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December 01, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-01

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r4itop-s flote
Daily Managing Editor
T HE CONTROVERSY between two Daily
editorial writers and University Presi-
dent Harlan H. Hatcher points up two im-
portant considerations on the college press
and its role in relation to other groups in
the community.
First of all, an interesting current ran
through most of the critical comments re-
ceived by' The Daily. Instead of dealing
solely with the reasoning involved in the
editorial by two staff members which
raised the issue, the letter writers and
eitorialists devoted a large share of their
attention to the proposition that the stu-
dent editors are irresponsible and imma-
ture dupes of some insidious group who
do not think and have no business dis-
cussing President Hatcher's views. The
comments in this vein were always vehe-
mnent and quite often malicious-they
were resorted to in an irrational attempt
to discredit the criticim of President
Earlier in the semester when seven senior
editors wrote an attack on the Air Force
over the handling of the Radulovich case
there was no complaint that students were
irresponsible or dupes or anything else. But
in that case many newspapers took up the
crusade for Radulovich so it was quite res-
pectable to have students in the vanguard
Student editors, it seems, have fine logic
when the community agrees with them, but
let the editors air a slightly unpopular view
and the cries of immaturity descend. We
cannot be too disturbed by this criticism.
The second point of interest came in
the amount of interest the editorial stir-
red up. Frank discussion of any issue has
always been a mark of this page, and the
criticism of President Hatcher's stand on
the most controversial issue of the year
admittedly causes more than usual inter-
est. It is surprising, however, that the
editorial should merit several minutes of
time on a national news show and space
in newspapers around the state.
This reaction, aside from the issue itself,
is a reflection of the lack of freedom in the
college press today. Unfortunately such is-
sues are usually given as reasons for deny-
ing press freedom, for the public seems to
have a compelling urge to squash unpopu-
lar ideas on one hand while proclaimihg the
rights of the press on the other.
There should be no reason for differen-
tiating the college press from other news-
papers as far as rights and duties are con-
cerned. Indeed, it sometimes appears that
the college press has a greater sense of
responsibility than many metropolitan pa-
The Daily has enjoyed a tradition of free-
dom far greater than that awarded the bulk
of the college press, but with this freedom
has gone a great sense of responsibility.
Consequently there was no official reaction
against the editorial writers and no ques-
tion of the right to express their beliefs.
Libel and good taste are the determinants
on all editorial material, and these laws are
carefully observed.
There is no monopoly of opinion on this
page and the views expressed last week,
though reflecting the predominant thought
of the senior and junior staffs, by no
means sets policy for the paper. If the
issue is regarded in this perspective, the
whole question is still important but no
longer surrounded in emotionalism.
Undoubtedly there are going to be many
more controversial questions arising before
Rep. Clardy has finished his investigations
here. The same perspective must be used if

the actual extent of subversion on the cam-
pus is to remain unmagnified by the emo-
tionalism surrounding the investigations.
r m
A t Hill Auditorium .. .
Guard Republican Band of Paris, Fran-
cois-Julien Brun, conductor.
THIS band is probably one of the most
remarkable organizations of its kind in
existence. It played last night with verve,
precision, and flawless technique. The strong
vibrato used by the woodwinds and horns
(characteristic of French wind players) was
a matter of some controversy among the lis-
teners, but this reviewer considered it to be
in good taste throughout.
The only reason for dissatisfaction with
the concert was the inclusion almost ex-
clusively of orchestral works-and pretty
hackneyed ones, at that. The program in-
cluded. the Berlioz Roman Carnival Ov-
erture, Recitative and Polonaise by Web-
er (which is probably an original band
work), three movements from the L'Ar-
lesienne Suite, No. 2, by Bizet, the Second
14n~.rin.hn nca, v by:A e h far-

Inter fraternity Council

.. eterp to i/ek &c/iio .

