy completely incom-
patible with the informal side of educa-
tion in a college or university.
What the University seems to forget in
setting up its policy is that, on the average,
a student may have just as much difficulty
getting along with a student from a back-
ground similar to his own as he would if his
rdommate had a background entirely dis-
similar. And those who so constantly claim
that the function of a school is to "broaden"
the individual intellectually could hardly
deny that it is more "broadening" to e'x-
perience new situations rather than situa-
tions one has been accustomed to for eight-
een or more years.

In brief, Mr. Dormont's report, presented
to document his recommendations for a
revised anti-discrimination study board
and for SL establishment of an anti-dis-
crimination sticker campaign similar to
the plan submitted to campus in recent
elections, has already succeeded in
awakening many formerly naive students
to the problem of local racial discrimi-
nation. It is still dubious, however, wheth-
er a sticker campaign could be effective
in view of the many national chain regu-
lations against putting stickers in store
windows. In view of difficulties involved
in such a campaign, it might be wise for
.the anti-discrimination board itself to
determine whether a sticker campaign
could be made workable. And in view of
the present seemingly two-faced policy
of Union and University housing authori-
ties toward the issue, Mr. Dormont's re-
commendation that representatives of the
Ann Arbor Council of Churches and the
Junior Chamber of Commerce be substi-
tuted on the board for representatives of
the University administration and senior
Chamber of Commerce is a valid one. Un-
til the senior Chamber and University
show a more sincere interest in elimina-
tion of any traces of local discrimination,
they should not be members of a board
with that aim in mind.
Although weak suggestions to prejudiced
groups and individuals will not eliminate
discriminatory policies, advocates of an ex-
treme anti-discrimination policy should also
remember that tolerane cnnnnt he forced

Washington Merry-Go-Round
with nRew PEARSON_ +'.


WASHINGTON -Secretary John Foster
Dulles' blast at Senator McCarthy was
made only after the most careful consider-
ation and after the State Department had
asked American ambassadors all over the
world to cable reaction to the McCarthy-
Harry Dexter White-Truman controversy.
When a summary of these cables was
placed before the President he was so
shocked that he instructed the National
Security Council to make a study of what
could be done abroad to counteract the
unfavorable publicity.
Without exception, every ambassador cab-
led that American prestige had hit a new
level' by the combined attack on ex-Presi-
dent Truman by the Eisenhower Admin-
istration and the subsequent attack on the
Eisenhower Administration by McCarthy.
Some Presidential advisers such as Gen.
Wilton Persons didn't want the Administra-
tion to tangle with McCarthy, thought he
should be ignored, not answered. Others,
however, sided with Dulles and the State
Department, felt that a blunt statement
must be made showing that American for-
eign policy was being dictated by the Ad-
ministration, not by the Senator from Wis-
consin. Hence the Dulles statement.
NOTE-A last year's Pearson prediction,
Dec. 28, 1952; read as follows: "McCarthy's
appetite for publicity will be stronger than
his loyalty to the Republican party, and his
eventual target will be Secretary of State
SOME OF THE White House staff have
been trying to figure ways of curbing
the President's pleasant "off-the-cuff" re-
marks. They're particularly unhappy about
his agricultural ad libs.
Earlier this week, for example, Presi-
dent Eisenhower inspected an Agriculture
Department exhibit showing the erosion
to farm land when conservation is not
followed. Ike studied the ruts and gullies
worn by unchecked water; then, turning
to Secretary Benson and newsmen, he
"I'd like to see the whole appropriation
for this (soil conservation) work go up."
He! added that he didn't know just how
much more money should be spent, but he
knew that the funds should be increased.
It was a natural offhand remark, and ob-
viously Ike meant it. But it's going to cause
some political embarrassment for the rea-
son that it doesn't jibe with the Adminis-
tration's program..
Last January, outgoing President Truman
asked Congress to appropriate $15,566,000
for upstream water conservation. President
Eisenhower, however, cut this figure by more
than one-half-to $7,000,000. In addition,
Ike's budget knocked $6,000,000 off the
funds requested for the soil conservation
service and $110,000,000 from the amount
to be spent next year by the agricultural
conservation program.

