'AGE. OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1953 T Little Red robin HMood HIS EXPURGATED and original manu- script of Robin Hood is designed to de- light children of all Ages. CHAPTER ONE HOW ROBIN BECAME A COIMUNIST One day as Robin was walking alone in Sherwood Forest he chanced upon a bridge spanning a creek. As he started to cross the bridge he saw a huge man striding toward him from the opposite side. Now the bridge was a narrow one and very precarious and only one man could 'pass over it at a time. Called Robin to the approaching stranger: "My good fellow; stop where you are, and get off the bridge, so I may pass first." The stranger heeded not Robin's words and continued across the bridge saying: "No, my friend. You wait until I cross the bridge and then you may cross." Neither lieing satisfied with the replies, and now being close to one another, they fell into a mighty battle with their staffs and both were mightily hurt and Robin feeling the full force of the stranger's wrath upon his head said: "Verily, stranger, you are a brave and honest man, but see what evil ensues when both of us travel by the middle of the road?" The stranger agreed readily with Robin and Robin said: "Fast friend in arms, let us do battle against one another no more. I charge you, from this day forth, with travelling on the right side of the road, and I for my part herewith, will go by the left way. And so, we ';will avoid future battle betwixt our- selves." The stranger smiled and agreed and in- troduced himself as John Little, but Ro- bin marvelling much at his size and given to the Jest said: "From this. day hence, you shall be called 'Little John' and if you will, you may join my merry band of fellow travellers." CHAPTER TWO LITTLE JOHN MEETS ROBIN'S BAND OF FELLOW TRAVELLERS TITTLEJOHN and Robin hurried through the forest to meet the fellow travellers. The forest was dense and dark and Robin told his new made friend to fear not for it was guarded by the merry men both day and night. Suddenly, they came upon a clearing in the wood and there espied a hundred men clothed in forest green. When the band saw Robin and the tall stranger they gathered near the pair and fell silent. "My fine fellows," said Robin, "I bring a new man to join our merry band. Come one by one and meet Little John." And each man stepped forth and clapped the hand of Little John and bade him wel- come. There came a sad faced man to John who said: "I am known to all as Will Scarlet, once a man of wealth, who because of scarlet name was destined 'parlor pink' from birth.,, Will smiled and turned away. Next came to Little John a robust man of massive girth and balding pate. "I sir, -n Friar Tuck. A churchman of yesteryear who did speak too much and so gained reputation wide and near as a pro- testing clergyman. The King approves not of My company and so Will's scarlet name has made me a red deem I., And many more did Little John meet of like nature. And turning to Robin, quoth he: "And why do you and your men hide in the forest, Robin?" CHAPTER THREE ROBIN'S NEFARIOUS POLITICS REVEALED ROBIN ANSWERED not Little John's question at first but then he spoke and said: "Friend, I did not say this hence, since I feared your thoughts. But since you are a true fellow, I shall answer true. "My men and I steal from the rich to give to the poor." Little John turned pale and said : "Think gay Robin of what you say. Whose doctrine do you mouth?" "I speak for Richard the Lenin-hearted,. my exiled King," shouted Robin. Little John stood aghast. "Cad," he exclaimed. "Giver to the poor! Defender of the foreigner in exile! Sub- verter of the government! Conspirator! "Long live King John," shouted Little John and approaching Robin smote him with his staff. And Robin fell to the ground smitten unto death. God grant the same to all of Robin's bent. --Mark Reader New Books at Library Harris, Sara-Father Divine: Holy Hus- band: Garden City; Doubleday & Co., 1953. Seton, Celeste Andrews-Helen Gould was My Mother-In-Law: New York; Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1953. Williams, Ben Ames-The Unconquered: Boston; Houghton Mifflin Co., 1953. m Baum, Vicki-The Mustard Seed: New York; The Dial Press, 1953. Ellison, Joseph W.-Tusitala of the South Seas: New York; Hastings House, 1953. Flood, Charles B.--Love is a Bridge: Bos- fnn C mtri i . _7l~f7; n, In/ TODAY AND TOMORROW: Soviet Policy in Austria: Make The Status Quo Palatable I /etter4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications fron its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. RabinHood .rather to indicate that relative Ro n l d . . .permissiveness in premarital sex To the Editor: relationships could hardly be ball- ed contrary to "human nature." I THOUGHT you might enjoy a Of greatest importance, how- copy of this letter which was ever, were the panel's general con- By WALTER LIPPMANN BERN-In Vienna, which I visited last week after having been to London, Par- is and Bonn, there is much evidence to sup-j port the view that Soviet policy in Europe does not look forward to a settlement- negotiated at any level-but that it is seek- ing