CONGRATULATIONS are due the Inter-
fraternity Council for being named the
top IFC in the United States and Canada
during the academic year 1952-53.
The award is a well-earned recognition
of the fact that Michigan's IFC is an ef-
ficient, hardworking organization which
has performed outstanding service, in the
words of the award criteria, "to member
fraternities, to the community, to the Uni-
versity and general student body and to
'fraternity ideals'."
Of course last year's IFC officer, can be
especially proud because it was the work
carried on under their administration that
earned the award. And all fraternity mem-
bers can justifiably be pleased with the
achievements of their central organization
on campus. In fact, the standing of the en-
tire University comnunity is increased when
the IFC, or any campus organization wins
such high national recognition.
IFC leaders here cited the Fresh Air Camp
project, the Christmas party for underpriv-
ileged children, the record number of pledges,
Greek Week leadership discussions, exchange
of food buying information and general
strengthening of the organization as the
main factors that brought them the award.

The informal list includes two "service"
projects and four items affecting general
fraternity strength,
How the IFC attacked the problem of fra-
ternity constitutions and rituals which for-
bid fraternity members to pledge certain
minority group members was an unimport-
ant consideration in making the ward, al-
though the IFC's stand on "bias clause" re-
moval was mentioned in its award-winning
report to the national organization.
In the eyes of many, this problem con-
tinues to be even more important than fra-
ternity public relations or even fraternity
"solidarity," as long as that solidarity in-
cludes the weakness of undemocratic and
arbitrary membership restrictions.
Michigan's fraternity system has not,,
in spite of statements by IFC officials,
been a leader in the fight to remove these
clauses. Last weekend's award is proof that
Michigan's fraternity system is tops in ad-
ministrative achievement.
While there are no awards for cleaning up
bias clauses, the fraternity system with the
nations' best IFC certainly ought to be able
to lead in this area too.
Congratulations, IFC. Keep on leading.
-Jon Sobeloff

University Makeup.. .
To the Editoro:
THE EDITORS deserve a rousing
cheer such as we usually re-
serve for football players for print-
ing Sunday's forthright criticism
of President Hatcher after he
hauled down our flag and surren-
dered the University to the Mc-
Carthyites without so much as fir-
ing a shot. It is to be hoped that
the Daily will follow this up with
an honest but merciless coverage
of the Clardy hearings when they
begin. It is the cooperation of the
conservative press which enables'
such proceedings to whip up hys-
teria effectively.
The editorial's closing comment
on the effect of "outside pressure"
on University ideology hints at a
topic which deserves more dis-
cussion.than it gets. The pressures
are not outside, however-they are
inside. A recent doctoral study by
H. P. Beck, Men Who Control Our
Universities (N.Y.: King's Crown
Press, Morningside Heights, N.Y.,
1947) turns up the following inter-
esting information concerning the
composition of the Boards of Trus-
tees of the leading universities in'
America (this one is included):
1. Mean salary (of those on
whom information could be ob-
tained) was $102,000 per year.
2. By occupation, 41% were busi-
ness men, bankers or financiers,
26% lawyers and only 4.6% edu-
cators. Labor did not have a single,
3. The 734 trustees concerned
held 2,655 directorships or major
executive positions in business en-
terprises, including 386 in the 4001
largest corporations in the U.S.
4. Their political opinions were
o v e r w h e 1 m ingly conservative.
(There was no evidence of Com-
munist infiltration, but at least 21

"There's Some Things I Want You
To Dig Up Next Year"
2 p" T GA
®A/ RA .

attraction after one has been there
a few times. At the "teas," too,
the same air of discomfort is in
Of late, the increasing number
of "visa problems" that the for-
eign students have been encoun-
tering, has made the uncoopera-
tive role of the International Cen-
ter quite clear.
The retirement of the present
director of the International Cen-
ter gives foreign students an op-
portunity to express their senti-
ments and feelings as to what sort
of person should be placed in such
a significant role. We hope that
the authorities concerned will give
due weight to their feelings.
To be sure, the International
Center can be one of the most at-
tractive, educative, and enlighten-
ing places on campus, provided
(a) the bureaucracy of the Cen-
ter is ended, (b) deserving and un-
derstanding people are given jobs
on the. staff, (c) the feelings of
condescension are eliminated, (d)
the desire to help the foreign stu-
dents is present in the staff mem-
bers and a sympathetic attitude is
adopted towards the foreign stu-
-Joseph Lodor
. * *