PERSONALLY, Ike has always been a
strong champion of soil-conservation
methods. Last year, for example, he -said
that "the only trouble with this kind of
conservation work is that it is moving too
slowly." But his budget spells out a dif-
ferent story, and farmers say the real test
of how the President feels about soil con-
servation is the money he spends on it. ,
Farm leaders remember other occasions
when Ike took a strong stand on the farm
program, only to find his own budget
bureau had pulled the rug from under
him. Last May the President paid a visit
to the government's huge agriculture re-
search center at Beltsville, Md., where
he remarked:
"I read in the papers of making a lot of
promises that I did not make. But I did
make one which shows I'm not as stupid
as I sometimes appear. That was that we
needed more research."
Only a few weeks before this statement,
however, the President's own budget for
the Department of Agriculture had recom-
mended cuts in the very same research work
he was then inspecting.
What really made White House aides
wince was a remark the President made
at a press conference last month that one
reason the federal budget couldn't be bal-
anced next year was the $880,000,000 of
unusual expenditures for the farm pro-
Obviously, he wasn't referring to drought
relief, because earlier in the press confer-
ence he had spoken of that as costing about
$40,000,000. And he couldn't have been
thinking of losses on the price-support pro-
gram because that figure is expected to run
about $148,800,000.
The only figure that looks close to the
President's $880,000,000 in unusual farm
expenses is the $882,000,000 appropriated
by Congress for farm support and related
programs. The bulk of this item, however,
is comprised of routine appropriations
definitely set by Congress. Only a small
portion of it varies with crops and weath-
er, so it can't be classified as an unusual
expense. It was fixed by Congress months
ago, and exactly what the President had,
in mind by the unusual farm expendi-
ture of $880,000,000 still remains a Wash-
ington mystery.
No man, especially one burdened by the
terrible weight of the Presidency, can hope
to keep tabs on the nation's budget with
all its detail. But White House aides re-
cognize that in the rough and tumble of
politics anything a politician says will be
used against him. And whether Ike likes
it or not, his advisers have warned that
every time he fumbles on conservation, ag-
gricultural research or price supports, his
opponents write it down in a little book to
be used in future political battles. That's
why they constantly urge him to "stick to
the script" and keep his off-the-cuff ad
libs to minimum.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)

"Any Time You Guys Are Rudy
For The Second Half"
ยข_r pI
\o c Ip

The Daily welcomes communicatibns from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 0O words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Mrs. White's Answer . . Union Charges ...


To the Editor:
THE Indianapolis Times is cer-
tainly living up to its reputa-
tion for misquoting. The article by
John V. Wilson in the November
12 issue by inference and by mis-
quotes created many Wrong im-
I did not state that, "Books
containing Robin Hood stories and
outlining the Quaker teachings
should not be used in the public
I did not condemn a list of wri-
ters who are in the Democratic
Party. The Times used these Dem-
ocrats to make this problem seem
a political one. We are not dealing
with a political question. We are
fighting treason when we fight
communism, whether it be in text-
books or elsewhere.
The Times seems very bold and
aggressive in attempting to smear)
a person trying to do a patriotic
duty. Now, let's have the truth.
The Communist and Commun-
ist Front writer usually writes on
the subject of race, religion, or
foreign born. So, if there is ob-
jection tp the writer in our text-
books, it can be turned to mean
we are anti-religious, anti-race,
etc. I objected to a story written
by a Communist Party Liner
(Calif. 11th. Report) and the sub-
ject was Robin Hood.
Another story by a man with 15
Communist Front affiliations, was
about Quakers.
The Commie must be feeling the
force of my work to give national
publicity to this. T'hey are forced
to publicize what they can ill af-
ford to publicize-a victory for
our side. It is done by trying to
discredit me.
My position on the textbook
commission would not allow me to
ban a book or story. I have but
one vote on a commission of 71
The Bible is free for you to pick
up as you please, as are other!
books, in America that is. How-
ever, a school child must by law
study the books given him. The

