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:43 a t t4u-


VOL. LXIV, No. 58



Joint Judie
Seeks F 7ll

Democrats Blast

IFC Named Dll
Tops in U.S. U C





Jurisdiction Brownell on Air
Recomnmendation Langer Committee To Investigate
To Go to Hatcher Aid in Denver Jury-Tampering Cas
By MARK READER WASHINGTON-(R)-The Democratic high command cut loo
t The Joint Judiciary Council yes- with a new blast at Attorney General Brownell last night even as t
terday recommended to Univer- Senate 'Judiciary Committee prepared to investigate charges th
sity President Harlan H. Hatcher Brownell refused to provide FBI aid in a Denver jury-tampering ca
it be empwered to consider all Clayton Fritchey, deputy chairman of the Democratic Natio
cases involving student disciplin- Committee, fired a three-way barrage at Brownell in a radio broa
ary action which might arise from cast accusing the attorney general of injecting the FBI into politi
hearings conducted by Congres-
sional committees. and "pulling it out of crime-busting."
The move was aimed at the pos-
sibility of students being called to FRITCHEY SAID he based his latest accusations on these pu
testify before the subcommittee of lished reports:
the House Un-American Activities 1) A federal judge's criticism of the Justice Department for
Committee early next year. refusing FBI help in the Denver jury-tampering case, which
* * * later was successfully prosecuted with the aid of Treasury agents.
THE OUTCOME of the meeting - 2) A St. Louis federal judg
was still in doubt as no final ac- Va-nunanswered appeal to Brownell
' tion was taken by University offi- more help from the Justice D
cials toward the Judic suggestion. partment in .a grand jury's inv
However, members of the Council tigation of labor union racketee
appeared pleased with the dis- [oing.
cussion at the informal meeting. For en ior3) Statements by Republic
The Judic suggestion to the Representatives Clare Hoffman
President noted "the student is Michigan and Wint Smith of Ka
entitled to a confidential hear- Underw ay sas that "pressure" was exerted
ing before his fellow-students" ,1halt a congressional investigati
and added: of racketeering in Detroi.
"We fully recognize that the By PAT ROELOFS *
charges of misconduct which University participation in a FRITCHEY SAID he thinks F
might arise from the testimony be- survey by the Commission on Hu- Chief J. Edgar Hoover was "d:
fore a Congressional committee. are man Resources and Advanced tressed" at being brought into t
complex, and their ramificatiois Training got underway yesterday sensational Harry Dexter Wh:
more far-reaching than the usual when initial tests to be given all "spy" case as a witness before t
case of student misconduct, seniors were given to a number of Senate Internal Security subcoi
"Yet," the recommendation con- engineering and School of Social mittee.
tinued, "this is still a question of Work students. Fritchey had said previous
conduct unbecoming a student and The tests, being conducted at that the U. S. attorney for Col
we feel that the case should be more than a hundred colleges are rado, a Democrat, was fired afte
treated by the same procedures as designed to show trends in the ef- he won the Denver jury-tam
are other violations of standards fect a college education has upon pering case without FBI hel
of conduct by students of this Uni- the vocation of graduated persons. He conceded last night, howeve
versity." * * h that the replacement might no
" * " LONG RANGE aim of the Cor- have been connected with th
THE COUNCIL mentioned five mission is to be able to eliminate case bn ncway.
procedures of the group which future waste of human resources he Justicepwa artment sa
"properly protect" both the stu- by reporing labor supply and de- the federal attrey asdn
dent and the University. mand and predicting shortages ed as part of the regular prograi
1) The Council is composed of and oversupply in certain fields, to replace holdovers from the Tr
students; and representatives of The testing schedule for the man Administration.
the Office of Student Affairs and remainder of the week is as fol- man n g 1
the Office of the Dean of Women lows: N.Earliaounced that g ena
are in attendence. LITERARY COLLEGE-7:15 to- Judiciary Committee will beg
2) Students involved in any case morrow 'and 3:10 p.m. Thursday, hearings in Denver on Dec. 12
are made fully aware of the pur- Auditoriums B, C, and D, Angell connection with the Justice D
pose of the hearing and the pos- Hall. partment's role in the jury-me
? sibl~e consequences of the hearing. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN dling case.
3) The student is given every -7:15 p.m. tomorrow, Architecture Langer said the committee wan
opportunity to explain his actions Auditorium. to find out why the attorney wa
relevant to the charges implied. SOCIAL WORK-3 p rn, today, fired and replaced by a Repub
4),Action taken by the Council Conference Rm., 820 E. Washing- can who was a fraternity broth
is in the form of recommendations ton, of Brownell.
to the University subcommittee of NATURAL RESOURCES - 3 Along with this developme
discipline. p.m. Friday, 131 Business Admin- the Senate internal security su
5) Appeal in all cases, by ei- istration Bldg. committee under Chairman Je
ther the University or the student MEDICINE - To be announced. ner (R-Ind.) moved to broad
to the subcommittee is allowed. DENTISTRY - 10 a.m. today, its inquiry into Brownell's charg
U p p e r Amphitheater, Dental of Communist-coddling during t
U' Problem s SchooATION3 p.m. Thursday, Truman Administration.
Rm. 130, Business Administration
T BeAiredBldg. Tea
LAW-3:45 p.m. and 7 p.m. to- Concert
morrow, Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall. CHICAGO - () - A wom-
More than 60 members of the BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION an testified yesterday her hus-
student body, faculty and admin- -3 p.m. tomorrow, Rms. 130, 131, band kept a whistling tea ket-
istration will discuss four campus 140, Business Administration Bldg. tle on the fire continuously,
problems during the third semi- ENGINEERING-3 p.m. today, called it "his symphony and he
annual "Outing" at 2 p.m. Fri- Rm. 348 W. Eng. Bldg. wanted it to play" and when
day at the Inglis estate. MUSIC-3 p m. Friday, Audi she removed- the kettle he
Topics to be discussed by the torium D, Angell Hall. struck her.
representatives will be: .PHARMACY-3 p.m. today and Mrs. Joan Brown was grant-
1) The North Campus and its 3 p.m. Thursday, 14903 Chemistry ed adivorce from Clem Brown,
effects on the University.g B1.ldg on grounds of cruelty by Circuit
2) The Michigan Housing Plan NURSING-3 p.m. today, Rm Court Judge Julius Miner.
r and a comparison with other uni- 77, Couzens Hall. __ur__JudgeJuiusMiner-_
versity housing set-ups.
3) The role of foreign students NEED RURAL STUDENTS:
4) The University calendar. Un-
der consideration will be the finalo
exam study committee's recoin-Ot
Sference present to faculty members
the possibility of beginning the
first semester at the end of August
r during a three-year trial period. By GAYLE GREENE
The four topics were chosen by "Small communities can help solve their doctor shortage b

