PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1953 TO STUDENT LEGISLATURE: It's Time for a Twelve-fold Change ANYONE WHO has observed the extreme ineffectiveness of student government on campus this semester is drawn to only one conclusion: Student Legislature is well advanced into a process of decay leading to ultimate extinction. Four main causes of the decay stand out. SL has allowed itself to become sub- jugated to other campus organizations and interest groups. The Legislature has shackled itself to an overly-large and to- tally unnecessary program of service to the campus, completely losing sight of its original'function to represent and act on student opinion.. In many of its recent actions the Legislature has displayed an extreme lack of responsibility to student interest by the course of action it has taken and the methods it has employed. Quality of personnel on the Legislature From Names To Legislation SEN. JOSEPH McCARTHY gives the im- pression of putting up rather than shut- ting up. Rising. to the bait offered in a terse and laudable editorial appearing in the Har- vard Crimson, the Wisconsin Senator is now in the process, he says, of preparing legislation to penalize financially col- leges that retain members of their staffs who refuse to cooperate with investigat- ing committees. McCarthy told a press conference that his office workers are busily drafting a bill that would remove tax exemptions from foundation funds donated to colleges and universities which employ faculty members who have invoked the Fifth Amendment. He goes on by continuing to equate per- sons who invoke the Fifth Amendment with espionage agents under the domination of a foreign power. Aside from the arguments advanced against holding this over-simplified view- point in past editorial comment on these pages, a new aspect of the investigating committees seems to have entered the pic- ture. In the past months the investigating committees have been little concerned with proposing legislation as a result of their findings. McCarthy and his fol- lowers have been content to make charges, which had they been leveled by another Individual in the society, would have been considered libelous, and let things drop at that. The political pattern has been one of hit and run, hit again and run again. The Har- vard statement seems temporarily at least to have brought this pattern to a halt. The blundering committees not only are beginning to find their actions more vehe- mently opposed by organized groups, but are beginning to realize that their political procedures of capturing the minds of the American public have begun to back-fire. These committees' irresponsibilities are finally gaining a vague recognition by the public as being nothing more than libelous name calling, and the public is slightly dis- satisfied with the informative rationale be- hind the. Congressional investigatin&P com- mittee. McCarthy, above all a clever politician and sometimes appearing as somewhat of a pouting and revengeful child, has now turned to the second rationale of his com- mittee-that of producing legislation. It is apparent that financial penalization of educational institutions is hitting the colleges and universities of the nation at their most vulnerable point. The motive for legislation is not constructive but rather one of complete and utter revenge on the part of the Wisconsin Senator. It appears McCarthy has been directly challenged by the educational leaders in the country-whom he apparently views as un-cooperative and suspect. Instead of proving the accusations with which he has seen fit to pepper these educational institutions, McCarthy now is determined solely to get even. Perhaps this prospective legislation will actually be submitted to the Congress next year as McCarthy implies. But one fact remains outstanding: it is not in the best interests of the nation, but only in the in- terest of the Senator and his ever-probing colleagues. Time and again, it has been pointed out that the invocation of the Fifth Amend- ment does not "prove" the guilt of the de- fendant. Lawyers and writers are constant- ly trying to bang this fact into the heads of McCarthy and the public-so far, to no avail. By putting the financial screws on edu. cation, McCarthy hopes to get more co- operation. If his proposed legislation is presented to the Congress and passed there is every likelihood to believe he will succeed. However, .s cannot be too strongly urged that the Congress not only defeat the legis- lation but laugh it out of the halls of the legislature. And in the meantime, lest any educational foundation under the threat of has undergone constant deterioration in the past several semesters-a trend which culminated with the election last week of a slate of many impossibly incompetent candidates. These are the charges against student government at the University. To verify them one needs only to examine critically SL's record this year. A number of plans which would help cure the situation have become apparent. Although no absolute solution can ever be written into consti- tutions or by-laws, the following proposals, if adopted, would undoubtedly help the Legislature through its present crisis and enable it to be more effective in the future. 