To the Editor:
O PREVENT possible misun-
derstanding in my charge of
Union discrimination ing hiring, I
should like to clarify my position.
The signed, sworn affidavits
which the Negro and white stu-
dents had notarized are only my
In March of 1952, two Negro
co-eds went to the Union dining-
room for waitresses' jobs. They
were told by the person in charge
of hiring that, we do not hire Ne-
groes as waitresses.
In the past twenty-six years,
there have been only one or two
Negroes as waiters or waitresses
in the Union dining-rooim, accord-
ing to Mr. Paul Cramton, who is
the head waiter in that dining-
room and in charge of 'hiring
Mr. Cramton explained to me
that this was so, because no Ne-
groes ever came around for jobs
when there were openings. From
the affidavits, however, we have
the contradicting evidence that a
Negro did ask for a job as a
waitress when there were open-
It #loes seem odd that in twenty-
six years, the overwhelming ma-
jority of Negroes applied for jobs
as kitchen and cafeteria help,
rather than as waiters and wait-
resses. The latter type of job is
much more lucrative because
among other things, it offers the
possibility of tips.
Mr. Cramton's assertion could
be true only if it were known be-
forehand by those Negroes seek-
ing employment in the Union that
they would be denied jobs as wait-
ers and waitresses solely because
they are Negro.
It was with this in mind that I
had the Negro and white students
apply for jobs within five minutes
of each other. Their affidavits
merely give a final proof to what
I previously had reason, to believe.
-Paul Dormont
Cnogratulations . .
To the Editor:
courage and integrity in call-
ing the turn on the University
President's shameless double talk
on McCarthyism. The reign of
terror acquiesed in by the local



(Continued from Page 3)
tions may be appointed to temporary
employment with the state before tak-
ing the examination. June graduates
will be able to take the test in Ann
Arbor. For further information and
complete announcements, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371.
The Chrysler Corp., in Detroit, is look-
ing for Sales Engineers to travel for
about 1 yr. with their road show "New
Worlds in Motion" and then to go into,
sales work with a division of Chrysler.
The Air Research and Development
Command of the U. S. Air Force is cur-
rently seeking to fill two Historian
positions in centers located at Alamo-
gordo, New Mexico, and San Antonio,
Texas. Qualifications include a Ph.D.1
in History.
The Armour Research Foundation of
the Illinois Institute of Technology in
Chicago is offering Industrial Researchj
Fellowships to science and engineering
graduates who wish to do graduate work
in one of the following fields: Physics,
Ceramics and Minerals, Metallurgy,
Applied Mechanics and Mechanical En-
gineering, Electrical Engineering, Chem-
istry and Chemical Engineering. Recip-
ients of the fellowships will combine
practical experience in industrial re-
search with their graduate program at
the Illinois Institute of Technology.
The Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, Mich.,
would be glad to hear from any seniors
interested in permanent employment
with the company. If enough students
express interest in positions with Kel-
logg's, representatives will visit the
campus to interview candidates.
For further information about these
and other employment opportunities,
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371.
The Kellogg Co., of Battle Creek,
Mich, ,hasopportunities for summer
work for Freshman, Sophomore, and
Junior students in Bus. Ad., Industrial
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engi-
eering and Economics. Interested stu-
dents may contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 371, for additional in-


Cambridge University will speak
"Phantasms of the Living and




Doctoral Examination for Allen Whit-
marsh Phillips, Romance Languages
and Literatures: Spanish; thesis: "An-
alisis. Estetico de la Obra Poetica de
Ramon Lopez Velarde," Sat., Dec. 5,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
10 a.m. Chairman, E. Anderson-Imbert.



