PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1953 _____________________________________________________________________________________ I --I Mr. Wilson Again ONCE AGAIN a statement by Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson has caused grave concern over his conception of the individual's status in a democratic state. Recently, Mr. Wilson's comments have come uncomfortably close to those made in to- talitarian states. He has shown a complete lack of regard for that which is essential in a democracy-the supreme value of the in- dividual. This time the subject was the American POW's who "confessed" to alleged germ warfare charges while being subjected to extreme mental and physical torture. Mr. Wilson said, "Even though a man has been under tremendous pressure, it doesn't mean he can be excused. There's quite a lot of pressure when you ask a man to get up out of a trench and charge with a bayonet. The fact that he is risking his life is not quite enough to let him off for doing the wrong thing." From a legal standpoint, Mr. Wilson's statement represents a miscarriage of jus- tice. The prisoners of war, whether guilty of "doing the wrong thing" or not, deserve a fair trialin accordance with the military code of justice, not blanket condemnation at the hands of one man who acted as a self-appointed judge and jury. American jurisprudence has always meant thatthe primary function of the judiciary is to protect the innocent. By prejudging these men, Mr. Wilson has, in effect, prejudiced the military judges reviewing the case, and in so doing, perverted this ideal.. Mr. Wilson bases his opinion on the grounds that the interests of the state come before those of the individual. It is Interesting to. note that both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia used this same argument to rationalize the aboli- tion of personal freedoms. It was the German philosopher Nietzsche who expoundedthe notion that concern for the individual is a weakness in government. Hitler reiterated this theory when he took control of the Reichstag, and Mr. Wilson seemed to echo it when he said "In the past we tended to be too weak when dealing with individuals. From now on we will resolve these cases in favor of the nation." Another of Mr. Wilson's suppositions bears looking in to. He claims that "The issue is of great importance, in its effect on the morale of the whole military es- tablishment." Surely not even Mr. Wilson Is naive or gulible enough to think that his handling of this matter will have oth- er than an adverse effect on military mor- ale. In any sphere of life, an, assurance that you will be dealt with fairly is es- sential to good morale. It is unfortunate that our Secretary of Defense has become an exponent of the to- talitarian concept that weakness in govern- ment is synonomous with a regard for in- dividual rights. We have a right to expect more dignity, restraint, and competence from a man in this office than Mr. Wilson has shown so far. --Lee Marks M UsI At Hill Auditorium ... Andre Marchal, Organist E NDRE MARCHAL, the blind French or- ganist who played Thusday night, is a performer of rare musicianship and sensitiv- ity. He played with perhaps the most won- derfully delicate sense of dynamics I have ever heard, and his choice of registration was always tasteful and imaginative. There were understandable inaccuracies in his playing, and his rhythms seemed unsteady at times. But to complain unduly about such defects would be to ignore the music for the notes. One of the commendable features of the program was the sample of the great wealth of pre-Bach organ music which it contained. Such works as the Variations by Sweelinck, the Prelude by Purcell, the Canzona by A. Gabrieli, with its wonder- ful contrapuntal writing, and the Buxte- hude Prelude and Fugue are all by men of great genius and individuality. There is no reason why this music shouldnot be played more often by more performers. While carefully avoiding exaggeration of any sort, Mr. Marchal played these composi- tions as vital, absorbing music, not seum pieces. Two Bach works, a chorale prelude and the sixth Trio-Sonata, fol- lowed. The first movement of the sonata was particularly enjoyable. The slow movement seemed to indicate that the or- gan needs tuning. The program continued with French mu- sic. There were works by Saint-Saens, Tour- nenire, Langlais, Litaize, and Vierne. What seemed striking about this music was the delightfully unpretentious quality that per- vaded most of it. After all, the organ need not always sound lugubrious. It is also capable of being charming, as Mr. Marchal aptly derhonstrated. The performer concluded the recital with an imnessive Ytemnorvization MATTER OF FACT: The Hospitable Moroccan Battalion-- Symbol of the War in Indo-China "Quiet - We're Exoreizing Ghosts" Iette-J TO THE EDITOR 7' The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. By JOSEPH ALSOP TONKIN, Indo-China-In the little plane flying up to the front through the pear- ly light of the early morning, the tough, in- telligent French general explained the oper- ational plan. It all sounded simple enough, with the map there on the general's knee. Three weeks ago, the French had seized Lai Cac, a vital crossroads on the vital route by which the Viet Minh high com- mand sends supplies from China to the two Communist divisions to the south of the Tonkin Delta. One enemy