PAGE! ETGRT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 NO HOLIDAY TURKEYS: Birds, Beasts Fill Wildlife Lab Freezer By RUPERT CUTLER Not a single turkey is to be fouind among the many strange birds and beasts in the home freezer in Rm. 4041 Natural Science Bldg., a wild- life management laboratory. Some of the fresh-frozen spec- imens could substitute for the tra- ditional Thanksgiving fowl-a Canvasback Duck is in evidence- but most of the hoary creatures are quite unpalatable. * * * REMOVABLE trays that form the first layer in thecompartment are full to the top with birds. Ducks, grebes and gulls are sur- rounded by songbirds of lesser dimensions. Under the top two trays a porcupine is cuddled between a beaver and a large coyote. A bobcat is stretched outalong one side and skunks are stuffed into corners. Squirrels, chip- munks and mice fill the remain- ing crevices. The frozen animals, which are used by classes in functional ana- tomy and wildlife management techniques, have been acquired through Conservation Department officials who confiscated them or from students who collected them under a special legal permit, ac- Ceremonie s Will Be Led By Cardinal Dedication ceremonies for the new Gabriel Richard Center for University Catholic students at 3 p.m. today will be highlighted by the presence of Edward Car- dinal Mooney, Archbishop of De- troit. The Rev. Fr. Francis J McPhil- lips, rector of St. Mary's Student Chapel, said Cardinal Mooney's presiding over dedication cere- monies climaxes "many years of planning by priests, alumni and University students." * * * NAMED AFTER The Rev. Fr. Gabriel Richard, co-founder of the University of Detroit in 1817, the center' is located next to St. Mary's Student Chapel at the corner of William and Thompson. Ceremonies will begin with a vesting in the chapel. After- wards Cardinal Mooney will-ead a procession to the new center where he will give a blessing. A sermon given by The Rev. Fr. Donald M. Cleary, chaplain of Cornell University and former na- tional chaplain of the Newman Foundation will follow the dedi- cation. "Building the center was part of a $310,000 investment project," Father McPhillips said. Journalist To LectureaI My i y V IY }i r A o I DX 'fp5'N OQ tp {cam ,C; e , fluc y isit Osa Ye ,.,,viest --Daily-Rupert Cutler FREEZER FOR ANIMALS--Laboratory Assistant Ed Menning stuffs a 40-pound beaver into a freezer kept in the wildlife man- agement department. Arnold Van Dies, Dutch journal- ist and war correspondent in two world wars, will speak on "The Press in Europe," at 3 p.m. to- morrow in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Van Dias has been a newspaper- man for forty years, representing Dutch newspapers in European capitals and the United States and organizing war-time news services in both hemispheres. During the summer Van Dias visited Western Europe where he accompanied German Chancellor Konrad Adonauer on a campaign tour. Honoring his services to jour-I nalism, Queen Juliana of the Ne- therlands appointed Van Dias, on the occasion of his sixtieth birth- day, an Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau. A coffee hour will follow the address in the journalism depart- ment room, 443 Mason Hall. HALLERS JEWELERS cording to Prof. Earl C. O'Roke of the wildlife management depart- ment. Prof. O'Roke said that marten from Alaska and pigeons that have killed themselves by flying into windows of Angell Hall are in- cluded in the collection 717 N. Univ. - near Hill Aud. Paid Political Advertising IE i AM ,CADE, IC Y kir. y ' 13, x= r f / r ' ' ' Sr-sxe tea I " ,j . in . Grad Students Outline Freedom Subject Slosson Gives Views {Academic Freedom Ideal Cited by YD's - " mow.- .. NATURE OF ACADEMIC FREEDOM The instructor is entitled to unlimited freedom in conduct- his field in the classroom, except ing his research and in discussing' that he should not regard his sub- ject as a vehicle for the propaga- tion of personal dogma. Instruc- tors that do so should recognize that they are exposing themselves to the charge of incompetence. This freedom is not a special priv- Ilege extended only to teachers but a necessary protection for society which enables teachers to fulfill their social function. Aca- demic freedom is nothing more than an application to teachers of general principles of freedom, as expressed in the Bill of Rights, which apply to everyone. Adequate grounds for dismissal of a teacher should be limited to: (1) violation of public laws, (2) neglect of duty, (3) incompetence. Dismissal for such resons should follow only after judgment by his academic colleagues - as well as the university governing. body - and only after both the letter and the spirit of due process have been observed. Adherence to any particular system of dogma should not in itself warrant dismissal, and any prejudgment of guilt re- sulting from invocation of legiti- mate constitutional protections is completely unjustified. It is recognized that the extra-academic activities of a teacher may be an embarrass- ment or a nuisance to the uni- versity; it is nonetheless true, however, that such opinions and activities in themselves - political, social or religious - should be given no more weight in condsidering the dismissal, of a teacher than in considering the dismissal of any other citizen from his job. Students are the chief concern of a university and should not be regarded merely as receptacles for prevailing orthodoxies. Higher education aims at increasing the maturity of the student by teach- ing him how to think for himself, by developing his intellectual curiosity and by stimulating him