Christmas Concerts. "Messiah" will be
given two performances Saturday at
8:30 and Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in
Hill Auditorium, under the auspices ofI
the University Musical Society.
Performers will include Maud Nosler,'
soprano; Carol Smith, contralto; Wal-E
ger Fredericks, tenor; Walter Scott,
bass; the University Choral Union; the
Musical Society Orchestra; with Mary
McCall Stubbins, organist; and Lester
McCoy, conductor.
Tickets will be on sale until Satur-
day noon at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower; after

7 o'clock Saturday night, and at 1:30 Commies know this too well so
Sunday afternoon, at the box office in
Hill Auditorium.h ave slanted them since 1928. The
Bible speaks of charity. If you or
anyone cares to give your all to
others, that is entirely up to the
Department of Astronomy. Visitors' party concerned. Remember that
Night, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Hazel M. Losh we could have had a Communist
will speak on "The Christmas Star."
After the illustrated lecture in Aud- government by now if there were
not nnlp like mpt fight (''m-


itorium "A"min Angell Hall, the Stu- ino, people iemo Jv lUnvestyPrsdetsmrkte
dents' Observatory on the fifth floor munism at every hand. The anti- University Presidents mark them
will be open for telescopic observation anti-Communist is far more of a a ol notyt npr ot
of Jupiter and a double star, if tahe sky anger than the Communist him- or direct any free institution of
is clear, or for inspection of the tele- dalearning. You are not alone. Jus-
scopes and planetarium, if the sky is self because a Communist can be tice and freedom are yet to be
cloudy. Children are welcomed but confronted with his record or card won. What else is there worth liv-
must be accompanied by adults. membership. You have your press wn. W sh?
Demcras, ou re nvied o a anexapleof this sort of ig for?
Young are invited toa anRexampleis the eft'sfavo -Walter Allmendinger, Lit. '14
attend an address by former Attorney- tig iiuei h etsfvr .
General Francis Biddle on the subject, ite weapon.
"The So-Called Liberal." The lecture -Mrs. Thomas J. White Full Message . . .
will be held in the Rackham Amphi- Indiana Textbook Commission
th.tra t. t 3lU 4 VIck tnda. d There ' ill h e To th Editor:


Architecture Auditorium
Viven Leigh and Marlon Brando.
"STREET CAR" is the story of Blanche
Du Bois' life. But in the Greek tradi-
tion it only takes in the upswing, the climax,
and the downfall. It is filled with symbolism
and the intentions are obscure.
The plot actually centers around the
adjustments two people have had to make
to society. Both have succeeded in their
own way. Stella, Blanche's sister, has
bowed to the inevitable. She flows along
in the tide of history, accepting society,
that is Stanley Kowalski, as it is. She
learns to enjoy its animal passions and its
elemental desires.
Blanche DuBois, however, lacking the cap-
abilities of her sister has retreated into a
dream world. Stanley Kowalski in his own
uncomplicated way won't let her escape. He
strips her of her finery, her talk, her dreams.
With brutal disregard for human failings,
but with a keen appreciation of the facts,
Stanley understands Blanche. He uses her,
and when he is finished he discards her.
This picture actually is a ccnmentary
on present-day society. The revolt of the
masses has occurred. As Stanley Kowalski
says the aristocrats have been taken from
their decadent perch. They are reduced to
the mediocre level because this is the way
life is. The tensions of class have proved
.too strained, leading to a break that can
only lead down.
Three characterizations relate the inter-
play of personalities. Viven Leigh as Blanchej
is excellent. She creates the lost air of1
Blanche with reality. Even up to the end
a front must be maintained, but there is1
a sudden break and the animal shows
through, and then order is restored because
decorum demands it. Blanche is a rebel. So-
ciety can not exist with rebels: it either

