PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 II r AN ISSUE REVITALIZED Should We Recognize Communist China? Pro .. ONCE AGAIN ,the question of recognizing Communist China has gained headline status, this time by virtue of Secretary of State Dulles' hint that the United States might consider recognizing the Red regime if it changed its anti-Western policies and stopped supporting aggression in Indochina and elsewhere. Recognition of Red China by the Unit- ed States would probably include accept- ance into the United Nations General Assembly, although the presence of Na- tionalist China, or Formosa, in the Secur- ity Council would undoubtedly prevent the Reds from breaking into that elite group. The wisdom of such a move depends on the, ratio of advantages to disadvantages resulting from it in relation to the free world's struggle for peace and its effect upon the aims of the United Nations. Of course, if Red China satisfied the first minor con- dition, that of abandoning its anti-Western policies, there could hardly be any valid opposition to diplomatic recognition. If and when the Peiping regime did alter its anti- Western policies, it would no longer be in conflict with the free world's desire for peace or the idealistic aims of the United Nations, and there need be no disagreement on recognition. Since, however, it is not likely that Red China will abandon any anti-Western modes of, behavior while yet unrecognized, the question should be whether to recognize the Communist government before it satis- fies Iulles' conditions. As long as recogni- tion is withheld, Red China will continue to be antagonistic to the West, and only by extending official diplomatic recognition can the United States effect any change in Red China's attitudes and policies. In the first place, recognition need not mean approval of the form of government recognized (to repeat an old line) but merely a reluctant admission that the government is in power. If we have scru--_- ples against recognizing certain forms of government, we had no business recogniz- lng Russia. There is hardly any sense in refusing a nation recognition and admittance to the UN on the excuse that we do not approve of its form of government. Since the pur- pose -of the UN is to promote peace and democratic government among its members, little could be gained by restricting mem- bership to nations that have already agreed on those principles. The idea is, or should be, to include governments which do not hold to those ideals in the UN so that it can work for peace within instead of at- tempting to reform countries for which it has no official use. Admittance of Red China to the UN would definitely enhance the possibilities of changing its aggressive habits, since it would then be subject to more rigid regulations which it can now ignore. It would be easier to persuade the Peiping regime to conform to UN principles. Although membership in the UN does not seem to improve Russia, think of how much harder it would be to deal with the Kremlin if it were not in the UN. Recognition by the United States would also improve our relations with Red China, not to mention Great Britain. Obviously it would be simpler to deal with Communist China under mutual recognition than it is now in a sheriff-outlaw situation with the villain as powerful as the hero. Furthermore, the possibility exists that the presently dwindling chances of Chinese Ti- toism would be increased by recognition. Taken, altogether, the advantageous pos- sibilities of recognizing Red China greatly outweigh the disadvantages, for Red China certainly could do no more damage to world peace as a recognized member of the UN than it already has done. Consequently, if nothing can be lost by recognition, and everything is to be gained, the United States should recognize Red China and permit its admittance to the United Nations. Jim Dygert CURRENTMOVIESj Architecture Auditorium HARVEY, with James Stewart and Jose- phine Hull THERE is something basically repellent about movies (or any other media) that try, with standardized methods, to probe the short-comings of the standardized man. The fullpage magazine spreads that urge us, in thecliches of democracy, to preserve our in- dividuality, exemplify this kind of offensive- ness. All this is by way of rejoicing over the fact that Harvey, a production with all sorts of quirks and idiosyncrasies, takes up the struggle as it should be fought-with all the force of unique personalities going their own way. The picture does lapse occasion- ally into the ordinary well-worn ruts, but in the main it has the air of genuinely not giving a damn about many things. It is very satisfying to find, in a movie that would have us trust to character as the eternally valuable element, such well- developed characters. Josephine Hull's - .... _ 4m _A . __ . 