The Case for Troops in Trieste

.f'^.O + a

ROME-Almost all discussion about Tri-
este has been based on the assumption
that if a frontier were drawn between Italy
and Yugoslavia the Anglo-Americans could
promptly go home. Excepting of course the
Russians who are out to make trouble both
for Italy and for Tito, everyone has been
accepting the view that the buffer state
agreed to in the peace treaty is unworkable
as a permanent solution. This has led to
the conclusion that another solution is ne-
cessary, that things cannot go on much
longer as they are, and that a new fron-
tier must very soon be drawn. As all prev-
ious attempts to get an agreed frontier had
failed, London and Washington in their
declaration of October 8 tried to impose a
For various reasons which belong to the
postmortem, it was soon plain enough that
our two governments lacked the neces-
sary firmness, tact, farsightedness, and
diplomatic resourcefulness to carry out
the decision of October 8. The military
withdrawal was begun before a diplomatic
result which would justify it was in sight.
The withdrawal had to be suspended. We
have sent home the families of the troops
and have closed down many of their us-
ual facilities. But the troops are still
there, and there is no near prospect that
they can be withdrawn.
It is certain, moreover, that the popula-
tion of Trieste does not want them to leave.
I suspect that few responsible men any-
where look forward with anything but ap-
prehension to what might happen if the
troops were suddenly taken away.
It is, of course, impossible for any public
man in any of the five countries concerned
to say that the troops ought to stay. I am
not intending to suggest that they should or"
could plan to stay on indefinitely. But it is
most improbable, it seems to me, that there
is any serious hope of a pacific solution
unless the withdrawal of the troops is put
at the end of the process of settlement and
not, as on October 8, at the very beginning
of it.
In its hard core the problem is not how
to draw a frontier which both countries
would accept if the two governments were
free to act soberly and rationally. The
territory still in dispute is very small and
it is not very important. I do not believe
that there is any longer any important

difference in theory or in princple to
prevent working out a compromise.
A settlement acceptable to the govern-
ments would also, of course have to be made
acceptable to the politicians and the poli-
tical bosses. This is a more difficult ob-
stacle to surmount. I could form no opinion
in Belgrade as to whether Tito is strong
enough to impose a solution on the Slovenes
who would have to make the sacrifices in a
compromise. And I do not think anyone
here in Rome knows whether Pella has the
parliamentary strength to get ratification
of a compromise frontier. We must remem-
ber that the best conceivable compromise
will still mean very large losses of territory.
Yet their is a fair hope that a diplomatic
settlement is possible and that the ratifi-
cation can be managed. But this would not
be sufficient. Almost surely a very danger-
ous situation will be created if we assume
that as soon as there is an agreed frontier,
the Anglo-Americans can quickly disen-
gage their troops and immediately relin-
quish their authority.
Until and unless the cold war between
Italy and Yugoslavia is ended by a treaty
of mutual defense and collaboration, a mere
truce line would leave Italians and Yugo-
slavs side by side, face to face, intermingled,
without a disinterested power to mediate
and to do justice. Rome and Belgrade would
probably frown upon the excitation of dis-
order and violence on that frontier. Both
governments have much to gain by an alli-
ance and a lot to lose by continuing their
But neither government can be counted
on confidently to control completely the
dynamic, the restless, the dark elements.
Tito is not an absolute dictator and his
will is not absolute law everywhere in his
country. There is no reliable working ma-
jority in the Italian parliament since the
political reverse of the June elections. It
takes a strong government to pursue a
moderate policy.
So one might say that while the project
of the peace treaty-which was to make
Trieste an international city-is dead, the
basic idea remains indispensable. The area
of Trieste at the head of the Adriatic and
at the Gateway to Central Europe cannot
be left to the violence and vicissitudes of
nationalistic rivalry. It is a necessity of Eur-
ope and of peace that this region should re-
main a matter of close and continuing con-
cern by all the nations of the West.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

nea n ina . . .
Congratulations ... International Center. .. To the Editor:
To the Editor: To the Editor: (IN TUESDAY night, Senator
DURING THE past few months PRESUMABLY, the function of McCarthy implied that Bri-
it has been my privilege to the International Center on a tain was sending strategic mater-
serve as field secretary for Alpha university campus is to (a) help ials and weapons to Red China.
Epsilon Pi Fraternity, a position foreign students to adjust to the With so little time and so much
which has brought me into con- American milieu, (b) to promote else to say, the Senator could not
tact with university officials and goodwill and understanding be- risk the distraction of facts. They
fraternity men throughout the tween foreign students and Am- are:
country. Everywhere there was ericans, and (c) to help and guide (I Trade with China accounts
praise for both the University of the foreign students who are in 'for about 0.1% of Britain's total
Michigan and its fine fraternity difficulty. The general feeling of exports and about 0.2% of her to-
system. The unanimity of this the foreign students here is that tal imports.

