See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIV, No. 55
'U' Financial
Report Given
By Pierpont
Booklet Presents
Monetary Record
Listing details of income and
expenditure for the year ending
June 30, 1953, the 20 page Univer-
sity financial report was officially
released yesterday by Vice-Presi-
*~dent Wilber K. Pierpont.
The illustrated booklet presents
a graphic and word picture of the
seven separate funds under which
the University's accounting rec-
ords are maintained.
* 9 * *
IN ALL, the University paid out
$33,985,482 in, salaries during the
last fiscal year as compared with
$30,878,467 for the preceding year.
An additional $10,929,565 in
contrast to $9,147,885 a year ago
for materials, supplies, and trav-
el expenditures added to the sal-
ary figure accounted for 87 per
c cent of the total expenditures
for the year.
The General Fund covering
teaching, research, public service
and student advisory services
showed income of $22,,725,910 and
expenditures of $22,630,582 with a
margin of $95,328 between income
and outgo. Both income and ex-
penses under the General Fund
were well over two million dollars
higher than the previous year.
THE. self-supporting activities
of the University under the Aux-
iliary Activities Fund including
the hospital, publications, athletic
and other student activities, resi-
dence halls, Food Service, laun-
dry, airport and non-investment
property showed an income of
$15,723,392 against $15,696,550 in
Gifts, grants and income dur-
ing the year classified as Ex-
pendable Trust Funds amounted
to $14,687,165, a $3,644,058 in-
crease over the previous year.
Student Loan Funds as of June
30 amounted to $836,822, an in-
crease of $33,636 over the prev-
ious year.
Endowment Funds now total
$21,684,147, a million and a half
dollar increase over last year, due
principally to the Leckie bequest
See 'U' FINANCIAL, Page ii
Faculty Gives
Nod to Survey
on Vocations
Approval of the all-senior vo-
cation survey scheduled for next
week by the Commission on Hu-
man Resources was voiced yester-
day by a University dean and two
faculty men connected with psy-
chological research.
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, director
of the Bureau of Psychological
Services, said, "In my judgment,
this testing program, designed to
discover the essential similarities
and differences among college
majors, constitutes one of the most
important aspects of thelarger
-investigation undertaken by the
THAT COLLEGE students in
various fields of study differ from
one another is obvious, Prof. Kelly
said, "how they differ is something
we don't know, yet such knowledge
is critical if we are to make more
effective use of our human re-
Given to all seniors in the lit-
erary college and the schools of
architecture and design, social
work, natural resources, medi-
cine, dentistry, education, law,
business administration, engi-
neering, music, pharmacy and
nursing, the tests will require
two hours.
Senior Board as well as admin-
istrators of the participating
schools are urging 100 per cent
cooperation from all seniors.
Prof. Kelly explained, "Previous
small-scale studies of the problem
have indicated the potential value
of data of the kind provided by
the tests, but nothing less than a
large-scale testing program such
as here proposed is adequate to
yield definite findings."
FlateherPlans Brownell Tells Senate
No Comment
On Probes Of FBI Report Linking
Daily Editorial RSR
Cited over Radio lasser, Red Spy Ring
--Daily-Chuck Kelsey
NEW SL OFFICERS-Seated, from left to right: Janet Netzer, member-at-large; Fred Hicks, vice-
president; Bob Neary, president; Ruth Rossner, recording secretary. Standing, left to right: Ned Si-
mon, member-at-large; Vic Hampton, treasurer; Steve Jelin, corresponding secretary.
SL Elects Neary,_Hicks,_Hampton
Arthur L. Brandon, Director of
University Public Relations, said
yesterday President Harlan H.
Hatcher did not plan an addi-
tion to his comments on Congres-
sional investigating committees
until the appearance of the Clardy
group in Michigan early next year.
Brandon's statement came on a
coast-to-coast r a d i o newscast
which claimed a "dramatic dis-
agreement" was in evidence on
campus between the students and
the University President.