division had retreated beyond reach. The other, the 320th, had stood and fought. Suc- cessive French attacks to the west and the south had already badly mauled two regiments of this 320th Division. Now there. was a final drive northwards, against the third regiment's position at the town of Phu Nho Quan, which is also. a Viet Minh provincial capital. A dawn that same morning, Major Proud- hom had started down the road to Phu Nho Quan with his war-toughened battalion of ,Moroccan Tirailleurs. They were the point battalion of the northward attack to the provincial capital. At a bridge across the meandering Sang Long River, they had met the first resistance, and there had been a sharp fire fight and half a dozen casualties before the enemy fled. * Now, as the General's jeep arrived at the front, the battalion's leading company was jus advancing towards the first of the chain of little villages that form the suburbs of Phu Nho Quan. Th men were creeping through the rice paddies. with the tanks rumbling down the road ahead. The village looked less like a village than a disorderly thicket of bamboo, palms, papayas and rag- ged leaved banana trees. What was inside the village, none could tell. Then the firing suddenly started when the forward elements were only forty yards from the village's lush green fringe. The enemy was perfectly invisible, but the effect of the firing was not. A few of the men in the rice paddies made the sudden, convulsive gestures of the wound- ed. The stretcher bearers ran out to bring them in while the fight continued angrily. The advance halted, and Major Proudhom, whipcord lean, tanned almost to the color of his Moroccans, perfectly calm in the rattle and crash of the fii-ing, quietly gave his orders. Two of his companies, lium- beringly led by half a dozen tanks, moved out across the paddies to the left in a flanking movement. The snick of the rifle bullets, the chatter of the Viet Minh burp guns continued while Proudhom explained his dispositions to the General, begging him at intervals to take better cover-for the general is a very tall man, and he made a fine target. But as the jeep bore the general away again, the enemy fire was already dying down. Seeing the flanking movement, the Communist sol- diers in the village had begun to melt in- visibly toward the rear. It was here that I became the temporary guest of Major Proudhom's Moroccan bat- tallion, a singularly tough and genial outfit who did not permit mere war to interfei with hospitality. It was very unlike, yet also very like joining a good outfit in Korea. The grinning, coffee-colored Moroccan sol- diers: the strange mixture of languages, for the French officers spoke Arabic to their troops; the wine and water in the canteens that were generously proffered; the almost total absence of transport, except by grin- ning, war hardened Viet Namese coolies- these were novel elements indeed. Yet this Moroccan battalion had the same appearance of disorderly order, of somewhat battered efficiency, of simple human durability and business-like com- bativeness, that always characterized a first class outfit that has be'en through a lot of fighting and come out on the other side with its spirit unimpaired and its methods perfected. The human atmos- phere was wonderfully reminiscent. Even the landscape, with the valley of - flat, green golden paddies narrowly enclosed by dark, fantastic hills was almost a Korean landscape. In these respects, it might have been the march with the marines to Seoul all over again. "Paris, Paris, Golfe Soleil demande Paris. Paris, Paris, repondez Paris, avez vous com- pris?" Major Proudhom's radioman, a red haired boy who gnawed sugar cane in the intervals of more serious work, was having the usual difficulty keeping in touch with Paris com- pany. Paris answered at last that the flank- ing movement had reached its first ob- jective, another collection of mud huts and banana trees a mile or so to the left. The advance was resumed, the company com- manders shouting to their men to follow, the men rising from the sunny roadside, and going forward in quick-step, the elements in the paddies on either side squelching their way onwards. A couple of miles to the rear, where a Foreign Legion battalion and another Mor- occan battalion were guarding the road where the hills all but cut the valley in half, there was a faint sound of firing. Major Proudhom grinned. "It's always like that," he said, "the enemy in front, on both sides and in the rear too. That's our war here." * * * W E PUSHED onwards, into the first vil- lage, then into the second and finally into the center of Phu Nho Quan, searching the ruined mud houses and battered brick temples, poking rifles into the dug outs for hidden Viet Minh troops, always watching out for the mines and the grenade-hung traps that the engineers quickly attended to. There was a spoor of blood here and there along the road, showing that the enemy had suffered some casualties. In one deep dug- out an ancient crome was found crouching with her few rags of possessions. One of the tanks, by a superb shot, neatly removed the two Viet Minh observers who had been watching the advance from a crag across the river to the right. But there were no more enemy troops to be found, except in the late afternoon when one of the flanking companies took four prisoners and captured some arms, including a brand new Chinese light ma- chine