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November 13, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-13

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SAC & Academic Freedom
WeekTwo Views

Daily Managing Editor
C LARIFICATION of the Tuesday action of
the Student Affairs Committee setting up
regulations governing Academic Freedom
Week is necessary in light of the widespread
charge that the SAC rules are in themselves
a travesty on academic freedom. Student
Legislature members had reason to be alarm-
ed by the section of the regulations which
they considered the very antithesis of free
thought and expression, but an understand-
ing of the background of SAC's action places
a large share of responsibility for passage of
the regulations on SL itself.
SAC was given a very inferior presenta-
tion of the program to which it was asked
to grant approval- a presentation that
showed no understanding of the need for
responsibility and identity in setting up
such program. Therefore SAC felt com-
pelled to establish responsibility and iden-
tity before giving official University ap-
proval to the program.
The-Committee did this in four ways:
1)It placed overall responsibility for the
program with SL.
2) It sought identity by specifying that all
votes on reports, resolutions or recommenda-
tions be taken by division of the house and
recorded, and by requiring members of the
majority opinion to sign any motions before
they could become valid and part of the offi-
cial record of the proceedings.
3) It provided for identity in the case of
literature distributed at meetings by requir-
ing that such literature be designated the
opinion of its publishers and not necessarily
of the University or students-attending the
4) It promoted a further sense of respon-
sibility by declaring the foregoing measures
official SAC regulations with violation there-
of falling under established authority and
With the exception of the signature see-
tion of regulation two, SL accepted these
provisions without protest. In disputing
the requirement that students sign mo-
tions they endorse, SL members argued
that the measure was at odds with their
own academic freedom policy and would
intimidate students from signing motions
they might believe in because of fear of
"future reprisals."
SL members also acknowledged that leg-
islation or reports from the proceedings
should npt be represented as University stu-
dent opinion, thus providing the flaw in
their own argument, for there can be no
guarantee that action taken at the meet-
ings would not be represented as student
opinion in the press or by inference in sub-
mitting recommendations to public bodies.
s w " s
IN DISCUSSING the Academic Freedom
Week program, SAC members recognized
that this series of meetings would be unique
in that no one group would be involved as
when the Young Democrats or Young Re-
publicans hold a meeting. SAC members
were especially concerned about the special
conference workshop and plenary session
since this type of meeting is usually under-
taken only by one group or set of groups un-
der conditions in which certain quorum and
membership requirements must be met.
The Academic Freedom all-day confer-
ence, has no such requirements and is
open to anyone wandering in who could
draft legislation, spearhead it through a
meeting and disappear along with those
who attended the meeting. In short, the
meeting would be open to the most flag-
rant manipulation and would expose the
Academic Freedom Week Committee, SL,
and the University to the irresponsibel ac-
tion of small cliques with the consequent
misrepresented newspaper publicity.
Quite obviously SAC action was based, on
concern over what might emerge from such
a conference, but as much as we condemn
the aura of suspicion and fear in America
today that makes any unpopular view sub-
versive and its supporters disloyal per se,
we must emphasize that SAC has the re-

sponsibility of seeing that such meetings
are not deliberately manipulated and do not
add to this climate of fear, particularly that
settling on the educational sphere.
The only alternative to the signature
requirement was a regulation that no res-
olutions of any type be allowed, certainly
a less desirable requirement. We do not
feel that the signature requirement was
an ideal solution; it was merely the only
one available if the important question
of identity was to be solved.
Should the principle of identity be dis-
carded by SAC, a provision that all reports
or resolutions be clearly marked as opinion
only of students attending the meeting
might be adopted. However, refusal to sign
a motion which might be unpopular is in
itself an ironical commentary: an admis-
sion that freedom of expression is non-exist-
ent and academic freedom a farce. We feel it
is better to sign a motion than to hide be-
hind the title of a nebulous committee.
THE WILL of the people shall be the basis
of the authority of government; this
will shall be expressed in periodic and gen-
uine elections which shall be by universal
and equal suffrage and shall be held by sec-
rp . uns Arh A, i~l frcz tn ir_ r_

