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December 02, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-02

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The Forgotten Question -
hat To Do About Rhee?



WASHINGTON - Nearly everybody has
conveniently forgotten about Korea,
and about Korean President Syngman
Rhee's repeatedly expressed intention to
start the Korean War again if he does not
get whlat he wants. Almost the only people
who have not been allowed to forget these
matters are the members of the National
Security Council, the nation's highest policy-
making body.
The question-what to do about Rhee?--
has in recent weeks been the subject of
prolonged and anxious debate within the
Council. The same question will certain-
ly be discussed in detail by President Eis-
senhower, Sir Winston Churchill,. and
French Premier Laniel in Bermuda.
The trouble is that President Eisenhower
and his chief advisers are themselves not
entirely sure what ought to be done if Rhee
starts the Korean War again on his own.
They are sure only that everything pos-
sible must be done to prevent Rhee from
doing so, simply because such unilateral
action by Rhee would present this country
and its allies with an impossible dilemma.
The importance attached to this problem
is suggested by the fact that a central pur-
pose of Vice-President Richard Nixon's trip
to the Far East was to have a private talk
with Rhee. The most careful preparation~s
for this meeting were made before Nixon left
the United States. During his recent visit to
Korea, Nixon reportedly did a most effec-
tive job of "clarifying" for Rhee the Ameri-
can official view of the Korean situation.
Nixon gave Rhee firm assurances of all-
out American support if South Korea were
again attacked by the Communists. But
he warned Rhee, in polite, indirect, but
firm terms not to start the war again on
his own initiative. Nixon did not go so
far as to say bluntly that in this case the
American forces would be withdrawn
from the Korean peninsula. But he did in-
dicate, at least obliquely, that this was a
possibility which Rhee must take into
Partly because of Nixon's talk with Rhee,
it is not believed in Washington that there
is any immediate danger of Rhee's taking
off on his own. Well before Nixon's visit,
Rhee had made certain commitments to
Assistant Secretary of State Walter Ro-
bertson. These commitments, in the view
of the State Department at least, bind Rhee
to obeying the United Nations Command
until next March. But March is only four
months away. And what if Rhee then or-
ders his Republic of Korea troops into ac-
THE RHEE problem is complicated by the
fact that many foreigners darkly sus-

pect that it is not really a problem at all.
When Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
went to New Delhi some months ago, for
example, Indian Prime Minister Nehru gen-
ially told him that the United States could
easily control Rhee if it really wanted to.
Dulles replied that Rhee headed a sovereign
state, and that Nehru, as the cbief critic
of Western colonialization in Asia, could not
"have it both ways." But Nehru remained
skeptical and his skepticism is shared at
least in part by the British and the French.
Yet the facts remain. The Republic of
Korea Army will certainly fight if Rhee
gives the order. As Rhee has made clear
on numerous occasions (most recently to
this reporter's partner) he is perfectly
capable of giving the order, whatever the
consequences. There has never been any
firm agreement, either within the Ameri-
can government, or between the United
States and its principal allies, on what
to do if this happens.
There is basic agreement on other mat-
ters. Rightly or wrongly, the United States
will not start the war again, even if it be-
comes clear-as it virtually is already-that
no agreed settlement in Korea is possible.
On this point the British and French offer
no dissent whatever. If the Communists
again attack-which cannot be ruled out-
American policy calls for no-holds-barred
retaliation against the Chinese mainland,
using atomic weapons if this is considered
militarily profitable.
The British and French are already
committed at least in theory to this res-
ponse. That leaves Rhee. Some American
policy-makers incline to the view that the
best way to prevent Rhee from taking off
on his own is a flat and even public warn-
ing that in this case the United Nations
Command will abandon Korea to its fate.
The French and British-although per-
haps not Sir Winston Churchill himself--
would no doubt favor some such course.
But others among President Eisenhower's
advisers believe that a withdrawal from
Korea would be so terrible a strategic,
political, and psychological disaster that
it should not be considered under any cir-
cumstances whatsoever.
In any event, one thing is clear. The Ber-
muda meeting provides an opportunity for
achieving what does not now exist-an
agreed allied policy on Rhee and Korea,
while there is yet time. Nothing could be
more foolish or dangerous than to drift on
until March, hoping against hope that the
brave and stubborn old Korean President
does not really mean what he has so often
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

