See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
r y ,i
T, .5'
VOL. LXIV, No. 60
Ike Relates GOP
Vic tory Methods
President Hits McCarthy Tactics;
Fully Endorses Dulles Policy Stand
WASHINGTON-(P)-President Eisenhower told Republicans in
Congress-Sen. Mecarthy of Wisconsin among them-Wednesday that
their party will stay in power only if they adopt "a progressive, dyna-
mic program enhancing the welfare of the people of our country."
Without ever mentioning McCarthy, the President in effect took
the position that the Wisconsin senator has picked the wrong issue
for the political struggles that lie ahead.
* * * *
WHEREAS McCARTHY insists Reds-in-government will be a big
issue in 1954, Eisenhower expressed renewed conviction that it won't
be. Long before that, he said, the Administration will have made such
progress in rooting subversives out that they no longer will be a "seri-
ous menace."
Then the President laid down his own prescription for victory:
" Republicans should fight for the
"progressive, dynamic program"
he will lay before Congress In
WorldNews January.
Of Car Ban
Troubles 'U'
!1M "t .1U
MOSCOW -(P)- The Soviet
military newspaper Red Star
yesterday denounced the U. S.
Marine Corps as just a bunch
of "plunderers, barbarians, rob-
bers, pirates and murderers of
children in Korea."
Official Says SL Member
FBI Aided
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Defense Attorney
Ernest Goodman repeatedly chal-
y lenged yesterday in the conspiracy
trial of six Michigan Communists
the recollection of Mrs. Bereniece
Baldwin, a star government wit-
ness who claims to have spent nine
years in the part of an undercover
FBI agent.
NEW YORK-AFL photoen-
gravers spurned arbitration yes-
terday, but slashed in half their
demands on New York's strike-
bound daily newspapers, and of-
fered to settle for a $7.50 a week
wage-benefits package.
PANMUNJOM-The Allies tried
to talk 30 other South Korean pri-
soniers into deserting Communism
yesterday after drawing a blank
on the first 30 they confronted
PARIS-France in effect told
the Communist-led Vietminh yes-
terday that if it means business
about an armistice in Indo-china,
France will lend an ear through
normal diplomatic channels.
s s "
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower Wednesday ruled out any
Big Three move at Bermuda to ad-
mit Red China to the United Na-
tions now.
* * *
DETROIT--An Air Force mili-
tary board yesterday cleared a
second Michigan airman of se-
curity charges, and referred the
case to Secretary of the Air
Force Ilarold Talbott for final
M/Sgt Victor Havris had re-
ceived word from the Air Force
last May that he was being con-
sidered for dismissal on grounds
of "attending Communist meet-
ings with his father," who died
in 1932.
* * *
ry Cabot Lodge, Jr., demanded be-
for the UN Assembly yesterday
that Moscow let the International
Committee of the Red Cross make
a free and full check of alleged
Red atrocities in Korea.
Mild Dip Seen
By Flaherty
The United States is currently
experiencing a mild economic de-
cline to a lower but more stable
level, William C. Flaherty, chief
statistician of the Detroit Chrys-
ler Corporation, said in a lecture
at the School of Business Adminis-
tration last night.
The address, titled "The Eco-
nomic Outlook for 1954," was'
sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi,
professional business fraternity.
Flaherty cited p o p u l a t i o n
changes, living standards, the
monetary system, new processes
and business expectations as the
dynamic factors influencing the
h economic shift.
The high post-war demand for
housing, aided a #boom that is now
subsiding somewhat, but not
enough to alarm the business
world, he said. Consumer and sales
standards will continue to be high
and may take an upward turn in
the latter half of next year, Flah-
erty predicted.
Eisenhower added, in a news
conference statement plainlyin-
tended to squelch intra-party dis-
sension, that he knew his senti-
ments were shared "by the vast
majority of my close associates
both in the Senate and in the
House of Representatives."
