Military Review
ROTC AWARDS-Six ROTC students received awards yesterday
at the final military review for the season. Theodore Oliver, '56,
won a rifle award for scoring 300 points or better in three rifle
matches. Outstanding student medals were presented to William
Seils and Ernest Kahn, both '57, Robert French and Eric Makel-
bust, both '56, and Arthur Kangas, '55.
Cheap Sex, Sadism Fill
Recent Detective Stories
Badeau Sees
Middle East
Power Rise
"A new center of political grav-
ity, is emerging, in the MiddleE
East," John S. Badeau, president
of the Near East Foundation, said
yesterday at a lecture sponsored
by the geography and Near East
Studies department.
Reviewing the .history of the
past two years in the Middle East,
Badeau pointed out that in this
time there has been a change of
government in 'all the countries
THESE governments have put
a new class into power, "the very
form of government has been al-
tered," he claimed.
The movements that brought
about these changes were "born
out of the disillusionment of the
Middle East with its own lead-
ers," Badeau, who has lived in
the area since 1928, declared.
"It is a reaction to loss of faith"
in the constitutional system which
was established under the super-
vision of the Western powers. Giv-
ing Egypt as an example, Badeau
described the movement that set
General Mohammed Naguib in
power as occurring because the
country "girded up sources of its
own regeneration."
A 'PROMINENT trend in the
Middle East today, Badeau de-
clared, "is the demand of the com-
mon people forsocial betterment."
The countries have "been invaded
by another way of life" which has
shattered the calm of the old way,
he said.
Because of this a "new class
has been created which is so-
cially restless -- the middle
class," Badeau continued. A
group which is part of this rest-
lessness is the student popula-
tion which had never existed
before, he pointed out.
He interpreted these facts as a
movement "not yet organized, not
yet dangerous, but indicating that
a flood is coming."
Commenting on the role of the
West in the Middle East, Badeau
said, "Their aspirations should be
treated as the West would treat
itself." America's part "must be a
genuine expression of humanity"
and we must help "unlock the in-
itiative and power resources-of the
peasant," he concluded.
Fresh Air Painters
News of Stockwell Hall's blind
date bureau traveled acioss the:
Atlantic ocean and found a pen-
pal for a lieutenant-corporal in
the British infantry stationed atj
Oxford, England.
Lt. Cpl. John T. Juliff, while
glancing through a weekly Ox-
ford newspaper, noticed an item
reading: "Michigan University
women, tired of waiting for men
to come and take them out, have,
formed a bureau for 'dates' with
lists giving their attractive fea-
* * *
JULIFF immediately wrote to
the date bureau and Muriel Cla-
lin, '55, president of Mosher Hall of his infantry buddies are also
and publicity chairman of As- interested in 'corresponding with
sembly, received the letter. University,coeds.
Because he plans to attend
the University next July and es-
tablished residence in Michigan
or Chicago, he was especially in-
terested in the bureau. "I want
to get to know a few people,"
he wrote.
He expressed a desire to corres-
pond with a University coed, and
described himself as "23 years of
age, five feet nine inches tall,
grey blue eyes and dark brown
hair." Miss Claflin will answer the
soldier's letter an give him some
information about the campus.
Lt.-Cpl. Juliff added that several
State Accountants
To Convene Here
Approximately 400 accountants
from throughout the state will
gather at the University today for
the 28th annual Michigan Ac-
counting Conference.
The conference by the U-M
School of Business Administra-
tion and the Michigan Association
of Certified Public Accountants,
will be held in the Rackham Bldg.
Stockwell Date Bureau Reaches England
--Daily-Lon Qui
CABINS PAINTED-Braving the freezing weather, 500 pledges
of 43 fraternities and 23 sororities this week are trying their hand
at painting cabins as they participate in the annual Junior Inter-
fraternity and Panhellenic Councils' Fresh Air Camp Project. Yes-
terday plans were thwarted when the mercury dropped to 24
degrees and the day's luting was cancelled.
Investigation Finds -A-Bomb
Perils Future Generations
SUNDAY, NOV. 8, 8:30
Roman Carnival Overture...............Berlioz
Afternoon of a Faun..................Debussy
Variations on a Theme by Paganini........ Blacher
Symphony No. 7. ...... . .... .,.,.....,....Schubert
Two local detective story auth-
ors-Henry C. Branson and Wil-
liam Wiegand-have given their
views on the present trend in
their field and explained why and
how they write.
Branson and Wiegand, both
University graduates, dislike the
current tough guy trend in detec-
tive stories. "They are filled with
cheap sex and sadism," Wiegand
elaborated, "and depend on emo-
tion alone for their impact."
