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November 22, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-22

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4JitC 41UU

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Latest Deadline in the State




* *


VocationG roup

* *Sn*o*s*
To Question Seniors

90,126 Witness



Tests To Be Given
On Field Selections
Commission Survey To Determine
Main Factors in Occupation Choices
Pointed toward elimination of future waste of human resources
in this country, the Commission on Human Resources and Advanced
Training will survey all seniors in the schools and colleges of the
University next week to determine factors governing their choice of

Balzhiser, Branoff, Cliie Score
Touchdowns in Season's Finale
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan ended its 1953 footballsseason on the*same high note
that it opened on-scoring an impressive 20-0 victory over favored
Ohio State.
The Wolverines played beautiful football, holding tightly on
defense, capitalizing on the breaks and putting on the power when
they had to. Approximately 90,000 fans-about 16,000 of them Ohio
rooters- watched Michigan outplay the Buckeyes on an afternoon
that was made to order for football.
MICHIGAN scored twice in the second and once in the third
period-tallying first on a sixty yard sustained drive that was launch-
ed in the waning seconds of the -

:n'e .
According to Dael Wolfle, dir
have already demonstrated that c
Diag Painted
fRed, Whte
By Visitors
Most noticeable damage caused
by numerous Ohio State Univer-
sity students invading Ann Arbor
yesterday was the splashing of red
and white paint all over the rever-
ed bronze "M" seal located in the
center of the Diagonal.
University security officers and
Ann Arbor police reported they
were unaware of the incident and
had no notice of any arrest of the
. * *.

WHEN the occurrence was re-
ported to Acting Dean of Students
Walter B. Rea, he said the Univer-
sity regrets the happening "as it
mars the long relationship and
friendly rivalry our school has had
with Ohio State University in past
ye"This type of action," he con-
tinued, "has never been extend-
ed with our rivalries against
Minnesota or Illinois and to my
knowledge is the first instance of
such conduct."
He commented the action of
the University could consist of ne
} more than forwarding a complaint
to OSU authorities.
* $ *
ANN ARBOR police reported
David Lee Paden of OSU and John
W. Grotewohl, '57, had been jailed
for "drunken, disorderly conduct"
at the font ball game.
Unless released under bond,
the two students will remain in
jail until Monday when they
face charges in Ann Arbor Muni-
ciple Court.
In general the local scene offer-
ed few major disturbances through
police did say "a lot of drinking"
was seen among the 90,000 football
fans assembled at the game.
A large influx of traffic caused
little trouble to police.
Italy Approves'
Trieste Parley
ROME - (P) - Italy gave a
conditional assent yesterday to
Western plans for a five-power
conference aimed at settling the
future of Trieste.
The next move apparently is up
to Yugoslavia, which is expected
to approve such a conference with
qualifications of her own.
Diplomatic informants, though
pleased by yesterday's progress,
cautioned that desires of Italy and
Yugoslavia must be reconciled be-
fore representatives of those na-
tions, the United States, Britain
and France can sit down together
to discuss the issues of the Free
Qualifications with which Italy
surrounded her reply were not
The turbulent port of Trieste,
center of the dispute, was the
scene of demonstrations by job-
less workers yesterday for the
third straight day. .

rector of the Commission, surveys
college students can be used as a
sample of college graduates doing
work in various fields of profes-
sional life.
EMPHASIZING the public serv-
ice nature of the survey, Mike
Scherer, '54, literary college senior
class' president, said "It is ex-
tremely important for the suc-
cess of the tests that seniors in
all the designated colleges and
schools participate 100 per cent."
Senior Board and senior class
officers of the schools are work-
ing with their respective college
adminitstrations to iusUre. the
success of the project.
Final skiedule of testing dates
will be published within several
"We are chiefly interested in
what kind of people will do good
work in such varied fields as law,
medicine, engineering, business
and a multitude of others," Wolfe
"It is well understood that it
takes a different kind of individu-
al to fill the requirements of each
of these professions well," he I
pointed out.
THE TESTS, taking two hours
to complete, will be given to sen-
iors in the literary college and the
schools of architecture and de-
sign, social work, natural re-
sources, medicine, dentistry, edu-
cation, law, business administra-
tion, engineering, music, pharma-
cy and nursing on various days
next week.
Results from the survey, be-
lieved to be the largest of its
kind ever attempted, will be
tabulated by machine, analyzed
and finally compiled into a re-
port expected to come out some-
time next year.
Results are expected to have
significant value in vocational
counseling and as a study of
characteristics of students who
enter the specialized or profes-
sional fields.
According to Wolfle, "One prob-
lem which has not yet been ex-
plored on a scale suitable to the
needs of a comprehensive man-
power survey is the question of
whether there are personality at-
tributes associated either with
enrollment in college or profes-
sional school, or with the selec-
tion of one or another of the spe-
cialized fields for intensive work."
The survey, being conducted in!
over a hundred colleges and uni-
versities throughout the country,
See GROUP, Page 2