had been decorated by Fascist opinion was just shown at the Na-
governments!) tional Inter-Fraternity Conference
Under these circumstances it where the award for the outstand-
should not be hard to see why uni- ing inter-fraternity council was
versities do not offer much resis- presented to our own IFC at the
tance to McCarthyism. As to their University of Michigan.
ideology, we would be rather opto- I believe that congratulations
mistic if we expected it to be any- are due to Dean Rea, Bill Zerman,
thing but conservative. the IFC officers and council, both
-John C. Bowen past and present, the alumni, and
* * * all those behind the scenes, whose
Half Baked .work has led to the present all
around excellence- of our U. of M.
To the Editor: fraternity system. Congratula-
Re editorial "The President's tions.
Stand" -Don Freedman, '53
DON'T YOU little half-baked
egotists know that the U. of
M. is the property of the people
of Michigan and that they have
chosen President Hatcher to run
it and shape its policy and not
your fuzzy-minded group? No
wonder the Commies thrive in (Continued from Page 2)
your midst when they can get you - -
poor goofs to front for them., that their names may be included onj
If Dr. Hatcher doesn't run you the invitation list.
nff hcs nnrV%1V +1- n11 y 1

the International Center has fail- j() Britain placed a complete
ed to achieve any of the abov embargo on oil shipments to Chi-
aims. The aura that prevails in gna in July 1950-a week after th-
the International Center is a pe- U.S.A.-and in May 1951 added a
culiarly depressing one. Almost the long list of strategic goods.
entire staff shows a supercilious (TMT , i rno4' ev~w
(.±± IID BrSit i as. neveV atS 4.n0u


attitude towards foreign students.
Whenever they attempt to ap-
proach the staff members for or-
dinary help, they are snubbed. In-
deed, a strange undercurrent of
dislike for foreign students is not
Regular Thursday "teas" at the
center, which are carried on with
regular monotony, lose all their

time sent weapons of war to Com--
munist China.
(IV) No oil or other strategic
supplies pass to China through
British ports or ports in British
(V) No British-registered ship
may be used to carry strategic
goods from third countries to Chi-
(VI) No foreign-registered ship,
carrying such goods, may re-fuel
at British ports.
(VII) British trade with China
in non-strategic goods is essential
to maintain Hong Kong and its
two million people, many of them
refugees from Communism. Al-
ready the embargo has cu~t Hong
Kong's trade with China from a
monthly average of about $15,-
An nA _nn -MaIl 1 QS1 fn11 .hmj,.,4


or Change in Animals," Paul A. Wright,
La Tertulia of La Sociedad Hispanica
will meet today in the north wing of