Associate Editorial Director
THE MOST significant implication of the
Sudent Affairs Committee regarding
the identity of persons voting for a resolu-
tion in the Academic Freedom Week con-
ference is that a principle must have a name
or names attached to it and that name must
be available for examination by anyone who
cares to examine. (The anyone could be the
Michigan State Police, the FBI, the Un-
American Activities Committee or simply
SAC, SL or the University administration.)
All this is involved in the neat word "re-
The question is responsibility to whom
for what.
Mr. Lunn asserts that the responsibility
is to the SL and the University in general
for any ideas which might emerge from the
conferences. Again the implication is
clear. SAC members, as Mr. Lunn fully
admits, are simply afraid. They are afraid
that certain undesirable people (specifi-
cally LYL members) will "pack" the meet-
ing and push through certain undesirable
ideas. They are afraid that certain Detroit
newspapers will pick up the undesirable
resolutions and represent them as the
product of student opinion.
Therefore "responsibility" must be fixed.
As SL concluded Wednesday night the way
in which SAC fixed responsibility was it-
self a contradiction of freedom.To illustrate
we may take a hypothetical case. Suppose
ten people were at the meeting who were
known to the group as LYL members or
thereabouts. One of those persons proposes a
resolution which condemns the methods em-
ployed by a certain investigating committee
at a certain hearing. Other members of the
group agreed with that resolution but they
know that the ten LYL members will vote
also for the resolution. Thus if they vote
for it they must put their names down with
the ten LYL members. The choice will be a
difficult one at best and certainly an un-
fair one.
Mr. Lunn asserts that "refusal to sign a
motion which might be unpopular is in itself
an ironical commentary: an admission that
freedom of expression is non-existent and
academic freedom is a farce." It seems to me
that the cart has been put before the horse.
Mr. Lunn places the blame on the individual
because he is afraid to sign. Actually the
blame does not fall there but on the pre-
vailing atmosphere.
The SAC in this case has contributed
to that atmosphere. It has made perfectly
clear that certain ideas are unpopular and
that we must be exceedingly careful to
point out just who are the sponsors of
those ideas.
It is indeed tragic when we must gear our
actions to what the Detroit papers or a
legislative committee will print or think.
But if the SAC does feel it absolutely neces-
sary to "protect" the students and the Uni-
versity then it could have been done as Mr.
Lunn suggests and then forgets: All resolu-
tions could be affixed. with the statement
that this resolution reflects only the opin-
ions of this "ad hoc" group and not the
opinions of the student body In general. In
this way both the University and the group
members would be "protected."
The philosophy of the SAC rule is ter-
rifically distressing. That philosophy seems
to be a complete negation of the demo-
cratic ideal that opinions can fight it out
in a free market place of ideas.
In the market place of the SAC, the goods
must be neatly labeled, the prices fixed, and
the consumers "cleared" before they can
buy or sell.
At Lydia Mendelssohn..

IF WE HAD our choice all our subjects,
would learn the lessons Sir Anderson has
to offer-you can't trust a man; you can't
trust a woman; you can't trust a Queen and
you can't always trust the speech depart-
We may have been a woman who loved
her wine and crossed her legs and dis-
played her boots but we were certainly
not the painted strumpet of the speech
department's "Elizabeth." Perhaps the
court was Oreoccupied with our virginity.
Anderson has it so but the speech depart-
ment players have omitted the lustier mo-
ments, the better that delicate damsels
might return to their convents before the
stroke of eleven.
It is difficult to say whether it was the
actress, Frances Retz, or the director, Wil-
liam Halstead, who decided the character-
ization of Elizabeth but we couldn't help
wishing she were a bit more womanly and
less shrewish.
Despite this handicap, Miss Reitz turned
in a thoroughly competent performance.
She was consistently what someone had de-
cided Elizabeth must be and had a mature
sense of timing
Joel Sebastian as the man who won Eliz-
abeth and her kingdom and lost them both
a- . ar cceart .1lcare .n.,arpnlnn. 4.n