a steering committee composed of sending ore schoos.'
This is what Dr. Wayne Whitaker, assistant dean of the medica
B d e Tschool told teachers and high school officials on a recent tour
c iddule To Speak northern Michigan.
Surveys show that students usually set up practise in town
On Liberalism similar in size to their home towns. For students brought up in larg
cities, a small community lacks night clubs, concerts and, even bi
Former Attorney General Fran- city noise, according to Dr. Whitaker.
cis Biddle will speak on "The So- - * *
Called Liberal". at 3 p.m. Friday i
in Rackham Amphitheater in the A TOUR OF the Upper Peninsula convinced him there are man
int Rackham Unmpitheter in thle- misconceptions about medical schools in regard to applicants fro
fist of h University series of lec -
tures in journalism based on the rural areas.
theme of,"The Press and Civil Lib- One of the rumors he seeks to check is that only one in 10
erties in Crises." or 20 applicants to medical school are accepted and that students
Biddle, great-great-grandson of from large cities are preferred.
the first U.S. attorney general, "It hasn't been a matter of favoritism" that accounts for th
served in the same post from 1941 greater proportion of students from large cities, he pointed ou
to 1945 during the Roosevelt Ad- "There are relatively few applicants from small communities."
ministration. An informal, coffee "Pressure on the medical school admissions committee is sligh
hour in Rm. 1443, Mason Hall, It is strongly resisted by the committee, for this school is looking fo
will follow Biddle's speech, those who give the best promise of becoming the most useful phy
sicians," he said.