'V * *
"BECAUSE of this unity'of feel-
ing such a program will be en-
acted," he declared.
The President gave full en-
dorsement to Secretary of State
Dulles in a row with McCarthy
over U.S, foreign policy.
Countering McCarthy's recent
complaint that the administration
was adopting a "perfumed note"
policy, the President cautioned
against any swing toward "coer-
cion" in dealing with America's
allies. This closely paralleled the
view expressed by Dulles Tuesday
in rebuffing M Carthy's criticism.
McCARTHY HAD no immediate
comment on Eisenhower's state-
ment, but said he might have
something to say Thursday.
The President, in a prepared
statement, said:
"In all that we do to combat
subversion, it is imperative that
we protect those rights to the
limit of the powers of the of-
fice with which I have been en-
trusted by the American people."
There were other items of news.
The President said in answer to
1.) He'd want to give the matter
a lot of study before saying wheth-
er the. chances are good for a
meeting between the Western Pow-
ers and Russia.
2.) Despite Democratic charges$
of laxity or worse against the Jus-
tice Department, he has the same
confidence in Atty. Gen. Brownell
as he has in all other Cabinet
members.. That means consider-
able confidence, he said.
'Mrt 1 1 1 " --
Ofticial Powers Red Star assured Soviet sol-
jdiers that while the Marine
Poorly Defined Corps delights "in terrifying
(E~iOR' NOE: his s te tird names like 'Devil Dogs', it can't
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third really fight."
In a series of articles dealing with the
driving ban and current efforts to-
ward its modification or elimination.)
Spotty enforcement and ill-de-{
fined sources of authority of offi-
cers checking cars makes prosecu-
tion of violators under the Regents
by-law restricting student driving
a perplexing job for University ins H ere
amnsrtr."County sheriff's deputies em-
ployed on a part-time basis by Assembling on campus today,
the University to check student 175 bank executives from all over
drivers for violations of the regu- the United States will participate
lation may not invoke their au- in the fifteenth annual Michigan
thority as county officers while Bank Study Conference.
working for the University," Coun- Prof. G. W. Woodworth of the
explainedyesterday .business administration school,
ep dwhich is sponsoring the conference
DEVINEpndjointly with the Michigan Bankers'
pointed out that the Association, explained that the
officers are employed by the Uni- two-day session will deal with "top
versity in their off hours only and management problems of commer-
can claim only the authority the cial bankers in Michigan."
University delegates to them.
There has been some ques- LAUNCHING conference activi-.
tion whether this authority gives ties today is a panel discussion on
enforcement officers the right to "Current Loan and Credit Prob-
check drivers' licenses and re- lems" at 9:45 a.m. Paneltspeakers
port names of suspected viola- are Douglas A. Hayes of the busi-
tors to the Office of Student Af- nes administration school and
fairs on that basis. - bankers Philip G. Moon of Detroit,
City police have refused to act Harold A. Jacobson of Kalamazoo,
as an enforcement agency for the John A. Stewart of Saginaw and
University on grounds that the Walter E. Lentz of Holly.
driver's license is a privilege given
by the state. They maintain it is Comptroller of the Currency
against no city ordinance for any Ray M. Gidney will provide a
person possessing one to drive. conference highlight in his af-
AEter-luncheon address at 1:30 p.-
AN AGREEMENT does exist be- m. today in the Union.
twee , heUniersy and Aecit, Today's afternoon activities will
howeer, herby An Abor d- center around two speeches: "The!
lice may ticket violators in Uni- Actr Ou tlo b E nest
versty arkig lts.Agricultural Outlook" by Ernest
versity parking lots. T. Baugham of the Federal Re-
Ann Arbor police also make a serve Bank of Chicago, and "Pub-
practice of checkig students for lic Relations and Advertising
driving permits when they are Functions and Continuity," by L.
stopped for traffic or parking L. Matthews of the American Trust
violations. Company of South Bend. 110.