1) The idea of the Student Legislature as a service organization must be dropped. SL is a student legislative organization design- ed to represent and crystallize student opin- ion on campus issues. There are dozens of organizations on campus far more capable of putting on dances, arranging exchange dinners, providing typing and office serv- ices and performing other service projects now handled by the Legislature. 2) Popular or not, the time has come for SL to face the question of finance squarely and press for inclusion of a stu- dent tax in tuition in order to meet bud- get expenses. The tax must come to the Legislature with no administrative strings attached and with SL responsible only to the student body for use of the funds. A stable government cannot be expected to depend on the turn of weather the night of a dance to determine its income for the year. 3) The Legislature should press for the right of appointing all student representa- tives to the Student Affairs Committee. It should also have the right of nominatin7- SAC's faculty members, subject to approval by the administration. Only if SL gets the recognition and control over student affairs which SAC presently holds can it secure its proper position on campus as a body able to take effective action on student opinion. 4) One of the most effective ways in which SL can achieve a degree of respon- sibility to the student body is by having a question period during every meeting at which time any student on campus may question any SL member as to the course of action or inaction that member has shown concerning any issue. Questions writ- ten and submitted before Saturday noon would be answered at the following Wednes- day meeting. A special time would be al- lowed for this in every Legislature meeting. Selection of questions to be answered would be at the discretion of the chair. 5) The day after Legislature elections last week, an announcement was made of plans to form a political party within SL for the purpose of supporting candidates most quali- fied to carry on the work of the Legislature. The plan is encouraging and leads to anoth- er proposal which is that student political parties representing varying canpus opin- ion on student issues be formed, complete with platforms, for the purpose of sponsor- ing candidates and taking responsibility for initiating part of the legislation to be con- sidered by SL. 8) Instances of SL's considering irres- ponsible and uninformed legislation in the past have not been unknown. A solu- tion to this problem used increasingly by state and national governments is the open hearing of interested parties to ob- tain expert information on the legislation /in question. To be effective such hearings would require that SL be empowered to call in students, faculty members and ad- ministration personnel to appear in com- mittee meetings to testify with regard to the.proposed legislation, (e.g.) fraternity bias clauses, policy stands of the Radulo- vich case type, driving ban bills, etc. Such hearings would be open to the public and would presumably increase Legislature responsibility in a two-fold way-by pro- viding expert background for action and. by opening the Legislature's activities to public scrutiny. 7) Published sporadically on a small scale and with relatively limited circulation is the obscure SL newsletter. As the only offi- cial news organ of the Legislature, the news- ,+ MU At Rackham A uditorium UNIVERSITY WOODWIND QUINTET: Nelson Hauenstein, Flute; Albert Luconi, Clarinet; Lare Waldrop, Oboe; Lewis Cooper, Bassoon; Ted Evans, Horn; with Colette Jablonski, Romsick, Piano. THE PROGRAM consisted of Divertisse- ment by Gerald Hartley, Quintette by Otto Mortenson, Petit Suite (for Oboe, Clar- inet, and Bassoon) by Jean Rivier, Serenade by Flemming Weis, and Sextet for Winds and Piano by Ludwig Thuille. Concerts by the University Woodwind Quintet are always polished, carefully prepared performances characterized by excellent technique and musicianship. Unfortunately, thev seem to be hand- letter should be expanded and published at least once a month. Voting records of mem- bers and lists of every member not present at meetings and information on all SL pro- jects should be included in the pamphlet. Such a program is vital if SL is to be made responsible to the student body and if in- dividual members are to become directly responsible to their constituents for every yote and action on major campus issues. 8) A more meaningful "Know Your Can- didates" booklet must be published in the future in place of the inexcusably useless pamphlet distributed in recent years. On the basis of most of the innocuous remarks made by candidates in this fall's booklet, it is surprising that even five per cent of the student body felt moved to vote in all- campus elections. 