See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
y; Purposes of SL
Debated inRace
Issue Centers on Whether SL Will
Perform Services or Make Policy
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of six interpretive articles
on campaign issues involved in this week's Student Legislature elections.)
Why have a Student Legislature?
Discussion of the purpose of a student government on campus
has been one of the focal points in the current campaign of SL can-
CRUX of the matter is whether SL should be a policy-making
body, which urges the University Administration to accept its policies
and to recognize a student 'right' to aid in University policy forma-
tion, or whether it should be mainly a service body, providing stu-
dents with better Cinema Guild movies, a bigger student book store,
exchange dinners and Homecoming Dances.
Controversy over the issue started to grow last year, when it
was charged that service projects were over-emphasized by the
Legislature, and came to a head Wednesday over SL's failure
to take a policy stand on the Radulovich case.
Many of those who voted no on the Radulovich motion, ex-
pressed belief that such policy stands were not the Legislature's true
function, while vehemently opposing views were expressed by oth-
ers, both SL members and individual students.
"SL HAS BEEN fooled by the attitude of University administra-
tors who say it must prove itself before it gets any real recognition
and non-vetoable power from the University," one SL member as-
"Legislature members fail to recognize," the member added,
"that SL will never get any power from the Administration by
merely performing simple service functions that could better be
. taken by some other campus group."
Originally service projects were adopted by SL only as a stop-gap
measure in cases whdre other campus organizations refused to take
needed action, the member claimed, adding that now the Legisla-
ture makes no attempt to find out whether other groups will take
up certain service projects before SL itself adoptsthme.
* * * *
A VIEW often expressed by non-Legislature members is that it
is SL's duty either to implement previously-declared policy stands or
openly rescind them, rather than merely allowing the bills to lie
Included In the group of policy declarations mentioned by
SL's critics that have received little or no attention by this fall's
Legislature are one which says local fraternity chapters must
work for removal of bias clauses in their constitutions and another
which says discriminatory scholarships should not be accepted
by the University.
Although the bias clause bill was vetoed by University President
Harlan H. Hatcher, SL's failure to continue its work on problems
in either bill at the committee level has aroused much recent criticism.
Legislature inactivity on the "Fair Play" anti-discrimination
stickers has been held as the main reason for a referendum on the
issue, initiated by a disgruntled former Legislature member and
signed by 643 students who seemingly also want SL action on the
) * * * *
IN SPITE of rising campus controversy over the Legislature's
'correct' function, most candidates apparently do not feel SL has
oyer-emphasized service projects.
In a questionnaire sent to all candidates, by The Daily, only
nine said they believed SL was spending so much time on service
projects that it neglected its duties as the main campus parlia-
mentary body and voice of students.
Replies of the candidates may indicate that in the future SL
will be devoted to even more service projects and that fewer policy
stands than at present will be considered by the -student parliament.
; [World News Roundup
Studies New
LS&A Plan
Dean Odegaard
Views Changes
Discussions ar under way by
the Curriculum Committee of the
literary college for possible chang-
es in distribution requirements and
course sequences for the academic
year 1954-55.
One change, already passed by
the committee, is a new social
science sequence for freshmen in-
volving introductory courses in
sociology and psychology. Under
the new plan, freshmen will be
able to partially fulfill the social
science requirement by electing an
introductory course in each sub-
ject, forming a two-semester se-
- *
equivalent to Sociology 51 and
Psychology 31, will be expanded to
four credit hours each for fresh-
men. Special sections- for stud-
ents desiring sociology first will be
available, as well as other sections
for students who prefer to take
the psychology course first.
Another proposed change un-
der consideration is a new in-
troductory course in zoology,
numbered Zoology, 11. This
course will be primarily intend-
ed for non-science majors, as
apart from the present Zoology
1 open to all students.
Speaking to the University
Alumnae Council yesterday, Dean
Charles Odegaard of the literary
college said that many other pro-
jects were also under considera-
tion at the present time.
Dean Odegaard stressed .the
continued development of the cur-
riculum, first, in regard to exist-
ing courses, and then in regard to
new courses. "This constant effort
to improve the liberal education
offered by the University," he ex-
plained, "is a significant key to
the growth of the University."
