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December 03, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-03

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"A:iiiji 61W&, 3, 1J53

. .

& the GOP
POLITICS as usual.
This seems the attitude of both the
President and Secretary of State Dulles to-
ward an unidentified person or personages
on the Washington political scene.
The Secretary in an officially prepared
statement Tuesday decided someone was
undermining the United States foreign
policy. President Eisenhower yesterday
concurred in this opinion.
A Wisconsin Senator, Joseph McCarthy,
said following the Secretary's remarks, "Do
you think he could have been referring to
Most people seem to think so and both
Dulles' and Eisenhower's statements were
taken to be a retort to McCarthy's meddling
in the U. S. foreign policy.
But the retort is not quite a retort. It is
more of a disagreement amongst gentlemen
over a means toward an end.
The Secretary may disagree with "blus-
tering and domineering methods" toward
allies whose friendship is needed to deter
a Russian atomic attack, but at the same
time he indicated the cultivation of
friends abroad was only being used because
the United States needed cooperation for
the noment.
Both the Secretary's and the President's
attitude seems to reflect a feeling that once
the immediate danger of a Communist ag-
gression is passed the need for foreign allies
also will be passed.
Contrary to expectation, possibly too pre-
mature, the President yesterday did not add
anything new to Dulles' position. Not one
word was said in condemnation of McCar-
thy as to the Senator's investigating pro-
cedure used within the nation. Rather it was
ostensibly avoided.
Nor did the President or the Secretary
of State come out and tell the American
people what they actually think about
McCarthy and his investigations.
They seemed merely to criticize weakly
Following McCarthy's radio-television
speech of over a week ago it was expected
that the Administration would have some-
thing more. definite, something more biting
to answer the Senator who found the pres-
ent Republican Administration "batting
zero" and being too soft in some respects
of foreign policy.
He also put a question to the American
people. A vote for McCarthy, he implied,
means a vote for the Republican party in
the next election and vice-versa.
By all rights, the President and Secre-
tary Dulles could have been expected to
refute this statement as leaders of their
party and to disassociate McCarthy with
official Republican policy. This unfor-
tunately was not done.
It may be legitimately asked whether the
Republican Party intends to fight the next
election on McCarthy's terms? And second-
ly, is the United States foreign policy to
continue to be one of winning friends so
that we may protect our own safety in the
event of another global conflict.
It is impossible to see our allies viewing
the Administration's attitude toward inter-
national relations with joy and it may even
have created just one more strain in an
already tense situation.
And finally, the American people or at
least those people who are members of
the Republican Party are entitled to know
whether that party intends to pick up Mc-
Carthy's battle cry in the next election.
If not, it is the obligation of the President
(or some other influential member of the
party) to repudiate McCarthy and offer an
alternative plan.
So far this has not been done. The Re-
publicans are strangely silent on the issue.
It is hoped they will not remain so for long.
-Mark Reader

Editorials printed in the Michigan
Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writer only. This must be noted in all

European Migration

"Ft Tu, Joseph?"

