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September 22, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-09-22

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itop' 7kete

Daily Managing Editor
A VENERABLE DAILY tradition decrees
that the lead editorial spot in the first
fall issue be filled with a description of Dai-
ly history and policy by the new managing
editor emphasizing the paper's role in the
large and diverse University community, and
so, forthwith, comes this year's edition.
From its start back in 1890, The Daily
has been concerned with covering cam-
pus news for students, faculty and, in
many cases, Ann Arborites. Featuring a
highly patriotic story on "Our Rugby
Team," the first four column tabloid-sized
Daily resembles today's in name only.
Though first issues were fairly primitive,
as years went by a more definitive cover-
age of local events was provided, and by
1912 international and national news be-
gan to make an appearance. 1917 saw the
beginning of Associated Press service
which continues uninterrupted today.
The development of The Daily beyond
campus borders pointed up a new publish-
ing philosophy which has been adopted by
many other college daily papers. The phi-
losophy recognizes America's expansion in
world affairs and the heightened interest of
students in news and interpretive articles
on outside events. Emphasis on world and
national news on The Daily has expanded
to a point where AP reporting is supple-
mented by our reporters' coverages of near-

by news events with a small staff of "foreign
correspondents" who study abroad and
send in copy.
Editorially speaking, The Daily has no
editorial policy as is explained at greater
length in an adjoining column. This con-
fusing statement merely means that ed-
itorials are expressions of individual opin-
ion and not the paper's policy.
Even the famous (or infamous) senior ed-
itorials in which the collective senior staff
vents its ire in large type on the front page
represent only agreement among the sev-
en sages and not policy for the whole staff.
As the chief source of University news we
realize the responsibility of a monopoly po-
sition, but we shall never be a "house organ."
Like any newspaper we print stories which
many people would rather not see publicized,
and we reserve the right to individually
criticize or commend any action by the Uni-
versity or other institutions, groups or in-
dividuals on the editorial page.
We feel maintenance of The Daily's
journalistic integrity to be important to
our underlying purpose: assisting the con-
tinuing growth and development of the
University community which we serve. We
are, in fact, one of the few college news-
papers whose freedom is not abridged by
censorship of one type or another.
In the past we have realized this purpose
by publishing an alert and forthright news-
paper; we shall continue in that role as we
have for 63 years.

Fall Rushing on Trial

Pro *
THE FALL rushing system instituted a
year ago has been the subject of severe
criticism for as long a time. It seems ad-
visable to ask critics of the plan if they
would prefer a return to "deferred," or be-
tween-semester, rushing. "Deferred" rush-
Ing was used on this campus until last year.
Perhaps the chief criticism of deferred
rushing is that it necessitates a full semes-
ter of contact rules. Past experience
shows that these rules created a barrier
between independent and affiliated women
which was not easily broken down. Need-
less to say, the rules were difficult to
enforce and frequently defeated their own
purpose. With fall rushing, contact rules
can be eliminated after two weeks.
A second talking point for fall rushing is
that it gives pledges a longer time - a
full year rather than a semester - to get
acquainted with their sorority sisters before
moving into the houses.
Fall rushing was instituted also with an
eye toward ending the semester of rumor-
mongering which formerly preceded the
rushing period. Although rumors are now
flying that "only four houses are taking
juniors" and "House Y is about to go off
campus," they quickly will be ended when
rushing is out of the way.
The strongest point of attack on fall
rushing is the discrepancy between the
number of women going, through rushing
and the final number that the houses will
have room to pledge. This is not a valid
criticism. It is true that, even after one
eliminates the rushees who are merely in-
terested in seeing the inside of all the
houses, there are going to be several hun-
dred disappointed rushees. On the other
hand, the objective of rushing is to place
as many women in the sororities of their
choice as possible. Under deferred rushing,
many women were discouraged from rush-
ing and thus fewer rushees were disappoint-
ed, but there were fewer girls being placed
in houses.
Fall rushees can be entertained out of
doors on an informal basis, thus placing
less emphasis on their wearing apparel.
A pair of blue jeans is a great leveler.
Moreover, rushees and sorority, women
alike are rested enough to enjoy rushing
parties because they are fresh from sum-
mer vacations rather than worn out from
taking semester exams only a few days
This is the last of the two-year trial
period for fall rushing. Last year, fall rush-
ing spelled a more relaxed atmosphere,
better filled houses and more sensible con-
tact rules. If fall rushing is equally suc-
cessful this year, a return to "deferred
rushing" would be a definite step in the
wrong direction.
-Diane Decker
A Narrowed Society
WE HAVE narrowed the limits of aca-
demic freedom. The word liberal has
become "a poisonous word" to many poten-
tial employers, who regard the liberal grad-
u'ate as an "obstructionist" and "organizer
against the interests of the employers." It
is unfortunately true that too many people
in the business world are looking for neatly-
Sturned-out little robots who will have no
disturbing ideas. Personally, if my children
had left college subscribing to the pattern
of civilization as they found it upon gradua-
tion, with no passion to change any of it,