to relax the tensions of the cold war. It can virtually be taken for granted that the Soviet Union is decided not to sign an Austrian peace treaty. For this would com- pel it to remove its army of occupation, and would moreover bring into force the, terms of the satellite peace treaties. These call for the military evacuation also of Hun- gary and Romania. I heard on good author- ity that M. Vishinsky told the Austrians last year that as long as there was danger of a general war, the Red army would not leave Austria. On the other hand, having decided to stay, the Soviet Union has gone a long way towards making its presence unob- trusive to the Austrian population. The Soviet zone of Austria is about half of the country. But, unlike Germany, there is no partition of Austria. And since last Aprilthe Iron Curtain has been all but re- moved in one installment. after another. Austria has one government for the whole country based on a coalition of its two great parties-both of them firmly anti-Commun- ist and both of them Western in their in- terests and their outlook. The elections are free everywhere, and as a matter of fact, the Communists who are a small and un- important party everywhere in Austria, hai ' no more strength, perhaps less, in the So- viet Zone than elsewhere. In June the Soviet controls at the zonal boundaries were removed. Anyone can now go anywhere without special passes or pa- pers of any kind. Mail and telephone cen- sorship was lifted in August, the radio cen- sorship last week. There have been conces- sions about the occupation costs, many re- quisitioned buildings have been turned back, about 600 Austrians who were in the clutch- es of the Red army have been amnestied. Most important of all the Red Army #ias been made as inconspicuous as possible. There are, I was told, about 40,000 Soviet troops in Austria. The larger part of them are, significantly enough, living in camps in the woods up near the Czechoslovak fron- tier away from the centers of population. The Soviets seem to be doing what they can to remove the practical inconveniences of the occupation: to give the population a feeling of not being occupied despite the fact that the Red army remains. Their one important remaining control of Aus- trian internal affairs is that they retain a certain control over the personel of. the Austrian police in their zone. Though their presence is so unobtrusive, it is of course always a danger which res- ponsible Austrians never put out of mind. For, given other circumstances, the Red army might be able to engineer a coup for the seizure of power. Moreover, the presence of any foreign army so long after a war is an indignity, Nevertheless, there is little doubt that the Soviet Union does not now think of Austria, as probably it did in 1945, as one of the states that might be won in the cold war. Its present conduct recognizes that Austria will not become a Soviet satellite and that it is overwhelmingly and firmly associated with the Western world: A MAN WHO should know told me that half the families in Vienna have rela- tives living in Yugoslavia or in countries behind the Iron Curtain. It is obvious, then, that in order to maintain the Iron Curtain around Czechoslovakia and Hungary, the Red army must stay in Austria watching the frontiers with these two satellite coun- tries. If the frontiers were open on the Aus- trian side to easy passage, the satellite structure would be seriously weakened. Soviet policy in Austria seems to me to add considerable support to the view that the basic policy in Europe at present is to preserve the status quo. It would be weakened by the evacuation of Austria and it might well be demolished by the unification of Germany. For that reason the Soviet government is now unwilling even to discuss German unification and it will not sign an Austrian treaty. Re-reading the Soviet note after visiting Vienna, I am inclined to think that the cri- tical passage in it is the sentence which fol- lows upon the complaint about American military bases in "a number of states of Europe, North Africa, the Near and Middle. .East." The critical sentence says that "the settlement of the German problem . . . is inseparably connected with the elimination of the above mentioned military bases." The European military situation may be described as an enormous Russian sa- lient pushed out 500 miles from the bor- ders of the Soviet Union into the center of the continent. This Red salient is out- flanked by the sea and air forces of NA- TO in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans and Turkey on the South, and on its Northern flank from Britain and Scan- dinavia. The situation is a military deadlock. The Soviets cannot consider withdrawing from their salient without the extreme risk of leaving behind them a violently hostile Eas- tern Europe. The NATO powers cannot con- sider withdrawing from the flanks of the salient as long as the Red army is in the salient. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) II ON THE WASHINGTON MERBUY-GO-OUND WITH DREW PEARSON An Open Letter To Arthur Miller Dear Mr. Miller: WE ARE SORRY that you were not as pleased with the University on your visit here as you believed you should be. You say that individual spirit is lacking, and that a cloud hangs over the campus. Perhaps you are right, No, today's student doesn't get up on soap boxes anymore, nor does he attend radical lectures. It seems times have changed and it's strange that you haven't felt it even as far away as New York, In 1934 President Alexander Ruthven re- marked once amid heated campus investi- gations: "Communist groups here on cam- pus are small. They do not annoy us here. I have had many interesting and sometimes amusing experiences with them." Another time he publicly said that he hoped Communism was taught on campus, "for to teach is not to advocate, and I am opposed to advocating Communism." Seems strange to hear words like that these days, doesn't it Mr. Miller. President Ruthven had to reverse himself in the for- ties. Today we are in the midst of a 'cloud' as you put it, but there is no need to blame the University for it. It seems un-American to call it fear, but I guess that's what it is. Not many years ago it started as a joke. Television comedians could draw many laughs with 'McCarthy jokes.' The same comics have left the subject for funnier fields these days. Investigating commit- tees have not worked themselves out as everybody said they would. In fact, to- day, they are stronger than ever, and in- vestigators are digging deeper hoping to find some more. You know, Mr. Miller, you must be care- ful if your relatives read the Daily Worker. We have a copy in our library, but nobody reads it much anymore. We had a panty raid on campus two years ago, as you mentioned. It wasn't very much and hardly in the spirit you imply. Life magazine thought it looked like fun and gave it some publicity. Other campuses thought it might be fun too, so they also tried it. That gave somebody a new idea. You know we're all eligible for the draft. Now, they never let us forget it. I never really knew the army was that bad, but after all the threats it must be worse than Siberian salt mines. What did they threaten you with in your day, Mr. Miller? Our professors don't seem much inspired these days eeither. Some of them tried to buck Mr. McCarthy. Seemed they had pret- ty good grounds too, right out of the bill of rights, amendment five. They don't try that anymore, though. It's constitutional, but un-American. I Some schools, like Harvard University, have tried to go over the Senator's head, but he's thought up something new. He's going to try to cut off financial aid to such leftist dens. That will teach them. I guess we really don't have any more spirit. But please don't shout it so loud Mr. Miller, Some of us are ashamed. -Murry Frymer WASHINGTON-Republican Senators and Congressmen have de- cidedly mixed views as to whether Attorney General Brownell was right in bringing out his spy charge at this particular time. Publicly, no Republican Senators will be quoted. But privately, a lot of them think Brownell's timing was bad. "We are about to open a session of Congress when we will need Democratic votes to put the Administration program across," said one staunch Eisenhower supporter. "Yet Brownell comes along just at this time and alienates the Democrats. "Furthermore he aligns every single Democrat behind Harry Tru- man. Plenty of Democrats didn't like Truman," he concluded, "but they are all behind him now." Another Republican compared Truman's position to that of the only other living ex-President, Herbert Hoover. "When Hoover left office in 1933 the public didn't hear about him for years," recalled this Senator. "He was completely out of the limelight, didn't even come back to Washington for about eight years. Roosevelt was smart. He ignored him. "Today, only nine months after he left office, harry Truman is holding the center of the stage, thanks in part to us Republi- cans. I think Truman was woefully negligent about some of these things Brownell is talking about. But he never was disloyal to his country. If Brownell wanted to bring all this out, why didn't he do it next summer, after Congress adjourns and just before the 1954 elections? "That's when we'll need campaign material, not now a year in advance. By next year, people will have forgotten." IKE'S BRIDGE PARTNER THE FULL STORY hasn't leaked out of how President Eisenhower nearly fired his Sunday afternoon bridge partner, Secretary of the Air Force Harold Talbott. The President was so sore at Talbott after he revealed plans for storing A-bombs at Spanish bases that he decided to ask for his resignation as soon as he could talk to Secretary of Defense Wilson about it. Ike felt that Talbott's statement was a clear breach of the order forbidding any member of the Administration from making statements regarding atomic bombs without the okay of the Atomic Energy Commission. In fact he felt so strongly that he asked a secretary to get Char- lie Wilson on the phone later in order to arrange for Talbott's resig- nation. However, other business intervened. And by the time the Presi- dent got around to making the call he had cooled off. So instead of firing the Secretary for Air, he told Wilson to put Talbott on notice, and give him one more chance. If the Secretary for Air talks out of turn again, he will be fired on the spot-even if he is one-of the best bridge players in the cabinet and is invited to the White House almost every Sunday. *' * * * MERRY-GO-ROUND QUOTH MRS. TRUMAN to friends in New York last week: "My goodness, when Harry gets to New York it's so close to Washington that he gets itchy feet. He just loves all this" . .. . Mrs. Truman has now joined her husband in wanting Margaret to run for Congress from Independence, feels it would be a vindication for the ex-Presi- dent in the present campaign against him . . . . Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, who's doing a good job as the second lady cabinet member in history, is talked of as Governor of Texas . . . . CIO leader R. J. Thomas, who bitterly opposed Walter Reuther's election as CIO President in Atlantic City, reversed himself at Cleveland. Emotion- ally, he told a CIO field staff meeting that while he'd cast 14,000 votes against Walter, "the institution means more than personal grievances." .... Lyndon Johnson, the handsome Senator from Texas, is already barnstorming for re-election. He has spoken in more than 180 Texas cities this summer (Lyndon calls 'em "reporting to the people" speeches. He won by a margin of only 87 votes in 1948 and wants a little more leeway next year.) WATERFRONT CLEAN-UP WHEN GENIAL George Meany was elected President of the AF of L some labor colleagues thought he would be too soft. But last week at a meeting in his office, Meany cracked the whip over certain New York labor leaders and in no uncertain terms demanded a clean-up of the New York-New Jersey waterfront. Actually some of the big steamship lines have tacitly encour- aged labor shakedowns, have been more guilty than labor of co- operating with the racketeers. But when Paul Hall of the Seafarers Union and Dave Beck off the Teamsters stepped in to clean up the waterfront, some local New York leaders refused to cooperate. For instance, when Joe Heath, representing the new AFL Long- shoremen. tried to speak in the New York Trade Council meeting, Marty Lacey, its President glared him down. Heath couldn't get the floor to utter a word. It so happens that Lacey, a power in Tammany and an independent Teamster, is a friend of "Mr. Big" of the New York waterfront-Bill McCormick. So last week George Meany summoned Marty Lacey to Wash- ington. With him came Tom Murray, President of the New York sent to Mrs. T. White of the In- diana Textbook Commission. "Dear Madam: Congratulations on your wisdom and insight in perceiving the dan- gerous doctrines inherent in that iniquitous book, Robin Hood. I read that book while a little child and have ever since entertained v e r y serious and disturbing doubts about the philosophy of capitalism. I am certain that mil- lions of other Americans who read this book in childhood share with me these disturbing thoughts about the Aiherican economic sys- tem. While I am writing to you, I would like to make the quite ser- ious suggestion thattyou look in- to a book titled The Holy Bible, for it contains some very subver- sive passages. Among other things, it teaches that a man who has two coats ought to give one of them to a man who has none. Surely, this is as vicious and Communistic as anything which appears in Robin Hood. At anoth- er place, the writers of the Bible tell us that it is "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." If we continue to permit our children to read books such as the two mentioned above, surely we will have a Communist govern- ment in Washington within a few short years. You are certainly to be commended for the outstand- ing service which you are render- ing to the preservation of Ameri- can democracy. Congratulations again and best wishes for continued success. -Donald C. Steiner, Law '54 University of Michigan Our Parents ... To the Editor: MUCH THAT has been said in the recent SL controversy seems unworthy of an adult cam- pus. I will only mention now the Student Legislature's - and the student body's-apparent attitude toward the parents of the stu- dents. Granted that SL's main concern is the good of the student body, nevertheless it must be reminded that the students' good . is not fostered by adopting the position that there are no other interests other than those of the students which are of any import. Anything which promotes the cheapening of character is rather a disser- vice. In view of the fact that many students are either entirely or par- tially maintained through their colle'ge careers by their parents, it seems grossly crass to be of so little concern for their conven- ience as many have publicly ex- pressed themselves. Further. Forall lparentsmthe completion of college is a major accomplishment in the life of their son or daughter. Whether commencement means anything to the students or not, it does to their parents. Unfortunately it does seem to be an actua4 impos- sibility for students to realize this until theyareparents themselves. But regardless of whether they realize it or