THE PROGRAM referred to a
Daily editorial printed in Sunday's
paper calling President Hatcher's
stand toward Congressional com-
mittees "inconsistent, contradic-
tory, weak and unbecoming a uni-
versity president."
Commenting on the editorial
written by Virginia Voss, '54, Edi-
torial Director, and Alice B. Sil-
ver, '54, Associate Editorial Direc-
tor, Managing Editor Harry Lunn,
'54, said on the newscast six of
the seven senior editors agreed
with the article along with the
majority of the junior staff.
Lunn went on to tell a listeningr
audience of approximately five
million people that The Daily
had received favorable comment
throughout the day on the edi-
torial but "it was hard to tell the
general opinion of the students"
in the conflict.
The program, aired over thej
Taylor Grant show, said the dis!
puted editorial hinted University'
officials were "appeasing the in-
vestigators" because of outside
* * *
By a rising vote of acclamation,
Student Legislature last night re-
elected Bob Neary, '54BAd., presi-
dent for the coming semester.
Rather than outline his aims in
a traditional acceptance speech,
the 20-year-old senior from Des
Moines, Ia. said the newly-elected
cabinet would meet to adopt a
platform of joint aims to Pe pre-
sented at the next meeing.
FRED HICKS, '54, was chosen'
vice-president, also by acclama-
tion of the group. kAmember of
the SeniorBoard, Hicks is enroll-
ed in. the history honors program
and was SL treasurer for the first
part of the semester.
First contest in the elections
developed in the race between
former incumbent Steve Jelin,
'55, and present incumbent Via
Hampton, '54, for treasurer.
In a speech nominating Hamp-
ton, Hank Berliner, '56, advised:
SL members "the election had not
been rigged in spite of some pre-
dictions of a close 21-18 vote in
favor of the opposing candidate."
Surprised looks dotted many
Legislators' faces as Berliner con-
tinued his nominating speech by
citing the changed support of for-
mer SL treasurer Hicks from the
by-election which installed Jelin]
in the treasurer's office six weeks
ago to yesterday's election. Hicks,
Berliner said, had supported Jelin;
at the time only because hei
thought Hampton would graduateI
in February. Both Hampton and i
On Freedom
OK'd at Meet,
SL Conf erence
PesuIts iin Stau ds
Jelin had competed in the prior
A SECOND contest between in-
cumbent Janet Netzer, '54, and
Ned Simon, '55, for the position
of first iember-at-large saw thel
election of Simon. A three-wayI
World News .
By The Associated Press
OTTAWA - In the Canadian
Parliament and in The Toronto
Star yesterday, a charge arose that
a U. S. Senate investigating group
is using the Gouzenko affair as a
buildup for what was described as
a fantastic and sordid smear on
Lester B. Pearson, Canadian for-
eign secretary.
** *
DETROIT - Federal Judge
Frank A. Picard yesterday de-j
nied a motion for mistrial in
the case of six Michigan Com-
munists charged with conspir-
acy to violate the Smith Act.
WASHINGTON - The Federal'
Parole Board reconsidered a pa-
role for Alger Hiss yesterday and
refused for the second time to free
him from prison.
slinger, chief of.the Federal Nar-
cotics Bureau, testified yesterday
Red China is seeking to flood the
United States with illicit dope.
race to fill the second member-at-
large spot, however, saw Miss Net-
zer elected on the second ballot.
Ruth Rossner, '55, and Jelin also
competed for the position.
Position of recording secretary
was filled by Miss Rossner, who
faced no competitors for that
cabinet office.
Cris Reifel, '55, and Jelin com-
peted for the seventh cabinet post,
that of corresponding secretary.
Final voting installed Jelin in the
PRIOR to the cabinet elec-
tions, members heard a report on
an SL conclave, held Friday at the
Fresh Air Camp.
A motion initiated by Bob
Ely, '54E, to abolish SL's Inter-
national Relations Committee
was unanimously defeated. The
committee has received much
recent criticism for its "antipa-
thy toward international stu-
dents" and "concern with cam-
pus trivia rather than interna-
tional affairs."
A resolution stating that Stu-
dent Legislature should appointt
the seven student members of the
Student Affairs Committee and SL
President Bob Neary's motion on
Lt. Milo Radulovich were' passed:
by votes of 19-11 and 21-7 respect-S
ively at the plenary session of the DR. CARL E. BUCK
Academic Freedom Conference ... died Saturday
Sunday night.
Less than forty people attended t
the all day conference which ~ r D C~
marked the end of Academic Free-
dom Week. Attendance was mark-,
ed by the shifting nature of the'
audience as groups came and went
during the day.
THE RESOLUTIONS framed by For Today
workshops, which had met in ear-
lier session, were made in the form Services for Dr. Carl E. Buck,
of recommendations to SL accord-
ing to an SAC regulation. The mo- professor of public health prac-
tions will therefore be considered- tices, who died late Saturday night
on the legislature floor, from a stroke, after a long ill-
ness, will be held at 2 p.m. today
Opinion at the plenary ses- in Muehlig's Chapel, 403 S. 4th.
sion seemed to generally favor A member of the University
the SAC motion, however some faculty since 1941, Dr. Buck was
students doubted its connection granted a sick leave for the 1952-
with academic freedom while 53 academic year and the leave
others thought no action should was extended indefinitely in Sep-
be taken until the SAC commit- tember.'
By FBI Data
Espionage Info
ent to Officials
ports linking Harold Glasser to
Soviet espionage in the United
States were sent to nine officials
months before he was promoted to
a higher job in the Treasury De-
partment, Attorney General Her-
bert Brownell told Senate investi-
gators yesterday.
The statements that Brownell
sent to the Senate Internal Se-
curity Subcommittee listed the re-
ports and those who received
them, but did not reveal what the
FBI reports contained.
* * *
GLASSER was among the Gov-
ernment employes named in an
FBI report of Dec. 1946, as ac-
cused of aiding a Soviet spy ring
by unnamed informants. The late
Harry Dexter White, then assist-
ant secretary of the Treasury was
another one mentioned in this
group and this report.
Brownell is expected to re-
lease information next week on
others that were co-workers
with Glasser in the Treasury
Department, among whom were
Victor Perlo, V. Frank Coe and
Solomon Adler.
I Brownell cited a report dated
Nov. 5, 1945, and "a summary"
dated Feb. 21, 1946, both of which
he said were sent to the then Sec-
retary of the Treasury Fred M.
Vinson, on successive days in
March,.1946. Glasser was appoint-
ed to the higher position in Aug-
Altogether, Brownell listed 10
different FBI reports concerning
He said that among the offi-
cials having received one or more
of these reports were -James F.
Byrnes, Tom Clark, James V. For-
restal, Brig. Gen. Harry H. Vaugh-
an, Adm. William D. Leahy, Lt.
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Spruille Bra-
den and Fred Lyon.
DISCUSSING the President's tee- studying the problem made
position of not planning to issue. its report.
another statement until the sub-;
group of the House Un-American In a debate marked by parlia-
Activities Committee appears in mentary ramifications the group
Michigan, Henry L. Bretton of the endorsed the Radulovich motion
political science department agreed which SL had defeated 17-11 three
with the President's stand. F weeks ago.
Stirring up the issue of the Lec-
Bretton said, "I believe it is ture Committee, the conference
the duty of the citizen to co- passed by 21-2 a resolution stating
operate with Congress in the the right of students to hear
exercise of its legitimate tasks speakers, regardless of their views,
and prerogatives." and expressing disapproval of the
"On the other hand." he noted, Lecture Committee.
" ~ o lnrtitilrn FF n n~nt
! !(
SL also moved to appoint a
representative to a board under
authority of the University Speech
Clinic which governs activities of#
'dysphasia victims.