Col l.s
WHEN PANHELLENIC instituted its two-
year trial balloon - fall rushing - the
reasons given were rather vague. They
ranged from getting the women introduced
to both sides of campus life early in their
college careers to the fact that weather was
better in the fall. These reasons have been
substantiated. Freshmen women living in
temporary housing were privileged to see
the pleasant surroundings of home-like so-
rority houses and meet many of the nearly
1,700 women participating from both sides
of the fence. And it seldom snows in Sep-
On the surface these reasons sound un-
selfish. However, fall rushing has done
nothing but help sororities. All but one of
the houses tottering on the edge of the
membership line last year made their
Perhaps the strongest argument against
the trial rescheduling is that freshmen
rushees start their academic life on the
wrong foot. For the first two weeks of the
difficult first semester, rushees eat, breathe
and sleep an unusually hurried existence.
Time for studies is non-existent and work
not done cannot possibly be made up prop-
Yet Panhellenic members seem to be in
favor of their plan. No thought is spent on
nearly 500 rushees who will be disappointed.
Many of the disillusioned would not have
"deferred" rushed in the spring because of
grades. Others would have skipped the
whole business when moved out of their
crowded living quarters and given a chance
to compare dorm with affiliated housing.
Rushing is a tiring and harassing affair
at best, but when thrown at women who
have lived on campus scarcely a week it
is unjustifiable.
When the question is brought up for a
vote before Panhel, it would be well if af-
filiated women took the initiative and threw
out the fall rushing system.
-Becky Conrad
A t the Michigan .
THE ACTRESS, with Jean Simmons,
Spencer Tracy, and Teresa Wright.
I N MANY ways the title of this film is mis-
leading; we might have expected a Bette
Davis-type similar to "The Star"; but in
any case, we could certainly have looked
forward to seeing a movie about an actress.
Actually, however, the story is only con-
cerned with a girl who wants to be an
Jean Simmons, as the girl, adopts an
ingenuous eagerness particularly suited to
the rol, and Spencer Tracy, the father,
is a gruff, penny-pinching ex-sailor whose
heart melts at the appropriate moments.
The surprise package of the deal is Teresa
Wright, who is so motherly she doesn't
even look like herself.
The story is' almost too simple: Jean Sim-
mons (age 17) wants to go on the stage,
and Spencer Tracy doesn't want her to.
But the treatment of it is unusual. It com-
bines a very nearly maudlin interpretation
of the father-daughter struggle with what
verges on a farcical attitude toward the
Victorian conventions of a 1910 small town.
-_1 . . --- _ a

