IT SEEMS TO ME See Page 4 Y Lw. :43 xii-H S S Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS, COLDER VOL. LXIV, No. 44 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1953 SIX PAGES 0 s i Regents Ask $21,688,000 For '54-'55 Seek $3,000,000 Over This Year By PAT ROELOFS University Regents are request- mg $22,665,000 in University op- erating and research funds from the State Legislature for the 1954- 55 fiscal year. The appropriation sought is $2,892,000 more than the Legis- lature granted the University for the current year. * * * REQUESTS, including $21,688,- 000 for operating funds, and an additional $977,000 to be used for "research and service in the utili- zation of human resources" have been sent to Lansing for consid- eration by the Department of Ad- ministration and the Legislature. The operations sum would be combined with $5,824,800, the estimated income from an ex- pected student enrollment of 18,500 to finance a General Funds budget of $27,512,800 which the Regents have already planned for the coming fiscal year. University plans to make ad- justments in wages because of ris- ing living costs and an antici- pated 8.8 per cent enrollment in- crease are major factors figuring in the expanded request. Salary increases to selected staff and faculty members on a merit basis amount to $866,000 in the request. d Costs of educating 50 more stu- dents in the medical school ac- count for $150,000 in the sum ask-, ed by the University. ' Medical funds allowing persons with unusual diseases to be kept at the University Hospital without cost to them, and sums for dental school, public health school and the Institute for Human Adjust- ment make up the $977,000 re- search and human resources ap- propriation request to be studied by the Legislature. Trial Reveals 5Red. Policies DETROIT-(')-A key govern- ment witness in the conspiracy trial of six Michigan Communists yesterday said the American Com- munist Party, following its re-es- tablishment in 1945, adopted com- pletely the revolutionary teach- ings of Marx and Lenin. John Lautner, a 51 year old former Communist party officer, told a Federal Court jury of his activities as an instructor in Com- munist Party training schools in New York from 1945 to 1949. LAUTNER, the first government witness to appear against the de- fendants, said he was instructed ' to teach the revolutionary prin- ciples of Marx and Lenin to party classes in New York. "I was instructed to teach that a change from capitalism to Communism would be impos- sible without a Communist Par- ty to provide leadership to the revolution by the proletariat," Lautner said. "He related how he tapight classes to workers in the baking, plumbing, and painting industry in 1946. Lautner said he served as a member of the party's New York disciplinary board in 1948 and as a member of the party's National Review and Cadre Commission disciplinary section in 1950 short- ly before he abandoned Commu- nism. Another of the defendants, DDen- nis, said the testimony offered by the former Comnmunist was an at- tempt by the government at "guilt by association." Brownell To Ask Witness Immunity IFCAdopts New Inspection Rule By-Law Aims To Aid Cooperation With 'U' Health, Safety Inspector By JON SOBELOFF Forestalling any possible University intervention, the Fraternity House Presidents'.meeting last night adopted a new IFC by-law aimed at giving positive cooperation to University health and safety inspector Harold Dunstan. The by-law requires each campus fraternity to file a written re- port with the IFC on what it has done about any unsafe or unsani- tary conditions in its house within 30 days after Dunstan reports the potential trouble spots. * s * * INTERFRATERNITY Council executive vice-president John Bai- ty, '55, said the by-law implied that if a fraternity failed to take action w on Dunstan's recommendations, the IFC executive council could do "whatever is necessary to en- force compliance." The positive fraternity action was taken by a vote of 34-2. Opposing the action, Pi Lambda Phi president Stuart Mittenthal, Ex-President 154BAd, claimed the by-law over- steppedIFC's authority by "telling the houses what to do." WASHINGTON-(oP)-A House Mittenthal added he felt "ad- vice" from the IFC would be al- committee yesterday formally or- right, and said, "In our house, we dered former President Truman let the individual live up to his and two members of his Cabinet own standards-if he wants to to appear as witnesses in its probe live in a pig pen, that's OK." of the late Harrv Dexter White's * * * controversial promotion. Staff members for the House Un-American Activities Commit'- 'tee served the subpoenas on Tru- man in New York; on Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark in his court law offices; and on