4-- - . - Cona0 ECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles in a recent statement hinted that the United States will consider recognition of Red China as a de facto government if the Communists cease aggression toward Indo-China and alter their anti-West poli- cies. One reason advocates of recognition give for accepting the Red's government is that we can then encourage them to break with Russia, wooing them to our side as we did with Tito. But there is no indication that a Chinese government even though hostile to Moscow would be more friendly to the U.S. than it is now. This would be forgetting that the ultimate goal of all communists is worldwide ac- ceptance of their doctrines. They will con- tinue to work for this even though they may break with Moscow. Secondly, it is argued that the Nationalist government no longer represents the people of China, is filled with corruption and has increasingly fewer followers. To many Chi- nese, however, Chiang-Kai-Shek represents the fact that resistance to communism still exists. On the other hand there is no way of ascertaining how many Chinese people really are behind the Red government-look at the numbers of Chinese and North Kor- ean POW's who refuse repatriation. Recognition of Red China would give a tremendous lift to the prestige of Russia at a time when that country is suffering inter- nal troubles. It might damage seriously the morale of people 'in the satellites who are watching with interest resistance against communist infiltration in Asia. United States prestige would be destroyed in the eyes of many Asians, and our previous work in building good relations would be virtual- ly wiped out. If we sanction the communist methods of gaining power in China, might we not do the same to them if they are overrun? Thus they will look on United States help with increasing suspicion and might resort to making fatal compromises with the Chinese in the hope that this will save them. Most important outcome of our recogniz- ing the Chinese People's government would be its eventual acceptance in the UN. With the European countries having accepted Red China, we could not continue to oppose her entry into the UN on one hand while recognizing her diplomatically on the other. Acceptance of the Reds Into the UN would mean the vindication of the Chi- nese aggression in Korea. In its anxiety to achieve peaceful relations, the UN would be reversing its stand on aggres- sion. The Chinese by their atrocity record in Korea and systematic disregard of human rights in their own country have shown that they have no respect for the fundamentals of human -decency put forth in the UN charter. . Thus the United States should continue its present policy toward Red China until it proves beyond a reasonable doubt that it intends to take its place peacefully with the other nations of the world. --Freddi Lowenberg CURRENTMovIESl At the State .. . ALL THE BROTHERS WERE VALIANT, with Robert Taylor, Stewart Granger, and Ann Blyth LAST SPRING, a press-agent for Ciner- ama, visiting Ann Arbor referred to the area illuminated by the famous triple-pro- jection process that he was promoting as the "mighty giant screen." The new "big screen" on which "All the Brothers were Valiant" is being shown locally is one of more modest dimensions, but seems to have a stability appropriate to its conservatism. It has been incorpor- ated into the theater as part of the 3-D renaissance which will climax in a few weeks with the presentation of "The Robe," the 20th Century Fox Cinema- scope venture which is expected to cli- max the birth pains of the entire enter- prise. It is not the overwhelming circus that Cperama is, but a slightly concave, approximately rectangular surface gen- drously larger than the standard 3:4 square of everyday movies. This screen, or modifications of it, should wear well. The new relationship of height to width provides a generally more "em- phatic" visual experience, and the' per- formers have new range and breathing space. Some compositions have the static grandeur of good paintings. The film itself, a sea story, is a compe- tent, reasonably absorbing adventure story in which enough capable people have been assembled to furnish a suitably coherent diversion. This includes Director Richard Thorpe, who did "Ivanhoe" and scenarist Harry Brown, who collaborated on the script for "A Place in the Sun." A few- sequences of high cinematic sus- pense are the best things in the film, fresh- est of which is a suspended mutiny blending a number of conventional plot quantities in- to a finely complex composition. Beyond that, however, the big screen is A Divided Country (EDITOR'S NOTE: William McIntyre, the au- thor of the following article on Ireland, is cur- rently doing a year of independent study at Queen's College, Belfast, on an exchange scholar- ship. McIntyre received his master's degree in political theory from the University last June.) By WILLIAM McINTYRE IT IS A TYPICAL evening in Belfast .. . cold, damp, and drizzling. From my win- dow in "The Queen's Chambers" I can see the silhouette of Great Hall directly across the street . . . the keystone of the Univer- sity, a huge castle-like structure built over a