RECOGNIZING that a large part of any
department curriculum must necessarily
be devoted to those students who wish only
to gain an introduction into the field, many
departments have instituted survey courses
designed to give the more advanced student
an overall view of the subject in one semes-
One department that has lagged behind
the 'others in this modernization of the
curriculum to fit the needs of all students
is the history department. The only way
that a University student may gain an in-
sight into the European background of our
culture is through taking History 11 and
12 in his freshman or sophomore year.
Students unable to work this course in as
well as those not desiring such an ex-
tensive treatment have no other alternative
The same is true in the U.S. history field,
where the only general courses available are
49 and 50.
There has been much talk about institut-
ing one-semester survey courses, but as yet
no definite action has been taken. Major
obstacle seems to be what to include in-or
leave out of-such courses, as both subjectp
encompass a wide range of history. However,
similar departments in the social science
field have been able to come up with the
answer. The economics and political science
departments have instituted survey courses
for upperclassmen covering the same materi-
al as the two-semester beginning sequence.
While the political science course may be
used as a prerequisite, both are designed for
upperclassmen without previous work in the
Since the proposed history course would
not be open to those concentrating in the
field or wishing a thorough basis for more
advanced courses, it could be stripped of
many of the technicalities. Reserving it
for juniors or seniors would enable it to
be taught more comprehensively and com-
pactly, without much of the simplification
necessary in freshman courses.
History courses in both the American and
the European fields can be instrumental in
helping the student understand his back-
ground and the relation of present to past.
For those who for one reason or another
don't take the present courses, some provi-
sion should be made for a brief introduction
into the field. The proposed courses would
fill a gap in the social science curriculum
which has long been apparent.
-Freddi Lowenberg
EnIty Chairs
At Stockwell
AT EVERY meal served in Stockwell Hall
there are approximately 100 students
who do not eat there and at some meals
such at Saturday breakfast the number ab-
sent reaches 250. Obviously something is
wrong with the existing setup when sucha
large number of students do not show up
for meals. This situation is not restricted
to Stockwell Hall alone. An undercurrent of
grumbles regarding the food served in Uni-
versity residences is present in every dormi-
tory and campus restaurants are filled to
capacity at mealtimes.
Why do so many students living in Uni-
versity residences avoid eating the meals
they have already paid for? Students on
reducing diets who can not eat starchy
food are just not satisfied with the minute
portions of meat which are served and
have to eat elsewhere for healthy yet
non-fattening food. More serious, however,
are the situations of students who for
health or religious reasons cannot eat the
prepared food and are forced to pay double
by eating out. Then there are those stu-
dents who just are not satisfied with the
quality of the food that is served and those

who find it impossible to return to the resi-
dence halls at the specific meal times be-
cause of conflicting classes or other duties,
on campus. Also some of the students who
work in restaurants and are served meals
for part of their pay still are forced to pay
for the dormitory meals.
Occasionally some campus group tries to
do something about this situation but they
are always blocked by the argument that
any change in the existing set up would con-
fuse the bookkeeping. Why not allow stu-
dents living in residence halls to decide at
the beginning of the semester whether or
not it would be practical for them to eat at
the dormitory that semester instead of forc-
ing so many of them to pay for meals which
they cannot eat?
The running of an efficient system should
not be the sole consideration in this case.
-Rona Friedman
HE UNITED NATIONS is not a iest of
spies, Communist or any other variety..
If any proof of that were needed it could
be found in the circumstance that the
Soviets have not even filled their quota of
employes at the United Nations headquar-
ters. There is nothing at the United Na-
tions to spy on, no military information
nor any other secrets.
While American Communists should cer-
tainly never have been hired in the first
place, it is worth noting that no United

