PAGE FOUR TlE MICIIGAN DAILY 1r Li!_\L', ijjAi , i" V A: II I"Ii J& 11, 1aW . ........ ......... . ......... T SEEMS TO ME1 By ALICE B. SILVER Associate Editorial Director AFTER the Democratic victories Nov. 4 Sen. McCarthy advised the Administra- tion that it had better start raising the com- munism in government issue if it expected to win next year's Congressional elections. Judging from Attorney General Brow- nell's "bombshell' concerning Harry White and Truman the GOP is taking the Sen- ator's advice quite seriously. With the release of the charge that Tru- man willingly appointed a Russian spy, the administration hinted strongly that "this is only the beginning" of a series of &ttacks centering around communism in govern- ment. If the Republicans follow through with this it will be an extremely shrewd move, if nothing else. It is a common observation that the ma- jority of voters who switched their allegiance from the Democratic party to the GOP in 1952 did so on the basis of the Republicans' 'Fight Communism' stand. Elections of the past few weeks; partic- ularly those in Wisconsin and New Jersey, pointed up the failure of the Eisenhower Administration to offer a meaningful do- mestic program to the people. The Repub- licans thus far have failed with their farm policy (if they have one). They have failed to do anything about Taft- Hartley-consequently Durkin's resigna- tion. Thus far they have failed in general to put through a program in the public interest. Apparently the Republicans are beginning to realize that in terms of their own econom- ic self interest the majority of Americans will identify with the Democratic )arty. Thus we have a revival of the 1952 GOP election theme which placed the emphasis not on positive legislation for the welfare of the people but on the internal threat of com- munism. This manner of vote getting-now seem- ingly adopted by GOP leaders in addition to the small fry such as McCarthy-is a vicious perversion of what the democratic process ought to be. It is an approach to politics which does not involve an exchange of ideas concerning what is best for the people but instead an approach which plays upon and manipulates the fears and insecurities of the people. In this respect the White-Truman charge is an attempt to indirectly identify the po- litical opposition-the Democrats-with the foreign opposition-Russia. It is a delib- erate attempt to label the opposition dis- loyal and to appeal to the voters from that premise. Nothing could contribute less to the political party process. Sr1HE ABOVE are intended to be the general implications of Brownell's charges. As regards the specific case, it is extremely dif- flIcult to reach a definite conclusion. It will suffice until the case develops more fully to make several brief points. 1. The specific content of the FBI reports is unknown. The points against White can range from verified evidence to mere hear- say. 2. White's initial accusers were two peo- ple not to be trusted under any conditions -ex-Communists Elizabeth Bentley and Whitaker Chambers. 3. The White House will not affirm the re- port that the FBI reports reached the Pres- ident. 4. Only one person of the nine whom Brownell named as having received the FBI report has confirmed the charge. That man is James Byrnes, former Secretary of State who split with Truman and stood behind Ike in '52. 5. The Un-American Activities Commit- tee has subpoened Truman thus taking the case from the Justice flepartment and in effect "throwing him to the wolves." If this entire case develops along present lines it will be known for some time as one of the lowest political shams in a long while. It is a move to discredit not only a former ,President of the United States and the Dem- ocratic party, but in effect the majority of Americans who elected Truman in 1948. It is such a low insult that perhaps the Ameri- can people will not forget it in 1954 and 1956. Miller Article (Continued from Page 1) Dean of Students Walter B. Rea said, "Stu- dents are not passive in any sense of the word. They question, interrogate, want to know the why of the rules. In the past, the tendency was to think: 'So what'?" He added, "From the postwar years on, especially, we've found students of high calibre. The tempo set by the returning vet- erans has not been reduced." Assistant to the President Erich A. Walter did think that present day students differ from the veterans because, "Ever since the war, students have been rushing toward their degrees as never before." At attributes this to the ever-present threat of the draft. When Miller observes the University, he asks himself, "What's . wrong?" He arrives at the conclusion, "I did not feel any love around the place . . . it just feels like an insurance company, that's all. And yet, with eighteen to twenty thousand students, I sup- pose you've got to have it." Few people would quibble with Miller's point, yet there is agreement that the Uni- versity is not wholly