SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE WMY NO APATHY YESTERDAY: Michigan Rooters Match OSU Visitors (Continued from Page 1) in an effort to bring the steel structure down. Their efforts a failure, the goal-post sitters did minor acrobatics for the crowd which didn't leave until nearly half an hour after the actual game was over. One Ohio State student did manage to get the top part of the goal post after some minor skirmishes. Swinging the heavy pole in front of him to force others to keep their distance, he carried it out of the stadium. Other fights broke out, resulting. in one bleeding battler being rush- ed to the dressing room. State police moved in and one policeman claimed at least half a dozen peo- -ple had been pulled in for dis- k)orderliness. S* * * ADDING TO THE toll of the afternoon were 13 yard markers j taken by eager souvenir hunters. State police reported no serious auto accidents, only minor bump- :er collisions. By 4:30 p.m. the stands were empty and only a few hangers on still ran over the field trying to drum up some more excite- vment. Empty bottles, hot dog wrappers and discarded programs remained the only evidence of the afternoon that closed Michigan's 1953 foot- ball season. Calendar of Events MONDAY: Arnold Vas Dias, noted Dutch journalist, will discuss "The Press in Europe" at 3 pm. in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. The address will be under the auspices of the journalism department. Emilie Sargent, Executive Director of the Visiting Nurse Association of Detroit, will give a School of Public Health lecture at 4 p.m. in the School's Auditorium. Topic of the address is "Public Health Nursing Care of the Sick at Home." The Interdepartmental Seminar in Machine Computation will hold a discussion on the subject 'Analog and Digital Computation Meth- ods in Nuclear Reactor Space Simulation" at 4:30 pm. in Rm. 429 Mason Hall. The discussion will include the use of MIDAC to perform problems in simulation of reactors. Prof. Marian A. Owen of the School of Music will present a piano recital at 8:30 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The concert is part of a series of presentations by faculty members of the School of Music. * . , * TUESDAY: Prof. Sydney Chapman of Oxford University will present the ninth in his series of lectures on "The Earth's Atmosphere" Topic of the address is "The Aurora Polaris: Its Morphology." Sponsored by the astronomy department, Prof. Chapman's address will begin at 4 p.m. in Rm. 1400, Chemistry Bldg. A zoology department lecture will be given by Prof. F. J. W. Roughton, colloid science specialist at Cambridge University, on the topic "Recent Work on the Kinetics of Hemoglobin and, Its Application to the Problems of Gas Exchange in the Human Be- ing" at 4:15 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater. Fourth concert of the University Musical Society's Choral Union Series will be presented by the dePaur Infantry Chorus at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. WEDNESDAY Thanksgiving Recess will begin at 5 p.m. Jp COy Ttw I o1rdavESS 0S I'lt 1to Between South University & Washtenaw on Forest Open Monday Noon till 8:30 -Daily-Don Campbell TOUCHDOWN--Michigan fullback Dick Balzhiser smashes across for the first score in yesterday's game as Ohio State guard Dave Williams (64) makes the tackle too late. SPORTSWEAR at our CAMPUS TOGGERY 1111 South University near the Diag I 1 _.U El . Paid Political Advertising F CULTY D STUDE TS C' E Wesleyans Link Religion, Liberty /4' " 4 Free Thought Upheld, By Labor Youth League (Newman Club Talks of Goals We BELIEVE that our tradi- tions of religious liberty and our political democracy are in- extricably linked, and that relig- ion has a vital relevance to the problems of society and nation. We also recognize that freedom in whatever form is limited, that man is free to do' as he pleases so long as he does not in any way encroach upon the freedom and liberty of others. Therefore we wish to pre- sent the following paragraphs as representative of our views upon the current issue of Academic Freedom: "It is our belief that God speaks to and may speak through every individual, and therefore each per- son has the obligation to follow the dictates of his conscience, which may lead him to express dissent, and to take responsibility for constructive action. "Each citizen should be encour- aged to enrich society with his in- sights. Recently many Americans, their fears heightened by possible Soviet aggression, seem to have lost their faith in that individual freedom of conscience and expres- sion which sustains a free society. There have been many demands for conformity, reflected in aca- demic circles by demands that teachers sign (loyalty) oaths, that dissenting speakers be denied plat- forms, that critical books be ban- ned. These seem to us to be evi- dence of a spiritual "failure t.of nerve." "We call upon Americans to re- affirm their faith in the integrity of the individual. We believe it Knappen Cites Conflict Of Reality and Idealism By MARSHALL KNAPPEN Professor of Political Science Maintaining academic freedom is very important. How to d it is one of the major problems o: our time, and those who made the effort to focus the attention of ouj University community on thi problem are greatly to be con- gratulated. In the ideal university academic freedom - the privilege, afte adequate study, of holding, ex- pounding and advocating any set of value judgments in any field - would be an absolute and un- trammeled right for everyone Such an ideal university would be securely located