Daily Editorial
MEMBERS of contemporary society are
more or less conditioned to notice sev-
eral things when they pick up a newspaper.
The first, according to popular practice, is
the front page-whether the headlines area
red or black, thick or bold or good and
giay. Second point or common interest
would probably be the editorial page, o
rather the editorial policy. If it takes a
look at the editorial page to find that policy,
so much the better.
Because The Daily's editorial policy is
not self-evident, because it is probably
unique in the newspaper field as a whole
and the college paper in particular, we
feel that an explanation directed at new
students is in order. Stated as an aphor-
ism, it would run something like this: The
Daily's policy is no policy. But this is mis-
leadingly negative; we operate under what
we feel to be the most positive, the most
constructive possible code. You will no-
tice that all pieces of editorial writing are
signed by the person or persons whose
opinions are represented, that no one
staff member or set of staff members
dominate the page. Thus our policy is a
collective one, our opinions and viewpoints
as diverse as the ideologies of all mem-
bers of The Daily staff. The statement
appearing at the bottom of this page is
printed daily as a necessary reminder to
both the reader and he who intends to
quote from editorial matter.
The "why" behind the editorial policy is
likewise a positive one. It was not con-
ceived in exasperation over a half-Democra-
tic, half-Republican staff, nor over the re-
flection that the composition of The Daily
organization changes yearly. It was formu-
lated because its authors felt that the uni-
versity student should be allowed to de-
velop independent judgment and unbiased
opinion, and that, as a prerequisite to this,
he must be presented with facts and opinions
from all sides. Because the policy has been
found workable, stimulating and "positive"
in its relentless dedication to an ideal of
free inquiry, it has existed.
This, then, is the somewhat ponderous
but nevertheless solid framework from
which the editorial page emerges daily. The
policy does not commit us to presenting
every side of every issue; we will however
try to be as comprehensive as space permits.
Two other features of the page require
comment. The letters to the editor column,
by virtue of our publication in a relatively
small community, is among the most demo-
cratic of such columns to be found. You
write it, we'll print it-subject to the neces-
sary qualifications enumerated at the head
of each column. We do not hold that let-
ters to the editor are to be taken in toto as
representative of the university community.
We do keep the way clear for them to be so.
Reviews - movie, music, drama, art,
books - alternate with letters to the edi-
tor, the opposite sex and the upcoming
exam as primary topics of campus conver-
sation. Before the atmosphere clouds, our
criteria for reviews and reviewers should
be elaborated. As is the case with editor-
ials, opinions represent the viewpoint of
the writer only. We use the term "re-
views" as opposed to "criticisms" to indi-
cate that discussion of the subject is as
important as judgment of it, though the
two are quite compatible. Present review-
ers include movie and drama critic Bill
Wiegand, former major Hopwood Award
winner; Don Harris, student composer and
grad student in music school; Bob Hollo-
way and Tom Arp, both seniors in the
English honors program and reviewers of
a year's standing.
Having served as an introduction, our
ideals now pass from the inspection line-up
into a two-semester stretch of active duty.
Our aim is not "to please" and we do not ask
satisfaction from you. Our hope is to pro-
voke every attitude except the complacent
-Virginia Voss and Alice B. Silver