-Daily-Betsy Smith
'M' Grid Victory Rallys Student Spirit

Daily Associate Editor
Yesterday morning Ohio State
visitors singing "We don't give a

supporters matched the OSU en- ituals. To the tune of "Old Ark's helmet arid bugle joined the band.
ergy with enough spirit to rock the a Moverin' " the band formed a The field resembled a three ring
stadium's foundation. Backing a floating red roofed ark. e d resm .a .re .ring


damn for the whole State of Mich- winning team and a brilliant "Dry Bones" received a uniquej
igan" hardly got a second look band, University students disprov- treatment as the band took theA
from University students. ed charges that they are apathetic foot bone connected to the ankle
But in the afternoon Michigan and lacking collegiate spirit. bone, the ankle bone connected
AT THE gto the shin bone up to the head
A THE beginning of the game, bone and constructed a giant
Br1e the cheering came from the OSUj skeleton.j
Ike's Brther "side, but as the TD's piled up, the Goliath fell again as little David
noise shifted to the Wolverine downed him with a mighty rock
side as the 'M' fans realized this accompanied by "Little David
was their day. Play on Your Harp." The half-
At half-time the Ohio State time session ended with "Joshua
WASHINGTON-(IP)-Dr. Mil- band went through some fancy Fit the Battle of Jericho" and "1
ton S. Eisenhower yesterday ad-, maneuverings, including a grand Got Shoes, You Got Shoes" with
vised the President, his brother, piano, the Eiffel tower and a the band's new dance step.
that the Latin-American people peace pipe turning into a hat- d
are "on the march" to improve chet, in a *eorge Gershwin *ed-* TOWARD THE end of the game
their living standards and that ley, the spectators' attention was di-
the United States in its long- Strutting Floyd .Zarbock, '54A, vided between the game and fights
range interest should help them in his finalZ performance led the d in the stands.hd
do it. Michigan Marching Band onto the
President Eisenhower's brother, field for a rendition of folk spir- The fireworks didn't end with
who is head of Pennsylvania State ---_the referee's whistle. As the
University, made a goodwill study marching band came back for
tour of the 10 South American CfabTo 'V te its final performance, the crowd
countries in June and July. His j was treated to a riotous student
findings and recommendations .jdemonstration in the field with
were made public yesterday by the On A cadem ic the "St. Louis Blues" as back-
White House. ground music.
On the positive side he said 1,.-.. 1o'ter, ,I,*. LZnrnJ1 nffi-r .AJJ. tzra -

circusv w4i h a mob rying U toear
the gial posts down, the band and
several brawlers.
some of the more venturous climb-
ed the goal post, shaking furiously
See MICHIGAN, Page 9
LONDON - (W) -- Three
sleuthing British scientists de-
clared today the skull of the
fabulous "Piltdown Man," ac-
cepted for 40 years by many of
the world's top anthropologists
as a relic of man's earliest his-
tory, is a phony.
They branded the relic the
product of a "most elaborate
and carefully prepared hoax,"
partly faked from ape bones.
Charles Dawson, attorney
and amateur antiquarian, dis-
covered part of the skull in a
southern England gravel pit in
1911. In the next two years he
produced from the same pit a
jawbone and a tooth which
some anthropologists said es-
tablished the skull's age as at
least 100,000 and perhaps 600,-
000 years old.

opening session, and then capital-
izing on two pass interceptions for
its other touchdowns.
The win gave the Maize and
Blue a three won and three lost
Big Ten record-its worst con-
ference mark since 1937, but
oddly enough, the overall record
of six wins and three losses is
the best full-season mark of a
Michigan team since 1949.
The difference of a game won!
or lost was easy to see. Joyous in
victory, the Wolverine football
players-fifteen of them playing
their last game for Michigan -
hoisted Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
to their shoulders and carried him
from the field. Outside of the
Stadium, Ohio State fans were
"selling Woody Hayes' contract"
to any and all buyers.
, * *
HAYES' TEAM, initially expect-
ed to be Michigan State's closest
rival for Big Ten honors, ended itr.
season with a six aftd three over-
all mark, with four wins and three
losses in Conference play. The
Buckeyes lost every one of their
"big games"-coming out on the
short end against Michigan, Mich-
igan State and Illinois.
The game started slowly, with
the two teams feeling each other
out for most of the first quarter
-the deepest penetration being
Ohio's 49 yard drive to Michi-
gan's 24-and only once again
all afternoon were they able to
get as far.
Just before the opening stanza
came to a close, OSU fullback
George Rosso punted to Michi-
gan's 34 and Dan Cline, reserve
tail-back returned it to the 40.
On the last play of the period,
wing-back Tony Branoff brought!
the ball out to the 47.
From there it took Michigan 13
plays with Branoff and fullback
Dick Balzhiser pounding out the
yardage on the ground, before
Balzhiser bucked over from two
feet out. Quarterback Lou Bal-
dacci made the extra point, the
first of two that he converted in
three attempts.
JUST SLIGHTLY' more than
three minutes later, Michigan
scored again. Three plays after
Branoff's kickoff was taken on the
Ohio 29, Buckeye quarterback
See MICHIGAN, Page 6