him to see reality and to be reality. If any
Hollywood actor could be said to be a psy-
chological realist, it is Marlon Brando.
The film is excellent throughout. Despite
its stagey presentation, it is still able to
maintain action and interest.
-Dick Wolff
* **
At the Michigan .,..
I, THE JURY, with Biff Elliot.
MUST ADMIT that my only previous ac-
quaintance with the literature of Mickey
Spillane has been limited to choice excerpts
selected from his works by my more dis-
criminating friends; as a consequense any
expectations I could conjure would have
been quite unfilmable. Censorship and all
Mr. Spillane's story is rather simple: a
guy gets shot and his pal goes after the dirty
rat that done it. The beauty of it all is in
the style:
"So long, baby." (Two shots)
"How could you do it, Mike?"
"It was easy." (Pan to hard-bitten face,
In short, this guy is as funny as Marilyn
Monroe. For roughly forty-five minutes
nobody but the Spillanites can tell whether
he is serious or this will be a clever parody.
But after that time it begins to drag; mur-
der, murder, murder, until this author's lit-
erary satire begins to be a bit confusing, and
then, with a kick in the guts, I get it: he
means it.
Mike Hammer (he of the hard-bitten
face) is played by Biff Elliot, discovered
just for this role. He is perhaps a little too
pretty to be so mean, but before it's over
there is no doubt. Unfortunately Mr. El-
liott is the only actor who plays the movie
for real. His assistants are for the most
part ornamental. Basically the film is im-
moral and obscene, no matter what we

The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion will have a representative at the
Bureau of Appointments on Fri., Dec.
11 (postponed from Dec. 7 as originally
announced), to interview February and
June men and women graduates who
may be interested in any field of err-
ployment with the State, such as ac-
counting, social work, public adminis-
tration, etc. The interviewer would also
like to talk to any graduates interested
in the following specific examinations
which are currently open: Personnel
Techncian I, Psychologist Trainee, Prop-
erty Appraiser Trainee, Librarian, In-
stitution Business Executive II, Forest-
er and Water Conservationist, Chemist
Trainee, Bacteriologist, Institutional So-
cial Worker, Sanitary Engineer, and
Liquor Enforcement Trainee.
The Sun Life Assurance Co. of Can-
ada will be here on Dec. 8 to talk with
February and June men graduates in
Bus. Ad. or LS&A about positions in
insurance sales.
The Durez Plastics & Chemicals, Inc.,
of North Tonawanda, N. Y., would like
to interview February and June men
graduates an Dec. 9 for positions in ac-
counting or in the company's manage-
ment training program. Bus. Ad. and
LS&A students may make appoint-
The Great American Group of Insur-'
ance Companies in Chicago, Ill., will
have a representative here on Dec. 9
to discuss their home office underwrit-
ing training program and other posi-
tions, such as field representative, with
February and June men graduates in
Bus. Ad. or LS&A.
Students wishing to schedule ap-
pointments to see any of the com-
panies listed above should contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., Ext. 371.
University Lecture in Journalism,
"The Press and Civil Liberties in Crises,"
Francis Biddle, former Attorney Gen-
eral, will open the 1953-54 series on
Fri., Dec. 4, at 3 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. He will speak on "The'
So-Called Liberal." A coffee hour will
follow in the Department of Journalism
Conference Room, 1443 Mason Hall. Pub-
lic invited to both events.
A cademnic Notices
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West

