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December 02, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-02

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VOL. LXIV, No. 59
New Report
Says Secret
Fuse Stolen
Scientist In Navy
Responsible, FBI
By The Associated Press
Senate investigators in Wash-
ington disclosed yesterday that in
1945 the FBI identified a wartime
scientist in the office of Fleet Adm.
Ernest J. King as a "Soviet agent"
who may have stolen secrets of the
hush-hush proximity fuse.
A hitherto secret portion of an
FBI report on Soviet espionage,
released by the Senate internal se-
curity subcommittee, said the
identification was made possible
by Igor Gouzenko, former code
clerk in the Russian Embassy in
Ottawa, Canada.
* * *
scientist's name from the report3
and identified him only as "X."
The report described Mr. "X"
as a native-born American citi-
zen 'who specialized in zoology,
went to work for the wartime
Office of Scientific Research
and Development and was as-
signed as a scientific consultant
to King.
As commander-in-chief of the
U.S. fleet and chief of naval oper-
ations, King was the highest offi-
* cer in the Navy.
Information developed by the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police,
the report said, "indicated it is
possible that Mr. X' slipped se-
crets of the proximity fuse to Dr.
Allan Nunn May, British scien-
tist and confesseddSoviet spy sta-
tioned in Canada during the war."
* * *
MAY WENT to jail after admit-
ting to British authorities in 1946
that he had supplied Russia with
information on the fuse and on
the atomic bomb, along with sam-
ples of uranium, the principal in-
gredient of the A-bomb. The fuse,
which explodes shells when they
near their targets, was almost as
great a secret as the A-bomb.





on GOP


USSR Calls
U.S. Atrocity
Claim 'bosh'
Charges Americans
Committed Crimes
By The Associated Press
Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky
yesterday denounced as "bosh";
American charges that the Reds
killed thousands of soldiers .and
civilians by atrocities in Korea.
He counter-charged that theI
Americans and South Koreansh
committed many war crimes.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., promptly
challenged the Soviet top delegate
to permit an impartial commissionr
of inquiry full access to all of Ko-
rea and China to learn the full
I facts.

--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
GENERATION - Inter-Arts magazine moguls Alton Becker,
managing editor; Max Bergman, business manager; Dave Kessel,
photographer; and Ruth Misheloff, poetry editor, scan their
product prior to campus sale today.
Generation Sale Today

at Mc arth
ny Eisenhow er
Backs Him,
'Dulles Says
Coercion Would
Weaken Allies'
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles came to grips with Senator
Joseph McCarthy on foreign pol-
icy yesterday in Washington with
a declaration that the United
States will not use "blustering and
domineering methods" towards
allies whose friendship it needs to
deter a Russian atomic attack.
Asserting he spoke with the
knowledge and support of Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, Dulles
took the position that "arrogant"
attempts at coercion would weaken
the free world in the face of the
Soviet danger.
HIS STATEMENT was the first
SER reply by an Administration official
to McCarthy's criticism of GOP
Daily-Don Campbell foreign policy in a speech last
CURRENT ART SHOW week, as well as the first time that
licly crossed swords with the con-
ens Today toversial senator.
In his speech, the Wisconsin
- -- --- _- -- Republican senator accused the
that modern sculptors face. It is Eisenhower Administration of
fairly fast, larger pieces can be "batting zero" in some respects,
constructed with less weight and and criticized some foreign pol-
shipping problems are simplified. icies as too soft.
"Thenewconept ofspae !McCarthy demanded a "block-
"The new concepts of space ade" of Red China, to be carried
exiscand etensexhpreseby out by serving warning on Britain
exist can best be expressed YI and other allies that they will get
modern tools w"no American money if they con-
Chet LaMorp earned his bach- tnue trading with the Chines
elor's and master's degrees at the Without once mentioning MCS
Colt School of Art and the Uni- Carthy by name, Dulles told his
versity of Wisconsin. Known for Inews conference that the type of
his prints as well as his paintings, criticism raised by the senator
LaMore has works on display at "attacks the very heart of U. S.
the Library of Congress, Metropol- foreign policy."
itan Museum in New York and the g y.
Albright Gallery. DULLES TOOK the somewhat
On view from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. unusual step of having his re-
weekdays, the exhibit will con- marks set forth in a formal mim-
tinue through Dec. 18. A public re- eographed statement, thus em-
ception will be held from 8 to 10. phasizing that it had been a sub-
p.m. today in the galleries. ject of studied consideration in-
stead of merely an off-the-cuff
F acuity Recital lanswer to a reporter's question.
Coincidentally, the White
House announced President Eis-
enhowerwill hold a news con-
ference today, when he is cer-
tain to be bombarded with ques-
Three School of Music instruc- tions on the McCarthy anle

tors will appear in a concert of The senator, who arrived in
traditional 18th century music at Washington yesterday afternoon
8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- from Wisconsin, said he would
ture Hall. have no further comment until he
Miss Marilyn Mason, organ i- had a chance to study the Dulles
structor, will perform at the harp- statement.
sichord. Lare Wardrop, oboe in-
structor, and Nelson Haucrstein,
instructor in flute, will complete State iM ourns
te group.