* * *
"PREVIOUSLY the stories were
based on deductive reasoning," he
continued, "and though they had
their weaknesses, they were bet-
Survey, Sports
On TV Shows
Ann Arbor's housing survey and
the Olympics will be the subjects
of two . University of Michigan
television shows tonight at 6:45
p.m. and 7:30 p.m. respectively
over WPAG-TV, Channel 20.
Mrs. Richard Crane, chairman
of the City Housing Committee,
will outline the details on the
housing survey on "Dateline Ann
Arbor," local news and sports
show, in an interview with Rusty
Davis, Grad.
"Studio Sampler" will feature
former members of the interna-
tional Olympics teams, now in at-
tendance at the University.
Ron Gora, '55Ed, Milt- Nielson,
John and Robert Waldrop, '57,
and John Nightingale will discuss
the origin, government, judges,
team selection and prizes of the
Olympics. Acting as emcees will
be Myron Shaw, Grad., and B11
Lecture on Solar
System Scheduled
The third in a sei'ies of astron-
omy department visitors' nights at
7:30 p.m. today in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, will feature the solar
system in miniature design.
John Waddell, Grad. will pre-
sent an illustrated talk on "Com-
ets: Fireflies of the Solar System,"
after which visitors may see a scale
model of the solar system and
three-dimensional exhibits of a
meteor shower and the Big Dip-
Also open to visitors will be the
student observatory on the fifth
floor, where telescopes and binoc-
ulars will be available.
ter than the 'phony violence'
novels of today."
Branson felt however that this
type of story has always exist-
ed, except that they were pre-
viously published- by pulp maga-
zines instead of in pocket book
Branson himself adheres to the
classical formula of detective
stories more closely, weaving all
his novels around the central fig-
ure of, a detective to whom he
gives the distinguishing feature of
a brown beard.
"For some reason," Branson
commented, " gave him a beard
and now I'm stuck with it. After
seven novels I'm running out of
descriptive phrases for that
IN WIEGAND'S only published
detective novel, "At Last Mr. Tol-
liver," more emphasis is placed on
character development than the
standard detective elements.
.Started as a long short story
when he was attending the Uni-
versity Law School, the novel
won a Mary Roberts Rinehart
award for the best first mystery
Both of the men gave no par-
ticular reason for their decision
to write detective novels.
After his graduation from the
University, Branson did some
writing on the Napoleonic period.
S* * *
"BUT WHEN World War , II
started," Branson said, "I found
that I was getting all the military
history I wanted out of the news-
papers so I switched to writing
detective stories."
"However, my earlier writing
wasn't all wasted," he added,
"forNapoleonic figures such as
Fouche and Tallyrand kept
turning up in the detective
stories for some time."
While Branson describes his
pre-detective days as a period in
which he traveled extensively and
made various "futile attempts" at
writing, Wiegand spent his time
at the University and wonfive
Hopwood awards.
Both said the amount of fan
mail they receive is small. How-
ever, Branson .recalled one curious
letter he received from a detective
lieutenant on the homicide squad
in San Diego who wrote that in-
directly Branson had helped him
break a case.
The lieutenant said that after
reading one of Branson's books
the flaw in a suspect's alibi be-
came obvious and he solved the
The atom bomb threatens in one
way or another to affect, future
generations, according to a report
published today in Science Maga-
Doctors James V. Neel and Wil-
liam J. Schull of the University's
Institute of Human Biology were
among the senior authors of the
report covering results of investi-
gation of 60,000 pregnancies in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the
1948-1952 period.
According to the report, pros-
pective parents exposed to radia-
tion if they survive at all, may
produce children whose charact-
eristicsare directly attributable to
the bomb.
The stillbirth rate of heavily
radiation-exposed mothers was
higher than that of non-exposed
mothers, although the children of
heavily exposed fathers, contrary
to expectation, were found to be
significantly heavier, than off-
spring of non-exposed fathers.
TICKETS: $1.50 -.- $2.00-$2.50 --$3.00 at
Remember C-Day!
Telephone Number Change Day
. . . it's the V.F.W. Club for
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with the purchase of $19.95 kit of Five Long-Play Records ... $35 Value
ORMANDY: Stravinsky's "Firebird Suite," Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition"
BEECHAM: Mendelssohn's "Italian" Symphony and Beethoven's Eighth Symphony
All telephone numbers in Ann Arbor,
Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester and
Whitmore Lake will change at mid-
night Saturday, Nov. 14.
The new numbers will consist of
central office names and five numerals.
The office names are:
NO rmandy for Ann Arbor.
Q arn --n r C. rlAs.
So after midnight Saturday, Novem-
ber 14, you'll just dial TWO LFTTERS
and five numerals ... to call people in
any of the places listed in the preced-
ing column that are within your local
calling area.
The number change is necessary
because of telephone growth in this
area and to fit the. new numbers into
an overall, nation-wide numbering
pattern. Thus, in the years ahead, you
A11 hP ahli tn dial monren more of