"They've Been Mechanized Since Bill Hickok's Day"
44 ~ ,.. .
y FROM $9EMAVJ ~~''

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of,
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer'
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory 'pr
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste wlW-
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


s j

Lax Committee,...
To the Editor:
WE. FEEL IT our duty, as en-
lightened members of the aca-
demic community, to reveal to
readers of The Daily the audaci-
ous fraud perpetrated on an un-
knowing audience Monday night
at Hill Auditorium. It seems that
we alone, in that naive assemb-
lage, realized the sinister plot un-
folding before our eyes. We refer,
of course, to the musical aggre-
gation publicly known as the
Guard Republican Band of Paris.
This group is the official re-
presentative of the French People.
Now, it is common knowledge that
over one-third of the population
of France is communist. It'is ap-
parent, to all who would see, that
the same ratio must exist in all
representative French groups.
Now we play our trump card!
Any beginning Music student
will testify that the language of
music is capable of conveying
ideas to its listeners as effectively
as the language of words. Was
not a Lecture Committee created
on this campus for the express
purpose of excluding such dan-
gerous performances? And yet,

of the Lecture Committee to s'ift
out un-American influences whiih
becloud the campus atmosphere.
-Arthur Cornfeld ,
Ralph Goldberg
,* * *
I'm Not Afraid . .
To the Editor:
FOR THE LAST two weeks I have
not been able to sit through a
class or pick up a Daily without
hearing that the students at the
University of Michigan are afraid
to speak their minds because of
threatened expulsion from the Urfa
iversity. Thinking that there must
be something to so persistent r
rumor I reviewed my own thoughts
in order to find out what I might
say that would justify my beirg
expelled from the college.
My conclusions are simple. T
could think of no question that
any examining board might ask me
where my answer would give cause
for my expulsion. Upon coming-'t
this conclusion I decided not to
sneak furtively around the Camp
pus as has been advised but 'to
speak my mind with no reserva-
I can find no reason why anyone
being asked if he is a communist

under these circumstances, this or not is a threat to education or
WITH DREW PEARSON performance was allowed to take the American way of life. I do not
--place!!! see that a question as to persons
We would like to point out, at being a communist is any threat
W.ASHINGTON-Life in the American Embassy in Moscow is this time, that we do not directly to freedom of speech because com-
A GThn ss question the loyalty of the com- munism is any threat to freedom
bed of roses for our diplomatic personnel stationed there. Here's mittee. We do not know whether of speech because communism or
a capsule picture of some of their problems: it was disloyalty, blindness, or just socialism have no relation to free1
PRICES-A dessert ice-cream cake for six people costs $10. A plain stupidity that caused this dom. I am not afraid to answer
five-pound roast of beef is $15. Oranges, pears, and melons are us-s disgraceful laxity, but whatever this question and I have no Sypa-
ually well above $1 apiece, and even then are hard to get ... . as a the reason, here are two students thy with those who are.
result of shortages and high prices, 90 percent of the food consumed
by Americans in Moscow comes out of U.S. tin cans; The Embassy
even drinks powdered milk to avoid Moscow's unpasteurized milk and
uninspected cows... . Russian citizens working around the embassy
plead for small quantities of powdered milk. Russian maids employed bAILY10OFFICIAL jJI L ETIN
by U.S. diplomats receive $200 per month. But a pair of Russian-
made shoes costs the maids $175.
PERSONALITIES-Ambassador Chip Bohlen is as popular (Continued from Page 2) vice of Holy Communion, Thurs., Dec.
3, a atruyHue
with the embassy staff as he's popular with the Russians. "The era public, the program will include t Canterbury House.
Commies are scared to death of Chip," says one Embassy staff Trio Sonata in C minor by Johann La p'tite causette aura lieu demain
member. "le knows them so well they actually think he can read Joachim Quantz, Sonata in F major by a 3:30 jusqu'a 5:00 dans la Michigan
Georg Friedrich Handel, Trio Sonata Union Cafeteria. Pariez-vous francaisf
their minds." . . . . one of Bohlen's chief headaches is keeping in D minor by Jean-Baptiste Loeillet; Eh bien, venez a cette petite reunion
peace between the diplomatic and military personnel stationed Sonata in G minor by Georg Philipp pour causer un peu. Tous sont bien-
in Moscow. There's constant friction between the two groups. Telemann, and Trio Sonata in C major venus!
The U.S. military clique complains that the diplomats "hog" by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach.
TheU.. iliar ciqu cmpaintatthediloats"hg"international Center Weekly Tea winl
everything and look down their State Department noses at mili- E Todabe held Thurs., Dec. 3, from 4:30 tr
tary colleagues. Diplomats counter by claiming the boys in uni- Evens To da 6 at the International Center.
form "don't have any idea what the score is." Alpha Kappa Psi, professional busi- I
ness fraternity, sponsors a speaker for Phi Sigma, honorary biological
"PROTECTION'"-All the men at the Embassy are under 24-hourthe School of Business Administration. ciety, will present Dr. Henry vandg
Mr W. C. Flaherty, Economist for Schalie, of the; Department of Zoology,