A report is sent on to the stu-
dent affairs office if the student After dinner in the Union this
is found to be driving- without a evening Raymond J. Moley, pro-
permit. fessor of public law at Columbia
It is inadequacy of present en- University and columnist for News-
forcement together with the dif- week magazine, will discuss "Pro-
ficulty of determining disciplinary gress with Liberty."
action in boarderline cases that-
has lead to the present difficult ISA HeahA Ite I
- -A
Denver Case U on of Prej
J udges(Chargres
Denied by Olney. Employment P
Justice Department denied yes-
terday a statement by U.S. Dis- .;..;.
trict Judge Willis W. Ritter that
it had refused to assist in an in-
vestigation of jury tampering by
Denver gamblers.
Judge Ritter's statement has
been cited by Clayton Fritchey,
deputy chairman of the National
Democratic Committee, as evi-
dence that there is "a serious sit- a.
uation within the Justice Depart-;
FRITCHEY charged in a tele-
vision appearance last Sunday
night that one of the reasons
why Atty. Gen. Brownell launched
the controversial Harry Dexter
White spy case was to di-
vert attention from the Justice(
Department situation.
A statement issued by Asst,
Atty. Gen. Warren Olney III
Wednesday made no reference-
to Judge Ritter's remarks but ,
mentioned "political discussion"
on the radio and television in
which it had been asserted the Daily-Betsy smith
Denver case "had been in some SENIORS WILLINGLY TAKING 'ANOTHER TEST'
way mishandled by the Depart-
ment of Justice."
"There is no substance to this erson ll Survey Gets
assertion, Olney said. st PotuG
Fritchey said in a new state-
ment Wednesday night: Slm alGrit T ir t u t
"At first glance, Olney's expla-
nation is certainly difficult to fol-
low and does not seem responsive By PAT ROELOFS
to the charges of Judge Ritter and' Fewer than 20 percent of engineering school and School of
Mr. Vigil." Charles Vigil, former Social Work seniors took personality tests as part of a survey by
U.S. attorney at Denver, was oust- the Commission on Human Resources and Advanced Training during
ed by Brownell recently. the first three days of testing this week.
* .h .
"SEN. LANGER, chairman of Officials of the respective schools were somewhat dismayed at}
Says Policy
Bars Negroes
Fronm Jobs
Kueiizel iDenies
Unfair Policies
A Student Legislature member
last night charged evidence of
discrimination in Union policy of
hirin in its dining room, in the
University's housing policy and in
membership of'the local Chamber
of Commerce.
Paul Dormont, '55, elected to SL
last month, read a 15-page report
citing case histories of individuals
applying for jobs 'in the Union
dining room, as well as interviews
and surveys taken among students
in University housing in attempts
to prove his case.
DORMONT'S claims of Union
discrimination, however, w e r e
quickly denied by Franklin C.
Kuenzel, general manager of the
Union. Kuenzel said "there is no
such policy of discrimination in
the dining room. The Union," he
added, "does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color or creed."
Kuenzel said "there are cer-
tain members of any national.
ity that just don't fit," but con-
tinued by saying members of
several nationalities are pres-
ently employed in the Union,
Evidence cited by Dormont in-
cluded affadavits signed before a
notary public by two University
students, one white and one Ne-
gro, who applied for waitress posi-
tions in the Union dining room
Monday, Nov. 23.
THE TWO students reported
they applied for the jobs within
five minutes of each other. Alfre-
da M. Duster, '55Ed., a Negro stu-
dent, was told by the head waiter
of the Union, Paul H. Cramtom,
according to her affadavit, there
were "no openings."
Forty-five minutes later Mary
L. Parks, '54, said according to
the affadavit Cramton suggest-
ed she "plan to start working
Monday." Upon inquiry as to
whether there were other open-
ings, Miss Parks said Cramton
told her "he did have a few
openings yet for people without.
one o'clock classes."
the Senate Judiciary Committee,
has said he will hold hearings in
Denver next week, and I am sure
all aspects of the case probably
will be clarified, at that time-at
least I hope so."'