oii tae apustheflksbe ackt rethe Union cafeteria. Faculty members buuuu gan-m
home on the farms and in the fac- ctres will be present. All interested in con- $4,200,000 (Jan
tories will make short work of it. Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman, versing Spanish invited to attend. Mr. McCarth
Why the U. of M. should be auspices Departments of Astronomy, one. It was s
cursed by a bunch of you "super- Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and MathematiEs Club will meet tonight
isse be bnh fyodcompere- Gooy Te. ec ,410pma at 8 p.m., inEast Conference Room, again. One can
for" upstarts is beyond e servatory. opi he Aror Rackham Building. Professor George after so much
hension. The one or perhaps two, Polaris: Its Time Relationships and Piranian will talk on Cauchy's inequal- past fortnight,
half sensible people among you Spectrum. qt come back to ti
should take the rest of you dby the Near East Society will sponsor a film
nape of the neck or the seat of Academic Notices entitled "The Middle East" tonight at
the slacks and heave you home- g 7 p.m. in Auditorium B, Angell Hall.
hard. here S no oubt ne Sl Logic Seminar, Dec. 1, 41i Mason Hall The film is in color.10Pe- r
ward. There is, no doubt, one sly at 4 p.m. Dr. J. R. Buchi will speak on , I
duck, perhaps more, in your midst, Church's theory of Lambda conversion. Pi Lambda Theta, X1 Chapter. In- To the Editor:
or who sits in the shadow, pulling seminar in athematical t vitation tea will be held tonight at8 WAS impres
thestrngson ou uppts soyouj Sminr i Mtheatial tatstisp.m., West Conference Room, Each-IWA imrs
undrthe gseyoufpuets, so you;Tues., Dec. 1, from 3 to 5 p.m., in 3201 ham Building. space you
under the guise of democracy and Angell Hall. Professor C. C. Craig will IsDAILY to repoi
freedom (?) of education, dance be the speaker. ;Square Dancing. Would you like to DI to re
a communistic dance to the edi- become a square-dance caller? Come
fication of that subversive bunch, Engineering Mechanics Seminar. E. . and try it among friends. Everyone wel- It seems surpr:
Yates wil speak on "Heat Transfer come. Lane Hall, tonight, 7:30-10:00. you omitted to
the presence of which, you in your with Variations in Fluid Properties" atc7 you omied
t ta gnrnead noec i her Gabriel Ri
vocal ignorance and insolance fail 3:45 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 2, in 101 West Spanish play: Tryouts, between 3 and
even to detect or comprehend. Engineering Building. Refreshments 5 p.m., in 408 Romance Language ree-shard'), f
Of one thing you may be cer- will be served. Building. Was named,
ta and that is Dr. Hatcher hasof t
twi ad ha Concertthe hs Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea, known as thet
the whole hearted support of theon certs from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House gan (and "50
people of Michigan and that the Faculty Concert: Marian Owen, Pi- followed by student-led Evening Pray- faculty").
man or woman who works for a anist, will be heard in recital at 8:30 er in the Chapel of St. Michael and
living and gives his or her dollars p.m. Tues., Dec. 1, in Lydia Mendelssohn All Angels. All students invited. -R
to support public education in the Theater. The program will open with
U.of u ot oingedationpna heAria in D minor by Padre Rafael An- Museum Movie. "Treasure House"
U. of M. is not going to pay to geles, continuing with Sonata in D (Smithsonian Institution) and "Glimpse
educate (?) a bunch of half-bakes major by Paradies, and Eight Chopin of the Past" (Prehistoric American In-
who have neither the talent nor Etudes. Following intermission Mrs. dians) free movies shown daily at 3
the good taste to help along the Owens will play Dello Joio's Sonata No. p.m. daily, including Sat, and Sun. and
ferreting out of commies in the 3, and Albeniz' III Albaicin, Evocation, at 12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove IJ21
and Triana. The general public will be Museums Building, Dec. 1-8.
universities or even possibly admitted without charge. C
are a disgrace to the university, a Program of 18th Century Music by Edited and ma
menace to your country, if the U. Marilyn Mason, Harpsichord, Nelson Psychology Club, Dr. Marquis, chair- the University o
Hauenstein, Flute, and. Lare Wardrop, man of our Psychology Department, will authority of the
S. be your country, and a traitor Oboe, will be presented by 8:30 Wed- speak on "Modern Trends in Psychol- Student Publica
to yourselves. nesday evening, Dec. 2, in the Rack- ogy" on Wed., Dec. 2, at 7:30, at the
Deflate yourselves and help the ham Lecture Hall. Open to the gen- League. Discussion and refreshments
University of Michigan to stand eral public, the program, will include wlil follow. All those interested are Edit
..Trio Sonata in C minor by Johann invited.

vay iyi o a o
n-May 1952).
y's charge is an old
trange to hear it
only conclude that
rich fare over the
he finds it wise to
he staple diet.
-Alex A. Walker
sed by the generous
gave in today's
rting the dedication
wman Club Center.
ising, however, that
mention that Fa-
ichard (pronounced
r whom the Center
vas one of the co-
he institution now
University of Michi-
per cent of its first
Rosemary Marzolf
Fourth Year
anaged by students of
f Michigan under the
Board in Control of
orial Staff