Gov. James F. Byrnes, of South Caro- lina in Charleston, S. C. * * * . ANOTHER summons was serv- ed, by the Senate internal secur- ity subcommittee, on T. Lamar Caudle, who had worked under Clark. And out of the papers former Communist agent Whittaker Chambers once hid in a pumpkin, the committee produced copies of documents certified by an expert to be in White's handwriting. Chambers testified in 1948 that White fed him secret information for use of a Soviet spy ring. The documents given out by the com- mittee yesterday were notes on intimate government affairs. White denied under oath that he was guilty of espionage and died suddenly a few days later. THE OTHER opposing vote was cast by Chi Psi President Ted Lait- ner, '53E, who argued that the fraternities should be sure the University was likely to step into the inspection situation before "jeopardizing ourselves with a 30 day time limit." The view of the vast majority of the presidents, however, was expressed by Kappa Sigma pres- ident Dick Roth, '54, who said "If we don't take action, the University will. Let's clean our own house." The house presidents also moved to ask Dunstan to give previous notice to the houses he planned to inspect "so that members of these fraternities may accompany him to observe the faults of their houses at first hand." The after-dinner program also included presentation of the Zeta Beta Tau trophy for the fraterni- ty with the highest scholastic av- erage to ZBT. Alpha Sigma Phi was awarded the fraternity im- provement trophy for pulling its grades up from 2.26 last fall to 2.55 last spring. SAC Votes On Freedom Week Rules Recommendation To Go before SL By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor Acting to fix responsibility for the Academic Freedom Week pro- gram, the Student Affairs Com- mittee yesterday laid down a set of regulations which must be fol- lowed if the activities slated next week are to go on. Since Student Legislature had accepted sponsorship of the week- long program designed to foster an interchange of ideas on aca- demic freedom, SAC's recommen- dations must go before SL for ap- proval at today's meeting. If SL does not accept the rec- ommendations, the week - long program designed to foster an in- terchange of ideas on academic freedom, SAC's recommendations must go before SL for approval at today's meeting. If SL does not accept the rec- ommendations, the week-long for- ums and conferences planned be- ginning Sunday will not have SAC sanction and thus will be denied University approval. * . s THE FOUR-POINT SAC recom- mendation gives approval to the Academic Freedom Week program provided: 1) SL will accept responsibility for correlating activities of various groups involved and wcl sre to implement and be responsible for the other provisions made by SAC. 2) Any reports, resolutions or recommendations presented at any session shall be voted upon by di- vision of the house and this vote recorded, and such reports, reso- lutions or recommendations must be signed by those who have ap- proved its passage at the meeting. Should the number of thosewho sign the report, recommenation or resolution be less than a majority of those present, the report, rec- ommendation or resolution shall be considered null and void and not a part of the proceedings. 3) Any literature distributed by any person or organization in con- nection with the proceedings shall be stamped to the effect that it is the opinion of the person or or- ganization publishing it and does not necessarily represent the Uni- versity or students attending the conference. 4) These rubs shall be consid- ered regulations of SAC and vio- See SAC, Page 6 YICTORY? GOP Leads In California LOS ANGELES-()-Republi- can Glenard P. Lipscomb yesterday claimed the victory in yesterday's special election in the 24th Cali- fornia Congressional District, but his leading Democratic opponent, George Arnold, refused to concede defeat on the basis of returns from more than half the precincts in the district. Second Hearing? A second Detroit hearing of the House Un-American Activi- ties Committee may be neces- sary because of recent develop- ment of extra material to be brought before the committee, according to Detroit Free Press reports. Subpeonas have been sent out for Jan. 11, but Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich.), head of the sub- committee which will sit in De- troit, said the January sub- poenas do not necessarily mean postponement of sessions set to begin Nov. 30. __1 . . - ii.., tf, ATI -40 __ _r shownI.. 