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November 13, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-13

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" 7 - 5.
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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND WARMER

r VOL. LXIV, No. 46





__________ \1

New Flats
Ready Soon,
For Couples
100 Apartments
Planned for '55
The first occupants should be
moving into the University's pro-
posed new North Campus apart-
ments for married students with-
in less than a year, a University!
official estimated yesterday.
Francis C. Shiel, manager of
service enterprises, made the es-
timate at a Residence Halls Board
of Governors meeting, and added1
that the project should be com-
pletely finished by Jan. 1, 1955.
** *
THE 100 apartments, mostly one
bedrooms units with some "no
bedroom" and two bedroom types,
will be partly financed, the Uni-
versity hopes, by an already ap:
plied for 100 million dollar Fed-
eral Government loan.
Shiel also told the board that
there will probably be from 700
to 800 living units built on the
North Campus. in, the future.
Work on an addition to Couzens
Hall, including raising its dining1
capacity to 530 students, will
probably be begun before July 1,i
1954, when the nurses' residence
will become an official Univers-
ity Residence Hall, Sheil said.
Federal funds are also being
sought for the Couzens project.
Shiel estimated the addition would
cost $1,700,000.
The Board of Governors also
discussed the possibility of hold-
ing a meeting of the National
Students Association on cam-
pus late this summer.
The problem of providing super-
vision and service for 1000 stu-
dents in one of the residence halls
was discussed, and benefits to the
campus from the meeting were-
No action was taken on the pos-
sible NSA conclave, but Board
of Governors' chairman Acting
Dean of Students Walter B. Rea
said the matter, which was defer-
red for further administrative stu-
dy, will be acted on soon.
Grad Council
Rejects School
Freedom Plan
In one of the longest meetings
in its history, the Graduate Stu-
dent Council last 'night rejected
by a 'vote of 20 to 11 an academic
freedom stand stating "the in-
structor is entitled to unlimited
freedom in conducting his re-
search and in discussing his field
in the classroom."
Drawn up by Council members
Jack Danielson, Charles Sleicher
and Al Hunting, the statement
said, "the chief instance of the
tendency to restrict student free-
dom at the University has been
the Lecture Committee." .
* * *
ALREADY endorsed by the Uni-
tarian Students Group, the state-
ment will be printed in a pam-
phlet issued by the Student Legis-
lature subcommission on Academic
Hitting the stand, Robert Cox
explained the Council should l
See GROUP, Page 2

MSC Bus Tickets
Available for Trip
Tickets are still available for the
Wolverine Club sponsored bus car-'
avan to Michigan State for Sat-
urday's football game.c
The caravan, named the Spar-
tan Special, will leave Ann Arbor
at 10:30 a.m. Saturday returning
late in the evening. Women stu-

Suspension Hits
Seven 'Painters'
Students Must Bring Back MSCj
Dean's Statement on Reparations
Seven more University students were suspended last night pend-
ing fulfillment of cleanup projects at Michigan State where they
had participated in painting signs.on the college campus.
The seven caught in the act Wednesday night include James
Burke, '55; Joseph Burke, '56; Howard Hall, '54E; Robert Luecke,
'55E; William Carleton, '56E; Donald Jones, '56, and David Joyce, '55E.I
* * * *
ANOTHER SEVEN University students, minus paint brushes, were
found roaming around the MSC campus Wednesday night but told
~-'--police they visited the school to
y7.. I"inspect" damage.

Jelin First; Klame,
Marks Next in Line
Few Students Turn Out for Tally;
Ballot Stuffing Rumors Refuted
A total of 6,489 student voters went to the polls in a two-day elec-
tion for Student Legislature seats, chalking up a just-average result
of 44.3 per cen of campus enrollment.
Although SL hopes of a record turn-out were not fulfilled, an
unexpected high second-day balloting yesterday brought final tallies
of 44.3 per cent of campus enrollment.
TURN-OUT AT last night's ballot count in the Union, however,
was "one of the lowest in- years" <->-- -
according to all reports.
The usual crowd of 400 to 600 R ally at Y ost
students failed to materialize
during the night-long tallies to rg
pick the 23 victors from a slate Today* MSC
of 35 candidates.
About 100 students were con-
stantly milling around the ball- Sets Show
room, but more than half of them
were directly connected with the
elections-either candidates ner- "Spartan Review of '53," a stage
vously biting their nails during show in the Michigan State audi-
each vote re-distribution, Judi- torium, and a "Beeeat State" send
ciary members or election workers. off rally in front of Yost Field
'House are in store for football fans
NO CANDIDATE neared the rec- today.
ord 437 first-place votes cast last' "What price enthusiasm? About
spring for Bob Ely, '54E, ar the 11 cents a head, MSC's student
previous record set by Rajesh government figures," according to
Gupta, Grad., last fall. Phil Gunby, managing editor of
Steve Jelin, '55, present SL the Michigan State News.
treasurer, gained top record ofthe
gane I'edut