A t the State .. .
THE ROBE, with Richard Burton, Jean
Simmons, and Victor Mature.
W ELL, SOUND came in with "The Jazz
Singer," 3-D with "Bwana Devil," Cin-
erama with "This is Cinerama," and now
Cinemascope with "The Robe."
The source of the film which introduces
the big new medium is the Lloyd C. Doug-
las novel about the career of the Romani
tribune who wins the robe of Christ. It
is reverently portrayed of course, and in
Technicolor; but outside of its reverence
which is self-conscious, and its color which
is substandard, it has nothing of interest
but its dimensions. This is Cinemascope
all right, but not anything else.
Speculation about the new process has
been wide across the country, largely be-
cause this is a non-stereoscopic single-pro-
jection system under the sponsorship of a
studio (Fox) that is perhaps the shrewdest
and often the bravest of the "majors." There
is little point in laboring the technical ex-
planations here again since they seem to be
puzzling enough as it is (one Daily reporter
last week wrote with understandable con-

but without much real suggestion of depth.
The sound is stereophonic which means that
it issues from different sources behind and
around the screen during the picture.
The film itself is tedious, wooden, over-
long, and absolutely predictable, making
the worst mistakes of screenplays which
try to hang on to the periphery of a
dramatic event of lay or religious history.
These typically involve a character of no
real interest being buffeted about by the
tempests of a situation quite beyond his
control. In this case, the storms are those
of the Crucifixion Day and the victim is a
Roman officer who is to see the rift in
the clouds (after some time).
The intolerably long section of the film
after the Crucifixion is replete with static
and solemn philosophizing, rapt gazes into
the middle distance signifying discovery of
faith and a lot of simple bad acting and
direction. Besides, the interiors are taste-
less and the picture is backgrounded by
the cheapest kind' of musical score. "Quo
Vadis," by comparison, was a spectacle of
some energy, sophistication, and virtuosity.
In "The Robe," the fewer cuts, the longer
scenes of Cinemascope place greater strains

steady, if you are capable of such.
If not, stand aside, while the or-
dinary studentatakes over, whilehe
and his fellows ride out the com-
mie storm.
-Emory Light
Detroit, Michigan
* * *

We'll Outgrow It . .
To the Editor:
AS A U. of M. graduate, I am
sorry (but not surprised) to
read of your censure of Dr. Hat-
cher for his commentary on the
congressional investigation com-
mittee hearing.
Your remarks are typical of un-
matured college kids, and I can
assure you that the time will come,

Joachim Quantz, Sonata in F major by
Georg; Friedinch Handel, Trio Sonata
in D minor by Jean-Baptiste Loei let;
Sonata in G minor by Georg Philipp
Telemann, and Trio Sonata in C major
by Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach.
U. of M. Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
morial Hall, Fleischman Collection of'
American Paintings, Nov. 15 - Dec. 6;
A Half Century of Picasso, Nov. 25'
through Dec. 20. Open from 9 to 5 on
weekdays; 2 to 5 Sundays. The public
is invited.
Events Today
U. of M. Annuitants Association. A
meeting of the members of the U. ofr
M. Annuitants Association will be held
today in the assembly hall of the Rack-

Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service
of Holy Communion, Wed., Dec. 2, at
Canterbury House.
Notice of Meeting on Computing Ma-
chines. Dr. E. P. Little, Technical Di-
rector, Wayne University 'Computation
Labor tory, will talk on the New Yane
at 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 2, in Room 306,
University large-scale digital computer
State Hall, Wayne University. All those
interested in computers or machine
computation are invited to attend.
Members of the IRE Professional Group
on Electronic Computers are especial-
ly urged to be present and to parti-
cipate in a briew organizational meet-
ing to follow Dr. Little's talk.
Le Cercie francais aura lieu mearcredi
le 2 decembre a 8 heures dans la Mich-
igan League. Frances Hauss va jouer

Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter .................City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director V
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Slver - Assoc. Editorial Director.
Diane Decker.........Associate Editor
Helene Simon.........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell. Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden........Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1




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