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November 20, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-20

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Latest Deadline in the State MILD, POSSIBLE SHOWERS



Panel Talks
On Effects
Of Probes
'Freedom Week'
Topic Discussed
Members of an Academic Free-
dom Week forum agreed yester-
day that some methods of Con-
gressional committees investigat-
ing the field of education were ob-
jectionable, but sharply disagreed
on what an individual's or uni-
versity's duties should be toward
the committee.
Discussing the question "Have
Congressional investigating com-
mittees had a favorable or unfa-
vorable effect on American educa-
tion?" .were two professors and
five students. Approximately 175
students and faculty members at-
tended the forum.
Panel rhembers included Prof.
Edwin E. Moise of the mathemat-
ics department, Prof. Paul G.
Kauper of the Law School, Dave
Kornbluh, '54, Jack Danielson,
Grad., Eugene Hartwig, '55, Myron
Sharpe, Grad., and Donald Miller,
154L .
STARTING off the discussion,
Danielson claimed "investigations
into education have been, without
any exception, detrimental to ed-
r ucation."
"Unless all views are present-
ed and unless all views are sub-
jected to criticism, education is
not free," Danielson asserted.
A more conservative opinion
was aired by Hartwig, who de-
fined academic freedom as "free-
dom to question the existing state
of things and arrive at the most
accurate and truthful answer to
intellectual problems."
HARTWIG qualified his defi-
nitibn by saying academic free-
dom ends where deliberate bias
and distortion of fact begins.
"Thus a faculty person bound to a
party line cannot enjoy academic
freedom since his investigation
and study must produce a pre-
determined pattern of results," he
"We still do have as close to
complete academic freedom in
this country as it is possible to
come," Hartwig maintained.
Prof. Moise said it is the forces
outside the universities that must
be watched, for academic freedom
depends upon the independence of
the individual school.
The mathematics professor in-
dicated he did not consider it an
impropriety for committees to sub-
poena academicians, but said it
was an impropriety for commit-
tees to dictate the firing of certain
professors to schools.
* * *
NEXT panel speaker, Sharpe
said "it is impossible to cite the
hundreds upon hundreds of pro-
fessors who have been ousted be-
cause an accusing finger was
pointed at them."
Claiming that "the thing at
stake now is to expose non-con-
formists and to root out Com-
munist Party members from ed-
ucation," Sharpe asked "Where
will it stop?"
Miller maintained if the com-
mittee "has the legal authority to
ask a question, the individual has
the responsibility to answer it."
PROF. KAUPER said "the Un-
American Activities Committee

was designed neither to harass
education nor to promote the wel-
fare of education. No one can
' question the authority of the com-
mittee, he continued, but that
doesn't mean one approves of the
"I do not believe the use of
the Fifth Amendment is a nec-
essary sign of guilt," he said,
"but it warrants a separate in-
vestigation conducted by the
university to see whether a man
is still adequate to discharge his
Kornbluh cited two general det-
rimental effects of the investigat-
ing committees - dismissals of
professors and the indirect phsy-
chological effects, which, he said,
included limitations on student or-
ganizations and the atmosphere
fostered by committees which has
influenced university administra-
SA C:ToDiscuss

Early Semester
Asked by Group
Exam Study Committee Requests
'Faculty Poll on August Beginning
Daily City Editor
A recommendation that the Dean's Conference present to Uni-
versity faculty members the possibility of beginning school at the end
of August for a three year trial period was tentatively passed by the
final examination study committee yesterday.
The unanimous recommendation will not become final until the
study group officially acts on the possibility of switching the University
calendar .to a quarterly system.
Action on this is expected to come at the group's next meeting on
Dec. 3. If the group disapproves the quarter system, their recommen-
dation to begin classes late in August and end semesters before Christ-
mas and Memorial Day will go to

G-reen las
Both To Die
kidnap-slayers of Bobby Green-
lease were sentenced to death yes-
terday and will go to the gas cham-
ber together for their ruthless
Federal Judge Albert Reeves set
their execution date for Dec. 18,
exactly one week before Christ-
mas. Officers of the court said
Carl Austin Hall, 34, and Bonnie
Brown Heady, 41, would be taken
into the gas chamber at the same
"IT'S TOO GOOD for them but
it is the best the law provides,"
said grim-jawed Robert C. Green-
lease Sr, multimillionaire father of
the slain 6-year-old boy.
Within minutes after the U.S.
District Court jury recommend-
ed the supreme penalty, Judge
Reeves pronounced the sentence.
It was learned last night the
jury immediately decided on the
death penalty for Hall. But one
juror held out for life imprison-
ment for Mrs. Heady. After an
hour's- persuasion, he agreed to
the death penalty.
THE PAIR will die in the little
gray stone death house in just one
month - 22 months from Sept.
28, the day they lured 6-year-old
Bobby to a horrible death 'in a
Kansas wheat field.
Neither Hall, the playboy who
squandered a fortune, then
turned to crime, nor his alco-
holic mistress showed any emo-
tion at the sentence. Asked by
Judge Reeves if they had any
comment, Hall said, 'No sir"
Mrs. Heady shook her head.
The mother of the fair-haired
little victim broke down and cried
when the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
reached her at her home here.
"My feeling about capital pun-
ishment makes no difference," she
said. "There isn't any form of
death that can--begin to compare
with the suffering my husband
and I have endured since Bobby
was taken, much less what Bobby