Generation, the inter-arts pub-
lication, will go on sale today at
various places across campus.
In addition to the short stories,
poems, photographs, sketches and
original musical compositoins us-
ually presented, the current issue
TV Replaces

includes a reproduction of a paint-
ing given to Lane Hall and a rec-}
ord review section.
EA PEN AND ink drawing, which
EugeneNChow presented to Lane
Hall, is part of the magazine's art'
section. In addition, the ideograms
(Chinese picture writing) on the,
drawing are printed in English.
The translation was done by May-
belle Hsueh and Don Hope, former
Generation managing editor.
The photograph's of four Arts
Theater murals with their crea.
tors in the foreground is anoth-
er feature of the publication.

( t

Lodge previously had not
asked for a commission because
the Americans assumed the Rus-
sians would not let it go be-
hind the Bamboo Curtain. They
still do not expect Russian ap-
proval for such an investigation.
Vishinsky attempted in h i s
speech to punch holes in the docu-
ments put before the Assembly by
Lodge. T h e s e contained sworn
statements by survivors of death
marches and massacres and inter-
rogations 'of Communist prisoners
alleged to have taken part in a
number of reported atrocities.
Lodge said there were 38,000 vic-
* * *

Four Man A
In three octagonal beige-walled
1 exhibition rooms in the Rackham
Bldg., works of four University
artists go on exhibit today.
Presented by the Ann Arbor ArtI
Association, the show represents
.t r~~.3 7~~l


There was a question of how By FRAN SHELDON Sales booths will be located in! MEANWHILE at Panmunjom '}i Orm5 1 1(tut
valuable the Russians found any Special To The Daily front of Angell Hall, at the Union, the Allies yesterday launched their
information on the proximity NEW YORK - Caught in the the Engineering Arch, Mason Hall, big effort to woo 351 prisoners back'
fuse that might have been hand- third day of a city-wide newspaper Burton Tower and the Diagonal. from communism.
ed over to May. The FBI report strike, New Yorkers yesterday By The Associated Press
said May "passed on a garbled shrugged off the unaccustomed The first 10 South Korens in- TUCKER'S TOWN, Bermuda -
description of the proximity fuse lack, of ready newsprint with an Schools Hold terviewed chose to return to the A high authoritative source said
to the Soviets." attitude that "we can see it on;Reds- last night that President Dwight
The FBI report was a 71-page television tonight anyhow." eTe "come-home" talks-high D. Eisenhower is prepared to give
document dealing in general with Crippling the entire corps of point in a propaganda battle with French Premier Joseph Laniel
Russian spying in this country. city newspapers and forcing most pointomnuaisrs-agandawbattle -strong assurances that the Unit-
* * * coner newsealers o close hop FourUniversthe Communists-bega.n with in- gasuncsttthUi-
* * * corner newsdealers to close shop I Four University schools and col- terviews of 30 pro-Red South Ko- ed States will maintain its present
IN LOUISVILLE, Ky., en route for the duration of the walkout, leges will administer personality reans. combat effectiveness in Europe if
back to Washington, the Senate the strike is costing millions of tests for the Commission on .Hu- For the 22 Americans and one France ratifies the European army
subcommittee's chairman, William dollars daily in sales and adver- man Resources and Advanced Briton who refused repatriation treaty.
E. Jenner (R-Ind.), said he didn't tising. Training for seniors today. interviews will begin about 11 days This source said that in addition;
want Gouzenko to testify "if he * The schedule for today is as fol- nrvmewi bthe United States was prepared to
feels it will endanger him and his IN BUSSES and subways there lows f listen symphathetically to anyI
family." is a noticeable icrease m con- LITERARY COLLEGE - 7:15jI French request for an increase inj
Jenner said he would be willing versation-and a corresponding de- p.m. Auditoriums B, C, and D, An- r American strength in Europe butI
to go to Canada and get Gouzen, crease in page crackling and pock- gell Hall. erajstressed that this did not neces-
ko's story. et magazines are enjoying a new ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN sarily mean an upping of the num-
popularity because of their ease 7:15 p.m., Architecture Auditor-..ber of U.S. troops stationed on the
of handling. ium A mited number of tickets ontinent
ilm oCoAction,
No Action Yet "The Brooklyn Eagle" and LAW-3:45 p.m. and 7 p.m., Rm. are available for the Dec. 9 and * * *
local New Jersey newspapers re- 100, Hutchins Hall. 10local performances of the
'N'0, ucin al NEW YORK - Exiled dockersI
ported an increase in sales. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION A19 'Union Opera, Up yesterday started a strike snow-
0n iiJudie Plan, Infront of the metropolitan j I t140 1953rdabetaond saleikfromw
p In .m., Rms. 130, 131 and 140,tm." fballing along New York's vast wa-
newspapers, "The New York Business Administration Bldg. 1 to 5 p.m. daily in the Union terfront, and by nightfall much
Hatcher Sa S Times," 'The Daily Mirror," "The Journal Amen- Student leaders and faculty lobby. of the port was tied uptight. j
Da lyNews, te Jo T g members have emphasized the ne- Male students interested in The New York Shipping Assn.;
University President Harlan H. and Sun" constant lines of pickets cessity of as near 100 per cent sen- ushering during any of'the lo- said the walkout violated a Taft-
Hatcher said yesterday he did not are peacefully but resolutely on ior participation as possible in or- cal perfornances may sign up Hartley Law injunction which
know if an official statement parade "The Herald Tribun der to make the Commissions in Rm. 3G of the Union daily. ended an earlier port strike.
would be forthcoming on the Ad- lcln-srkgpaeI findings valid.__ __ --I* * *
ministration's attitude toward a onlyClW-Theon-sovieng Union
mfrt)ntet e oadd ully staffedndn-"rady toaporbac'kidig ldMOSCOW-The -Soviet Union
Joint Judiciary Council recom- into operation on a minute's no- acPin a stiff note to Pakistan yes-1
mendation that it be given juris- ,, o terday asked clarification of re-
(lLLĀ±ininn nn VU1eiit rUicninlinomkiY cTe. Ti aaeetpn na.r~sa a en