hundred years ago and looking older than its age. A half mile up University Road is the City Hall. Three miles to the south is Stormont, the home of Northern Ireland's Parliament. Eighty miles further south is Dublin, once the capital city of all Ireland, now the capital of the Republic of Eire. Somewhere between Belfast and Dublin runs a dividing line, established thirty-two years ago, and separating the twenty-six counties of Eire from the six counties of Northern Ireland. It is a strange division, boking off the North-Eastern corner of the island with a line that in one place may run up the middle of a village street, cutting off the pub from the postoffice, and in another place may cut comically between the oats in one field of a small farm and the turnips in another. To a stranger the border at first seems incomprehensible. To divide the small popu- lation of a small island by any rigid and unalterable barrier seems no more sensible than to arrange a barbed-wire entanglement across the middle of the bathroom floor. But the first and foremost political concern of the Irishman is retention or obliteration of the border, depending on the point of view which he holds; and his point of view is conditioned almost entirely by his re- ligion. Three-fourths of the population of Ire- land are Roman Catholics. The remaining fourth is made up of members of the various Protestant churches. However, in the Re- public of Eire roughly nineteen people out of every twenty are Catholic, while in North- ern Ireland only one out of three adheres to the Church of Rome. With few excep- tions, the Protestants want the border and the Catholics don't. In Northern Ireland, where the two faiths tend to separate into communal strongholds, come war or come peace a political candidate stands or falls on the position he takes with regard to the bor- der. I have yet to meet the voting resi- dent of Northern Ireland whose vote was not the political expression of his attitude toward partition, despite all other issues in the campaign and despite the amount of formal education he had received. The situation is most fascinating when viewed from a personal level. On learning that a stranger is interested in the religious question, the well-meaning Northern Irish- man, be he Catholic or Protestant, gracious- ly warns, "Ochh, that's one topic you don't talk about here just!" He then proceeds to expound, offering a myriad of intriguing ex- amples 'to prove that both sides have at times been unfair' and presenting the 'other side's' point of view with an objectivity which he is convinced is indeed rare. * * * * (UCH PROCEDURE would not seem so t. ludicrous if so many Northern Irishmen did not practice it. Yet when it comes time to cast his vote the omniscient arbiter sheds the robe of philosopher-king and firmly aligns himself behind the political-religious faith of his father. The Catholics throughout Ireland affirm that the border was imposed from with- out by the British Parliament and that the majority of Irish people favor its dis- solution. The Protestants in Northern Ireland contend that they stand to benefit from membership in the Commonwealth and that certain practices which they tol-' erate, and are legally prohibited in the Republic of Eire, such as divorce and the sale of contraceptives might be outlawed throughout the island were the border dis- solved. An election was just held in Northern Ireland. For weeks ahead the campaigners rode up and down University Road, echoing fervent shibboleths from a costumed cara- van and including in their entourage a wa- gon full of laughing youngsters with their feet dangling from the sides and a small flute band which alternately played Irish anthems and Sousa marches. After the tumult was over, after everyone had had his chance to write stirring letters to the editor . . . often signing them "Rest- less Presbyterian" or "Curious Catholic" . . the ballots were counted. As was expected, the party favoring retention of the border emerged with precisely the same two to one majority it held when the campaign began. The moral of this story I don't know. But the prologue to any statement of a moral is clear: One cannot begin to under- stand the nature of the social, economic, and political problems which confront Ireland without first informing himself of the pow- erful religious undercurrents which per- meate all Irish affairs. Perhaps it can be said that partition will end automatically when all the people who compose the nation find, after cen- turies of dispute, some common ground in -~-.