inhuman and that per- ELECTION REFERENDA: The Final Exam Question "I've Been Sitting Up With A Sick Trend" By HELENE SIMON Daily Associate Editor THE CHANGE in the final examination schedule last spring was one of the more unpleasant surprises which the ad- ministration has handed the student body. In the Student Legislature elections today and tomorrow students will have the oppor- tunity to register their opinions on three alternatives through the referendum, al- though it is dubious that even an over- whelming vote will have great effect. One of the alternatives suggests re- taining the present exam schedule, but a fair and more logical proposal is the one suggesting a return to the system ex- isting before last spring which provided for a "dead period" and a longer number of days to complete examinations. The main disadvantage to this proposal is that seniors would not be officially graduated at commencement but only recommended for degrees. It matters little to most seniors whether they are officially graduated on commence- ment or not, for by that time the majority know if they will be receiving a degree. Seniors, along with freshmen, sophoihores and juniors, would be more likely to appre- ciate extra time to study for exams and increase their chances for graduation. With so little time to actually study for exams, one of the purposes of finals, name- ly review, is nearly impossible to achieve. Nor must the psychological disadvantage be overlooked. How well can a student be ex- pected to perform when he has two exams one day, one the next and two the day after? His grades will suffer merely from sheer exhaustion. ...And the St Pro.. . ANN ARBOR is a midwest college town. Its student population is not known for excesses of radicalism or even enthusi- asm. Also, Ann Arbor is a city with most of the civic problems that affect other cities. Among these problems is the social prob- lem of discrimination by business. Thinking students and Ann Arbor citizens have looked for ways to attack the problem. For the most part, local businessmen have taken the position that they are happy, or a least willing to serve anyone who comes into their store. But a few businessmen acting on personal prejudice or because of the mistaken idea that they will keep most of their customers happy by refusing to sell to certain groups, still won't wait on a Negro, for example. When students go to the polls today and tomorrow, they will find this ques tion on the ballot: "Are you in favor of the distribution of a sticker of the 'Fair Play the Wolverine Way' type to Ann Ar- bor merchants?" The idea behind the sticker is that the great majority of local businesses which are open to all customers can display the stick- ers on their windows as an indication of good citizenship. The few recalcitrants who make a point of keeping some groups of customers out of their stores will probably feel some pres- sure to change their ways. Certainly they cannot post a sticker without the risk of being embarrassed by "undesirable" cus- tomers, nor can they fail to display a stick- er without opening themselves to some cen- sure from public opinion, and having to ex- plain their position. Of course, slow educational processes may be necessary to eliminate a prejudice in the long run. Of course, the sticker plan is only a step in the right direction. It should cer- tainly be followed up by other action. Per- haps some sort of investigating and coun- seling group along the lines of the Cham- ber fo Commerce proposal would be helpful. Meanwhile, however, the question is not one of feelings or prejudice. Student opinion at Michigan may not be fervent, but it is certainly opposed to a situation where a Negro cannot get his hair cut. Faculty members are also feeling the pinch under the present system, which in many cases forces them to abandon the essay exam in favor of the objective. The latter, in many cases, consists only in in- telligent guessing and does not truly re- flect how much the student has received from the course. Those favoring the concentrated exam schedule have claimed that parents object to traveling many miles to see their chil- dren only recommended for degrees and not officially graduated. Most patents would agree it would be better to lift some of the pressure off their children and allow them a fair time to study rather than in- sisting on the technicality of official grad- uation. It shouldn't be overlooked that the University is supposed to operate on the principle of what is best for the general welfare of the student rather than his par- ents. Another alternative suggests retaining the "dead period" but at the same time shortening spring recess. Not only would seniors object to this but other classes would not be in favor of cutting spring vacation short in order that official grad- uation could be granted to the minority of the student body. Administrators have made it understood that they would not go back to the old sys- tem which would in all likelihood be most satisfactory from the students' and facul- ty's viewpoint. If students come out strong- ly for the return to the "dead period,"-as they probably will-it would be most unwise for the administration to ignore an over- whelming student vote. icker' Proposal The sticker proposal is the only anti-dis- crimination suggestion on the ballot. A "yes vote on this question is not a vote against other possible ways of attacking discrimi- nation. The only way to register student opinion in favor of good citizenship is to support the sticker proposal by a "yes" vote today or tomorrow. -Jon Sobeloff Cona-.