surveillance by the Russian Secret Police. But the Embassy wives Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, will
usually travel around Moscow "unattended." As a result, most of the speak on "The Economic Outlook for
women folk have a better idea than their husbands of what the aver- 1954" tonight at 7.30, 130 school of
womenBusiness Administration. Refreshments
age Russian in the street is thinking . . . . all Russian servants em- will be served in the Student Lounge
ployed at the Embassy work for the secret police. One of the maids, of the school following the lecture.

who will lecture on "The Economic
Importance of Snails as Exemplified
in a Current Bilharziasis Control Pro-
ject in Egypt," Thurs., Dec. 3, 8 p.m,
Rackham Amphitheater. Public cod
dially invited.
1nrr Willinm Guild tt ndq t'h

GENERATION, Vol. 5, No. 1
THERE IS LESS of Generation this fall.
This might be a complete blessing if
it were not for a few, selections of such
richness and beauty that they serve to com-
pensate somewhat for an otherwise unfor-
tunate issue.
Having turned the tasteful, pleasant
cover (one of the better Generation has
seen), the reader is thrown at once a
sample of the erratic makeup which is
easily capable of jarring the sensibilities
of even the most artistically insensitive.
Through the title page can be seen the
I o y9,et~it the ?ew
Associated Press News Analyst
and London indicate there is no longer
much question about whether a four-power
conference on Germany will be held, and
that allied talks at Bermuda will center
primarily around what kind of a front they
will put up.
The United States still feels the Rus-
sian switch from intransigence to nego-
tiation is entirely a tactical matter, de-
signed to interfere with European defen-
se plans rather than to reach an accord.
But after a couple of days in which there
were signs of an American desire to further
pin down Russian intentions before agree-
ing to the meeting, Secretary Dulles indi-
cated a shift toward the Anglo-French view,
which was to get ahead with a meeting as
the best test.
"We approach a possible meeting with
the representatives of the Soviet Union,"
said Dulles at a congressional committsz
hearing on another matter.
There were reports in Washington that
President Eisenhower and Secretary Dul-
les, agreeing on this point with France
and Britain at Bermuda, would present
a simultaneous request that France go
ahead with ratification of the European
Defense Community without waiting eith-
er for the organization of the four-power
conference or its results.
The New York Herald Tribune carried a
report in this connection that the United