Olney explained that he was
issuing the statement because
the Denver case was handled by
the Criminal Division of the Jus-
tice Department, which he
Nineteen FBI agents, Olney said,
worked on the case which result-
position of the student affairs of-
fice in attempting to enforce the
Lansing To Speak
John Lansing, Assistant Pro-
gram Director of the Survey Re-
search Center, will speak on mar-
keting research at 4 p.m. today in
Rm. 170 of the Business Admin-
istration Bldg.
ed in the conviction of Eugene and
Weekly Tea Plans Clyde Smaldone on charges of
bribery and obstruction of justice.
The International Center Board ONE PHASE of the case began
of Governors' meeting yesterday last Sept. 17 with a tip that an
brought long-awaited action on attempt had been made to bribe a
the question of weekly teas fo' prospective juror and ended Sept.F
"foreign students and American 24 with the arrest of all those in-
friends." volved.
the small turnout of students. Reports from the engineering school
show that 68 seniors took the personality exams, which were offered
on a voluntary basis. There are approximately 350 seniors in the
School of Engineering, according to enrollment figures.
* * * * -
SPECIAL MAKE-UP sessions for students unable to take the
tests during the scheduled periods are being made upon arrangement
with students, according to an
engineering school spokesman. 'The results will indicate the
The business administration effect of a college education on
college showed a better turnout the career a person chooses fol-
in its only testing session yes- lowing graduation.
terday - 150 seniors in that {
school were reported taking the SCHOOLS offering tests today
exams late in the afternoon. .are:
One hundred sixty literary col- Literary College - 3:10 p.m.,
lege seniors also took the test. Auditoriums B, C, and D, Angell
The tests, being given in 13 Hall.
University schools and colleges, Education - 3 p.m., Rm. 130,
are part of a commission survey Bus Ad. Bldg.
now being conducted on more Results from tests at all partici-
than 100 college campuses pating colleges will be completed
across the country. and reported sometime next year.
Ike Can't A ttend Opera;
. ?
Sends Hints to Epding
T3.+oirort Tl~irr 4 T "Tiicothn ro. <sn fnvln< --1 - - F- 4 I..-
LVSA Aims To Promote
International Harmony
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series on the National Student
Association, a group with- which Student Legislature is affiliated.)
Following out an aim of promoting international understanding,
the National Student Association- has fostered inany programs design-
ed to acquaint American students with foreign cultures and problems.I
Such programs are carried out at home as well as abroad andf
include widely varying types of action.
IN THE UNITED STATES, NSA sponsors .a foreign student hos-j
Rasheed Mur'iby, chairman ofI
ISA's social committee, and Diniz'
Ribeiro, Grad, activities committee
chairman, presented a written re-
quest for certain changes in the
teas. The Board agreed unani-
mously to change the place of the
teas to Rackham Assembly Hall
starting the second semester, ac-
cording to Robert Klinger of the.
Center staff.
iH CTo Meet
The Inter-House Council will
meet at 7:15 p.m. today in the
first floor dining room of the West
All regular members have been
requested to ataend the meeting
which will be closed to the public.
"This record clearly shows
that this phase of the jury
tampering charge originated
with the Federal Bureau 'of In-
vestigation, was fully investi-
gated by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, indictments were
returned on the basis of the in-
vestigation and testimony of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
and all defendants have been
convicted of all 'charges so far
brought to trial," Olney said.