on an inac- cessible island, would be supported by adequate endowment funds under its own control, and would be composed of persons devoted to the cause of learning in general and academic freedom in particu- lar. In a real university in a real world the conscientious scholar will do his best to conform to the ideal pattern, as Plato ad- vised, whether there is. or ever can be in fact any such heaven- ly organization. What his best will be in any given set of circumstances will vary as con- ditions vary. In the real world the scholar must consider the sources of a university's sup- port, the prevailing temper of the society in which it exists, and the fallible nature and limited outlook of some of the people who compose it. Most of the American academic world has, in fact, never enjoyed unlimited academic freedom. For example, the American Associa- tion of University Professors has traditionally recognized the right of denominationally-controlled in- stitutions to make adherence to immrn A Mf Tnu 1 certain religious principles an essential condition of a teacher's n employment. In an era when the o free world is being challenged by f a world-wide movement which e holds as one of its cardinal prin- r ciples Lenin's thesis that long- s continued coexistence of the Com- - munist and capitalistic state sys- tems is impossible and that in the end one or the other must r conquer, comparable limitations - are unfortunately inevitable. One who would deny academic freedom to others has no moral right to it himself. At a time when the - survival of the free world must be our primary objective the con- stitutional right of elected offici- als toconduct inquiries cannot be challenged. However much we may de- plore the self-seeking and dem- agogic manner in which such inquiries are sometimes con- conducted and the harmful ef- fects they produce in the aca- demic world, the cure for this situation must rest with the voters. In an all-out struggle -j for survival professors and stud-j ents are expendable as well aso service men and career diplo-; mats. The argument for maintaining the highest possible degree of academic freedom, including per-t mission for otherwise qualifiedt Communists to teach, must, in myt opinion, rest on tactical consider-f ations rather than attempts tok establish a claim to absolute rights during a life-and-death1 struggle. More is to be gained, ats present, by permitting Commun- ists to teach - though they havet no moral right to do so in a freer society they aim to destroy - than is lost by any damage they can do.t Our present hysteria over theI supposed menace of a party re-c n ,. a c. a n+ i n cr O infnif .ci n .. r basically important for all people to support educational efforts which respect the right of the teacher to seek and teach the truth as he finds it, and of the student to study differing views in arriv- ing at his own judgements. The society toward which we work thrives on creative diversity and withers on coerced conformity." --from a statement on Aca- demic Freedom approved by the Executive Board of the American Friends Service Committee, Jan. 9, 1952. Yet we must also recognize that the general issue of Aca- demic Freedom is spoken of very broadly and with many varying meanings. In the face of this, we cannot propose a simple def- inition which all could accept; however, we wish to state the. following specific aclarations, to which we feel that we have been led by our Christian faith: 1. Education, in order to serve democracy, must of necessity in- clude the presentation and criti- cal evaluation of various opinions, both majority and dissenting. Thus only can the ideals of individual citizenship be fostered and youth be taught to make up their own minds by examining and apprais- ing the differing opinions in to- day's conflicts, in order to vote in- telligently and other wise express their convictions in action. This requires that the widest freedom possible, within the bounds of taste and certain standards of profes- sional conduct (stated below), should be observed in respect to the expression and exchange of ideas in the classroom, from the lecture platform, and through reading matter. 2. Employment or non-employ- ment in the teaching profession should be based primarily upon academic proficiency, teaching ability, recognition of certain ethi- cal principles which should be considered as essential to the pro- fession, and a normally decent and healthy moral life. Hence membership or suspected associa- tion with any particular group or organization should not be taken as a criterion for hiring or firing. 3. Certain activities, such as conscious distortion of fast to sup- port a personal opinion, teaching opinion in such a way as to re- quire its acceptance as fact, a conspicuous attitude of viewing teaching chiefly as a "sounding board" for personal convictions or proselytizing, etc. should be re- garded as violations of the profes- sional standards mentioned above, and if proved to be habitual and uncorrected, might conceivably be held as grounds for dismissal. 