At the State
REPLETE WITH the greatest pyrotechnic
display ever seen 8n an Ann Arbor screen
the Martians arrive on earth to begin their
war of attrition.
From this flashy beginning a gradual
deterioration begins not only to affect
the earth's defenses but the "War of the
Worlds" as a whole. Departing from H. G.
Well's direct presentation of a superna-
tural event, the movie soon finds itself
emeshed in a love affair between a young
scientist and a librarian as well as an evan-
gelistic crusade against the invincible in-
vaders from outer space. These side excur-
sions prove to be red herrings, and the
plot thus loses the impact it had in book
form. Bacteria kill off the Martians before
any more harm is done.
Under the technical direction of George
Pal the film regains some of its vitality.
Mysterious machines with television eyes
probe the strangeness of earth. Heat rays
melt buildings while anti-gravitation waves
disintegrate humans. Luminous lights of all
colors announce the Martian advance as
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WASHINGTON-During the heat of the presidential campaign last
year, there was a lot of discussion about putting a military man
in the White House. Since then, President Eisenhower, highly sensi-
tive to public criticism, has made a genuine effort to lean over back-
ward, staff his administration with civilians rather than old army
However, five generals and a colonel, perhaps unconsciously, have
come to exert a strong influence on the President. More and more,
they shape key administration decisions. All are able, nonmilitary
minded men. All carefully stay in the background, yet all exercise
enormous power on executive decisions. They are:
1. Gen. Wilton D. Persons, known to his intimates as "Slick"
Persons, former chief lobbyist for the Pentagon. Ike leans on Persons,
an ex-Democrat, more than on any other man in the White House
for policy decisions on Congressional relations and domestic issues.
Persons is a born compromiser, an adroit political operator, once
used the technique of promoting Congressmen's sons to influence
votes on military matters. He has blocked all efforts to get the Presi-
dent to crack down on McCarthy. Interestingly, Persons' brother is
the able, liberal Democratic governor of Alabama.
2. Gen. Lucius Clay, now chairman of the board of Contin-
ental Can is another close presidential adviser. Hawk-faced,
astute, effective, another ex-Democrat, Clay has become the chief
ambassador of the business community to the White House, had
much to do with selecting the men who wound up in the Presi-
dent's cabinet.
3. General Walter "Beetle" Smith. Smith is now undersecretary
of state, has more contact with the President on foreign policy mat-
ters than does toe-stubbing Secretary of State John Foster Dulles.
There is no doubt that if Smith were not a general, Ike would have
made him secretary of state. Smith, who would rank high in any
aggregation of civilians or military men, was a wise choice in his
present post. He was appointed by the Democrats to be Ambassador
to Russia, later head of central intelligence.
4U Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther. While Gruenther holds the title
of Commander in Chief of SHAPE, he is actually Ike's unofficial
eyes and ears in European diplomacy. Gruenther is brilliant, forceful,
fair-minded, has one of the best minds in the entire army. He'll move
to Washington soon to a high place in the Pentagon where he can
be even closer to his old chief, the President.
5. Former Brig. Gen. Robert Cutler. Cutler was both a
general and a Boston banker, brought a bicycle to Washington
with him, is now rated as the most eligible bachelor in the
White House. He is Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's
pipeline to the White House. An able operator, Cutler is the man
who runs the all-powerful National Security Council, top govern-
ment policy committee in the defense and foreign-affairs fields.
6. Col. Paul Carroll, presidential aide extraordinary. Carroll is
in charge of all presidential correspondence, has the final say on all
drafts of presidential rhetoric.' Carroll served with Eisenhower in
Paris, was slated for the National War College. However, the Presi-
dent called him to the White House staff, has since promoted him to
a top place in the secretariat.
Basically, this group has done a good job. However, they instinc-
tively hang together as a clique against the civilians in the executive
mansion. They enjoy the advantage of intimately understanding all
the President's idiosyncrasies, moods and work techniques, are thus
able to get further with Eisenhower than most civilians.
BY THE TIME this is published, President Eisenhower may already
have appointed the successor to Chief Justice Fred Vinson. He has
several fine men to pick from, among the finest being Governor
Warren of California, probably the broadest-gauged executive in the
48 states and the District of Columbia.
However, in reviewing the candidates, my mind goes back to a
period 23 years ago when the politicians crucified a judge.
It was a period somewhat like the last year or so of Harry
Truman's administration, when one party-the Republican-was
about to fade away, and when the opposition party challenged
everything it did. As in Truman's day, every nominee sent to the
Senate for confirmation was scrutinized through a microscope;
sometimes through a kaleidoscope that made the politicians see
all kinds of colored prisms at the other end.
Hoover was inept and unpopular; and the chief indoor sport on
Capitol Hill was kicking him in the shins. No matter how good the
candidate whose name went to the Senate, the solons saw all sorts
of sinister shapes and colors lurking in his background.
It was in this atmosphere that the name of John J. Parker of
Charlotte, N.C., U.S. Court of Appeals judge for. the 4th circuit, was
sent to the Senate as associate justice of the Supreme Court.
There arose immediately a hue and cry of opposition. The
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People un-
earthed a decision by Parker which was interpreted as unfair to
Negroes. Labor leaders unearthed a decision which they inter-
preted as upholding the yellow-dog contract. But more than
anything else senators saw a chance to embarrass Hoover. And
they fanned the flames of oratory until labor and Negro groups all
over the country were writing letters demanding that Parker's
appointment be blocked.
In the end he was defeated.