-. THE STUDENT LEGISLATURE referen- dum asking "Are you in favor of the distribution of a sticker of the 'Fair Play the Wolverine Way' type to the Ann Arbor merchants?" sholud be opposed by students in the all-campus elections today and to- morrow. As a measure aimed at the elimination of discrimination in Ann Arbor the pro- posal is ineffective and based on the naive assumption that every one putting such a marker in his window will be automati- cally wiping his slate clean on the dis- crimination issue. The stickers will serve not to educate, only to point out. They are not aimed at an ultimate solution of the problem, only at informing the public of the existence of a problem. The markers will be distributed to those who are willing to post them in their es- tablishments. Reasons for not posting them may range from a company policy against stickers of any kind to outright discriminatory practices on the part of a business. Yet all establishments .not bearing the stickers would be suspect and subject to the economic discrimination of Ann Arbor buyers. There is another, and a far more effec- tive way to approach the problem. That is through directly approaching merchants and establishments concerned and discus- sing the problem with them. Pressure from the Chamber of Commerce, businessmen's groups, the Student Legislature and adverse newspaper publicity can be brought to bear on offenders with considerably more effect than any sticker devised. -Gene Hartwig Becky Conrad Dorothy Myers Mark Reader ° , . , , r _- t . ,t r-:- ,. : . s ,, ,- . x -;q:-. - ' ;' L t,,, . «f RtN s . 4t ' } R$ G '. - ... socs TwE'wnsarvGrarr P sr -P-Moo- iettePJ TO THE EDITOR -F The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. For a Better SL ... the administration on one end and the student body on the oth- To The Editor: er. Many of you realize, that S.L. needs more bargaining power with STUDENT GOVERNMENT, a vo- the administration. To get this cal organ of democratically power the administration has sti- elected representatives with the pulated to S.L. that it must get a power to govern, will not evolve larger percentage of the vote. Then from a group which sits back again, the student body refuses quietly waiting for governing au- to vote for it feels S.L. is power- thority to be deposited on its IIless. To overcome this difficulty shoulders. Student Government, we the students must go out and as all other movements of indi- vote. So remember, "Vote, vote as viduals to participate in their own you please, but VOTE. governing, can be brought about -Larry Levine only through aware, active indi- * * y viduals who will stand and fight resolutely for what they believe. Colonial Rights . . Student Legislature was such a To the Editor: group in the near past. It should again be a liberal, idealistic or- N THE DAYS before the Ameri- ganization neither hesitant nor can Civil War much verbiage afraid of pressing for progressive was wasted on the alleged "rights" reforms everywhere in campus life. of the slaveholders. Abolition was Whether Student Legislature opposed on the .grounds that it can again be an aware, active, would work an "injustice" on the fighting organization is complete- owners of human beings. The Am- ly up to thetvoterstone this cam- erican people, however, rejected pus. The voters not only have a this myth because they knew that duty to support November candi- no man had a "right" to keep' dates who best express their own another man in bondage, that beliefs and will fight for Student slavery itself was the injustice ra- Government, they also have a duty ther than its abolition. to begin pressuring the most cap- One would think that by now able individuals to run for Stu- this obvious lesson of history dent Legislature in the spring would have been mastered by all elections. Americans. But apparently such At the moment, an active desire logical conclusions have managed for true Student Government is to escape the attention of Prof. possessed by only a few student Hyma of the History Department. legislators. If thereninvt e For he, like the ancient defenders student participation in the gov- of slavery, protests against the erning of our University, each stu- "injustices" done to the Dutch in dent must assume partial respon- Indonesia. sibility for Student Legislature by To Prof. Hyma the colonial sys- pressuring for