t.h. by Ivan N. Kaye
THERE WAS AN ugly rumor around Ann Arbor last week - the
kind of rumor that disgusts us more than words can tell. It was
an unconfirmed report from some anonymous source that Bennie
Oosterbaan was to be fired from his position as Michigan's head
football coach.
We would not even consider wasting the space to refute that
rumor, but we do think that this is as good a time as any to review
the contributions of Benjamin Gaylord Oosterbaan to his alma
mater, and to express our supreme confidence that he will continue
in his present capacity for as long as he should choose.
The name "Bennie Oosterbaan" has been magic in the
sports world for three decades. He was the greatest athlete of
that "Era of Wonderful Nonsense"-The Roaring Twenties.
They said he was Fielding Yost's favorite, and there was good
reason, for he was a three-time All-America football star at left
end for some of Yost's greatest teams. He was also a two-time
All-America choice as a basketball forward, and a three time se-
lection on the All-America baseball team at first base. Is it any
wonder he was a favorite around Ann Arbor town? How many
schools boast an eight-time All-American in three sports?
Not many. Just one in fact.
Unbelievably he still had time to win the Western Conference
medal for proficiency in scholarship and athletics, and would, so the
old-timers say, have made the 1924 United States Olympic team as a
discus thrower if he could somehow have found the time to combine
track with his other accomplishments.
* * * *
"Where's That Big Oosterbaan?".. ..
STRANGELY ENOUGH Bennie's football career might never have
blossomed if Fielding' Yost had not taken a liking to him. At the
beginning of his sophomore year, Bennie was told by an assistant to,
"Turn in your suit and devote all your time to basketball." The
assistant had become exasperated with 'Oosterbaan because he did
not..assume a conventional stance at the end position.
Several days later Yost was looking over his players, he suddenly
exclaimed, "Say, where's that big Oosterbaan? I need somebody
to play end, y'know! The next day Bennie was back on Ferry Field
and a great football career was begun.
Throughout his playing days Bennie was closely associated
with the incomparable forward passer Benny Friedman. They
formed the Benny to Bennie pass combination which became the
most feared in college football, and is still considered by many
to have been the greatest of all time.
When his remarkable athletic career was concluded in June of
1928, Bennie was hired by Fielding Yost as an assistant football coach.
Yost had recognized the qualities of greatness in Oosterbaan and
was quick to place him on his carefully selected coaching staff.
* * * *
The Stamp of Greatness ...
OST WAS A good one at recognizing the stamp of greatness-
it was he who hired Matt Mann, Ray Fisher, Cliff Keen and Jack
Blott-all of whom have made outstanding impressions on the Michi-
gan athletic scene, and all of whom are revered as the leaders in
their respective' fields.
Bennie advanced 6p the coaching ladder, first as end coach for
Fritz' Crisler's early teams, then as backfield coach for the great post
war squads which earned for themselves a lasting place in the ranks
of football's all-time great fTeams.
Since taking over from Crisler in 1948, Bennie has guided his
teams to three conference titles, one national championship, one
Rose Bowl victory, and in each season the Wolverines have been
right in the thick of the Big Ten race. The squads of 1951 and
1952 were not world-beaters by any standard, yet they were both
very much in the running for conference titles against teams with
superior manpower.
Some have said that the 1948 team was left to Bennie by Crisler.
A look at the roster should refute that statement. The whole cham-
pionship backfield of Howard Yerges, Bob Chappuis, Bump Elliot and
Jack Weisenberger had graduated. So had Bob Mann and Len Ford,
star ends. First string tackles Bruce Hilkene and Bill Pritula and
center J. T. White were also gone from the 1947 "dream team."
Phi Delts, Delta Upsilon
Win I-MSwimming Meets
Knutson To Miss Game; McDonald Ailing
Michigan's injury riddled Wol-
verines ran through light practice
Phi Delta Theta won all six
events to swamp Tau Delta Phi,
41-15, in a fraternity intramural.
er posted the fastest time of the
evening in the medley relay,
winning for Delta Upsilon in
to a
swimming meet last night. The closest contest of the even- 1
The Phi Delts completely out- ig saw Sigma Nu edge Sigma Al- Bres.
classed Tau Delta Phi, capturing pha Mu, 30-27. by capturing the 15e
second place in the only two events final event of the meet, the medley a
in which they entered more than relay. The Sammies held a nar- was
one man. row lead through most of the con-ing
* *test, but Sigma Nu's Bill Gay won i11
FRANK HAAG, Phi Delt back- the 25-yard freestyle in 0:12.0 to In
stroker, led the rout as he posted tie the match at 24-24 with only The
the fastest time of the evening in the relay left. Anchoring the event, 37-2
his event, a rapid 0:13.5. Haag also Gay managed to hit the finish fPhf
was a member of the winning free- first by a few inches to win the Phi
style and medley relay teams. race and the meet for Sigma Nu.
Delta Upsilon won its initial IN ANOTHER one sided contest
meet of the season in another Sigma Alpha Epsilon beat Acacia,,
one sided contest, trouncing 41-15, The Sae natators finished:
Kappa, Sigma, 39-17. The DU's first in every event to completely
won all but one event, the 50 outclass the men from Acacia. I
yard freestyle. Dyke Purdy, Charles Warner and Lawrie a h
Chuck Dorries, and Arnie Ester- Thomas paced Alpha Tau Omega
--__ drills yesterday as they prepared
narrow, 34-27, win over Delta for. tomorrow's clash with Ohio
Delta. Thomas captured his State.
ialty, the 50-yard freestyle, in Quarterback Duncan McDoiald
second best time of the even- was added to the lengthy injury
Warner completely outclassed list yesterday, when it was re-
competition in the 25-yard vealed that he is suffering from
ststroke, winning the event byaveysrbckbutamd-
feet Hi tie o 0:3.4wasa very sore back, but team doc-
feet. His time of 0:13.4 was tors feel he will .be ready for Sat-
rly a full second faster than urday's game. Definitely out, how-
recorded by anyone else dur- ever, 'is Gene Knutson, the tower-
the evening. ing end who chipped his knee
other opening round meets against Michigan State last week.
ta Xi beat Pi Lambda Phi,' Jerry Wilhams will fill Knutson's
0, Sigma Phi Epsilon won by slot in the starting line-up.
eit from Delta Chi, and Alpha I*
Wolverine coach Bennie Oos-
terbaan -drilled his squad exten-
sively on defensive patterns,
geared to stop the tosses of John
Borton and the running of How-
ard "Hopalong" Cassady , and
Bobby Watkins. Oosterbaan then
drove the team through tricky
offensive patterns featuring the
passing of Lou Baldacci.
Extra points also came in for
their share of attention on Ferry
Field yesterday, as nearly the en-
tire squad tried its hand (or rather
its foot) at it. Even such burly
linemen as Don Dugger and Dick
Beison split the uprights, but cap-
tain Dick O'Shaughnessy plaster-
ed his placement squarely against
the cross-bar, drawing a roar of
laughter from his teammates as
the ball rebounded back over his
Punting drills were also on yes-
terday's agenda, as Baldacci and
Tony Branoff kicked very effec-
tively to receivers Tom Hendricks,
George Corey, and Ed Hickey.
As darkness enveloped Ferry
Field, Oosterbaan brought the sea-
son's next to last practice to a
close with a snappy signal drill.
(Consensus (81-29) selections appear in capitals)
f ro
Alpha forfeited to Chi Psi.
Oh Dear!
No Deer
go a few steps this way, I see!
unter. I go a few steps thatI
, I see a hunter. I. guess I go
'is frustrated deer hunter was
ted by Prof. Warren Chase of
Wildlife Management depart-
tt of the.School of Natural Re-
ces, who returned Wednesday
n an unsuccessful hunt of his
* , ,*.
ROF. CHASE said that, al-
ugh the usual amount of deer
t has been taken to the freez-
lockers, it is because of the
easonably warm weather and
a high kill,.
OHIO STATE'S Bucks arrive in
Ann Arbor this afternoon for a
light workout in Michigan's huge
Stadium. The Buckeyes will be
quarteredin the Dearborn Inn for
.the night.
Reeves 6, Hayden 0
Gomberg 6, Cooley 0
Hinsdale 6, Wenley 0
Lloyd 6, Van Tyne 0
Adams 4, Anderson 2
Allen-Rumsey 4, Winchell 2
Strauss 4, Williams 2
Huber over Scott (forfeit)
Phi Delta 4, Phi Psi2
Psychology "A" 5, Public Health 1
Political Science 6, Bus Ad 0
ZBT over Sigma Chi (forfeit)
1. Ohio State at Michigan
2. ILLINOIS at Northwestern
3. Iowa at NOTRE DAME
5. Tennessee at KENTUCKY
6 Alabama at MARYLAND
7. WISCONSIN at Minnesota-
Marquette at MSC
UCLA at Southern California
SMU at Baylor
California at STANFORD
RICE at Texas Christian
Penn State at PITT
PURDUE at Indiana
Buy your
dance programs, invitations,
tickets and accessories
and a
15. OKLAHOMA at Nebraska
DAVE LIVINGSTON (85-26-.766)-Michigan, Illinois, Notre Dame,
Georgia Tech, Tennessee, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA,
SMU, Stanford, Rice, Pitt, Indiana, Oklahoma
ERIC VETTER (81-30-.729)-OSU, Illinois, Notre Dame, Georgia
Tech, Kentucky, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, USLA, SMU, Stan-
ford, Rice Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
DAVE BAAD (80-31-.721)-Michigan, Illinois, Notre Dame, Duke,
Tennessee, Alabama, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA, SMU, California,
Rice, Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
DICK BUCK (80-31-.721)-OSU, Illinois, Norte Dame, Georgia Tech,
Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, MSC, UCLA, Baylor, Stanford,
Rice, Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
HANLEY GURWIN (80-31-.721)-OSU, Illinois, Notre Dame, Georg-
ia Tech, Tennessee, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA, SMU,
Stanford, Rice, Penn State, Purdue, Oklahoma
JIM DYGERT (78-33-.703-OSU, Northwestern, Notre Dame,
Georgia Tech, Tennessee, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA,
SMU, Stanford, Rice, Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
WARREN WERTHEIMER (78-33-.703)-OSU, Illinois, Notre Dame,
Georgia Tech, Kentucky, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA,
Baylor, Stanford, Rice, Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
KEN COPP (77-34--.694)-Michigan, Illinois, Notre Dame, Georgia
Tech, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, MSC, UCLA, SMU, Cali-
fornia, Rice, Pitt, Indiana, Oklahoma
PAUL GREENBERG (77-34-.694)-Michigan, Illinois, Notre Dame,
Georgia Tech, Kentucky, Maryland, Wisconsin, MSC, UCLA, Bay-
lor, Stanford, Rice, Pitt, Purdue, Oklahoma
IVAN KAYE (76-35-.685)-Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Georgia Tech,
Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Marquette, UCLA, SMU, Cali-
fornia, Rice, Pitt, Indiana, Oklahoma
Ww i
7 No
Coach of the Year ...
± ~ALY -ee± e~ui i~bIan sparkling shoe shine
heany- eer season last a RAMSAY PRINTERS, Inc.
resulted in the harvesting of: try
thousands of young bucks, and y
male deer are hard to find. Prof. '7 /: OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS
Chase stated that in the northern 1*V fqI* ( (Y f .'119 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor Phone NO 8-7900
part of the Lower Peninsula there 715 N. University
are more hunters than deer.
Van Boven
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A VAN B&-VEN TWEED is a suit that combines the
luxurious texture and distinctive color work of o
p ~fine hand-woven shetland, but is much lighter in
weight than the overage tweed. Thus, it not only
provides a luxury-look that few suits ever attain,
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tile than the usual suit..4
. oe please, the natural shoulders . . . butonz
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frflt 7
BEN= EBUILT ANOTHER champion around Chuck Ortmann and
Lo Koceski, a couple of untried sophomores. The football writers
acknowledged the accomplishment by naming Bennie "Coach of the
Year." They knew that the undefeated season was his and not his
Bennie Oosterbaan however, means much more to this university
than just a football coach. He is himself a Michigan tradition. He
has been a part of this great institution for thirty years and has at
all times been a credit to his alma mater. Those who have played for
him will remember his genial personality long after they have for-
gotten the scores of the games in which they participated.
We at The Daily have considered it a privilege to know
Bennie. We are not guided in our respect for this man by the
particular record of the team he coaches. When we say that we
are all for him, we mean just that-in victory and just as
strongly in defeat.
We may have missed a prediction or two this year, but of one
thing we are dead certain: and that is that Benjamin Gaylord
Oosterbaan is more than good enough to coach the football team of
the University of Michigan for as long as he wants the job.
A quick-wi ted college student decided to add a new sport,
shirt to his wardrobe. Although broke, he was unconcerned.
He walked into the local sportswear shop and said, "Let me
see your smartest checked sport shirts."
The clerk showed him severalVan Heusen FIELDWOOD
CHECK Sport Shirts. "These are the finest I've got," he
beamed. "The fabric is 55% wool and 45% rayon-for
kitten's-ear softness and long, long wear. They can be laun-
dered in lukewarm water. And you can choose from a wide
selection of small and medium-size checks...and only $7.95
"Just what I was looking for," said the student. "I'll take
this one with the medium-size checks."
The clerk wrapped the shirt aid handed it to him. "That
will be $7.95," he said.
"On second thought, I'll take that one with the small
checks," said the student.
The obliging clerk unwrapped the first shirt, wrapped the
second one and handed it to the student, who turned to
leave. "Just a minute," cried the clerk. ''You forgot to pay
for it."
"I gave you the other shirt for it," answered the youth.
"But you didni't pay for the other shirt," continued the
Naturally! I didn't buy that one!"
If youwish to select your
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