In sentencing the Smaldone
brothers Nov. 23, Judge Ritter said:
"I don't understand why the
Department of Justice, which is
charged with law enforcement,
should refuse to assist in the in-
vestigation of jury tampering in
the Smaldone cases-but they did.I
Presidentl Dwight J. Eisenhower yesterday sent word that he It was on Miss Park's second
would be unable to attend "Up 'N' Atom," the 1953 Union Opera, but visit to Cramton that she s'aid she
included some hints to help the show's Ike impersonator, Gordon Ep- was accepted for work. A prior in-
ding, 55. terview was halted because Cram-
The letter, written by the President's personal secretary to Mike ton was too busy to talk.
Scherer, '54, Opera chairman, mentioned that Eisenhower had re-
ceived a Daily clipping concerning the local contest to find an imper- ' Union President Jay Strickler,
54. reported that to his know-
pitality program and works to increase the number of scholarshipsI
which permit American students to4
travel and study abroad, as well ARTS THEATRE:
as those which bring foreign stu-dt hs r
dents to this country.
HINTS ON A successful impersonation were included in the letter,
although the secretary said "the President is on television so often that
>I suggest the person most concern-
ed (with impersonating him)
watch closely for his mannerisms.,
"However," the letter contin-
ued, "one of the most important
facts that I should mention
would be that it is characteris-
tic of him to take off and put
r FORD on his glasses during the deliv-
ery of a speech or extemporan-
rd stage setting after last night's cous remarks."
y the Arts Theater Club, a panel Eisenhower had previously been
0 , ]V IU 1" %F A-i
ledge "there is no policy of
Union discrimination whateso-
ever. Although I feel certain
the Union does not practice dis-
crimination" Strickler contin-
ued, I would certainly object to
any if there were formal or in-
formal bias present in the hir-
ing of dining room employees."
There was very little attempt
made to get the other side of the
picture from Union officials,
Strickler said, adding he objected
strongly to accepting the reports
at face value.
Through publication of an in-
ternational Student Information
Service Bulletin, NSA has found
an effective method for inter-
-national exchanges of informa-
tion on student problems.
Some of NSA's attempts in the
International sphere have been
severely squelched, however. This
area of failure includes attempts
at cooperation with the Interna-
tional Union of Students.
* * *
IUS, WHICH has been active
among students in Communist-
dominated countries, has effective-
ly blocked the way to creating one
single world-wide union of repre-
sentative student groups.
In 1951, IUS proposed a "un-
ity" meeting, inviting NSA to
send representatives. The Na-
Panel Claims Actors Try
Taking over the Italian courtya
performance of "A Pair of Ploys" b
of critics decided that the performances of both plays had been
hampered because the actors "tried too hard for laughs."
The panel, composed of Jascha Kessler of the English depart-
ment, Tom Arp, '54 and Bob Holloway, '55, was moderated by Bill
Wiegand, Grad.
* * * *
asked via the mail if he could at- * *
tend any of the Opera performan- IN A PORTION of the report
ces or if he could supply any sug- dealing with University housing
gestions to Epding- policy, Dormont told of an inter-
view with Karl D. Streiff, assistant
IN ANN ARBOR yesterday, Ep- to the dean of students.
DISCUSSION BEGAN with a criticism of the short play or cur- ding, o is a Repulica sai
tain raiser, "Show of Wonders," by Cervantes. "This performance was thankful for the hints. The
was primarily intended for yaks, but it's funnier when you read it," speech major said, however, that
Kessler said. 1 he did not participate in one of the
President's pastimes, golfing.
Arp found it "slow as an opener and wordy." Neither is another of Eisen-
Comments from the audience included the opinion of a man bower's hobbies, fishing, a fav-
who said that his field was Spanish literature. According to him, the orite of the Delta Kappa Epsi-
play was never performed by Spanish actors as it was by the Arts Ion president. "Some time ago,"
theater Club-as a "raucous comedy." Epding said, "I took a fishing
The report says "no effort is
made to place people of different
backgrounds together, but ra-
ther the effort was made to put
people of similar backgrounds
In another interview with an un-
named person "in a full-time exec-
utive position in one of the dormi-