to inquiry of his own. If this goal is to be achieved, the student's freedom of expression can be no less extensive than that of his instructor. Students -are thus en- titled to as much academic free- dom as are faculty members. The university's commitment to student freedom must ex- tend beyond the classroom to include provision for unfettered meetings of student organiza- tions on university property. property. These organizations should be free to invite speakers of their choice, discuss subjects of their choice and engage in any activities on campus that are not in violation of civil ordinances or necessary pro- cedural rules. Tit-......n lit in nrn zc nf -,rivt generally true at the student level. The chief instance of the tend- ency to restrict student freedom has been the Lecture Committee. Other instances are the un- necessary restrictions on handbill publication and distribution and the requirement of making public the membership of student organ- izations. * * * TEACHERS AND THE FEAR OF COMMUNISM It 'is increasingly asserted that Communism enslaves its ad- herents so thoroughly thatrthey are not free to teach the truth. This is true, however, only insdfar as all strongly held beliefs parti- ally exclude their opposites and' to that extent enslave their be- lievers and limit their objectivity. In this respect Communism as a belief is in the same class as all other forms of authoritarian dogma, so unless we are willing to forbid teachers from adhering to any such belief, we cannot forbid them the belief in Communism. Those who argue that Communists are slaves to a foreign power and therefore not free fail to recognize that, in this country at least, ac- ceptance of Communism is volun- tary and its adherents may dis- affiliate at will. Fear of Communism in the schools derives not from fear of sabotage nor even of violent re- volution but from fear of the power of Communist ideas. Such fear is an insult to our entire democratic tradition; it denies the powerful appeal of democracy to all those who are free to choose. In fact, many leaders of the campaign against Communism are fully aware of the fact that Communism is not an internal ideological threat to the United States; they are simply exploiting this fear in order to supress heterodoxies and to advance their own poli-. tical fortunes. Publicily-supported universities are especially vulnerable to the demand for loyalty oaths, faculty purges, and similar measures. Even though public employment is a privilege and not a right, these institutions should not re- quire or their employees condi- tions of professional atcivity that .are not imposed upon all citizens and are not reasonably required to maintain our democratic sys- tem. * * . ACADEMIC FREEDOM AND IN- VESTIGATING COMMITTEES fhe legally-accepted interpreta- tion of the Constitution forbids Congress from making any law which impairs the freedom of be- lief or expression; thus for Con- gress to investigate personal be- liefs and expressions, presumably with a view to regulating them by legislation, or to try individuals for unorthodox views in the court of public opinion, is not to be condoned. Therefore when and if a teacher or a student is called before a Congressional investigating com- mittee to testify concerning his individual political or religious beliefs -or activities, it should be his responsibility to protest by pointing out that the committee, as a branch of the legislature not the judiciary, lacks the authority to inquire into or to require him to testify concerning the area of his individual beliefs and activi- ties. Written and endorsed by the following graduate students: Homer Cooper, Alfred Hunting, Leo Schnore, John Danielson, Peter New, Charles Sleicher, Jr., John Fopeano, John Pearce and Norman Williamson, Jr. Unitarian Group Michael Servetus was executed 400 years ago because he pro- pounded heretical (Unitarian) views in theology and publicized the results of his scientific re- search on the circulation of blood which was in conflict with accept- ed dogma in medical matters within the Orthodox Church. In this anniversity year we as Uni- tarians are reminded that the cause of Academic Freedom is of continuing importance to our tradition and our faith. Unitrians feel that complete mental free- dom, unrestricted use of reason, and a general tolerance is essenti- al. We feel that when truth and falsehood are engaged in free en- counter, truth will in the long run win out. We believe that the prin-! ciples of Academic Freedom en- dorsed above by a group of gradu- ate students are necessary con- ditions to the fulfillment of a basic Unitarian concept of, in- dividual freedom of belief. UNITARIAN STUDENT GROUP On Studeni By PRESTON SLOSSON Professor of History AS I DO NOT wish to get in- volved in a semantic dispute, I will not take up the oft discussed question whether "academic free- dom" can be properly applied to anything other than the freedom of teaching (Lehrfreiheit). Lop off the "academic" if you like, and call' it simply "student freedom." Un- der any name, the subject is worth discussing. There are many strong t Freedom >- I colleges and universities where in- terference with the faculty is al-' most unheard of; there are none where problems have not arisen over such matters as student polit- ical clubs, invitations to outside speakers, and the content of edi- torials in the student newspapers and periodicals. That every instiution has, of necessity, some sort' of supervi- sion over those who use its facil- ities may, I think, be taken for granted. The practical question is where to draw the line. I do not intend