-a _4,. -Daily-Bill Hampton Couple of Pre-Game Sports THE WEEK O CAMPUS NATIONAL AND international politics took a back seat to local issues this week with Student Legislature elections, trophy squab- bles and the MSC game making headlines. Leading up to the traditional football battle a Paul Bunyan trophy for the victor continued to bear the brunt of criticism from student leaders at both schools who thought the award should be student-inspired instead of receiving its origin from Gov. G. Mennen Williams' political moves. The trophy was presented to game captains before the East Lansing kick-off, minus official University approval and still lacking the total $1,400 needed to finance the massive statue. In an attempt to stave off possible disturbances arising from the University-MSC meet, administration and student leaders from both institutions met early in the week to plan activities to keep brawls and pranks to a minimum before and after the game. The attempt was to little avail however, and seven University students were suspended later in the week for painting MSC property. Reinstatement of the pranksters was virtually assured following a cleanup campaign by the vandals. * *~ * * SL ELECTIONS-Student apathy continued to be the cliche of the year, following a just -average (44.3 per cent) turnout in the SL elections on Wednesday and Thursday. Charges of ballot box stuffing and the dropping of a few Legislature incumbents from the counting early in the game clouded the election spotlight however. Referenda presented to the campus resulted in general dis- approval of last spring's shortened exam period with no "dead" weekend. The winning choice was a return to the old system of final exams which would result in unofficial graduation of seniors. Despite written and verbal controversy that reached a height the day before. elections, the SL 'Fair Play the Wolverine Way' sticker was approved by a slight 100 vote margin. * * * * SL AND SAC-With the approach of Academic Freedom Week in sight the Student Affairs Committee made an attempt to fix re- sponsibility for all activities occurring at the week's meetings. The SL, although passing a motion which indicates they will accept the responsibility, asked that an SAC-proposed clause requiring signa- tures of resolutions drawn up at meetings be withdrawn on the grounds that it "violates SL's Academic Freedom Policy stand." The only way to resolve the main difference between the two groups seemed to be substituting the statement "resolutions drawn up at any meeting during Academic Freedom Week are not the opinions of the student body in general but only of this 'ad hoc' group." - -Pat Roclofs Qt tei'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters 'exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i (Continued from Page 2) I wisconsin. Applicants must hold an A.B. degree or expect to receive one by June, 1954. Application blanks must be filed not later than Dec. 30, 1953, in order to qualify for the written test to be given on Jan. 16, 1954. Applications and complete announcements are avai- able at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. PERSONNEL REQUESTS. The Food Machinery & Chemical Corp., John Bean Dv., Lansing, Mich.,. is interested in contacting Mechanical Engineers for two openings in the Divi- sion. The Western Adjustment & Inspec- tion Co.. in Chicago, Ill., would like to hear from Feb. and June graduates interested in the adjustment profes- sion. The company offers a continuous training program for positions located throughout the Midwest. The Maryland Casualty Co. is offer- ing a training program to college men interested in a career in the insurance field. Accepted applicants will be train- ed in Detroit or in Baltimore, Md. The Cessna Aircraft Co., wichita, Kan- sas, is interested in hearing from Aero- nautical and Mechanical Engineers seeking a permanent connection in the commercial aircraft industry. For further information concerning these and other employment oppor- tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Build- ing, Ext. 371. Lectures Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman, auspices Departments of Astronomy, Aeronautical Engineering, Physics, and Geology, Tues., Nov. 17, 4 p.m., 1400 Chemistry Building. Topic, "Magnetic Storms and Changes on the Sun." Academic Notices Geometry Seminar, Mon., Nov: 16, at 7 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. J. B. Wright will continue his talk on "2- dimensional Quasi-Projective Geome- try." Anatomy Seminar. "Energy Sources for Muscle Contraction," Dr. Raymond L. Garner; "Studies of Muscle, Using Physical Methods," Dr. Darwin L. Wood; 2501 East Medical Bldg., 11 a.m., Mon., Nov, 16. Logic Seminar, Tues., Nov. 17, at 4 p.m., in 2203 Angell Hall. Prof. Hao Wang, of Harvard University and Bur- roughs Corp., will speak "On Some New Undecidable Propositions Generated by Semantic Paradoxes." The Mathematics Orientation Semi- nar will meet Mon., Nov. 16, at 3 p.m. in 3001 Angel Hal. Mr. James Brooks will speak on "Some Objections to the Peano Axioms." Seminar in Mathematical Statistics! Tues,, Nov. 17, from 3-5 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Professor P. S. Dwyer will be the speaker. he University Extension Service an- nounces: Efficient Reading. Designed to help the individual improve his reading rate, concentration, vocabulary, and critical comprehension. Class discus- sion, practice with visual aids, reading selections with comprehension checks. This course is not open to University freshmen since a program of remedial reading is currently being offered un- der the direction of the Bureau of Psy- chological Services. Enrollment in each section is limited to twenty. Eight weeks, $8.00. Section II. Instructor: James W Downer. Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, 7 p.m., 306 Student Legislature Building, 512 South State Street. Section III. Instructor: Alton L. Ray- gor. Monday evening, Nov. 16, 7 p.m., 306 Student Legislature Building, 512 South State Street. Registration for the class may be made during University office hours in 4501 Administration Building. Concerts Program of Compositions by Leslie Bassett, Instructor in Composition in the School of Music, 4:15 Sunday aft- ernoon, Nov. 15, in Auditorium A, An- gell Hall. The program will open with Bassett's Sonata for Horn and Piano, performed by Ted Evans, horn, and Helen Titus, piano. Benning Dexter, Associate Professor of Piano, will con- tinue the program with Six Piano Pieces. Threerworks willtbe heard for the first time, "Five Songs," sung by Norma Heyde, soprano, withrAnita Bas- sett at the piano, "Brass Trio," played by Donald Haas, trumpet, Ted Evans, horn, and Glenn Smith, trombone, and "Trio for Viola, Clarinet, and Piano," with David Ireland,aviola, William Stubbins, clarinet, and Mary McCall Stubbins, piano. The Stanley Quartet will bring the concert to a close with the Second String Quartet. The general public will be admitted without charge. University Woodwind Quintet, Nel- son Hauenstein, Flute, Albert Luconi, Clarinet, Lare Wardrop, Oboe, Ted Ev- ans, French Horn, and Lewis Cooper, Bassoon, with Colette Jablonski Rom- zick, Pianist, will be heard in a concert at 8:30 Tuesday evening, Nov. 17, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The pro- gram will include Hartley's Divertis- sement, Mortensen's Quintette, Rivier's Petit Suite, Weis' Serenade, and Thuil- le's Sextett, Op. 6. The general public will be admitted without charge. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, Framing - Right and Wrong, through Nov. 20, Michigan Printmak- classes! Yet, only about 100 fans showed up to cheer for the team that is about to play the biggest game of the season. Our team may have been chosen as the under- dog in the great Michigan-MSC game, but at least they could've been shown that the student body was rooting for them all the way! We here at Michigan always gripe about State, its football 4 -- _ _ -3 .L - _L. . _ . 1 _.. _ ers Society, through Nov. 18. Open 9-5 on weekdays; 2- %i Sundays. The pub- lic is invited. Events Today Michigan Christian Fellowship. Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, Dean of the Gradu- ate Division, Wheaton College, will speak on the subject "God's Concern for Man," 4 p.m.. Lane Hall. All stu- dents are invited. Refreshments will be served. Roger Williams Guild. Student class continues its discussion, "What Stu- dents Can Believe About Prayer," 9:45 a.m. Guild will have as guest speaker Mrs. Cecil Creal, who will discuss "Pre- paring for a Happy Family," 6:45 p.m. Wesley Foundation. Student Seminar, 9:30 a.m. Topic: Man: Brute or Angel. Fellowship supper, 5:30 p.m. Worship and program: Jack and Judy Brown will speak on Work Camping in the Slums of Washington, D.C., 6:45 p.m. Fireside Forum for graduate students, 7:30 p.m. Miss Pat Fritz will speak on "Tales of an Austrian Work Camp." Newman Club. Communion Breakfast after the 9:30 Mass at the Father Rich- ard Center. Guest speaker: Father Stei- ner, President of the University of De- troit. Episcopal Student Foundation. Holy Communion Service followed by break- fast at Canterbury House, 8 and 9 a.m. Student Supper Club, 6 p.m. Coffee Hour following eight o'clock Evensong. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club. Supper-program at 6 p.m. Film and dicussion "And with This Ring." Lutheran Student Association. Reli- gious movie, "For Good or Evil," 7 p.m. Unitarian Student Group. Informal social gathering, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church. Those needing or able to fur- nish transportation, meet at Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m. Congregational-Disciples Guild. May- flower Room, Congregational Church, 7 p.m. Professor Shirley Allen, School of Natural Resources, will share with us on "Christianity and Conservation." Chartered Bus to Detroit Opera. Bus for "Don Giovanni" leaves the east (League) side ofnHill Auditorium at 6:15 p.m. this evening.' Hllel Foundation Activities for the week-end: Sun.-2:30-4:30 -Reception honoring Osias Zwerdling; 5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus; 6 p.m.-Supper Club; 7:30-Bridge Par- ty; 8 p.m.