, Merry-Go-Round
TUCSON, Ariz.-Harry Dexter White, the
alleged Communist spy, whom Attorney
General Brownell has just exhumed from his
five-year-old grave, was a Treasury official
whom I knew slightly in Washington dur-
ing World War II. A wizard in monetary
matters, he was always intensely pro-Rus-
sian, but at first I attributed this to the fact
that he had been born in Boston of Rus-
sian parents and that we were allied with
Russia during the war.
At the San Francisco Unlt&d Nations
Conference in April 1945, hoW't I first
began to be suspicious of Harfy White.
General Eisenhower at that time had pul-
ed American troops back from the outskirts
of Potsdam to the River Elbe, in deference
to Russian protests, and I recall that, when
I broke this story, Harry White, whom I saw
in San Francisco in April of 1945, protested
against it.
Harry Truman, incidentally, who had
taken office only a few days before, was
much tougher on the Russians than Gen-,
eral Eisenhower appeared to be in Ger-
many; and "Chip" Bohlen reported that
when Molotov flew to Washington en route
to San Francisco, Truman gave Molotov
the dressing down of his life. Bohlen,
who acted as interpreter, said he had
never heard one top official scold another
in such a manner.
Shortly after that I picked up the first
trail of the Russian spy ring in Canada-
a story which took several months to nail
down. Harry White's name entered the pic-
ture. It was difficult to prove that White
was involved-at least to the point of being
safe from libel. But it certainly looked as
if White was one of the men the Russians
came to for secret information in Wash-
* * ,,
THE EVIDENCE was such that I took it
to my old friend, Fred Vinson, who had
just been made Secretary of the Treasury.
To the best of my recollection this was in
midsummer of 1945 and before the FBI sub-
mitted its report on White to the White
House and various members of the cabinet.
I told Vinson that while I could not be
certain about White, it looked to me as if
he were not only intensely pro-Russian
but had been linked up with the Russian
spy ring in Canada. Vinson thanked me
for the information, made no comment,
but later I noticed that White left the
Treasury. Later he turned up with the
International Monetary Fund.
I never asked Fred Vinson what happen-
ed. He was appointed Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court some time later and removed
from the realm of political comment. But
I did ask J. Edgar Hoover. I had learned
that subsequently certain Justice Depart-
ment officials considered putting White's
case before a grand jury and that Hoover
had been opposed.
When I asked Hoover about this he gave
the perfectly plausible explanation that he
had White under observation, warted to
keep him that way in order to track down
any other Americans and Russians he might
be doing business with. If White was pro-
secuted immediately, the other members of
the spy ring would be alerted and it would
be impossible to catch them.
About a year and a half later, White's
name was placed before a federal grand
jury which failed to indict him. Vincent
Quinn, Assistant Attorney General in
charge of the criminal division, has stated
that the evidence was not conclusive
enough to bring an indictment.
My own information was similar. It was
obtained largely from British sources, not
from the story given by Elizabeth Bentley.
Indirectly it came from Igor Gouzenko, the
code clerk in the Russian Legation in Ot-
tawa, who eventually spilled the beans to

the Royal Mounted Police. Gouzenko indi-
cated that there was a man in the U.S.
Treasury the Russians contacted for infor-
mation, he was not quite clear as to who he
was, though the signs pointed to White.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)
rison and Maureen O'Hara
THROUGH the magnolia scented atmos-
phere of old New Orleans strides the
the figure of a man who with fearless aban-
don gambles for fortunes, wins his way into
creole society, and weds respectability. He
manages all this while surrounded by the
heaving bosoms of Southern beauty. Could
this be, yes I am afraid it is-another pic-
ture about the ante-bellum South.
By combining every possible cliched-
line and Currier and Ives print plus some
of the unoriginal ideas of that voluminous
author Frank Yerby, Hollywood has man-
aged to just reach its mediocre average.
Stephen Fox (Rex Harrison) is the gam-
bler turned Horatio Alger. Through some
astute cheating he wins a plantation (Har-
row) and a wife (Maureen O'Harra). Like
Jason in Medea his overwhelming desire is
to achieve immortality through his child,
but death ends his dreams.