better legislators, tem itself is not unjust. Java, he for better candidates ... claims, "was as much a Dutch pos- University recognition cannot session as Malaya belonged to the be achieved unless Student Leg- British." On the other hand, the islature is composed of mature, fight against colonialism is not honest,, working individuals who ongyaunstuoo -isired forthrightly press for the evolu- onlyounjst t s -p tion of complete participation by I just wonder if Prof. Hyma ac- students in the bettering of their tually realizes the implications of own educational environment, his remarks. For if the revolu- --Leah Marks tionary movements in Indonesia DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Student Association Center, Hill Street at S. Forest Ave., 4 to 5:30 p.m. Every- Lecturesbody welcome Hon. Trygve Lie to Speak Tonight at Ullr Ski Club. First meeting of the 8:30 in Hill Auditorium as the third year, 7:30 p.m. Union. Refreshments. number on the 1953-54 Lecture Course. All interested are invited, including Elected as the first Secretary-General non-skiers. of the UN, Mr. Lie served for seven years in that important position and Hillel: First meeting of class in Mod- became world famous for his diplo- ern Israel, 3:30 p.m. Those who are in- macy and his genius in handling dif- terested and have not yet registered ficult international situations. "How are urged to attend this first meeting. To Meet the Challenge of Our Times" is the subject of his lecture. Tickets Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs are are on sale -today 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at co-sponsoring a dance movie night, 8 the Aupitorium box office. p.m. in the dance studio, Barbour Gym. The public is invited, both to the Lecture by Henry Heydenryk. "Fram- movies and to the discussion immed- ing-Right and Wrong." Sponsored by lately following. The films will feature the Museum of Art, in connection with modern dance and ballet, and include 4the exhibition Framing-Right and Jose Limon and valerie Bettis. Wrong now current in Alumni Memor- ial Hall. Thurs., Nov. 12, Auditorium SSuec 1Demonstration will be hl r . T 1 1 I 3 a k b B, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. The public is invited. Academic Notices Preliminary Examinations in Ling- iistics. The examinations in Linguistic Science and in Comparative Indo-Eur- opean will be given on Fri., Nov. 13. 2 p.m., 2023 Angell Hall, the examina- tion in the Structure and History of the English Language will be given on Sat., Nov. 14, 9 a.m., 2023 Angell Hall. Course 401, the Interdisciplinary Sem- inar in the Application of Mathematics to the Social Sciences, will meet Thurs.," Nov. 12, 4 p.m., 3409 Mason Hall. Prof. Arthur W. Burks of the Philosophy De- partment will speak on "Carnap's Theory of Inductive Probability." Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Thurs., Nov. 12, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi- neering Bldg. Speaker: Prof. C. L. Dolph. Topic: On Quasi-linear hyper- bolic differential equations. Fourth Sociology Colloquium. Thel Student-Faculty Committee of the So-1 ciology Department will present Messrs.I Robert Blood, Robert Hamblin, and Robert Schuize in a panel discussion, "An Assessment of the New Kinsey Report," on Wed., Nov. 11, at 4 p.m., Auditorium "C" Mason Hall. Everyonej is invited. Engineering Mechanics Seminar. P. M. Naghdi will speak on "Graphostatics' of Stress Function" at 3:45 p.m., Nov. 11, 101 W. Engineering Bldg. Refresh- ments. Doctoral Examination for Ezra Stot- land, Social Psychology; thesis: "Peer1 in Auditorium A, Angell Hall at 4 p.m. today. Participating in the program are the following: George Bashara, '56, in- troduced by Richard Shapiro, '56; Sue Garfield, '56, introduced by Ruth Hel- fenbein, .'56; George Hill, '56, intro- duced by Ricki Bodonis, '57; Allanj Knee, '56, introduced by Ronald Wright, '55; Keith Pohl. '56, introduced by 'Gail Cohen, '56; and John Shep- herd, '56, introduced by Jay Hersch- man, '55. Major speeches will be five minute speeches with one minute in- troductions. The demonstration is open to the public with no admission charge. Israeli Dance Group will meet at 8 p.m., Hillel Recretation Room.Begin- ners as well as those who know how to dance are welcome. Rehearsals for those participating in the coming ex- hibitions will also begin tonight. The dance group is open to the public. Pershing Rifles. 'Ensian pictures will be taken tonight. All actives and pledges report to the Rifle Range in uniform at 1925 hrs. Bring gym shoes. Wesleyan Guild. Mid-week RefresherI Tea, Wesley Lounge, 4-5:30 p.m. Le Cercle Francais will meet at 8 p.m., Michigan League. Prof. Robert J. Niess, French Department, will speak on "Modern Trends in French Litera- ture." Dancing, singing, refreshments. Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7 p.m. Discussion Group meeting at Guild House. "The Challenge of Our Cul- ture," study guide. Comning Events i i Vote No ... To the Editor: and the other so-called underde- veloped areas are really Moscow- inspired, then one must conclude that it is only the Soviet Union I WISH TO commend SL for and the Communist Party who + their attempt to eliminate pre- are interested in liberating the judice. One of their attempts in vast majority of mankind from this fight has been brought into colonial oppression. No higher today's ballot-a referendum on compliment could ,be paid to any the Fair Play Stickers. These nation or to. any party. Was Prof. stickers are to be placed on the Hyma really intending to pay this stores of merchants who are will- compliment? ing to let anyone come into their A moment's reflection, however, stores-no matter what race or will show how ridiculous this creed. whole argument is. Does an op- We all want to fight prejudice, pressed nation need Moscow to but is this the way to do it? Let's tell it that it wants to be free? see what would happen . .. After all our own American Revo- John Smith is a good business- lution, with all its "injustices" to man and he is not prejudiced, so the British ,seems to have occur- we proudly put a sticker on his , red without the benefit of the store. !Kremlin (or perhaps Prof. Hyma Al Good-Guy is also a .good has also found a "secret' docu- businessman, but he is prejudiced. ment proving otherwise). He doesn't care where his money If Prof. Hyma had really mfas- comes from, just so it comes. He tered the lessons of history, he thinks a sticker might help, so he would know by now that the co- lets anyone in, and we put a lonial system, like the slave sys- t 5 G t k u FF+ MUSIC + Groups and Reactions to Power Fig- Linguistics Club. Special Meeting, ures," Wednesday, November 11, West Thurs., Nov. 12, Auditorium C, Angell Council Room, Rackham Building, at Hall, 7:30 p.m. Dr. R. W. Zandtvoort, 3 p.m. Chairman, A. F. Zander. Professor of English at the University of Groningen, Holland, and editor of Doctoral Examination for Arthur English Studies, will speak on "Lan-j Kinney Adams, Fisheriesthesis: "Some guages and Dialects of Holland." Physico-Chemical Effects of Beaver ______ Dams upon Michigan Trout Streams Social Seminar of the Michigan Chap- in the Watersmeet Area," Thurs., Nov. ter of ASPA Thurs., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m., 12, 9 a.m., 2124 Natural Science Bldg- Michigan League. See League Bulle- Chairman, K. F. Lagler. tin Board for room number. Prof. Leonard D. White, University of Chicago, will speak on "Loyalty and , oncerts, Security in the Federal Government." Carillon Recital by Sidney Giles, As- All students and faculty and their sistant University Carillonneur, 7:15 friends invited. p.m., Thurs., Nov. 12. Program: Pre- ludium Three by van den Gheyn, Spin- Lecture by Dr. Douglas V. Steere, re- ning Song by Ellmenreich, Menuet by cently returned from several months in Bach, two compositions for carillon South Africa. "Religion Challenges the by Fraussen and Nees, Sextette from World," closing lecture in the Reli- Lucia di Lammermoor; Home to our gious Symposium-1953. Rackham Lec- Mountains by Verdi, My Heart at Thy ture Hall, Thurs., Nov. 12, 8 p.m. Re- Sweet Voice by Saint-Saems, and The ception following in the Lane Hall Li- Harmonius Blacksmith by Handel. brary. Organ Recital. Andre Marchal, Guest Episcopal Student Foundation: Stu- Organist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. ser- Thurs., Nov. 12, Hill Auditorium. Pro- vice of Holy Communion, Thurs., Nov. gram: works by Sweelinck, Purcell, Ga- 12, at Canterbury House. brieli, Couperin, Buxtehude, Bach, Saint - Saens, Touremire, Langlais, Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow- Vierne, and Litaize. Open to the public ship, Thurs., Nov. 12, 7 a.m. in the without charge. church Prayer Room. Inspirational de- votions followed by a breakfast. Program of Compositions by Leslie Bassett, Instructor in Theory and Com- Christian Science Organization. Tes- position, School of Music, Sun., Nov. timony meeting Thurs., Nov. 12, Fire- 15, at 4:15 in Auditorium A, Angell side Room, Lane Hall. All are welcome. Hall. Open to the public without charge. (This recital is erroneously list- First Laboratory Bill of Plays for the ed for Sat., Nov. 14, in the Weekly 1953-54 season will be presented by the Calendar.) Department of Speech Friday and Sat- urday, November 20 and 21, at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. In- sticker on his door. Joe Blow is a good, but preju- diced businessman, like Al Good- Guy, except his prejudice is stronger than his business sense. For fifty years he has been becom- ing more and more set in his ways, just like anyone else. Next door John Smith has a sticker on his store. Joe Blow sees this. What is he going to do? After fifty years is he going to stop and say, "Gee, I've been wrong!"