to discuss here such questions as athletics, finances, hazing, wild parties, automobile bans, liquor, panty raids, cheat- ing on examinations,. or even off-color jokes in college comics. Whatever policies should or should not be adopted on such matters, at least they have lit- tle to do with the main purpose of the institution: the education of intelligent citizens. But stu- dent political activity has a great deal to do with it. Great good, and some harm may come from organizing propogandist so- cieties, from listening to well known speakers, from ex- pressing opinions in . printed form. I do not know that any general rule can be laid down, without being so general as to be practically useless. Many of us solemn professorial owls will reiterate "Liberty, but not liL cense." True, 0 pundit! But, in a given situation, which is . which? More to the point; in doubtful cases shall we prefer the risks of liberty of suppres- sion? Personally, I incline in all such cases to the risks of freedom. For one thing, a bad cause (Commu- nism, for instance) is best exposed in the open air. Unsound argu- ,ments cannot stand up to inces- sant discussion and analysis. Again, forbidden fruit is notor- iously attractive. Permit the Com- munist, or Fascist, or other objec- tionable person to- speak on the campus; a handful will go to hear him. Ban him, and he gets a free advertisement and a fuller hall off campus. This has happened time and again, right here in Ann Arbor. Also, the speaker gets some sympathy as a persecuted under dog, and many people may think "I wonder what that man has to say that we are not supposed to hear? Perhaps there is something in it, after all." Finally, students' are not half as gullible as they are supposed to 'be, or as most people are. Surely it is strange that the law permits an agitator to re- cite glib sophistries, or faked sta- tistics, or illogical and emotional appeals to street crowds, most of whom have not the means to re- fute him, but fears to let him ap- pear before highly trained young men and women, stuffed with in- formation! It would be more log- ical (tho not very democratic) to say to the demagog "You are so plausible and dishonest that I will permit you to speak only on col- lege campuses." To turn to another topic, it is very true that student editor- ials are often exaggerated in their criticism of the university, of the nation, and of the uni- verse at large. But who is real- ly damaged by it? The student learns to express himself, and in time may learn to express him- self with more accuracy and moderation. The general public is not usually a reader of college papers. I regret to say that, back in the 1920s, a student was re- moved from the Daily staff, partly for saying that "the av- erage history professor is a sim- ple, senile, and misguided ass." Naturally, I did not accept his opinion,,tho I admired its ca- dence and rhythm. But what he said was either true or false. If, i____ - ...._U . J. rt e 1'.tr T he Young Democrats declare themselves unconditionally in favor of Academic Freedom, which they would define as a thorough- going laissez-faire of the mind for the seekers of knowledge and truth who comprise the faculties and student bodies of our schools and colleges. While we feel that the ideal of Academic Freedom is more closely realized in American educational institutions than in schools in many parts of the world, we are aware of many ways in which our colleges and univer- sities fall short of the ideal., The practice of judging a teacher unfit for his position be- cause he holds certain political, social and economic views is logi- cally unjustifiable. The sole criter- ion of dismissal should be incom- petence to be judged by his pro- fessional colleagues only. A scho- lar seeks out facts, classifies and combines them, ponders their re- lationship and finally comes to a conclusion on the basis of whai he has done. If correct conclusionz were known in advance, this whole process would be a useless waste. The logical basis for education it a free society is that such a pro. cess is highly desirable both fo: the individual and for society Hence, the dangerous absurdity of telling a man that if he arrive: at certain conclusions he will be rendered unfit for his position a. a student and teacher. Students and teachers, like all other citizens, must obey the laws of the land. They are en- titled to the same legal sanc- tions and protections that any American is entitled to. It is in direct contradiction of this ob- vious principle of justice for a university to prejudge or take any action against a student or teacher who invokes, for his protection, certain sections of the Fifth or First Amendments of the Constitution of the United States. Yet, many in- stitutions have taken such actions. These we condemn for the violation of Academic Free- dom. The right to think freely an' the right to become acquainte' with all points of view are twi sides of the same coin. The forme: right is meaningless without th latter. Hence, we view as a viola, tion of Academic Freedom and de serving of condemnation the prac, tice found in many universities including the U of M, of institut ing boards with the power to for, bid any speaker to express hi; opinion on university property i The right to hear all points of view and the right to form opin- ions freely are only two-thirds of the Academic Freedom whole. The necessary third factor is the right to combine freely with one's col- leagues, whether they be students or teachers, for the purpose- of most effectively giving expression to a point of view. A refusal on the part of a university