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November 11, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-11

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Travel Motif
Will Prevail
At Carnival
Entertainment Booths,
Films To Be Featured
At WUS Extravaganza
Fifteen entertainment booths
: are now under construction for
the "WUS-Capade," World Uni-
versity Service Carnival, which will
be held from 8:30 to midnight
Friday, Nov. 20 at Lane Hall.
These booths, representing
church guilds, sororities, fraterni-
ties and groups from the Interna-
tional Center will feature games
of chance and different types of
A TRAVEL theme will prevail
at the carnival which is sponsor-
ed by the internationally-minded
World University Service, an or-
ganization which coordinates
funds collected on campus
throughout the world for desti-
tute students.
A film made by WUS and
various travelogues will be
shown to partygoers in a spec-
tal room at Lane Hall during the
Organized several years ago as
World Student Service Fund, WUS
is sponsored internationally by the
World's Student Christian Feder-
ation, Pax Romana-IMCS and the
World Union of Jewish Students.
The group is sponsored locally by
the Student Religious Association.
* 4 *
PROCEEDS from the campus
carnival, as all WUS proceeds, will
be used for such things as build-
ing tuberculosis sanitoriums and
health clinics, and supplying text-
# books, food and clothing to stu-
dents throughout the world.
Uniting students throughout
the world to help each other help
themselves is the prime objec-
tive of WUS. It encourages and
supports all efforts on the part
of students, professors and oth-
ers to meet the basic needs of
the universities throughout the
WUS is administered by a head-
quarters staff in Geneva, Switzer-
land and works closely with agen-
cies of the United Nations, non-
governmental university organiza-
tions and national unions of stu-
OPERATING throughout most
of the world, WUS has 32 nation-
al branches at work in Asia, the
Middle East, Western Europe and
North America.
The Campus WUS has an ar-
rangement with University Hos-
pital by which the hospital will
give $15 to WUS for every. pint
of blood that WUS manages to
have donated.
A bucket drive held on campus
Oct. 28 also netted funds for the
organization. I
General chairmen of "WUS-Ca-
pade" are Ruth Jackson and Eliz-
abeth Perlin. Tom Tracis and
Gretchen Schweizer are in charge
of decorations for the carnival. -
Dave Goldstick is the WUS
chairman on campus.

Volleyball Teams Win'Journalism Group Holds Forum

In Tournament Games

( >-


-Daily-Dick Gaskili
HATCHER TEA-Mrs. Harlan Hatcher is shown greeting stu-
dents at her home as she will do today from 4 to 6 p.m. at the
first of this year's open houses. This first open house is open to
everyone on campus and freshmen and transfer students are es-
pecially invited to meet President and Mrs. Hatcher and enjoy
tea and cookies.
Assistant Dean. Underlines
Interest in Student Ideas

Seven teams competing in the
Women's Athletic Association's
annual volleyball team came one
step closer to annexing champion-
ships in the A and B division as
the result of victories last week.
While cldse games featured play
in the earlier part of the week,
high scores were racked up by
most of the squads.
PLAYING IN Barbour Gym,
Vaughn II barely toppled Geddes,
18-17. Couzens II had it a bit
easier beating Mosher II, 23 to 15.
Alpha Phi chalked up 26
points to 15 by Alpha Xi Delta
while Jordan I lost to Pi Beta
Phi, 34 to 16 last Tuesday.
Scoring the largest number of
points last week, Stockwell I de-
feated Newberry 41 to 22 while
Kleinstueck II triumphed over
Vaughan I 36 to 22.
IN THURSDAY night's feature
Kappa Delta beat Pi Beta Phi II,
31 to 29.
In the remaining games left
to be played on this week's
schedule Jordan III will meet
Alpha Omicron Pi at 5:10 p.m.
today; Members of Kappa Delta
will battle Prescott II and Chi
Omega II will play against the
winner of Alpha Omicron Pi and
Jordan III.