trt Exhibit 0
sculptures by Prof. Thomas Mc-
Clure of the architecture college,1
pottery by J. T. Abernathy of the+
architecture college and paintings
and drawings by Prof. Chet La-
More and Jack Garbutt of the ar-
chitecture college.
* * *
INCLUDED in the display are
80 pots of varying sizes and'
shapes, 25 pieces of sculpture+
worked in metal and marble, 45
paintings and 30 pencil drawings.
Garbutt, stationed in Eng-
land during World War II, spent
much of his spare time sketch-
ing the British countryside. With
a bachelor's and master's degree
from the University of Califor-
nia, he came to the University
in 1952.
Abernathy received his master's,
degree in fine arts from Cranbrook
in 1952 and has since taught ce-:
i ramics at the University. Practi-
cally all his work has centered in!
wheel-thrown pottery. He claimsj
"the potter has come into his own"
and there is a "growing respect for
the completely abstract in the pot-
tery field."
With studies behind him at the
University of Nebraska, Washing-
ton State College and the Cran-
brook Academy of Art, Prof. Mc-
Clure has exhibited his ceramic
studies in national and regional
shows on the West coast, Midwest
and in New York.
ACCORDING to Prof. McClure,
"Work in welded steel enables onej
to avoid many of the difficulties


THE FLUTE, oboe, harpsichord

aiciononstuentalcipmay The Trib management t
cases arisig from Congressional shop Monday saying it susp
investigations. it was being used by the uni
The President indicated he was fa lever to frce an early s
studying the recommendation and leto fos an
if a statement is to be made it will ment on its rivals.
'be transmitted to Judic within the MOREOVER, it added, it

ion asI
is in

SL Declares NSA Week
(EDITOR'S NOTE; This is the first in a series on the National Student
Associaiton, the national organization with which Student Legislature is
Vt.,T Yn mu 4YERSc

ports that Pakistan may permit
U.S. air bases on her territory.
Reports that the two coun-
tries entered into negotiations
for a bases-for-aid deal have
been denied by top Pakistani and
American officials.