-Business meeting of mar. ried couples. The Graduate Outing Club meets at 2 p.todaygat the rear of the Rack- ham Building. There will be a hike In the. country followed by supper in the Rackham Building. Those who have cars are urged to bring them to help with transportation. Newcomers wel- come, Coming Events The University of Michigan Law School presents the seventh in its ser- les of Thomas M. Cooley Lectures. Fred- erick Henry Lawson, Professor of Com- parative Law at the University of Ox- ford, will speak on the general topie "A Common Lawyer Looks at the Civil Law." These lectures will be presented November 16 to 20, at 4:15 p.m., Hutch- ins Hall, Room 120. Mon, Nov. 16-"The Historical Back. ground" Tues., Nov. 17-"The Form . and Sources of the Civil Law" Wed., Nov. 18-"The Contribution of Roman Law" Thurs., Nov. 19-"The Advance Be- yond Roman Law" Fri., Nov. 20-"Non-Roman Elements in the Civil Law" These lectures are open to the public, free of charge. Conference on Higher Education. Theme: Implications of the Reports of Three Commissions on Higher Educa- tion. Tues., Nov. 17, 2 p.m., Rackham Am. phitheater, addresses by John D Millet, President, Miami University and former Director of the Commission on Finan- cing Higher Education; and Thomas R. McConnell, Chancellor, Buffalo Uni- versity and former member of the President's Commission on Higher Ed- ucation. Tues., Nov. 17, 8:30 p.m., Auditorium A, Angel Hall, address by Dael Wolfe, Director Commission on Human Re- sources and Advanced Training. Wed., Nov. 18, 9 a.m., Rackham Build.- ing discussion groups on the implic- tions of the three reports for higher education in Michigan. American Institute of Electrical En- gineers-Institute of Radio Engineers, Joint Student Branch. Meeting Wed., Nov. 18, 8 p.m., Natural Science Audi- torium. Color TV demonstration and lecture by C. N. Hoyler, staff member of the David Sarnoff Research Center of the Radio Corporation of America. 'Everyone welcome. Elizabeth The Queen, by Maxwell An- derson, will be presented by the De- partment of Speech Mon., Nov. 16, at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. The box office will be open Mon- day from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Kindai Nihon Kenkyukai. Meeting at 8 p.m., Tues., Nov. 17, East Conference Room, Rackham. Discussion topic: Ohio State University's report on research concerning socio-psychological "Ad- justments of Japanese Students in the U.S." Discussion chairman: Professor Joseph K. Yamagiwa. Everybody inter- ested invited. Refreshments. The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher Verein will meet on Mon., Nov. 16, at 3:15, in the taproom of the Michigan Union. Two members of the German Department will be present to greet all who come: Mr. W. Dyck and Dr. A. F. Brown. All are invited to come to speak German, The Deutscher Verein will have its next meeting on Tues., Nov. 17, at 7:30, in Room 3-A of the Michigan Union. The program will include a colored film, "Festival Time in Europe," de- picting music and celebration. Coffee will be served. Everyone invited. Museum Movie. "Antarctic Whale t 4 ( Colonization To the Editor: MR. ED SHAFFER in his letter published on Nov. 11th ex- presses the same opinion about colonialism in Asia as my own, Russia is the chief colonial power in Asia today, and she has made it her business to remove all Eu- Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the' authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor Eric Vetter...............City Editor Virginia Voss ......... Editorial Director Mike Wolff .......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker ........ Associate Editor HeleneSimon.,.......Associate Editor Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger......Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden....... Finance Manager James Sharp. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 ropean rivals. Her aim is naturally to make this removal so rapid that chaotic conditions will result, as happened in Indonesia. Mr. Shaffer will no doubt read with approbation the following statement on pp. 247-248 in my book: "In the year 1949 an amiable young Indonesian official named Almassawa came to Ann Arbor and gave a talk before a student body in the basement of Lane Hall on State Street. The present writ- er presided over the meeting and the next day he took Mr. and Mrs. Almassawa to Detroit. The latter styled themselves Federalists. They explained their position as follows: He had an important office in B"r- tavia, or Djakarta, where he help- ed Indonesian nationalism by working for the establishment of a federal republic in imitation of the U.S.A. He bemoaned the ruth- less manner in which the associ- ates of Sukarno and Hatta had stifled free elections. Since Queen Wilhekmina in December 1942 had officially promised that Indonesia would soon become an independent nation, the Federalists and the Dutch did not quarrel over the question of a future colonial sta- tus. The Federalists, who were very numerous, and the Dutch in 1949 were ready to set up a sys- tem of government that would strongly resemble that in the U.S.A. They did not want to turn all authority and power over to a few men who wished to rule with- out proper elections and proper representation." -Albert Hyma °i 4