PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1953 10 'PERHAPS LOWER' No Higdher Money Rates Seen For Early'54 by oodworth "Unless Federal Reserve author- the business administration school ities see reasons for positive ac- in the November issue of the tions to forestall inflation, the "Michigan Business Review." path appears clear for no higher * * -perhaps even lower - money PROF. WOODWORTH points rates during the first half of 1954." out that the Federal government, Such is the opinion expressed by to maintain its cash balance, is Prof. G. Walter Woodworth, of likely to borrow approximately $1.5 billion of new money between mid- September and the end of 1953, Ban'kin Grou bringing the Federal debt nearly up to "the legal maximum of $275, To Convene At 'U Today A two-day conference of bank- ing officials from all over Michigan and the United States will convene tomorrow and Friday in Rackham Amphitheater and the Union for the annual Michigan Bankers' As- sociation Study Conference. Under joint sponsorship of the business administration school and the Michigan Bankers' Asso- ciation, the meetings will deal with problems peculiar to this field in a series of discussions and speech- es. * * * A PANEL OF four Michigan bank executives will open the con- ference at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow with a discussion of "Current Loan and 'Credit Problems." The session tomorrow after- noon will feature addresses by Ernest T. Baugham of the Fed- eral Reserve Bank of Chicago on "The Agricultural Outlook," and L. L. Matthews of the American Trust Company of South Bend, Ind., on "Public Relations and Advertising Functions and Con- tinuity." "Progress with Liberty" will be the topic of an after-dinner ad- dress tomorrow by Prof. Raymond J. Moley of Glenview University's public law department. The bankers will return to the Union Friday for additional dis- cussions. billion." "In order to avoid higher in- terest rates by the year-end, the Reserve authorities will have to release a substantial amount of reserve money to the commercial banks," the finance professor ex- plains. Additional reserves will be need- ed, Prof. Woodworth says, to meet a rise of currency in circulation of over $1 billion and a sizeable in- crease in bank deposits. The Treasury, to avoid higher yields in the bond market, will have to refrain from competing with private, state and local bor- rowers, Prof. Woodworth main- tains. In the first half of 1954, accord- ing to Prof. Woodworth, seasonal factors will foster an easier mar- ket. Illinois Lifts Ban On Cars (Continued from Page 1) one dollar automobile registration fee of students and issue a sticker to be placed on the car. As at Michigan, parking is one of the chief problems at Illinois. Ewer pointed out that the local public and faculty objected to the change in restrictions on that traffic and parking prob- lems which affect them person- ally are more complicated, At Illinois the impossible prob- lem of enforcement lies at the bot- tom of the present trial suspension of the driving rule. "We are asking all students to register their cars and then pro-, pose to devot6 our enforcement ef- forts toward the elimination of those students who abuse the pri- vilege either by breaking the law or by discourteous and unorthodox use of their car," Turner said. TURNER NOTED, "I have just about concluded that the automo- bile rule is like the prohibition amendment and has reached the. stage of unenforceability." Efforts to enforce restrictionsf on driving, at Michigan have at best been feeble and by nature discriminatory in the opinion of1 administrators and students. { Inability to adequately enforce one rule such as this leads to a disregard for University enforce- ment of its other rules, Dean Rea said. SL Agenda Student Legislature will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss Dining Room, East Quadrangle to discuss the following topics: Motion to accept cabinet re- port on committee assignments Appropriation motion Attendance Report Report on Academic Freedom Conference Committee Reports All interestered students and faculty members have been in- vited by SL to attend the meet- ing. SL Observes NSA Week; Honors Group (Continued from Page 1) It also pledged to guarantee to all people equal rights and pos- sibilities for education and fos- ter the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of students to the school, the community, humanity and God, and to pre- serve the interests and integrity of the government and constitu- tion of the United States of Am- erica." Since the first Congress, six oth- ers have been held at Midwestern universities. From these meetings a comprehensive body of policies and resolutions has been drawn up fo: NSA acti nationally dnd in- te. i ationally. Details of these po- ilcs will be discus;;ed in future Daily articles. Tv Replaces -Newspapers (Continued from Page 1) of the profession itself that stands out. While the man in the street is able to shrug and say, "I miss the comics, but get all my news from television commentators anyhow," men intimately con- nected with the, problem-re- porters and editors-have takenI a similar attitude. One reporter working on the story for a non-operating news- paper claimed "sure, we're losing money." "But," he said, "we're supposed to be fighting for a cause of sorts. And, anyhow, when we do resume publication people will buy again. More people buy pap- ers for comics or crossword puz- zles than for news." Bloomer Named Speech President Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, direc- tor of the Speech Clinic, has been elected president of the American Speech and Hearing Association, it was learned yesterday. Named vice-president of the group, which met in New York last week, was Prof. Gorden E. Peterson of the speech depart- ment. Both will assume office when the association holds its an- nual meeting next November. Phillip Yantis, Grad., has been selected for the post of delegate- at-large of Sigma Alpha Eta, na- tional professional speech society. The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on saturday). WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1953 VOL. LXIV, No. 59 194 Notices 11354Campus Parking Permits. All those eigible to- receive Campus Park- ing Permits for the calendar year 1954 may apply at the Information Desk, Second Floor Lobby, Administration will be issued to those who have ob- tained the State license plate for 1954. No permits for 1954 will be issued for 1953 license plates. Please present regis- tration card for 1954 when applying for permit. The permit for 1954 will be a decal and is to be. placed in the lower right hand corner of the rear window. Please follow the directions for at- taching decal. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Air Force Officer Qualifying Tests for all Air Science II and IV students will be held in Rackham Lecture Hall, 1300-1700 hours 4 December and 0800- 1200 hours, 5 December 1953. Attend- ance is mandatory for all sophomore and senior air science students. Pres- ent freshmen (AS I) who will become sophomores (ASI) in February are also required to attend. To Instructors of Engineering Fresh- men. Ten-week grades' for all Engi- neering Freshmen are due in-the Sec- retary's Office, 263 W. Engineering Building, on Mon., Dec. 7. Address to Senior and Graduate En- gineering Students. Special attention is directed to an address entitled "Me and Company," by Mr. C. Barbe of the Monsanto Chemical Company, on Thurs., Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. in 348 West Engineering Bldg. Mr. Barbre is not only an outstand- ing superintendent in the chemical in- dustry, but is widely respected for his ability to develop young engineers for advanced responsibility. His message will be of particular interest and bene- fit to graduating engineers, and at- tendance is urged. Late Permission. The Women's Judi- ciary Council authorizes 11:30 p.m. late permission for women students on Dec. 16 and 17. Any women's residence may have 11:30 p.m. calling hours on one of these two dates for its sched- uled post-caroling party. Post-carolingentertainments will be authorized Dec. 14 through Dec. 17, These events should be registered in the Office of Student Affairs before Friday noon, Dec. 11, for announcement in the D.O.B. on Sunday. Parties sched- uled on Dec. 16 and 17 may be extend- ed in accordance with the announce- ment below from Women's Judiciary. Chaperons may be a resident house di- rector or one married couple 25 years of age or older. Social Chairmen are reminded that the closing hour for social events spon- sored by student organizations on the evening of December 12 may be ex- tended to 1 a.m. provided events are so registered in the Office of Student Affairs. Applications for Fellowships and Scholarships in the Graduate School for 1954-55 are now available. Appli- cation for renewal should also be filed at this time. Competition closes Feb. 15, 1954. Blanks and information may be obtained in the Graduate School Offices, Rackham Building. College Teachers for Pakistan. The Bureau of Appointments has been in- formed of vacancies in a large univer- sity in Pakistan in the fields of Eng- lish, economics, history, and geology. Interested persons please contact Bur- eau of Appointments, 3528 Administra- tion Building, for further informaton. Phone NOrmandy 3-1511, Ext. 2614. INTERVIEWS TODAY. The Warner & Swasey Co., of Cleve- land, Ohio, will have a representative at the Bureau of Appointments today to interview February and June men graduates in Mechanical Engineering or with mechanical aptitude or inter- est about the company's Factory Man- agement training program. Bus. Ad. and LS&A students may schedule ap- pointments. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS- WEEK OF DEC. 7 Monday: The Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion will have a representative at the Bureau of Appointments on Dec. 7 to interview February and June men and women graduates who are interested in various fields of state employment, such as accounting, social work, public ad- ministration, etc. Tuesday: The Sun Life Assurance Co., of Can- ada, will be here on Dec. 8 to talk with February and June men graduates in Bus. Ad. or LS&A about positions in insurance sales. Wednesday: The Durez Plastics & Chemicals, Inc., of North Tonawanda, N. Y., would like to interview February and June men graduates on Dec. 9 for positions in accounting or in the company's man- agement training program. Bus. Ad, and LS&A students may make appoint- ments. The Great American Group of Insur- ance Companies, in Chicago, Ill., will have a representative here on Dec. 9 to discuss their home office under- writing training program and other positions, such as field representative, with February and June men graduates In Bus. Ad, or LS&A. Thursday: The Continental Casualty Co. in Chi- cago will interview February men grad- uates on Dec. 10 for various training programs and assignments in the cas- ualty insurance field. Students wishing to schedule ap- pointments to see any of the com- panies listed above should contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-I istration Bldg., Ext. 371. Academic Notices Engineering Mechanics Seminar. E. A. Yates will speak on "Heat Transfer with Variations in Fluid Properties" at 3:45 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 2, in 101 West Engineering .Building. Refreshments will be served. History 11, Lecture Group II. Quiz' Fri., Dec. 4. Cassel's and Miller's sec- tions in Auditorium A; Blackburn's and Slosson's sections in 348 West En- gineering. Seminar on "Turbulent Diffusion" by Dr. M. S. Uberoi, Engineering Re- search Institute, on Thurs., Dec. 3, at 4 p.m., in 1504aEast Engineering Bldg. All interested are cordially invited to attend. Seminar in Applied Mathematics will meet Thurs., Dec. 3, at 4 in 247 West Engineering.sSpeaker: Mr. Ralph T: Dames, Research Assistant, WRRC. Topic: "Finite Difference Methods for Boundary Value Problems." Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet on Thurs., Dec. 3, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Mason Hail. Dr. Robert Solow, of Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, will speak on "Conditions for Equilibrium in Eco- nomic Systems of Simultaneous Equa- tions." Concerts Program of 18th Century Music by Marilyn Mason, Harpsichord, Nelson Hauenstein, Flute, and Lare Wardrop, Oboe, will be presented at 8:30 Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 2, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Open to the gen- (Continued on Page 4) MICHIGAN DAILY- Phone NO 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .60 1.34 1.96 3 .70 1.78 2.94 4 .90 2.24 3.92 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily, LOST AND FOUND _ LOST-Blue Hufzman bicycle No. 18541-C, license 2657. 545 Mosher. LOST-Maroon Zenith Portable Radio at football game Saturday. If found notify 405 Wenley, W.Q. )69A CAMERA-Lost, 828 Kodak. Please con- tact Paul Hosman, 8210 S.Q. )72A LOST-Chain of keys between W. Med- ical Bldg. and Alice Lloyd. Call Mari- anne at 3502 Alice Lloyd. )70A FOR SALE 1949 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 door. Heater, good rubber. Priced to sell. Huron Motor Sales. Ph. NO 2-3163. )191B BRAND NEW Webeor phonograph and tape recorder. Excellent buy. Call NO 3-0521. Extension 627. )88B ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88. Sox, 39c; shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. 114B CORONNA P'ORTABLE-Call NO 2-7326. )56B 1952 CHEVROLET Convertible. Radio and heater, power glide; twin spot- lights. 20,000 actual miles. Black and red trim. #A sharp car. $1345. Huron Motor Sales. Ph. NO 2-3163. )190B RADIO-PHONOGRAPH table combina- tion, 3-speed changer. $60. NO 32554. CANARIES in full song. Parakeets, ex- hibition quality. Also used cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 S. 7th, NO 3-5330. })144B FOR SALE-New Schwinn heavyweight bike. 20% off list price. Call NO 2-1497 after 10:00 p.m. OUR CHRISTMAS TREE is available to you for making your personalized photographic Christmas cards. You may use your own camera (or ours) and we will furnish the lighting and helpful suggestions. Purchase Camera Shop, 1116 S. Uni- versity. Phone NO 8-6972. "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" )186B 1946 FORD Station Wagon. New tires, radio and heater. This week only, $345. Huron Motor Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. )189B TWO DOOR, 1949 Ford Custom Eight. Clean, smooth running, already win- terized. Priced for quick sale. Call NO 8-6613 after 5:30. )185B MEN'S RALEIGH BIKE - Completely equipped. 