(Continued from Page 3)


c) Staff members of student publica-
tions. Examples: Daily, Gargoyle, Mi-
chiganensian, Technic, Generation.
d) Officers and chairmen of standing
committees in student organizations,
including house groups. This includes
positions in house groups such as so-
cial, athletic, rushing, personnel, pledge
training, and publication chairmen,
house managers, and stewards.
e) Class officers or candidates for
such office.
f) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature,.Judi-
ciary Councils, Interfraternity Council,
Intercooperative Council, League and
Union student government groups, Mu-
sic School Assembly, Business Admin-
istration Council.
g) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, League
committees, Frosh week-end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Bal, Interfra-
ternity Council Ball, Homecoming
Dance, Senior Bail, J-Hop. #
h) Representatives to off-campus ac-
1) Representatives on student-faculty
Special permission to participate in
extracurricular activities in exception
to the regulations may be granted in
gxtraordinary cases by the offices of.
the Dean of Women and of the Dean
of Men.
The Dean of Women or the Dean of
Men may, in extraordinary cases, deny
permission to participate in an activity
or activities.
Managers'and chairmen of student
activities and projects are required to
submit to the Office of Student Affairs
an alphabetized list of all students
participating in activities under their
leadership, indicating positions held.
For activities which are organized at the
beginning of a semester, lists must be
filed not later than the end of the third
week of classes. For activities organized
during the semester, participation lists
must be filed within forty-eight hours
after the activity is organized.
The University Choral Union, which
participates in the two annual "Mes-
siah" performances in December and
two of the Ann Arbor May Festival con-
certs with the Philadelphia Orchestra,
is being made up. Former members in
good standing will please enroll Imine-
diately; and new candidates to fill va-
cancies should make appointments for
auditions with Conductor Lester Mc-
Coy by calling in person or telephon-
ing (7513) the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Choral Union Ushers. Last chance for
Choral Union ushers to re-register will
be Tues., Sept. 22, from 5 to 6 p.m. at
Hill Auditoium.
Mortgage Loans. The University is in-'
terested in making first-mortgage loans
as investments of its trust funds. The
Investment Office, 3015 Administra-
tion Building, will be glad to consult
with anyone considering building or
buying a home, or refinancing an
existing mortgage or land contract. Ap-
pointments may be made by calling
Extension 2606.
Co-operative Boarding Applications
are now being accepted. Three meals a
day are provided at apprixomately $8
per week. Apply in person, or write
Luther Buchele, 1017 Oakland, or phone
6872. Office hours, 1 to 5 p.m.
Cooperative Housing Applications are
now being accepted for the spring and
summer terms. Applicants are urged to
visit our houses in order to determine
their preferences. For invitations to a
free introduction dinner apply to Lu-
ther Buchele, 1017 Oakland, phone 6872,
1 to 5 p.m.
Nakamura Cooperative House Patron-
age Refund. Ex-members of Nakamura
House who roomed or boarded there
during the Spring term of .1953 are in-
vited to collect their share of the sur-
plus realized, by applying in person or
by writing to The Accountant, Naka-
mura Co-operative House, 807 South
State Street. Tel. 2-3219.
1953 Regents-Alumni Honor Award
Winners. There will be a meeting of
all 1953 Regents-Alumni Honor Award
winners Thursday evening, Sept. 24,
at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League Ball-
room. Winners will be presented a Web-
ster's New Collegiate Dictionary by the
Oreon E. Scott Foundation.
1953-54 Lecture, Course presents a
program of seven outstanding attrac-
tions, including eminent statesmen,
distinguished actors, and current writ-
ers. The Course includes Hon. Chester