At Concave arl
Trophy Awarded
is For 52-53 Year-






"We're surprised and very
pleased," Interfraternity Council
President C. A. Mitts, '54, said yes-
terday as he admired a three-and-
a-half foot high wrought iron
He was looking at the trophy
awarded to the University's Inter-
fraternity Council Friday for hav-
ing "the most outstanding pro-
gram of IFC activity in the Unit-
ed States and Canada during
ANNOUNCEMENT of the honor
came at the 45th annual National
Interfraternity Conference held
last weekend in Cincinnati.
Presenting the award, awards
chairman J. Edward Murphy of
Philadelphia lauded the Univer-
sity's IFC for "an all around
job of service, help and deter-
mination to have fraternities
play the role for which they
were intended-and then add
something to that - Michigan
gets top honors."
IFC officers said last year's IFC
president, Pete Thorpe, '57M, and
the rest of last year's IFC staff de-
served "most of the credit."
Representing the University at
the conference were Acting Dean
of Students Walter B. Rea and
William S. Zerrman, assistant to
the dean of students.
Local IFC delegates at the con-
clave were Mitts, IFC executive
vice-president John Baity, '56, and
administrative vice-president Sam
Siporin, '54.a
A WEIGHTY 25 pound report
on the IFC's activities during
1952-53 was the basis for the
judges' decision.
Four areas of IFC operation
were considered in making the
awards. They are service to 1)
local community, 2) member fra-
ternities, 3) the university and
general student body and 4)
"fraternity ideals."
The undergraduate interfrater-
nity councils at the conference
represented 125,000 college men
in more than 3400 fraternity chap-
Sigler Killed
In Air Crash
Governor Kim Sigler and three
companions were killed late yester-
day in a light plane crash near
Augusta, about eight miles north
of here.
A coroner identified Sigler as
one of the victims.
SIGLER'S private plane, which
he was piloting himself, rammed
into either the top of a 540-foot
television tower or a guy wire sup-
porting it. The plane sailed out of
control for three-quarters of a
mile, crashed into a woods and
burned. One wing was ripped off
the plane by the impact.
The other victims were be-
lieved to be his secretary, Mrs.
Ruth Prentiss; her sister, Mrs.
Virginia Schuyler; and Mrs.
Schuyler's husband, Harold.
Sigler, silver-haired 59-year-
ld one-time fiery prosecutor who
rocketed to the top of state poli-
tics and the governor's chair in
1946, had been on a business trip
to New Orleans. He had called his
law office in nearby .Lansing only
an hour before the crash to say he
was on his last leg of the flight
home in his four-passenger plane.
The television tower toppled ov-
er a few minutes after the crash
and smashed through the roof of
the transmitter building. The tow-

er, that of Battle Creek UHF sta-
tion WBCK-TV, is near Augusta.
Sigler, a Republican, was gov-
ernor for one two-year term in 19-
47-48. Then he was defeated by
the present Democratic governor,
G. Mennen Williams, who has held
the office since then.
Center To Honor

Lights Out!
VIENNA, Austria - (A) --
Bulgarian newspapers reaching
Vienna yesterday disclosed
that darkness has fallen on the
people of that Soviet satellite.
There is such a shortage of
electricity that throughout the
country only one bulb may be
used for Illumination in each
Hyma Lauds"
Court Ruling
'On Medium
Calling it a "step in the right
direction," Prof. Albert Hyma of
the history department yesterday
I praised the State. Supreme Court
ruling permitting him to sue a
Detroit spiritualist over bad finan-
cial advice.,
He said the court decision was
"unprecedented" because never
before had a high court upheld a
decision against spiritualists and
their financial "manipulations."
A YEAR AGO, Prof. Iyma
charged Lillian Lee, widowed pas-
tor of the Church of Christ Inter-
denominational, with bilking him
of $16,400. He contended she had
"held herself out as a spiritualist
with mystical powers of commun-
icating with the dead."
According to the history pro-
fessor, the medium had con-
ducted seances in which the{
advice of various "spirits" caus-I
ed him to turn down a $2,700
offer for stock in a company
that later went bankrupt, spend
$4,200 for a fruitless oil venture,
and mortgage his Ann Arbor
home for $8,500 to ransom a
political prisoner in a Mexican
jail, who would then turn over
to him a considerable fortune.
Circuit Judge Adolph F. Marsch-
ner at that time dismissed the
suit on the grounds there was no
cause for action, since there was
no proof the medium had profitted
In its reversal, the Supreme
Court said there is cause for

Eden Hopes
For Russia
I.T.S. To Adopt
Tough Attitude
of State Dulles hinted strongly
yesterday the United States will
accept Russia's bid for an early
meeting of the Big Four foreign
ministers in Berlin.
"We approach a possible meet-
ing with the representatives of the
Soviet Union," he told a congres-
sional committee.
DULLES SPOKE about the same
time that Foreign Minister An-
thony Eden was telling the British
House of Commons he has "every
reason to believe" the United
States shares his hope an early
conference can be arranged.
The State Department declin-
' ed to say whether Dulles has as-
sured Eden of this attitude in
secret cables which have been
flowing between London, Paris
and Washington.
State Department press officer
Lincoln White noted tha't numer-
ous diplomatic exchanges have
been made since Russia sprang its
surprise invitation on the West
last Friday.
IN GERMANY, British and
French officials said informally
that all signs pointed to a Big Four
session being held in West Ber-
lin late in January.
Dulles' comment wound up
testimony before a special.House
committee investigating Rus-
sia's seizure of the three Baltic
states of Latvia, Lithuania and
He gave advance notice that the
United States will adopt a tough
attitude in dealing with Russia's
Foreign Minister Molotov in the
event a satisfactory basis for a
conference can be found.
His broad hint, however, that
the United States might agree to
Russia's invitation contrasted
rather sharply with official State
Department comment on Moscow's
bid last Friday.
At that time, the department
labeled Russia's note "disappoint-
ing" and said it represented ano-
ther Soviet move to block French
approval of the proposed unified
European army.