DELEGATES FROM 24 countries meeting
in Venice in October voted to prolong
the life of the Inter-Governmental Commit-
tee for European Migration until the end
of 1954 and to move 1,600 migrants dur-
ing that time. Organized in December, 1951,
the committee transported 116,000 migrants
and refugees during 1952 from the desig-
nated emigration countries, Greece, Italy,
the Netherlands and the German Federal
Republic to the immigration nations, Aus-
tralia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Canada.
Despite a working budget of $36,954,000
($10,000 contributed by the United States),
the committee has always been plagued
by a lack of sufficient funds to do their
work properly. Most of the migrants were
moved to the immigration countries in ten
old ill-suited ships left over from the In-
ternational Refugee Organization that was
terminated in 1951.
Profiting from the experiences of the
IRO and recognizing the difficulties they
would have In moving migrants to new
countries, the committee agreed at the
organizational conference in Brussels to
make the organization "provisional, flex-
ible in character and temporary." Money
was contributed by 27 countries, the ma-
jority from the United States, Belgium,
France, Luxembourg, Switzerland and
the United Kingdom.
The participating nations gave as much
money to the organization as they were will-
ing or able. Yet, the chief United States
delegate announced at the October meet-
Our Distorted E
WASHINGTON-The Bermuda Confer-
ence has been given a good chance to
open a new chapter in the verbal exchanges
with the Soviet Union. The note received
from Moscow last Thursday, proposing Ber-
lin as a place for a four-power conference,
is manifestly timed for consideration at the
Bermudia meeting this week.
It will not be necessary this time, 'as
has been the practice in the past, to treat
the document as if it were a badly dam-
aged fragment of an old manuscript dis-
covered in an ancient tomb which has
gradually to be deciphered by the archa-
eologists and the soothsayers of the State
Department and the Foreign Office. There
will have been ample time to make in-
quiries through diplomatic channels on
all the points that need to be clarified
in order to make a business-like reply.
The attitude of the Kremlin towards such
confidential inquiries will be far more sig-
nificant than the public note itself. If the
men in the Kremlin are serious about a ne-
gotiation, they will welcome a confidential
discussion before we reply. If they are en-
gaged in psychological warfare, they will
brush off the confidential inquiries.
The Americans who go to Bermuda will,
I believe, find it useful to assume that the
present Soviet policy is to relax the ten-
sion without settling the great issues. This
is the reverse of the American theory which
has always been that tension can be relaxed
only if and as issues are resolved. The post-
Stalin practice of the Soviet Government
has been to leave things as they are de iure
but to make them more tolerable de facto.
This approach to the cold war is very much
more acceptable all over Europe than it is
intelligible in Washington. There is in fact
an opinion in Europe, which has begun to
carry great weight, holding that in ideolo-
gical conflicts, it is only after tension has
been relaxed that specific issues can be
In any event I am convinced from what
I learned in Europe that a principal
cause of the divergence and the friction
between European and American opin-
ion is over the attitude towards relaxa-
tion of the tension. Our official actions

are based upon a fear that if the ten-
sion is relaxed, the great projects of
NATO and of European unity to which
we are committed will collapse. There is
a kind of fear that there will not be
enough fear to make these projects go
forward. This attitude is founded on ex-

ing that the committee's fund is still more
than $6 millions short of the amount need-
ed to cover the proposed 1954 program to
move 1,600 Europeans.
If the third year for the migration com-
mittee is to be successful then this deficit
will have to be met-probably by the six
major contributors.
Fortunately, the displaced person problem
in Europe is becoming less critical than it
was immediately after the war. This fact,
however, has made the countries participat-
ing in the program less interested in the is-
sue than they were in 1951.
More and more, these countries are con-
fining their interests to recent problems
that have arisen in Asia and the Middle
When the Inter-Governmental Committee
for European Migration finishes its work at
the end of next year there will still be a
migration problem because of the large
number of political refugees that have es-
caped from behind the Iron Curtain. Cur-
rently there are about 600 a day pouring
into the German Federal Republic from
East Germany.
The large financial contributers to the
committee, particularly the United States,
should not withdraw their support now
when the organization is about to begin its
last year. This may be the deciding issue
that makes the whole workof the migration
committee determined a success or a fail-
ure in the future.
-Janet Ford
uropean Policy:
ida Analysis
perience in the long struggle in Con-
gress and in the European parliaments
over the Marshall Plan, rearmament,
restrictions of trade between East and
West and the like. In the last analysis
it reflects a belief that the democracies
will not make the necessary sacrifices
to save themselves unless they are per-
petually scared to death.
This is a fragile foundation for great
policy. The trouble with relying on fear is
that one becomes dependent upon the ad-
versary to keep on supplying the fear in
order to make the policy come through.
Now it is reasonably certain that whatever
else has or has not changed inside the So-
viet Union since Stalin's death, the new
Soviet rulers have made up their minds to
deprive the West of the stimulant of fear,
to reduce the tensions which originally
evoked the policies and on which they have
become for so long dependent.
* * *
THIS KIND OF tactics could be ruinous
to the whole structure of our alliances
if we continue to make the main postulate
of our policy the fear of Soviet military ag-
gression in Europe. The purposes 6f our
great policies are sound. But they cannot
succeed, and they are in fact failing, be-
cause they are based on a premise which
none of our allies any longer accepts,--
namely that we are preparing for a hot
European war in the fairly near future.
Our European diplomacy is distorted, and
it is a cause of unending trouble for our-
selves, because it is being argued from a
false intellectual foundation. It is made
to appear in the form of a naive, over-
popularized militarism, which is supposed
to win appropriations from Congressmen
who do not understand or care about Eur-
ope. It is this public-relations militarism,-
which is far from being a reflection of the
real view of experienced and responsible
soldiers-that gives us the reputation of
being hysterical, juvenile, and irresponsible.
There is, for example, a no more sin-
cere and ardent supporter of the Euro-
pean Defense Community and of what is
called the European Movement than the
German Chancellor, Dr. Adenauer. Does
he share the opinion that the purpose of