Wiley Says
Red Probes
Won't Stop
WASHINGTON - () - Sen.
Wiley (R-Wis.) said yesterday
despite adverse reaction abroad
Congressional investigations of al-
leged Communist infiltration into
the government "are not going to
be stopped by anything."
But Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont.)
predicted if Republicans try to
roll out for political effect a series
of exposes similar to the Harry
Dexter White case they may keep
Congress in such an uproar that
vital legislation will be lost.
*' * *
SE . WILEY, _whO d e- ds the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, said many strong anti-
Communist leaders abroad "are
obviously deeply skeptical of our
Congressional investigations."
He said this is being exploited
by Communists and is contrib-
uting to the "widening gulf" in
Allied cooperation at a critical
"I hope thinking people in Al-
lied lands will understand that
the American people have been
shocked by disclosures of Commu-
nist penetration of high offices of
our land and laxity in failing to
clean out .Soviet agents," he said.
"The fact of the matter is
that whether or not foreign re-
actions improve or worsen, our
investigations' are not going to
be stopped by anything."
Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion said meanwhile the White
case "threatens to make the Unit-
ed States government the laugh-
ing stock and the despair of the
entire Free World."
SL To Choose
Top Officers
Student Legislature President
Bob Neary, '54BAd., seems certain
of re-election to the SL presidency
at tomorrow's meeting, according
to most SL members, for no op-
posing candidate has yet appear-
ed in the race to head up SL for
the coming semester.
Fred Hicks, '54, is the only can-
didate yet named in the race for
the SL vice-presidency, but throe
SL members will be running to
fill two members-at-large posi-
tions. The three expected to be
nominated are Ruth Rossner, '55,
Ned Simon, '55, and incumbent
Janet Netzer, '54.
Sole candidate mentioned so
far for SL's corresponding secre-
tary is Cris Reifel, '55, while Bob
Ely, '54E, and Miss Rossner both
have been named as possible can-
didates for recording secretary.
SL will meet at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Strauss Dining Room,
East Quadrangle, to elect cabinet
officers and hear committee re-
norts. The rest of the agenda has

r -- r -- - L 0- ut 1 )ddacote a e encore was de-
political and cultural cooperation manded of the band and one in-
are progressing satisfactorily and;I I pired Buckeye student gave a
that in varying degrees most of Finishing off a week on campus fancy charlestoning exhibition
the Latin-American nations are devoted to academic freedom will while the stadium roared. Other
making progress toward genuine be an all-day conference scheduled i dancers joined the melee and one
democracy. He emphasized that for 10 a.m. today in the Union student equipped with an army
Latin-America is militarily vital Ballroom.
to American security and vice Students from other mid-wes-
versa. The main trouble, he said, tern campuses as well as all in-
lies in economic cooperation. terested University students have FoO t bctllL a
-~-- ~---------- been invited by Student Legisla-
ture, sponsor of Academic Free-
dom Week, to attend the confer-i
ence where five detailed fields
a NUN ithn te real of dacademic
itsPhiiie fredo
GOVERNING sessions will be'

Players Form Pyramid

Stanton Qu
In Bias Cla


The local chaper of Students for
Democratic Action has "thorough-
ly approved" the recent resigna-
tion of Frank Stanton, President
of the Columbia Broadcasting
System, from Phi Delta Theta fra-
ternity in protest to its bias clause
which states only "male white
persons of full Aryan blood shall
be eligible" for membership.
Stanton's action came as a re-
sult of reading in Phi Delta Theta's
official magazine, "The Palla-,

Ohio Wesleyan and at which
time he was unaware of its
bias clause.
He first learned about it after
World War II whereupon he ad-
vocated the clause's removal.
The local chapter of SDA in
commending Stanton for his ac-
tion was following the policy of its
national organization
SDA cited Stanton's move as
giving impetus to their present

a new. rule passed Friday by the
Student Affairs Committee, which
requires that all resolutions adopt-
ed at today's workshops or plenary
sessions take the form of recom-
mendations to SL.
Five workshops will be devoted
to discussions of Congressional in-
vestigations, student rights, cri-
teria; for judging teachers and
teachers rights, American tradi-
j tions in academic freedom and se-
curity and loyalty programs.
Officials To Ask




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