"CHANGES that come through
the faculty are improvements that
have a valid basis," he said.
"A constant effort to integrate a
liberal education," the Dean said,
"will be the basis of solid growth
of the University and offset dis-:
integration of the intellectual life
in the present world.
Editors Praise
Freer News
CHICAGO-M)-The Associated
Press Managing Editors Assn. ex-
pressed gratification yesterday
over the government's action in
knocking out former President
Harry S. Truman's rigid public in-
formation restrictions and pledg-
ed to continue the fight against
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
issued a new order Friday design-
ed to give the public a freer flow
of information about their gov-
ernment without endangering na-
tional security. Effective Dec. 15,
the order replaces a controversial
measure Truman put into effect
Sept. 24, 1951.
The delegates said Atty. Gen.
Brownell, who drafted the new
classification order, exhibited a
"heartening recognition" of the
rights of Americans to know
their government
poses New R
hour general education program
would include was 4iven by Prof.
W. R. Dixon of the education
school who is co-ordinator of
student training in secondary
education. Dixon said a cultural
background in social sciences,
natural sciences and the human-
Caroline, Bates Rip
Wolverine Defense
'Orange and Blue' Downs Michigan
Fourth Straight Year, Tops Big Ten
Daily Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN-Mighty Illinois moved a step closer to the Big
Ten Championship and Rose Bowl bid yesterday with a convincing
19-3 victory over Michigan's Wolverines.
A . delighted Homecoming audience of 71,119 saw Ray Elliot's
Fighting Illini completely dominate the ball game with their two
great rushing stars, J. C. Caroline and Mickey Bates. Between them
they accounted for 261 of the 317 yards ground out by the Illini.
' . in uer.vuclugau,
} THE VICTORY was Illinois fourth in success
marking the first time in the 39-game rivalry th
school has beaten the Wolverines
that many times in a row. .
At the outset it appeared as.1 l h.
though Michigan might pull an
upset. Big Jim Balog recovered
an Elry Falkenstein fumble on Flood
the Illinois 15, but the Wolver-
ines failed to capitalize on what
could -have been an important Bring
Seconds after the Illini - had
Sion over micnigan,
at the Champaign
-Daily-Chuck Keisey'
'M' Fans Find Little To Cheer About
Daily City Editor pacity and watch J. C. Caroline
Special To The Daily live up to his All-American ho-
CHAMPAIGN-Under clear skies tices. The full house brought scal-
and in mid 40 degree temperatures pers $10 for good tickets.
Michigan fans found little to cheei' MICHIGAN ROOTERS found it
about, at Illinois Memorial Stad-
ium yesterday except the pretty ;hard to convince Illinois students
blonde homecoming queen and a that the slow moving 175 piece Illi-
perfectly functioning block "I: ,nois marching band was not "the
section which ran through a wide finest in the land" as the stadium
variety of stunts at half-time. announcer proclaimed.
Weather conditions were a far - The topcoated Illinois band
cry from the snow and cold which looked sluggish when compared
greeted Michigan fans when they to Michigan standards and the
traveled to Champaign in 1951. use of chimes did little to create
About 3,500 Wolverine ,partisans the impression of a fighting
helped, fill the 71,119 seats to ca- band.
filled with' students from both
schools and streets were jammed
with cars as a homecoming pep
parade tied up traffic for two
A few Michigan fans were dis-
couraged enough by the game to
head home after dinner. But most
preferred the evening round of
homecoming parties and a day-
light drive today.
Light Failure
Not 'U' Fault
~ Using handy talkies to aid pre- The accidental power failure
CONCERT: cision, the 1,100 sto kaBlock 'I that led to cancellation of Friday
section gave a remarkable demon- evening's performance of 'Pa-
upside down "U of Mich" follow- tience,' resulting in a $600 loss,
ed immediately by an "oops" then cannot be charged to the Univer-
Aca rightside up greeting brought a s6tascording to Frank Greene,
At Hroar from the Michigan side. '56, treasurer of the Gilbert and
- Carloads of Ann Arborites began SuGnSocidhe had talked to
Under the direction of George arriving in Champaign about 7 various University officials who
Szell, the 100 piece Cleveland Or- p.m. Friday night. Local pubs were were most sympathetic, but he
chestra will present a concert at added, "The only thing I can
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi- . nforesee is a .possible reduction in
torium. Senior Board, the theater rental, which would
The conductor of the well known not be nearly enough to offset the
symphonic group is himself a ver- IFC Discuss 0 lss."
satile musician, beginning his ca- * **
reer as a child prodigy on the THE CANCELLED performance
piano in Vienna 55 years ago. At Grid Top v had been completely sold out.
17 years of age he appeared as Greene emphasized that "the
conductor, pianist and composer University has made no com-
at a concert of the Berlin Ahil- Student Activity mittment, and we expect no
harmonic Orchestra. payment. There is nothing in
M Colies to Lightthe University's budget to cover
TRAVELS and conducting posi- emerge power failures of this
tions from Prague to St. Louis to By GENE HARTWIG yergen e fai. o
Glasgow contributed to Szell's Student activity in the con- Ticket refunds for the cancelled
brilliant career. He became regu- troversial Michigan-MSC football m
lar conductor of the Metropolitan trophy issue came to light yes- sending the tickets to the Gilbert
Opera in New York in 1942. terday in comments from a Senior and Sullivan Society, in care of
As part of the Extra Concert Board member and an Interfrater- the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Series, today's concert by the nity Council officer on action tak- Administration Bldg.
Cleveland Orchestra will open en by their groups.
with "Overture to the Roman According to John Baity, '55,
Carnival" by Berlioz. The Pre- executive vice-president of the SL REFERENDUM:
lude to Debussy's "Afternoon of IFC, the executive committee dis-
the Faun" will follow in the pro- cussed the possibilities of a foot- S
gram. ball trophy between the two
"Variations for Orchestra on a schools last spring and felt the
theme by Paganini," Op. 26 will idea was a good one.
continue the program with Schu- * *il
bert's Symphony in C major No. "THERE WAS some question,
7 as the concluding work. however, as to whether a trophy<
Tickets for the concert may be was the best way to symbolize the (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 'first
purchased from 7 to 8:30 p.m. rivalry of the two schools, Baity in a series of three interpretative
today at the Hill Auditorium Box pointed out, "and we decided to articles on the final examination ref-
Off'ice. They are priced at $3, refer the matter to Senior Board." erendum to be submittedthursdayent
$2.50, $2 and $1.50. "Picking un where the IFC left o
---- off Senior Board discussed the Student voters will be presented
proposal and consulted num- with three alternatives for final
erous students and University examination systems during cam-
personnel concerned with the pus-wide elections Wednesday and
trophy idea," Howard Nemerov- Thursday.
e irelm ents ski, '54E. Possibilities open are a return to
The Board found that on alm'ost the old system of unofficial gradu-
stopped the Michigan threat Ken
Miller fumbled and Bob Topp re-
covered on the 31. After being
checked again by the determined'
Illinois line, Quarterback Lou Bal-
dacci kicked an amazing 38-yard
field goal to put Michigan into a
shortlived 3-0 lead. Baldacci's
placement was remarkable in the
light of the fact that he has had
more than a little trouble making
extra points.
ILLINOIS reacted to adversity.
by taking the kickoff and driving
75 yards in 16 plays to a touch-.
down. Quarterback Falkenstein
kept the ball on the ground most
of the way, but when Michigan's
defense stiffened, he took to the
air and threw to Rockey Ryan to
I set up the touchdown. Bates got
the marker on a six-yard run
around right end with less than
two minutes remaining in the
I The next time the Illini got
their hands on the ball they
marched 96 yards on 17 plays for
Challenge Sent
To McCarthy
A challenge to "put up or shut
up" was made yesterday by the
Harvard Crimson to Sen. Joseph
McCarthy (R-Wis.) about his
charges that Harvard students are
"open to indoctrination by Com-
niunist professors."
The Crimson challenged Sen.
McCarthy to name any Commun-
ists at Harvard saying that if he
failed to do so he will be admitting
"he has consciously slandered a
University" which has contributed
as much to fighting Communism
as McCarthy has.
NEW YORK-(M1-A surprise
pre-winter snowstorm combined.
with jet winds and raging flood
tides created havoc in the north-
east Friday night and yesterday
cost at least 18 lives.
Tides climbing five to six feet
above normal high water levels
forced evacuation of thousands of
families on the New York, New
Jersey and New England coasts to
higher ground.
WAVES reportedly 20 feet high
crashed against the New England
coast. Winds of 60 to 70 miles an
hour whipped the area, with gusts
of 105 miles an hour recorded by
the weather station on top of New
Hampshire's Mt. Washington.
The storm halted train, sub-
way, airplane ' and ferryboat
service in much of the New York
metropolitan area. LaGuardia
airport, threatened with flood
for a time by. waves pounding
against a 13 foot dike, cancelled
68 flights.
Most of the transportation
services were restored as the tides
and winds subsided later in the
Fallen wires cut off electricity to
about 50,000 homes on Long Is-
. * * **
TREACHEROUS pavements gen-
erally held traffic to a snail's pace
and comparatively few auto crash-
es were reported.
From all along the northeast
coast came similar stories of
streets and first floors flooded,
sometimes with water waist deep
and emergencies were proclaimed
in some shore towns.
Building Funds
L e g i s l a tu r e appropriations
amounting to $14,337,000 have
been -requ.ested by the University
for construction of new buildings,
improvement and modernization
of existing facilities and advance
A breakdown of the total indi-
cates that $8,633,000 is being re-
.quested for new constructior, $5,-
430,000 for modernization and
$274,000 for special maintenance
THE REQUEST is nearly five
million more than last year's
figure. However, of the $9,930,000
requested then only about 15 per
cent was granted.
Among the largest items in
this year's request are $185,000
for a medical'science building,
and $1,800,000 respectively for
an automotive engineering lab-
oratory and a new music school
building, both to be located on
the North Campus.
Also included is a request for
.$1 ,500,000 tn continue the modern-
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Some mystery surrounded the present where-
abouts last night of two reports which, Atty. Gen. Brownell says, the
FBI sent to the White House to warn former President Harry S.
Truman that Harry Dexter White was a Soviet spy.
James C. Hagerty, President Eisenhower's press secretary, said
yesterday that a search of the present White House files shows that
"there are no confidential files in the White House from the past
AMMAN, Jordan-U. S. Charge d'Affaires Andrew Lynch re-
,assured the Arab states yesterday that the United States will not
withhold economic aid to them 1
if they refuse to accept proposals TEACHER CERTI
for joint development with Is-
47 rael of the disputed waters of
the Jordan River. t
* * Faculty Oj
ROME-Italy has told the Unit-
ed States that quick removal of
British Gen. Sir John Winterton By PAT ROELOFS
as Allied commander in troubled Proposals to improve the quality
Trieste is the best way to ease of teaching in Michigan by in-
anti-British rioting erupting across creasing the requirements in ecu-
the country, reliable sources said cation courses for candidates of
last night. teacher's certificates have receiv-
ed serious opposition from mem-
MOSCOW - The Russians cut bers of the literary school faculty.
iew Changes
,am Schedule.
dents who think seniors should
be allowed both a long spring
recess and 'dead' period before
exams begin in which to study,
the plan has been attacked by
parents of graduating seniors,
as well as some students and
administrators who b e 1 i e v e
Commencement is meaningless
if seniors are not officially -grad-
uated on that day.
Alth h nl ,,mnnvcpnnc hnvp
every other campus in the country ations and a 'dead' period be-
requirements, Stevens explained where such trophies have not been tween the end of classes and final
that the underlying'philosophy of student-inspired, they have been examinations or continuing the
the proposal is that teacher tech- dropped after several years for present much-criticized schedule
niques are more important than lack of student interest, imposed last spring of official,
knowledge in specific subject mat- * graduations and no 'dead' period.
ter which is to be taught. NEMEROVSKI said that several
. amembers of the Board spoke with Cutting down spring recess to al-
"Ti r v m-**,. a Gov. G. Mennen Williams on Oct. low for both an official gradua-+
£1 .,lougn many seniors ave
asked that both a 'dead' period be-
fore exams and an official gradua-
tion be established, administrators
say such a plan is unworkable be- .
cause exams cannot be graded and
recorded more quickly than they
are at present.
A previously-considered plan for
allowing one additional day for re-