rearming the Germans now is to prevent
the invasion and conquest of Western
Germany by the Red Army? Not if I
understood him correctly when he argued
with compelling and convincing empha-
sis that the purpose of E.D.C. is to de-
fend Western Germany,-not against a
hot war of military aggression but --
against a cold war of political seduction.
The Soviet objective in Germany can, ac-
cording to responsible opinion in Bonn,
be achieved only if the Kremlin is able
to bring Western Germany into the So-
viet orbit undestroyed and "intact."
Now, treated in this way, E.D.C. is a very
different affair, something to be handled on
a much higher plane of statecraft, than is
the E.D.C. conceived, as naive American
amateur militarists conceive it, as a clever
little trick for recruiting twelve German di-
visions to fatten up the ground forces of
As long as we, acting under the pres-
sure of an isolationist Congress, treat
E.D.C. as a recruiting device, our support
of E.D.C. is an obstacle to its eventual
acceptance. For since nobody in Europe,
including the Germans, thinks that these
German divisions are needed for a hot
war of aggression sometime in the near
future, our insistence on these divisions
has become highly suspect. The question
arises again and again whether, since the
divisions are not needed for what we say,
it -n - tit.- h ein nck - -ha . - f nv r.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words In length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

# tl



(Continued from Page 2)

pastel formals. Rehearsal follows pic-

The California State Personnel Board The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
has announced an examination for Verein will have its next meeting in
Junior Civil Engineer for employment the taproom of the Michigan Union
throughout the state of California, this afternoon at 3:30. Excellent prac-t
chiefly with the Division of Highways, tice for German in a social atmosphere.,
although positions also exist with a Everyone welcome!
number of other state agencies, In or--
der to take the examination on Feb. La p'tite causette will meet today{
27, 1954, applications must be filed not from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of1
later than Jan. 29, 1954. Residence in the north room of the Michigan Unionc
the state of California is not a require- cafeteria. Ici on parle francais! All are
ment. February graduates in Civil En- invited.
gineering who wish to compete for posi-
tions may be appointed to temporary The Freshman Engineering CouncilG
employment with the state before tak- will meet tonight at 7:30 in 1030 EastY
ing the examination. June graduates Engineering Building. The public is In-
will be able to take the test in AnnEnierismeeling
Arbor. For further information and vited to this meeting.
complete announcements, contact the t
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371. A.S.P.A. Social Seminar. All students
and faculty and their friends are in-
The Chrysler Corp., in Detroit, is look- vited to attend the social seminar of
ing for Sales Engineers to travel for the Michigan Chapter of ASPA to-1
about 1 yr. with their road show "New night at 7:30 p.m. in the west Con-
worls i Moton"andthento o iterence Room, Rackham Building, Pro-
sales work with a division of Chrysler, Robm, eamn f nwayn
Coh and fthe Sn Ar Force is c University will be the speaker of 'the;
rently seeking to iF two Historian evening. His topic will be Michigan{
positions in centers located at Alamo- mStateroernment Department of Ad-
gordo, New Mexico, and San Antonio,
Texas. Qualifications include a Ph.D.
in History. tHillel Foundation. Third day of Han-1
The rmor Rseach Fundtio ofukkah-candle lighting, 7:30 p.m.
The Armour Research Foundation of k4phm.Clas inhJewish Hliday Ob-
the Illinois Institute of Technology in 4pm-ls nJws oia b
Chicagoi s offering Industrial Research servances
Fellowships to science and engineering 7:30-Class in Advanced Hebrew
graduates who wish to do graduate work Hanum -MusicFor-All, with special
in one of the following fields: Physics, Reservations for the Kosher Dinner
eramics NanMineralsMetalurgy, Friday, at 6 p.m., must be made by
Applied Mechanics and Mechanical En-
gineering, Electrical Engineering, Chem- Thursday.
istry and Chemical Engineering. Recip-
ients of thefellowships iicombine Phi Sigma, honorary biological so-
practical experience in industrial re- ciety. will present Dr. Henry van der
search with their graduate program at Schalie, of the Department of Zoology,t
the Illinois Institute of Technology. who ilecture on "The Economic
MhImportance of Snails as Exemplified1l
The Kellogg Co., Battle Creek, M ., in a Current Bilharziasis Control Pro-a
would be glad to hear fronm any seniors ;eti gp, hseeiga ~.
nterested in permanent employment Rackham phitheater. Public cor-
with the company. If enough students dially Invited
express interest in positions with Kel- dlyivtd1
logg's, representatives will visit the
campus to interview candidates. Bahai Student Group. The next reg-
For further information about these uwil he hel nstui nts discusip at teu
and other employment opportunities, International Center, Reception Room,
contact the Bureau of Appointments, ;nerntoa etr eeto om
3528 Administration Bldg., Ept3 ts' Everyone is cordially welcome to par-
3 A s i d E 7ticipate.
sLThe U. of M. Sailing Club will hold
The Kellogg Co., of Battle Creek,
Mich., has opportunities for suime~r their weekly meeting tonight in 311
work forsFreshman, Sophomore, and west Engineering Building at 7:30.
Junior students in Bus. Ad., Industrial Movies will be shown.
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engi- Alpha Phi Omega. There will be a
eering and Economics. Interested stu- meeting of Alpha Phi Omega pledges
dents may contact the Bureau of Ap- ( tonight in Room G-104, South Quad-j
pointments, Ext. 371, for additional iii rangle, 7:15. All pledges attend. The
formation. test on the national fraternity will be
given and the second installment of=
A d N d"s will be colcted.
Academic Notices de vi ecletd
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
History 11, Lecture Group 11. Quiz timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
Fri., Dec. 4. Cassel's and Miller's sec- Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel-!
tions in Auditorium A; Blackburn's come.
and Slosson's sections in 348 west En- _____
gineering. Graduate Record Concert. There will