the Dean's Conference.
* * *
PROPOSED by Prof. Douglas
Crary of the geography depart-
ment, the plan's chief advantage
lies in the elimination of the
present two school weeks after
Christmas vacation and before fi-
nal examinations.
The group termed this period
ineffective instructionally from
both the student and faculty
viewpoint. An uninterrupted pe-
riod of instruction culminating
in final examinations results
under the plan.
Further consequences would be
a three or four week Christmas va-
cation with school beginning in
the second or third week of Jan-
uary and ending 17 weeks later in
May. The problem of a lull be-
tween school and final exams is
also solved by scheduling Com-
mencement for a week after exam-
Thanksgiving vacation remains
a long weekend, while Spring Re-
cess would be either shortened to
five days or remain at 10 depend-
ing on the lenigth of the Christmas
* * *
A CHIEF disadvantage of the
plan involves summer jobs which
run until Labor Day, particularly
resort jobs. The committee recog-
nized 'certain jobs might not be
available to students under the
proposed change but argued the
primary advantages of a more "re-
alistic" school calender outweigh
the criticism.
Time limitations prevented.
the presentation of the recent
Student Legislature final exam-
ination referendum results.
Other advantages advanced by
Prof. Crary for his plan include
the elimination of the rush period
by the Registrar's Office in proc-
essing grades, elimination of con-
gested travel conditions at Christ-
mas by the staggering effect of
final exams and a student's job
opportunity advantage by end-
ing school earlier in the spring
then other schools.
Disadvantages also considered
ranged from interference with fall
football practice to uncomfortable
weather conditions in late Au-
gust and a possible adverse effect
on summer travel abroad.
Strong faculty support centered
on the allowance of more' time be-
tweenasemesters for research work
and attendance at professional

Views Given
By Hatcher
On SL Vote
Praises Students'
Interest in Issue
Expressing his viewpoint on the
Student Legislature resolution
adopted Wednesday, University
President Harlan H. Hatcher said
yesterday the "University would
not think of moving against any-
one solely because he was called
before a committee."
The President was commenting
on the statement passed unani-
mously by SL aimed at protect-
ing a student's position toward
University disciplinary authorities
in the event of being called to tes-
tify before a Congressional inves-
tigating group.
* * *
BECAUSE he had just returned
from Lansing and had not had
the opportunity to study the SL
resolution, President Hatcher de-
clined to comment in more de-
tail on the matter but did praisel
the students for taking an inter-
est in the subject.
Charles E. Odegaard, Dean of
the Literary College said yes-
terday, it was reasonable for
students to attempt to assure
themselves protection against
disciplinary action by means of
procedural review in' individual
Also commenting on the SL
stand a joint statement issued by
Lee Fiber '54 and Jim Smith '54L
of the Joint Judiciary Council
"It is a desirable goal that
student interest included in any
type of occurence taking place
off campus is being considered
and acted upon by student or-
"When such considerations and
actions," the statement continued,
"directed at as serious and po-
tentially far-reaching a matter as
the effect of Congressional invest-
igation committees results in the
type of definite resolution express-
ing student opinion as the one
passed by the Student Legislature,
that goal is almost at hand."

Ve ie

Of Truman


SAC Study
Group Asks
Present student members of the
Student Affairs Committee will be
asked to submit a rationale for3
their positions on the Committee,
the special faculty-student giroup
studying SAC decided yesterday.
Holding its second meeting, the
eight-member study group also re-
peated an earlier request for all
interested students to turn in their
suggestions on membership and
functions of SAC.
PRESENT SAC student mem-
bership is by organization, but is
based on experience rather than
representation, and the study
committee is interested in learning
why each member thinks his or-
ganizational experience qualifies
him for SAC.
The group would like to hear
from other student leaders 'notj
now on SAC who feel their or-
ganizations are entitled to a Z7A

7U.S. Seeks
Code Clerk
From Ottawa
McCarthy rold
Of Reds at GE
By The Associated Press
Rep. Harold H. Velde (R-Ill.),
chairman of the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities -Committee said in
Cleveland yesterday his Truman
subpoena still stands, and that
he hopes the former President
"'willsee the necessity"of appear-
ing voluntarily.
Also yesterday, the State De-
partment relayed to the Canadian
government a request that sena-
tors investigating the Harry Dex-
ter White case be allowed to ques-
tion a former code clerk .of the
Russian Embassy in Ottawa.
n * .*
VELDE, answering reporters'
questions, said he did not plan
to issue any contempt citation
S against Harry S. Truman.



