See Page 4
',Y L
Sir C igaul
- ';I"
Latest Deadline in the State
Write Ike' Doc k Riot Flares
Plan Asked
By McCarthy On West Coast'
Lii 1 1T T W V
Foreign, Policy dash of jinges
Halted by San F
Switch Requested
WASHINGTON-(GP)-Sen. MC- water yesterday afternoon, but pro
Carthy (R-Wis), disowning any jrro ewe oe140bce
idea of challenging President Eis-or riot between some 1,400backe
enhower's leadership called yester- rg an arry ges.
day for a nationwide "Write the Riot clubs and improvised we
President" campaign designed to gathered line of policemen headei
reverse one phase of Eisenhower's of Lundeberg's American Federatio
foreign policy. backed independent stewards picke
Speaking out within 24 hours *
after Eisenhower warned against SIX MEN were hurt in the c
"coercion" of America's allies, Mc-
Carthy requested all who agree
with his views to write or wire the
President asking him to halt what U e o F B
McCarthy termed the "b 1 o o d
1 trade" with Red China. Fies Denied
McCARTHY, SAID he is in "com-
plete disagreement" with Secretary
of State Dulles on the question ofI
continued aid to countries trading
with the Chinese Communists.
Dulles' stand, as set forth at special To The Daily
r his news conference Tuesday, is DETROIT - Federal Judge
that dollar aid to friendly na- Frank A. Picard denied a motion
tions "does not give us the right to have FBI records subpoenaed
to dictate their trade policies." for use in the trial of six Michigan
The President backed Dulles to Communist leaders charged with
the hilt at his own news confer- conspiracy to overthrow the gov-
ence Wednesday and cautioned ernment yesterday.
"the easiest Ithing to do with great The motion, presented by de-
power is to abuse it." fense attorney Ernest Goodman,
McCarthy's statement was made followeq testimony by government
about 10:45 a.m. yesterday. The witness Bereniece Baldwin claim-
White House said that as of 4 ing she had submitted reports and
p.m. yesterday it had received nine memorandums of several Com-
telegrams in response to the Sena- munist meetings to the FBI.
tor's write-in appeal, all of them , r
backing McCarthy's views. "I AM NOT going -to allow a
There was no comment from the fishing expedition on matters that
President. may or may not exist," Judge
REACTING TO double-barreled Picard said in denying the motion.
rebuffs from the President and However, Goodman indicated
Dulles, McCarthy issued a 600- he would present further legal
word statement in which he: arguments today -in an attempt
1. Scoffed at suggestions that to have the FBI files opened.
hewas challenging Eisenhower s But Judge Picard said the cir-
party leadership. "Ridiculous cumstances would have to be of
and untrue," he said. an exceptional nature for this
2. Refused to retreat an inch to be done.
from previous stands with which
the administration disagreed. During the course of the day's
3. Called on Dullesto "reap. proceedings Goodman continued
praise our whole policy" toward his cross-examination of Mrs.
allies trading with Red China. Baldwin in an attempt to discredti
It was in a nationwide radio-TV her recollection of time, places
speech Monday, Nov. 24 that Mc- and dates in connection with her
Carthy aroused the current furore activities while a member of the
over American foreign policy and Communist Party.
drew answering fire from both Mrs. Baldwin has been on the
a Dulles and the President. witness stand for eight days and
from all indications she will be
Lain cross-examined again today by
Laing Reports one of the three defendants.
On Suggestions IT IS PROBABLE the defense
will begin inquiries into Mrs. Bald-
win's personal life today, accord-
To Committee ing to the Communists.
Toward the tail-end of yes.
In the second session of the terday's session one of the de-
Study Committee on Student Af- fendants, Helen Winter, said
fairs, chairman of the group Prof. she was suffering from "pro-
Lionel H. Laing of the political gressive illness" and a recess
science department reported let- was temporarily called by Judge
ters requesting suggestions con- Picard.
cerning SAC had been sent to
present and former Committee Judge Picard declined to halt
members. the trial on this basis, however.
