Pi-C.E FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1953 A Senior ! Editorial IN WINNING what seemed a hopeless cause, Milo Radulovich gained a significant victory not only for himself but also for anyone who might have been the victim of similar unjust action had his case gone un- challenged by the press and the public. When first announced, the charges against Radulovich seemed an impossible extension of security regulations, but the Air Force blandly answered condemna- tions of its procedure with a report of ad- ditional information in secret files which supposedly proved the accusation against the young reservist. Still the Air Force contention that the files could not be made public was inex- cusable and raises serious questions on the administration of the case now that Radul- ovich has been cleared as a security risk. The question of what the file contained re- mains unanswered, but investigation should be demanded as to how the files could be so damning at one point and of no conse- quence now. Talbott's announcement casts a new light on Defense Secretary Wilson's statement of a month ago which maintained that in doubtful cases the decision must be in favor of the nation rather than the' individual. Under Air Force criteria "close and contin- uing association" with alleged subversives (in this case Radulovich's father and sister) could cause such doubt. In deciding against Radulovich the Selfridge review board must have used a different interpretation of this criterion that Talbott did. In reversing the original ruling, Talbott tacitly admitted that the Selfridge decision showed either this inconsistency of interpretation, a lack' of thorough study of the case or prejudice of one or more of the three-man board. A re- view and clear definition of security criteria and Wilson's pronouncement remains neces- sary to insure protection to other reservists and government employees who might have similar accusations levied against them. Although the case leaves serious ques- tions unanswered, we strongly commend Talbott's decision. It confirms the im- portant right of an individual to protest arbitrary government action and have a fair hearing. Equally important, it demon- strates that the government will reverse unfair decisions and will not sacrifice an individual to avoid admitting a breach of justice. We congratulate Radulovich, his lawyer and the many people who became inter- ested in the case for affirming this right to protest and for not surrendering to the un- just charges. -The Senior Editors: Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter, Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Diane Decker and Helene Simon MUS1IC At Hill Auditorium ..* dePaur's Infantry Chorus, Leonard de- Paur, conductor. AFTER a somewhat uneven beginning, this program improved steadily and became quite exciting during the second half. The chorus then sang with great spontaneity and rhythmic drive, the voices blended superbly (earlier, one or two individual voices had tended to predominate somewhat too much), and the dynamic range was something won- derful to hear. It may be that the men feel more at ease singing spirituals, calypso songs, and songs like Frank Loesser's "Roger Young" than they do in works such as the motet by Bach which appeared before the intermission. If this really the case, they might do well to sing proportionally more of the lighter compositions which they do so well. After all, the most intelligent perform- er is the one who recognizes hisown lim- itations. The program began with Four Melodies of the Middle Ages, arranged by Ivan Langstroth, and continued with a rather unfortunate arrangement of Brahms' Lul- laby. This is one of those works, which, to sound fresh, should be performed exact- ly as they were composed. A new work, Triumvirate by Ulysses Kay, two move- mentsof which were performed, left me with somewhat mixed feelings, and I pre- fer to withhold comment on it. Katalsky's "God is with Us," with its montonous chant, was one of the most effective things on the program. After the intermission, the chorus had the complete attention of the audience in its performance of the various folk songs. The calypso song, Good Evening, Mrs. Flan- agan, was a light-hearted and amusing tour de force, and the arrangement by Mr. dePaur of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot was tasteful and really quite moving in its simplicity. The other numbers were just as effective. Credit must be given to the soloists, who sang con- . - - ._ . 1 Why Students Think-. Answer to a Satirist ' 0L1 'F r .;ti t :r . ' ' ac l1$$ l I}f_ fettep.4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on mhatters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. WHILE browsing through big city newspa- pers, one often comes across an intrigu- ing tidbit such as that written by distin- guished satirist Robert C. Ruark and appear- ing in, yesterday's Detroit Free Press. Mr. Ruark's comments, developed un- der the headline "Who Said Students. Think!'" are especially provoking to those students who imagine themselves with some intelligence In fact, this addition to Mr. Ruark's syndicated items is so in- spirational that it merits repetition (in part, at least) purely through its absurdity. He begins by claiming, "I was thinking" (and after recalling the Rome and Trieste riots, he continues), "that higher education has provided an excuse for more extraneous nonsense than any