1#tqrr Inteabv iarm IDcrsaeteonyrqieett cast a ao fo tdn Lcnfta A -- '- '""---- ----~ ~ e WHERE TO VOTE--Sixteen campus polling places open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow are shown in the above diagram. ID cards are the only requirement to cast a ballot for Student Legislature .candidates and record preferences on-two referenda. DEATH OF AN IDEAL u'impressions Told By PlaywrightM By DIANE DECKER Daily Associate Editor (Editor's Note: The following is' an attempt to interpret and evaluate Arthur Miller's article on the University.)j Last spring, playwright Arthur Miller revisited his alma mater. What he saw, and what he thinks he saw, are recorded in an article, "University of Michigan," which will appear in Holiday maga- zine Friday on the news-stands. S * * * MILLER HAS undertaken a most difficult task, for he attempts to analyze the major problems which have plagued universities, par- ticularly large universities, since enrollment figures climbed into has a public service function to the ten thousands. ' I n,,.,, A "J E . Trophy Set For Game Minus U'OK By GENE HARTWIG Presentation of the Governor's trophy at the Michigan-MSC game Saturday will go ahead without of- ficial approval from the University it appeared yesterday. A statement by Prof. Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler, University athlet- ics director, that "no meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics will be held this week" precluded possibility of the Board's taking official action on the trophy. * * * MEANWHILE, Frank Blackford, legislative secretary to the Gov- ernor, said that a letter from Uni- versity President Harlan H. Hat- cher suggesting presentation cer- emonies be held before the game had been received in Lansing yes- terday. "We are defiinitely going to present the trophy at the game," Blackford said, "and we assume from President Hatcher's letter that the University will accept the trophy if it wins the game." According to Ralph Young, MSC athletic director, a plan for pre- senting the trophy at half-time has not yet been worked out be- cause of network television stipu- lations. Gov. G. Mennen Williams, through his secretary, on Friday had denied that he would go ahead with presentation of the trophy whether or not the two schools ap- proved. OFFICIALS at Michigan State had indicated approval of the trophy last month. Comments from student lead- ers and athletes yesterday re- vealed marked disapproval of the Governor's Paul Bunyan' trophy. Senior Board President, John Black, '54Ed., said, "a trophy of this sort is of little value unless student-inspired." Black said that he disliked the tactics with which the thing is being handled, es- pecially the failure to consult stu- dent opinion in reaching a deci- sion. Seconding these feelings on the trophy, Football Captain Dick O'Shaughnessy, '55Ed., said, "such trophies should be student-inspir- ed to have any real value." 714r iv-gn'gni 1 d'ml AnEditorial Lack of student and administration faith in the Student Legislature has not been unusual in the Legislature's seven year career on campus. Yet seldom has that criticism been as valid as it is today, for the Legislature record of late has been one of timidity, vacillation, lethargy and incompetence. The fault has not rested so much with the current lead- ership as with a group of members who have little conception of their role in the campus's representative student govern- ment and little inclination to learn. On this election day some correction of the situation can be made. We are not asking the campus to cast a vote of confi- dence in the Legislature, but rather a vote of support for student government. The finest support that student govern- ment could receive is the serious consideration of candidates today and tomorrow. We are not in the custom of backing candidates, but we encourage the student body to examine candi- date questionnaires in yesterday's issue of The Daily and the candidates' booklet, to recognize the absurdities in many platforms and to vote for those people who show evidence of reason and thought in their presentation. The two referendum issues also deserve consideration. A heavy vote on these issues will influence Legislature and University policy regarding the final exam and discriminauton problems, both of concern to the student body. -The Senior Editors: Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter,. Virginia Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver, Diane Decker and Helene Simon SL REFERENDUM: 'Dead' Period, Official Graduation Up for Vote TG Mu OR UD T O') Students Run For 23 SL Positions Referenda Poll Campus Opinion By DOROTHY MYERS Weather reports of scattered showers and colder weather dim- med Student Legislature's hopes of getting a record voter turn-out in today and tomorrow's all-cam- pus elections. At stake are 23 SL vacancies, two for half-terms only. Thirty- five students, termed "the best bunch of candidates we've seen in a long time" by SL elections di- rector Bert