9) In place of the present mechanical process of getting petitions signed to be- come eligible to run for the Legislature, a new system of rigorous requirements for members should be initiated. A peti- tion stating the candidates' qualifications and past record of service with some cam- pus organization (at least one semester) together with letters of endorsement and a signed petition should be necessary be- fore a student would dare consider him- self eligible to represent student opinion. A slate of candidates would then be de- termined by an SL nominating commit- tee, governed by explicit requirements for membership and weighing the merits of each petition. In this way it might again become respectable to stand for the Legis- lature and capable students could be in- dured to take part in student govern- ment. 10) Instruments providing for a process of recall and impeachment of members should be incorporated into the SL consti- tution. Procedure in such cases might con- sist of drawing up a petition to be signed by an equal number of students as votes were necessary to gain a seat on the Legis- lature in the last election. On the basis of the petition, the full SL cabinet would interview the member and rule on whether or not the charges were valid. If the charges were substantiated the member would be removed from the Legislature. A member would have the right to appeal his case to Joint Judiciary Council if he felt unjustly treated. Object of providing for such ac- tion would be to avoid the accumulation of "do-nothing" and/or irresponsible legisla- tors who have so hampered effective ac- tion by SL. 11) This fall the old SL Administrative Wing was revamped, given new duties and dubbed the Executive Wing. Potentially the Wing is one of the most valuable arms of the Legislature. It is the nucleus for the creation of an entire Legislature Civil Serv- ice branch for the purpose of providing SL with secretarial and research service as well as administering projects formulated by the Legislature. To increase its effectiveness, this new branch would have graded posi- tions with opportunity for advancement of those who perform their duties capably. Heading the branch would be a senior offi- cer appointed by the cabinet who would be almost on a par with, but responsible to, SL's president and cabinet. Major achieve- ment of the service would be to place res- ponsibility for carrying out service projects and leave SL members free to carry on their primary job as legislators and representa- tives of students. 12) Finally SL must endeavor by its ac- tions to cultivate a healthy respect for its opinion on the part of students, fa- culty and administration. This can be done only by carefully considered legis- lation and action, not by gad-fly propos- als and fly-by-night schemes. Many students at the University are, con- trary to popular belief, intelligent and a trifle cynical. Their lack of respect for student government this year has been well founded. Until SL can secure wholesome respect from the entire campus, it will not be able to serve effectively the University community. These proposals are designed with that end in mind. -Gene Hartwig Dorothy Myers tainly something to be said for music which attempts to be nothing more than pleasant and witty, but four such works heard in succession remind one of a meal consisting only of dessert. It is regrettable that the woodwind quintet has not more repertoire that makes certain demands on the listener. Some of the compositions played were almost irritating in their "cuteness" and banality. The instruments were skillfully used in all this music, and the composers 'have at least learned their craft, even if they have not much to ex- press. The foregoing comments concern the first four works played. The one which followed the intermission, Thuille's sextet, is a some- what different matter. A long, rather loose- jointed composition, it is full of the cliches AITRN [y Of THE U. S. IA 4.IC jete'" .TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ' J 'U _ i , . A ..... . .1 ' ,4aci .. lass r*'e' w..swms ror+ Posr M. LYL & The Rumor.* . . To the Editor: YESTERDAY'S Senior Editorial took note of a "widespread rumor" that Academic Freedom Week, and particularly Sunday's Student Conference, will be dom- inated by the LYL. Such a rumor, whoever origi- nated it, is designed for one pur- pose only: to destroy the Confer- ence and to panic every student who plays a part in Academic Freedom Week. It deliberately and viciously sows the suspicion that every proposal raised will have a hidden meaning which serves the LYL. This kind of rumor is designed to facilitate the labeling of every student who supports any type of foreward-looking program at all as an agent or dupe of the LYL. The rumor will be used as a pretext for the presence of FBI agents and state police a the Con- ference. They will not be there because of the LYL; they are coming to intimidate YOU. Members of the LYL, of course, will participate in Academic Free- dom Week, and we urge every stu- dent to take this opportunity to join in the exchange of opinion. We will, however,anot pack meet- ings. We will not have bombs in our hip pockets. We will not lead a march on Washington to take over the government. We do, though, have a program on academic freedom, which can be summed up. in the following points: 1. Faculty shall not be subject to political criteria as a condition for teaching. 2. A job or education at this University shall not be jeopardized because of the exer- cise of a constitutional right, such as the Fifth Amendment. 3. The Lecture Committee must go. 4. Membership lists should not be required by the University as a condition for recognition of or- ganizations. 5. The University should be censured for interfering in Academic Freedom Week with its demand that all resolutions be signed. 