other form of social sta- tus. "Some sort of madness afflicts the ad- vanced student, leading him to violent dem- onstrations on matters about which he knows little, if anything. "I suppose it is all part of growing up, but it seems to me that studenthood should be put on a kind of probationary basis, in which noisy thought outside of the three R's should be mandatorily forbidden until graduation. "Students should be allowed to congregate only at pep meetings and athletic events,. for their own protection. "As part of the college discipline, students should be made to write, 100 times daily, in all languages including Sanskrit: 'I will not confuse myself with adults, and will try hard not to think on the same plane with my elders. This especially includes politics.'" Mr. Ruark goes on to relate his own college experience which was limited, so he solemn- ly declares, to the pursuit of happiness, coeds and corn whisky, and reading only the sports page. According to Mr. Ruark, most of those who lived thusly grew up to suc- ceed while "the long-skulls, who wrote es- says for the campus paper, mostly wound up as minor clerks and press agents." With due regard for his satiric reputa- tion and engaging style, one can still safe- ly assume that Mr. Ruark is going a little too far. Not being satisfied with Congres- sional committees telling us that we don't know what to think, Mr. Ruark has offered the humble observation that we don't know how to think. Could he be generalizing on his own experience? Mr. Ruark may have forgotten that THE purpose of a university or college is to teach humanity how to think. If and when this is no longer the purpose of higher educa- tion, then we might as well lock the doors of Angell Hall and take to writing syndicated columns. Besides noting this inevitable result of Mr. Ruark's viewpoint becoming widespread, the only effective answer to his remarks is a reiteration of the classic retort made by the immortal contract bridge strategist who said, after his partner had bid seven no- trump, "I'll pass." -Jim Dygert )I r1 r"V uWA( ' P54-. - A Defense - 1Tn the Editor: I w i 3 I i SL and Service Projects STUDENT LEGISLATURE has once again chosen to go in the direction of perform- ing mere service projects that are in no way valuable to the student body as a whole and once again has turned away from its more meaningful tasks. Wednesday night SL appointed a student representative to the board which governs activities of dysphasia victims. Naturally such a board, under control of the Univer- sity speech clinic, serves a very worthy pur- pose. But it is not a purpose that is within the proper realm of student government activ- ity. SL's Human Relations committee started working on service projects-dinners, par- ties and such-in behalf of dysphasia victims last year. Appointment of a student repre- sentative to the governing board is appar- ently the culmination, but not the end, of the original project. Yet no SL member can give a valid reason why SL should take up its time with these services when its fundamental tasks are left undone. A student government is supposed to spend its time representing student opinion to the University and working to have this opinion acted upon; it is supposed to act as the students' leader and to educate the generally uninformed students toward a realization of its potential on campus. Yet SL has recently almost completely ignored these primary functions and has spent its potentially valuable time on projects far better handled by other organizations. Many students have anxiously awaited re- sults of each SL election hoping to see a trend away from meaningless service proj- ects, but so far these students have been disappointed. Each new Legislature con- tinues to deal itself the very card that will eventually make student government a total- ly meaningless term. Hopefully, however, some students are still awaiting the policy expected to be drawn up in the near future by the newly-elected SL cabinet. Clearly, if the new cabinet wants SL to continue as a major campus organization with a real reason for existence, it must re- verse the present trend and point out to members that the vast but neglected area of policy-making is a student government's proper function. -Dorothy Myers WASHINGTON -- It was Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey him- self who leaked the story to newsmen that the Eisenhower Admin- istration would slash the budget by another $6,000,000,000 next year -most of it out of the armed services. The identity of the news leak in this case is important. For it took only a few minutes for Humphrey's identity to become known a couple of miles down Constitution Avenue and across the Poto- mac River at the Pentagon, where it caused that labyrinth of offices-the largest in the world-to seethe with activity. A few hours later, the activity had its effect. Secretary of the" Treasury Humphrey hedged just a little on his leak. He did not hedge on the $6,000,000,000 cut. But he did tell newsmen two things: 1. that the military would not be cut at the expense of national safety; but 2. since the military spend about 75 per cent of the budget, they will have to bear that proportionate share of the cut.I Actually, the above jockeying between the Treasury and the Pen- tagon merely brings to the surface a debate that has been going on backstage for weeks. It also puts in direct opposition to each other two of the ablest and biggest businessmen in the Eisenhower cabinet. Humphrey, who demands the military cut, was a president and director of 30 different corporations comprising the Mark Hanna Co., founded by the famed GOP boss who elected President McKinley. He is the cabinet member Ike listens to most. Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, who opposes him, was head of the world's largest corporation, General Motors. He too is close to the President, but not as close as Humphrey. --BACKSTAGE BATTLE- THE BACKSTAGE battle between these two nen 'and their subor- dinates actually got down to brass knuckles at a meeting of the National Security Council about six weeks ago, at which the military men brought in their "new look" for the armed services. This "new look," supposed to permit sizable budget cuts, in reality did no such thing, and Secretary Humphrey quite rightly scoffed at it. "All you've done is put some chromium plate on your bumper," he chided. "You've got the, same old model shined up a little bit, but how are we going to fight atomic wars with the same old car plus as chromium bumper?" What teed off Humphrey was the fact that the military chiefs had merely split military spending three ways with no regard to mili- tary need or strategy. The Navy took its usual share, regardless of the fact that all its ships can just about be put out of commission by a single A-bomb. The Army took its usual share, regardless of the du- bious value of foot-soldiers. And the Air Force took its usual share-- despite the fact that air is becoming more and more important to atomic warfare. As a sop, the Air Force was given seven more wings to keep it happy. --IKE SUPPORTS HUMPHREY- io Le rar THE LETTER of Prof. W. R. Dix- on has settled the dispute over the alleged proposal by the School of Education and the State Advis- ory Committee to increase the re- quired number of education cred- it hours for Certificate candidates. It is clear, however, that the issue between "classical" and "progres- sive viewpoints is far from re- solved; nor will it be in the brief life given it in this column. Nevertheless, it is necessary to take sides. I may say, therefore, that I uphold the "classical" stan- dard and the tradition which it is considered to represent. Although Miss Myers was in some important factual error, as Prof. Dixon pointed out, her thesis, in my opin- ion, is correct. Miss Green, attacking the edi- torial of 10 November, has madea number of disgraceful comments. Green says: "The need for educa- tion is not a need for knowledge in Mathematics, Sciences, Litera- ture, and the Arts as such, but rather a need for the development of a 'whole' individual." That is the most vividly anticultural re- mark it has been my horror to read in a very long time. What person is "whole" whose life is not in- formed by the studies mentioned above, whether the ideas espoused be classical, medieval, Renais- sance or modern? Even the adher- ents to the heresy of method have seldom ventured such a ridiculous observation on the concerns of education. Nor has John Dewey himself been so utterly mistaken. Green says further: "Modern Education produces students that think for themselves because their teachers give them the opportu- nity to investigate, discover, and be independent." This statement, like the phrase "whole individual, is one whose irritating vagueness is characteristic of much current writing (and thereforethinking) on the subject at hand. But far worse, it imputes to education oth- er than modern a restraint on the opportunities cited. And if mathe- matics, sciences, literature and the arts are not, per se, important, then the opportunities would seen little short of irrelevant For what is there to investigate in order thai the individual may be made "whole" if these areas of study are categorically denied their intrin- sic value or if they are scorned a. a merely academic phase of educa- tion? This should be sufficient to in- dicate a regrettable trend. For it was clear to me, while I was at- tending the University, that mans students were drifting toward a tacit acceptance of Green's posi- tion, while the more aggressive were outspokenly defiant of tradi- tion and the necessity for incul- cating and preserving the ideals of the European culture of which Americans are a transplanted bul integral part. -Allan Hanna Camp Ruckner, Ala. tional government, can the "inno- cence and legitamacy of such ac- tivities once more, in time, become established. It must be recognized that the vindication of the right to inquire and to act can be had only with the public's sanction. For these reasons, a legally in- nocent individual, sincerely seek- ing to protect individual rights may well hesitate before he re- fuses to cooperate. The individual may well have the desire to coop- erate not because the committee is right but because it is mistaken. Herb Mills, Grad. Matthews in Focus . . To the Editor: THE announcement in The Daily some days ago concerning an Academic Freedom Essay Contest and Testimonial Dinner for- J. B. Matthews in New York should, in my estimation,: be brought into proper focus. The Rev. Mr. Matthews, lately an associate with McCarthy, was not always in the business of har- rying Communists, Socialists and assorted liberals. Back in the thir- ties he worked for a pacifict or- ganization called the Fellowship of Reconciliation, resigning after a poll of the membership had em- phatically rejected his proposal that the F.O.R., while