sharp black lines of a drawing on the re-
verse side and even on inspecting this
drawing properly i.e. by turning the page,
we find it a somewhat inadequate bed
partner to a truly fine story by Don Mal-
colm. His "lIitchhiker" is a wonderfully
powerful and moving story, marred only
by occasional lapses into the trite-trite-
ness easily forgiven in a story of this
The editors came up with another fine
idea-photographs of the four murals paint-
ed for the Arts Theater Club-full page
photos posed with the student artists. Un-
fortunately, either the photographer failed
to come through with even acceptable work
or else the value of the photos were almost
negated in reproduction. In only one, L. H.
Scott standing on a stool in front of his
delightful ballet troupe, did the potential of
this type of presentation come through.
Scott's expression is worth the price of the
It's pleasing to find Generation has final-
ly realized that light fiction need not be
confined to Gargoyle. "You Ain't Supposed
To Tawk That Way in No Court" by Thomas
Kinney is built around an amusing concept
but is hampered by poor writing. The third
short story, "Maria and Her Horses" by Had-
ley Osborne, I find disturbing in its lack of
Without passing judgment on the quality
of the music, I would commend the music
staff for choosing scores written for piano
or piano and voice-rather than instru-
mental ensembles.
In the poetry section Donald Hope's "A
Conversation with an Actress" stands out
for its sensitivity' and ironic, beautiful
tragedy. I like also "The Courtesan" by
Harvey Gross and Stuart Ross's woman
with a Renoir-like body, accompanying it.
Anne Stevenson's "Nine O'Clock" expresses
a complicated idea with simplicity and
no pretention.
As for the art work, interspersed through-
out the magazine, it is of almost consistent-
ly fine quality. Sally Angell's three young
girls, and her lovely textured etching de-
serve special mention as does Stu Ross's
"City Person"-a most amusing city person
with a Klee-like quality.
Some charming ceramic pieces are de-
ploringly displayed in poorly composed pho-
tographs and several of the unsigned text

Dora, has been employed at the Embassy so long that she first met
Ambassador Bohlen when he was a lowly third secretary. Dora re-
ports regularly to the secret police but she's kept on at the Embassy
because any replacement would also be required to report to, the po-
lice ... . recently one Russian maid asked her U.S. employer for
permission to leave the house for a half hour. "I'll be right back,"
she explained, "I just have to go down to the police station to report
on you." . . . . the Russians have planted secret microphones in the
homes of all Embassy personnel. They're usually referred to as either
"George" or "Junior." A visitor leaving Russia with a copy of a So-
viet encyclopedia is always halted at the border by customs officers
who seize the book, tear out the three pages devoted to praise of
Marshal Beria, then return it as OK to leave Soviet Russia.
* * * *
FOREIGN MINISTER VISHINSKY made a speech at the United
Nations last week that was crowded out by the spy stories, but
was highly significant nevertheless.
Vishinsky denounced the United States for blocking an increase!
in the price of gold, went on to accuse the United States of hurting
Australia, Canada, and South Africa, because their economy depends
on the sale of gold.
Though largely ignored by American press associations, the
speech was pounded out over the Russian radio, also published in
the British dominions. It was one of the cleverest speeches Vishin-
sky could have made. Behind it were two motivese:
1. Divide the United States from our best friends in the British
2. Secure an increase in the price of gold which would be a
godsend to Russia because of its surplus gold stocks. Russia wants
the price upped from $35 to $50 an ounce, thereby giving the Krermilin
a chance to increase its purchase of consumer goods abroad.
This wide-scale purchase of consumer goods, including such
things as butter from Scandinavia, is one of the most significant de-
velopments inside Russia. It means that the Kremlin is trying to
pacify the restless Russian people by giving them less of a military
burden and more consumer benefits-at least temporarily.G
NOTE-Vishinsky's denunciation of the United States over the
price of South African gold almost matched his denunciation. of Pre-
mier Malan of South Africa for his suppression of South African


The Industrial Relations Club will """' "''t's n
hold an important policy meeting con- Saturday evening performance of "The
cerning future activities of the club. Messiah." For reservations, phone NO-
The meeting will be held in the Busi- 87332 by Wednesday.
ness Administration Lounge tonight ok
at 7:15 p.m ship meets Thursday morning at''
Spanish play: Tryouts, between 3 and a.m. in the church Prayer Room.
5 p.m., in 408 Romance Language An A
Building. AS.PA Social Seminar. All studenis
anu aCU!~y nu uieiririiiuaar~ 13i