L YL Case ...
To the Editor:
LAST MONDAY, the Subversive
Activities Control Board be-
gan hearings under the McCarran
Act to determine whether the La-
bor Youth League should "regis-
ter" as a "Communist front." The
corner-stone of the case against
the League is the so-called par-
allelism of our policies with those
of the Communist Party. We are
accused of following eleven poli-
cies, among which are:
1. Advocacy of a cease-fire in
Korea before the cease-fire was
actually declared.
2. Advocacy of prisoner ex-
change before such exchange ac-
tually took place.
3, Advocacy of release of Roose-
velt Ward, former U. of M. student
and national League leader, jailed
for "draft evasion," and subse-
quenty exhanerated by the Su-
preme Court.
4. Advocacy of defeat of UMT.
Strangely enough, policies (1)
and (2) proved to be historically
correct, and received support from
the majority of American people.
Policy (3) coincides with the posi-
tion of the Supreme Court. Policy
(4) coincides with the position of
Congress, which defeated UMT.
Ironically, we are also charged
with opposition to the passage of
the McCarran Act, for which "un-
lawful" deed, we are now cited
under-the McCarran Act!
To make a long story short, we
are in the dock for the crime of
advocating un-McCarthyite ideas.
Rather than frankly saying they
are prosecuting us because they
don't like our ideas, McCarran and
his buddies have dressed ,ip their
case a little by drawing a parallel
between some of our policies and
those of the Communist Party.
Anyone who contemplates the
consequences of endowing a com-
mittee with limitless power to
outlaw an organization on the ba-
sis of "parallel policies," must
certainly shudder at the thought
of it.
E.g.: SL believes that a student
should not be expelled merely for
refusing to testify before a con-
gressional investigating commit-
tee. The Communist Party be-
lieves the same. Therefore . .
The point is, not that the Board
will ask SL to register in the near.
future as a "Communist front,"
but that it has the power to do
so. In this limitless power lies a
limitless danger.

