See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXIV, No. 45
Ike Defends
Of Truman
Says Brown el
Must Give Proof
Eisenhower upheld Harry S. Tru-
man's patriotism yesterday and
said he, personally, would not have
subpoenaed the former President
in the Harry Dexter White case.
The chief executive told a news
conference it was inconceivable
that a man in Truman's position
knowingly damaged the United
BUT THE tempest roared on
over Atty. Gen. Brownell's charges
that Truman promoted White to
the International Monetary Fund
in 1946 after the FBI had identi-
fied the late Treasury official as
a Red spy.
Brownell late in the day is-
sued a statement saying the
State Department had supplied
him a copy of a memorandum
dated Feb. 5, 1946, from Secre-
tary of State Byrnes to Presi-
dent Truman.
Brownell said the memo shows
that White's "espionage activities
were known to the White House
and other government agencies be-
fore Senate confirmation and be-
fore his promotion to the import-
ant position of executive director
of the International Monetary
IN VIEW of the Byrnes memo,
Brownell said, it now seems be-
yond question that there was lax-
Eisenhower put it up to
Brownell to support the charges
with essential evidence. He said
he wouldn't be a party to what
looks like rank injustice to any
Truman has said White was
fired when it was learned he was
"wrong." So far as the records
show, White resigned in 1947 and
received a letter of acceptance and
praise from Truman.
Meanwhile Chairman Velde (R-
Ill.) of the House Un-American
Activities Committee, who had
subpoenaed Truman for tomorrow
said he would consult the full
committee as soon as possible.
Steere Talk
To End SRA
"Religion Challenges the World"
is the topic of a lecture to be given
by Prof. Douglas V. Steere of the
philosophy department at Haver-
fordkCollege at 8 p.m. today in
Rackham Amphitheater.
Tonight's program, the sixth of
this semester, will completethe
"Religious Symposium - 1953"
series sponsored by the Student
Religious Association and the
Campus Religious Council.
The purpose of the symposium
has been "an inquiry into the
effect of religion upon safety,"
through lectures and panel dis-
cussions by members of the
University faculty and guest
speakers selected from various
religious faiths.
Tonight's speaker is a member
of the American Friends Service
Committee, and has recently re-
turned from a Quaker peace mis-
sion to South Africa. He is a pro-
fessor of philosophy at Haverford
College, and the author of many
books in the field of religion.I
'U'Men Banned
After MSC Raid
Suspensions Imposed Until Four
Apologize, Arrange Damage Repair
Associate City Editor
Four University engineering students were suspended yesterday
as the result of a Tuesday night painting expedition to the Michigan
State. College campus.
The suspension, imposed by the , engineering college discipline
committee, will last until the students have made a personal apology
to Assistant to the Dean of Students Elwood Voller at Michigan State
and personally removed or paid the cost of removing "Beat State"
signs they painted on buildings and
They will report to college aut
a footbridge on the MSC campus.
horities at East Lansing at 8 a.m.
today, according to Prof. Axel
Marin, chairman of the engineer-
ing college discipline committee.
World News
By The Associated Press
UN Assembly overrode Russian
objections yesterday and called
for a thorough discussion of
American charges that the Reds
tortured and killed thousands of
soldiers in "inhuman warfare" in
* * *
CLEVELAND-Smiling, confi-
dent Walter P. Reuther, presi-
dent .of the CIO, told newsmen
yesterday the federation he
heads "is in the strongest posi-
tion in its history."
* * *
MANILA - President Elpidio
Quirino early this morning con-
ceded victory in the Philippines
presidential election to Ramon
Magsaysay, the Nacionalista-Dem-
ocratic candidate.
An unofficial total at 7 p.m. yes-
terday, CST, gave the Nacionalista-
Democratic Coalition candidate
1,687,823 votes to 708,398 for
PANMUNJOM - The para-
lyzed Red program of explana-
tions to prisoners of the Korean
War hung fire yesterday for the
seventh straight day while the
Communist high command pon-
dered the next step.
* * *
BURLINGTON, Vt. - Herschel
D. Newsom, master of the Nation-
al Grange, said yesterday the
American farm program is ready
for some fundamental changes
away from "relief."