He said the study group had yet -----
received no answers to the request PERSONALITY TESTS
for suggestions as to the func-_ER____ LT____ ESTf_
tions, jurisdiction and composi-
tion of the SAC.N
TH *NumbDer of
THE MEETING continued with
a historical discussion of SAC dat- 0
ing from a 1950 subcommittee T akii g Exair
study concerning student repre-
sentation of the committee.
Opinions then submitted to By PATA
the SAC and accepted advocated The total number of Universi
no change in the method of se- the first four days this week curv
lecting .s t u d e n t membership 676 the combined figure for six sc
from designated officers of lead- Several schools and colleges ha
ing campus organizations, of seniors taking the tests which a
Prof. Laing explained that Commission on Human Resources
> while this was an undemocratic remarked that they are planning
method and not strictly represent- rem ad that thealnmngr
ative, nevertheless it seemed at the requests, and that the total numb
time to result in satisfactory pro- revealed later.
ducing of campus views." I *
At the same time, Prof. Laing HIGHEST PERCENTAGE int
explained, the problem arose as to reached by the pharmacy college w
whether student members should tests in two sessions this week.
voice opinions of the group rep- Sixty-eight percent of Law
resented or their own feelings on a personality examinations Wedne
subject before the SAC. that school out of a total enrolhn
TWO YEARS later, a proposal the survey, being conducted atn
was passed and sent to President versities across the nation.
Harlan H. Hatcher suggesting Estimated attendance at the te.
Joint Judiciary chairman replace cation was 60 students.
Men's Judiciary chairman on the*
committee along with a proposal WITH REGULARLY schedule
that the two newly appointed fac- college completed, 260 men and wo
ulty SAC members act as non-vot- being given on a voluntary basis. T
ers for a period of a year. in the literary college.
The Board of Regents approv- Renorts from Dean James H.]
Backers, AFL
rancisco Police
ioting erupted on the San Francisco
mpt police action prevented a ma-
rs of bitter labor rivals Harry Lun-
apons were swung when a hastily
d off a mass march of some 1,100
n of Labor sailors againstBridges-
ting the passenger ship Aleutian.
ash, fought in a drizzling rain, but
J continuing arrivals of police rein-
forcements armed with tear gas
and riot guns gave weight to the
arguments of cooler heads.
Earlier in the day, an AFL at-
tempt to break through the pick-
et line was disrupted by police aft-
er a brief slugging scuffle in which
three men, one an AFL attorney,
were hurt. None of the injuries was
SOME 200 police, in uniform
and plainclothes, reported to the
Aleutian's berth after the first
clash, but all but about 30 were
sent back to regular stations aft-
er peace was restored.
Later in the afternoon, AFL
members massed at their union
hall and began a march toward
the Aleutian, two and one-half
miles away.
Marchers slogged along in a
steady rain 20 to 30 abreast. They
carried weapons, which varied
from baseball bats to pieces of
timbers and lengths of chain.
Lautner Called
hn LVI. Tria
Jets Crash
Two Air Force pilots escaped
without a scratch when their'
F86 Sabre jets collided at 23,-
0004 feet in a spectacular belly
crash yesterday while on a rou-
tine traininf flight.
The two Selfridge Air Force
Base pilots ejected themselves
with automatic equipment and
parachuted to safety. Their
planes were demolished when
they plunged into open fields
near Berville, Mich.
An Air Force Board was or-
dered to investigate the crash.
The bellies of the planes col-
lided because of the angle of the
two turns in opposite directions,
the pilots said.
RBiddle Talk
To Be Given
On Liberals
Former Attorney General Fran-
cis Biddle will speak on "The So-
Called Liberal" at 3 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheater.
First of a series of journalism
lectures based on the theme "The
Press and Civil Liberties in Crisis,"
the address will be followed by an
informal coffee hour in Rm. 1443
Mason Hall.