-Daily-Dean Morto
Poll Shows Student

All reports should be turned in
Up hold Opinion Sanctity
to the grouP's chairman, Prof
Lionel H. Laing of the political
science department. Students upheld the sanctity of personal opinion in a poll on
Yesterday's meeting was largely investigating committee methods held on the diag yesterday by the
concerned with the historical Students for Democratic ction.
background of the powerful SAC. The question asked Was "Should Legislative Investigating Coin-
The Committee was traced inittees have the power to coercively inquire into the political, eco-

He added, "That would be
presumptuous at this time," but
declined to say whether some
such action might be taken in
the future.

The Senate internal security
subcommittee showed .every indi-
cation of pushing ahead with its
inquiry into Communists in gov-
ernment in the face of President


back to its genesis in 1902 when
the Senate Committee on Non-'
Athletic Organizations was
formed to supervise the existing
student activities outside of
It was given its present name

nomic, social and religious views
students polled, 525 voted no and"
According to David Kornbluh
students said no "with gusto." TI
the belief that ar individual has

of individuals?" Out of the 649 Eisenhower's expressed hope the
126 upheld the power of the com- issue will be dead by the time of
next year's election.
, president of SDA, most of the Former President Truman greet-
he majority of students expressed ed Eisenhower's statement with
a right to his Dpinions, he said. laughter yesterday in St. Louis,


"Committee on Student Affairs"
URVEY .in 1914
Next meeting of the study group
on Thursday, Dec. 3 will take up
Good Business further historical study with em-
Guoo kssphasis on SAC's relation to other
0 u ook Seen University committees and groups.

The pollsters found that many -
students were unwilling to even
vote yes or no because they "didn't;Judoe D en es
sign anything anymore." Most ofJ
the students were willing to co- R d Dem and
operate, however, because they
weren't required to sign their
names, he said. For M istrial
The major difficulty in the poll
was that students objected to the Special to The Daily
vagueness of he question. Many DETROIT - A demand for a
did not know what the word "co- mistrial and sharp charges and
ercively" meant, and others found
counter-charges issued to and by

Business in the coming year
should be good, but the outlook is'
not as bright as it was for 1953,
according to Prof. George Katona,
program director of the Survey
Research Center.
In a survey made by the Uni-
versity Research Center for Busi-
ness Week Magazine and begun in
the early weeks of the Korean
Truce, it was found that the con-
sumer will spend less than he did
in 1953.
* * *
ACCORDING to Prof. Katona,
many business men are worried
that buying will fall. What is nec-
essary to know, he explained is
what the consumer will do.
While indicating more pessi-
mism than in tha fall of 1952,
the survey showed that the con-
sumer will be willing to buy if
the products are good.
But many are looking forward
with caution. Only 25 percent of
those interviewed foresaw contin-
uous good times, with the propor-
tion expecting bad times being-
higher than any time in the last
two years.
* * *
ABOUT 46 per cent had expec-
tations of a depressionor recession
sometime during the next five

With this issue The Daily will
begin running syndicated col-
umnist Walter Lippmann.
Commentaries by the noted
foreign policy expert will ap-
pear on the editorial page ap-
proximately twice weekly. See
Page 4 for Lippmann's on the
spot analysis of Soviet policy
in Austria.
Deportation Case
Still Unresolved
Dr. Vera Hsi-Yen Wang Liu of
the University Hospital pediat-
rics department-reported yesterday
that nothing new has developerI in
the deportation prosQendings ini-
tiated against her last spring.
A bill was introduced in Con-
gress by Rep. George Meader of
Ann Arbor to delay the proceed-
ings, and further action on the bill
is pending, Dr. Liu reported.

it too strong. Several objected to
the scope of the question.
Many of the students who voted
in favor of investigating methods
still felt that certain opinions,
such as religious beliefs, should be
beyond question.j
Students May
Get ISA Posts.
The house of repreevt t vsof
the International Students Asso-
ation yesterday discussed the pos-
sibility of student representation
on the board of foreign students
emergency fund committee.
This committee, run by the as-
sistant director of the Internation-
al Center, has no student members
at present.