to permit students or faculty members to organize and hold meetings be- cause of their social, political or economic outlook in inconsistent with Academic Freedom and should be condemned. In view of what has been said above, it should be obvious that we look with strong disfavor on legislative investigations into education. It ssems their sole aim has been to purge from our schools "undesirable" 'opinions. We believe that a ftee school system, like a free society, must be able to accommodate all opinions, therefore we must condemn recent legislative in- vestigations into the area of private, personal, political be- lief. The control of academies of higher education by lay bodies, whether they be state. legisla- tives and state electorates (as is the case with many publicly supported institutions) or Boards of Directors of the type that dictate the policy of many private colleges is likely to or is subject to endangering Aca- demic Freedom. The hiring and dismissal of teachers, the ac- ceptance and rejection of stud- ents, the formulations of educa- tional policy, must, if they are to contribute to facilitating the unhampered quest for trith, be in the hands of neither the wealthy nor the politically powerful nor the most numer- ours groups in society, but rather in the hands of the pro- fessional seekers of knowledge -teachers, professors, students. In summary, we assert that we are unconditionally in favor of Academic' Freedom, which we define as a "laissez-faire of the mind." We feel that Academic Freedom is threatened or has been violated by lay control of educational institutions, jeoture committees and other speaker screening processess, restrictions on students and faculty organiza- tions, sanctions invoked against university personnel for holding unorthodox points of views and invoking constitutional protect- ions, and legislative investigating committees. We pledge ourselves to resist in every way the attacks on Aca- demic Freedom. Every encroach- + - a 4b i SDA Presents Morality Play on Freedom A MORALITY PLAY: ON THE Teachers and Students. If we are SPIRIT OF ACADEMIC to censor them how and to what FREEDOM degree? Let's take teachers first Place: Market-place of Free ... Ideas OPPORTUNISM: It is a matter Time: Now. of consequence to me who shall Moral: The Choice is Yours teach. Criteria will be that which JUSTICE: Spirits of forces now best benefits me. If it is profitable at work: we have assembled in or- to say communists may not teach, der to decide a grave question. Is because at the moment the easiest this market-place to be left free emotion to incite is against com- or is it now time to tax and cen- munism, then I shall say-CRI- sor ideas and their merchants? TERION, No communists may The debatable principle involved teach! If at some other time it seems to be one stated in our con- will profit me to say-No poets tract, the principle of FREEDOM. may teach-I shall do that. In SPIRIT OF OPPORTUNITY: matters of consequence self-wis- Don't bother me with such dribble. dom is all. I'm only interested in matters of MYOPIC: You're a selfish old consequence. Freedom is not a fool. We must think of the good of matter of consequence. It can't be all the people but WE MUST B9' seen, counted or put in the bank. CAREFUL. All innovators threat- SPIRIT OF MYOPIC CONSER- en our equilibrium, our settled VATISM: You're wrong. Freedom comfort. Criterion for teachers? is of value and we must make peo- TEMPERENCE. ple see that it is. But.. . we can't FRIGHTENED LIBERALISM: let it escape us or it will govern Temperence leads to the "deep us. We must define it, limit it, tie sleep of decided opinion." Every- it up in a neat sellable package. one may teach except Communists SPIRIT OF HUMBLE DOUBT: . .. because of the present danger. Then "Freedom is a breakfast FEAR: I cannot live with Free- get so wrong (teachers actions in- cluded) as to attract the people's notice, they, the people (students included) will set them right. JUSTICE: Well, now what do we have to say about students' censorship. This would take the form of what opinions and ideas we will allow them to hear. OPPORTUNISM: All matters of consequence--facts, that's what. HUMBLE DOUBT: But what is a fact? OPPORTUNISM: That's your job. I thought you always bragged that through doubt one investi- gates and arrives at knowledge. HUMBLE DOUBT: But if stu- dents may only hear facts -are facts, doubts? MYOPIC: Now stop your squab- bling boys. Our problem is just this: We are trying to preserve certain ideas and therefore we have the right to keep certain conflicting ideas and opinions quiet. FEAR: I cannot live with Free- dom. REASON: But is it not true: that one learns his own opinion hucf frn ha inofn ,innrf. f i undisturbed, as monuments to the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where REASON is left free to combat it." BILL OF RIGHTS: I have not been repealed yet! JUSTICE: Then Reason and Knowledge, you would both say that the investigations now at- tempting to limit our market-place are not in keeping with our con- tract.. And Opportunism, Myopic Conservativeism, Fear, you would say they are right. ALL: Right. JUSTICE: Well things certain- ly are in a muddle. Here we are in a market-place, supposedly of free ideas,..-. But Fear exists-and Fear can- not live with Freedom Ideas develop, facts are arrived at, with freedom to doubt, but some say We must have only facts. Others say we must protect our freedom by controlling it. And Stalinism says that by re- stricting our basic freedoms we're playing right into their hands. And the SPIRIT OF THE BILL n' RTCTT -q -midq 1C_"I ave f I I -I