combination was a frequently
D '~l To -I heard ensemble during the baro-
Pc111e T iscu1ss que period, according to Hauen-
?-c. stein. This is the first campus re-
Current O(wi YS cital to be devoted entirely to mu-
sic by these three instruments.
A panel of three reviewers will Numbers on the program in-
head up tonight's post-perform- elude Trio Sonata in C ninor by
ance discussion of the two current Quarta; Sonata in F major by
Arts Theater Club productions, Handel; Trio Sonata in D minor
Machiavelli's "Mandragola" and by Loeillet.
Cervantes' "Show of Wonders." Following the intermission, So-
Following the 8 p.m. perform- nata in G minor by Telemann for
ance, critics Jascha Kessler of the oboe and harpsichord will be
English department, Tom Arp, '54, heard. The concert will be con-
and Bob Holloway, '55, will discuss cluded with Trio Sonata in C ma-
the works with the audience. The 'jor composed by W. F. Bach.
Arts Tpeater is located at 209%'2 E. The concert is open to the pub-
Washington, lic free of charge.

next few days.
President Hatcher said he was
pleased with the meeting held with
the Council Monday and indicated
there were no basic areas of dis-
agreement arising from the con-
The meeting, he said, was a
"very satisfactory one."
Med Student
Denies Quote
A fraternity brother's prank
caused embarassment to Juddr
t Heineman, '56M, who was quoted

sympathy with efforts of its com- *" * *
petitors to have the strike arbi- Seven years ago this month students from 300 colleges and 25 FLINT - Genesee County
trated, a proposal turned down by organizations gathered in Chicago to plan a National Student Associa- ecutor Chester R. Schwesing
the union. tion which would represent American students on national and in- been invited to back ul
Meanwhile striking newspaper ternational levels. charges of rampaging vice
photo - engravers agreed last In order to familiarize the University campus with the history, rackets in Flint or take th
night to vote today on whether programs and ideals of the Association, Student Legislature has set back.
to arbitrate remaining issues in aside this week as NSA Week. --
the three day old strike. * - * *T T)P~) l 'TCT1~T'FA
But with negotiations progress- THE IDEA of forming NSA ori- ONE-YEAR TRIAL SUSPENSION:
ing at their present rate it is ginated in the minds of 25 Amerl-
doubtful, according to newspaper can students after their return (-'
spokesmen, that publication will from the World Student Congress Vew s 1R1
be resumed today or even tomor- held in Prague, Czechoslovakia in roViws1Ilin
rOwV. 1946.
THE SIMPLE existence of the At the World Congress, the 25 (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles dealing
strike, however, is not the most Americans realized that the Uni- the driving ban and current efforts toward its modification or eliminat
alarming aspect of the situation. ted States was one of the few j By GENE HARTWIG
It is rather the apathy displayed countries without any represen- Results of the trial one year suspension of driving restricti
by both the public and members tative national student group. the University of Illinois are being watched with keen interest b
Q-- c.v p-.o 4 They called the Chicago Student .,+

er has
p his,
em all

'Kim Sigler's
Sudden Death
All flags were ordered to be
flown at half-staff for 30 days as
the state moutned the death of
former governor Kim Sigler, kill-
ed Monday along with three com-
panions when his private plane
crashed after hitting a television
tower guy wire near Battle Creek.
The body of the former Repub-
lican governor was returned to
Hastings yesterday, where he made
his start as a young attorney in
the mid-twenties. Funeral arrange-
ments will be made when his wid-
ow arrives from California. A
daughter, Mrs. Richard Gossett
was expected today, while anoth-
er, Mrs. Betty Slattery, will not
make the trip because of illness.
One of the first men to pay
tribute to Sigler was Gov. G. Men-
nen Williamns, who 'defeated him
for governor after Sigler served
one term on the strength of his
appeal as a crusading grand jury
Meanwhile, State Aeronautics
Commission and Civil Aeronau-
tics Authority investigators were
at the crash scene conducting an

tion.) Following a study made by the Student Senate, Illinois this fall be-
gan a year-long trial period during which students are allowed to op-
ons at erate cars by complying with legal requirements, indicating their abil-
by ad- ; ity to operate motor vehicles and registering their cars with the Uni-
versity's Motor Vehicle Office.
s. now * * * *
s. ACCORDING TO EWERS in a letter to Acting Dean of Students

in a Daily article yesterday with a -ee TV, rage Z
series of statements he never
made. Plans Revealed

Conference in December, 1916,
and together with hundreds of
students from American colleges

ministr ators at Michigan.
Illinois, with a current enrollment of some 15,500 students
has approximately 2,000 student-driven cars in use on campus
This compares with 17,500 students in Ann Arbor, 1,500 ofS

Last week a reporter called the 3 , and universities, prepared form-


Walter B. Rea, "the straw that broke the camel's back was budgetary -

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