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November 25, 1953 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-25

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. 1




Member-at-Large Petitioning
Started by Education Council w-
The education school council
has announced that petitioning view at the time they turn in pe-
for council members at large is t n t e il

Students Set Senior Personality Testing,
For Hohday Dates Announced by Survey
Testing hours for University 1


now open.
Petitions are due Dec. 1 and 21
in a box in the second floor lounge
in the University Elementary
School.. Those petitioning for po-
sitions may sign up for an inter-
R etains .AF
(Continued from Page 1)
sponsibility to protect the rights
and privileges of each man and
woman" in the Air Force.
"The preservation of the Ameri-
can ways of life," he continued,
"requires that we must be alert to
safeguard our individual liberties."
* *.*
unique since during the entire
course of the proceedings the Air
Force maintained it was not ques-
tioning the lieutenant's personal
This fact brought national
response and interest to focus
on Radulovich and his family.
He was beseiged by reporters,
radio and television commenta-
tors and the Senate Armed Ser-
vices Committee revealed it was
looking into the records of the
case last Friday.
A three-man tribunal composed
of 10th Air Force colonels were
appointed to hear the case behind
closed door's at Selfridge Field and
on Oct. 13 officially recommended
that Radulovich be discharged
from the reserve.
RADULOVICH'S lawyers im-
mediately began making plans to
take the issue into the Federal
courts fully expecting, they said,
the Secretary of the Air Force to
concur with, the lower tribunal.
In the earlier part of the
month Lockwood said he was
attempting to form a "Radulo-
vich Defense Committee" in the
event the decision was upheld
by Talbott.
But yesterday, Lockwood was in
Florida when he news broke of
Talbott's decision and could not
be reached for comment.
is the time to go to Follett's
Bookstore for the most wonder-
ful selection of personal Christ-
mas cards in town. Fifty lines
to choose from. Get the best-
Get them at-
State St. at N. University

Dec. 3.
PETITIONS should include per-
sonal qualifications 'of the peti-
tioner and matters he desires the
council to handle in the future.
Some functions of the council
are furthering of student-faculty
relations, sponsoring the stu-
dent-faculty coffee lounge where
a coffee machine provides many
mid-morning and afternoon
coffee breaks for faculty and
students and discussing ideas
which are taken by the council
officers to Senior Board.
Members of the council are John
Black, '54Ed, president; Barbara
Steinko, '54Ed, vice-president;
Jackie Ross, '54Ed, secretary; Peg
Carter, '54Ed, treasurer; and other
students who are representatives
of the junior and senior classes
and of those students in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and
Arts who are receiving teaching
certificates. .
Council advisors are Dean Wil-
lard C. Olson of the education
school and Prof. Thomas Diamond
of the education school.
Student Exhibit
Opens Monday
An exhibition of University stu-
dent work, "Art from Architec-
ture," will be on display in the
first floor exhibition corridor of
the College of Architecture and
Design beginning Monday through
December 18.
The exhibit material consists of
classwork in Drawing 33 (begin-
ning composition) and Drawing
44 (advanced composition).
Both courses are part of the
visual arts curriculum and have
utilized architectural shapes and
an architectural problem as
their raw material.
The beginning composition class
used the shapes of architecture
in the development of a fantasy,
"The Magic Garden." Water-an
uncommon architectural mater-
ial-is used by .the advanced class.
7 Professors Set
To Attend Meeting
Seven faculty members of the
School of Music will attend meet-
ings of the National Association
of Schools of Music in Chicago to'
day through Friday.
Attending are Dean Earl V.
Moore; James B. Wallace, assist-
ant professor of music; Gordon A.
Sutherland and John H. Lowell,
professors of music; Glenn Mc-
Geoch, professor of music litera-
ture, history and criticism; David
Mattern, professor of music edu-
cation; and Marguerite V. Hood,
associate professor of music edu-