gun. These were the volunteers that the Communists often leave in hid- ing, to make trouble in newly captured positions after dark. Proudliom's radio- man clasped his hands like a kid being given candy when the news came in. The Major hardly seemed to notice, for he was busy-ordering the dispositions for the night. While the Moroccans plunged into the controlled tumult of encampment and pro- visioning, a battalion of one of the crack regiments of French parachutists came up behind, and prepared to cross the river that bisects the Phu Nho Quan knot of settle- ments. Day was already darkening into-dusk as they pushed down to the water's edge with their portable boats. But there was a hail of fire from the other bank, where the enemy had dug in again. It was too late for the parachutists to do the double job of fighting their way across and preparing a defensive perimeter on the other side. Or- ders from the rear stopped the parachutists advance, and so we were a comfortably strong force on our bank that night. Fires in the gloaming (for these French forces are not strict about lights after dark) produced a better supper than the American army enjoys, and there was rough red wine to wash it down. In the command post of the Moroccan battalion, a kind of peace reigned, despite the constant shelling by our artillery intended, as Proudhom cheer- fully remarked, "to keep tapping the ene- my on the snout, so he won't put his head up.," There was battalion gossip, about news from home, about promotions of former officers, about such episodes of the bat- talions past as "the night of Nasan" last year, when the company of Lieut. Gaston held off two enemy battalions, and there were 3,000 dead Viets around the whole Nasan perimeter next morning. Then, after gossip, came the night. The night in the command post was quiet enough although the artillery continued its work. Once there was a mortar shell's fam- iliar whistle and tremendous crash a little distance off, but this was the enemy's only effort. When day came, in a golden dawn- haze, with French fighter planes zooming down in quick succession overhead, the parachutists paddled across the river-a marvellous scene like a picture of our own Indian warfare. But again the enemy had melted away to avoid combat. Then the news arrived of the previous days happenings in the rear, of which, as usual in these circumstances, we had known nothing at all. The officer who brought the word was bubbling with en- thusiasm. There had been a heavy skir- mish. The enemy had come down from the hills in strong force, and had charged to within ten yards of the command post. There was hand-to-hand fighting and 350 Communist dead had been left behind. "You really missed something," said the officer cheerfully. "And if those types there had fought damn well you would have been nicely cut off." But my Moroccan hosts were too busy im- proving their entrenchments and doing their laundry to bother about that sort of thing. They were not to move forward again that day, as the major remarked happily, it was their first day of repose in more than two weeks of fighting. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) SAC Rule .. . To the Editor: I CAN ONLY hope that the re- cent Student Affairs Commit- tee regulations governing the con- duct of the coming convention on academic freedom will provoke a spirited reaction, and a lusty de- fense of student and teacher rights come convention time. It would not be the first time restrictive regulations have roused man's ire to fight in the teeth of them. But I do not see why the SAC should be content to promote the cause of progress in this devious fashion. There is a straighter road, and there still remains an opportunity for the SAC to set foot upon it. If the University administra- tion is losing sleep for fear of in- adequate "student responsibility," let it officially declare its non-in- volvement in the whole show. Let it go on record that the comning events are strictly student doings; dreamt, planned, executed by the students. Let it proclaim that con- siderations of free speech, obligate it to allow students to speak and vote as they please, and that the university will mete out neither praise nor punishment to the par- ticipants. For, indeed, that is not its moral right. In short, let it be neutral. The SAC regulations are not neutral. They are obviously coer- cive, though the motives from which they germinate, for all I know, may be of the highest. To me, the only correct course is to let this convention make its own rules. All who wish not to partici- pate are unhindered: the SAC has laid no strictures on them to at- tend, though they might make their views more effective if they did so. But they cannot fairly ex- pect to hold their political cakes and swallow them too. What men do they can undo, withhard work. There is still time, SAC. --Bill Livant ON THE WASHINGTON MERRYGOEROUND WITH DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON-Looking through my files for more light on the Harry Dexter White case I ran across this column published Feb. 18, 1946: "Secret revelations are stirring in Canada. They will make people hold their hats and run for the diplomatic storm-cellars. The biggest story of espionage and intrigue since the war is about to break ..