4. Other activities, more difficult to identify or "prove," may also be deplored: such as the hiding of one's opinions or convictions in1 order to subtly foster and support The celebration of Academic Freedom Week is a demonstra- tion to those who would set up a tyranny over mind and thought that we, students of all shades of opinion and belief, join hands in saying: we will think for our-I selves. We will investigate all ideas - popular and unpopular; we will use logic and rational pro- cedures in the study of all sub- jects - including economic and political questions; and we will follow the evidence of study and research to whatever conclusion it leads. The attempt to set up a tyranny over ideas is nothing novel. One reads in history of the Inquisition; of the Star Chamber; and of the witchhunts of early New England fame. One is reminded of great figures like Socrates, Christ, Joan of Arc, and Galileo who had to face the McCarthyites of their own times. Socrates' enemies ac- cused him of "corrupting the youth." That has a familiar ring. Christ was an uncooper- ative witness lbefore the com- mittee of his day. The Bible re- lates: "And the chief priests ac- cused him of many things; but he answered nothing." Yet the ideas of Socrates and Christ, and countless others, still flourish. In more recent times our own country has witnessed a small but powerful group of people degrad- ing themselves in a futlie attempt to suppress ideas. Recall the famous Scopes Case of 1925 in which the State of Tennessee placed a man on trial because he taught the theory of evolution in public school. Recall the Sacco and Vanzetti Case in which the Commonwealth of Massachusetts sentenced two men to be execut- ed for a crime from which all the evidence absolved them, including a confession by one of the actual participants. But Sacco and Van- zetti held "unpopular" ideas, they were anarchists, they had opposed World War I. Recall the Rosenberg Case, which also took place during a "red scare", in which, protest- ing their innocence to the end, two people were put to death for conspiring to steal atomic secrets which scientists all over the world claimed could have not have been stolen. But the Rosenbergs held "unpopular" ideas, they were progressives, - they opposed the Korean War. . And today, read the newspapers. Eighty-one teachers fired in New York; one-hundred fired in Cali- fornia; a sixty-eight-year-old Dai- ly Worker correspondent sentenced to twenty years in jail for "sedit- n,,,, wr,,inv n,.n,,tec, smingt The McCarthyites of every age have ever found an appropriate excuse for repression. Yesterday it was religious heresy. Today it is Communism. Any excuse, as long as it causes people to fear to think and act for themselves. Note such words as those of Thomas Mann, which sketch the grim path of a people that loses the right to do its own thinking: "I testify that ... as an American citizen of German birth, I am painfully familiar with certain political trends. Spiritual intolerance, political inquisitions, and declining le- gal security, and all this in the name of an alleged 'state of emergency' . . .that is how it started in Germany. What fol- lowed was fascism, and what followed fascism was war." It is no accident that fascism and war are such close collabora- tors. The would be American Hitlers need war to produce that "state of emergency" where con- flicting opinions can be suppress- ed, where new ideas are slaughter- ed at birth, where social progress is impossible, where the benefici- aries of the status quo have no fear of change. And towards this' end, they need to make it seem that peaceful negotiations must fail, that war is inevitable. The outcome in Germany need not repeat itself in the United States. But then it is necessary for us to become continuers of that heritage of independent thought for which so many men and women throughout history have struggled. Today, McCarthyism, like an octopus, slowly pushes out its tentacles in every direction, bringing about an increasing strangulation of civil liberties wherever it gets a hold. The Investigating Committee is one arm, and it strangles by smear and innuendo; the Smith Act is another arm, and it strangles by trial and jail for "dangerous thoughts;" the McCarran- Wal- ters Act is another arm, and it strangles by political deporta- tion; the McCarran Act is an- other arm, and it strangles by "registration". And reaching straight into the center of campus life is the a r m of McCarthyism which sets up political criteria for teaching. Let us not deceive ourselves; we cannot free the land of this danger by fighting loose from only one tentacle, the one which seizes 'us. We must work together and make the monster shrink back and flee for its life; we must chop off all its strangulators, we must direct our blows at its very heart. Let us then take as the theme for our work the stanza from an n.I (r.n'ia foilk, viG 4hiO, Academic freedom has been widely construed these days as the liberty of a professor to ex- press himself as he pleases on any subject. However, it has been the experience of units of society that such self-expression is not always advantageous and that only as much freedoni can be allowed to the members as is harmonious with the purposes of the unit. The purpose of academic units has been to acquire and retain know- ledge of what is true; freedom to discover and disseminate the truth was essential, just as free- dom to teach falsehood was unen- durable. How does the University of Michigan correspond to this pat- tern for academic units? We notice immediately that there are almost as many different ideas of its purpose as there are admin- istrators and faculty, which means that there is no general idea of its purpose. But any kind of free- dom exists only in relation to a goal and is measured in relation to the obtainability of that goal. Academic freedom cannot even be defined unless the professors set some sort of unified goal for themselves: then the observer could tell if they are free to reach the goal. Under the present circun- stances, then, it is extremely difficult to decide whether or not academic freedom