maintaining its opposition to international wars, recognize the validity of the "class war." His true traveling clothes were disclosed later when, as an active leader in organizing the "united front against facism and war," he shifted with the party line ("that Fascism is no longer a threat") when Stalin signed the nonag- gression pact with Hitler in Aug. of 1939. Concurrently with this, Matthews was thrown out of the Socialist Party for playing foot- sey with the Communists. During this time and the early war years he was the "Red Dean of Protestants" in the U.S. and, ac- cording to some of his contempo- raries, he became terribly disillu- sioned when his fellow ministers failed to join with him in support- ing the "Eastern Democracies" in their "class struggle" for power. In 1949 a new and cleansed J. B. helped Allen Zoll (National Council for American Education) write the pamphlet, "How Red is the National Council of Churches?" In it he smeared such organizations as the American Civ- il Liberties Union, The Committee on Militarism in Education, and the Fellowship of Reconciliation; Gerald L. K. Smith has distributed thousands of reprints of this pam- phlet under the label of his Chris- tian Nationalist..Crusade. Now Allen Zoll, with the help of J.B., is favoring us with "Red- Ucators at Harvard," which pur- ports to reveal Communist connecd tions among 76 members of the. Harvard faculty and names James B. Conant, Gordon W. Allport, and P. A. Sorokin: Prof. Sbrokin, a sociologist, was jailed by the Bol- sheviks in his native Russia and escaped from Communism with a price on his head. It is my hope that the above facts will deter any U of M stu- dents from thinking that J. B. Matthews is seriously interested in freedoms of any kind. I ask that you beware of writing any serious essays on real academic freedom to the Matthews Testimonial Din- ner Essay Contest lest you be caught in J.B.'s web and your statements be used against you in his forthcoming article, "Commu- nist Infiltration Among Students in American Colleges." -Luther H Buchele ti I MATTR F OF eCt By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - The Eisenhower admin- istration, it begins to seem, has a re- markable propensity for putting its worst foot forward. However one adds up the pluses and minuses in the Harry Dexter White busi- ness, it is generally agreed that Attorney General Brownell weakdned his case by badly overstating it to begin with. In other and graver matters, the Administration case has been badly understated-or not stated at all. The queer thing is that the Administra- tion has a perfectly good foot to put for- ward. Because of the furor over the White business, no one paid much attention to President Eisenhower's recent trip to Canada. Yet the Eisenhower trip was an outcome of a courageous Administration decision. This is the decision to embark on a serious continental defense program. Present plans call for spending some $20,000,000,000 over a four to five year period on defense against nuclear attack, the peak to be reached in 1956. Intimate Canadian collaboration is a prerequisite of this program, and the fact that the President himself went to Canada to discuss this matter suggests the import- ance attached to the program. Present plans do not go the whole way with the recommendations of the now-fa- mous Lincoln Study. For one thing, these plans envisage a slower start. But perfectly sound arguments can be advanced for a relatively slow start. And the $20,000,000,000 program-if it is not skimped in the end- represents an entirely serious attempt to deal with the terrible danger of Soviet atom- ic and hydrogen attack. Why, then, has the Administration's decision to make a serious effort in this field not been announced, with a flourish of trumpets? For there is plenty of evi- dence that this is just what the country wants to see-a really effective Adminis- tration program for dealing with the dan- gers that confront the nation. able" expenditure for continental defense would be about half a billion dollars. Wil- son was actually talking about the extra amount to be allocated to this purpose im- mediately. But he left a widespread impres- sion that the Administration planned to spend no more than this obviously inade- quate sum to protect the country against nuclear attack. Again, why? Part of the answer can be found in the history of the basic policy papers-known as NSC-162-of which the continental de- fense program is an outgrowth. This his- tory starts with "Operation Solarium," as it is known in high official circles. Opera- tion Solarium began with a dispute in the White House sun room about the relative priorities which should be accorded to a "sound" economy (lower taxes and a bal- anced budget) and to national security. This discussion led to a series of task force studies of the problem, which culminated at length in an historic and rather heated meeting of the nation's highest policy-mak- ing body, the National Security Council, last Oct. 6. Over the strong objections of Budget Director Joseph Dodge, chief protagonist of a balanced budget at all cost, the National Security Council approved NSC-162. NSC-162 concludes that the danger to the United States is absolute-it is a threat to actual national survival. Therefore nation- al security must be accorded absolute priori- ty. This courageous decision reflects the col- lective judgment of the highest officials in the Administration. It is