IN AN EFFORT to prevent fur-
ther episodes, acting Dean of
Students Walter B. Rea warned
yesterday that any University stu-
dents caught on the East Lansing
campus in the act of painting
signs or with paint brushes in
hand will face immediate suspen-
sion for an indefinite period.
Thesame ruling was reported
to have been in effect at MSC
where housing groups have been
warned against any more paint-
Iing of the Ann Arbor campus.
The four were apprehended by
MSC campus police shortly after
midnight with paint brushes in
hand. Gerald D. Pruder, s55E, and
William R. McCabe, '54E, were
picked up after they painted "Beat
State" on a campus footbridge.
Stanley E. Sattelberg, '54E, and
Raymond E. Sund, '55E, painted
the same slogan on the agricul-
ture and rhusic buildings -and a
Macklin Field ticket booth.
They were released and turned
over to University authorities aft-
er being booked on charges of ma-
licious destruction of property.
Three former University stu-
dents, now enTolled at State,
were also nabbed by MSC cam-
pus police who caught them
hurrying away from MSC's be-
loved Spartan statue with blue
paint and brushes.
Meanwhile University officials
were without clues as to who was
busy with green paint here on
campus at the same time. The Mu-
seums Bldg., the Kellogg Bldg.,
the "M" seal on the Diagonal and
the area in front of the Union
were thoroughly spattered with
Ann Arbor police scoured the
streets in search of roving bands
of MSC students who had not ma-
terialized late last night.
SL Requests
SAC Change
In Regulation
Claims SL' Stand
Violated by Rule
Student Legislature last night
voted to recommend that the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee change
one of its regulations governing
conduct of the propbsed Academ-
ic Freedom Week meetings, be-
cause the ruling "is in violation of
SL's Academic Freedom Policy
Under discussion was the re-
quirement, passed Tuesday by
SAC, that all those attending the
SL-sponsored Academic Freedom
Week meetings, slated to begin
Sunday, Nov. 15, sign their names
to majority or minority reports of
resolutions submitted at any ses-
THE MOTION to be presented
at an SAC meeting Monday reads
"because of the importance of
Academic Freedom Week to the
students, SL accepts responsibil-
ity for the Week's activities in ac-
cordance with regulations passed
by SAC."
SL members explained their
request by adding "We feel this
regulation inhibits full expres-
sion of student opinion. In the
atmosphere of intimidation gen-
erated by such measures, stu-
dents may hesitate to sign a res-
olution even though it expresses
their true beliefs, because they
fear future reprisals."
Included in the motion, passed
21-3, was the phrase that "SL,
realizing that the conference is not
a definite recognized group, agrees
that any resolutions, recommenda-
tions or reports coming from this
group should not be presented as
an expression of student opinion
at the University."
SL ALSO SENT a request to
members of the Board of Regents
asking the members to meet indi-
vidually or as a group "with an SL
designated student group a mini-
mum of once every three months
in order to discuss campus prob-
Initiating the motion, Leah
Marks, '55L, claimed SL had
neverkhad5formalized contacts
with the Regents, who "as
duly elected representatives of
the State of Michigan, have a
duty to listen to students."
In the last two years, she said,
SL has submitted many proposals
to the Regents, few of which have
been adopted by that body. If SL
maintained continuing contact
with the Regents, she added, more
student projects might be accept-
ed in the future.
Previously the Legislature
voted to table sponsorship of a
non-profit office service for
campus organizations.
Objections were raised concern-
ing financial and accounting prob-
lems inherent in the project be-
cause SL presently obtains its of-
fice materials at cost if the mater-
ials are used exclusively for Leg-
islature functions.
--Daily-Don Campbell
BRIEF SURVEY-Student studies platforms and posters of the
35 candidates' for Student Legislature positions on signboard
placed on the Diagonal.
Lie Advocates Change
In Veto on UN Entrance
In an Oxford-tinged Scandinavian accent, Trygve Lie last night
advocated a change in the veto power concerning entrance into the
United Nations.