Braun, '54,. are com- peting for the positions. * * * STUDENT opinion will also be polled on referenda questions con- cerning revision of the final exam schedule and SL adoption of "Fair Play the Wolverine Way" anti-discrimination stickers. Sixteen voting booths, staffed by nearly 650 students, will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to- day and tomorrow, for a iear- record total of 864 man-hours spent punching ID cards and re- cording student votes. Polls have been conveniently lo- cated so that if the predicted "scattered showers' turn into a downpour, polling booths will be moved quickly indoors. * * * BRAUN said he aims at secur- ing an all-time percentage-wise record vote of 50 per cent, or about 7,500 student ballots record- ed. Figures are based on student enrollment :onlyn the local t~u versity campus. Previous high was recorded in 1950, when 48 percent of st.. dents cast 7,327 ballots. An al- time high total vote was record. ed in 1948, when 7,916 students turned out on election day. Ballot-counting will get under way between 6 and 7 pm, tomor- row in the Union Ballroom. Pro- visions for several hundred visi- tors have been arranged for at the Union, Braun said. Radio coverage of the ballot count will be carried by WHRV and WCBN from 7:30 p.m. until midnight tomorrow. Brief inter- views with winning candidates and intermittent interpretatives on the election returns will be aired by both stations. As usual, ballots will be count- ed under Hare system methods in a marthon tally predicted to last until shortly'after. midnight Fri- day morning. Trygve Lie To Talky Today Trygve. Lie, first secretary gen- eral of the United Nations will speak at 8:30p.m. today at Hill Auditorium on "How To Meet the Challenge of Our Times." Known as one of the world's leading peace workers, Lie has held many vital offices in Norway pre- ceeding his post as UN hean. Lie also served his country as Minister of Justice, Minister of Commerce, head of the Depart- ment of Shipping and Supply and Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position he retained until his UN appointment. Lecture Series officials announc- ed that a limited number of tick- ets are available at the Hill Audi- torium Box Office. Gomberg To Give Talk on Reactor Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, as- sistant director of the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, will speak at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham Amphitheatre on "De- sign and Use of the Nuclear Re- actor." The talk is sponsored by the Industrial Mathematics Society with headquarters at Wayne Uni- I ,pcit, in-nthrnit_ I Does the University of Mich- igan deserve the charges Mil- ler has leveled at it? In its al- leged attempts to compete with Michigan State college in the field of public relations, is it losing sight of its educational- function? Is it turning into "a highly organized, smoothly run- ning factory for the production of conformism"? These are some of the questions which The Daily referred to mem- bers of the administration and1 faculty. No one contacted felt the prob- lems Miller raises are not sincere and real. As Prof. Phillip S. Jones of the mathematics department sid ."The Univrsitvis nt.n... perxorm. Arthur E. Lean, assistant direc- tor of Extension Service, pointed out, "Our extension program has been functioning since 1911, and there are references to extension projects dating back to the mid- 1800's. With the exception of its agricultural program, State's big splurge in public relations did not begin until President Hannah's era." FINDING the student body "more subdued," the playwright criticized students for losing sight of the values. He found an "ab- sence of the idealism I clearly re- member at Michigan, and in its place a kind of pregmatism that threatens to create a race of sales- man ir fa 0"f V onof h (Editor's Note: This is the last in a series of three interpretative articles on the final examination referendum to be submitted to student voters today and tomorrow.) . One alternative plan on a ref- erendum which will poll student opinion on final exam schedules today and tomorrow would permit seniors both an official graduation and a 'dead' period between the end of classes and the beginning of exams. Third plan on the ballot would cut the present 10-day Spring Re- cess to a week so both objectives home between Christmas vaca- tion and mid-June. A large number of students, fac- ulty members and administrators have claimed that a. full 10-day holiday is needed to brighten stu- dent morale during the long spring semester. TWO STUDENT members of the final exam study committee, said they would favor cutting Spring Recess "only if no other way could be found for permitting a 'dead' neriod before exams."