Biddle, great-great-grandsonf
of the first U.S. attorney general,
By Strickier
Calls Evidence
'Isolated Case'
Reiterating his reply to charges
made Wednesday by a Student
Legislature member of discrimina-
tion in Union hiring practices, Un-
ion president Jay Strickler, '54,
last night declared "there is no
policy of discrimination in the Un-
He said the case cited by SL
member Paul Dormont, '55, was an
"isolated case, not evidence of bi-
as." He added that perhaps Union
headwaiter Paul H. Cramton was
"rushed at the time" the Negro
girl was told there were no open-
DORMONT, IN his 15-page re-I
port to the Legislature, told of
two girls who applied for a Union
waitress job within five minutes of
j each other. The first, Alfreda
V MDuster, '55Ed., a Negro student,,
was informed there were "no open-
A little later, Cramton offered}
a job to Mary L. Parks, '54, sug-
gesting she "plan to start work-
ing Monday."r
Dormont claimed last nightj
there "can be no mistake." Cram-1
ton did not say to the Negro girl
he was too busy, but instead that
there were 'no openings,' while 40
minutes later there were "several,"
Dormont said.
CONCERNING THE part of his'
report regarding evidence of dis-
crimination fn Ann Arbor, Cham-
ber of Commerce membership,
Dormont said, "They have not tak-
en any interest in Negro store own-
ers or problems of the Negro com-J
Union Hiring IH Acts Unanimously
Bias Denied
To Evaluate Operation
Oyf Quadrangle System
Pledge Full
j ]
S tdy Counmittee
To Make Survey
The Inter-House Council last
night unanimously voted to tackle
the biggest project in its history--
"Operation Inquiry," an evalua-
tion of how well the Men's Resin
dence Halls system is working.
In setting up "Operation In-
quiry," the council adopted a re-
port by IHC president Roger Kid-
ston, '56L, on the aims of the pro-
ject and gave Kidston power to
appoint a study committee includ-
ing at least five students, to make
the evaluation.
*I * *
COUNCIL members also put
various gripes and suggestions
about the system on record for the
use of the study committee.
Commenting on the action,
Acting Dean of Students Walter
B. Rea said last night an evalu-
ation of the Michigan House
Plan would be especially timely
now, in view of anticipated-new
student housing needs in the
next few years.
Dean Rea felt that the House
SIEGFRIED FELLER tools a ceramic plate with a broken saw
for a scraper.
Potters' Guild To Hold
ii Ju iJ" JL u He explained "if a Legislature
Balza Baxter, State Chairman of sticker campaign were success- iHs
the Labor Youth League said yes- ful at the start-if people madei
terday he had received no further a special effort to shop only -
word on the Government's case where stickers were displayed--a By BECKY CONRADI
initiated before the Subversive Ac- lot of local branches of national
tivities Control Board to require :$ chain stores would ask the chain Tucked away in an alley off E. William, the four-year-old Potters' 1
to rescind their 'no sticker' pol. Guild will hold its first open house from 7 to 10 p.m. today.-
LYL to register with the Attorney FRANCIS BIDDLE -,
General as a Communist-front or- icy. Guild members will be on hand to demonstrate pr'ocesses of throw-'
ganization. has had an extensive career both AIf the national chain saw Ann ing a pot, baking their works in a kiln and glazing required to convert
The case being tried in Wash- in public office and as an au- Arbor stores were losing money, the dry powdered white clay into finished ceramic-ware. Show pots o
ington, according to Baxter, began thor. they might say go right ahead and student craftmanship will be on display.
Monday. He said he had received gey a ster, according to Dor-
a telegram informing him John He se4e as andorn s gee nFORMED IN THE summer of 1949 as an outgrowth of the local
Late a encle steIfrom 1941 to 1945 and has been ----_
Lautner had been called as t chief counsel for a committee to Goat's Nest group, the 25-member Guild established the present non-
frtgovernment witness. Icifcuslfracmitet
first government witnes*' investigate the Tennessee Valley Ike s Po iey profit, sel-spporting cooperative
. Authority, solicitor general of the venture. r in 'i
Plan should have been evaluated
before now, and said he was sure
the Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls and the Office of
Student Affairs will be "very hap-
py to cooperate and lend all pos-
sible assistance" to the IHC pro.