Broke Rules,
IHC Hear's

All seven students found with
the paint will not be eligible for
reinstatement until a statement
has been received from the MSC
Assistant to the Dean of Stu-
dents Elwood Voller that they
have finished cleaning up.

-Daily-Don Campbell
FIRST BALLOT VICTORS-Sue Klame, Steve Jelin and Leah Marks show victory smiles following

The four University engineering tabulation of the first ballot in the Student Legislature election co
students picked up Tuesday were
Inter-House Council members back in the good graces of officials -
last night heard reports of alleged of both colleges yesterday after! D ead EDd R eceives E n
violations of University and resi- apologizing to MSC officials for
dence halls' rules by Student Leg- their brush-wielding activities and ---
islature candidates. scrubbing off the Michigan blue Student complaints over last standing arose over the vote, as
The alleged election violations paint. spring's shortened final exam pe- an estimated 60 per cent 'of the
included slipping campaign litera- Fifteen Allen Rumsey House riod were substantiated by the voters marked only one preference
ture under doors in the South and members hiked up to the MSC special referendum which showed instead of rating the plans in one,
West Quadrangles and distribut- campus at 1 a.m. yesterday to help 54 per cent of students voting fa- two, three order as instructed on
ing handbills in a West Quad din- the engineers clean up. voring a return to the old system the ballot.
ner line. * * * of a "dead period" before exams
* * * ACTING DEAN of Students and commence- Another mistake marred the tal-
begin adunofficialcomne liswenery1prcntf
VIOLATORS could face prose- Walter B. Rea emphasized that ment Ies when nearly 17 per cent of
cution for breaking specific house "any future instances will prob- the voters forgot to indicate
or quadrangle rules or for dis- ably be dealt with by suspensions Thirty-six per cent voted for the whether they would be receiving#
obeying the University regulation for the full semester." shortened exam schedule and of- a degree in June or not.
prohibiting "solicitation" in the No Michigan State students ficial graduation at commence- However, .of the 15 per cent.
residence halls, have been caught in the act of ment, while a scant 10 per cent who said they would receive a de-
Hhpainting "MSC" signs about the1 asked for a shortened spring recess gree, 56 per cent favored the old
However, Booth Tarkington, University campus, but they to allow both a dead period and system, showing a great correla-
54E, who made the charge of ave left evidence of their visits official commencement. tion with the over-all trend.
illegal campaigning in Reeves * A total of 5,876 valid ballots
House, South Quad, also re- Green paint decorated the stone' A WDESREAD m i s u n d e r - were cast in the final exam ref-
quested that a letter be sent to lions in front of- the Museums erendum, with the count ending
Student Legislature corapliment- I Bldg., the Kelsey Bldg. and several shortly before 1 a.m. today.
ing SL on the "unusually ord- signs in front of the General Li-' W - i h e t le dyt
erly" campaign in residence brary. ' W rl N ewsThet fnal minstionstudy commbtte
halls Officials at both schools have 'a aeenceiaton studentpe-
warned that students will be sus- as reference data on student prefer
"Enabling legislation" for the pended immediately if caught in Rtoun u erences.
IHC Judiciary, in the form of a pre-game vandalism on eitherj
one page mimeographed legal campus. By The Associated Press A1'l pU s 4I!o p
document was also approved. ---...WASHINGTON-An all-Repub- - {
Al1/su- . ''

)unting last night.
The SL 'Fair Play the Wol-
verine Way' sticker was ap-
proved by a 2,754 'yes' to 2,510
'no' vote in the two-day bal-
loting, according to Ned Simon,
'55, head of referenda count-
ing for the election.
Miller TalKs
On Fraternity
Pled ores' Role
More than 200 fraternity pledges
attended the annual Interfrater-
nity Council pledge banquet held
last night.
PRINCIPLE speaker of the{
evening was Donn Miller, '54L,
formerly of Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity where he won the 1951 Bal-
four Award. Miller discussed the
role of pledges in fraternity life.
Lee Abrams, '55, IFC scholar-
ship chairman, presented the
scholarship award to this year's
winner, Alpha Epsilon Pi.