Other WAA activities this week
will include meetings of many of
the clubs.
THE CAMP Counselors club will
have a cookout supper at the Is-
land Sunday. Anyone interested
may come to the outing and the
group will meet at 3 p.m. in front
of the Women's Athletic Building.
Everyone is requested to bring
his own food but cocoa and
marshmallows will be provided.
Besides the cookout, there will
also be games and singing.
Thursday at 5 p.m. there will be
a compulsory meeting of the Bas-
ketball scorers and timers in the
Fencing Room of the WAB.
The Riding Club will hold its
organizational meeting at 5:15
p.m. tomorrow in the small lounge
of WAB. Anyone who cannot be
there may contact Jaylee Duke at

Be prepared to take low salaries
and do menial tasks were the words
of advice five prominent women
journalists gave last night to stu-
dents aspiring toward positions in
the field.
The journalists, Jean Day, news-
paper and free lance writer, Mar-
ion Taylor White, publicist, Nan-
cy Houston, house organs, Mar-
garet Williams, advertising, and
Alice Beeman, special projects
spoke on the job opportunities as,
members of a panel sponsored by
Theta Sigma Phi, national profes-
sional fraternity for women in
* * *
IF YOU want to do public rela-
tions work "get out of Detroit"
was the warning of Marion Taylor
White, who started out making $10
a week, eating hamburgers and
getting callouses on her feet.
Mrs. White described Detroit
as a "man-minded" town because
it was dominated by factory prod-
"The first and best approach

is through the newspaper job,"
Mrfs. White stated, and added,
"Don't scorn the Women's De-,
"If you're interested in adver-
tising, your best bet is to start in
a retail store," Miss Williams
pointed out. Now copy writer and
account executive for Simm Mi-
chaelson, Miss Houston felt she
gained valuable experience by sell-
ing in a department store.
She stated that most people
want to know if you can sell over
a counter and use this mark as an
indication of your ability to write
selling copy.
Miss Day started the discussion
off on an encouraging note by
stating that there was a high
turnover of women on the society
pages of the Detroit papers and
that most of the staff members
were under 30.
"If needed, lack of experience
is not so great a hindrance,"
Miss Day added. Another panel
member stated the whole se-
cret was "being at the right
place at the right time."


special projects.

9 Professional
Haircutters to please.
"Come as you are."
The Daseola Barbers
near Michigan Theatre

Educational public relations, a
small and good field, is growing,
according to Alice Beeman, editor
of publications at the University.
She said that although the dollege
publicist "won't get rich or starve,"
she should accept the necessity for
learning about education.
"Jack of all trades, master of
none" is the way Miss Houston
summed up her job as news edi-
tor on The Detroit Tool Engineer.
Working indirectly with 27,000
men, Miss Houston started out
handling 8 pages of news copy and
now prepares 25 pages along with,



Taking the position of assistant
dean of women, Miss Gertrude
Mulhollan has a vast background
of experience with students.
Because of the increase in wo-
men students, another capacity as
assistant dean was created with
Miss Mulhollan taking over.
*% * *
masters degree at the University,
after doing undergraduate work at
Albion College, Miss Mulhollan
was a resident counselor. Her ex-
perience with life in the residence
halls continued with holding the
position of resident assistant and
in the summer months, resident
Miss Mulhollan held the posi-
tion of director of placement
and assistant registrar at Al-
bion College followed by a posi-
tion as director of admission at
Hollins College in Virginia.
Now working for her degree in
human ecology, the development
of a community, she was a re-
search assistant with the Detroit
Area Study, a continuing research
project concerning data about De-
CONCERNED with the welfare
of all women students, one of her
major functions is working with
the residence halls counselling
system. She is also concerned with
coed's financial problems and Uni-
versity loans.
When asked about the differ-
ence in the life of women in a
large and small school, the as-
sistant dean felt that there were
really no big differences.
She is impressed by the type of
relationship which exists between
students and faculty and adminis-
tration and feels that relations
are not impersonal.
"THE UNIVERSITY is doing an
outstanding job in' creating a
friendly relationship," said Miss
As many times as she has
spoken to students, the size of
the University has not been a
basic problem.
Most frequent problems that
Miss Mulhollan has run into are
problems of freshmen adjusting
to new situations, problems of aca-
demic adjustment and personal
social relationships.
She emphasized that she and

the rest of the Office of the Dean
of Women wish to be available at
all times to serve as a sounding
board for all women, not only to
be thought of as a place for only
serious problems.
Voicing her main desire con-
cerning her duties, Miss Mulhol-
Ian said, "I hope very much that
any woman student will feel free
at any time to come in and talk
to me, not necessarily only to dis-
cuss problems, but also any inter-
est which she presently has or
plans for the future.
League Displays
Rule Pamphlets
For Dormitories
For the remainder of this week,
a display of dormitory pamphlets
and booklets will meet the eye of
any student who passes by the
Undergraduate Office bulletin
Besides the three main booklets
published each year by the League,
Assembly Association and Panhel-
lenic Association, there are indi-
vidual pamphlets printed by each
women's residence hall on cam-
Every house has it's own separ-
ate constitution and rule book
which informs the women in the
house of their duties, privileges
and restrictions.
More attractive now than in past
years when mimeographed sheets
were in style, women still seldom
are acquainted with the informa-
tion contained in the leaflets.
Until an emergency-arises, most
coeds have little contact with
their house booklets.
Several weeks ago all house
presidents turned in their dormi-
tory booklets. With these the As-
sembly publicity chairman has set
up a display.
The Assembly urges all coeds to
glance through these pamphlets
to become better acquainted with
the rules and privileges of the var-
ious housing units on campus.
Perhaps coeds, on reading rules
of other houses, can find ways of
improving their own booklets.



For a luxurious Christmas


To Present Film
Sports enthusiasts will have an
opportunity to hear John Jay, one
of America's foremost skiing pho-
tographers, speak at 7 p.m. Sun-
day at Pattengill Auditorium.
Jay will present a full length
colored movie of skating, skiing,
bob-sledding and breath-taking
alpine scenery shots taken at the
Olympic Ski Jump in Norway.
Jay is a distant relative of John
Jay, the first Supreme Count. Jus-
tice of the United States. Jay at-
tended Williams College and was
the winner of a Rhodes scholar-
ship. He is now a staff member of
the March of Time and is on a
lecture tour with his film, "The
Olympic Victory."

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#iY: Ec.
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Fitting gift for a lovely lady 0 .,. a

fitted corduroy robe, with

a full, lined quilted skirt punctuated


by rhinestone buttons, and


aps ati,'


Do yea frame
When you have a Prescription
filled do you take a few pills
or a few spoonfuls and then
put it on the shelf and forget
about it? If you do, you are
jeopardizing your health. Follow
your Doctor's instructions to
the letter-take all of the Pre-
scription. Then go back to your
doctor. He'll tell you whether
or not to have the Prescription
re-filled. There are too many
half-filled bottles in medicine
chests, mute testimony that YOU
PAID for your doctor's advice
and didn't follow it. You might
as well frame your doctors
Prescription as to take only a
part of it. The most important
business we have is filling your
Doctor's Prescription. Your most
important job is taking it.

r + ;.
<' 4
%s: > .
.",h '


a stand-up collar . . . to wrap her
in beautiful warmth. Pink,
blue or melon. Sizes 10 to 16,

. <
y {,
S 2
. x .. -.
} t ,; '.
, {
44 M



lAd4 Capp6


SENATE-There will be a meet-
ing of the Women's Senate at 4
p.m. tomorrow at the League.
Panhel Board will meet at 4:30
p.m. today in the League. Room
will be posted.
SOPH CAB-Stunts committee
for Soph Cab will meet at 3:30
p.m. today. The posters and pub-
licity committee will meet tomor-
row at 3:30 p.m. and the stage
crew will meet tomorrow at 5 p.m.
There will be a floorshow rehear-
sal and 'the decorations committee
will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m.
* * *
WAA-The modern dance and
ballet clubs will co-sponsor a
Dance Movie Night today at 8
p.m. In the Dance Studio of Bar-
bour Gym. Jose Limon, Valerie
Bettis and others will be featured
in the movies which are open to
the public.
FORTNITE-There will be a
Fortnite publicity meeting at 7:15
p.m. tomorrow in the Undergrad-
uate Office at the League. All
dormitories must have one rep-
resentative present.
*% * *
MICHIGRAS-There will be, a
meeting for all Michigras Central
Committee Members at 4:45 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union.
LANE HALL-The Lane Hall
square dance group will leave at
6:45 p.m. tomorrow from Lane
Hall to attend the Flint Folk
Dance Festival.

340 S. State St.
Ann Arbor



for built-in molded curves
without added inches, it's
"V-ette Plus"
A wonderful boost for your fall
figure . . . the "V-ette Plus"
strapless and regular brassieres
with stitched-in featherlight
foam-cup contour shells,
to insure, rounded curves. Both
styles in white cotton, sizes 32 to


The 0Sdedpp/le4

(across from Burton Tower)

38; A or B cups.


bra, 3.95.

Strapless bra, $5.

7 A.M.
till 2 P.M.


IIU ~ Wt,~~rWWIti~~t? A f '



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