not, it is a matter of great moment for parents. Their feelings and convenience deserve some consideration. (Probably for many the first consideration af- forded them in a whole four years of college) It has been said that it is im- possible to work out a schedule satisfactory to parent and student alike. Perhaps. Then again if the students' attitude towards their parents were better orientated it might not be so. For I think it more likely that attitudes rather than circumstances determine the possibilities of a given situation. -Richard Urban * * * Dr. Kinsey .. . To the Editor: LAST WEEK's Sociology Colloq- . uium on the new Kinsey Re- port took the form of a panel dis- cussion with one speaker indicat- ing the positive contributions made by Kinsey and the other exposing the biases evident in his work. Re- grettably, the November 12th Daily misquoted statements made by both these speakers and complete- ly omitted the panel's conclusions. The following paragraphs are de- signed to correct these errors and omissions. Hamblin criticized Kinsey for assuming that abstinence from pre-maritalhsexual activities ser- iously inhibits women in their marital sexual adjustment. Ham- clusions which were presented in the following series of interrelat- ed statements: 41. Kinsey's data contradict the contention that petting and pre- marital intercourse mal-condition women for marital adjustment- at least insofar as the majority of those in his sample who had en- gaged in such activities were con- cerned. 2. Conversely, Kinsey's data do not support his apparent belief that such premarital activities have beneficial effects on sexual adjustment in marriage. There- fore, as sociologists, we question- ed the empirical basis of Kinsey's implied advocacy of greater pre- marital sexual activity. 3. This means that decisions in these areas must be based on the individual's personal, moral, and religious convictions. The evidence in Kinsey's book indicates that persons who disregard their own convictions more often experience regret as a result. -Robert O. Blood Robert L. Hamblin Robert O. Schulze * *a ,. The Fifth Amendment To the Editor: DOES THE USE of the Fifth Amendment imply guilt? Some Congressmen are considering leg- islation to the effect that wit- nesses before investigating com- mittees may not use the Fifth Amendment in exchange for a granting of immunity from fed- eral prosecution. I should like to make the fol- lowing points: 1. It is a tradition of American democratic legal pro- cedure that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The refusal to answer questions of an investigating committee may stem from many reasons. In order for the Constitution to be effective, people must be able to use it with- out the fear of a stigma being placed on them. 2. Historically the Bill of Rights was designed to protect the citizens from the tech- nique of unjust governmental in- quisitions. 3. Recent Congression- al investigations have not produc- ed any constructive legislation which has helped the educational institutions of our nation. 4. An individual's political, economic, re- ligious, and social beliefs and af- filiations while having a social in- fluence are in a democratic society a matter for his own conscience and hence inalienably private. 5. No extra legal means are necessary to deal with treasonable or illegal acts. 6. It is doubtful that the pres- ent investigating committees are sufficiently intellectually qualified and experienced to aid the school system. 7. Many people have rais- ed the serious ques'ion of whether such committees are not being run for petty partisan and personal considerations. 8. The history of recent investigating committees (especially McCarthy's) have in- dicated that they have violated the rules of democratic procedure. 9. Thee committees have gener- ated an atmosphere loaded against the intellectual to such an extent that Robin Hood can be investigat- ed by some officials for subversive influence. Therefore I think it honorable to use the Fifth Amendment as one way of opposing these Com- mittees on principle. -Robert Schior Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter ............. City Editor Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker......... Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor athy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin ... Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden......Finance Manager James Sharp..... Circulation Manager Telephone NO 23-24-1 r , r r i I I. i C FIRETM'/E Architecture Auditorium MR. BELVEDERE GOES TO COLLEGE WHATEVER charm the original Belvedere picture had has been pretty well dis- sipated in the serializations. This picture ex- hibits the pitiful remnants of what was once a fairly complete and interestin-; persona'- The college atmosphere of the rovie is a complete fraud, full of anachronism and cliche. The nearest approach to the rivalry between sophomores and freshmen which is the heart and soul of this plot is to be found in the yellowing posters in the base- ment of the Union, "Hark Ye Frosh-Class of '06." The posters, at least, have something , I