Le Cercle Francais will meet tonight!
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League.
Frances Hauss will play a selection of
French songs on the piano, and there
will be a film on Belgium with com-
entary by M. Deprez. Dancing, singing
and refreshments will complete the
evening! Everyone is welcome!
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men will report in uniform at the rifle
range at 1925 hrs.
Notice of Meeting on Computing Ma-
chines. Dr. E. P. Little, Technical Di-
rector, Wayne University Computation
Laboratory, will talk on the New Wayne
University large-scale digital computer
at 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 2, in Room 306,
State Hall, Wayne University. All those
interested in computers or machine
computation are invited to attend.
Members of the IRE Professional Group
on Electronic Computers are especial-
ly urged to be present and to parti-
cipate in a brief organizational meet-
ing to follow Dr. Little's talk.
The Congressional-Disciples Guild.
Discussion group meeting at Guild
house, 7 p.m. Study seriestcontinued,
"The Challenge of Our Culture.'
Hillel Foundation. Second day of Han-
ukkah-candle lighting, 7:30 p.m. IZFA
Dance group, 8 p.m. Reservations for
the Kosher dinner Friday at 6 p.m.
must be made by Thursday.
ULLR Ski Club will meet tonight at
7:30 p.m. in the League, rather than in
the Union as planned. The room will
be posted on the bulletin board. Mr.
Grant Robbins from Lippman's Sport-
ing Goods Shop in Detroit will be pres-
ent to discuss selection and purchase
of ski equipment.
Museum Movie. "Treasure House"
(Smithsonian Institution) and "Glimpse
of the Past" (Prehistoric American In-
dians) free movies shown daily at 3
p.m. daily, including Sat. and Sun. and
at' 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove
Museums Building, Dec. I-8,
Psychology Club, Dr.DMarquis, chair-
man of our Psychology Department, will
speak on "Modern Trends in Psychol-
ogy" this evening at 7:30, at the
League. Discussion and refreshments
wit follow. All those interested are

and faculty and their friends are in
vited to attend the social seminar
the Michigan Chapter of ASPA o6u
December 3 at 7:30 p.m. InstheAWes;
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Professor Robert Steadman of Wayne
University will be the speaker of the
evening. His topic will be Michiga&
State Government Department of Ad-
The Congregational-Disciples- Guil.
Breakfast devotion-discussion group in
Guild House Chapel, Thurs., Dec. 3,
a.m. Freshman Discussion Group at
Guild House, 7-8 p.m.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Dec. 3, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are



Sixty-Fourth Year

* * *


SELWYN LLOYD, British State Minister at the United Nations, is
getting quite a reputation as an expert on American bebop. And
he deserves it.
Newspapermen noted some time ago how, after Vishinsky had de-
livered one of his usual diatribes at the United Nations, State Minis-
ter Lloyd rose and said:
"In the language of American bebop, 'dig that broken record.'
"It will be interesting," added Minister Lloyd, "to see how the
interpreters translate that."
4 e
WORD HAS LEAKED through the Iron Curtain that the Kremlin
is organizing its own World Labor Movement to compete with the
international labor organization. This means the Communists will

Edited and managed by students.o
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control' 4
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter................City Editqr
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Directo
Diane Decker .......... Associate Edito
Helene Simon.........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editq
Paul Greenberg. ...Assoc. Sports Edit,6
Marilyn Campbell....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Edito
Don Campbell.......Head Photograph
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger.. Business Manage"


William Kaufman Advertising Manage
Wesleyan Guild. Refresher Tea in the Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr
Wesley Lounge this afternoon from 4 WilliamSeiden.......Finance Manage
to 5:30 p.m. Come and bring your James Sharp...Circulation Manage]
Chess Club of the University of Mich- Telephone NO 23-24-1
igan will meet tonight in the Michi-



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