iearre at o clocx toaay. here wi oe
a coffee hour after in 1447 Mason Hall.
This will be a good opportunity to meet Book Burning . ..
and talk with a great liberal and a
great Democrat. To the Editor:
AWEEK OR so ago there ap-
Newman Club Open House will be held pae sup-
tonight from 9 to 12 at the Father peared inthis column a sup-
Richard Center. Refreshments and en- posedly satirical and humorous
tertainment will be provided and every- letter which comically proposed
one is cordially invited. an instigation of book burning.
HillelFoundation. Fourth dayofHa As a form, satire is both ineffec-
ukkah-candle lighting, 7:30 p.m. 7:45 tive and difficult. It is ineffective,
p.m.-Evening Services-followed by since it does not possess any al-
Kiddush, Zemerot, and singing of Han- chemistic power of persuasion.
ukkah songs. 8:45 p m.-Fireside Talk: (Had satire the magic prowess to
"Why Excommunicate Santa Claus," raitehtwic ittaks
Professor George E. Mendenhall, Dept. irradicate that which it attacks,
of Near Eastern Studies. 6 p.m.-Kosher the world would have been purg-
Dinner. ed long ago of such incessant
blights as wars, armies, censors,
Episcopal Student Foundation: Teaprhiiost, ad aanc
from 4 to 5:30 this afternoon' at Canter-
bury House followed by student-led Caesars.) It is difficult, because,
Evening Prayer in the Chapel of St. unless satire is formed by such
Michael and All Angels. All students acknowledged masters as Adlai
invited. Stevenson, F.D.R., and H. L. Men-
Westminster S t u d e n t Fellowship, cken, it becomes a clogged mor-
Graduate Group, will have a discussion ass of amateurish banality.
on the "Growth of Christianity in In- Certainly the writers of the pre-
dia-Pakistan," this eveningaat 8 p.m., vious letter, notwithstanding any
Student Lounge, Presbyterian Church. hilarity they may have inspired,
Refreshments will be served.
could not have believed their sa-
Graduate Mixer, sponsored by the tirical attempt would dissuade any
Graduate Student Council, tonight pyromanical censors from indul-
from 9 to 12, at Rackham Assemblyg their ifl
Hall. Music by the Nation's Top Or- s ey m atory reau
chestras on Record. dices. They must have realized
tsdthat the average, the mass, the
Lane Hall Coffee Hour Friday after- normal, and conforming type of
noon from 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. Come and person, the type who would grati-
for t trim g the Christmas tree fy their desire for repression of
thought through the medium of
Episcopal'Student Foundation. Can- book burning, would be neither
terbury Club this evening, 7:30 p.m., at instructed nor amused. Rather,
Canterbury House. Professor William lsr~e o msd ahr
R. Leslie will trace the rise of the prob- such letters inspire and incite the
lem of Church and State relations, humorless Inquisitors.
treating the question, "Did Constan- Intellectual facetitiousness is
tine Sell the Church Down the River?" inadvisable in the face of the ser-
The Congregational-Disciples Guild. iously growing trend towards ov-
Graduate-Professional Group meeting ert censorship, and the continued
at Guild House, 8 p.m. advocation to erect Maginot Lines
around our minds. Irrationality
Coming Events will not shock philistinical cen-
sors into removing their collec-
Fall Meeting of Michigan College1tiehasfo tesndoftu
Chemistry Teachers Association, Sa tive heads from the sands of stu-
Dec. 5, 10:15 a.m., 1300 Chemistry Build- pidity. The letter's adolescent su-
ing. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer will speak perficiality-and others like it-
on "America's Scientific and Specialized will not prevent further headline-
Man-Power Resources." Prof. Miltonsi
Tamres will speak on "Weak Molecular searching inquisitions by McCar-
Association" at 11 a.m. Prof. Kasimir thy nor will it transform the hit-
Fajans will speak on "Quanticule lerisms of Jenner into the human-
Theory of Chemical Binding" at 2 p.m. isms of an Erasmus. All the satir-
ical letters in the world will not

1 ie 1U.V
Light's comments on The
Daily editorial "The President's
tand."I think the campus -is now

ready for the full message.
War Is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance Is Strength
and above all-
Big Brother Is Watching You!
--Cynthia Gahwiler
* * *
Satire? . .
To the Editor:
Light's explosive comments in
Tuesday's Daily, a grave doubt
has reared its ugly head in. our
pristine midst. Was this letter
seriously written on the topic-
abortively misinterpreted-or was
it merely a highly ineffectual sa-
tire? We wonder!
--Iris Leja
Charles R. Stark
John Leggett
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric vetter ..............City Editor
Virginia voss..........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker........Associate Editor
Helene Simon.......... Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye........Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......:Women's Editor
KathyZeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden....... Finance Mantager
James Sharp.. Circulation Manager
Teiehnne NO 23-24-1




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