dor in today's Daily. It happens
that certain workers in the Sero-
logy Laboratory of the University
Hospital coming from foreign
lands have had visa problems from
time to time through the past
years. On discussing these prob-
lems with me, I have referred
them to Mr. Robert Klinger of the
International Center. Invariably
Mr. Klinger has solved their prob-
lems, often by lengthy correspon-
dence and considerable personal
effort. For Mr. Lodor, therefore,
to accuse the International Cen-
ter of not showing interest in sol-
ving the visa problems of students,
is far from true.
Those who know Dr. Esson Gale
and his devoted interest in help-
ing foreign students, cannot give
credence to any of Mr. Lodor's
-Reuben L. Kahn
Swinging and Yelling ..
To the Editor:
JOURNALISTS, read thy news-
paper. In the editorial of De-
cember 1, you state that no one
criticized you for being "dupes or
anything else" for your stand on
the Radulovich case. As a matter
of fact, you printed a letter from
me which suggested that all the
pertinent information on the case
was not, in all probability, avail-
able to the public, and that your
statements on the subject were
anything but cautious and re-
I think that the Daily editors
don't deserve the vituperation
given them in the Letters column
of December 1, but nevertheless,
there is a germ of valid criticism
there. The two editors' assump-
tion that Communists are just
another political party, does in-
dicate naivete or deliberate dis-
tortion. The same is true of the
statement that the congressional
committees have been, without
qualification, destructive. Even a
plague has the advantage of re-
moving surplus population, and a
fair person will recognize this.
Can't the Daily editors weigh
their statements a little more be-
fore printing them in thousands
of copies? Is there no such thing
as moderation? Must one be a.
swinging, yelling radical in order
to avoid being head-in-the-sand
--James Dietz
** *

We are asking for support, n To the Editor
'only because of the threat to us, WOULD LIKE Mr. Light, to
but also because of the explicit know that we at the U of M do
threat-contained in the McCar- know that the University is owned
ran Act-to every democratic or- by the people of the state and
ganization which persues policies run by President Hatcher. The
relating to peace, civil liberties or editors of The Daily were expres-
discrimination. sing their opinion and the opin-
- Mike Sharpe, Chairman ion of a large part of the student
Labor Youth, League body.
* * * I hope Mr. Light, Sen. McCar-
A "Youngster" Speaks thy, and others will not include
the First Amendment to the Con-
To the Editor: stitution ("Congress shall make
THERE IS no human character- no law ... abridging the freedom
istic more arrogant and more of speech, or of the press . .
sickening than the tendency of in their attacks on the Fifth
certain well-heeled, paunchy, mid- Amendment.
dle-aged men, be they business ex- Could I point out that Mr.
ecutives, lawyers or college presi- Light's letter might be taken to
dents, to reach out from their be a bit immature or 'half-bak-
plush-bottom swivel chairs with ed?"
an air of graniloquent condescen- -Dick Booth, LS&A '57
sion to their youngers who yet re- * * *
tain a measure of vitality that orn ing Soon . . .
they themselves have lost in the
mire of their senility! To the Editor:
As for one Herbert L. Roe, a HAVE BEEN wondering if the
recent letter writer of whom I recording on the library steps
know nothing and care less, his which has been issuing forth in-
hackneyed and cliche-ridden of- human cries and noises, could
fering typifies the attitude of just possibly be atmospheric music
that kind of aforementioned in- which is to set the. scene for that
dividual, nation-wide hit, "The Witch
The unfortunate thing about Hunts," staring Kit Clardy, to be
P tt : trd i+s hlanket in- !nraduced sometime in January.



Seminar on "Turbulent Diffusion"
by Dr. M. S. Uberoi, Engineering Re-
search Institute, on Thurs., Dec. 3, at
4 p.m., in 1504 East Engineering Bldg.
All interested are' cordially invited to

be a Graduate Record Concert tonight
at 8 o'clock in the west Lounge of
Rackham Building. Program to be an-
nounced. All graduate students wel-
International Center Weekly Tea will


At Lydia Mendelssohn ..I
Marian Owen, pianist.
THIS WAS AN extremely distinguished
program, marked by interpretative skill
and imaginative programming. It began with
two works by early composers: Angles and
Paradies. The Sonata in D major by Para-
dies was played with a delightfully crisp,
sure touch by Mrs. Owen.
Then followed eight of the Op- 25 Etudes
of Chopin, given one of the most sensitive
readings I can recall. The pieces were
played as music, not as vehicles for a vir-
tuoso, and they emerged superbly. Mrs.
Owen knows exactly when to play in strict
time, and when to bend the tempo slight-
ly-a quality which is too seldom encoun-
After the intermission was a nerformance