? No. He will pull back in his shell and be more set in his principles than before. He will be antagonized by our stickers. Joe Blow has a son and, of course, he will feel the antagon- ism, and be influenced. His son is not set in his ways. He is the place to start if we are to elimi- nate prejudice. The less influence that he is given in the wrong di- rection,' the better our chances of eliminating prejudice. Therefore, let's not cause antag- onism with the stickers. Better, let's try to bring the youth togeth- er through common interests. Remember to vote against the Fair Play Sticker. -Jack Richardson tem of old, is coming to an end; that no matter what he may wish, he cannot change the course of history; that the history of the next few years will be written by the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America through their struggles for real independence; and that colonialism itself, rather than its abolition, is the real in- justice in this world. -Ed. Shaffer STANLEY QUARTET: Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, Violins; Robert Courte, Viola; Oliver Edel, Cello. IN JUST FOUR years the Stanley Quartet has become an institution at the Univer- sity. The playing of this group, has grown steadily in quality of ensemble, warmth of tone, and maturity of interpretation. The contrast between the Stanley concerts (for which, by the way, no admission is charged) and the slightly bored and boring profes- sionalism of too many of the Choral Union concerts is interesting and very revealing. The performance last night was full of devo- tion to the works played. The members of the quartet are willing to let the music stand by itself, without interference from spur- ious "interpretations." This is the most that can be expected from any performance. The first composition played was the Quartet in A, Op. 18, No. 5, by Beethoven. rhnanrcn otrt+ +he set f th eOn 1 i, ,+i c it is nevertheless engaging music with a de- lightfully spontaneous final movement. An occasional slip of intonation or unsteadiness of bowing did not detract from a superior performance in which the musicians were completely en rapport from the very begin- ning. The program continued with the Quar- tet No. 4 by Bela Bartok. What were un- doubtedly the most striking features of the work to those who were listening to it for the first time were the harsh disson- ances, the percussive, jagged rhythms, and the tremendously imaginative use of string effects. But what makes the work an over- whelming musical experience even after repeated hearings is the logic and the quality of inevitability in the flow from first movement to finale. The performance could not have been improved upon. The contrasts between the movements were brought out clearly and vividly. The tech- nical finish (especially in the seemingly T E To the Editor: * * Sixty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harry Lunn..........,Managing Editor Eric Vetter ..................City Editor virginia Voss.........Editorial Director Mike Wolff.........Associate City Editor Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director Diane Decker..........Associate Editor Helene Simon..........,Associate Editor Ivan Kaye ................. Sports Editor Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor YOUR S.L. and mine is caught in the middle of a vicious cir- cle, a circle that is being pulled by Symphony No. 7. All graduate students Eivents oua v I cluded on the program will be Chris- welcome. Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor 1 .topher Fry's A PHOENIX TOO FRE- Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office will QUENT; J. M. Synge's THE SHADOW Alpha Phi Omega: Those members Don Campbell..... Head Photographer be open today from 10 a.m. until 5 OF THE GLEN: Zona Gale's THE who signed up to work early on the p.m. for tickets for the Department of NEIGHBORS; and Act II of Smetana's ballot counting Thursday evening Speech' production of Maxwell Ander- opera, THE BARTERED BRIDE, pre- should report to the Union ballroom at son's, ELIZABETH THE QUEEN, Thurs- sented with the School of Music. There 6:15 p.m. All other workers should re- Thomas Treeger......Business Manager day, Friday, Saturday and Monday. The will be no admission charge. port to the ballroom no later than William Kaufman Advertising Manager special student rate of any seat in the 7:15 p.m. Harlean Hankin ... Assoc. Business Mgr. house for 50c is in effect Thursday Flint Folk Dance Festival. Cars will William Seiden.......,Finance Manager night. All seats are reserved. Regular leave Lane Hall at 6:45 p.m., Thursday, Beacon. Saturday noon get-together James Sharp..... Circulation Manager rate is 60c-90c-$1.20. All performances Nov. 12. Call Lane Hall, ext. 2851 for on Nov. 14, in the Michigan League begin at 8 p.m. details and reservations. Cafeteria. Everyone welcome. Telephone 23-24-1 Chess Club of the University of Mich- The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher La p'tite causette will meet Thurs., iga wil nr.n,, the cimliltnari ,Verinmillmet Th,,,. No - :1~ - .1 n 192I(o 5 n m in t - . win 4 =.