i cLeteiitot top


Funds for Booklet..-.
To the Editor:5
NE XT WEEK the Student Leg-
islature plans to distribute on
campus a free booklet on Aca-
demic Freedom. The purpose of
the booklet is educational; it aims
at acquainting students with many
aspects of the issue by presenting
the viewpoints of numerous stu-
dent organizations and up to ten
faculty members.
The SL Subcommission on Aca-
demic Freedom believes that to
sell the booklet would result in
failure to give it sufficient distri-
bution. Printing of the booklet,
however, will cost at least $300,
and since the SL can defray but
little of this expense, contributions
are urgently needed.
Faculty members, students, and
student organizations concerned
with the success of this under-
taking please mail your contribu
tions as soon as possible to Paula
Levin, Student Legislature Build-
-Charles Sleicher
SL Subcommission of
Academic Freedom
Radulovich ...
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to air the follow-
ing views of mine about the
rejection of the Radulovich mo-
tion by S.L.
In most of the editorials and
news items appearing in the Mi-1
chigan Daily about this issue, the
"stupidity" of S.L. not taking a
stand has been brought about. All
the 17 members who voted against
the Neary motion have been shown
by the Daily to be childish, irres-
ponsible, and non-representative
of the student body. Nobody has
tried to understand the basic ma-
turity and lack of emotionality
shown by these legislators. I be-
ing one of the 17 would like to
elucidate the situation as I under-
stand it.
Just because the President of
an organization moves a motion
does not mean necessarily that it
is the best motion in the World,
and that it must be passed. Nor
does the rejection of such a mo-
tion mean any vote of no-confi-
dence in the president. The duty
of each S.L. member is to think
rationally and without emotion on
each motion which is represented
on the S.L. floor. If I remember
correctly no one of the 17 people
opposing the motion expressed the
opinion that it was not in the
realm of S.L. to take a stand. To
say that (and it has been said by
the Daily) would be to put words
in the mouths of the 17 of us. The
main idea of the opposition to the
Neary motion was that it was not
a good motion and if passed would
neither represent facts nor would
help the University Senior con-
cerned in any way. Rather it was
felt that it might spoil Mr. Radu-
lovich's case.
. The fault for the fact that no
stand could be taken by the S.L.
on the issue lies more with the
supporters of the motion. In an
attempt to suffocate discussion
and to get their motion passed
due to lack ofhdiscussion they
forgot the fact that lack of dis-
cussion could very well have kill-
ed the motion and the issue; and
that is what happened. Since a
motion was passed to vote on all
pending questions by a certain
time, the opponents of the Neary
motion did not have any time to
present a good substitute. But I
am glad these people refused to
be intimidated by the attempts of
the supporters of the motion and
voted the motion down as it stood.
-Rajesh Gupta
* * *
Smith Act Trial . . . 4.
To the Editor:

IT IS JUST such abuses of the
right of free expression as those
made by Luce in his letter to the
Daily of Nov. 10 that have done
so much to discredit both Ameri-
can Communists and their de-
fenders in the eyes of those of us
seriously concerned with the pre-
servation of our freedom from
b o t h Communist s u b version
abroad and hysterical-minded cur-
tailments at home. The comments
made in that letter concerning
* the Detroit Smith Act trials con-
stitute both an unfounded and
willfully insincere attack upon
our judicial system of impartial
administration of justice under
You state, Mr. Luce, that docu-
ments written 20 or 30 years ago
are irrevelevant to the present
trial. To the contrary, I would
assert that they are a part of a
context of background both neces-
sary and relevant to an under-
standing of the defendants' pre-
sent activities, and as such that
they are admissible under rules
pertaining to the introduction of
evidence. Moreover, as you failed

"Maybe We'd Better Not Go Back Either"
-E p

friendly hands which can jeopar-
dize future educations and careers.

Further, in ruling that any lit-
erature distributed in connection
with the proceedings be stamped
with a statement saying it does
not necessarily represent the Uni-
versity or students at the confer-
ence, the University violates the
freedom of the press, which free-
dom carries with it the right to
distribute printed matter without
having to affix the comment of
any other individual or body.
And finally, the ruling making
SL responsible for the other pro-
visions places SL involuntarily in
the position of a gendarme seek-
ing conformity to its concept of
right and wrong speech, conduct,
etc., and makes a mockery of in-
dividual responsibility.
The net effect of these rulings
is to deny the full exercise of the
rights stated in the First Amend-
ment, guaranteeing freedom of
speech, press and assembly. This
makes students less than citizens
and it makes the University a po-
litical police which sees to it that
students remain less than citizens.
Undoubtedly, if the University
wants to be a friend of Academic
Freedom, it will hastily repeal
these unjust rulings.
-Mike Sharpe, Chairman
Labor Youth League
How To Teach . .
To the Editor:


attempting to crucify the defen-
dants in order to further his own
career. In attempting to picture
these six Communists as martyrs,
you have done no more, Mr. Luce,
than expose yourself as lacking in
objectivity and veracity.
I, sir, am a law student. And
while I may be entering into a pro-
fession marked by a "conserva-
tive social unawareness," I do
have a sense of responsibility and
intellectual honesty that would
prevent me from allowing my
name to appear beneath a letter
such as that to which your name
was affixed.
--Robert G. Schuur
J-44 Law Club
SAC Action ; ..
To the Editor:
IN ONE OF the most outrageous
violations of academic freedom
on any campus in the country, the
University has decided to dictate
to the students how they shall run
Academic Freedom Week.
Any report, resolution or re-

commendation adopted by any
meeting, including the region-
wide Student Conference on Aca-
demic Freedom, must be signed
uy a majority of those pre-
sent, or it will be considered in-
valid. This means that the Uni-
versity decrees how the students
will run their meetings and de-
crees what procedures will be us-
This means that the University
decrees that the vote of all those
not voting on any motion shall be
counted against the motion.
This means that the University
decrees that alist of names be
made available to the FBI, Air
Force, employers, investigating
committees, or any other agency,
thus violating the sanctity and
privacy of one's political opinions,
and opening signers up to pres-
sure from these and other sources.
This means that the University
decrees that the students at any
meeting connected with Academic
Freedom Week water-down and
compromise their true opinions if
they do not want to risk having
their signatures falling into un-



(Continued from Page 3)
Academic Notices
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 4 p.m., on Friday,
Nov. 13. The topic for discussion will'
be "Some Biochemical Aspects of virus-
Host Relationships," conducted by Dr.
R. L. Garner.
Special Mathematics Colloquium, Fri.,
Nov. 13, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dis-
cussion on "The Law of the Excluded
Middle in Mathematics." Panel: E. E.
Moise, R. F. McNaughton (of the Phil-
osophy Department), G. Y. Rainich.
Moderator R. L. Wilder.
Doctoral Examination for Myrtle
Soles, Classical Studies: Greek and Lat-
in; thesis: "Studies in Colloquial Lan-
guage in the Poems of Catullus," Sat.,
Nov. 14, 2009 Angell Hall, at 9 a.m.
Chairman, F. O. Copley,
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Samuel Lancaster, Political Science;
thesis: "The Jurisprudence and Polit-
ical Thought of Learned Hand," Sat.,
Nov. 14, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, J. E.
Doctoral Examination for Earl Wil-
lard Smith, English; thesis: "Audio-
Visual Methods in the Teaching of
Literature in the High School," Sat.,
Nov. 14, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, C. D.
Program of Compositions by Leslie
Bassett, Instructor in Composition in
the School of Music, 4:15 Sunday aft-
ernoon, Nov. 15, in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall. The program will open with
Bassett's Sonata for Horn and Piano,
performed by Ted Evans, horn, and
Helen Titus, piano. Benning Dexter,
Associate Professor of Piano, will con-
tinue the program with Six Piano
Pieces. Three works will be heard for
the first time, "Five Songs," sung by
Norma Heyde, soprano, with Anita Bas-
sett at the piano, "Brass Trio," played
by Donald Haas, trumpet, Ted Evans,
horn, and Glenn Smith trombone, and
"Trio for viola, Clarinet, and Piano,"
with David Ireland, viola, William Stub
bins clarinet, and Mary McCall Stub-
bins piano. The Stanley Quartet will
bring the concert to a close with the
Second String Quartet. The general
public will be admitted without charge.
Events Today
The Labor Relations Law Section of
the State Bar of Michigan, in coopera-
tion with the University of Michigan
Law School, presents a Labor Relations
Law Workshop on the subject "Pro-
tected and Unprotected Concerted Ac-
tivities," 100 Hutchins Hall, from 10
to 12 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m. Pan-

Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 6 at Canterbury House. Guest
of Honor: Dr. Douglas V. Steere, Profes-
sor of Philosophy at Haverford College.t
All students invited.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m. at Canterbury3
House. Professor George Mendenhall1
will discuss the question: "Is the NewI
Testament a Hoax?"
Open House, sponsored by the New-]
man Club, will be held from 8-12 at
the Father Richard Center. All are wel-
come to attend.
Psychology Club. Our next field trip1
will be to Eloise State Institution for
mental illnesses on Sat., Nov. 14. In
preparation for the field trip, Dr. E. B.
McNiel will address the club on"Mod-
ern Bedlam" today at 3:10 p.m., in 2429
Mason Hall. The details of the trip will
be given at this meeting. All those in-
terested are invited to attend.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup-
per Hike meeting at Guild House, 5:15
p.m. Graduate-Professional Group meet-1
ing at Guild House at 8 p.m.
Faculty Luncheon with Dr. Douglas
V. Steere, Michigan Union, 12:15. Call
Lane Hall for reservations.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour. Special guests
are the faculty and students of the
College of Engineering, 4:15-6:00 p.m.
Elizabeth the Queen, by Maxwell An-
derson, will be presented by the De-
partment of Speech tonight at 8 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The box office will be open from 10 a.m.
until 8 p.m.
Kappa Phi. Cabinet meeting today at
4:30 p.m., in the Green Room. All Cab-
inet members are requested to attend
this important meeting.
Hillel. All people interested in work-
ing on the "Hillelzapoppin" committee
are urged to attend the committee
meeting this afternoon at 4:30 p.m.
Coming Events
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion.
Dr. Douglas v. Steere, noted leader with
the American Friends Service Commit-
tee, will -discuss his recent visit in
South Africa, Lane Hall, 12 noon. Call
reservations to 3-1511, Ext. 2851.
The Economics Club will meet on
Mon., Nov. 16. 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheater. Gottfried Haberler, Profes-
sor of Economics at Harvard, will speak
on "Some Reflections on the Current
Future of Business Cycle Theory." All
staff members and students in Eco-
nomics and Business Administration
are urged to attend.
square Dance. All students, faculty,
and administration invited. No admis-
sion charge. Snonsored by S.R.A. Lane

"HOW-Not What-To Teach"
is a realistic problem in an
age where the social scientists are
making us more aware of the uni-
queness of human personality.
"Progressive education," despite
Daily Editorialist's Dorothy Myers'
adverse comment, is only a step
forward from the traditional
school of education. The latter
school assumes that there is an
automatic transmission belt from
the teacher to the collective mind
of the pupils in the classroom.
"Education by absorption" is the
implied motto of the old school.
"Progressive education" as ex-
emplified by the University Ele-
mentary School here at the U. of
M. attempts to make school an
enjoyable and immediately mean-
ingful experience for the children.
The familiar "3 R's" are taught
there but they are taught in re-
laxed classrooms in an untyran-
nous amosphere. The children
utilize projects (Dewey's 'learning
by doing') in which their learning
experience becomes well integrat-
ed in their intellect.
A general democratic atmos-
phere prevails-not always as qui-
et as a monastery-where the
children help set their own stan-
dards of behavior.
(Group dynamics find that
groups respond much more favor-
ably to decisions of their own
making than to "directives from
The slower children are not
pushed beyond their normal rate
of emotional and mental growth
and the brighter children are al-
lowed to progress fairly much at
their own desired rate..
The children at the University
Elementary School are certainly
not "common child(ren) fitted
pnly for common tasks." Rather
they are anti-authoritarian kids,
trained to think for themselves
and plan for themselves.
Essentially, "progressive educa-
tion" is dynamic-responsive to
the child's needs. It is an approach
which states, "Let's start think-
ing about the kids for once! How
can we make education interest-
ing for them? And how can we
also make them intelligent citi-
zens in a democratic community?"
-Sol Plafkin, Grad.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial. Staff
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..............City Editor
Virginia Vos........ .Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker..,...Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye ...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. ..Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin... . ASSOC. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager


(* I


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