Campus Opinion Tends
To Favor Bowl Choice
In the wake of the most controversial Rose Bowl decision of
modern times, a small-scale Daily poll showed the majority of cam-
pus opinion agreeable with the choice of Michigan State.
Athletic director Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler, whose opinion was
expected to wield the most influence in the voting, commented that
"Michigan State will give a fine account of itself on New Year's
Day' and "should live up to the __
high standards set by other BigIA T[Pt i"IT
Turkey Trot
The Turkey Trotters, Wol-
verine Club sponsored air line
buses, will be taking students to
Willow Run Airport from 11
a.m. to 5:15 p.m. tomorrow.
The buses will leave from the
front of the Union tomorrow,
and will also be leaving the Air-
port from 7:30 p.m. Sunday to
12:30 a.m. Monday to bring
air passengers returning from
Thanksgiving Vacation into
Ann Arbor.
Tickets, priced at $1 one way
and $1.50 round trip will be on
sale from 10 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 5 p.m. today at win-
dow 7 in the Administration
Bldg. and in front of the Un-
ion tomorrow.
it is the privilege of the citizen j THE MOTION also urged the
to check Congress by the vote when University to "heed student op
he feels Congress is abusing its ion as expressed" in the 1952 Lec-
power." Fo sepesdinte15 e~
ture Committee referendum and
Prof. Arthur J. Carr of the Eng- called on SL to "continue to press
lish department said, "My reac- for the realization" of freedom as
tion to the broadcast was that it regards campus speakers.t
was an un-biased presentation. -! In a resolution that echoedI
I just hope the parties in the dis- a motion made by SL last week
pute won't drive each other into on the rights of students called
extreme positions." See CONFAB, Page 6
See C-N- -B- - P-- - - -- -
PROF. Guy E. Swanson of the
sociology department said Presi- INFANTRY CHORUS:
dent Hatcher was on "sound legal
grounds" in his quote regarding dePauT Ex-
President Hatcher had said,
"anyone refusing to answer ques- C horal C o t
tions on the ground that -it might
tend to incriminate him is placed
under a burden of proof to explain
his actions." Thirty-three ex-GIs who have
was awarded the Sedgwick Me-
dal, the highest annual award of
the American Public Health Asso-
ciation, "for unique leadership he
gave for nearly four decades to
community agencies throughout
the United States and Canada in!
their efforts to apply modern sci-I
ence to disease prevention and;
health improvement."
He served as president of the
Michigan Public Health Asso-
ciation in 1929 and secretary
and chairman of the child hy-
giene section of the American
Public Health Association from1
1927 to 1931.
The 64 year old Dr. Buck leaves
a wife, Lucille; a father, Carl D.,
who is professor of Greek litera-
ture at the University of Chicago;
a sister, Clarinda D. of Chicago;j
and two sons, Carl D., Jr. and
William both living in South
Gis To Give
Cert Today
sung together since their days of
Opera Tickets
With 70% of the tickets for
"Up 'N' Atom" already sold,
Union Opera officials last night
voiced hopes of a sell-out before
No tickets are available for
the Friday night performance,
but good seats may be had for
Wednesday, Dec. 9, the Op.-
era's opening performance, and
Thursday, Dec. 10,
Tickets are priced at $1.25,
$1.75, and $2.25, and students
are asked to mail their ticket
requests and checks to the Un-
ion Managers Office, University
of Michigan.
Swanson concluded, "but the Army training nine years ago will appear in the fourth concert of
President didn't say enough about Ithe Choral Union Series at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
what kind of questions are revel- Known as the dePaur Infantry Chorus and directed by Leonard
ant and not revelant and what dePaur, the group made its civilian debut five seasons ago.
questions should and should not The Chorus will open today's concert with "Four Melodies of
be asked." the Middle Ages" by Ivan Langstroth. Brahms famous lullaby
S"Wiegenlied" will follow. Grieg's
"Ich Liebe Dich" will continue the
L: first portion of the program which
will end with "Triumvirate: Suite
- for Male Voices" by Ulysses Kay.
epA RETURN to the classics will
open the second portion of the
Ten schools in the Rose Bowl."
ALTHOUGH Crisler expressed
his opinion that Michigan State
was a good choice, Conference
regulations prohibited him from
revealing how he or the other Big
Ten athletic directors voted on the
W litIdIow HoLaxCIIa LU.V I' Z.
Pultdown Hoax Ca]
concert, with Mozart's "Ave Ver-
According to Crisler, Michi-
gan State's probationary status
is a matter of concern .only to
the Conference's faculty repre-
sentatives and had no bearing on
the athletic directors' vote.
Most of the students contacted
by the Daily felt that the decision
was a good one, although not
many agreed that the Spartans
have a better team than Illinois.
Although some believed that
cf'af Hn.. n hn++M n - -n
TheBy JON SOBELOFF jaw was easily explained - it
T announcement by three was actually the jaw of a mod-
British researchers that the Pilt- ern orang-utan*.
down man is a fake won't cause Dr. K. P. Oakley of the British
any anthropological upheavals, a Museum and two Oxford Univers-
University scientist said yesterday. ity professors announced Sunday
Prof. James N. Spuhler, of the that up-to-the-minute chemical
anthropology department and the tests prove beyond doubt that the
Institute of Human Biology, jawbone was a deliberate plane
claimed that even if Piltdown faked by artificially staining the
man's ape-like jaw was a hoax, the jaw and teeth.
main beliefs about modern man's
ancestors based on the existence A LITTLE potassium bi-chro-
of the jaw are unshaken. mate and iron salts were all the
dent of the time might have trick-+
ed up the ape bone as a practical+
Discussing the importance of the+
hoax discovery, Prof. Spuhler said;
the existence of Piutdown man
had been considered proof that!
modern man was not directly de-1
scended from Neanderthal Man.
since Piltdown man, with the skull
ers indicates they were definitelI um" and Bach's "Jesus, Dearest
earlier than Neanderthal man," Treasure." The Bach-Gounod ar-
Prof. Spuhler said. "Even if Pilt- rangement of "Ave Maria, God is
down is a few hundred thousand With Us" by Kastalsky-Norden,
years younger than we thought, we and "Psalm 150" by Morton will
still know modern men preceded conclude the religious numbers on
the more primitive Neanderthal the program.
type in-time." Ti,-.q-fr.'i,-. r n fnr "
Ike's Farm
Policy Debated
By YRs, YD' s
Young Republican speakers
Dave Belin, '54L, and Tim Rich-
ards, '57. favored a thorough study
of farm policies while Young Dem-
ocrats, Roy Van Dyke and Ralph
Goldberg, '56, asked for action in
the face of falling farm prices at
last night's debate between the
Young Democrats and Young Re-
Speaking on the affirmative
side of the question "Resolved:
The Republican Administration
does not have an effective farm
policy" Van Dyke declared that
after ten months in office the
only direct action the Admin-
istration has taken on the farm
problem has been to set up a
study commission.
on - +4. icnn- .iccinr. -' rnnrt.
* * *
"ONE OF the uses of the pro-r
gram which appeals to me is theY
possibility it may contribute to
an informed psycholoav of voca- c
Prof. Spuhler also pointed out
that not all scientists were taken
in by the Piltdown hoax.-
He said the late Franz Weiden-
e. suu ort Lst c-Jt~ e a.. o~
the Guard Republican Band of
Paris performance, scheduled for
Monday,. November 30, may be
purchased from the University
Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower from 9:45 a.m. to
_ _ - . .. 4 - - .. .
characteristics of modern man, j reich, famous anthropologist of'
lived before Neanderthal man, the New York Museum of Natural
Noandahal r n't e h ,mva 14itnrvv 1ba Ariddnn t+e hasis'
I .. . w i r
hnaxtPr nPpciPCi to syivP thR nnnPar_