The legislation cuts down ap-
peal procedure and clarifies the
relationship between IHC Judi-
ciary, the quadrangle and house
judiciaries, and the all-campus
Joint Judiciary Council,
An appropriation of $300 for of-
fice equipment was also passed at
the meeting. The IHC must buyI
the equipment before it may -take
possession of its new office in the
Union, Union officials say:
The prefix NOrmandy will be
added to all Ann Arbor tele-
phone numbers beginning 11:59
p.m. tomorrow.
Although the University
number will become NOrmandy
3-1511, extension numbers for
University offices will remain
the same.

Co-op Council
Acts on House
A motion to bid up to $16,000
on a house at 806 East Kingsley
Mwas passed last night by the Inter-
Cooperative Council at a meetingj
which fell short of a quorum by'
10 persons.
The action, taken at an all-
membership meeting, was not of-
ficial, however, because the neces-
sary minimum of 60 members was
not present.
However, the motion can be le-
galized by a meeting of the Board
of Directors according to Jack Hil-
berry, '56A, ICC President.
The ICC's earlier bid of $15,000
was raised by another contending
party last week.f
Plans have been made to use the:
building as a cooperative apart-1
ment house for married studentt

lican Senate inquiry committee
took a swift 40-minute look at the
explosive Harry Dexter White
"spy" case at a jam-packed, tele-
vised hearing yesterday.
At the end, Chairman William
E. Jenner (R-Ind.) said he was
convinced that former President
Harry S. Truman received FBI re-
ports linking White to a Soviet
espionage ring in 1946.
TEHERAN, Iran-The Royal-
ist government's security forces
killed two persons and arrested
140 here yesterday to quell riot-
ing by Communists and extreme
Nationalists in behalf of Mo-
hammed Mossadegh, the ex-
Premier accused of treason.
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower left Washington late yes-
terday by train on a two-day trip
to Canada with a dual purpose-
to promote continental defense and
to stimulate internal trade.


Meeting. r osIJJeu
The date of the student-faculty-
administration outing has been
changed from 2 p.m. today to 2
p.m. Dec. 4 at the Ingliss home,
Union councilman Dick Pinkerton,
'55,. said yesterday.

evening, receiving 320 first-place
"votes which set him 35 votes ahead
of the next nearest candidate.
Sue Klame, '55, and Leah Marks,
'55L, came in second and third,
respectively receiving 287 and 2741
SL Race
As The Daily went to press
at 2 a.m. this, morning the fol-I
lowing candidates had won Stu-
dent Legislatuire seats in this
Steve Jelin, '55
. Sue Klame, '55,
Leah Marks, 155LI
George Denison, '57
Bob Leacock, '57
Barb Backlar, '56
Lee Abrams, '55
Jackie Boggan,,'55Ed.
Jane Germany, '56
Jo Anne Yates, '56
Bob Chigrinsky, '55
Tom Bleha, '56
Babs Hillman, '55
Cris Reifel, '55
Carol Gaeb, '54A
Paul Dormont, '55
Herb Zimmerman, '56
Mort Cox, '56
Gil Hitchcock, '56E
The following candidates were
still in the running:
Bob Henderson, '56
Fred Furth, '56
Carl Eckert, '55
Larry Levine, '56
Allen Shuster, '55
votes. George Denison, '57, also
came in on the first count with
1260 number-one ballots.
BEFORE official tabulation of
the vote began, Joint Judiciary
Council tossed out 252 ballots as
invalid and investigated reports
and wide-spread rumors that a
student manning one of the cam-
pus polling booths had cast "sev-
eral" votes during the time he
was on poll duty.
See SL, Page 2
Red Hearings
Set For Later