Bowles, Oct. 15, "Our Best Hope for
Peace in Asia;" Tyrone Power, Anne
Baxter, Raymond Massey, and support-
ing cast in "John Brown's Body," Oct.
30; Hon. Trygve Lie, Nov. 11, "How to
Meet the Challenge of Our Times;"
Hanson Baldwin, military editor N. Y.
Times, Feb. 8, "Where Do We Go from
Here?"; Mrs. Alan Kirk, Feb. 18, "Life
in Moscow Today;" Hon. Herbert Brown-
ell, Jr., Mar. 2, "Our Internal Security;"
Agnes"Moorehead with Robert Gist in
"Sorry, Wrong Number" and other dra-
matic selections, Mar. 24. Season tickets
are now on sale at Hill Auditorium box
office, which is open from 10 a.m. to
5 pm.m daily except Sat. p.m. and Sun-
day. Students are offered a special rate
of $3.00 for second balcony tickets.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Sept.
22, 1953, in 3011 Angell Hal at 4:15 p.m.
Professor E. . Moise will open the sea-
son with a talk on "Almost Locally
Polyhedral Surfaces."
Psychology 31. Time schedule changes:
Lecture L-WF, 1 p.m., 2 Economics
Recitation L33-TuTh, 1 p.m., 2412
Mason Hall.
Recitation M35-TuWThFr, 8 a.m., 5
Economics Building. All students who
registered for Psychology 31, Section
L34, should go instead to Section J29.
The lecture is TuTh at 2 p.m. in. 2402

CHORAL UNION SERIES (10 concerts):
Roberta Peters, Soprano......October 7
Warner Bass, Accompanist; and Sam-
uel Pratt, Flutist.
Boston Symphony Orchestra. October 22
Charles Munch, Conductor.
Virtuosi di Roma,.........November 2
Renato Fasano, Conductor.
DePaur's Infantry Chorus..November 24
Leonard dePaur, Conductor.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra..Dec. 13
Fritz Reiner, Conductor.
Toronto Symphony Orchestra....Feb. 10
Sir Ernest MacMillan, Conductor.
Paul Badura-Skoda, Pianist.....Feb. 17
George London, Bass......February 28
Elena Nikolaidi, Contralto....March 12
Myra Hess, Pianist.........March 17
Season Tickets: $16.00-$12.00-$10.00
Single Concerts: $3.00-$2.50-$2--$1.50
Erica Morini, Violinst......October 12
, Leon Pommers, Accompanist.
Cleveland Orchestra........November 8
George Szell, Conductor.
Guard Republican Band of Paris.....
...... ....................November 30
Francois-Julien Brun, Conductor.
Marian Anderson, Contralto.January 10
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra..March 4
Arthur Fiedler, Conductor.
Season Tickets: $8.00-$6.00-$5.00
Single Concerts: $3.00-42.50-$2-$1.50
By purchasing season tickets a sub-
stantial savings is made.
Tickets now on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Exhibit of Swedish textiles through
Oct. 15. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on week-
days; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. The pub-
lic is invited.
Events Today
Anthropology Club. Organizational
meeting at 4 p.m. in 1402 Mason Hal.
All graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents concentrating in Anthropology
are eligible and welcome.
The Wolverine Club is holding its
first meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in
the Union. All members and those in-
terested in becoming members please
attend. Assignments to committees will
be made.
The Congregational Disciples Guild.
Tea at Guild House, 437 Maynard, from
4:30 to 6 p.m.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society Tryouts
at the League tonight and Thurs., Sept.
24, from 7 to 10 p.m.; Friday evening,
7 to 10:30 p.m.; Sunday afternoon, 1 to
5 p.m.; and Sunday evening, 7 to 10:30
p.m. For further information call Har-
ry Easom at 2-3297.
Presbyterian Student study Group.
Meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in 215 Stu-
dent Wing of the Church. Dr. Baker
will conduct the study, "The Meaning
of the Life of Christ." All University
students welcome.
Square and Folk Dancing. Everyone
welcome. Instruction for beginners.
Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m.
SRA Executive Committee mees at
Lane hal, 4:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Roger Williams Guild, First Baptist
Church. Wednesday afternoon tea in
the Guild House. Drop in any time be-
tween 4:30 and 6:00 for a friendly chat
and a snack to et.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m.
in the Prayer Room of the new addi-
tion to the church. An inspirational
period of group devotion followed by
a breakfast. Through in time to get
to your 8 o'clock classes.
Hawaii Club students wishing to sit
together at football games should meet
outside Waterman Gym Wed., Sept. 23,
at noon.








Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn...........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..'.................City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ...Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker.......Associate Editor
Helene Simon..,.......Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.....Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. .Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.. Finance Manager
James Sharp.....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


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