Peter A. Ostafin, Assistant Dean
in charge of Men's Residence
Halls, agreed last night that "it's
desirableto review all systems
periodically, and also said "we'
will cooperate in every way."
DEAN OSTAFIN felt student
government will be able to "make
a significant contribution to the
University community" through
the IHC evaluation, and predicted
gmore self-management and self
government for residence halls
LAUT:NER recerntly testified in Uie tts ebe-fteI-'Wthfnniladfomte- w o a k
the current trial of six Michigan r ntdSaemebro h n
's "tentat al ltary riebunewhichCalled vague Wt~gn ,~ee a S n
Communist leaders accused of vio- tmainaAiiaynrbnnwih a le ao e ~ t AncirAltAssaif omnhL a so ai
tried major German war criminals; n ro r soit o as
lating the Smith Actand chairman of the National La- Addressing more than 200 busi- Guild members revamped a for- On i, C s
On the local - scene Myron bor Relations Board. nessmen at the fifteenth annual mer bakery and shoeshop into
Sharpe, Grad., chairman of LYL Michigan State Bankers' Confer- the well-equipped studio in back
At onndicatedat serthey oorganizationBaker' Cwill , I
indicated the organiationwill t ome ie srt ence yestedy Prof Ramond of Nichol's Arcade between State Harry Dexter White was not in
Justice Holmes, Biddle has writ- and Maynard. a position to harm the country,"
contest the Governments case ten a book on the late udge. IMoley of Columbia University as- and anyone who says the contrary
in an effort to avoid an adverse -serted, "The white line in the Ad- The founders put in plumbing is not being factual, Prof. John P.
ruling. ministration's 'middle-of-the-road' and two organizers designed and Dawson of the Law School said
If such a decision is reached by e v ledctne policy can lead almost anywhere built four of the six potters' wheels yesterday,
the SACB against the League, -or nowhere." and the kiln in the building,
Sharpe revealed it would probably Levelling criticism at the Eisen- Addressing the Democratic Par-I
be contested before the Supreme Present s ope (hower government, the educator; tyi of Ann Arbor at a miseting held I
Court and LYL members would cited "a lack of any crystallized FIRST DIRECTOR of the group last night, Prof. Dawson outlinedI
not register until the high tribunal For D stro h philosophy" as the Administra- Mrs. John B. Waite was the an answer to what he held to be a
ruled on the SACB verdict., ,tion's major deficiency. "spark-plug organizer of the Republican move to discredit the
The conference, sponsored joint- Guild." according to Bill Lewis, Democratic administration.
Proceeding with slim scientific ly by Michigan Bankers' Associa- president of the group. National reports to the contrary,
evidence, the University hospital tion and the Business Administra- In three classes a week taught Prof. Dawson insisted, President
neurology department is currently tion School, will end today. After by Mrs. Rhoda Lopez, medical Truman did the "decent and prop-
iw T experimenting with new drug dos- two discussions in the morning school illustrator and wife of the er thing" in maintaining White.
ages for muscular dystrophy pati- session bankers will hear an after- late Prof. Carlos Lopez of the ar- By removing him from a manager-
ents.b luncheon address by business ad- chitecture college, and Prof. Tho- ial position to the International
Twenty-seven sufferers are be- iministration Professor J. Philip mas McClure of the architecture Monetary Fund, Truman entirely
mls Increases ing given the new capsule and Wernette on "Does Prosperity De- college, the Guild offers training removed White's potency as a pos
powder treatment as suggested by pend on Defense Spending?"- facilities for 36 students. sible spy, he added.