l .1 USG RN ! / ( / U UV U seniors in 13 schools and colleges
as a part of a survey by the Com-!
(Continued from Page :) mission on Human Resources and
Advanced Training have been an-
trotted out of the quadrangles yes- nounced by Assistant Dean James
terday. H. Robertson of the literary col-
The mass exodus is expected lege.
today when most of the 15,000 Between 22 and 23 hundred sen-$
students will make tracks for iors will be given the personalityI
home, ski parties, or trips around tests which take two hours each.
the United States. The results, which will be com-
Ostafin explained the 700 Quad- pleted and reported sometime next
men remaining tomorrow will play year, will be valuable in a study,
host to staff members and 100 co- of characteristics of students who
eds from women's dormitories at enter specialized or professional
an old-fashioned Thanksgiving fields, according to Dael Wolfle,
dinner replete with all the gar- director of the Commission.
nishings that go with the tradi- * * *
tional turkeys and cranberry PREVIOUS study made by the
sauce. Commission showed that students
After the meal Quadders will majoring in non-professional fields
entertain their women guests with in college usually did not make
music and dancing before the blaz- that field their vocation, while
ing fireplaces lit for the occasion. those majoring in professional
* * * fields as undergraduates were
FOREIGN students not travel- more likely to find careers in that
ing around the United States this field upon graduation.
vacation will spend an American The testing schedule is as fol-
Thanksgiving day in Ann Ar- lows:
bor with townspeople contacted LITERARY COLLEGE -- Wed.,
through the International Center. Dec. 2, 7:15 p.m., and Thurs., Dec.
An apartment-dwelling coed 3, 3:10 p.m., Auditoriums B, C,
remaining in Ann Arbor over and D, Angell Hall.
the holiday explained, "I'm ARHTCUEadDSG
a a'= bec'u 'er':e ARCHITECTUE5and DESIGN
staying here because there's no -Wed., Dec. 2, 7:15 p.m., Archi-
place like Ann Arbor when ev- tetr uioim
m a":g--^:a";2 "st;tecture Auditorium.
erybody's gone, and the white
buck crowd is out of town." SOCIAL WORK-Mon., Nov. 30,
Plans for the holiday festivities 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.. and
show interests varying from a ski- Tues., Dec. 1, 3 p.m., Conference
ing party in Traverse City to time Room, 820 E. Washington St.
spent "catching up on the old N
Term papers and mid-terms Dec. 4, 3 p.m., 131 Bus. Ad. Bldg.
may appear pressing at the mo- MEDICINE-To be announced.
ment, according to a vacationer

J.LiIJ''L .LRJ-'.L urs., ject',., 60

p.m., Rm.'130, Bus. Ad. Bldg.
LAW-Wed.. Dec. 2, 3:45 p.m.
and 7 p.m., Rm. 100 Hutchins Hall.
-Wed., Dec. 2, 3 p.m., Rms. 130,
131, 140. Bus Ad. Bldg.
ENGINEERING-Mon.. Nov. 30.
3 p.m. and Tues., Dec. 1, 3 p.m.,
Rm. 348 W. Eng.
MUSIC-Fri., Dec. 4, 3 p.m.,
Auditorium D, Angell Hall.

Breakfast Set.
At Lane Hall
Despite the mass exodus from
Ann Arbor during Thanksgiving
vacation a score or more students
will gather around a breakfast
table tomorrow sharing the first
meal of the holidays.
The breakfast, which has been a
tradition at Lane Hall for many
years, is open to any student who
finds that he must remain in town
over the holidays, according to
Miss Doris Harpole, program as-
sistant at Lane Hall.