government witness William ODell
Nowell highlighted yesterday's pro-
ceedings against six Michigan
Communists charged with conspir-
ing to overthrow the Government.
O'Dell testified that when he
was a member of the CP in the
1930's he and other party mem-
bers were taught in a 'civil war-
fare class" in Moscow to abduct
the President of the United States
in the event of a "revolution ."
The defense countered by claim-
ing the accusations could not be
corroborated but was overruled.
Then the defense demanded a re-
trial and Judge Frank A. Picard"
denied the motion.
Following this, defense counsel,
Ernest Goodman, under cross-ex-
amination brought out that the
witness had a long career in both
leftist and rightist groups since
leaving the CP..

the St. Louis Post-Dispatch report-
ed. When asked for comment on
the statement, Truman was quot-
ed as saying '"you can just say I
MEANWHILE, in Cleveland;.
Velde, speaking at a luncheon
session of the National Metal
Trades Association, questioned the
basis of Truman's refusal to ari-
swer the House committee's sub-
He gave the name of John Ty-
ler as an' example of an ex-
President who had appeared
before a Congressional body,
Without further elaboration, his
speech contained this point:
"The subpoena served upon Mr.
Truman to appear before the
House Committee on Un-American
Activities remains in full force
and effect even though the net
r result to the committee was a re-
spectful declination to appear."
Hetsaid he thought Truman
eventually , "will see the necessity
to appear before some appropriate
body instead of prattling to the
radio and the press."
HOW LONG the Ottawa spy
investigation may go on is un-
certain. But Sen. William E. Jeri-
ner (R-Ind.) said his subcommit-
tee is concerned with the govern-
ment's internal security- and "our



Seasoned Actors Star
In Dr ama MandrTagola



Nancy Born, John Bennes and
Bernard Tone, stars of the Arts
Theater production of "Mandra-
gola," opening at 8:30 p.m. today,
have a great deal of experience
behind them.
Remembered by Arts Theater
patrons for her last year's per-
formances in "Much Ado About
Nothing" and "Playboy of the}
Western World," Miss Born has

also done numerous roles in the
University Speech Department
SHE STUDIED in Washington
wharI h a diO.UI din nd tUl vicinn

wnere sn aia raaio ana Leevisen
work and was director of a chil- Forecasts
dren's theater. Miss Born will times were1
direct the first children's theater that of thos
performance here and instructs long term p
the children's creative dramatics confident t
program at Arts Theater. perity will l
Bennes, who has worked in year.
films and radio, is a director and The survey
actor with much of his exper- people are in
ience in California. He has that they ha
worked at the Actors' Lab in financially th
Hollywood and in Los Angeles off of prices a
and Santa Monica. In the east of inflation"1
he has worked in Cambridge," ence.
Bennington and New York.
Behind Tone are more than 12
years of experience in the theater. !, ousec
His career has ranged from a GI
*hpA1-i.r inno'1arnd t i icitthea-!ase

of good buying
based on the fact
se pessimistic about
prospects, half were
hat present pros-
ast at least another
also showed that
fluenced by the factl
ave done fairly well
his year. A leveling
nd the "seeming end
hightened this infli-
of Lords
Reenit Act

Speech, Opera Students Join in Event
The speech department's firstvn"
laboratory bill this semester opens"
at 8 p.nm. today in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater with Irish, Bohemian
and classic Greek settings.
The lab bill features three shcrt
comedies and Act II of Smetana's
opera "The Bartered Bride." This
marks the 'first' time that opera
and speech students'- have cor-n
bined on a laboratory bill.
J. M. Synge's "The Shadow
of the Glen" is first on the pro-
gram. One of Synge's most suc-
cessful plays, it is more popular
today in Ireland than "Riders:
to the Sea," which is perhaps
}better known in this country.

objective is to go right aheadt witn
the kind of work we have been
Canada rejected one request
earlier this month that the sub-
commitee be allowed to question
a one-time Soviet code expert,
Igor Gouzenko. He split with
the Reds after World War II
and disclosed details of a Rus-
sian atomic spy ring in Canada
that reached into the United
'The Dominion government said
Gouzenko had revealed all the in-
formation in his possession.
And in Boston yesterday, a
former General Electric employe
startled a crowded courtroom by
quitely testifying before Sen. Jo-
heph McCarthy's Senate subcom-
mittee that he has been a
member of the Communist Party
asan FBI informer since 1941 and
that there are Red cells in GE
1\T-. - -_'.Kb -~ Q ,.. 1' ..r

4 "..



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