Dr. J. Ray Van Meter of the de-
ROELOFS . partment of neurology of the Uni-D
ity seniors taking personality tests versity of California's School of DRIVING BA N PROPOSALS:
ed slightly upward yesterday, with Medicine. Dr. Van Meter reported
pools reporting. work conducted on 10 patients ov-
ave not computed the total number er a one-year period. SL Submits Alternatives to Regents
re part of a national survey by the THE EXPERIMENT here {is be-
and Advanced Training. Officials ing conducted on the basis of the (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
make-up sessions upon students' California report, according to Dr. fourth in a series of articles dealing in the existing regulation and In a letter to SL President Rob-
rs of participating students will be Arthur L. Drew, professor of neu-- with the driving ban and current ef- was recommended by SL as the ert Neary, '54BAd, when the alter-
rology. The evidence gathered here i forts toward its modification' or elim- one having greatest possibility natives were presented to the Re-
* * will be used to cross-check original of being approved by the Re- gents last spring, Regent Vera
the first four days of testing was reports and amplify Dr. Van Met- By GENE HARTWIG gents. The fifth alternative pro- Baits commended the Legislature-
ith 26 out of 28 seniors taking th er's observations. In a series of carefully worked- vided for no change in the pres- for a well-written set of' alterna-
Patients are being adminis- out proposals the Student Legis- I ent driving by-law. tives contained in the "driving
tered two types of drugs: a cap- lature last spring submited four First of the altrenatives rec- ban" brief.
sule containing a combination alternative recommendations for ommended complete removal of all * * *
sday. A total of 155 students in of Vitamin B-12 and folic acid modification of present driving restrictions on driving; the third, THE BRIEF itself, an eight page
dent of 229 seniors participated in and protein hydrolysate powder restrictions for consideration by restrictions on freshmen and document, contained a complete'
more than 100 colleges and uni- which contain amino acids in its the Board of Regents. sophomores; and the fourth, re- list of advantages and disadvan-
composition. To date no action has been tak- strictions on all undergraduates tages of each alternative in addi-
, .
students in
tle future."
. 4
4 t
Kidston's report set up four
areas of evaluation of the
Michigan House Plan:
1) The purpose of the plan.
2) Plant and facilities.
3) Staff-purpose, organiza-
tion, effectiveness.
4) Student government--pur-
pose, organization, effective-
Kidston plans to appoint repre-
sentatives of residence halls men,
residence halls staff, and the Res-
idence Halls Board of Governors,
as well as at least one fraternity
man who has lived in the quad-
rangles, to form the study comb
The committee will make its
findings on strengths and weak
nesses of the residence halls sys-
tem available to quadrangle staffs,
the Board of Governors, the IHC,
men in the quads and the general
public, Kidston said.
The group will also suggest pos-
sible ways to remedy any weak-
nesses it finds.
COUNCIL members took the ac-
tion at a closed session and almost
none of them knew beforehand
what was on the agenda.
Among specific suggestions
made by Council members were:
1) cut the residence halls ad-
ministrative staff to perhaps
just one man in each house, 2)
allow upperclassmen to sign
room contracts for a single se-
mester instead of the present
"one-year or nothing" arrange-
ment, 3) allow residents to "live
in and eat out" if they want to,
paying for rooms but not food.
Several of the council members
criticized the quality and means
of selection .of the residence halls
At least a dozen Council mem-
bers aired other views, ranging
sting session in the School of Edu-!
* *
d testing periods for the literary
omen had reported for the exams,
'here are approximately 900 seniors
Robertson's office. however. indi-
Dr. Drew emphasized the drugs
are not a cure but a "sheer stab
in the dark."
The California experimenters
noted some change in patients
within three months. The mus-
cular dystrophy sufferers here
will all be checked in late Janu-
under 21 years old, except seniors.
** *
THE SUBSTITUTE by-law en- IN ALL cases where restrictions
dorsed by the legislature reads as would be removed SL recommend-
follows: ed that the student affairs office
"All students, except under- adopt regulations requiring stu-
graduate freshmen under 21 dents to have proper vehicle reg-
years of age, may operate an au- istration, insurance coverage, pa-
tion to a survey of automobile reg-
ulations at other Big Ten schools.!
Speculation as to why no ac-
tion has been taken by the Re-
gents on the driving proposals
as yet centers around the ab-
sence of two members of the
Board from meetings this fall.
- I