6. Widespread internation- al student exchange should be en- couraged to promote international understanding. 7. Trials under the S m i t h A c t for "dangerous thoughts" should be ended. 8. The proceedings to illegaize the LYL under the McCarran Act should be ended. We think this program furthers the vital interests of every student at the U. of M. This is our answer to anyone who would try to make a mystery out of our intentions, and to use this "mystery" as a device to sabotage the discussions on academic freedom. Whether you agree with our proposals or not: Keep your eye on the ball! Aca- demic freedom is the issue, not the LYL. -Mike Sharpe, Chairman Labor Youth League Yishinsky's Big Star... To the Editor: R E: 'Letter by David R. Luce, Michigan Daily, Tuesday, No- vember 10. Discussing the trial of six communists, it ended: "The prosecutor and his assist- ants ... are men to watch. A con- viction will set them on their way to fame and fortune; and they have for their purposes that neces- sary disregard of the implications for democracy of putting a politi- cal party on trial. It is not the con- cern of ambition that the defend- ents about when they construct their framezup are, after. all, hu- man beings." Excellent point. Now tell us how Andrei Vishinsky got his big start. E. Sterling Sader 11 k'i WASHINGTON-The Republican high command has decided to re-examine its earlier strategy of popping one big expose after another during the coming year in order to embarrass the Truman administration and put the Democrats on the defensive. This strategy, as reported in this column on Oct. 15,1953, set up a timetable by which various skeletons were to be yanked out of the Truman closet beginning about January 1. A former Assistant Attorney General was to be indicted. Several Democrats connected with surplus-ship deals were to be prosecuted. Various alleged links between the Truman-Roosevelt administrations and the Communist Party were to be revealed. The schedule had been carefully worked out and a deal was even arranged with Senator McCarthy by which he was to get the green light for any of his investigations. Orders already had gone out to government departments to cooperate with McCarthy 100 per cent. Simultaneously, Attorney General Brownell announced that the Justice Department could find nothing in the Senate report on Sena- tor McCarthy's financial, transactions which merited prosecution. Brownell also let the statute of limitations expire this month on the Senate report alleging corruption in the Maryland senatorial cam- paign in which McCarthy likewise figured. The Harry Dexter White expose was to be the first big gun to be fired in the new GOP offensive. It was moved ahead on the schedule because some GOP leaders got panicky over the New Jersey defeat and figured something must be done quickly and before the California elections to divert attention from Benson, the drought, and recent defeats. Herbert Brownell, trained in the Dewey crime-busting school, largely masterminded the offensive-an offensive which he worked out in great detail, even including a telephone call to Jimmie Byrnes in South Carolina to prime him to tell newsmen about his last-min- ute attempt to stop Harry White's confirmation. S* * * .- UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS SEVERAL UNEXPECTED developments have now caused the 'GOP high command to re-evaluate their strategy. Here are some of them: Development No. 1 was the sour reaction to the subpoenaing of ex-President Truman. President Eisenhower, who joined in this re- action, was genuinely surprised; for it was never intended that Tru- man would be drawn into the controversy by such blunt and abrupt tactics as the issuance of a subpoena. Mr. Eisenhower, however, was quite familiar with the over-all strategy, most of which was threshed out in detail inside the White House. Unexpected Development No. 2 was the disclosure that Ike himself had lunched with Harry White at his South England head- quarters in August 1944 at which time the European commander agreed with the general idea of demolishing German industry-- an idea which later led to the famed Morgenthau Plan of mak- ing Germany an agrailian state. The President had previously denied ever knowing White. Unexpected Development No. 3 is the fact that Alger Hiss, now in jail and apparently more involved in the Communist spy ring than White, was protected by eminent Republicans, including John Foster Dulles. Mr. Dulles, now Secretary of State, was in exactly the same position in regard to Hiss as Mr. Truman was in regard to Harry White. Dulles, who was chairman of the board of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, condoned and approved the elec- tion of Hiss as President of Carnegie Endowment. * * * * DULLES AND HISS JUST AS TRUMAN kept White on for approximately one year in the International Monetary Fund after receiving an unfavorable FBI report, so Dulles continued Hiss as president of the Carnegie En- dowment even longer, after receiving unfavorable reports on Hiss' alleged connection with a Communist spy ring. Dulles even wrote laudatory letters supporting Hiss and denying that he had any Com- munist connections. On Dec. 23, 1946, Larry S. Davidow, prominent Detroit Unitarian leader, wrote Dulles as follows: "It has been brought to my attention