PHARMACY-Tues., Dec. 1. 3 "Although with the discontin-
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 3, 3 p.m., 1403 uance last year of Friday classes,
Chemistry Bldg. it was felt that there would not
be enough students in town who
NURSING-Tues. Dec. 1, 3 p.m., cared about the idea of a
Rm. 77, Couzens Hall. IThanksgiving breakfast, there
Officials from each school was a surprisingly large turn-
urge that all seniors try to take out, and so we have decided that
the tests during one of the test- it will remain an annual affair,"
ing. periods, for, as Dean Robert- said Miss Harpole.
son pointed out, "the validity of Guest speaker at the breakfast
the tests depends on as near will be the Rev. William' S. Baker
perfect attendance as possible." of the Presbyterian Church and
Letters of reminder are being Westminster Fellowship.
sent to all literary college and Reservations for the 9 'a.m.
music school seniors so that as breakfast may be made through
near 100% of the students as pos- noon today by calling Lane Hall,
sible will be represented in the NO 3-1511, Ext. 2851. There is a
survey. charge of 50c.

-Daily-Don Campbell
"UP 'N ATOM"--President Hatcher joins cast members in a
chorus of the title tune of this year's Union Opera. Left to right
are Milt Converse, '56, President Hatcher, Pete Kramer, '56, and
Don Kirkpatrick, '55E.
Hatcher Catches Sneak
Preview of 'Up 'N Atom'


President Harlan H. Hatcher,
yesterday sat in on a sneak pre-
view of this year's Union Opera,
"Up 'N Atom," when he attended
part of a rehearsal.
Speaking to the rehearsing cast,
President Hatcher called the opera'
a "contribution to Michigan's tra-
ditien." He noted songs from pre-
vious operas have become songs
of the University.
** *
General Visits
ROTC Units

to the show and wishing the opera
luck, President Hatcher joined
"several of the singers in "Up 'N
Atom," the show's title tune.
President Hatcher will see the
opera in full on opening night,
Dec. 9. There will be many
other dignitaries present includ-
ing Gov. G. Mennen Williams
and former University President
Alexander G. Ruthven.
Missing from the group, how-
ever will be New York's governor,
Thomas E. Dewey who appeared
in the 1923 Opera, "Top O' The
Mornin!" Also missing will be
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
who will be impersonated in the
opera finale by Gordon Ending

613 E. Liberty Hours: 11 A.M.-9 P.M.
-ygy y n m g-o og:o=y m <:0 o


After an inspection tour of5
Michigan's Army ROTC unit yes- '
terday, Brig. Gen. William E. Car- Dealing with home brew, bur-
raway summarized his campus eaucracy, atomic energy and Ten-
visit by declaring he was "very nessee hillbillies, the Opera will!
impressed by the unit" and it "is continue its local run on Dec. 10
doing a wonderful job." and 11. Working from a script by
The University was the fifth Howard Nemerovski, '54E, the mu-
school visited by Gen. Carraway sic committee has finished many
on his two-week journey through of the songs, and is teaching then
Michigan to inspect seven ROTC to the singing chorus and prin-
units as the representative of Lt. cipal cast.
Gen. Kean,,Fifth Army Comman-;
der, THE OPERA will "hit the road"
* * * after its local performances, head-
IN COMMENTING on the Uni- ing first for Lansing for a Dec. 121
versity's and other Army ROTC showing. The other shows will beI
units, Gen. Carraway, Asst. Divi- given nightly between Dec. 2,6 and
sion Commander of the 31st 31 in Toledo, Buffalo, Cleveland,