The former secretary-general of the United Nations explained
there "should be no veto" in this area. Instead two-thirds of the
General Assembly and seven Security Council votes snould allow
some of the 16 applicants for membership to enter the world
" " U++
Lighter Second Day Balloting Seen;
Cloudy, Cool Weather May Up Tally
An unusually light first day turn-out of 3,657 voters marked yes-
terday's campus-wide elections to fill 23 vacant Student Legislature
SL hopes of a record high vote were doubly dimmed yesterday
by the fact that second-day balloting is traditionally far lighter than
first-day polling and that fewer students are on campus Thursdays
than Wednesdays.
Weather Bureau forecasts of cloudy, cooler weather helped some-
what, however, to brighten outlooks for a higher-than-usual second-
day vote today.
BERT BRAUN, '54, SL elections director predicted that slightly
more than 2,000 voters would cast second-day ballots before 5 p.m.
today, when ballot boxes will be "
officially closed.
If Braun's predictions mater-
ialize, total voting would neigh-
cent vote turnout, as compared IIe t O e e
to the 48 per cent total cast in
last spring's elections.
Some of the 16 ballot boxes I1-
cated on campus may have to be
lack of students to man the
booths, he said. According to elec- University President Harlan L.
tion rules, two students are re- Hatcher opened proceedings of
quired to be at each election booth the special committee studying the
at all times between 8 a.m. and 5 Student Affairs Committee yes-
p.m. when the ballot boxes are terday with'a description of the
open. study group's mandate.
* * * The committee will have the
BALLOT counting will get un- dual purpose of investigating the
derway at 6:15 p.m. today in the functions and membership of SAC,
Union Ballroom, with the first according to President Hatcher
tally scheduled to be recorded be- and will submit its recommenda-
tween 8:30 and 9 p.m. tions to him by April 1.
Administratively, the election The investigation is not being
has moved very well, Braun made because of any crisis at this
said. Final returns on winning, moment, he commented, but be-
candidates and results of stu- cause it was felt that a point had
dent opinion polled in two ref- been reached where an evaluation
erenda will probably not be re- of SAC would be valuable.
corded until after 2 a.m. tomor-
row, he predicted. SETTING UP procedural meth-
Last spring's all-campus elec- ods the eight member committee
tions were not officially recorded decided to make its hearings open
until after 5 a.m. the day after to the press and any interested
election booths closed. students or faculty members.
Stations WHRV and WCBN will
provide radio coverage of the elec-. First order of business will be
tions, beginning about 8 p.m. Just a study of SAC's history which
before first tallies are expected to extends back to the early 1900's.
be recorded.
Meanwhile, the committee ask-
ed any interested students or stu-
IHC To Meet dent groups desirous of present-
The Inter-House Council will ing recommendations on the func-
meet at 7:15 p.m. today in the tional and membership aspects of
west dining room of the South SAC to submit written letters or
Quadrangle. briefs for consideration.
SL Hopes Dim
For Poll Record
many times over such an issue.
Moreover, the NorwegianC
statesman indicated he did not
approve of Red Chinese repre-
sentation. "China is represent-
ed in the UN today," he explain-
ed. "It would hurt the spirit of
the UN charter to allow the
Communist Peking government
into the UN because such ac-
tion requires a peace-loving gov-
ernment," Lie claimed.
When Gen. MacArthur reported
500,000 Chinese crossed the Yalu
River into Korea, the Scandina-
vian felt the Peking government
did not show this peace-loving
Lie explained the UN is "not a
supernational authority, and can-
not issue any binding laws, but
only gives recommendations."
HE SAID the UN is very often a
scapegoat. "Its weakness is due to
lack of agreement among mem-
ber nations and very often the.
Communist governments are re-
sponsible for most of its setbacks,"
according to the former secretary-
Lie pointed out in Korea "for
the first time in history col-
lective action started by the UN"
did bring results.
"This move could have been
taken even though Malik were
there," Lie noted, "since it was
only a recommendation to the
member nations." They did not
have to follow the proposal, ac-
cording to the Norwegian.
d heard the Russian Nyet" too
Decline Seen
in Production.
The nation is headed for a
"stubborn recession" Prof. Paul
W. McCracken of the business ad-
ministration school predicted yes-
Talking before a session of the
three day Michigan Consumer
Finance Association Convention
in Detroit, Prof. McCracken said
production would decline as much
as 11 per cent.