is ad- vantageous, or even what sort of academic freedom is under discussion. If the traditional freedom to discover truth be what we are talking about, it is unfortunately all too evident that truth is not of major im- portance today. To no one, un- less to his own conscience, does the professor have any respon- sibility for the truth of his statements. Even if he differs violently and/or foolishly with experts in his own field, his dis- Young Friends Comment We of the Young Friends group feel that an essential part of a college education in a democracy is the student's exposure to a wide range of ideas and viewpoints. In times of national stress we feel it especially important that we re- sist the temptation to become rigid in thought, In accordance with this we believe that the primary con- sideration in selecting a teacher should be an examination of his competency in his specific field. Membership in any organiza- tion should neither be used as a sole criterion for employment, nor as sole criterion for dis- agreement is "just another new theory." Or two professors may have opposite views on some basic fact; instead of alarming anyone, this is considered healthy. Apparently our aca- demic society, symptomatic of our total society, has lost the ability to see that certain courses of 'action are suicidal and that progress is only gain- ed by building on the discoveries (intellectual as well as geogra- phic and mechanical) of former ages. To toss out the idea that man's mind is capable of learning the. truth, in favor of the idea that he may occasionally have a few glim- mers of truth but can never know anything for sure, is not to be- come more free but to descend to chaos 'and sterility. Today's aca- demicians have the responsibility, as well as the privilege, of insist- ing on the truth. And it is more difficult for them than for their predecessors, because for most of them there is no higher intellec- tual authority than their own minds. To them belongs the dig- nity of lonely men, and the nee- essity of humility before the im- mensity of the problem is always with them. One other problem remains to be considered: what of the student and academic freedom? Most of the above also applies to him, but with special caution. It is one thing to express freely your un- derstanding of the truth after years of study and sifting of the conflicting claims of this schooi and that, to bring to self-ex- pression years of discipline and a mature mind. The student must be wary of presuming complete knowledge on the basis of brief acquaintanceship, a n d of too rashly stating his own point of view as the absolute truth. If his ideas are true, they will grow clearer with time and control; if false, he will be glad he did not express them. The student, after all, comes to the university to learn, not to teach. Academic freedom, then, is but one facet of the problem of our time: How free is man, and how must he react to his freedom? Westminster Group Quotes Grand Council, "S erious thought needs to be given to the menace of com- munism in the world of today and to the undoubted aim on the part of its leaders to subvert the thought and life of the United States. Everlasting vigilance is needed. "At the same time the citizens of this country . . . have reason to take a grave view of the situa- tion which is being created by the almost exclusive concentration of the American mind upon the problem of the threat of Com- munism .. "Treason and dissent are be- ing confused. The shrine of conscience and private judg- ment, which God alone has a right to enter, is being invaded. Un-American attitudes toward ideas and books are becoming current. Attacks are being made upon citizens of integrity and social passion which are utterly alien to our democratic tra- dition .. . "We suggest therefore that all Presbyterians give earnest con- sideration to the following three basic principles and their im- plications for our thought and life.- "I. The Christian Church has a prophetic function to fulfill in every society and in every age. "While it is not the role of the Christian church to present blue prints for the organization of society and the conduct of gov- ernment the church owes to it its _ , a + a n in orpn- shown to have greater propaganda value. The demogogue who lives by propaganda is coming into his own on a national scale. Accord- ing to the new philosophy if what is true "gives aid and comfort to the enemy" it must be suppressed. At the same time great words like "love," "peace," "justice" ;and "mercy" and the ideas which un- derlie them are becoming suspect. "It is being assumed in effect, in view of the magnitude of -the issues at stake, the end justifies the means.. "III. God's sovereign rule Is the controlling factor in history. "That we have the obligation to make our nation as secure as possible no one can dispute. But there is no absolute security in human affairs, nor is security the ultimate human obligation. A still greater obligation as well as a more strategic procedure, is to make sure that what we mean by security and the methods we em- ploy to achieve it, are in accord- ance with the will of God ... "Let us always be ready to meet around the conference table with the rulers of Com- munist countries. Let us beware of the cynical attitude which prevails in c ear t a I n official circles to regard as a forlorn hope any negotiated solution of the major issues which divide mankind. In this connection the United Nations while far from perfect is the natural and best available agent for inter- national cooperation. It is im- ,.~s_ a_ r_ a~ bL I