-Daily-Don Campbell


World News Roundup


By The Associated Press
PARIS-What the French press
called "lively emotion' prevailed in
Paris and Saigon, Indochina, yes-
terday in the wake of Moscow-
trained Vietminh leader Ho Chi
Minh's reported declaration of
willingness to negotiate an armis-
tice in the Indochina War, but no
positive official response was forth-
coming from either capital.
LANSING - Gov. Williams
yesterday appointed Probate
Judge Wallace Waalkes Jr. of
Bent County to hear charges of
misconduct in office against
Mayor Orville Hubbard of
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court yesterday refused to review
a lower court ruling that the Fed-
eral Power Commission. must fix
Faculty To Give
Baroque Concert

rates for interstate sales
tural gas by companies
produce and gather it.

of na-

* * ,*
WASHINGTON - Three states
-Kansas, South Carolina and Vir-
ginia-yesteirday told the Supreme
Court it has no grounds on which
to declare racial segregation in
the nation's school unconstitution-
CHICAGO - Secretary of Ag-
riculture Benson declared yes-
terday that rigid price supports
and companion production con-
trols for farm products could
bring unemployment a m o n g
non-farmers and "terrific re-
percussions in our entire econ-


* * * It ruled that "liability is not
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. precluded by the fact she did not°
benefit by the transaction," al-
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. charged g
yesterday that 38,000 UN soldiers tog the court did approve dis-
atda Kora cilan w vic- missal of her church as defendant.
and Korean civilians were vic-
amd of a conscious poicv of

"wholesale brutality" laid down by
world communism


Baroque works by a music se ool
* * *
faculty trio wili be presented at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham LONDON -Durable Winston
Leclu-e Hall. Churchill chalked up his '79th
Featuring music for harpsichord. birthday yesterday, but for
flute and oboe, a traditional 18th Britain's "Grand Old Man" it
century ensemble, the musicians w as mostly just another work-
concert will be the first complete ing day in his quest for lasting
nrecital with harpsichord on the world peace.
University campus. Faculty men-
bers performing will be Marilyn PANMUNJOM - The United!
Mason, harpsichord; Lare Ward- Nations Command said yesterday
rop, oboe; and Nelson Hauenttein, it wants to start explanations to-
flute day to 328 South Korean prison-
Thc concert is open to Lhe pub- ers' of war listed by the. Reds as
lic free of charge, refusing repatriation.


an+er Producing Element
Found in Cigarette Smoke
"There is something in cigarette smoke which can produce can-
cer," explained Dr. E. A. .Graham of St. Louis and Dr. E. Wynder,
after completing experiments with mice, using the tars from tobacco
University doctors declined comment on the discovery.
ACCORDING TO statistics given ini this week's Time magazine,
there has been a rise in the number of cases of lung cancer since
1930, most of the cases being men over forty.' In 1949, it was shown
-- ----that out of two h.undred cases of
lung cancer, ninty five per cent
were men who had long been hea-
'vy smokers.


Only University KeepsCar Restrictions
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first,
a series of articles dealing with the are any students over 26 years old ty's deputy sheriffs to enforce the
ving ban and current efforts to- or anyone holding the rank of ban.

I oal

.rd its modification or elimina-

Action lifting the University of
Illinois ban on a one year trial
basis this year leaves Michigan
last of the Big Ten schools to
maintain complete restrictions on
student driving.
The present ban, termed unen-
forceable by a number of Univer-
sity officials, states, "No student
while in attendance at-the Uni-
versity shall operate any motor

teaching fellow or higher. This
group needs only to register their PRESENT PROCEDURE is for
car with the Office of Student Af- 'officers to check suspect cars and'
fairs. ascertain whether the individual
* * * is a student and then if he has a
A SECOND and by far larger permit.
group of students may drive for According to Strieff if the of-
"specific, limited use upon making ficer feels the student is misus-
application and paying a dollar ing the permit he will write a
fee." report and ask the student tot
This category presently in- check with the Office of Stu-
cludes married students under dent Affairs when the case is
26 years old; students living in reviewed to determine a viola-
the Ann Arbor area for use in tion.
connection with certain family When a violation has 'been de-
resnnnsibiti*e-s:commntors . termined a. five to 15 dollar fine

In their experiments, Dr. Gra-
ham and Dr. Wynder painted
the backs .of mice with tobacco
tars which produced cancers si-
milar but not identical to hu-
man lung cancer.
Dr. Alton Ochsner, New Orleans
surgeon, predicted by 1970 one out
of every two or three men with
cancer will have cancer of the
lung, or one out of every ten or
twelve men living.


It is known that there may
be a factor in tobacco causing
cancer but the actual substance
cannot be discovered without
further research and organiza-
tion, although about fifteern sub-
stances, including nicotine, have
been tested and seem unlikely to

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