governing body will sink about
$1,600 into pre-game "Spartan
Spirit' plans this weekend," Gunby
said in a letter to The Daily.
He pointed out that the "Spar-
tan Re-view" which will be held
at 9:30 p.m. today will take the
-bgest bite out of the 'student
tax-appropriated funds.
The show will, be held immed-
iately after an outdoor pep rally
at the band shell across the street
from the auditorium.
All University students in East
Lansing- tonight have been ni-
vited to the big free show as
part of the hospitality program
plan'ned by MSC students before
'and after Saturday's grid con-
Members of the Spartan Va:-
sity Club will play host to visiting
"M" Club members at a coffee
hour after the game tomorrow.
In Ann Arbor student leaders
felt that vocal student support-
will be necessary if the team is to
make a good showing in tomor-
row's tilt with MSC.
Merritt Green, '56L, captain of
last year's team, and emcee of
today's rally set for 3:30 p.m.,
said he felt enthusiastic student
support would make members of
the team feel that they are re-
garded asan integral part of the
student body.
These feelings were seconded
by Martha Hill, '54, president of
Panhel, C. A. Mitts, '54, Inerfra-
ternity Council president, and
Rodger Kidston,.-'56L, Inter-House
Council president.
Steere Speaks
At SRA Panel
Completing the lecture series
"Religious Symposium - 1953,"
Prof. Douglas V. Steere of the phi-
losophy department at Haverford
College spoke yesterday of the
Cmaximal" iather than the "min-
imal" tasks of Christianity.
Quoting Andre Philippe, Steere
said, "The task of the church is to

'Who Will Pay for Trophy?'
Question of 'M' -MSC. Game,
By The Associated Press
LANSING-There was a big question yesterday about who was
going to pay for the trophy Gov. G. Mennen Williams said he will
present to the winner of the Michigan-Michigan State football game
Two different sources said friends and alumhi of the two schools
have been invited to share the cost with the Governor.
BUT FRANK BLACKFORD, administrative assistant to the Gover-
nor, said Gov. Williams is paying for the trophy "out of his own

t4 U~ia.

Lautner Describes How CP Denounced Him



Special To The Daily
DETROIT-Winding up seven days of testimony in the trial of six!
Michigan Communist leaders, government witness John Lautner yes-
terday described how the Party had denounced him as an "enemy!
agent" in the cellar of a house in Cleveland in 1950.
The lengthy session, marked by constant flare-ups between op-
posing lawyers also witnessed Federal Judge Frank A. Picard refuse!
to admit as government evidence a chart supposedly revealing the
organization of the Communist underground in the U.S.
JUDGE PICARD'S ruling came as an unprecedented move in the
government's Smith Act case against the Michigan CommunistsI
charged with conspiring to violent overthrow of the government. {
The identical chart has been a key part in the government'sJ
prosecution against Communist functionaries in New York, Pitts-
burgh and five other cities.
Over constant objections by defense counsel Ernest Goodman,;

leader, and Jack Kling, national Communist treasurer. Also present
were three other men who he did not know.
LAUTNER said first official word of his dismissal from the CP
came in the form of a news story appearing in the Daily Worker
of Jan. 17, 1950.
Earlier in the day Lautner claimed the Party had been in-
structed to go underground in 1948 and in June, 1949, he was
instructed "to make a survey in the party for 'ham' radio operators
who could send messages."
Radio apparatus obtained was supposed to be powerful enough
to send messages from New York to Albany and from there to Buffalo,!
he said.
Preceding this point the government attempted to introduce the
chart on the Communist underground. Goodman objected and Judge
Picard sustained the objection by saying "The government is taking'
t un
too much for granted."

Blackford said that according
to Ralph Young, MSC athletics
director the University has given
its apbroval of the trophy.
William Present, Lansing jew-
eler, said the trophy was ordered
through him by the Governor. He
said the. trophy, a hand-carved
statue of Paul Bunyan will stand
eight feet high, including the ped-
estal, and cost about $1,400.
Present said the Governor "ask-
ed me to raise a certain sum in
Lansing toward the cost of the
trophy and said that soie of his
friends in Ann Arbor would also
contribute. The Governor plans
to contribute too," 'Present said.
football star and president of the
Central Michigan MSC Alumni
Club, said it had been suggested
that both the University and
Michigan State alumni would split
the cost with the Governor also
n-.v,+mihte nr-, nnIo I

Rep. Kit Clardy said yesterday be the creator of the creators of
in Washington the House un- civilization." Life in the U.S. to-
American activities sub-committee day is characterized by a kind of
hearings scheduled to begin Nov. numbness, Steers emphasized.
30 in Detroit have been postponed Prayer is a condition where
indefinitely. candor is restored, the forceful
Clardy is chairman of.the sub- professor added. Man is respon-
committee appointed to study com- sible for the redemption of organ-
munism in the Detroit area. The ic and inorganic matter, Steere
hearings will probably begin after explained. Christ is responsible for
Jan. 1 because of other pressing man, and God is responsible for
matters h for the full onmmittee all. he sail

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