-. The Canadians have taken over a Russian agent, who has given the names of about 1,700 other Russian agents; also has put the finger on certain officials inside the American and Canadiangovernments cooperating with the Soviet . . . . Photostats showing payments to U.S. and Canadian officials have even come to light. The State Department is anxious not to disrupt relations with Russia. One Russian agent named Shimishenko was negotia- ting for the purchase of the blueprints of an American jet-pro- pelled, plane. The Justice Department proposed arresting him, but the State Department said no. Shimishenko sailed with his wife and child Jan. 6. He did not get the blueprints." It was a few months before this that I warned Fred Vinson, then Secretary of the Treasury, that White might be a dangerous person to have on the Treasury staff. Later, at about the time of the Cana- dian spy-ring expose, referred to above, I gave similar information about Alger Hiss to the assistant to Jimmie Byrnes. In fairness, it should be noted that the information about White at that time was by no means conclusive. The FBI reports were not "evaluated." They merely stated that an informant had stated that White was associated with a Communist group, though not a Com- munist himself. The FBI report did not state the name of the in- formant. MARYLAND SPY RING ANOTHER EXCERPT from a Washington Merry-Go-Round column, dated Sept. 7, 1947, may be significant. It reads: "Here is how the Soviet spy ring operated almost under the nose of the White House. One Treasury official, formerly with the Agriculture Department, had a photo laboratory in Silver Spring, Md., on the outskirts of Washington. He worked in the Treasury's procurement division, which deals with the purchase of supplies. Two War Department officials-one a major in the Air Corps-who were attached to the Treasury to advise on the purchase of aviation materiel, took blueprints and confidential Army plans out of the Treasury and War Departments to a friend's laboratory, where they were photographed. "Then the photographs .... were turned over to a Soviet agent who carried them to New York and gave them to the head of Russia's top secret police, the NKVD. This took place while the war was in progress. "Although the officials involved held minor positions, two of them handled important aviation secrets and one was an expert in pushing B-29 production. "Army officers, when questioned, admitted privately that they had known for some time that the Russians had been able to build B-29's. In fact, U.S. intelligence reports indicate that several B-29's were finished by the Russians some time ago. "Rumors have been rampant in Washington that the New York grand jury was probing certain high ex-officials, especially in the Treasury Department and the office of strategic services. ".. ..In telling about the Canadian spy ring, Gouzenko men- tioned the names of one or two Americans. Although never pub- lished, their names were promptly sent to the White Houes by Prime Minister Mackenzie King. "This, however, proved only a distant clue, and the main job of ferreting out a long chain of complicated evidence was carried on by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, largely as a result of a new witness." * *. * * LONG FBI PROBE THE NEW WITNESS referred to was Elizabeth Bentley. The Grand jury referred to was that which failed to indict White. The FBI probe referred to has recently been described by the Newark News as an investigation by 500 agents which in the end gaveup the opera- tion without conclusive results. During this period, according to Arthur Sylvester of the News, "no move was made against White or any other suspect. In line with usual practice, the FBI did not want to arouse the sus- picions of persons on whom it was checking." This conforms with what J. Edgar Hoover told me in early 1946 that he was against having White prosecuted until he had time to track down anyone who might be working with him. The above story was published three years before the pumpkin paper expose by Vice-President Nixon, then a Congressman; also three years before Senator McCarthy began Communist-hunting. I recall this only because it seems a bit late for Attorney-General Brownell and certain Republicans to be whipping up such a lather at this late date. The Republicans controlled Congress from 1946 to 1948 during which they operated investigating committees with ample power to subpoena Justice Department records. The two stories quoted above were widely published. Other facts regarding Harry White had been bandied about Washington for some time. It would have been easy to track them down without waiting all these vears. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 255 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m. on Saturday). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1953 VOL. LXIV, No. 47 Notices Retraction. Change in Student Ad- dresses. All students should report to their school office to report any change of address. (Notice that students should report to 1513 Administration was in error.) Women students are expected to pay the second half of their League House bills by Nov. 16. Doctoral Candidates who expect to receive degrees in Feb. 1954, must have the bound copies of their dissertations in the office of the Graduate School by Fri., Dec. 18. The report of the doc- toral committee on the final oral ex- amination must be filed with the Re- corder of the Graduate School not later than Mon., Jan. 11. The Membership Committee of the International Students Association an- nounces that any organization dedicat- ed to promote better international un- derstanding may be presented in the I.S.A. House of Representatives. Peti- tions for representation should be sent to: Membership Committee.ILS.A., P.O. Box 2096, Ann Arbor, before November 17. Combined Glee Club Concert. Tickets for the combined concert of the Ohio State and University of Michigan Glee Clubs on Sat., Nov. 21, at 8:30 p.m., may be purchased at the box office of Hill Auditorium daily from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. On Sat., Nov. 21, the box office will be open from 10 a.m. until concert time. The Following Men's Residence Groups are authorized to entertain women guests during broadcasts of the Mich- igan-MSC game on Nov. 14, 1953, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Acacia Alpha Kappa Kappa Anderson House Cooley Gomberg Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Mu Strauss House Trigon Physics Lecturer. The University of Malaya, Singapore, is seeking a lecturer in physics. Ample opportunity will be given for research. Salary is extremely good. Those persons interested please' contact the University Bureau of Ap- pointments for further information, 3-1511, Ext. 2614. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Myrtle Soles, Classical Studies: Greek and Lt- in; thesis: "Studies in Colloquial Lan- guage in the Poems of Catullus," Sat., Nov. 14, 2009 Angell Hal, at 9 am., Chairman, F. O. Copley. Doctoral Examination for Robert Samuel I ancaster, Political Science; thesis: "The Jurisprudence and Polit- ical Thought of Learned Hand," Sat., Nov. 14, East Council Room, °Rackham Building, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. E. Kallenbach. Doctoral Examination for Earl Wil- lard Smith, English; thesis: "Audio- Visual Methods in the Teaching of Literature in the High School," Sat., Nov. 14, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe. Geometry Seminar, Mon., Nov. 16, at 7 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. J. B. wright will continue his talk on "2- dimensional Quasi-Projective Geome- try." The Mathematics Orientation Semi- nar will meet Mon., Nov. 16, at 3 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. James Brooks will speak on "Some Objections to the Peano Axioms." Events Today State game. Dress casual, and there will be refreshments. Hillel Foundation Activities for the week-end: Sat.-9 a.m.-Community Services; 2 p.n.-Listening Party for Mich.-MSO Game. Sun.-2:30-4:30-Reception honoring Osias Zwerdling; 5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus; 6 p.m.-Supper Club; 7:30-Bridge Par- ty; 8 p.m.-Business meeting of mar- ried couples. Square Dance. All students, faculty, and administration invited. No admis- sion charge. Sponsored by S.R.A., Lane Hall, 8-12 p.m. Coming Events The University of Michigan Law School presents the seventh in its ser- ies of Thomas M. Cooley Lectures. Fred- erick Henry Lawson, Professor of Com- .parative Law at the University of Ox ford, will speak on the general topic "A Common Lawyer Looks at the Civil Law." These lectures will be presented November 16 to 20, at 4:15 p.m., Hutch- ins Hall, Room 120. Mon., Nov.o6-"The Historical Back- ground" Tues., Nov. 17-"The Form and Sources of the Civil Law" Wed., Nov. 18-"The Contribution of Roman Law" Thurs., Nov. 19-"The Advance Be. yond Roman Law" Fri., Nov. 20-"Non-Roman Elementa in the Civil Law" These lectures are open to the publie, free of charge. The Economics Club will meet on Mon.,. Nov. 16, 8 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. Gottfried Haberler, Profes- sor of Economics at Harvard, will speak on "Some Reflections on the Current Future of Business Cycle Theory." All staff members and students in Eco- nomics and Business Administration are urged to attend. Chartered Bus to Detroit Opera. Bus for "Don Giovanni" leaves the east (League) side of Hill Auditorium at 6:15 p.m., Sunday evening, Nov. 15. The Graduate Outing Club meets at 2 p.m. Sunday at the rear of the Rack- ham Building. There will be a hike in the country followed by supper in the Rackham Building. Those who have cars are urged to bring them to help, with transportation. Newcomers wel- come. I I. CURREt tLNT7 mOvIES Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn............Managing Editor Eric Vetter..............City Editor Virginia Voss..........Editorial Director Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker.,........ Associate Editor Helene Simon........Associate Editor Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor Marilyn Campbell.......Women's Editor Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Don Campbell.......Head Photographer Business Staff Thomas Treeger...,..Business Manager William Kaufman Advertising Manager Harlean Hankin.... Assoc. Business Mgr. William Seiden....... Finance Manager James Sharp. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 I At the Orphewrn . . THE CHEAT with Simone Signoret THIS MOVIE seems to be a Frenchman's idea of an American's idea of a French movie. In other words, it's less a movie than purports to be a movie: it's really an edu- cation-in international misunderstanding, Skillfully, painstakingly, isolated through the device of double vision is the cheap prag- matism which riddles the movie's charac- ters, characters who are caught in the ra-