6 weeks old, perfect condi- tion. Cost $80 new, only $50. Call NO 8-6083 after 6 p.m. )184B NEW AUTO, deluxe, overdrive. Delivers for $1952. Best offer over $1000. See at 1236 Washtenaw. Then call NO 5-4205. )183B ARGUS C-1 35mm Camera and case, 22.50. Burns. Phone NO 8-7398. )181B NEW YEARS hats, noisemakers, decora- tions, etc. WHOLESALE prices for any size party. Write for catalogue. Nicollet Distributors Novelty House, 320 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis, Min- nesota. )182B 2 TUXEDOS-Size 36 and 38, like new. One light blue suit and one dark blue, size 36. Call NO 2-6559. Tom Ordale. )187B DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES DOUBLE COIL SPRINGS-$8.00: Steel TYPING carefully done. No fob too Folding Cot without mattress, $8.00. -small. Phone NO 8-6075. 346 East Hostess chair, good springs, needs up- Williams St. 3191 holstering, $1.00. Two large side- YPEWRI1'fERSY rtable adtandard boards, $10 each. Large walnut ye- for rent, sales and service. neer table, and five chairs, $20.00. 'ORRILLS Coal hot water heater, $5.00. Swervil 314 State St., Phone NO 8-717 top chrome stool, $4.00. Phone NO-- 2-9020. HOME TYPING-All kinds by profes- SIAMESE KITTENS-Two females and sional secretary. Fast, accurate ser- one male. Phone NO 2-9020. }188B vice. Reasonable rates. Campus lo- 1952CHEROLT 2 r.,powr ~ cation. 820 E. University. Phone NO 1952 CHEVROLET 2 dr., power glide. 8-7391. } 1?I 11,000 actual miles. Fully equipped. Huron Motor Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. RAD 10 SERV I E 192Bto- Home - Portable 1948 CHEV. 4 dr. One owner. Radio and Phono and T.V. heater. Very clean. Huron Motor Fast and Reasonable bervice Sales. Phone NO 2-3163. })193E ANN ARBOR RADIO AND T.V. FOR RENT "Student Service" FURNISHED campus apartment, 3 1214 So. Univ., Ph. NO 8-7942 I rooms and bath for 2-3 men. $100, 1 blocks east of Past Eng. _)1 4 Phone NO 3-8454. )18C JAN. 15 TO JUNE 15-8 room furnished house near campus; 2 bathrooms, gas heat, children welcome. Phone NO 2-2009. )19C ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE double room near campus. Cooking privileges. Men students. Phone NO 3-8454. 117D ROOM at 541 Elm Street, 2nd off South University, )19D PERSONAL GENERATION out Dec. 2nd. 5,000 GIFTS for all ages and all interests from $2. No shopping, wrapping, mailing, worrying about sizes and colors. Order magazine subscriptions at low Christmass student, faculty rates. Student Periodical, NO 5-1843. Free Catalogues. )40F TRANSPORTATION HURRY! Get your Christmas Drive- Away cars now for New York, Florida, Texas, and West Coast. Get informa- tion and sign up between 2:30 and 5:30 Thursday on Union 3rd floor lobby or write Anthony Ringold, 328 Thompson. Don't delay. Guaranteed. ) 26G WASHING, Finished Work, and Rand Ironing. Ruff dry and wet washing. Also ironing separately. ftre pick- up and delivery. Ph. NO 2-9020. )21 MISCELLANEOUS POETRY, ART, FICTION, DRAMA -- All found in GENERATION, out De- cember 2nd. Help" FightTB A" Chicago College of OPTOMETRY (Fully Accredited) An outstanding college serving a splendid profession. Doctor of Optometry degree in three years for students enter- ing with sixty or more semester credits in specified Liberal Arts courses. REGISTRATION FEB. 8 i I HELP WANTED STUDENT to wait table for meals. Phone NO 2-6422. )46H WANTED-Full or part time fish dresser. Top pay depending on experience. Washington FishnMarket, 208 E. Washington._Apply in person. )50H CHRISTMAS VACATION, room and board. Girl wanted to live with fam- ily and assist with children. Private room. Could begin sooner. Position available after holidays. NO 2-7040 after 7. )51H I I In THE ANN ARBOR CHILDREN'S THEATER offers its first production 7he',U9/q4Auck/rn9 adapted from Hans Christian Anderson ' BY RICHARD McKELVEY THE ARTS THEATER 209 1/2 E. Washington P) m Students are granted profes- sional recognition by the U. S. Department of Defense and Selective Service. Excellent clinical facilities. Athletic and recreational activi- ties. Dormitories on the campus. CHICAGO COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 1851-C Larrabee Street Chicago 14, Illinois " Sat., Dec. 5 3:00 P.M. Sun., Dec. 6 2:00 P.M. Sun., Dec. 6 4:00 P.M. NO 8-7301 .. Admission 75c F ___ _ I ~~~ - - ------ to "Entertaining and absorbing drama."-Ann Arbor News CERVANTES -- SHOW OF WONDERS "Fully as satisfying as 'Desire Under the Elms'" -Tom Arp, Michigan Daily r I t w., I PRICES Week Day Shows Today Matinees ..... .85c 12:00 2:20 Evenings 4:40 and Sunday. ...$1.25 7:00 9:25 Children.........50c Doors Open 12:45 Shows at 1,3,5,7,9 P.M. VH T E Tf IR Matinees 50c Nights 70c I 4,! -I 1 a I 1 8ui U U IDT:R TIM ei ..,.... .: . ........._. , v .... ... __.... ...... . _.......... _ ._._.......... _ _ ......... .... . .. ..... _ _ . ...