unquestionably a decision of which the vast majority of the American people would strongly approve, if the facts on which it is based were clearly explained to them. Instead of explaining these facts, how- ever, most Administration officials seem to be busy shoving them under the rug, mean- whole fuming furiously about "leaks." One reason probably is that many high Ad- ministration officials, while agreeing with NSC-162 in their heads (because they are patriots, and intelligent men) still agfee with Dodge in their hearts. This is natural ECRETARY HUMPHREY can be forceful without pounding the table or losing his temper. He made it clear to the military chiefs "The President's Stand" that the United States couldn't build atomic weapons on one hand and continue conventional weapons on the other. We couldn't afford. both, Humphrey emphasized. Since Humphrey is close to Ike, he did more than lecture the military. He also talked to the President, induced him to order the military to cut. They are now supposed to be cutting, but so far haven't come up with a single, solitary countersuggestion. That was why the Secretary of the Treasury decided to force the Pentagon's hand, made them tear their hair over his leak that the budget must be cut another $6,000,000,000. Since then, not only Secretary of Defense Wilson, but some GOP politicos plus diplomatic and economic advisers are in a lather. Theoretically they agree with Humphrey that the budget must be bal- anced. But here are some of the factors they're considering on the oth- er side: 1. With the domestic economy already looking a bit sour, this is a poor time to cut government orders further. With steel production, automobiles and farm equipment off, and credit restricted, economic advisers would prefer to increase defense orders rather than cut them. 2. With Eisenhower ready to sit down opposite Premier Joseph Laniel at Bermuda next month and demand a big French army, diplomatic advisers don't think this is a good time for the U.S.A. to cut back on its own military budget. 3. Vice-President Nixon has been barnstorming through the Far East urging Japan, the Philippines and French Indo-China to arm, which makes it diplomatically difficult for us to do just the opposite here at home. 4. The Democrats have already made political capital of the heavy defense cuts and are eager to make more. In fact, endanger- ing the national security is a tailor-made issue for them right now. All of which puts the Eisenhower cabinet in about the toughest predicament it's faced so far. The resultant debate is a lot more im- portant than spy headlines, for on its outcome will depend the security of the nation and to some extent the recession or prosperity of the coming year. -GENERAL DEAN CAN'T RELAX-- MAJ. GEN. WILLIAM DEAN, who spent three years in a Korean prison camp, relived some of his wartime experiences in Washing- ton the other day. General Dean was the honor guest at a special preview of the new movie, "Cease Fire." Shot in Korea, the cast is composed of nothing but genuine G.I.s, and is the story of a single "minor" patrol action during the closing days of the Korean War. C r- e+. 4- - . r7o. [rvt_ tosa non" h pn -m To the Editor: i THE AUTHORS of the editorial entitled "The President' s Stand" that appeared in the Daily (Nov. 22) have allowed their com- mendable moral indignation to be- fog their understanding of the real problem in regard to the coming Congressional investigation. They fail to recognize: (1) that the pub- lic supports such investigations precisely because it feels that it is in its "best interests" to do so; (2) that there are "'un-American' ideas and activities" which the public has a right to protect itself against; (3) that the public will continue to support such investi- gations until it is convinced that there is not a sufficient danger from communism to warrant them; (4) that only by "cooperation," by talking about and justifying one's actions, that is, by a public appeal, is there any hope allaying the sus- picions of the public toward what are truly innocent and legal ac- tivities;r(5) that such investiga- tions are a "court" in the sense that public suspicions are either seemingly vindicated or demon- strated to be without foundation; and (6) that there is no possibility of the University or President Hatcher combating these suspi- cions, these "unreliable whims of public opinion," except by this "cooperation" of students and fac- ulty. I may be mistaken but it seems to me that the fundamental error that leads to such illusions as the two authors express stems from the tendency to consider the "stand" to be taken as a black or white affair. Cooperation is equat- ed to an implicit approval of the F 1 t 7 i r G Y K T E S I l S S C 3 Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority Pa the Board in Control of Student Publications. 4 Editorial Staff Harry Lunn........... Managing Editor Eric 'Vetter .......... .. ....City Editor Virginia Voss........Editorial Director Mike Wolf.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker........Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.............Sports Editor Paul Greenberg. ,... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer / Business Staff Thomas Treeger ...Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin ...Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden.......Finance Manager James Sharp. Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1