Rackhain A uditorium


Eighteenth century music, performed by
Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Lare Wardrop,
oboe; and Marilyn Mason, harpsichord.
IT WAS EASY for me in this case to over-
come a natural prejudice against pro-
grams devoted to the music of only one per-
iod. All the works played-trio sonatas by
Quantz, Loeillet, and Johann Christoph
Bach; and duet sonatas by Handel and Tele-
mann-was of high calibre, and the per-
formances were excellent. The combination
of woodwinds and harpsichord is a very pi-
quant one, and the performers made the most
of it. The oboe is a notoriously temperamen-
tal instrument, and Mr. Wardrop is to be
forgiven some of the difficulties he had in
making it speak. His tone and interpreta-

be held this afternoon from 4:30 to k o s.1 m Ji u J t .22.'**. 4262.*'.y
Astronomical Colloquium, Fri., Dec. 4, 6 at the International Center. sipidness but the fact that large . -Don Peterson
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Paris numbers of liberal students do, in
Pish Mish de Recillas of the University S.R.A. Social Action and Study Group. later years, slip into set conser-
of Mexico will speak on "Dynamics of Meet today from 3 to 4 p.m. at Lane vative patterns. However this is
the Double Cluster in Perseus." Hall. All students welcome, not due to a student's reaching of
Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sena- The Congregational-Disciples Guild. his 'majority' (the very use of the
inar in the Application of Mathematics Mid-week Meditation in Douglas Chapel, pretentious word majority belies
to the Social Sciences, will meet op this afternoon, 5-5:30 p.m. Freshman Roe's contention that he has 'out-
Thurs., Dec. 3, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason Group meeting at Guild House, 7-8 p.m. grown his sophistication'). The Sixty-Fourth Year
Hall. Dr. Robert Solow, of Massachu- Edited and managed by students of
setts Institute of Technology, will speak 111 fact of the matter is that many Edited an mag n uder oh
on "Conditions for Equilibrium in Eco- C M g Efvents students later find themselves in authority of the Board in Control the
nomic Systems of Simultaneous Equa- . ae C7Ie ' nauhrt o h oadi onrlo
tsons." Graduate Mixer, sponsored by the economic positions where it is no Student Publications.
Graduate Student Council, on Fri., Dec. longer in their interests to alter
Mathematics Colloquium, Fri., Dec. 4, 4, from 9 to 12, at Rackham Assembly the status quo. Editorial Staff
at 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Ric Hall. Music by the Nation's Top Or- If there were some immutable Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
and J. Buchi will speak on Klein groups hers__cd law whereby aging and conserva- Eric Vetter ..............City Editor
and axiom systems. Episcopal Student Foundation. Can- tism were tightly correlated then v Wrgii oss. ...!.- -socate Cityrdtor
The Department of Biological Chem- terbury Club, Fri., Dec, 4, 7:30 p.m., at there would be no explaining Mike Wolf...Assoc ia CiEdtor
CaneexplaoselnofssoinglamAlice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
istry will hold a seminar in 319 west Canterbury House. Professor william Franklin Roosevelt, liberal at 64, Diane Decker.........Associate Editor
Medicl Buldin at 4p~m. on r. lLeslie will trace the rise of the prob-
Medical Building at 4 p.m., on Fri., Lem of Church and State relations, a British Labor Party made up of Helene Simon.........Associate Editor
Dec. 4. The topic for discussion will be treating the question, "Did Constan- non-youngsters like Nye Bevan, Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
"Metabolism of Arginine in Microor- Paul Greenberg.. .. Assoc. Sports Editor
ganisms," conducted by Dr. J. F. Hogg. tine-Sell the Church Down the River?" Clement Atlee, Herbert Morrison, MariynrCampell.Women's Editor
Es atF d :T Harold Wilson, and it likewise Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Psyholgy ollquim wll eeton Episcopal Student Foundation: TeaN
Psychology Colloquium will meet on iom 4 to 5:30, Fri., Dec. 4, at Canter- would have been impossible for Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Fri.,Dec.4,atr4:essrnCAuditoriumBfbury House followed by student-led men like Tom Paine, Washington
of Angell Hall. Professor C. D. Broad on Evening Prayer in the Chapel of St. and Jefferson to have led the Am- Business Staff
Cambridge University wili speak on Michael and All Angels. All students erican Revolution. Maybe these Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
Dead." invited, men never 'grew up'! William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Stands like that of The Daily Hariean Hankin.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors' William Seiden........Finance Manager
Night, Fri., Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m. Dr. Hazel editors are to be commended, and James Sharp..... Circulation Manager
meet Thurs., Dec. 3, at 4 in 247 west M. Losh will speak on "The Christmas if more people would join the cdi-
Engineering. Speaker: Mr. Ralph T. i oepol ol onteei
EDgmeiResearchk Assistant, wRRC Star." After the illustrated lecture in tors, perhaps we could counter Telephone NO 23-24-1
Toni "nute iifference Methods for .dtorium 'A. in AngelHallthe the trend which is ranidly leading


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