that Mr. Alger Hiss either has been chosen, or is being considered, for a position with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The informa- tion we have would indicate that Mr. Hiss has a provable Com- munist record. The information in this regard comes to me from reliable individuals in Washington. "If you are interested in becoming more familiar with this situa- tion these Washington friends of mine would be glad to arrange to have you meet with one or more persons who know the situation and will disclose it to you in full confidence. What I am writing you is done with the purpose of affording you with an opportunity to be- come familiar with the facts and thereby avoiding a situation which, if publicized, might prove of substantial embarrassment. I shall be glad to hear from you regarding this. On Dec. 26, 1946, Mr. Dulles replied: "I have your letter of December 23rd. Mr. Hiss was elected President of the Carnegie Endowment at a meeting of the trustees held earlier this month at the same time that I was elected chairman of the board. "I have heard of the renoort which you refer to. but I am DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,I (Continued from Page 2) The Ullr Ski Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Union. The movie "Skifully Yours" will be shown, skiers' insurance discussed, and refreshments served. Everyone is invited, particularly beginners. Israeli Dance Group. The next meet- ing of the Israeli dance group will be held today from 8 to 9 p.m. in the Hillel Recreation Room. The exhibition group will rehearse from 9 to 9:30. Any newcomers will be welcome from 8 to 9. The Student Players will hold a gener- al meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the League. All members are urged to attend. Tryouts for the French Play are to be held today and 'tomorrow, Nov. 18 and 19, from 3:00 to 5:15 p.m. in 408 of the Romance Language Building. All stu- dents with some knowledge of French, from freshmen to graduate students, are eligible. The Literary college Conference Steering Committee will hold a meet- ing today at 4 p.m. in Dean Robert- son's Office in Angell Hall. American Society of Mechanical En- gineers, Student Branch. Due to the color-TV demonstration to be given by' the AIEE-IRE tonight, there will be no A.S.M.E. meeting. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Discussion Group meeting at Guild House, "The Challenge of Our Culture," 7 p.m. S.R.A. Executive Committee meets at Lane Hall, 4:45 p.m. The Russky Chorus will meet this evening, at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium D, Angell Hall. All students interested in Russian are urged to attend. The Congregational - Disciples Guild. Discussion group at Guild House, using the study book "The Challenge of Our Culture," tonight at 7 p.m. Lutheran Student Association. Tea and Coffee Hour wednesday afternoon at the Center 4:00 to 5:30. Join us for a good cup of coffee! Coming Events The Aeronautical Engineering Depart- mnent of the School of Engineering is sponsoring a seminar to be held on Thurs., Nov. 19, at 4 p.m. in 1504 East Engineering. Professor Robert H. Sher- lock of Civil Engineering will speak on "Atmospheric Sanitation." All inter- ested are cordially invited to attend. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will open at 7:30 Friday and Saturday nights, Nov. 20 and 21, for the Department of Speech production of the First Labora- tory Bill of Plays for ther1953-54 season. Included on the bill are Christopher Fry's, A Phoenix Too Frequent; J. M. Synge's, The Shadow of the Glen; Zona Gale's, The Neighbors and the second act of Smetana's opera, The Bartered Bride, presented with the School of Mu- wing of the north room of the Michi- gan Union cafeteria. Ici on parle fran- cais! Everyone is welcome. The Congregational-Disciples Guild. Breakfast Devotion-discussion group in Guild House Chapel, 7 a.m. Freshman discussion group at Guild House, 7-8 p.m. Ukrainian Students' Club. Meeting will be held Thurs., Nov. 19, at 7:45 p.m. iri the International Center. Talk on "Byzantine Elements in Early Ukrainian Culture" given by guest speaker, Dr. Sevcenko. Guests are wel- come. Christian Science Organization. Tes- timony meeting Thurs., Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. International Center Weekly Tea will be held Thurs., Nov. 19, from 4:30 to 6 at the International Center. Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu- dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service of Holy Communion, Thurs., Nov. 19, at Canterbury House. Roger Williams Guild. Thursday morn- ing, at 7 a.m. Yoke Fellowship meets in the church Prayer Room. mbatg 11- Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michiganrunder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor Eric Vetter .................City Editor Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker........... Associate Editor Helene Simon...........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.....: ...Sports Editor Paul Greenberg. ...*Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor, Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin.. . .Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden........Finance Manager James Sharp......Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1