s i
. i
. j

contacted, but "chances are we re- DENTISTRY-T es., Dec. 1, 10
nege when a good party comes up." a.m., Upper Amphite-heater, Dental
' School.
TELEPHONE operators from __-_ ___ ___
women's dormitories expect a
"quiet time over the holiday," with
nearly all their customers on va-
cation. "We're glad to see the coeds
come back Sunday night," one op-
erator said, "a slow hour once in a
while is alright, but if it were thatI
way all the time, we'd get bored."A
Most University services will
close up shop over the long
week-end, but for research-
minded students, the General A leadilng manutfac
Library will be open from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m. today and Friday. applications for en
Divisional libraries will remain
open for regular use Friday. broadest training p
Dispelling rumors of curtailed
airline service in some parts of
the country, local flightacompany of the Warner & Sw
officials reported that all sched-
uled flights will be in operation to-p s t-
day and tomorrow.
Turkey Trotters, Wolverine-
sponsored special busses to Wil- ViSit Michigan On E
low Run Airport, will leave at 11
a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:15 p.m.,3:45Ifyuwsan pp
p.m. and 5:15 p.m. today from the ou ws an app
front of the Union. Wane
Busses from the airport to Ann fit in with Warner
Arbor for returning celebrators
will run hourly from 7:30 Sun- Warner & Swasey C
day to 12:30 a.m. Monday.
Priced at $1 one way and $1.50 land ,Ohio.
round trip, tickets may be pur-
chased at the time of departure at
the Union and the airport,
IFC Executives__
To Attend Confab
'Local Interfraternity Council
leaders, C. A. Mitts, president John
Baity, vice-president, and Sam
Saporin, vice-president will attend
the National Interfraternity Con-
ference to be held this weekend
in Cincinnati, Ohio.e
Accompanying the students wil. .
be William Zerman, Fraternity s"I 9
Counselor and Acting Dean of
Students Walter E. Rea.
Highlight of the event which
will be attended by 500 persons
from 62 fraternities in the United
States and Canada, will be the
presentation of a trophy to the
best IFC in the nation.


cturer of precision machinery will accept
rollment in one of the most thorough and
rograms in the country. A representative
asey Company, builders of machine tools,
chinery, and earthmoving equipment will
Dec. 1, 1953 to interview interested men.
ointment to discuss how your future will
& Swasey write to: Training Supervisor,
Company, 5701 Carnegie Avenue, Cleve-





"Dixie" Infantry Division at Camp
Atterbury, Ind., stressed the im-
portance which the Army places
on the well-balanced development
of its men.
Noting that modern educa-
tion is moreand more empha-
sixing the humanities, he recall-
ed the army has always "stress-
ed the development of the well-
rounded individual" which in-
cludes the development of
"character, personality, conduct,
appearance, enthusiasm, and
leadership" as well as military
Gen. Carraway also put particu-
lar stress on the value of the
ROTC program to the armed ser-
vices, claiming "we couldn't fight
our wars without ROTC utilities."
Over 100,004 graduates of the pro-
gram saw active duty as officers
in World War II.
A native of Newburn, N.C., Gen.
Carraway wears on his left shoul-
der a miniature Confederate flag,
the insignia of the 31st Division
which has been nicknamed the
"Dixie" Division. He graduated
from the U. S. Military Academy
in 1923, and is also.an alumnus of
both the National War College
and the Command and General
Staff School.

Flint and Detroit.

After a day off, the cast will
ring down the curtain on Jan. 2
in Chicago, finishing the longest
road tour since the '20's.
Mail orders for tickets are now
being accepted by the Union. Good
seats, priced at $2.25, $1.75 and
$1.25rare available for the Dec. 9
performance and a few tickets, at
$2.25 and $1.25 are still available
for the Dec. 10 show. All tickets'
have been sold for the Dec. 11 per-




To Sponsor

Art Competition I
Aspiring student artists'have a
jackpot of $120 to aim for in first!
and second prizes in four media
during the Union's first annual
student art contest which will be
held from Dec. 6 o 15.
With $20 first prizes and $10



sebond prizes, winners in the oil! -
painting, water color, drawing and
print divisions will be judged by
Prof. Arnold Bader of the English RUA
department, Prof. Marvin Eisen-
berg of the fine arts department
and Prof. Jean P. Slusser, director
of the art museum.

Ui know your beer
Budweiser is beer at its best for a very
good reason ... it is brewed and aged by
the costliest process known to give Budweiser
the distinctive taste that has
pleased more people, by far,
than any other beer in history.




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A 6

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