Little Significance Seen
In California Election
Several University political
science professors said yesterday
they saw little evidence of any
significant nation-wide political
trend in Republican Glenard P.
Lipscomb's victory in California's
24th District special Congression-
al election Tuesday.
Lipscomb, with 42,880 votes,
comfortably outdistanced the
Democratic candidate, George Ar-
nold, who tallied 34,545 votes.
INSURGENT Republican, John
L. Collier, who had caused his
party to have serious qualms be-
fore the election, finished in the
"also ran" column with 3,616 votes.
Irving Markheim, a chronic Dem-
ocratic candidate, had 1,150.
Any indicative split in the Re-
publican ranks, between the
Nixon faction represented by the
victor, and the Warren-Know-
land faction represented by the
insurgent, was dispelled by Sen-
ator Knowland's endorsement of
Lipscomb, according to Prof.
Joseph E. Kallenbach.
The consensus of the profes-
sor's oninions was that the Re-
Prof. James Pollock summed it
up by saying, "I never see much
significance in special elections
like this one. Local conditions are
invariably determining and it
looks. to me as if the district sim-
ply followed its usual pattern."
Kinsey Advocates More
'Pettin'g', Panel Claims
The more petting, the better.
That, Prof. Robert Blood told a standing-room-only audience
yesterday, seems to be Alfred Kinsey's opinion.
Prof. Blood, Robert Schulze and Robert Hamblin all of the
sociology departient were members of a panel that discussed findings
on petting and pre-marital relations from Dr. Kinsey's latest book,
"Sexual Behavior in the Human Female."
The discussion was the fourth sociology colloquium of the semester.
Petting was defined by Kinsey as "any physical contact that
arouses excitement." Benefits cited by Kinsey as. resulting from
"heavy petting," which "has al-
ways taken place," werenbrought
lout by Schulze. (1) Petting over-
comes inhibitions, (2) petting
contributes to the choice of a
n 'llo ig h t spouse and (3) petting contributes
to relations in marriage.
Hamblin felt that Kinsey's def..
inition of petting "over general-
URCHSLAG izes" and that people have no way
ts four day run tonight at 8 p.m. of knowing how to accept Kinsey's
nplete with velvet gowns and fur- reports.
Kinsey, who was described as
egal court, and the play preserves "the man for whom the belles
he richness of the court in their told," was criticized more dur-
ade trim. ing the second phase of the dis-
* * cussion, concerning pre-marital
color scheme was white and gold. relations.
e-decked with flowers and jewels So much material has been
her elegance of dress as carefully printed and so many statistics
have been shown to the Ameri-
can female that she is maladjust-
lne style between the 1600's andar ahmi - mea-.- -tna r r a 4
Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the po-
litical science department, chair-
man of the group, requested that
reports be submitted to him. They
will be discussed at open hearings
in several weeks.
The study committee includes
five faculty members who have
served on SAC and three former
student members of SAC.
It will meet at 4 pm. every
Thursday until its final report is
Team To Get
Pep Send-off'
Including all the features of a
pep rally, a cheering sendoff is be-
ing planned by Wolverine Club of-
ficials, at 3:45 p.m. tomorrow in
front of Yost Field House when
the football team prepares to take
off for East Lansing.
Cries of "BeeeathState," the
rhythmic step of the Michigan
Marching Band, and songs and
cheers will be combined in the
send off rally for the team.
Merritt (Tim) Green, '56L, Cap-
tain of last year's football team
will emcee the gathering.
Student ,leaders contacted felt
that a rally before the State game
would bolster the enthusiasm of
the team and might reap results
in increased enthusiasm on the
part of football players during
Saturday's game against Michigan
LT T9.TTS ...
'Elizabeth the Queen' To Ope
MSC Trip
Reservations may still be
made on the Wolverine Club
Michigan State bound buses
which will leave the University
at 10:30 p.m. Saturday and will
return Sunday, according to
Wolverine Club officials.
Tickets at $4 are available
from 10-12 a.m. and from 1-4
"Elizabeth the Queen" opens i
In Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, con
trimmed robes.
The court of Elizabeth was a r
its pageantry. Costumes reflect th
liberal use of jewels and gold brocE
* *
She also wore a red, curly wig, be
And the men of the day followed
as the women.
The only similarity in mascul: